CHATTANOOGA STATE TECHNICAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE NURSING/ALLIED HEALTH DIVISION DENTALASSISTING PROGRAM SEMESTER SYLLABUS DA 130 CLINICAL SKILLS I (Revised 8/21/06) Class Hours: Clinical Hours: Credit Hours: 2 9 5 Catalog Course Description: A course designed to prepare the Dental Assistant to assist in all aspects of dental clinical procedures, performing tasks as specified by the Tennessee State Dental Practice Act. Students will assist in the on-campus clinic and will be assigned to 2 or more off campus clinical sites. Students must provide their own transportation. Students must submit valid CPR card before the start of the externship rotation requirements. Entry Level Standards: High School Diploma or equivalent (GED), CPR CERTIFICATION. Completion of all post-admission forms Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Dental Assisting Program Corequisites: DA 120, DA 124, DA 125, Required Texts: Bird, Doni L. and Robinson, Debbie S., Torres and Ehrlich’s Modern Dental Assisting, eighth ed., 2005, Elsevier, Inc. Saunders, St. Louis (and workbook and CD’s that accompany the text) Bartolomucci Boyd, Linda R. Dental Instruments, a Pocket Guide 2005, Elsevier, Inc. Saunders, St. Louis Dental Assisting Program Manual (see document at the end of this syllabus) Clinical Competency Appraisal Forms, Levels 1, 2, and 3 (Green Sheets) 14. Daily Appraisal (Blue Sheets) Competency Improvement Plan (Yellow Sheet) Clinical Summary Sheets Exposure Control Project Evaluation (See p284 Torres) Required Materials: 1 inch 3-ring binder notebook with 5 tabs (minimum) – this will become the DA Program Manual, red/blue pencils, dentoform model, blue or black ink pens, pencils, paper, protective eyewear, uniform and lab coat, a planner in which you can record your clinical hours, assignments, professional development and community service opportunities and participation, etc. Reference Materials: CSDAS web Check the Chattanooga State Dental Assistant Society web page often for announcements and useful learning tools: CSTCC Hazard Communication program (in Clinic Coordinator’s office OMN 293-A) Tennessee Dental Practice Act at CPR Manual (American Red Cross or American Heart Association) CSTCC College Catalog and student handbook available at Nursing and Allied Health Handbook/Policies (handbook) Dental Auxiliaries Policies and Procedures ADA website: (Dental Minutes) GENERAL INFORMATION Instructor: Karen Castleberry Externship co-instructor Michelle Ehmling (423)697-4400 Ext. 4335 Office Number: OMN F93 Telephone: (423)697-4474 Pager: (423)846-3013 e-mail Office Hours: Posted on office door Class Schedule: Lecture: Fridays 10-11:50 Labs (in school uniform): Sections 11 & 22, Externship Mon. 9-3:50, lab Tues. 9-11:50 (OMN 286) Sections 12 & 21, Externship Mon. 9-3:50, Lab Tues. 1-3:50 (OMN 286) HOLIDAYS: Labor Day - Monday, Sept. 4 Fall Break – Monday, October 16, and Tuesday, October 17 Thanksgiving – Thursday, November 23, and Friday, November 24 POLICIES This course is governed by the policies and procedures as stated in the current Chattanooga State Student Handbook. Additional or more specific guidelines may apply. Refer to: Nursing and Allied Health Policy Manual and the Dental Assisting Program Policies and Procedures The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus in writing anytime during the course of the semester. CLASSROOM/LABORATORY POLICIES: Foods and beverages are not allowed in rooms or areas where there is a risk of exposure to potentially infectious body fluids or toxic chemicals including the clinic, sterilization room, x-ray rooms, and dark room Class/Lab preparation: the successful student will have prepared for class by Reading the assigned chapters or pages prior to the day of discussion Reasoning through the Recall and Critical Thinking questions/activities in each chapter Completing the workbook for each chapter assigned Previewing the procedures in each chapter Viewing the Video CD if indicated Using the Interactive Dental Office CD to practice skills, if indicated Using the Evolve student website to practice such things as: the practice quizzes for each chapter the Key Term exercises for each chapter the drop and drag tray set-ups Class/Lab attendance: Regular attendance is critical to your success in this course. Students who are late or absent jeopardize their success. (See Evaluation process at the end of the syllabus for more information) CLINCAL PRACTICE EXTERNSHIP GUIDELINES AND POLICIES: 1. Students are assigned to specific clinical sites 6 hours per week, beginning Monday, September 11 and continuing through December 11, except for October 16, which is Fall Break. 2. Post Acceptance files: Students who do not have these forms on file in the clinic coordinator’s office by September 8 will not be allowed to begin the Clinical Practice Externship and may risk failure to complete the course requirements to continue the second semester of the program. See the instructor if the deadline cannot be met. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure these completed forms are on file. This includes a. CPR Certification, b. Health Verification Forms, c. Drug Screen results, d. Proof of Liability Insurance, e. Policy signature pages, DUE before September 8. 