April 23, 2007 Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting
April 23, 2007
Tiffin Elementary
5:30 p.m.
Members Present: Mr. Benson, Mr. Drewyor, Mr. Hartmus, Mrs. McCorkle, Mr. Mullins
Staff Present: Miss Atwood, Mr. Crago, Mr. Rose
Call to Order
Mr. Benson called the meeting to order and Mr. Rose called the roll. Mr. Benson announced the meeting was being
recorded by audio tape which will become a part of the minute record.
Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Mr. Benson led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Invocation was given by Mr. Hartmus.
07-04-03 Approval of Board Agenda
It was moved by Mr. Mullins and seconded by Mrs. McCorkle to adopt the agenda for the April 23, 2007 Board of
Education Regular Meeting as amended. Roll call: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkleyes, Mr. Mullins-yes. The motion carried.
Honors and Recognitions
Mr. Crago and Mr. Benson recognized the following individuals for special achievements as listed:
Brianne Bowers, CHS 11th Grade, was recognized for having her artwork displayed in the Governor’s Office. Mr.
Crago noted that Mayor Sulzer had proclaimed April 9, 2007 as Brianne Bowers Day in Chillicothe.
Mr. Crago introduced Chillicothe Mayor Joseph Sulzer who proclaimed the week of April 23, 2007 - April 27, 2007 as
Chillicothe City Schools Volunteer Week. Following the Proclamation, Mr. Crago introduced Ohio Reads Coordinator
Karen Hunter. Mrs. Hunter recognized each of the Ohio Reads Volunteers at Allen, Mt. Logan, Tiffin and Worthington
Elementary Schools.
Allen Elementary
Marilyn Ayers
Marilyn Burchwell
Becky Colegrove
Joe Franchuk
Lillian Franchuk
Pat Frey
Janet Graves
Monica Hitchens
Marjorie Kimbler
Jennifer McBee
Nancy McNeeley
Dr. Roy Manning
Stephanie Mihlelich
Pete Preston
Carol Rinehart
John Rourke
Amie Salem
Elaine Smith
Kristal Tracey
Fumie Yoshida
Louretta Houser
Elinor Magill
Hazel Radabaugh
Sandy Mowrey
Jane Ragland
Phyllis Rudie
Carolyn Russell
Dona Schumacher
Peg Whalen
Deborah Engleman
Chasity Jacobs
Sharon Jennings
Mike Maag
Connie Malone
Vickie Martin
Lorrie Moody
Amy Perry
Jody River
Bruce Tyo
Teresa Venneman
Betty Walls
Kelly Warfield
Dick Gall
Phyllis Garrison
Iolene Powell
Regina Proctor
Carolyn Sullivan
Lisa Sullivan
Mt. Logan Elementary
Debra Corbell
Jane Easton
Nancy Hagan
Tiffin Elementary
Betsy Ross Beavers
Penny Blanton
Julie Clifton
Sonja Detty
Bob Elliott
Worthington Elementary
Pam Behmer
Piper Crisp
George Davis
Shelley Driggs
Bob Elliott
Connie England
Lyman England
Linda Hardesty
Misty Hatmacher
Chris Hiles
Tamra Lowe
Ann Newton
Penny Robinson
Sara Schleith
Joanna Smith
Pam Smith
Kay Stewart
Sally Uhrig
Diane Worth
Lova Woods
Public Participation
Mr. Benson welcomed all visitors to the meeting and opened the floor for public participation.
Ed Behanna of 1404 True Hollow Road spoke on behalf of the upcoming Chillicothe-Ross County Public Library Bond
Issue. Mr. Behanna also commended the Board on their work this past year. The Board asked that a resolution
supporting the levy be placed on the agenda for the April 30, 2007 special meeting.
The Board took a 15 minute recess to congratulate tonight’s honorees.
Value Added Presentation
Academic Literacy Coaches Deborah Younge and Nancy Matushoneck presented information to the Board on the State
Report Card including changes to the Report Card in FY08 with the addition of five new indicators.
School Safety Update
Building and Grounds Supervisor Randy Rogers gave the Board a report on the safety and security of district buildings. Mr.
