South Southwark Locality Patient Participation Group Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 5 May from 5.30 to 7.30 at Cambridge House. Patient name Practice represented Ela Kwasny-Spechko (EK-S) Camberwell Green Practice John King (JK) Hambleden Clinic and Engagement and Patient Experience Committee rep Darret Tomlin Camberwell Green Practice Leslie Boscheratto (LB) DMC Chadwick Margaret Hughes (MH) Camberwell Green Practice Helen Pearson (HP) Hambleden Clinic Bob Skelly (BS) Elm Lodge Surgery Barbara Meilink St Giles Surgery Alma Gray (AG) Dulwich Medical Centre – Crystal Palace Road Jane Hopkins (JH) Hambleden Clinic Raymond Cole (RC) St Giles Surgery Angela Buckingham (AB) Concordia Parkside Medical Centre/Melbourne Grove Rev Emmanuel Oyewole Dr Hossain Surgery Ambulai Siafa Aylesbury (visitor) Apologies Helen Chown DMC – Crystal Palace Road Delia Morgan Forest Hill Surgery In attendance Rosemary Watts (RW) NHS Southwark CCG, Head of Membership, Engagement and Equalities Laura Brannon (LM) NHS Southwark CCG Membership and Engagement Manager Nina Martin (minutes) NHS Southwark CCG, Locality Programme Officer David smith NHS Southwark CCG, Head of Transformation - Integration Glossary of Terms CCG, Clinical Commissioning Group EPEC, Engagement and Patient Experience Committee** PPG, Patient Participation Group PPI, Patient and Public Involvement **The south Southwark practice reps on EPEC are Ela Kwasny-Spechko John King, Peter Offord and Delia Morgan 1 1. Welcome and Introductions All welcome and introductions were made and apologies noted. 2. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as an accurate record subject to the following amendments: P1 Attendance – Helen Pearson appears twice P4 Feedback from Practice PPGs – Melbourne Grove: Angela Buckingham (AB) advised that 9 people attended the last PPG and not 4-5 as stated by the PPG rep who was present. Minor Ailments Scheme – AB asked to include in the minutes that the scheme has been running for a while in Lambeth and Lewisham. Rosemary Watts (RW) confirmed that the scheme has been successfully running in both these boroughs for a number of years. Nina Martin (NM) added that the running of the scheme in Lambeth and Lewisham was discussed at and already included in the January 2015 minutes. Alma Gray (AG) asked for clarification on co-commissioning in order to give feedback to her PPG. RW clarified that Southwark CCG will be co-commissioning services with NHS England (NHSE). She advised that in taking this forward, three options were proposed by NHSE: 1. 2. 3. Greater involvement in NHS England (NHSE) decision making (Greater Involvement) Joint decision making by NHS England and CCGs (Joint Commissioning) CCGs taking on delegated responsibilities from NHS England (Delegated Commissioning) She advised that the CCG has agreed to and has been approved for level 2, joint commissioning for one year with the view of learning about the process and its practicalities. How this option works during the year will determine if the CCG will pursue option 3 of full commissioning. RW advised that updates on the working of co-commissioning will be brought to future meetings. Actions: Extended access service - breakdown of service usage per practice for May meeting – RW advised that this will be discussed during the extended access service item of the agenda. Are patient care plans for mental health patients sent to their GPs – RW reported that she has liaised with mental health colleagues and confirmed that plans are sent to GPs. These are known as recovery and support plans. They are 2 sent both to the patients and their GPs and are more detailed than discharge summaries In response to question, the group was advised that we will find out from CCG colleagues if care plans for disabled patients are sent to GPs. Action: Find out from CCG colleagues if care plans for disabled patients are sent to GPs (David Smith) King’s Discharge Audit – RW updated that a second audit was carried out in March and will be reported on at the May Care Quality Review Group (CQRG). She also informed that that a joint Trust discharge summit is planned for June (date TBC). The aim of the summit is to further progress the improvement work around discharge summaries. Update of Pharmacy First Scheme – RW updated that the scheme formally launched on 1 April and that currently 55 pharmacies have signed up to deliver the scheme. Posters and leaflets have been sent out and these should now be displayed in GP practices, King’s and Guy’s Urgent Care Centre as well as in all pharmacies. Emmanuel Oyewole (EO) confirmed that he has seen the posters displayed in at least two pharmacies. All were advised to discuss with their relevant practices if the posters or leaflets are not on display. John King (JK) queried whether the service has an age criteria. RW advised that she will confirm with the project lead and feedback. Action: Determine if there is an age criteria for eligibility to accessing the pharmacy first service (RW) Raymond Cole (RC) queried whether headaches should be listed as a minor ailment since it can be indicative of more serious conditions. RW advised that the pharmacist would recommend the patient sees their GP if they considered the complaint to be more serious. Ambulai Siafa (AS) asked if the leaflets were available in an appropriate format for the visually impaired. RW advised that not at the moment but added that there is audio technology on the Southwark CCG website which may prove helpful. Darin Tomlin (DT) further queried if the leaflets will be translated for those for whom english is not their first language. RW responded that there is a google translate option on the CCG website which can translate information into relevant languages. 