3. Students must wear school uniform and nametag. School Uniform consists of clean, pressed, Caribbean blue colored scrubs with coordinating lab jacket, clean, white leather, full coverage duty shoes with white socks or hose, name tag. Students should appear professional: modest make-up, short, unpolished nails, minimal jewelry. 4. Always notify the clinical site and the dental department/instructor if you are going to be late or absent. Students are responsible for arranging with the clinical affiliate and the instructor time to make up any missed clinical hours. All clinic absences must be made up within the semester. Clinical hours cannot be made up during other regularly scheduled class or lab times. If you fail to call to report absences for TWO (2) clinic days during a semester you may, at the discretion of the faculty, be required to repeat that clinic course Any absences from the Clinical Externship should be made-up on Fall Break, October 16 and 17, or during Final Exams, December 12-15.. 5. A total of 300 clinical hours (minimum) is required to complete this program. Eight-four (84) of these required hours are scheduled this semester and the remainder will be scheduled next semester. All clinical hours from this semester will carry over to the required total. It is recommended that students take advantage of any opportunities to acquire extra hours, to compensate for any unexpected absences. 6. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to an from the clinical site(s) 7. A completed Daily Log/Daily Appraisal Form (Blue Sheets, attached) is required for each clinical day and must be signed by the clinical supervisor. The log is due the next class session. These logs will be recorded by the instructor and returned to the student. Students should review the comments provided by the instructor and retain these logs to verifying the accuracy of the number of completed hours if there is a discrepancy with the instructor’s account. 8. Progress must be documented by the dentist or the dentist’s designee at the assigned clinical site, using the Dental Assisting Clinical Competency Appraisal Forms (Green sheets attached). These Appraisals will be reviewed with the student by a faculty member during scheduled conferences and/or at clinical site visits. Recommended deadlines for the Competency Appraisal Forms are as follows: a. Level 1 Dec. 8 b. Level 2 Mid 2nd semester (Date TBA in DA 131 Syllabus) c. Level 3 End 2nd semester (Date TBA in DA 131 Syllabus) 9. A faculty member will periodically assess the student at the clinical site during the semester. 10. Students may not have personal visitors or telephone calls at the clinical site except in the event of a emergency. 11. No personal leisure time materials (books, magazines, games, etc) or personal electronic equipment including cells phones and laptops is allowed in the clinical treatment areas. 12. If unsatisfactory progress results in a clinical affiliate requesting that a student be removed from that site, the student will be counseled and reassigned. If the student is dismissed from the second site, he/she is subject to dismissal from the program, Class Schedule: Week 1 Monday August 28 Application Tuesday August 29 Skills Friday September. 1 Theory Clinical Practice Externship-6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform beginning September 11 Lab/pre-Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform; Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 -Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook Dental Assistant Program Orientation, 1-3 pm OMN 284 Topic: Orientation to Clinic Turn in Homework N/AH Student Handbook policy signature pages DA program policy signature pages Recall questions Ch.2, 3, and 4 Homework Read Nursing and Allied Health Division Student Handbook, return signed pages September 1 Read Dental Assistant program Policies; return signature page September 1 Enrichment Visit and link to ADAA ADA TBD TDA Learning activities Orientation to Clinic Identify and operate Clinical Equipment: Discussion of Clinical Forms, Policies, and Expectations Homework Prepare for Friday’s quiz completing the workbook and checking your answers using the instructor’s Manual in the Lab (OMN 293). This may be collaborative and will not be turned in for a grade. reviewing the chapter recall questions and the Critical Thinking Exercises taking the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) Scan Ch. 1; Read Ch. 2, 3 and 4 and complete the recall questions in writing (due September 1) Enrichment View the ADA video minute on “Infection Control” Visit Visit Quiz 1 – Ch. 2, 3 and,4 Topics: Infection Control (Ch 19, 20 and 21) Learning activities: IDO (Interactive Dental Office) CD Quiz Show – Workplace Safety Discussion/Critical Thinking Exercises Workbook flashcards Homework Read Ch. 19, 20 and 21 and complete the recall questions in writing - due Tuesday September 5 Read Dental Instrument book, Ch. 17 Read IDO Patient Handout – Infection Control Procedures View Video CD - Infection Control in Dentistry. There are five 1-minute video clips to view: o Hand washing o Placing and Removing Surface Barriers, o Operating the Ultrasonic Cleaner, o Treatment Room Cleaning and Disinfection, o Autoclaving Instruments Be prepared to perform Procedures 19-1 through5, 20 1 and 2 and Procedures 21 1, 2, 3, and 7 in lab Tuesday, September 5 Class Schedule: Week 2 Monday September 4 Application Clinical Practice Externship6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform beginning September 11 LABOR DAY Tuesday September 5 Skills Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook FULL PPE’s required for this lab Quiz 2 (Ch. 19, 20 and 21) Turn in Homework (Recall questions, Ch. 19, 20 and 21) NO CLASSES Friday September. 