LEIGH LIBRARY, BREWTON CAMPUS ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY COLLECTION SPRING SEMESTER, 2005 B 121 .G65 2002 GOLD Open your mind, open your life BF 23 .J813 1970 JUNG C.G. Jung: psychological reflections (Gift) BF 448 .G53 2005 GLADWELL Blink: the power of thinking without thinking BF 575 .L8 L49 2000 LEWIS A General theory of love BF 637 .S4 C685 2004 COVEY 8th habit BF 1091 .S82 1996 REF SUMMER RAIN Mary Summer Rain on dreams (Gift) (Reference Collection) BJ 1188 .E84 2001 Ethics in the world religions BL 50 .M43 2000 The Meaning of life in the world religions BL 65 .H78 H86 2003 Human rights and responsibilities in the world religions BL 65 .S4 L69 2000 Love, sex, and gender in the world religions BL 73 .W43 A3 2002 WENNSTROM Inspired heart BL 477 .G87 2003 REF GUILEY Encyclopedia of angels (Reference Collection) BL 580 .L46 2004 LEVITON Emerald modem BL 624 .A43 2001 ALEXANDER Reclaiming goodness 1 BL 624 .G6345 1995 Golden thread BP 161.3 .R34 2004 Rahman The fragrance of faith BP 573 .C5 L4 1972 LEADBEATER The Chakras (Gift) BQ 990 .R867 M5313 2004 MIDAL Chogyam Trungpa BQ 3142 .E5 S21 2002 SANTIDEVA Guide to the Bodhisattva’s way of life BR 115 .N87 R83 2004 RUBIN The Maker’s diet BS 191.5 .A1 2001 .N49 The New Oxford annotated Bible with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books BV 4501.2 .T497 A3 1995 THOMPSON Don’t die in the winter—your season is coming BV 4501.3 .K45 2004 KEMP The Gospel according to Dr. Seuss BX 4705 .D25 S74 2000 STEWART Leper priest of Molokai CT 1919 .P38 S3556 2004 SENESH Hannah Senesh CT 1877.5 .K48 S45 2003 SEIERSTAD The Bookseller of Kabul CT 3260 .N5725 2004 REF Notable American women (Reference Collection) DK 127.4 .A5513 2004 ANISIMOV Five empresses DK 290.3 .G67 A5 2002 GORBACHEV Conversations with Gorbachev 2 E 59 .R38 J66 2001 REF JONES Mythology of the Americas (Reference Collection) E 181 .A94 2002 REF AXELROD America’s wars (Reference Collection) E 185.97 .O23 A3 2004 OBAMA Dreams from my father E 185.97 .R44 A3 2004 REGIS A Voice from the Civil Rights era F 345 .W55 2002 WINSTEAD Back to Mississippi (Gift) F 591 .S38 2002 REF SCHWEIKART American West (Reference Collection) F 593 .M257 1997 MADSEN Journey to Zion (Gift) F 1776 .G68 2004 GOTT Cuba GR 105.5 .A44 2003 American folktales (2 Volumes) GV 584 .A53 M37 2003 ALA MARSHALL All-time greatest Alabama sports stories (Alabama Collection) GV 865 .C313 A3 2005 CANSECO Juiced GV 885 .G594 1994 GOLDSTEIN The Basketball player’s bible GV 885.3 .G65 1994 GOLDSTEIN The Basketball coach’s bible GV 1132 .A42 A3 2002 ALI Reach! (Gift) 3 HB 7411 .C48 2004 REF American dictionary of criminal justice (Reference Collection) HC 103 .G673 2004 GORDON Empire of wealth HD 9000.6 .B7794 2004 BROWN Outgrowing the earth HG 179 .L525 2004 LIPSMAN You can do math HG179 .W3183 2005 WARREN All your worth HQ 755.8 .M445 2004 McGRAW Family first HQ 801 .M4878 2000 McGRAW Relationship rescue HQ 834 .W356 2000 WALLERSTEIN Unexpected legacy of divorce (Gift) HQ 1075 .S28 2005 SAX Why gender matters HV 883 .C2 P43 2005 PELZER Brother’s journey JC 423 .S5274 2000 SHIPE United we stand JK 2356 .W49 2004 WHITMAN It’s my party too LB 1028.5 .S235 1996 SANDHOLTZ Teaching with technology (Gift) LB 2322.2 .E83 1994 ESCOBAR Paulo Freire on higher education (Gift) 4 LB 3063 .S74 2004 STEVENS Introduction to rubrics ND 237 .U86 A4 2004 ANDERA Magestic north PC 4680 .M35 2003 MEANS Instant Spanish vocabulary builder PC 2629 .C67 2004 REF CORBELL Firefly five language visual dictionary (Reference Collection) PE 64 .V55 A3 1993 VILLANUEVA Bootstraps (Gift) PE 68 .U5 P76 2005 Profession of English in the