U UN NIIV VE ER RS SIID DA AD DD DE ELL V VA ALLLLE E D DE EG GU UA AT TE EM MA ALLA A B Biib blliio otteeccaa B Boolleettíín nd dee n nu ueevvaass aad dq qu uiissiicciioon neess http://biblioteca.uvg.edu.gt Volúmenes en biblioteca: 54,569 SHK E 53 I52 E 59 P75 H45 SHK F 1219 I61 SHK F 1219 M6248 SHK F 1219 U42 SHK F 1219.1 M55 S47 Noviembre 2002 América International Congress of Americanists -- Miscellanea Paul Rivet, octogenario dicata. -- [México] : UNAM, 1958. -2 v. : il. Henige, David P. -- Numbers from Nowhere : the American Indian contact population debate / D. Henige. -- Norman : University of Oklahoma, c1998. -- xi, 532 p. Interacción cultural en México central / compiladores, Evelyn Childs Rattray, Jaime Litvak King, Clara Díaz Oyarzabal. -- México, D.F. : UNAM, 1981. -- 221 p. : il. maps. Antropología : boletín oficial del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. -- México, D.F. : El Instituto, 1991- . -- v. : il. Una definición de mesoamérica / Jorge A. Vivó ... [et al.]. -- México, D.F. : UNAM, 1992. -- 189 p. : il. maps. Serra Puche, Mari Carmen -- Los recursos lacustres de la Cuenca de México durante el formativo / M.C. Serra Puche. -- México, D.F. : UNAM, 1988. -- 272 p. [11] h. dobladas : il. -- (Colección posgrado ; 3) SHK F 1219.1 S22 S47 SHK F 1219.1 T27 T455 SHK F 1219.1 V47 S63 SHK F 1219.1 V47 V65 SHK F 1219.3 C9 SHK F 1219.3 D9 U55 SHK F 1219.75 C83 R49 Serrano Sánchez, Carlos -- Perfil bioantropológico de la población prehispánica de San Luis Potosí / C. Serrano Sánchez. -- México : UNAM, 1984. -- 66 p. : il. -- (Serie antropológica ; 48. Antropología física) Teotihuacán : nuevos datos, nuevas síntesis, nuevos problemas / editoras, Emily McClung de Tapia, Evelyn Childs Rattray. -- México, D.F. : UNAM, 1987. -- 525 p. : il. -- (Serie antropológica ; 72. Arqueología) Solís Olguín, Felipe R. -- Escultura del castillo de Teayo, Veracruz, México : catálogo / F.R. Solís Olguín. -México, D.F. : UNAM, 1981. -- 122 p. -- (Cuadernos de historia del arte. Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas ; 16) Von Winning, Hasso -- La iconografía de la cerámica de Río Blanco, Veracruz / Hasso Von Winning, Nelly Gutiérrez Solana. -- México, D.F. : UNAM, 1996. -- 161 p. : il. Tlalocan. -- México, D.F. : UNAM, c1985. -- v. Unidades habitacionales mesoamericanas y sus áreas de actividad / Linda Manzanilla, editora. -- México, D.F. : UNAM. Imprenta Universitaria, c1986. -- 470 p. -- (Serie antropológica ; 76. Arqueología) Reyes García, Luis -- Documentos manuscritos y pictóricos de Ichcateopan, Guerrero / L. Reyes García -- México : UNAM, 1979. -- 217 p., [25] p. de láms. : il. -- (Dictámenes Ichcateopan ; 5) 2 SHK F 1219.8 H83 T74 SHK F 1219.8 T37 S47 SHK F 1219.8 T53 D63 SHK F 1221 T4 L45 SHK F 1235 S38 SHK F 1326 M27 SHK F 1391 C89 S65 Trejo, Silvia -- Escultura huaxteca de Río Tamuín : figuras masculinas / S. Trejo. -- México, D.F. : UNAM, 1989. -102 p. : il. -- (Cuadernos de historia del arte ; 46) Sepúlveda Y Herrera, María Teresa -- La medicina entre los purépecha prehispánicos / M.T. Sepúlveda Y Herrera. -México, D.F. : UNAM, 1988. -- 187 p. : il. -- (Serie antropológica ; 94. Etnología) Documentos tlaxcaltecas del siglo XVI en lengua náhuatl / introducción, paleografía, traducción y notas, Thelma D. Sullivan. -- México, D.F. : UNAM, 1987. -- 350 p. -(Serie antropológica ; 55. Lingüística) Los legítimos hombres : aproximación antropológica al grupo Tojolabal / edición de Mario Humberto Ruz. -- México, D.F. : Centro de Estudios Mayas, 1983. -- v. : il. Semblanzas : el Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, en su quincuagésimo aniversario, rinde homenaje a sus