8 Theory Topics; Foundations of Clinical Dentistry (Ch 32 and 33) Topics: Infection Control in Dentistry (Ch. 19, 20 and 21) Learning activities Discussion/Critical Thinking exercises Learning activities: Discussion/demonstration Introduction to instrument transfer Finger Exercises Glow Germ Activity Reminder of Clinical Expectations Practice Procedures and Check Competency 19-1 Exposure Incident First Aid 19-2 Handwashing Before Gloving 19-3 Alcohol-Based Hand Rubs 19-4,5 PPE 20-1 Surface Barriers 20-1 Treatment Rm Cleaning and Disinfection 21-1 Operating the Ultrasonic Cleaner 21-2 Performing Biological Monitoring 21-3-7 Instrument Sterilization Homework Prepare for Friday’s quiz by completing the workbook and checking your answers using the instructor’s Manual in the Lab (OMN 293). This may be collaborative and will not be turned in for a grade. reviewing the chapter recall questions and the Critical Thinking Exercises taking the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) Locate and make initial contact with individual at Clinical Externship site as assigned Homework: Read Ch. 32 and 33 Complete Recall Questions, Ch. 32 and 33 (Due Sept. 12) View Video CD – Clinical Dentistry-Transferring Instruments Be prepared to perform Procedures 32-1 and 2 and 33-1 through 5 in lab Tuesday, September 12 Practice instrument transfer at home using pencils TEAM PROJECT:ASSIGNMENT Four (4) teams will be established and will be assigned to design a written Exposure Control Plan as required by OSHA. The written document is due December 1, when each team will present their project to the class. Team members will share the grade which counts as 20% of your overall grade. Refer to Team Project Evaluation Form at the end of this syllabus. Class Schedule: Week 3 Monday September 11 Application Tuesday September 12 Skills Friday September 15 Theory Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform beginning TODAY! Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook Begin Clinical Externship at assigned dental office: Turn in Homework Recall questions, Ch. 32 and 33 Daily Log (Blue Sheet) Quiz 3 (Ch. 32 and 33) Good luck and have fun! Report in school uniform 15 minutes before office opens and remain until closing. Identify supervisor and follow his/her instructions throughout the semester Show supervisor Daily Log (Blue Sheet) Show supervisor Competency Appraisal Form - Level 1 and establish goal of completion before December 8 Reserve questions for private time and place-not in presence of patients Respect patient privacy Maintain professional appearance and behavior. Take lunch when directed by supervisor Have supervisor sign daily log (blue sheet) ALWAYS notify the school and the dental office prior to opening of office if you are going to be late or absent. Topics: Foundations of Clinical Dentistry (Ch. 32 and 33) Learning activities: Discussion/demonstration Practice Procedures and Check Competency 32-1 Opening Office 32-2 Closing the Office 33-1 Admitting and Seating the Patient 33-2,3 Instrument Transfer 33-4 Using Mouth Mirror Intraorally (Dentoform) 33-5 Using an Instrument Intraorally (Dentoform) Turn in Homework: Your personal patient record Topics; Patient Information and Assessment (Ch. 26, 27, 28) Learning activities Swap dental records with your partner for practice in reviewing the patient data – remember confidentiality! Practice Procedures and Check Competency 26-1 Registering a New Patient 26-2 Obtaining a Medical Dental History Discussion/Critical Thinking exercises Use Dental Instrument Book Ch. 1 – to identify Basic Dental Instruments Prepare Basic Set up for recirculation Homework Prepare for Friday’s quiz by completing the workbook and checking your answers using the instructor’s Manual in the Lab (OMN 293). This may be collaborative and will not be turned in for a grade. reviewing the chapter recall questions and the Critical Thinking Exercises taking the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) Complete a personal patient record on yourself and bring to class Friday September 15. Be prepared to perform Competenies 26-1 and 2 using those forms. Homework: Read Ch. 26, 27 and 28 Complete Recall Questions Ch. 26, 27 and 28 (Due Sept. 19) Read IDO Patient Handouts – Medical History Updates, New Patient Registration, Next Appointment Procedure View Video CD – Patient Information and Assessment Taking a Patient’s Blood Pressure Be prepared to perform Procedures 27-1 through 4 and 28-2 in lab Tuesday, September 19. Professional Development Opportunity: RAM at South Pittsburgh, TN Sept 16 and 17 Class Schedule: Week 4 Monday September 18 Application Tuesday September 19 Skills Friday September 22 Theory Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook Clinical Externship as assigned Bring Red/Blue Pencils Bring Red/Blue Pencils Turn in Homework Recall Questions Ch. 26, 27 and 28 Daily Log (Blue Sheet) No Quiz Complete “Blue Sheet” to turn in tomorrow Begins to work on the Dental Assisting Competency Appraisal Form – Level 1 –AS EACH SKILLS IS PERFORMED IN PRECLINICAL LABS. Topics: Patient Information and Assessment (Ch. 26, 27, and 28 Learning activities: Discussion/demonstration Practice Procedures and Check Competency 27-1 