two year college (Gift) PE 1450 .T75 2004 TRUSS Eats, shots and leaves PL 8703 .P47 2003 PERROTT Swahili and English dictionary PN 151 .D58 1995 DiTIBERIO Writing and personality (Gift) PN 1101 .P756 REF Poetry for students Volume 21 (Reference Collection) PN 1601 .D595 REF Drama for students Volume 20 (Reference Collection) PN 2287 .O27 A3 2002a O’DONNELL Find me (Gift) PN 3373 .S3844 REF Short stories for students Volume 20 (Reference Collection) PN 3385 .N68 REF Novels for students Volumes 19 & 20 (Reference Collection) PR 830 .T3 A67 2003 Approaches to teaching Gothic fiction (Gift) 5 PR 2937 .M28 2005 McCREA The Case for Shakespeare PR 6005 .O4 H4739 2002 Approaches to teaching Conrad’s “Heart of darkness” and “The secret sharer” (Gift) PS 508 .D43 N46 1992 No walls of stone PS 1638 .B88 1994 REF BURKHOLDER Ralph Waldo Emerson (Gift) PS 2620 .A2 L48 2004 POE Eureka PS 3505 .A59 A6 2004 CAPOTE The complete stories of Truman Capote PS 3511 .A86 Z9445 2004 PARINI One matchless time PS 3513 .O97 H6 1999 GOYEN The House of breath PS 3525 .A1772 A6 2001 McCULLERS Complete novels PS 3545 .E6 A6 1998b WELTY Complete novels PS 3545 .E6 Z635 1994 Critical response to Eudora Welty’s fiction (Gift) PS 3556 .L26 R44 2004b FLAGG A Redbird Christmas (Alabama Collection) PS 3558 .A5 C55 2004 ALA NOBLE Climbing Mt. Cheaha (Alabama Collection) PS 3562 .E42 T45 2000 LE GUIN Telling (Gift) PS 3568 .O3125 G55 2004 ROBINSON Gilead 6 PS 3622 .A85 D57 2001 VASSEUR Discovering the world PS 3570 .U236 N49 2004 TUCK The News from Paraguay PS 3572 .R34 F67 2004 VREELAND The Forest lover PS 3602 .R48 P64 2005b ALA BREWER The Poet of Tolstoy Park (Alabama Collection) PS 3611 .I44 M47 2005 KIDD The Mermaid chair PS 3611 .I575 H34 2005 KING The Ha-ha: a novel PZ 7 .H1165 Cu 2003 HADDON Curious incident of the dog in the night-time PZ 8 .S14 Li 2000 SAINT-EXUPERY The Little prince QH 442.2 .H85 2004 Human cloning debate QK 5 .P46 2003 PHILLIPS Plants of the Lewis and Clark Expedition QP 41 .A53 2005 Anatomy and physiology made incredibly easy QP 401 .R47 2004 RESTAK Poe’s heart and the mountain climber R 121 .T18 2005 REF Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary (Gift) (Reference Collection) R 123 .M394 2005 Medical terminology made incredibly easy R 733 .W646 2004 WOOD Medicine, mind, and meaning 7 RC 71.5 .I5 2004 REF In a page: signs and symptoms (Reference Collection) RC 86.7 .T473 2004 First aid CPR, and AED standard RC 86.7 .T473 2004b TYGERSON CPR and AED RC 87.9 .P76 2004 Professional rescuer CPR RC 350 .H47 M44 2004 MELETIS Herbs and nutrients for the mind RC 523 .A265 2005 ABRAHAM When words have lost their meaning RC 552 .O25 M66 2005 MOORE Fat girl RC 569.5 .F67 R38 1997 RATEY Shadow syndromes (Gift) RC 630 .F596 2005 Fluids and electrolytes made incredibly easy RC 674 .C3585 2005 Cardiovascular care made incredibly easy RC 683.5 .A9 H436 2005 Heart sounds made incredibly easy RC 683.5 .E5 E256 2005 ECG interpretation made incredibly easy RC 734 .A94 B74 2005 Breath sounds made incredibly easy (2 copies) RC 735.5 .R4645 2005 Respiratory care made incredibly easy RJ 48 .I49 2004 REF In a page: pediatric signs and symptoms (Reference Collection) RJ 245 .P426 2005 Pediatric nursing made incredibly easy RM 125 .N846 2005 Nursing pharmacology made incredibly easy 8 RM 222.2 .G785 2004 GUILIANO French women don’t get fat RM 222.2 .M4347 2003 McGRAW Ultimate weight solution RM 301.28 .C556 2005 Clinical pharmacology made incredibly easy RT 41 .P844 2005 POTTER Fundamentals of nursing (Gift) RT 41 .P844 O34 2005 OCHS Study guide and skills performance checklists to accompany Potter, Perry Fundamentals of