Rogers detailed measures taken and future plans for each of the schools. Mr. Rogers also gave an update on solutions to
cleaning the buildings including custodial equipment purchases and a staffing analysis.
Legislative Update
$ Early Retirement prior to the end of the 185 day contract year
Miss Atwood gave an update on a meeting with teachers considering retirement and the possibility of retiring in May prior to
the end of the 185 day contract year by working Saturdays to complete the 185 days by May 31 st. Miss Atwood shared
documentation with the Board that indicated the Board would have to allow all employees the opportunity to complete their
contracts early. This would require substitute teachers in June for all teachers who took advantage of this offer. Based on
this information, the administration indicated they would not be in favor of allowing contracts to be completed by working on
Saturdays. The Board also indicated they were not in favor of allowing the option of working Saturdays prior to June 1 st to
complete their contract early.
$ Getting It Right Constitutional Amendment
Mr. Crago asked the Board for their position on the proposed constitutional amendment. The Board agreed they preferred to
keep a proposed resolution expressing support for the amendment tabled.
07-04-04 Treasurer’s Report and Recommendations
It was moved by Mr. Drewyor and seconded by Mrs. McCorkle to approve the following resolutions / recommendations as
a group:
To approve the Board of Education minutes of the March 26, 2007 Regular Meeting, the April 2, 2007
Special Meeting, and the April 11, 2007 Special Meeting as presented.
To adopt the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Chillicothe City School District, Ross County, Ohio
that to provide for the current expenses and other expenditures of said Board of Education, during the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2007, the following sums be and the same are hereby set aside and appropriated for
the several purposes for which expenditures are to be made and during said fiscal year. Appropriations on
file in the Office of the Treasurer.
To approve the financial reports for the month of March 2007 and the updated Five-Year Forecast as
To approve the following transfers as recommended:
$ 23,605.98
Return Advance to the General Fund from the Workbook Uniform Supplies Fund from
closing the month of February, 2007.
Return Advance to the General Fund from the FY2006 Drug Free Schools Grant from
closing the month of February, 2007.
$ 83,566.38
Transfer from the General Fund to the Non-Voted Permanent Improvement Fund for
interest earned during the month of February, 2007 on construction fund money.
Transfer from the General Fund to the FY2006 Drug Free Schools Grant to close the fund.
$ 23,148.19
Advance from the General Fund to the Workbook Uniform Supplies Fund to close the
month of March, 2007.
$ 11,668.47
Advance from the General Fund to the FY2007 Preschool Grant Fund to close the month of
March, 2007.
$ 50,793.91
Advance from the General Fund to the FY2007 Title VI-B IDEA Grant Fund to close the
month of March, 2007.
$ 45,179.33
Advance from the General Fund to the FY2007 Title I Grant Fund to close the month of March,
Advance from the General Fund to the FY2007 Drug Free Schools Grant Fund to close the
month of March, 2007.
$ 19,196.97
Advance from the General Fund to the FY2007 Title II-D Technology Grant Fund to close
the month of March, 2007.
To accept the following gifts and donations as presented.
From Jeffrey Ragland, Chillicothe Mini Storage to the Chillicothe City Schools
Transportation Department.
From Worthington PTO to Worthington Elementary School to purchase a Microsoft
License for the CBE student computer.
From David & Elizabeth Brown to the CHS Choir Fund.
A cascading display shelf from Glatfelter Development to the Allen Elementary Library.
$ 1,000.00
$ 1,500.00
From the Chillicothe Education Foundation – Alumni
From the Bishop Flaget Parents Club
From the Tiffin PTO
From the Fawcett, Oliver, Glass, & Palmer Funeral Home
From the Worthington PTO
From the Trinity Church Brotherhood
Total to the 2007 Safety Town Program
Roll call on above group of resolutions: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkle-yes, Mr.
Mullins-yes. The motion carried.
07-04-05 Resolutions Approved as a Group
It was moved by Mr. Hartmus and seconded by Mrs. McCorkle to approve the following resolutions as a group:
To reject all bids for the purchase of two 72-passenger school buses. The lowest bid received in
accordance with our specifications was $74,800 per bus for a total of $149,600. The following bids were
Edwin Davis .......................................... $80,000 per bus
Cardinal Bus Sales & Service, Inc. ........ $83,435 per bus
Miami Valley International Trucks ........ $74,800 per bus
To re-advertise for bids based on revised specifications for the purchase of two 72-passenger buses with a
revised estimated cost of $137,000 for two buses.
