July 19, 2015 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time The heart of Jesus was moved with pity for the people who crowded around Him. “…they were like sheep without a shepherd…” But Jesus had been sent by the Father in fulfillment of the prophesy of Jeremiah (the first reading): God Himself would be the good shepherd of His people. He cared for us. He would teach us the truth and lead us to life. Father Russell thanks all who have sent best wishes and prayers for his recovery from prostate cancer. His oncologist has determined that the hormonal therapy has worked and prepared the tumor for radiation. This daily therapy should begin on July 27th. Please pray that this goes well. 2015 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL-We are getting close to our goal in the Appeal! Our total stands at $57,883 toward our goal of $59,000. Will you help us make the goal? The Offertory Collection for the weekend of 7/5 was $6,742. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED FOR ATTIC TREASURES! Do you enjoy going on E-Bay or other on-line sites? We have a number of items that have been donated to our Attic Treasures. We are sure someone ‘out there’ might be interested in buying them if they knew they were available. If you can help us, please call the rectory. FAMILY, FAITH AND FUN! Have you heard about the family-oriented events happening this year? Well, it’s time for some more faith, family and fun! Our next event is THIS WEEDEND! We will have a car wash today, Sunday, 7/19, beginning right after the 11:00am Mass in our very own parking lot! Get in on the washing fun and /or let us wash your car for a great parish cause…the cost is $5.00/car…proceeds will go toward the purchase of materials we will use to make care packages for parishioners in college and others! Do you know of a parishioner in college or another person (maybe an elderly person, a new parishioner or a former parishioner, for example?) to whom we could send a care package? Email hullinger@mac.com or go to: www.tinyurl.com/pc4whzq to sign someone up to receive a care package or to sign up to help with the car wash. See you there! BINGO Doors open at 5:30pm with Bingo beginning at 7pm. Bingo is open to the public, but you must be 18 years of age in order to play. Call (302) 764-0325 Ext. 106 for questions. Door prizes, pull tabs, food, drinks & snacks! Can You Help With Bingo? We have a great group of people who volunteer some of their time each month at Bingo. If you are looking for a way to volunteer to help the parish, consider helping out once or twice a month. For info, call 764-0325 Ext. 106. If someone in your family is homebound or in the hospital and would like a visit please call the rectory: 764-0325 Ext. 108. NOTICE: THE “LOST & FOUND” BOX in the Priests’ Sacristy will be emptied soon. If you think you may have left something behind in church, PLEASE CHECK IT OUT BY JULY 31ST. After that date, the box will be EMPTIED AND ITEMS WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY. Page 1 – 311 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Save the Date………. ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Saturday, July 25 5:00pm – Molly Sunday, July 26 7:00am – Cathy 9:00am – Noah, Daniella 11:00am – David, Jared PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Sunday, September 20, 2015 St. Helena Parish Picnic 12 Noon – 3:00pm “Rain or Shine” There will be a Parish Picnic meeting on Tuesday, August 4th at 7pm in the Religious Education Office. Come help plan a wonderful picnic!! The Columbiettes are ordinary women reaching out to help those less fortunate and to address the religious needs of our Church and community & are committed to preserving family life and to work with their Brother Knights to promote faith and unity. For info, call Judy Wilbank, 792-0641 or Tony Ritter, 239-9222. YOUNG AT HEART Prayer Shawl Ministry meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, between 7 & 9pm in the convent. Entrance is through the side door closest to church. We begin with the Chaplet of Mercy and then make rosaries, knit and crochet. Join us and bring a friend. Info is located in the Vestibule of church. WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, July 19 Second Collection: Parish Social Ministry 12:00pm Car Wash-School Parking Lot Wednesday, July 22 7:00pm Prayer Shawl-Convent Thursday, July 23 5:30pm Bingo-Masci Hall Pacem in Terris Film & Discussion