nursing (Gift) RT 55 .N44 2005 NCLEX-RN questions and answers made incredibly easy RT 61 .C376 2001 Chicken soup for the nurse’s soul RT 73 .N825 2005 Nursing student success made incredibly easy SB 71 .C86 2004 Cultural history of plants TP 248.23 .S535 2004 SHERWIN Golems among us TX 714 .B2845 1998 ALA Bay tables (Alabama Collection) TX 715.2 .S68 M325 2004 ALA MARTIN Alabama’s historic restaurants and their recipes (Alabama Collection) CDs CD87 GAGNE Gregorian melodies CD88 UNITED STATES MARINE BAND Emblems (Gift) 9 DVDs DVD06 MELVILLE Bartleby, the scrivener DVD07 CHOPIN Kate Chopin: The Joy that kills DVD08 The Century of warfare: Volume 4 DVD09 The Century of warfare: Volume 5 DVD10 America’s castles: Grand plantations VIDEOCASSETTES VC1593 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR RESPIRATORY CARE Sedation and paralysis in the mechanically ventilated patient (Gift) VC1594 – VC1599 Volleyball skills, kills, and drills (Gift) VC1600 TRYNISZEWSKI Vascular signs and symptoms (Gift) VC1601 Helping people at risk of suicide or self harm (Gift) VC1602 It’s never too late (Gift) 10 LIBRARY, ATMORE CAMPUS ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY COLLECTION SPRING SEMESTER, 2005 BF 698.35 .P47 C53 2004 CIARAMICOLI Performance addition D 20 .D33 2003 REF DANIELS National Geographic almanac of world history (Reference Collection) HB 7411 .C48 2004 REF American dictionary of criminal justice (Reference Collection) HV 4998 .P44 2004 PEELE 7 tools to beat addiction HV 5824 .Y68 M363 2003 MARAN Dirty HV 6570 .D86 2004 DUNCAN Healing from the trauma of childhood sexual abuse QP 41 .A53 2005 Anatomy and physiology made incredibly easy R 121 .T18 2005 REF Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary (Gift) (Reference Collection) R 123 .M394 2005 Medical terminology made incredibly easy RA 645.3 .A457 2004 Always on call RB 150 .F37 M865 2003 MURPHREE Treating and beating fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome RC 71.5 .I5 2004 REF In a page: signs and symptoms (Reference Collection) RC 86.7 .T473 2004 First aid, CPR, and AED standard RC 86.7 0T473 2004b TYGERSON CPR and AED RC 87.9 .P76 2004 Professional rescuer CPR 11 RC 375 .H37 2004 HANDLER Twitch and shout RC 552 .P67 N365 2004 NAPARSTEK Invisible heroes RC 569.5 .B67 R45 2004 REILAND Get me out of here RC 569.5 .F37 F453 2004 FELDMAN Playing sick? RC 630 .F596 2005 Fluids and electrolytes made incredibly easy RC 673 .P35 2004 PAMPEL Progress against heart disease RC 674 .C3585 2005 Cardiovascular care made incredibly easy RC 683.5 .E5 E256 2005 ECG interpretation made incredibly easy RC 734 .A94 B74 2005 Breath sounds made incredibly easy RC 735.5 .R4645 2005 Respiratory care made incredibly easy RC 815.7 .P23 2003 PACHECO Living with chronic heartburn RC 815.7 .R54 2004 RINZLER Heartburn and reflux for dummies RC 902 .W34 2004 WALSER Coping with kidney disease RC 924.5 .L85 H65 2004 HOLDEN Talking about lupus RC 924.5 .L85 L34 2004 LAHITA Lupus Q & A 12 RD 97.6 .P368 2004 PASCARELLI Dr. Pascarelli’s complete guide to repetitive strain injury RD 540.5 .M38 2004 McGOWAN Gastric bypass surgery RJ 48 .I49 2004 REF In a page: pediatric signs and symptoms (Reference Collection) RJ 245 .P426 2005 Pediatric nursing made incredibly easy RM 125 .N846 2005 Nursing pharmacology made incredibly easy RM 301.28 .C556 2005 Clinical pharmacology made incredibly easy RT 41 .P844 2005 POTTER Fundamentals of nursing (Gift) RT 41 .P844 O34 2005 OCHS Study guide and skills performance checklists to accompany Potter, Perry Fundamentals of nursing (Gift) RT 55 .N44 2005 NCLEX-RN questions and answers made incredibly easy 13