Instructor: Michael S. Luehlfing PhD, CPA, CMA (aka, Mike Lil

ACCT 505-084/097: Accounting Analysis for Decision Making
Version 1.0
Office Address:
Official E-Mail:
Michael S. Luehlfing PhD, CPA, CMA (a.k.a., Mike Lil-fing)
COBB 307
TECH Office 318-257-3490 (or 2822); Home Office 318-513-9247
Office Hours:
M 1:20-2:00 pm & 3:50-6:00 pm; T/Th 3:00-4:00 pm & 5:50-7:00pm; W 1:20-2:00 pm & 3:50-6:00 pm;
and by appointment.
NOTE: Generally speaking, all information on this syllabus--as well as on the ACCT 505-084 Moodle and the ACCT 505-097
Moodle--is the same as the ACCT 505-051 Moodle and syllabus. The only differences between the various sections relate to
certain logistical issues (etc.) relevant to the online sections.
Course Description: A study of accounting data and their uses with the goal of aiding management in the use of such data in
decision making.
Course Prerequisites: You will not receive credit for Accounting 505 if you have not previously earned credit for both Accounting
201 and Accounting 202 (or the equivalent courses approved by the College of Business).
Note: You may not take Accounting 505 for credit if you have earned (or will earn) a degree with an emphasis, concentration or major
in Accounting.
Note: ACCT 505 may not be useful in satisfying certain CPA exam education requirements of certain legal jurisdictions.
Special Accommodations: Qualified students needing testing or classroom accommodations based on a disability are encouraged to
make their requests to me at the beginning of the quarter either during office hours or by appointment. Note: Prior to receiving
disability accommodations, verification of eligibility from the Testing and Disability Services Office is needed. Disability information
is confidential. Information for Testing and Disability Services may be obtained in Wyly Tower 318 or
University Accommodations: Please inform the Instructor AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you are scheduled to participate in any
University-Sponsored activities which may conflict with class attendance (etc.). Volunteering (etc.) for an activity scheduled at the
same time as an exam is not an acceptable excuse (especially when other times are available).
Statement of Non-Discrimination: Louisiana Tech University adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of federal and civil rights
laws, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or
disability. The Title IX Coordinator is Carrie Flournoy, President's Office, P. O. Box 3168; phone: (318) 257-3785; E-mail: The Section 504 Coordinator is Annie Jantz, 305 Keeney Hall; phone: (318) 257-2445; E-mail:
Emergency Notification System (ENS): All Louisiana Tech students are strongly encouraged to enroll and update their contact
information in the Emergency Notification System. It takes just a few seconds to ensure you’re able to receive important text and
voice alerts in the event of a campus emergency. For more information on the Emergency Notification System, please visit
Course Topics: Various financial and managerial accounting topics—see the various modules indicated later in the document.
Student Learning Outcomes (Course Objectives):
1) Develop a functional knowledge of basic financial and managerial accounting principles through problem assignments.
and exams .
2) Develop analytical skills through problem assignments.
3) Develop critical thinking skills through problem assignments and examinations that requirement the application of
accounting concepts to various situations.
4) Develop communication skills through problem assignments, exams, and the paper/presentation.
5) Develop technology skills through assignments that require the use of spreadsheets or word processing.
Attendance Requirements: Regular attendance is required in this course. The class attendance policy as stated in the 2015-2016
Louisiana Tech University Bulletin will be followed.
Academic Honor Code: In accordance with the Academic Honor Code, students pledge the following: Being a student of higher
standards, I pledge to embody the principles of academic integrity. (The Louisiana Tech Honor Code can be found at:
Class Continuance During Emergency Closure of the University: In the unlikely occurrence of a major natural disaster or other
catastrophic event, we will continue to conduct class via Moodle. You will need to find a location where you have computer access,
and we will continue with our class though this media. You may need to go directly to Moodle’s off campus website (URL is
http://moodle.latech. edu) should TECH’s system become inoperative. Moodle has considerable redundancy and should maintain its
Resources: Textbook: Financial and Managerial Accounting for MBAs (2ed or later) by Easton, Halsey, McAnally, Hargraves, and
Morse (Cambridge Business Publishers: 2010 or later); Outside reading and research may be required.
Moodle: The syllabus, assignment sheet and other class information will be available on Moodle.
Homework: The material covered in this course is cumulative and of a technical, analytical nature. To learn the material adequately
the student must study consistently—giving full attention to what is being studied. Homework is an essential part of the learning
Note: “In the event of a question regarding an exam grade or final grade, it will be the responsibility of the student to retain and
present graded materials which have been returned for student possession during the quarter.”
Course Requirements (Grade Information): 160 total possible points—see Moodle for additional information.
Four exams @ 25 points each = 100 total exam points—exams primarily consist of problems (which in some cases may require a brief
narrative response in partial compliance with the College of Business Writing Requirement)—see Moodle for additional information.
Exam IV will have three discussion questions worth no more than 2 points each (i.e., 6 maximum total points) in partial compliance
with the College of Business Writing Requirement)—see Moodle for additional information. NOTE: Exams will be administered
electronically via Moodle (etc.)—see Moodle for additional information. (Registration with “ProctorU” is not needed.)
One paper (on an “international/global” topic) @ 30 points (specific topic to be approved in advance by instructor)—see Moodle for
additional information—the topic should be submitted via e-mail to the Instructor prior to 10/2/15 if not earlier—topics are approved
on a “first-come first–serve” basis—please don’t wait until the deadline date to select a topic. The paper is assigned in partial
compliance with the College of Business Writing Requirement.
One presentation (with appropriate Powerpoint slides) @ 10 points (same topic as paper)—see Moodle for additional information.