Roll call on above group of resolutions: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkle-yes, Mr.
Mullins-yes. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Informational Items
Mr. Rose reported the District earned $150,632 in interest earnings during the month of March, 2007. $108,895 was from
construction fund monies.
Mr. Rose also updated the Board with information on document imaging. Mr. Rose recently attended a presenation by
Document Management Solutions hosted by the SCOCA A-site. The cost to the District would run between $8,500 $10,000 for the first year and $2,000 - $2,500 annually. This would be for one scanner. Electronic imaging of records would
make records easier to locate and index as well as save on storage space. Mr. Rose asked the Board for feedback on moving
in this direction. The Board agreed it was a good idea and directed Mr. Rose to work with Board Member Steve Mullins on
developing a plan and researching options that could be less costly than the estimates provided by Document Management
07-04-06 Approval of Educational Services Agreement for 2007-2008
It was moved by Mr. Drewyor and seconded by Mr. Mullins to approve the Contractual Agreement with the Ross-Pike
Educational Service District for Educational Services for the 2007-2008 school year as outlined in the agreement. Roll call:
Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkle-yes, Mr. Mullins-yes. The motion carried.
07-04-07 Approval of Cooperative Agreement for 2007-2008
It was moved by Mr. Mullins and seconded by Mr. Hartmus to approve the Cooperative Contract with the South Central
Ohio Educational Service Center (SCOESC) for the 2007-2008 school year to provide Special Education Services to students
identified with low-incidence disabilities. Roll call: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkleyes, Mr. Mullins-yes. The motion carried.
07-04-08 Request to Co-Lease McArthur School Building
Mr. Crago reported to the Board that he and the Treasurer had met with Mike MacCarter and spoken with the Ohio
Department of Education abouth the possibility of a partnership in which students of the Ross County Christian Academy
would enroll in the District Virtual Learning Academy. This would allow the District to count these students on our ADM
and allow the Academy to provide their faith-based curriculum as a supplement.
Mr. Crago indicated he and Mr. Rose met with Mr. MacCarter of the Ross County Christian Academy, Jim Barrington and
Sheriff Ron Nichols of the PAL program to ensure both parties could feasibly occupy the McArthur Building. All parties
agreed this was possible.
The Board expressed concerns over approving a co-lease without a formal lease agreement in place. It was moved by Mr.
Hartmus and seconded by Mrs. McCorkle to table the issue until April 30 th pending more detail on the leasing arrangement.
Roll call: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkle-yes, Mr. Mullins-yes. The motion
07-04-09 Approval of Administrative Contract
It was moved by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Mullins to approve the Administrative Contract for Lawrence Butler as
Principal at Worthington Elementary School with a three-year contract at a salary of $80,224. Prior to the vote Mr. Benson
stated he would vote for this contract based on the Superintendent’s recommendation. He emphasized this was not a part of
any settlement agreement with Mr. Butler. Roll call: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs.
McCorkle-yes, Mr. Mullins-yes. The motion carried.
07-04-10 Approval of Family Medical Leave
It was moved by Mr. Drewyor and seconded by Mrs. McCorkle to approve Family Medical Leave (FMLA) for Carolyn
Elder retroactive to March 28, 2007. Roll call: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkle-yes,
Mr. Mullins-yes. The motion carried.
07-04-11 Approval of Personnel Items
It was moved by Mrs. McCorkle and seconded by Mr. Hartmus to approve the following personnel recommendations
pursuant to the terms and conditions of the new employee’s individual contract and his / her job description. Said
employment will be contingent upon (1) receipt of a satisfactory criminal record check, (2) receipt of licensure / certification
from the Ohio Department of Education, (3) verification of experience and training, and (4) negative results on a drug test.