Oral Temperature 27-2 Pulse 27-3 Respiration 27-4 Blood Pressure 28-2 Charting Teeth Homework Prepare for Friday’s quiz by completing the workbook and checking your answers using the instructor’s Manual in the Lab (OMN 293). This may be collaborative and will not be turned in for a grade. reviewing the chapter recall questions and the Critical Thinking Exercises taking the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) IDO - Practice Charting exercises using Jessica Brooks Crystal Malone Miguel Ricardo Douglas Warner Topics: Patient Information and Assessment (Ch. 26, 27, and 28) continued Learning activities: Discussion/Critical Thinking Exercises IDO Cases Study Exercise: Todd Ledbetter (FMX, Charting, Exam Practice Manual Charting Exercises Discuss Clinical Experiences Class Schedule: Week 5 Monday September 25 Application Tuesday September 26 Skills Friday September 29 Theory Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform. Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook Clinical Externship as assigned Turn in Homework Daily Log (Blue Sheet) Quiz 4 (Ch. 26, 27 and 28) Complete “Blue Sheet” to turn in tomorrow Continue to work on the Dental Assisting Competency Appraisal Form – Level 1 –AS EACH SKILLS IS PERFORMED IN PRECLINICAL LABS. Topics: Introduction to Dental Instruments and Tray Set-ups Learning activities: Workbook flashcards Begin identifying dental instruments using Universal tray set-up Modern Dental Assisting, Ch. 34, the Dental Instruments Book Ch. 2 Enamel Cutting Instruments Ch. 8 Amalgam Instruments Ch. 9 Composite Instruments Homework Prepare for Friday’s quiz by completing the workbook and checking your answers using the instructor’s Manual in the Lab (OMN 293). This may be collaborative and will not be turned in for a grade. reviewing the chapter recall questions and the Critical Thinking Exercises taking the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) Topics; Dental Instruments,(Ch. 34 and 35) Learning activities Use the Dental Instrument book to see if you can begin to work through the IDO Quiz Show Instrument Game Instrument exercises (from TCP disc) Discussion/Critical Thinking exercises Homework: Read Ch. 34 and 35 Complete Recall Questions, Ch. 34 and 35 (due October 3) View Video CD- Clinical Dentistry – Identifying and Attaching HP’s Be prepared to perform Procedures 34-1 through 4 and 35 1 and 2 in lab Tuesday, October 3) Class Schedule: Week 6 Monday October 2 Application Tuesday October 3 Skills Friday October 6 Theory Clinical Practice Externship6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform. Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook Clinical Externship as assigned Turn in Homework Daily Log (Blue Sheet) Recall Questions Ch 34 and 35 Quiz 5 (Ch. 34 and 35) Topics: Introduction to Dental Instruments Handpieces and Burs (Ch. 34 and 35) Learning activities View Video “Dam It – It’s Easy!” Complete “Blue Sheet” to turn in tomorrow Continue to work on the Dental Assisting Competency Appraisal Form – Level 1 –AS EACH SKILLS IS PERFORMED IN PRECLINICAL LABS. Topics; Moisture Control (Ch. 36 Discussion Learning activities: Use the following resources to identify HP’s and burs WB flashcards Modern Dental Assisting, Ch. 35, the Dental Instruments Book Ch. 5 Dental Handpieces Ch. 6 Burs for High-Speed and Low Speed Handpieces Practice Procedures and Check Competency 34-1 Exam Instruments 34-2 Hand Cutting Instruments 34-3 Restorative Instruments 34-4 Accessory Instruments and Items Pre-set Trays 35-1 Identifying and Attaching HP’s 35-2 Identifying and Attaching Rotary Instruments Homework Prepare for Friday’s quiz by completing the workbook and checking your answers using the instructor’s Manual in the Lab (OMN 293). This may be collaborative and will not be turned in for a grade. reviewing the chapter recall questions and the Critical Thinking Exercises taking the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) Critical Thinking exercises Homework: Read Ch. 36 Complete Recall Questions, Ch. 36 (due October 10) View 2 Video CDs – Clinical Dentistry o Position the HVE o Dental Dam Placement and Removal Be prepared to perform Procedures 36-1 through 4 Tuesday, October 10) Professional Development Opportunity– Sunday, October 8 - participation in the Memorial Health Fair – details in class and Class Schedule: Week 7 Monday October 9 Application Tuesday October 10 Skills Friday, October 13 Theory Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform. Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook Clinical Externship as assigned FULL PPE’s required for this lab Quiz 6 (Ch. 36) Complete “Blue Sheet” to turn in tomorrow Continue to work on the Dental Assisting Competency Appraisal Form – Level 1 –AS EACH SKILLS IS PERFORMED IN PRECLINICAL LABS. Turn in Homework Daily Log (Blue Sheet) Recall Questions Ch 36 Topics: Moisture Control (Ch. 36) Learning activities: Oreo Exercise Practice Procedures and Check Competency 36-1 Position HVE 36-2 Perform a Mouth Rinse 36-3 Place and Remove Cotton Rolls 36-4 Dental Dam Homework Prepare for Friday’s quiz by completing the workbook and checking your answers using the instructor’s Manual in the Lab (OMN 293). This may be collaborative and will not be turned in for a grade. reviewing the chapter recall questions and the Critical Thinking Exercises taking the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) Topics; Review and summarize for Mid-Term Exam Friday October 20 Learning activities Discussion of Clinical Experiences Homework: Prepare for Mid-Term Exam by reviewing previous quizzes, workbooks, recall questions, critical thinking, practice tests. The mid-term exam is cumulative over material covered since week 1. Class Schedule: Week 8 Monday October 16 Application Tuesday October 17 Skills Friday October 20 Theory Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform. Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook FALL BREAK – No Classes. FALL BREAK – No Classes. Mid-Term Exam Topics; Anesthesia and Pain Control (Ch. 37) Use this time to make-up and missed clinical hours. (Requires prior approval of clinical supervisor and instructor) Also review for Mid-Term Exam Friday, October 30 Use this time to make-up and missed clinical hours. . (Requires prior approval of clinical supervisor and instructor) Also review for Mid-Term Exam Friday, October 30 Learning activities Review oral anatomy, innervation of oral cavity and landmarks of the maxilla and mandible Review significance of health history Discussion Critical Thinking exercises Homework: Read Ch. 36 Complete Recall Questions, Ch. 36 (due October 24) View video CDs- Clinical Dentistry – Applying a Topical Anesthetic and Assisting with a Local Anesthetic Be prepared to perform Procedures 37-1 through 3 Tuesday, October 24) Class Schedule: Week 9 Monday October 23 Application Tuesday October 24 Skills Friday October 27 Theory Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform. Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook Continue to work on the Dental Assisting Competency Appraisal Form – Level 1 –AS EACH SKILLS IS PERFORMED IN PRECLINICAL LABS. Turn in Homework Daily Log (Blue Sheets from October 9, 23 and make up days, if applicable) Recall Questions Ch. 37 Quiz 7 – Chapter 37 Topics: Ch. 37 Anesthesia and Pain Control (except N2O) Learning activities Topics; Matrix Systems for Restorative Dentistry (Ch. 49) Discussion Learning activities: Discussion/demonstration Practice Procedures and Check Competency 37-1 Apply Topical Anesthetic 37-2 Assemble Anesthetic Syringe 37-3 Assist with Local Anesthetic Homework Prepare for Friday’s quiz by completing the workbook and checking your answers using the instructor’s Manual in the Lab (OMN 293). This may be collaborative and will not be turned in for a grade. reviewing the chapter recall questions and the Critical Thinking Exercises taking the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) Critical Thinking exercises Homework: Read Ch. 49 Complete Recall Questions, Ch. 49 (due October 31) View 2 video CDs- Comprehensive Dental Care o Placing and Intermediate Restoration o Assembling and Placing a Matrix Band and Universal Retainer Be prepared to perform 49-1 through 3 Tuesday, October 31 Professional Development Opportunity: CADAS CE program: See for details le Class Schedule: Week 10 Monday October 30 Application Tuesday October 31 Skills Friday November 3 Theory Happy Halloween Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform. Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook Continue to work on the Dental Assisting Competency Appraisal Form – Level 1 –AS EACH SKILLS IS PERFORMED IN PRECLINICAL LABS. Deadline for Degree (not Certificate) Quiz 8 (Ch. 49) Applications Topics; General Dentistry (Ch. 48A Assisting with Amalgam and Composite Restorations) Turn in Homework Daily Log (Blue Sheets) Recall Questions Ch. 49 Topics: Matrix Systems for Restorative Dentistry (Ch. 49) Learning activities: Discussion/demonstration Practice Procedures and Check Competency 49-1 Assembling the Matrix Band and Universal Retainer 49-2 Placement and Removal of a Matrix Band and Wedge for a Class II Procedure 49-3 Placement and Removal of a Plastic Matrix Homework Prepare for Friday’s quiz by completing the workbook and checking your answers using the instructor’s Manual in the Lab (OMN 293). This may be collaborative and will not be turned in for a grade. reviewing the chapter recall questions and the Critical Thinking Exercises taking the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) Learning activities IDO Case Study:Exercises: Miguel Ricardo (FMX, Charting, Medical Emergency!, Class II Amalgam, B&L, Matrix, Bonding) Douglas Warner (FMX, Charting, Medical Emergency!, Class III Composite w/Dental Dam) Discussion Critical Thinking exercises Homework: Read Ch. 48 Read IDO Patient Handouts – Amalgam; Composite, Defective Restorations; Safety of Silver Amalgam and Base Metals Complete Recall Questions 1-10, Ch. 40 Be prepared to perform Procedures 48-1 through 4 Tuesday, October 31 Schedule an appointment with your advisor for pre-registration Class Schedule: Week 11 Monday November 6 Application Tuesday November 7 Skills Friday November 10 Theory Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform. Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook Continue to work on the Dental Assisting Competency Appraisal Form – Level 1 –AS EACH SKILLS IS PERFORMED IN PRECLINICAL LABS. Turn in Homework Daily Log (Blue Sheets) Recall Questions 1-10, Ch. 48 NO Quiz Topics: General Dentistry (Ch. 48-A) Amalgam and Composite Restorations Learning activities: Discussion/demonstration Workbook flashcards Practice Procedures and Check Competency 48-1 and 2 Assisting in an Amalgam Restoration 48-3 and 4 Assisting with a Composite Restoration Treatment Documentation Post-operative instructions Topics; General Dentistry (Ch. 48B Intermediate Restorations, and Cosmetic Procedures (Whitening and Veneers) Learning activities IDO Case Study:Exercises: Crystal Malone – (FMX, Charting, Alg. Imp/SM, Anes., Class II composite, Bases and Liners) Discussion Critical Thinking exercises Homework Complete Recall Questions 11-18, Ch. 48 (due Nov. 14) Read IDO Patient Handouts – Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Emergencies, View video CD- Comprehensive Dental Care - Placing an Intermediate Restoration Class Schedule: Week 12 Monday November 13 Application Tuesday November 14 Skills Friday November 17 Theory Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform beginning September 11 Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook Continue to work on the Dental Assisting Competency Appraisal Form – Level 1 –AS EACH SKILLS IS PERFORMED IN PRECLINICAL LABS. Turn in Homework: Daily Log (Blue Sheets) Recall Questions 11-18, Ch. 48 Quiz 9 (Ch. 48) Topics: General Dentistry (Ch. 48 B) Intermediate Restorations and Cosmetic Detnistry Topics; Oral Health and Prevention of Dental Disease (Ch. 13, 14, and 15) Learning Activities: Discussion and Demonstration Learning activities IDO Case Study:Exercises: Crystal Malone – (FMX, Charting, Alg. Imp/SM, Anes., Class II composite, Bases and Liners) Workbook flashcards Discussion Practice Procedures and Check Competency 48-5 Placing and Carving an Intermediate Restoration (with Dental Dam and Matrix and Wedge – Dentoform, tooth #30, MOD) Critical Thinking exercises Treatment documentation Post-operative instructions Homework Prepare for Friday’s quiz by completing the workbook and checking your answers using the instructor’s Manual in the Lab (OMN 293). This may be collaborative and will not be turned in for a grade. reviewing the chapter recall questions and the Critical Thinking Exercises taking the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) Homework Read Ch. 13, 14, and 15 Complete Recall Questions, Ch. 13, 14, and 15 (due November 21) Read IDO Patient Handouts – Sealant and Fluoride Benefit to Adult Patients; Tooth Whitening Overview and Options View 3 video CDs-Oral Health and Prevention of Dental Disease o Applying Topical Fluoride Gel or Foam o Flossing Techniques o Toothbrushing Methods Class Schedule: Week 13 Monday November 20 Application Tuesday November 21 Skills Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform. Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Continue to work on the Dental Assisting Competency Appraisal Form – Level 1 –AS EACH SKILLS IS PERFORMED IN PRECLINICAL LABS. Turn in Homework: Daily Log (Blue Sheets) Recall Questions, Ch. 13, 14 and 15 Friday November 24 Theory Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY Topics: Oral Health and Prevention of Dental Disease (Ch. 13, 14 and 15) Learning Activities: Discussion and Demonstration Self Assessment - personal Oral Hygiene Practice Procedures and Check Competency 15-1 Applying Topical Fluoride Gel of Foam (Dentoform) 15-2 Assisting the Patient with Dental Floss Treatment documentation Post-operative instructions Homework Quiz 10 – (take home, Ch. 13, 14, and 15)due Nov. 28 Read IDO Patient Handouts - For a Lifetime of Great Oral Health, How to Brush and Floss, Enrichment: Review the chapter recall questions, the Critical Thinking Exercises and take the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) NO CLASSES Class Schedule: Week 14 Monday November 27 Application Tuesday November 28 Skills Friday December 1 Theory Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform. Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook Continue to work on the Dental Assisting Competency Appraisal Form – Level 1 –AS EACH SKILLS IS PERFORMED IN PRECLINICAL LABS. Turn in Homework: Quiz 10 (Ch. 13, 14, and 15 – Take Home test) Daily Log (Blue Sheets) Quiz 11 (Ch. 29 and 31) Topics: Medical Emergencies (Ch. 29 and 31) Learning activities Team Project Presentation (Exposure Control Plan) Topics; Regulatory Agencies (Ch. 22, 23, 24and 25) Learning Activities: Video – Medical Emergencies Workbook Flashcards Practice Procedures and Check Competency 29-1 Transferring the Patient form a Wheelchair Check First Aid Kit Oxygen Homework Read Ch. 29 and 31 Complete Recall questions for Ch. 29 and 31 Prepare for Friday’s quiz by completing the workbook and checking your answers using the instructor’s Manual in the Lab (OMN 293). This may be collaborative and will not be turned in for a grade. reviewing the chapter recall questions and the Critical Thinking Exercises taking the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) Finalize Team Project – presentation due Friday, December 1 Enrichment: Homework Read Ch. 22, 23, 24 and 25 Complete recall questions Ch. 22 Class Schedule: Week 15 Monday December 4 Application Tuesday December 5 Skills Friday December 8 Theory Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform. Lab/Clinic Sections 11 & 22, 9:00-11:50 am Sections 12 & 21, 1:00-3:50 pm OMN 286 – in uniform. Always bring lab jacket, textbooks, workbook, and dentoform. Lecture 10:00-11:50 am, OMN 284 Casual dress – always bring textbooks and workbook In order to pass the Clinical practice component of this course, the student must have Turn in Homework Daily Log (Blue Sheet) Level I Competency Appraisal Form (Green Shet) Recall Questions, Ch. 22 Quiz 12 (Ch. 22-25) Complete all of the