Chapter 10, Section 2

Chapter 10, Section 2
Jackson’s Administration
Economy based on
trade and
Supported tariffs
because they helped
them compete with
British factories
Opposed federal
government sale of
cheap land because it
encourage potential
laborers to move
from northern
factories to the west
Economy based on
and tobacco
 Opposed tariffs
because it made
imported goods more
expensive for them
Relied on enslaved
Africans for labor
Emerging economy
Favored economic
policies that boosted
their farming
economy and
Favored internal
improvements such
as better roads and
water transportation
Three Regions Emerge
 _______________ differences played a major role in Andrew Jackson’s presidency
 The way that Americans viewed Andrew Jackson’s policies were based on where they lived and the
economy of the region
 Sectionalism
Three Regions Emerge
Tariff of Abominations
 The year before Andrew Jackson was elected president, _______________ began demanding tariffs on
imported _______________ goods
 Wanted northern business protected from foreign competition (particularly Great Britain)
 British companies were driving American ones out of business with their inexpensive manufactured
 _______________ did not want the tariffs, because it would hurt their economy
Tariff of Abominations
 Tariff of Abominations
 High tariff placed on imports by Congress
 Signed by John Quincy Adams, though he did not support it
 In doing so, he knew he would not be re-elected
 _______________ were outraged
_______________ Rights Debate
 Upon taking office, Andrew Jackson immediately faced the growing conflict over tariffs
 At the heart of the dispute was the question of an individual state’s right to disregard a law that had been
passed by Congress
Nullification Crisis
 Andrew Jackson’s vice president, John C. Calhoun was a southerner and opposed to the Tariff of
 _______________ depression as a result of the tariff had severely damaged the economy of his
home state, South Carolina
 His strong opposition to the tariff is an example of _______________
Nullification Crisis
 In response to the tariff, John C. Calhoun drafted the South Carolina Exposition and Protest
 Stated that _______________ should not favor one state or region over another
Calhoun used this work to advance the States’ Rights Doctrine
 Argued that because states had formed the national government, _______________ power
should be greater that federal power
 Stated that states had the right to nullify (reject) any federal law they judged to be
Nullification Crisis
 John C. Calhoun’s theories were very controversial
 Northern point of view
 Supported the tariff because it increased their economy
 Believed that American people, not states, made up the Union
 Southern point of view
 Intense hatred for the tariff because it damaged their economy
 Supported Calhoun’s theories
 Nullification Crisis
 Deepening conflict between supporters and opponents of nullification
Nullification Crisis
 Even though John C. Calhoun did not put his name on _______________ , he _______________ from
the vice presidency
 Elected to the Senate, where he continued arguments in favor of nullification
 Replaced by Martin Van Buren when Jackson was re-elected
The Hayne-Webster Debate
 Issue of states’ rights began early in our nation’s history
 Viewpoints strongly influenced by sectionalism
 For example, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison supported individual state’s power to
disagree with the federal government
 Both Jefferson and Madison were southerners
 John C. Calhoun’s theory went a step further than his _______________
 Believed that individual states had the power to declare laws passed by the federal government
unconstitutional, thus putting the power of the Supreme Court into question
The Hayne-Webster Debate
 The issue of nullification of the Tariff of Abominations was intensely debated in the
_______________ in 1830
 Robert C. Hayne
 Southerner from South Carolina
 Defended states’ rights
 Argued that _______________ gave states a way to lawfully protest federal legislation
 Daniel Webster
 Northerner from Massachusetts
 Argued that the United States was one nation
 Believed that the welfare of the nation should override that of individual states
Jackson Responds
 Andrew Jackson was deeply opposed to _______________ but also concerned about the economy of
the southern states
 Urged Congress to pass another _______________ lowering the previous rate
 South Carolina
 Felt the slight change was inadequate
 Decided to test the doctrine of states’ rights by passing the Nullification Act
 Declared both tariffs null and void
 Threatened secession
 State legislature voted to form their own army
Jackson Responds
 An enraged President Andrew Jackson sternly condemned nullification
 Declared he would enforce the law in South Carolina
 Force Bill
 Passed by Congress at the urging of President Andrew Jackson
 Approving the use of the army if necessary
 No other state chose to support South Carolina
Jackson Responds
 _______________
 Proposed by Henry Clay of Kentucky
 Gradual lowering of tariffs
 As President Andrew Jackson’s intention to utilize military force against South Carolina became
clear, Congress and South Carolina quickly approved the compromise
 Despite the compromise, neither side changed their mind about states’ rights
 Argument continued for years, ending in what became known as The Civil War
Jackson Attacks the Bank
 President Andrew Jackson did not always support greater _______________ power
 Opposed the _______________ Bank of the United States
 Second Bank of the United States
 Granted a 20 year charter by Congress
 Given exclusive power to act as the federal government’s financial agent
 Held _______________ deposits
 Made transfers of federal funds between states
 Dealt with any payments or receipts involving the federal government
 Issued bank notes (paper money)
 Operations supervised by Congress and the president
Jackson Attacks the Bank
 Southern states opposed to the bank
 Believed the bank only helped wealthy, northern business owners
 Sectionalism at work
 Jackson questioned the legality of the bank
 Believed it was an unconstitutional extension of the power of Congress and that states should have
the power to control the banking system
Jackson Attacks the Bank
 States decided to take action
 Maryland tried to pass a tax that would limit the Bank’s operations
 James McCulloch (cashier of the Bank’s branch in Maryland) refused to pay the tax
 McCulloch v Maryland
 U.S. Supreme Court case that ruled that the national bank was Constitutional
 Nicholas _______________
 Director of the bank
 Pushed for a bill to renew the Bank’s charter
 President Andrew Jackson vowed to kill any bill renewing the Bank’s charter
 True to his word, Andrew Jackson vetoed the bill
Jackson Attacks the Bank
 Congress did not get 2/3 vote to override the President’s veto
 President Andrew Jackson weakened the _______________ power by moving most of its funds to
state banks
 In many cases, state banks used the funds to offer easy credit terms to people buying land
 Helped the expansion of the West, but led to inflation
Jackson Attacks the Bank
 In the summer of 1836, President Andrew Jackson tried to slow inflation by ordering Americans to use
only gold and silver instead of paper money
 This policy was not the success Andrew Jackson hoped for
 Jackson did improve the _______________ economy by lowering the national debt
 Jackson’s economic policies opened the door for approaching economic troubles
Panic of 1837
 President Andrew Jackson chose not to run for re-election in 1836
 Democratic party nominated Vice President Martin Van Buren
 _______________ Party
 Formed in 1834 to oppose Jackson
 Favored the idea of a weak president and a _______________ congress
 Chose 4 candidates to run against Van Buren
 Van Buren won the election of 1836
Panic of 1837
 Panic of 1837
 _______________ economic _______________
 Shortly after President Martin Van Buren took office
 Even though it was Jackson’s fault, the American people blamed President Martin Van Buren
 Election of 1840
 Whig Party united to stand behind one candidate
 William Henry Harrison
 _______________ hero
 Won in a landslide