One Year Limited Teaching Contracts for 2007-2008 School Year
Josh Queen
Two Year Limited Teaching Contracts for 2007-2008 through 2008-2009 School Year
John Brewer
Margaret Brown
Jennifer Cosimini
Amber Good
Bill Hertler
Cindy Hornyak
Kristy Stapleton
Reggie Wax
Maureen Williamson
Victoria Snow
Continuing Contracts Effective 2007-2008 School Year
Pam Blakey
Marilyn Hempfling
Lois Kruckenberg
Monica Halm
Jamie Metzger
Kathy Murray
Eleanor Nickras
Five Year Limited Teaching Contracts 2007-2008 through 2011-2012 School Year
Cynthia Meekter
Mary Routt
Lea Dawn Scott
Tammy Spriggs
Marsha Storts - Wike
Nancy Thornsberry
Ashley Way
Three Year Limited Teaching Contracts for 2007-2008 through 2009-2010 School Year
Tiffany Anderson
Cheryl Catron
DeAnne Davis
David Detty
Amy Hughes
Ben Jenkins
Chris Kuzmanoff
Laura Loel
Mike McCafferty
Andy McDonie
Tammy Morrissey
Becky Scott
Carol Secoy
Michelle Southwick
Joyce Wiechelman
Non-Certificated Employments
Michael Bowles ................ Custodian, Tiffin/Mt. Logan Buildings, Effective April 16, 2007 @ $12.10 per hr.
Substitute Teachers ($80.00 per day, substitutes used on an as needed basis)
Jayma Shuter
Ashley Williams — Latchkey – OU-C
Non-Certificated Substitutes
Sandra George .................. Substitute Cafeteria Worker
Harold Chapman .............. Substitute Custodian
Supplemental Contracts for 2007-2008 School Year — Certificated
Tim Kennard .................... Director, M.S. Dramatics, Chillicothe Middle School, 11 yrs exp., $1,438
Supplemental Contracts for 2007-2008 School Year — Non-Certificated
Susie Burke ...................... Ticket Manager, CHS, 1 yr exp., $2,875
Roll call on above group of resolutions: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkle-yes, Mr.
Mullins-yes. The motion carried.
07-04-12 Non-Renewal of Supplemental Contracts
It was moved by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Mullins to non-renew the following list of Spring and All Year
Supplemental Contracts for the 2007-2008 school year. Roll call: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes,
Mrs. McCorkle-yes, Mr. Mullins-yes. The motion carried.
Rey Bradley ...................... CHS .................... Athletic Director
Bill Davidson.................... CHS .................... Asst Athletic Director
Dennis Murphy ................. CHS .................... Fieldhouse Equipment Manager
Jeff Metzler ...................... CHS .................... Strength & Conditioning Coach
Marty Dunn ...................... CHS .................... Head Baseball Coach
Mike Collins ..................... CHS .................... Asst Varsity Baseball Coach
Brad Valentine.................. CHS .................... Asst Varsity Baseball Coach
Ken Valentine ................... CHS .................... Head Track Coach, Boys
Dana Cousins.................... CHS .................... Asst Track Coach, Boys
Steve Semancik ................ CHS .................... Asst Track Coach, Boys
Ken Valentine ................... CHS .................... Head TRack Coach, Girls
James Johnson .................. CHS .................... Asst Track Coach, Girls
Napoleon Cross ................ CHS .................... Asst Track Coach, Girls
Aaron Koch ...................... CHS .................... Boys Tennis Coach
Lindsey Blesel .................. CHS .................... Girls Softball Coach
Willard Taylor .................. CHS .................... Asst Girls Softball Coach
David McDonie ................ CHS .................... National French Honor Society
Patty Case ......................... CHS .................... Department Coordinator, Business Education
John Caramico .................. CHS .................... Department Coordinator, English / Speech
Hettie Pugh ....................... CHS .................... Department Coordinator, Foreign Language
Angie Walls ...................... CHS .................... Department Coordinator, Guidance & Testing
Lyn Komlos ...................... CHS .................... Department Coordinator, Mathematics
Marty Dunn ...................... CHS .................... Department Coordinator, Science
Nancy Hinty ..................... CHS .................... Department Coordinator, Special Education
Mala Kennard ................... CHS .................... Department Coordinator, Music
Rey Bradley ...................... CHS .................... Department Coordinator, Health / Physical Education
Greg Phillips ..................... CHS .................... Friday In-School Suspension
Napoleon Cross ................ CHS .................... Saturday In-School Suspension
Dick Hinty ........................ Smith M.S. .......... Coordinator of Athletics
J.R. Coffland .................... Smith M.S. .......... Asst Coordinator of Athletics
Judson Burns .................... Smith M.S. .......... Asst Track Coach, Boys
Darren Hall ....................... Smith M.S. .......... Asst Track Coach, Boys
John Milliken.................... Smith M.S. .......... Asst Track Coach, Girls
Lori Mathis ....................... Smith M.S. .......... Asst Track Coach, Girls
Lisa Bennett ..................... Smith M.S. .......... Supervisor of Cheerleaders, 7th & 8th
Donna Towne ................... Smith M.S. .......... Quiz Bowl Coach
Dick Hinty ........................ Smith M.S. .......... Bus Pupil Supervision, A.M.