Series Tuesday, July 21: “Poverty, Income Disparity and Human Rights”. Nick Hanauer is a rich guy, an unrepentant capitalist—and has something to say to his fellow plutocrats: Wake up! Growing inequality is about to push our societies into conditions resembling prerevolutionary France. Hear his argument about why a dramatic increase in minimum wage could grow the middle class, deliver economic prosperity… and prevent a revolution. Medard Gabel, Executive Director of Pacem in Terris, will lead the discussion after this film. The film is shown at 7pm in the Daughty House adjacent to Westminster Presbyterian Church parking lot at 13th and N. Rodney Streets in Wilmington. Free parking in lot. The Series is sponsored by Pacem in Terris. For more info, call 302-656-2721 or www.depaceminterris.org. Volunteer in the Parish Social Ministry Office 1 or 2 days a month! Call Dorothy, 764-0325x104. Please pray for our volunteers who have serious health concerns. The Food Closet needs: peanut butter, jelly, canned meats/fruit & packaged potatoes. PLEASE NOT NOW: canned vegetables, spaghetti/spaghetti sauce, bath tissue or soap. Join Holy Rosary on a trip to Caesar’s Casino in Atlantic City on 8/20. Cost: $27. You receive $30 in slot play. Money due by 8/10. Make checks payable to Holy Rosary Church. Proceeds benefit Outreach Food Closet. Call Helen Young, 798-6400 or Allen Wolf, 798-9368 for reservations. Bus leaves 8:30am and returns at 6:30pm. Page 2 – 311 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK DELAWARE HOUSING WORKSHOPS Saturday, July 18 5:00pm(WK)Ann Owsiany Sunday, July 19 7:00am(WR) Deceased Members of the Lutcavage and Blaska Families 9:00am(SR) People of the Parish 11:00am(BZ)Anastasia Lotsis Monday, July 20 7:00am(WR) 9:00am(SR) Mary Catherine Roggero Tuesday, July 21 7:00am(WR)Praxedes Tuburan and Mary Abad 9:00am(SR) Jacinta Gracias Wednesday, July 22 7:00am(WR) Souls in Purgatory 9:00am(SR) John Deeney Thursday, July 23 7:00am(SR) Gertrude Talarowski 5th Anniversary 9:00am(WK)Albert Minuti Friday, July 24 7:00am(Cap) 9:00am(SR) Saturday, July 25 9:00am(SR) Deceased Members of the Russell and Sullivan Families 5:00pm(SR) John J. Muldowney Sunday, July 26 7:00am(WR)People of the Parish 9:00am(SR) Carrie Konitzer 11:00am(SR)Deceased Members of the Palmer and Doherty Families Do you need to know your foreclosure prevention option or worried about missing a mortgage payment? Are you facing or suspecting a foreclosure scam? Meet with Mortgage lenders and servicers will be on-site (bring loan info and budget) as well as certified housing counselors, representatives from the AG’ Office and other agencies. Learn about: Avoiding foreclosure scams, Delaware foreclosure timeline, National Mortgage Settlement and current federal programs. No appointments necessary. Monday, July 20: Loan Servicers available: 1-7pm Educational Session: 2 & 5pm At the Modern Maturity Center, 1121 Forrest Avenue in Dover. Jesus is moved at the sight of those who were coming to him in need. He needed rest but instead put others first. He “began to teach them many things.” Bring the readings home this week by putting others first. You are invited to our Gala, benefiting the new Iron Hill Science Center, on Saturday, August 29th from 4-8pm. Tickets are $50 per person. There will be a tour of the new building and some of the park trails. Hearty hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer, live entertainment, silent auctions raffles and opportunities for sponsorship will be offered. Come to the “Iron Hill Science Center”, 115 Robert Melson Lane, in Newark, Delaware. For more info contact the VicePresident, Professor Jeffrey Gudzune, 383-2863, or email: tmorose@gmail.com. The Little Sisters of the Poor’s 8th Annual Golf Outing is on 7/30 at Cavaliers Country Club. $175 per player. The shotgun start is 12:30pm. Lunch begins at 11am. Hole Sponsorships are available for $150. For info call Debbie at 3685886 or Chick Mealey at 652-5913. Tuesday, July 21: Loan Servicers available: 3-7pm Educational Session: 5pm only At the Chase Center on the Riverfront, 815 Justison Street, Wilmington. For more info visit: www.delawarehomeownerrelief.com www.attorneygeneral.delaware.gov Email: Consumer.protection@state.de.us Call: Delaware Home Owner Relief Hotline at 1-800-220-5424 AG Matt Denn’s Foreclosure Prevention Office: 302-577-8292 or 302-577-8378 IRON HILL SCIENCE CENTER GALA Page 3 – 311 Good News Page 4 – 311