3 Action: Discuss with CCG colleagues the potential for making the leaflets accessible for the visually impaired and those for whom English is not their first language (RW) 3. Extended Primary Care Access Service RW updated that the leaflets for promoting the service are now available. The main messages being communicated are as follows: Additional money has been made available for more GP and nurse appointments in Southwark. The service is not a separate service but is an extension of the GP service Referrals are made by the practice. There will be a telephone triage system at practices. A nurse or GP will return calls within 1 to 2 hours to determine if a same day appointment is needed. The service has only been operational for a few months and there are inevitable teething problems. Improving Health, GP Federation is visiting practices to address these. RW further referred to the practice usage table and added that while some practices were referring more than others all south practices had referred to the service as of March 2015. However, the service is still not operating at full capacity. Discussion ensued around the breakdown of usage per practice of the service (table was circulated). Some suggested that sight of the table can allay the hesitancy of patients to use the service. However, it was agreed that the document was not for wider circulation but can be used as a point of reference at PPG meetings when discussing the service. All were urged not to view the data as a league table. RW further advised that a targeted communications outreach programme to promote the service has been planned over the coming months. This outreach will also be a good opportunity to get patient feedback and experience. RW invited suggestions from the group on other possible venues or groups to extend the communications outreach to. Suggestions included: Lambeth Country Show Southwark Council/ Youth Council. RW added that she and Laura Brannon (LB) has already made links with this group. Faith groups via the Multi-faith Coordinator at Southwark Council 4. Developing Local Care Networks David Smith (DS) presented on and led discussion on the development of Local Care Networks (LCNs). 4 He drew the meeting’s attention to the diagram depicting Southwark’s population and it’s needs, to explain why the LCNs are being developed. The higher up the diagram, the higher the financial health investment. He informed that Southwark’s strategy for dealing with this includes the creation of GP federations who are able to work at scale. These have already been set up with one each for the north and south of the borough. The next step involves developing the LCNs. These are a body of health and social care providers including the voluntary sector. The aim is to look at patients holistically and work towards linking GP services with other health, social and community services. He drew the meeting’s attention to how the patient’s voice can influence the development of LCNs by saying how they would like to be involved, ensuring they are involved and what they feel LCNs should focus on in their first year. Discussion ensued and some of the comments included supporting the proposal to invest in prevention. There was also a discussion on how the LCNs will be funded. DS responded that there is no new money and the strategy will be to look at how to work differently in order to use finance more efficiently. It was acknowledged that prevention may be a low priority with GPs. The CCG is looking to invest new money in prevention as an incentive to GP practices. The meeting agreed to keep LCNs as a standing agenda item and any further comments should be emailed to the Membership and Engagement team . 5. Feedback from practice patient members on patient experience and engagement issues 5.1 DMC – Crystal Palace Road Alma Gray (AG) updated on key messages and feedback from their PPG: The practice has sorted out the suggestion box system. The Pharmacy First Scheme was discussed and members and the practice manager were pleased to hear of the setting up of the scheme. The PPG only received the NAPP DES feedback form the day before it was due to be returned. This was filled in and submitted by the deadline but the application was rejected because the PPG did not fulfil all the necessary meeting criteria. The PPG had invited Edith Todd from the NAPP to attend a PPG meeting but she was unable to do so and suggested that it might be more feasible to meet a cluster of PPGs. 5 5.2 DMC – Chadwick Road Leslie Boscheratto advised that there was no feedback from their PPG but would welcome an opportunity to liaise with other PPG representatives. 5.3 Elm Lodge Practice Bob Skelly (BS) updated that the next meeting is scheduled for next week. The agenda items for discussion include: Pharmacy First Scheme Extended Primary Care Service South Southwark Locality PPG meeting Other patient identified issues. 5.4 The Hambleden Clinic Jane Hopkins and John King updated on the key messages and discussions as follows: Their DES form was completed and submitted The group has drafted their first newsletter and this will be in an A3 folded format. This has been sent to the practice manager for copies to be made but he wants to check the wording before it is circulated. RW added that it is good practice that the newsletter be a collaborative effort. JK added that they are having some problems agreeing dates going forward but will be meeting with the head of AT Medics and this hopefully will help resolve the situation. 5.5 Camberwell Green Ela Kwasny-Spechko (EK-S) informed that their PPG meeting was postponed to accommodate attendance at the 29 April CQC Inspection training for patients. 