fundadores y a sus miembros desaparecidos. -- México, D.F. : UNAM, 1985. -- 93 p. : il. Las máscaras de la Cueva de Santa Ana Teloxtoc / Ernesto Vargas (ed.). -- México, D.F. : UNAM, 1989. -- 207 p. : il. Solís Martínez, Raúl -- La heroica ciudad de Cuautla / R. Solís Martínez. -- México : UNAM, 1988. -- 306 p. 3 F 1465 C45 F 1465.2 Q5 G73 F 1466 P465 F 1466.35 G145 SHK F 1469 B7 G861 SHK F 1469 B7 F 1576 D38 M65 SHK HD 1471 M6 W6 Chinchilla, Oswaldo -- Guatemala, corazón del mundo maya / texto, Oswaldo Chinchilla ; fotografías, Ricardo Mata. -Barcelona : Bustamante Editores, 2000. -- 143 p. : il. Grandin, Greg, 1962- -- The blood of Guatemala : a history of race and nation / G. Grandin. -- Durkham : Duke University, c2000. -- xviii, 343 p. : il. -- (Latin America otherwise : languages, empires, nation) Pérez Valenzuela, Pedro -- Don Martín de Mayorga y otras calderillas históricas / P. Pérez Valenzuela. -- Guatemala : Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala, 1984. -164 p. Gaitán, Héctor -- Los presidentes de Guatemala : historias y anécdotas / H. Gaitán A. -- Guatemala : Artemis & Edinter, s/f. -- 168 p. : il. Arbitraje de límites entre Guatemala y Honduras : duplica de Guatemala presentada ante el tribunal de arbitraje ... -Washington, D.C. : Press of Judd & Detweiler, 1932. -184 p. Guatemala-Honduras boundary arbitration : the counter case of Guatemala submitted to the Arbitral tribunal composed of ... -- Washington, D.C. : Press of Judd & Detweiler, 1932. -- 560 p. Molina Castillo, Mario José -- David: historia y sociedad : historia y evolución pre-urbana 1602-1890 / M.J. Molina Castillo. -- Chiriquí, Pan. : Librepensador, 2002. -xxiv, 450 p. : il. Economía Wobeser, Gisela von -- La formación de la hacienda en la época colonial : el uso de la tierra y el agua / G. von Wobeser. -- México : UNAM, 1989. -- 217 p. : il. 4 HG 2746 B3 2001 HN 110.5 A8 M3718 HN 172 F5318 JZ 5584 G8 P76 KF 3570 A2 H39 KGD 7007.8 A3 Banco de Guatemala -- Estudio económico y memoria de labores del Banco de Guatemala, año 2001. -- Guatemala : Banco de Guatemala, 2002. -- xix, 208 p. Sociología Marsal, Juan Francisco -- Cambio social en América Latina : crítica de algunas interpretaciones dominantes en las ciencias sociales / J.F. Marsal. -- Buenos Aires : Solar/Hachette, 1967. -- 255 p. Figueroa Navarro, Alfredo -- Dominio y sociedad en el Panamá colombiano (1821-1903) : escrutinio sociológico / A. Figueroa Navarro. -- Panamá : Universitaria, 1982. -- Ciencia política Proceso de negociación de la paz en Guatemala. -- Guatemala : MINUGUA, c2000. -- v. Derecho Hazard communication : issues and implementation : a symposium / James E. Brower, editor. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, c1986. -- 233 p. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 932) Murga Armas, Jorge -- Juzgados de paz comunitarios: ¿reconocimiento o absorción del derecho indígena? : la experiencia de cinco comunidades mayas de Guatemala / J. Murga Armas. -- Guatemala : Caudal, 2000. -- 102 p. Educación SHK LA 427 G37 García Stahl, Consuelo -- Síntesis histórica de la Universidad de México / investigación, síntesis y redacción, Consuelo García Stahl ; planeación y coordinación, Emma Emilia Voos del Sol. -- México, D.F. : UNAM, 1978. -- 321 p. : il. 5 LB 1027 C65 LB 1027 J6918 LB 1028.5 G76 Colom, Antoni J. -- La (de) construcción del conocimiento pedagógico : nuevas perspectivas en teoría de la educación / A.J. Colom. -- Barcelona : Paidós, c2002. -- 233 p. Joyce, Bruce -- Modelos de enseñanza / B. Joyce, Marsha Weil con Emily Calhoun. -- Barcelona : Gedisa, c2000. -- 605 p. Gros Salvat, Begoña -- El ordenador invisible : hacia