The Powerpoint slides are assigned in partial compliance with the College of Business Writing Requirement.
One master budget (experiential learning) Excel project (20 Points)—see Moodle for additional information.
NOTE: Time will be provided during and/or after most classes for paper/presentation/project development/consultation. However,
the instructor will not edit (or “pre-approve”) specific elements of your paper/presentation/project.
Scale: 90-100 % A; 80-89 % B; 70-79 % C; 60-69 % D; and Below 60% F
Make-Up Exams: If you miss Exam I or Exam III, then your final grade will be calculated using your other three exam
grades (as well as your paper/presentation/project grades, that is, your “total possible points” for grade calculation purposes
will be 135 not 160 ). You must take Exam II and Exam IV. If you miss any two exams or just Exam II or just Exam IV, then
you must take a Comprehensive Make-Up Exam (worth either 25 or 50 total points to be determined by the instructor) at the
end of the quarter (time and date to be determined by instructor). The Comprehensive Make-Up Exam may vary with the
student given that each student may miss a different exam (or different exams). If you miss more than two exams then you
will receive an “F” in ACCT 505. There are no “drop exams” (etc.).
Expected Module/Topic/Activity
Pre-Test (Accounting Fundamentals); Also
discuss IFRS/International Financial
Reporting Standards, SARBOX/SarbanesOxley Act, and FCPA/Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act
MODULE 1: Financial Accounting for MBAs
MODULE 2: Introducing Financial Statements
and Transaction Analysis
MODULE 3:Accounting Adjustments and
Constructing Financial Statements
MODULE 4:Analyzing and Interpreting
Financial Statements
MODULE 5:Reporting and Analyzing Operating
MODULE 6: Reporting and Analyzing Operating
Exam I
MODULE 7: Reporting and Analyzing
Intercorporate Investments
MODULE 8: Reporting and Analyzing
Nonowner Financing
MODULE 9: Reporting and Analyzing Owner
MODULE10: Reporting and Analyzing OffBalance-Sheet Financing
MODULE 11: Forecasting Financial Statements
MODULE 12: Analyzing and Valuing Equity
Exam II (Cumulative)
MODULE 13: Managerial Accounting for MBAs
MODULE 14: Cost Behavior, Activity Analysis,
and Cost Estimation
MODULE 15:Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis and
MODULE 16: Relevant Costs and Benefits for
Decision Making
MODULE 17: Product Costing: Job and Process
MODULE 18: Activity Based Costing, Customer
Profitability, and Activity Based
Exam III (Cumulative)
MODULE 19: Additional Topics in Product
MODULE 20: Pricing and Other Product
Management Decisions
MODULE 21: Operational Budgeting and Profit
MODULE 22: Standard Costs and Performance
MODULE 23: Segment Reporting, Transfer
Pricing, and Balanced Scorecard
MODULE 24: Capital Budgeting Decisions
Exam IV (Cumulative)
Expected Assignment/Activity (see Moodle)
Read “Syllabus” (Consider Presentation/Paper
Topic Selection Discussion)
Read the “Pre-Test” Document Provided On
Moodle. (No other preparation is required or
suggested—document is not graded.)
Homework Package One: E1-27, E1-30, P1-37
Homework Package One: E2-34, P2-41, MA2-50
Homework Package One: E3-30, E3-33, E3-34,
E3-38, P3-41, P3-42, P3-43
Homework Package One: E4-32, E4-34, E4-35
Homework Package One: E5-23, E5-25
Homework Package One: E6-25,E6-26, E6-29,
Modules 1-6
Homework Package Two: E7-20, E7-26, E7-35
Homework Package Two: E8-32, E8-35
Homework Package Two: E9-35, P9-49
Homework Package Two: E10-22, E10-23
Homework Package Two:E11-19, E11-20, E11-26
Homework Package Two:E12-15, E12-16, E12-19
Modules 7-12
Homework Package Three: E13-20, MA13-28
Homework Package Three: E14-20
Homework Package Three: E15-18
Homework Package Three: E16-19, E16-23,
Homework Package Three: E17-22, E17-29,
E17-30, E17-31
Homework Package Three: E18-23, E18-24
Modules 13-18
Homework Package Four: E19-27, E19-28,
Homework Package Four: P20-30
Homework Package Four: E21-23, P21-41,
MA21-42, MA21-43, MA21-44
Homework Package Four: E22-24, P22-27
Homework Package Four: E23-22, E23-23,
E23-24, E23-27, E23-28
Homework Package Four: E24-25, E24-26
Modules 19-24 as well as discussion questions
concerning IFRS/SARBOX/FCPA.
(NOTE: Degree Candidates present first)
Paper/Project Deadline for Degree Candidates
Paper/Project Deadline for Non-Degree
E-mail PowerPoint Presentation to the
Instructor prior to 3:00 pm.
E-mail PowerPoint Presentation to the
Instructor prior to 3:00 pm.
E-mail Paper and Project (separately) to
Instructor prior to 3:50 pm.
E-mail Paper and Project (separately) to
instructor prior to 5:50 pm.
E-mail PowerPoint Presentation to the
Instructor prior to 3:00 pm.
Same as 11/17 found immediately above.
11/19 Th
NOTE: Last day to register for Fall graduation is 9/25/15.
NOTE: 10/30/15 the last day to drop/resign with “W” grades.
NOTE: Degree Candidate grades are due on FACULTY BOSS @ 12:00 noon on 11/17/15. Please e-mail the
Instructor prior to 10/2/15 if you are a Fall Quarter 2015 degree candidate (undergraduate/concurrent or
graduate). Degree candidates must complete all course requirements prior to 3:50 pm on 11/16/15.