This course provides an overview of three common behavioral

DISORDERS: Assessment and Treatment of
Attention Deficit/Hyperactive,
Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders
Dr. Philip Tsui, Psy.D.,
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, California, USA
This course provides an overview of three common behavioral disorders with onset in childhood and
adolescence and their treatment options. It outlines the methodology in the assessment of such disorders in
this population. It emphasizes the importance of making the proper differential diagnosis in the development
of appropriate behavioral management plan and intervention strategies. It highlights how many psychiatric
disorders can be mis-diagnosed as Attention Deficit/Hyperactive, Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorder
leading to erroneous treatment.
It highlights the roles of the family members and therapists in working with physicians, teachers in managing
these mental disorders and the behavioral problems of these young clients.
Lectures, analysis of case vignettes and small group discussions.
Dr. Philip Tsui is an approved provider of continuing education of the California Board of Behavioral Sciences,
NASW California and Washington Chapters. He is an Adjunct Faculty Member of the Department of Behavioral
Sciences at City College of San Francisco and California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International
University, and Clinical Assistant Professor of Social Work at Smith College. He has over 20 years of experience in
supervising psychology trainees, clinical social workers/interns, marriage and family therapists/trainees, as well as
managing a full spectrum of mental health programmes and services in the United States, including working with,
and supervising the treatment of clients with dual diagnosis of mental disorder and substance abuse. His
publications include areas of cross-cultural psychotherapy, law and ethics, Buddhist Psychology and group
psychotherapy. Dr. Tsui is also a presenter at numerous professional conferences/training workshops in the States,
Taiwan, Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong.
July 17, 2009 (Friday) from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Room 1302AB, K. K. Leung Building, The University of Hong Kong
HK$ 800
(20% discount, i.e. HK$ 640 for the following: ‘early bird’ registration before July 10, 2009; HKU
students, alumni and staff members of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration)
(50% discount, i.e. HK$ 400 for the current M.Soc.Sc.[Counselling] students)
Fees paid are nonrefundable
Deadline for registration: July 15, 2009
Organized by
M.Soc.Sc.(Counselling) Programme
Department of Social Work & Social Administration
The University of Hong Kong
Places are offered on a first-come-first-served basis.
M.Soc.Sc.(Counselling) Programme
Department of Social Work & Social Administration
The University of Hong Kong
Assessment and Treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactive,
Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders
Dr. Philip Tsui
July 17, 2009 (Friday) from 9:30am to 5:30pm
Registration Form
 Mr.  Ms.  Mrs.  Dr.  Prof.
Correspondence Address: ___________________________________________________________
Tel. No. ___________________________________ E-mail Address: _____________________
Occupation: ___________________________________
Agency/Institution: _____________________________
Registration Fee:
HK$ 800
(20% discount, i.e. HK$ 640 for the following: ‘early bird’ registration before July 10, 2009;
HKU students, alumni and staff members of the Department of Social Work and Social
(50% discount, i.e. HK$ 400 for the current M.Soc.Sc.[Counselling] students)
Fees paid are nonrefundable.
Deadline for Registration: July 15, 2009
Please check the box as appropriate.
Registration category:  Early bird  HKU students, alumni and staff members of the Department of SWSA
 Current M.Soc.Sc.(Counselling) students
Cheque enclosed: HK$ _________________ Bank and Cheque no.: _____________________
Please return the completed form together with the cheque made payable to “The University of Hong Kong” by
mail or in person to the following address:
Ms. Kurtee Chu
Master of Social Sciences (Counselling) Programme
Department of Social Work and Social Administration
13/F, Room 1304, K.K.Leung Building
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
2859 1153
2858 7604