la apropiación del ordenador en la enseñanza / B. Gros Salvat. -- Barcelona : Gedisa, c2000. -- 191 p. -(Biblioteca de educación. Nuevas tecnologías ; 1) LB 1028.57 Aprender en la virtualidad / Josep M. Duart, Albert Sangra, A63 compiladores. -- Barcelona : Gedisa, 2000. -- 253 p. -(Biblioteca de educación. Nuevas tecnologías ; 2) LB 1042 V46 LB 1049.5 M46 LB 1051 A66 LB 1139.35 M67 S4 Ventura, Núria -- Cuentacuentos : una colección de cuentos...para poder contar / N. Ventura, Teresa Duran. -Madrid : Siglo Veintiuno, 1999. -- 154 p. : il. Méndez Domínguez, Raúl -- Método psicológico para ser un buen estudiante / R. Méndez Domínguez. -- Guatemala : s.e., 1980. -- 124 p. Aportes para una clínica del aprender / Dora Laino, compiladora. -- Rosario, Arg. : HomoSapiens, c2000. -91 p. Sensibilidades morales y educación / Wounter van Haaften, Thomas Wren, Agnes Tellings, compiladores. -- Garcelona : Gedisa, 2001. -- 189 p. 6 SHK PM 3831 T34 PQ 7499 G1 C1 Lenguaje y literatura Tapia Zenteno, Carlos de -- Paradigma apologético y noticia de la lengua huasteca : con vocabulario, catecismo y administración de sacramentos / C. de Tapia Zenteno ; estudio bibliográfico y notas de Rafael Montejano y Aguiñaga ; edición de René Acuña. -- México, D.F. : UNAM, 1985. -169, 128, lxxiii p. -- (Filología. Gramática y diccionarios ; 3) Gaitán, Héctor -- La calle donde tu vives / H. Gaitán. -Guatemala : Artemis & Edinter, 1987. -- 192 p. : il. PQ 7499 L3 R9 Landívar, Rafael -- Rusticatio Mexicana / Rafael Landívar. -Guatemala : Universidad Rafael Landívar, 2001. -- lxxvi, 310 p. PQ 7499.2 H8 D4 Hurtado Aguilar, Gerardo -- De un viaje y un viajero / G. Hurtado Aguilar. -- Guatemala : Tipografía Nacional, c2002. -- 234 p. PQ 8179 G2 O4 PT 2617 E85 Z5213 García Márquez, Gabriel -- Ojos de perro azul / G. García Márquez. -- Barcelona : Mondadori, 1999. -- 167 p. Hesse, Hermann, 1877-1962 -- Autobiographical writings / H. Hesse. -- New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1973. -xxvii, 291 p. Ciencia Q 161.2 T74 2001 Trefil, James S., 1938- -- The sciences : an integrated approach / J. Trefil, Robert M. Hazen. -- 3rd ed. -- New York : Wiley, c2001. -- xxiii, 576 p. : il. maps. 7 Q 161.2 T74 QA 76.73 C153 N868 Trefil, James S., 1938- -- The sciences : an integrated approach / J. Trefil -- 2nd ed. -- New York : Wiley, c1998. -- 408 p. : il. Computación Nyhoff, Larry R. -- C++ : an introduction to data structures / L.R. Nyhoff. -- Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c1999. -- xx, 840 p. : il. Química QD 101.2 C57 1994 Christian, Gary D. -- Analytical chemistry / G.D. Christian. -- 5th ed. -- New York : Wiley, c1994. -- xx, 812 p. : il. QD 101.2 D23 1991 Day, R. A. -- Quantitative analysis : laboratory manual / R.A. Day and A.L. Underwood. -- Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice-Hall, c1991. -- x, 182 p. : il. QD 101.2 S55 2000 Analytical chemistry : an introduction / Douglas A. Skoog ... [et al.]. -- 7th ed. -- s.l. : Brooks/Cole ; Thomson Learning, c2000. -- 1 v. (various pagings) : il. QD 151.2 C69 1995 Cotton, F. Albert -- Basic inorganic chemistry / F. Albert Cotton, Geoffrey Wilkinson, Paul L. Gaus -- 3rd ed. -- New York : Wiley, c1995. -- xii, 838 p. : il. QD 272 S6 S55 1998 Silverstein, Robert Milton, 1916- -- Spectrometric identification of organic compounds / R.M. Silverstein, Francis X. Webster. -- 6th ed. -- New York : Wiley, 1998. -- xiv, 482 p. : il. QD 466.5 A66 Applications of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry to radionuclide determinations / Roy W. Morrow and Jeffrey S. Crain, editores. -- West Conshohocken, PA : ASTM, 19951998 -- 2 v. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 1291 & 1344) 8 QD 75.2 S55 1996 QD 79 I5 R6 QD 79 I5 S58 1998 QD 84 D23 1991 Skoog, Douglas A. -- Fundamentals of analytical chemistry / D.A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler. -- 7th ed. -Fort Worth : Harcourt, c1996. -- 1 v. (various pagings) : il. Robinson, James W., 1923- -- Undergraduate instrumental analysis / James W. Robinson. -- 5th ed. -- New York : Marcel Dekker, c1995. -- xxiii, 858 p. : il. Skoog, Douglas A. -- Principles of instrumental analysis / D.A. Skoog. -- s.l. : Harcourt, c1998. -- 1 v. (various pagings) : il. Day, Reuben Alexander -- Quantitative analysis / R.A. Day, A.L. Underwood. -- 6th ed. -- Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c1991. -- xiii, 685 p. : il. Geología QE 531 S5 Sismología. -- s.l. : s.e., s/f. -- p.v. QE 531 S57 Sismología. -- s.l. : s.e., s/f. -- s.p. : il. QE 535.2 C6 B73 QE 535.2 C63 R4 Brady, A. G. -- Processed data from the Gilroy Array and Coyote Creek records, Coyote Lake, California Earthquake 6 August 1979 / A.G. Brady, P.N. Mork, V. Pérez. -- s.l. : United States Department of the Interior ; Geological Survey, 1979. -- iv, 171 p. : il. Report on observations earthquake of May 2, 1983, Coalinga, California. -- [San Francisco, CA] : s.e., 1983. -- 73 p. : il. 9 QE 535.2 F75 S77 QE 535.2 G8 S69 QE 539.2 S34 S53 QE 539.2 S34 S53 QE 606.5 N53 P47 QH 108 G8 X5 QL 1 S54 no.617 QL 1 S54 no.613 Stratta, James L. -- Reconnaissance report : Friuli, Italy earthquakes of 1976 / J.L. Stratta. -- Berkeley, CA : Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 1979. -- 97 p. : il. Sozen, Mete A. -- Structural damage caused by the 1976 Guatemala earthquake / M.A. Sozen and José Roësset. -Urbana, IL : University of Illinois, 1976. -- 81 p. : maps. Shah, Haresh C. -- Earthquake damage, losses and risk analysis / H.C. Shah. -- Stanford, CA : The John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center, 1980. -- 88 p. : il. Shah, Haresh C. -- Earthquake engineering and seismic risk analysis / H.C. Shah. -- Stanford, CA : The John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center, 1979. -- 1 v. (various pagings) : il. Perfiles geológicos sobre las fallas de Managua. -- Managua : Instituto Geográfico Nacional, 1974. -- 59 p. : maps. Biología Ximénes, Francisco -- Historia natural del reino de Guatemala / Fray Francisco Ximénez. -- Guatemala : José de Pineda Ibarra, 1967. -- 351 p. : il. Mathis, Wayne N. -- A phylogenetic study of the tribe Dryxini Zatwarnicki (Dipter:Ephydridae) / W.N. Mathis and Tadeusz Zatwarnicki. -- Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution, 2002. -- iv, 101 p. : il. -- (Smithsonian contributions to zoology ; no.617) Vari, Richard P. -- Phylogenetic study of the neotropical fish genera Creagrutus Günther and Piabina Reinhardt (Teleostei: Ostariophysi: Characiformes), with a revision of the cis-Andean species / R.P. Vari and Antony S. Harold. -- Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution, 2001. -- v, 239 p. : il. -- (Smithsonian constributions to zoology ; 613) 10 RM 184 C53 RM 222.2 S39 Medicina Chang, C. -- Acupuntura coreana / C. Chang. -- Guatemala : Tipografía Nacional, 1981. -- 183 p. : il. Sears, Barry, 1947- -- The zone : a dietary road map / B. Sears with Bill Lawren. -- New York : ReganBooks, c1995. -- xvii, 328 p. : il. Agricultura SB 951 P444 SD 434 D44 T 59.5 A79 Pesticides in agriculture and the environment / edited by Willis B. Wheeler. -- New York : Marcel Dekker, c2002. -x, 330 p. : il. -- (Books in soils, plants, and the environment ; 90) Degenkolb, Henry J. -- Timber seminar : Managua, Nicaragua, January 20-24, 1975 / H.J. Degenkolb. -- San Francisco, CA : H.J. Degenkolb Associates, Engineers, 1975. -- 109 p. : il. Tecnología Automated manufacturing : a symposium / Leonard B. Gardner, editor. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1985. -- 251 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 862) TA 409 F73 1990 Fracture mechanics : twenty-second symposium / H.A. Ernst, A. Saxena, and D.L. McDowell, editors. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, c1992. -- v. : il. TA 409 F73 1986 Fracture mechanics : nineteenth symposium / Thomas A. Cruse, editor. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, c1988. -- 939 p. : il. TA 417.35 E32 Eddy-current characterization of materials and structures : a symposium / George Birnbaum and George Free, editors. -Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1981. -- 508 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 722) 11 TA 418.6 E333 TA 418.6 E333 1994 TA 418.6 E333 TA 418.74 E43 TA 418.84 A2573 TA 418.84 S915 TA 418.9 C6 F39 TA 434 B57 Effects of radiation on materials : international symposium. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1990. -- v. : il. -- (ASTM special tecnical publication ; 1046) Effects of radiation on materials : 16th international symposium / Arvind S. Kumar ... [et al.], editores. -Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, c1994. -- 1325 p. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 1175) Effects of radiation on materials : international symposium. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, c1982. -- v. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 782) Electrochemical impedance : analysis and interpretation / John R. Scully, David C. Silverman, and Martin W. Kendig, editors. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1993. -- 480 p. : il. -(ASTM special technical publication ; 1188) Acoustic emission : current practice and future directions / Wolfgang Sachse, James Roget, and Kusuo Yamaguchi, editors. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1991. -- 450 p. : il. -(ASTM special technical publication ; 1077) Symposium on Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Pressurized Systems (1979 : Fort Lauderdale, Fla.) -- Acoustic emission monitoring of pressurized systems : a symposium / W.F. Hartman and J.W. McElroy, editors. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1979. -- 225 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 697) Fatigue of fibrous composite materials : a symposium / K.N. Lauraitis, symposium chairman. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1981. -- 311 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 723) Blended cements : a symposium / Geoffrey Frohnsdorff, editor. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1986. -- 168 p. : il. -(ASTM special technical publication ; 897) 12 TA 455 P58 A23 TA 462 G5919 TA 472 B34 TA 473 B38 Accelerated and outdoor durability testing of organic materials / Warren D. Ketola and Douglas Grossman, editors. -- Philadelphia : ASTM, 1994. -- ix, 271 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 1202) Golden Anniversary Symposium Commemorating 50 Years' Atmospheric Exposure Testing, Pennsylvania State University, 1976 -- Atmospheric factors affecting the corrosion of engineering metals : / S.K. Coburn, editor. -Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1978. -- 228 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 646) Bearing steels : into the 21st century / Joseph J.C. Hoo and Willard B. Green, editors. -- West Conshohocken, PA : ASTM, 1998. -- x, 524 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 1327) Bearing