Jeff Metzler ...................... Smith M.S. .......... Bus Pupil Supervision, A.M.
Tom Younge ..................... Smith M.S. .......... Bus Pupil Supervision, A.M.
Tom Younge ..................... Smith M.S. .......... Bus Pupil Supervision, P.M.
Martha Davis .................... Smith M.S. .......... Bus Pupil Supervision, P.M.
Judson Burns .................... Smith M.S. .......... Director of Middle School Band
Martha Davis .................... Smith M.S. .......... Coordinator, Student Council
Krista River ...................... Smith M.S. .......... Coordinator, Language Arts
Monena McCarty.............. Smith M.S. .......... Coordinator, Science
Terry Davis ....................... Smith M.S. .......... Coordinator, Social Studies
Jean Porter ........................ Smith M.S. .......... Coordinator, Math
Muriel Weaver.................. Smith M.S. .......... Coordinator, Music
Dick Hinty ........................ Smith M.S. .......... Special Services Team Leader
Sara-Cory-Jones ............... Systemwide ........ Coordinator, Art Education
Mala Kennard ................... Systemwide ........ Coordinator, Music Education
Dana Martinko.................. Systemwide ........ Coordinator, Library Media, K-5
Muriel Weaver.................. Systemwide ........ Director, Elementary Orchestra
Muriel Weaver.................. Systemwide ........ Director, Middle School Orchestra
Kyle Furness ..................... Systemwide ........ Director, Middle School Choirs
Judy Wilhelm ................... Allen ................... School Patrol
Debbie Smith .................... Allen ................... Bus Pupil Supervision
Judy Wilhelm ................... Allen ................... Head Teacher
Mikki Berry ...................... Mt.
Michelle Smith ................. Mt.
Michelle Smith ................. Mt.
Lynne Miller ..................... Mt.
Logan .......... School Patrol
Logan .......... Bus Pupil Supervision, A.M.
Logan .......... Bus Pupil Supervision, P.M.
Logan ......... Head Teacher
John Savage ...................... Tiffin................... School Patrol
Pam Kasler ....................... Tiffin................... Bus Pupil Supervision
John Savage ...................... Tiffin................... Bus Pupil Supervision
Cathy Frizzell ................... Tiffin................... Head Teacher
Marsha Warne .................. Worthington........ School Patrol
Terry Roe ......................... Worthington........ Head Teacher
07-04-13 Non-Renewal of Supplemental Contracts
It was moved by Mr. Drewyor and seconded by Mr. Hartmus to non-renew the following Spring and All Year Supplemental
Contract for the 2007-2008 school year.
Mike McCorkle ................ CHS .................... Department Coordinator, Social Studies
Roll call: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkle-abstain, Mr. Mullins-yes. The motion
07-04-14 Approval of Personnel
It was moved by Mr. Mullins and seconded by Mrs. McCorkle to approve the following personnel recommendation
pursuant to the terms and conditions of the new employee’s individual contract and his / her job description. Said
employment will be contingent upon (1) receipt of a satisfactory criminal record check, (2) receipt of licensure / certification
from the Ohio Department of Education, (3) verification of experience and training, and (4) negative results on a drug test.