tasks on the Competency Appraisal Form – Level 1 AND Have submitted Daily logs totaling at least 84 hours of Clinical Practice Learning Activities: Review of basic clinical skills Close down clinc Topics: Ch. 5 Dentistry and the Law Learning activities: Discuss recall questions, workbooks and Critical Thinking Exercises Discussion of Clinical Experiences Homework Prepare for Friday’s quiz by completing the workbook and checking your answers using the instructor’s Manual in the Lab (OMN 293). This may be collaborative and will not be turned in for a grade. reviewing the chapter recall questions and the Critical Thinking Exercises taking the Practice quizzes (Evlove website) Monday December 10 may be used as a Clinic Make-up day Review and Summarize for final Exam Homework: Read Ch. 5 Complete the Recall Questions in Ch. 5 due at final exam. Prepare for final exam(cumulative) by reviewing previous quizzes, workbooks, recall questions, critical thinking, practice tests. Class Schedule: FINALS WEEK December 12-15 Monday December 11 Application Clinical Practice Externship 6 hrs /week In Dental Offices as assigned –– in uniform. Clinical Externship Make-up day, if necessary. Written Final Exam Date, Time and location to be announced Homework due at final exam: Recall questions, Ch. 5 Happy Holidays! Grades available on Chattanooga State’s Web for Students Dec. 26 Spring Classes begin January 16th! I. Central Competencies: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Demonstrate clinical professionalism in appearance, behavior and attitude. Gather diagnostic data that will assist the dentist in diagnosis and treatment planning. Educate the patient with regard to oral health and the prevention of dental disease. Assist chairside with procedures which are a part of general dentistry and competently perform those duties delegable dental assistants in Tennessee Recognize, use and maintain clinical dental instruments, equipment and chairside materials Demonstrate preparedness to respond to special needs patients and to medical and dental emergencies as they relate to general dentistry Demonstrate infection control procedures. Apply Standards and Precautions recommended by regulatory agencies including OSHA, and the EPA, III. Instructional Objectives: The student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Identify and operate the dental chair, dental light, dental unit, mobile cabinet, curing light and amalgamator. Apply principles of infection control; use barrier techniques; PPE’s, disinfect and sterilize instruments and surfaces; operate magnaclave, and statim. Seat and dismiss patient. Assist in recording clinical data, i.e., dental/medical history, vital signs, exam findings, diagnostic findings, and treatment plans, basic charting. Assist with preventive procedures including fluoride treatment, sealants. Provide Oral Health instructions to a student partner and/or patient(s) including toothbrushing, flossing, fluorides, sealants, periodic examinations, maintenance of optimal oral health. Provide isolation techniques: rubber dam and cotton rolls. Identify various dental instruments including exam instruments, hand cutting instruments, restorative instruments, handpieces, rotary instruments and miscellaneous instruments. Prepare pre-set trays for examination, amalgam, composite, sealants, and fluoride treatments. Assist with amalgam procedures to include: gather armamentarium, place topical anesthetic, place rubber dam, maintain field of operation, transfer instruments, place matrix and wedge, mix and deliver bases/liners, mix amalgam and deposit into prepared cavities, provide postoperative instructions, document treatment. Assist with composite procedures to include: gather armamentarium, place topical anesthetic, place rubber dam, select shade, Maintain field of operation, transfer instruments, place matrix and wedge, mix and deliver bases/liners, apply etch/bond systems, mix and/or deliver composite, assist with polishing and finishing, provide post-operative instructions, document treatment. Apply topical fluoride gel or foam. Mix and deliver materials chairside in conjunction with dental treatment. Maintain confidentiality of patient records. Identify teeth by type, name and number, surfaces when recording the initial exam and/or documenting treatment. Demonstrate proficiency in obtaining student partners/'patients' medical history, blood pressure, pulse, respiration, temperature. Recognize conditions identified on patients' health history which would affect dental treatment. 18. Demonstrate proficiency in (or describe) treatment for diabetic and allergic reaction, syncope, choking, bleeding, shock, and respiratory and/or circulatory arrest. 19. Match instruments to their function. 20. Demonstrate routine care and maintenance of treatment rooms, equipment, instruments, and handpieces. 21. Recognize type, shape and number of burs. 22. Discuss the operator zone, assistant zone, transfer zone, static zone and demonstrate proper utilization of these zones. 23. Demonstrate proficiency in instrument transfer using pen grasp, reverse pen grasp, palm grasp, and palm-thumb grasp, applying same end or opposite end delivery techniques. 24. Demonstrate proficiency in using direct/indirect vision, use of fulcrum, use of mirror to retract cheek or tongue. 25. Demonstrate ability to use oral evacuator while also using 3 way syringe and/or mirror for retraction; preserve tissue integrity while maintaining field of operation. 