5.6 Parkside Concordia AB advised that there has been no meeting since February and that the next meeting is scheduled for this month. 5.7 Melbourne Grove AB updated on the key messages as follows: One receptionist has left the surgery. There was a discussion on the Southwark CCG engagement pyramid. The group discussed the need to nominate a new PPG Chair. The Pharmacy First Scheme leaflets and posters are displayed and available at the practice. They propose suggesting to the practice that photos and names of PPG members be displayed on the practice notice board. She advised that leaflets of pharmacies giving a late night service are available at Parkside and will suggest to the practice that this information also be available at Melbourne Grove. 6 The meeting was updated that the practice has performed well on the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). 5.7 St. Giles Surgery (Dr Patel) Barbara Meilink (BM) updated as follows: The group held their first meeting since March 2014 in February of this year. They will meet again next week and meetings have been scheduled in advance to February 2016. Raymond Cole has been nominated Chair of the PPG going forward. One of the GPs, Dr Patel has now retired. A walking group is being set up. The group has approached the practice about improving the leaflet and information stand. The meeting was updated on the results of the Friends and Family Test (FFT). The FFT was circulated to over 170 people of which there were 48 respondents. 92% of those responding stated that they would refer the practice to friends and family. Phone access at the practice has been improved. The website needs to be more user friendly BM added that their group would welcome any ideas from their peers on increasing membership. 5.8 Dr Hossain’s Surgery EO updated the meeting as follows: Appointment waiting times at the surgery is being monitored. The PPG will be working together with the practice to develop an action plan for the practice to implement improvements. Their PPG is presently working on setting quarterly meeting dates. One of the meetings will take the format of an open evening where a clinician will be present to answer questions raised by patients. 6. Messages to EPEC No messages were noted to feed up to EPEC. AB advised that she is unable to access EPEC papers electronically. Action: Circulate EPEC papers to AB (for information only) (NM) 7. Feedback from Engagement and Patient Experience Committee RW updated that the following items were discussed: Draft leaflet for the Pharmacy First Scheme Draft Extended Primary Care Access Service EPEC Terms of Reference and ways of working of the Committee going forward. 7 8. Any other business RW updated as follows: Two further patient training sessions have been planned. In June there will be “The role of patients in shaping the NHS” and in July, “Skills for successful meetings”. The 1-6 June is National PPG week and we are hosting an event on 1 June in view of this. All were invited to give suggestions and ideas on what to cover at the event. Further to the 29 April CQC inspection training for patients, RW asked all to note an amendment to the presentation that CQC gives practices two weeks’ notice of an inspection and not two days as stated at the training. An amended presentation to reflect this will be circulated to attendees and uploaded to the CCG website. The Our Healthier South East London has produced their issues paper and all advise to take away copies. RW advised that the paper highlights the 6 areas of work being focussed on by the programme and the issues facing these. She further advised that an easy read summary will be produced. Pursuant to discussion the meeting was advised that they can ask their practice about the FFT. JK added that he is happy to assist peers having difficulty using the website to access resources and papers. 9. Date of next meetings 7 July, 8 September, 10 November, 5.30-7.30pm, all at Cambridge House. 8 Actions from May 2015 meetings Agenda item Matters arising Matters arising: Pharmacy First Scheme Matters arising: EPCS and Pharmacy First Scheme Messages to EPEC Action Point Update Determine from the CCG whether there are care plans for disabled patients and if these are sent both to patients and their GP Determine if there is an age criteria for eligibility for the pharmacy first service Discuss with CCG colleagues the potential for making the leaflets accessible for the visually impaired and those for whom English is not their first language Circulate EPEC papers to Angela Buckingham for information 9 Date to be completed Lead Status July 2015 DS Action in progress May/June 2015 RW Action complete May/June 2015 RW Action in progress May 2015 NM Action complete Actions from 10 March 2015 meeting Agenda item Matters arising: Extended access service Matters arising Action Point Bring breakdown of service usage per practice for May meeting. Determine from the CCG Mental Health Commissioning team if patient care plans are sent to their GPs Our Healthier South East London Focus Group discussion Circulate the stories to south Southwark practices (RW) Our Healthier South East London Focus Group discussion Circulate focus groups “my wish”, “my story” template to the group for use in capturing other patients’ stories CQC Inspection Circulate CQC publication to locality PPGS (LB) Update Information tabled and discussed These are known as recovery and support plans. They are sent both to the patients and their GPs and are more detailed than discharge summaries 10 Date to be completed Lead Status May 2015 RW Action closed May 2015 RW Action closed May 2015 RW Action complete March 2015 LB Action complete March 2015 LB Action in complete