ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Employee Name: Employee ID #: Position Title: College/Div./Dept.: Evaluation Period: From: To: Purpose Statement: Job performance of Administrative employees is reviewed to ensure attainment of goals and objectives, improve communication and promote career growth and development. The evaluation process involves assessing an employee’s work performance during the review period relative to specific indicators. Performance ratings are determined for each indicator based on specific goals, objectives and outcomes. Note: This form should be completed by the employee’s immediate supervisor. All ratings other than “Achieves” must be supported by specific comments and examples. USFSP Strategic Plan: All Administration employees should be familiar with the Strategic Plan; understand how their role supports and contributes to the Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals; and explore how their contributions help USF St. Petersburg achieve this plan. Vision USF St. Petersburg will shine. USF St. Petersburg faculty and administrators will work shoulder-to-shoulder with students and community partners to build a better world. We will challenge ourselves to excel in research, teaching and service. Mission Inspire scholars to lead lives of impact. Values The University of South Florida St. Petersburg has adopted 5core values that are in alignment with its Strategic Plan Student-Centered Success. We provide a personalized experience for every student. We will grow by design to sustain academic programs that prepare our graduate and undergraduate students for work and life while retaining our intimate learning environment. Research and Innovation. Our faculty members conduct nationally and internationally significant research and scholarship. Faculty members convert individual and collaborative efforts into new knowledge to improve lives far beyond our campus and community. Inclusion of Differences. We seek divergent voices and tell untold stories. We actively recruit students, faculty, staff and administrators who bring global and domestic diversity to campus, with emphasis on representing our evolving regional demographics. We notice where conceptual differences synthesize, complement — or clash. In classes, in meetings and in public forums, we invite difficult dialogues to enable everyone to better understand different worldviews. We strive to create synergy. Commitment to Community Page 1 of 5 USF St. Petersburg connects seamlessly to St Petersburg and the surrounding region. Our students enroll in the city as well as USFSP, bringing to the city the exuberance that only a residential campus culture can provide. Our community-based partners and mentors multiply opportunities for students and challenge faculty and administrators to recognize new areas for innovation and exploration. Together we shine. Care for Natural Environment We celebrate our organic connection to the waterfront and cityscape. Through study and service, we serve as stewards for the plants, animals and systems that sustain us. We take seriously our commitment to become carbon neutral. Goals – Strategic goals are listed below. Detailed implementation strategies can be found within the strategic planning documents. Goals include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Distinctive Identity Student Success and Culture Faculty Excellence in Teaching an Research Strategic Partnerships Infrastructure to Meet Current and Future Needs Sustainable Funding Goals and Objectives for this Evaluation Period: Results: 1. 2. 3. 4. Exceeded Achieved Not achieved Exceeded Achieved Not achieved Exceeded Achieved Not achieved Exceeded Achieved Not achieved Exceeded Achieved Not achieved 5. Ratings: Exemplary Commendable Achieves Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Performance far exceeds all standards/expectations. Exceptional results are consistently produced. Performance frequently exceeds standards/expectations. Performance consistently meets standards/expectations. Requisite competencies and knowledge are demonstrated. Performance does not consistently meet standards/expectations. Some requisite competencies and knowledge are demonstrated. Individual may still be learning the job and/or functions and requires additional time to develop. Performance does not meet standards/expectations. Major deficiencies require immediate attention and improvement. Page 2 of 5 Analytical Skills: Uses a variety of techniques to analyze situations most efficiently; assesses risk or return on investment and makes appropriate decisions. Comments: Communications: Shares information effectively in verbal and written form with various audiences (including ability to deliver presentations in a professional, organized and persuasive manner); listens attentively and openly to the ideas, concerns, and suggestions of others. Comments: Initiative and Autonomy: Accepts and carries out current and new responsibilities through resourcefulness and self-reliance. Comments: Cooperation and Collaboration: Builds strong working relationships with colleagues throughout the organizational unit and the University and seeks opportunities to partner with others to achieve goals and objectives. Comments: People Development: Manages staff effectively; develops mutual trust and respect in a culturally diverse environment; plans and supports the achievement of professional development goals for direct reports; provides regular and timely feedback to all direct reports. If employee does not supervise, then check. N/A Comments: Job Knowledge: Demonstrates the technical, managerial and organizational knowledge to successfully execute duties; shows knowledge and understanding of higher education and of the profession. Comments: Planning, Organizing and Time Management: Arranges work so that it can be executed in a timely manner within specifications and budget; prioritizes and effectively utilizes resources. Comments: Problem Solving and Decision Making: Understands factors and develops sound, timely, and practical solutions to daily challenges; demonstrates ability to critically evaluate impact of decision making on others. Comments: Other: Comments: Other: Comments: Achievements: Briefly describe the employee’s most significant strengths and accomplishments during this review period. Page 3 of 5 Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Achieves Commendable Exemplary PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Areas for Improvement: Areas in which the employee should address professional shortcomings and expand competencies. Provide a brief description of a development plan to support achievement (supervisor’s role, resources, etc.). Overall Performance Rating (assign one overall rating based on the ratings assigned above): Exemplary Commendable Achieves Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Comments: Goals and Objectives for Next Evaluation Period: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Professional Development Plan: Include training, competency development and other efforts in support of goals and objectives. Employee Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor Name (Print) Signature Title Date ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Optional) Next Level Supervisor Name (Print) Signature Title Date My signature only acknowledges discussion and receipt of this evaluation and does not necessarily imply my agreement. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Employee Signature Date Original to: Human Resources, BAY 206 Copy to: Employee and Department Page 4 of 5 Page 5 of 5