26. Properly record dental conditions and treatment procedures on a dental chart, using the universal numbering system and Black's classification of cavities. 27. Use appropriate terminology in discussing/describing dental procedures. 28. Describe various methods of infection control from hand hygiene to sterilizing, including the effectiveness and limitations of these methods. 29. Demonstrate the placement of topical anesthetic ointment; the preparation of an aspirating local anesthetic syringe, the proper disposal of the used needle and the care of the used syringe. IV.Evaluation: This course consists of a lecture class (theory), a pre-clinical laboratory class (skill), and a clinical practice externship (application). A. LECTURE (THEORY) is evaluated by using homework, quizzes and exam to measure the students’ knowledge and understanding of the course objectives using. An average of 75% is required to pass this course. 1. HOMEWORK-20% of overall grade completion of all homework assignments submitted on-time 2. TEAM PROJECT: Four (4) teams will be established on September 8 and will be assigned the task of written Exposure Control Plan as required by OSHA. The written document is due December 1, when each team will present their project to the class. Team members will share the grade which counts as 20% of your overall grade. The Exposure Control Project Evaluation will be used to assign the grade. 3. QUIZZES -20% of overall grade –There are 12 scheduled quizzes. Quiz dates and content appear in the weekly schedule for this course. Quizzes may be multiple choice, true false, matching, identification, labeling, fill-in the blanks, case studies, and/or short essay. Quizzes may not be made up. There is no “curve”. If a quiz is missed, a “0” will be recorded for that grade. No quiz grade is “dropped”. All quiz grades will be averaged together and that average will count as 20%of the overall grade earned for this class. 4. MID-TRM EXAM** (Cumulative) 20% of overall grade 5. FINAL EXAM** (Cumulative) – 20% of overall grade. **Exams may be multiple choice, true false, matching, identification, labeling, fill-in the blanks, case studies, and/or short essay. Under certain extenuating circumstances resulting in the student missing the scheduled mid-term or final exam, the instructor may allow the exam may be made-up B. PRE-CLIINCAL/LABORATORY (SKILLS) are evaluated by 1. COMPETENCY CHECK SHEETS in the workbook. Competency check dates are listed in the weekly schedule. All Pre-clinical /Laboratory Competencies listed in the syllabus must be passed to pass this course. All criteria must be rated as a “3” to pass. If a student fails to pass a competency by the third attempt, he/she will not be allowed to continue in the dental assisting program unless agreed upon by the entire dental assisting faculty. An absence on the day a competency is scheduled to be measured, is recorded as a failed attempt. Competencies should be completed in the week they are introduced. Make-up sessions will be Friday’s at 1:00 pm. See your instructor to schedule an appointment. 2. COMMUNITY SERVICE/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. An important part of any profession is professional development and Community Service. . This symbol appears throughout the syllabus and identifies opportunities for students to strengthen their knowledge and/or skills, often while serving our community. This course requires students to participate in at least 8 hours of such activities outside of class. Student may request approval of other activities to fulfill this requirement, provided the activity is supports the objectives of this course. Evidence of participation can be agreed upon in consultation with the instructor. Possible activities include: a. Campus activities (Chattanooga Chats, Oktoberfest, etc.) b. A local church or civic activity consistent c. SGA or student organization activities (food drives, blood donation, wellness, etc) d. Chattanooga State Dental Assistants Society Activities e. Chattanooga Area Dental Assistants Society Activities f. TNDAA activities g. CE courses h. Other as approved by instructor C. CLINICAL PRACTICE (APPLICATION) is evaluated at the clinical externship site using 1. the CLINICAL COMPETENCY APPRAISAL FORMS (Green Sheets) Both the clinical supervisor and the instructor’s must determine competency, defined as having performing each task several times quickly and accurately with little verbal instruction. Students MUST become competent in all tasks listed. Clinical Supervisors are asked to notify the program director immediately if remediation is needed or if a particular task is not delegated to auxiliaries in their practice. Students will complete a Competency Improvement Plan (Yellow Sheet). Remediation sessions will be Friday’s at 1:00 pm by appointment. Following remediation, the student may be re-evaluated. Student must have passed Clinical Competency Appraisal - Level 1 by the end of this semester to continue to DA 131 Cliincal Skills II.. Student who complete level 1 may advance to level 2 with approval of the clinical supervisor and the instructor. 2. DAILY LOGS (Blue Sheets) - Student must log in at least 84 hours of Clinical practice which will carry over to DA 131 Clinical Skills II, toward the minimum of 300 clinical practice hours. Grading Scale 90 – 100 80 – 89 75 – 79 below 74 = = = = A B C F