3.2 Declaration Submitting

Telecommunication Equipment Declaration and
Approval Management System
User Manual
For Diplomatic Missions in China
2.BROWSER REQUIREMENT..........................................................................17
3.USING TDMS.....................................................................................................19
3.1 LOGIN SYSTEM...............................................................................................19
3.2 DECLARATION SUBMITTING.....................................................................19
3.2.1 PRIVATE LINE...............................................................................................20
3.2.2 VOICE TELEPHONE SERVICE..................................................................21
3.2.4 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT.......................................27
3.2.5 SATELLITE TELEVISION RECEIVER.....................................................28
3.3.3 REJECTED APPLICATIONS.......................................................................30
3.3.4 COMPLETED ITEM.....................................................................................30
3.4 PERSONAL CONFIGURATION....................................................................30
3.4.1 PASSWORD MODIFICATION....................................................................30
3.4.2 HOMEPAGE SETTING................................................................................31
Telecommunication Equipment Declaration and Approval Management System
(“TDMS”) provides an easy way for declaring details of Telecommunication
equipment by Internet. Foreign Embassies and Offices of International Organizations
(hereinafter referred to as “diplomatic missions”) can submit application easily and
trace submitted application efficiently.
This user manual is provided to help you make the best use of TDMS.
2.Browser Requirement
To use the TDMS, you must use Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or
higher, with pop-up blocking plug-in or other similar software disabled. To make
sure the browser is receiving the correct version of webpage, you should change its
cache setting to “Every visit to the page”.
To modify the cache setting:
1). On the Tools menu, click “Internet Options”.
(Figure 1: click “Internet Options”)
2). In the Temporary Internet Files section, click “Settings”.
(Figure 2: click “Setting”)
3). Click “Every visit to the page”, click “OK”, and then click “OK”.
(Figure 3: Click “Every visit to the page”)
3.Using TDMS
The TDMS consists of three main sections: “Make Declaration”, “Declaration
Status” and “Personal configuration”. The “Make declaration” sections consists
of the following five options; ‘ Private line’, ‘Voice Telephone service’,
‘Satellite Earth Station (Including maritime satellite equipment)’, ‘Wireless
Communication Equipment’, and ‘Satellite Television Receiver Stations’. System
users can click the options to make their declaration. Similarly the “Declaration
Status” includes ‘Wait-for-approval application list’, ‘Approved application list’,
‘Rejected application list
’, and ‘Complete project’. Users can see their
application status by clicking each option. The“Personal configuration”options are
used for changing the password and configuring the personal main pages.
detailed instruction of user guide of each function is described as in the sections
3.1 Login System
To login into the system, first you should plug the KEY which contains
certificate details into a USB port. Then you can type the system URL into browser’s
address bar to locate the system login page. At this stage the client will be authorized
after server verifying certificate from the client. Once the certificate is successfully
authorized, the user will see the account name, which is saved and loaded into the
login field automatically by the system. After entering the valid password, the user
will successfully login the system and begin to make the declaration accordingly.
3.2 Declaration Submitting
The system accepts applications for the following items: “ private line”, “voice
telephone service”, “satellite earth station(including maritime satellite equipment)”,
“wireless communication equipment”, satellite television receiver equipment”.
Foreign embassies in China should submit declaration on the behalf of their
The procedure for submission is as follows:
If the application is submitted for the embassy itself, it should be submitted to
“The Protocol Department” (PD). If the application is submitted for its consulate by
the embassy, it should be submitted to “The Consular Affairs Department” (CAD). If
the application is submitted to CAD, the name of a consulate should be provided in
the application.
3.2.1 Private Line
Here is the page for declaring direct line. To access it, click “Private Line” in
“Application Submission” section (see Figure4).
To submit an application:
1. Specify the destination. For CAD, The name of the consular must be
2. Fill in the following blanks.
3. Click “Submit” to submit the application, which will be saved for
processing. Or click “Reset” to clear the forms.