Certificated — 2007-2008 School Year
Eugenia Benson — CHS, Spanish Teacher, BS & 150 hrs, 10 yrs exp., $44,566
Roll call: Mr. Benson-abstain, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkle-yes, Mr. Mullins-yes. The motion
Superintendent’s Informational Items
Mr. Crago updated the Board on the following items:
The moving of staff from the Western Building will be completed by the end of May while renovations will begin in early
The theft of laptop computers at the Western Building and the theft of a Clifford the Big Red Dog costume.
An 18 month old child was injured over the weekend when it fell through the bleachers in the student section at Herrnstein
07-04-15 Approval of Virtual Learning Academy Agreement
It was moved by Mr. Mullins and seconded by Mrs. McCorkle to approve the Agreement with the Ross-Pike County
Educational Service Center for participation in the Virtual Learning Academy for 2007 - 2008. Roll call: Mr. Benson-yes,
Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkle-yes, Mr. Mullins-yes. The motion carried.
07-04-16 Approval of Job Descriptions
It was moved by Mrs. McCorkle and seconded by Mr. Drewyor to approve the following job descriptions as presented.
Secretary II / Special Education Service Director’s Office
Bus Mechanic
Secretary I
District Secretary I and II
Aide / Library Aide
Preschool Paraprofessional
Fireman / Custodian Low-Pressure
Educational Aide (Paraprofessional)
Study Hall and School Monitor
Plumber Maintenance
Custodian I
Maintenance - Electrician (HVAC - some duties)
Roll call: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkle-yes, Mr. Mullins-yes. The motion carried.
07-04-17 Resolutions Approved as a Group
It was moved by Mr. Mullins and seconded by Mr. Hartmus to approve the following resolutions as a group:
To approve the Latchkey and Preschool fees for the 2007-2008 school year as presented.
To approve the Testing Schedule for 2007-2008 as presented.
To recognize April and May as Right to Read months in the Chillicothe City Schools.
Roll call on above group of resolutions: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes, Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkle-yes, Mr.
Mullins-yes. The motion carried.
Assistant Superintendent’s Informational Items
Miss Atwood updated the Board on the following informational items:
Grant Applications completed for the 2007-2008 School Year:
Learn and Serve........................$ 15,000
Preschool ..................................$244,755
21st Century ..............................$300,000
Homeless ..................................$ 41,000
Core ..........................................$ 48,000
The Dedication Ceremony for the Chillicothe High School and Middle School campus has been set for August 19, 2007
at 2:00 p.m. Mrs. McCorkle suggested the Middle School Gym dedication for Larry Cox also be incorporated into the
ceremonies. The other Board members agreed.
An opinion from legal counsel says that since the Board has approved the coursebook containing the Industrial
Technology course, no further board action is required to post the position.
Board Member Comments
Mr. Benson asked if the District had received word on approval of the Chinese Teacher Grant and asked to be notified as
soon as word is received. He also announced the Chillicothe Education Foundation will redo the grass circle in front of the
high school gym with the $4,000 donated to honor Bill Schmieder.
Mr. Drewyor reported he and Bob Crabtree attended the middle school solo and ensemble competition at Fairfield High
School and our students performed very well.
Mr. Hartmus reported he had recently attended a conference and obtained information on techniques used in Mason County,
Kentucky to improve their test scores, attendance rates and graduation rates. He will share this information with the Board in
the near future.
Mrs. McCorkle asked how many students had asked for a refund for summer school Physical Education class since
approving the policy allowing extra curriculars to be substituted for Physical Education credit. Miss Atwood estimated 25
students had requested refunds. Mrs. McCorkle also asked for an update on whether the City can help with paving the
student parking lot. Mr. Crago said the City’s budget was already committed for this year; however, Mayor Sulzer
suggested asking the McDonald’s Foundation for help with this project. Mr. Crago delivered a letter to the Mayor making
the request.
Randy Drewyor added that discussions were also held with the city regarding partnering on renovations to the baseball and
softball diamonds for the high school teams.
Mr. Crago announced the District has been made the beneficiary of an estate trust for scholarships. The administrator of the
estate will contact us in the near future with the details.
07-04-18 Adjournment
It was moved by Mr. Hartmus and seconded by Mrs. McCorkle to adjourn. Roll call: Mr. Benson-yes, Mr. Drewyor-yes,
Mr. Hartmus-yes, Mrs. McCorkle-yes, Mr. Mullins-yes. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.