steels, the rating of nonmetallic inclusion : a symposium presented at May Committee Week, American Society for Testing and Materials, Boston, Mass., 22-24 May 1974 / J.J.C. Hoo. symposium chairman. -- Philadelphia : ASTM, 1975. -- 213 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 575) TA 480 Z65 S3 Schemel, J. H. -- ASTM manual on zirconium and hafnium / J.H. Schemel. -- Philadelphia : ASTM, 1977. -- 96 p. : il. -(ASTM special technical publication ; 639) TA 492 B63 S7 Structural joints using ASTM A325 or A490 bolts. -- New York : American Institute of Steel Construction, 1977. -- 21 p. : il. TA 630 B65 TA 630 S77 1983 Boletín técnico. Instituto de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales. -- Caracas : Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1979. -- 208 p. : il. Structural Engineers Association of California -Proceedings. 52nd annual convention. -- San Francisco, CA : The Association, 1983. -- 272 p. : il. 13 TA 658.44 D47 Design of small buildings for lateral forces 825. -- s.l. : H.J. Debenkolb Associates, Engineers, s/f. -- Unp. TA 658.44 I54 Ingeniería sismoresistente. -- s.l. : s.e., s/f. -- s.p. : il. TA 658.44 S77 TA 658.44 T43 TA 683.5 P5 O4 TA 685 C63 TA 685 I54 TA 685 S6 TA 685 T33 Structural design seminar on earthquake engineering / Henry J. Degenkolb, R. Gordon Dean, Loring A. Wyllis. -- [San Francisco, CA] : H.J. Degenkolb Associates, Engineers, 1971. -- 1 v. (various pagings) : il. Teal, Edward J. -- Seismic design practice for steel buildings / E.J. Teal. -- s.l. : California Field Ironworkers Administrative Trust, s/f. -- 55 p. : il. Oh-Oka, Hiroshi -- Base shear coefficients calculated from earthquake-induced damage of prestressed concrete piles / H. Oh-Oka. -- s.l. : s.e., 1981. -- 1 v. (various pagings) : il. Code of standard practice : for steel buildings and bridges. -- New York : American Institute of Steel Construction, 1977. -- 32 p. : il. Ingeniería estructural : acero. -- s.l. : s.e., s/f. -- p.v. : il. tbs. Supplement no.3 to the specification for the design, fabrication & erection of structural steel for buildings. -- New York : American Institute of Steel Construction, 1977. -- 40 p. : il. Tables of properties for designing W, M, S and HP shapes, and allowable stress design selection. -- New York : American Institute of Steel Construction, 1977. -- 34 p. : tbs. 14 TA 706.5 S87 TA 711.5 C65 TD 890 M66 TE 270 I46 TH 1095 J63 Symposium on Acoustic Emissions in Geotechnical Engineering Practice (1981 : Detroit, Mich.) -- Acoustic emissions in geotechnical engineering practice : a symposium / V.P. Drnevich, R.E. Gray, editors. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1981. -- 209 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 750) Colindres Selva, Rafael -- Dinámica de suelos aplicada a la ingeniería sísmica / R. Colindres Selva. -- San Salvador : s.e., 1979. -- 116 p., [4] h. de láms. : il. Monitoring methods for toxics in the atmosphere / Walter L. Zielinski and William D. Dorko, editors. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1990. -- 225 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 1052) Implication of aggregates in the design, construction, and performance of flexible pavements / Hans G. Schreuders and Charles R. Marek, editors. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1989. -- 181 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 1016) Jobert, Juana -- Cómo inspeccionar y reparar las casas dañadas por terremotos / J. Jobert y Miguel Marzolla. -Guatemala : Alianza para el Desarrollo Juvenil Comunitario, 1976. -- 39 p. : il. TH 1101 N38 1977 National design specification for wood construction. -Washington, D.C. : National Forest Products Association, c1977. -- 78 p. : il. TH 2060 S74 Steel connections: details and relative costs. -- s.l. : Steel Committe of California, 1979. -- 24 p. : il. TH 2247 T56 Thorburn, L. Jane -- Analysis of steel plate shear walls / L. Jane Thorburn, G.L. Kulak and C.J. Montgomery. -- Edmond, Alberta : University of Alberta, 1983. -- 152 p. : il. 15 TH 2430 R65 TH 3401 B85 TH 4811 C667 TH 4811 C66 TH 4818 A3 B68 TH 4818 C6 R88 TH 6025 B85 TH 7005 A37 TH 7005 B85 Roofing research and standards development : a symposium / Richard A. Critchell, editor. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1987. -- 136 p. : il. Building performance : function, preservation, and rehabilitation / Gerald Davis, editor. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1990. -- 196 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 901) Construcción de viviendas. -- Santiago de Chile : s.e., 1981. -- p.v. : il. Construcción de viviendas. -- s.l. : s.e., s/f. -- p.v. : il. Boudreau, Eugene H. -- Making the adobe brick / E.H. Boudreau. -- Berkeley, CA : Fifth Street Press, 1971. -88 p. : il. Rutllant F., Jorge -- Compensación y control de algunas variables que afectan la calidad y costos de los concretos / J. Rutllant F. -- Caracas : Asociación Venezolana de Productores de Cementos, 1983. -- 67 p. : il. Building applications of heat flux transducers : a symposium / Erv Bales, Mark Bomberg, and George E. Courville, editors. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1985. -- 268 p. : il. -(ASTM special technical publication ; 885) Air change rate and airtightness in buildings / M.H. Sherman, editor. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1990. -- 310 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 1067) Building air change rate and infiltration measurements : a symposium / C.M. Hunt, J.C. King, and H.R. Trechsel, editors. -- Philadelpia, PA : American Society for Testing and Materials, 1980. -- 185 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 719) 16 TH 9031 B82 TJ 1077 B43 TJ 1370 E44 TJ 930 B873 TK 9185 A1 R42 TN 689.2 M445 1993 TN 689.2 M53 TN 690 S894 Building deck waterproofing / Laura E. Gish, editor. -Philadelphia : ASTM, 1990. -- vi, 146 p. : il. -- (ASTM Special technical publication ; 1084) Bench testing of industrial fluid lubrication and wear properties used in machinery applications / George E. Totten ... [et al.], editors -- West Conshohocken, PA : ASTM, 2001. -- viii, 337 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 1404) Earthquakes and elevators. -- Mobile, AL : Elevator World, 1972. -- 64, [74] p. : il. Buried plastic pipe technology : 2nd volume / Dave Eckstein, editor. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1994. -- viii, 248 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 1222) Reactor dosimetry / Harry Farrar IV ... [et al.], editors. -Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1994. -- xx, 851 p. : il. -(ASTM special technical publication ; 1228) Metallography--past, present, and future : 75th anniversary volume / George F. Vander Voort ... [et al.], editors. -Philadelphia : ASTM, c1993. -- 453 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 1165) MiCon Symposium (1st : 1978 : Houston, Tex.) -- MiCon 78 : optimization of processing, properties, and service performance through microstructural control : a symposium / Halle Abrams ... [et al.], editors. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1979. -- 650 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 672) Symposium on Applications of Modern Metallographic Techniques, Philadelphia, 1969. -- Applications of modern metallographic techniques. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1970. -- 272 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 480) 17 TP 156 F5 C49 TP 370.4 H37 TP 371.2 A84 TP 371.5 B365 Cheryan, Munir -- Ultrafiltration and microfiltration handbook / M. Cheryan. -- Lancaster, PA : Technomic, c1998. -- xvii, 527 p. : il. Handbook of food engineering practice / edited by Kenneth J. Valentas, Enrique Rotstein, R. Paul Singh. -- Boca Raton : CRC Press, c1997. -- 718 p. : il. Aseptic packaging of food / editor, H. Reuter. -- Lancaster, PA : Technomic, c1988. -- xvi, 269 p. : il. Barbosa-Cánovas, Gustavo V. -- Dehydration of foods / G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas, Humberto Vega-Mercado. -- New York : Chapman & Hall, c1996. -- xvi, 330 p. : il. -- (Food engineering series) TP 372.5 B37 1999 Barbosa-Cánovas, Gustavo V. -- Food engineering laboratory manual / G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas, Li Ma, Blas Barletta. -Lancaster, PA : Technomic, c1997. -- xiii, 141 p. : il. TP 373 E98 Extruders in food applications / edited by Mian N. Riaz. -Lancaster, PA : Technomic, c2000. -- xii, 225 p. : il. TP 374 D36 TP 630 C37 TP 670 M67 Damage control of packaged foods : a working conference on minimizing product losses due to abuse during distribution. -- Washington, D.C. : Food Processors Institute, 1998. -- unp. The carbonated beverage industry : science in a technical world. -- New York : Freeman, c2000. -- xix, 63 p. : il. Moreira, Rosana G. -- Deep fat frying : fundamentals and applications / R.G. Moreira, M. Elena Castell Pérez, María A. Barrufet. -- Gaithersburg, MD : Aspen, 1999. -- xiii, 350 p. : il. -- (Food engineering series) 18 TP 988 B85 TZ 418.38 M85 SHK Z 6605 A97 S39 REF KF 1620 F66 A95 REF QD 1 A513 2001 REF TP 371.5 B74 REF TP 455 F66 Buildings sealants : materials, properties, and performance / Thomas F. O'Connor, editor. -- Philadelphia : ASTM, 1990. -- 351 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 1069) Multiaxial fatigue : a symposium / K.J. Miller and M.W. Brown, editors. -- Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1985. -- 741 p. : il. -- (ASTM special technical publication ; 853) Libros y bibliografía Schwaller, John Frederick -- Guías de manuscritos en Náhuatl = Guides to Nahuatl manuscripts [sic] : the Newberry Library (Chicago), the Latin American Library (Tulane University), the Bancroft Library (Berkeley) / J.F. Schwaller. -- México, D.F. : UNAM, 1987. -- 73 p. Referencia Altman, Tracy A. -- FDA and USDA nutrition labeling guide : decision diagrams, checklists, and regulations / T.A. Altman. -- Lancaster, PA : Technomic, c1998. -- 1 v. (various pagings) American Chemical Society. Meeting -- Abstracts of papers American Chemical Society. -- Chicago, IL : American Chemical Society, 2001. -- v. Brennan, J. G. -- Food dehydration : a dictionary and guide / J.G. Brennan. -- Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, c1994. -- 189 p. : il. Food chemicals codex / Committee on Food Chemicals Codex, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences. -- 4th ed. -- Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press, 1996. -- xxxii, 882 p. : il. 19 TE UVG PSICO M133 TE UVG INGMEC S858 Trabajos de graduación Mackenney, Ana Lucía -- El síndrome de Estocolmo : una explicación alternativa de por qué la mujer víctima de violencia doméstica no abandona a su agresor. -- Guatemala : U.V.G., 2001. -- 103 p. -- (UVG-Tesis) Soto Martínez, Sergio Alejandro -- Diagnóstico y plan de mantenimiento preventivo mecánico para una planta textil -- Guatemala : U.V.G., 2001. -- iv, 44 + p. : il. -(UVG-Tesis) 20