(Figure 4: Private Line application)
3.2.2 Voice Telephone Service
Here is the page for declaring voice telephone service. User can click “Voice
Telephone service” in “Application Submission” section to access it. (See Figure 6)
Procedure for submission is as follows:
1. Select the “Declarer’s Name”
2. Fill in the blanks in the form.
3. Click “Submit” to submit the application, which will be saved for
processing. Or click “Reset” to clear the form.
(Figure 5: Voice Telephone Service)
3.2.3 Satellite Earth Station(Including maritime satellite
Here is the page for declaring satellite earth station. User can click “Satellite
Earth station” in “Application Submission” section to access it. (See Figure6).
To submit an application:
1. Select the “Declarer’s Name”
2. Fill in the blanks in the form.
3. Click “Submit” to submit the application, which will be saved for further
processing. Or click “Reset” to clear the form.
(Figure 6: Satellite Earth Station) Frequency detail
By checking the “Frequency Data” checkbox, the frequency data form will be
presented to user.(see Figure7)
User can add or remove rows by clicking “Add a row” or “Remove the last
row” according to his/her needs.
(Figure 7 Frequency Data) Equipment and Antenna Data
By checking the “Device and Antenna” checkbox, the device and antenna form
will be presented to user (see Figure 8).
User can add or remove rows by clicking “Add a row” or “Remove the last row”
according to his/her needs.
(Figure 8: Device & Antenna Data) Horizon Elevation Angle Data
By checking the “Horizon Elevation Angle Data” checkbox, the horizon
elevation angle data form will be presented to user (see Figure 9).
(Figure 9: Horizon Elevation Angle Data) Comment
By checking the “Comment” checkbox, the comment form will be presented to
user (see Figure10).
(Figure 10: Comment) Submit Data
By clicking “Submit” button, the application will be submitted to related
departments of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
3.2.4 Wireless Communication Equipment
Here is the page for declaring and applying for telecommunication equipment
import. User can click “Wireless Communication Equipment” in “Application
Submission” section.(see Figure 11) to access it.
To submit an application:
1. Select the “Declarer’s Name”.
2. Fill in the following blanks.
3. Click “Submit” to submit the application, which will be saved for
processing. Or click “Reset” to clear all filled blanks.
(Figure 11: Wireless Communication Equipment)
3.2.5 Satellite Television Receiver
Here is the page for declaring and applying for satellite television antenna. To
access it, click “Satellite Television Receiver” in “Application Submission” section
(see Figure 12).
To submit an application:
1. Specify the destination. For CAD, the consular agency must be specified.
2. Fill in the following blanks.
3. Click “Submit” to submit the application, which will be saved for
processing. Or click “Reset” to clear all filled blanks.
(Figure 12: Satellite Television Receiver)
3.3 Declaration Status
3.3.1 Applications waiting for Approval
This page lists all the applications under the process of examination and
approval by PD or CAD. The user from diplomatic missions in China can check the
contents of the applications, but can’t modify or delete the application.
3.3.2 Approved Applications
This page lists all the applications which have been approved by PD or CAD. If
the declarations of private line and voice telephone service which have been
approved but still under construction. The user from diplomatic missions will see
that from the comments. After the construction is completed, its application will be
moved in the “Completed items” list.
3.3.3 Rejected Applications
This page lists all the applications rejected by the PD or CAD. The user from
diplomatic missions can view the details of applications by clicking related link, and
modify the content according to the comments from PD or CAD, before
re-submitting the application. It will be saved and moved to the declaration queue
waiting for further processing.
3.3.4 Completed Item
This page lists all the declarations, which are completed by the service provider.
There are two types of items: “private line”, and “voice telephone service”. The
user from diplomatic missions can check the declaration details and the comments
from PD or CAD.
3.4 Personal Configuration
3.4.1 Password Modification
The user from diplomatic missions in China may modify his/her login password
(see Figure 13). At this stage the old password is required and the new password has
to be confirmed.
(Figure 13: Password Modification)
3.4.2 Homepage Setting
The user from diplomatic missions may set his/her homepage which will be
displayed when login (see Figure14).
Select a page in the list then submit. The new homepage will be affected after
(Figure 14: Homepage Setting)