New York State Engineering Technology Association Minutes of the Spring 2009 Meeting Held on April 16-17th, 2009 NYSETA Conference Hosted by SUNY Institute of Technology (SUNYIT) The conference opened with a breakfast buffet at SUNY Institute of Technology (SUNYIT). The following individuals attended: Last Name First Name School Last Name First Name School Balke Jon Corning CC Jesaitis Raymond SUNYIT Balke Susan Guest Jones Dan SUNYIT Baran Jayne SUNYIT Kassab Vincent Retired, Erie CC Benincasa Dan SUNYIT Killgallon Susan HVCC Buffett Scott Clinton CC Kohn Jack Fulton-Montgomery CC Campbell John Cayuga CC Krispinsky Dave RIT Ciccarelli Steve RIT Longwell John Corning CC Clarke Bernie Guest Loudis Michael SUNY Morrisville Colchamiro Elliot Retired, NYC Tech Lydon James Erie CC Colcharmiro Gladys Guest Lydon Mrs Guest Cole Brad Corning CC Oliver Mark Monroe CC Darling Bill HVCC Parthum Michael RIT Das Digendra SUNYIT Pawlik Peter Buffalo State College Dunn Larry SUNYIT Qazi Sala SUNYIT Dussault Heather SUNYIT Rezk Mohamed SUNYIT Gallagher Kathleen Nassau CC Salvo Carm Retired, SUNYIT Gaonkar Ramesh Onondaga CC Schantz Lanny RIT-NTID Gellin Slade Buffalo State College Stratton John Retired, RIT Gerth Al Corning CC Thomas Windsor SUNYIT Glosser Al Retired, Erie CC Vandermark Kenneth Vermont Tech College Holzhauer Douglas SUNYIT Waters Christie Cayuga CC Hotchkiss Anthony Buffalo State College Zech Robert SUNYIT Hsie Atlas SUNYIT The following exhibitors and patrons participated and helped support the conference: Goodheart-Willcox Publishers, Armfield Incorporated, Allegheny Educational Systems, Studica Incorporated, Exphil Calibration Labs and Tech-Ed Systems. Professional Marketing Services donated recyclable bags. Bob Zech’s industrial engineering technology students and RIAC (Reliability Information Analysis Center) provided bag goodies. The pre-plenary speaker was Dr. Daniel Jones. Dr. Jones is the chair of the mechanical and industrial engineering technologies. Dr. Jones discussed the assessment processes used in engineering technology at SUNYIT. The plenary speaker was Mr. Randall Nichols. Mr. Randall Nichols is an associate professor of criminal justice at Utica College, Utica, NY. He is Director of the Computer Forensics Research and Development Center (CFRDC) and Chair of the Cybercrime, Computer Forensics and Information Assurance Undergraduate Major. His presentation was on "CYBERSECURITY-A Future in Crisis?" Following the plenary session, interest group sessions were presented as follows: Mechanical/Energy/Manufacturing "Advanced Computer-Integrated Manufacturing/Nanotechnology" – Dr. Digen Das, Professor, SUNYIT "Alternative Fuel Vehicles" – Dr. Doug Holzhauer, SUNYIT “Freewatt System-Residential Microcombined Heat and Power" – Tom Legutko, ECR International Electrical "Using Facebook as a Tool to Engage Students" – Teresa Washburn, SUNYIT Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning "Digital Forensics" – John Sargent and Dr. Daniel Benincasa "Visualization and Manipulation of Nanoscale Components" – Dr. Sala Qazi, Professor, SUNYIT Architectural and Civil "Recycling Initiatives" – David Lupinski, Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Management Authority “Stoichiometric Environmental Calculations of Carbon Emissions & Oil & CO2 Do Mix – CO2 Sequestration" – Dr. Patrick Kelly, SUNYIT "Fortino Tire Stockpile Abatement Project in Oswego County" – Curtis Nichols, Shumaker Consulting Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. Page 2 of 2 The evening banquet was held at the Holiday Inn in New Hartford. The guest speaker was Dr. Lisa Berardino. Lisa gave a presentation on “The Thoughts of the Dalai Lama”. We were pleased to have Elliot Colchamiro in attendance. He gave out the “Elliot Colchamiro” award to Carmine (Carm) Salvo. Carm has been involved with NYSETA for over 20 years. He was NYSETA’s vice-president from 1998 to 2008. The breakfast business meeting on Friday morning was held at the Holiday Inn. The business meeting was called to order at 8:45 am by President John Campbell. John thanked SUNYIT for hosting the conference. Vice-President John Stratton noted the following schedule for future conferences and asked everyone to consider hosting a future conference. The executive committee is willing to help. Fall ‘09 Spring ’10 Fall ’10 Corning Community College; Mark your calendars for October 15th-16th, 2009 Buffalo State SUNY Morrisville John said he has been working on a visit to the New York City area. John asked the membership if they would be willing to hold a conference where the field visit and banquet were held on Thursday, and the interest group sessions were held on Friday when rooms were available. Elliot Colchamiro said he was opposed to the idea; based on past experience, he thought there would be lower attendance. Minutes of the fall 2008 meeting were approved. Jayne Baran reminded everyone that updates to the listserv’s can be sent to her. Updates to the mailing list can be sent to Kathleen Gallagher. Treasurer Kathleen Gallagher reported on the current budget numbers: The total current balance is approximately $27,000 Of that money, the scholarship fund balance is at $6,000 (before the $3,000 in scholarships to be handed out this morning.) Members can now pay their dues with the conference fees. Kathleen also sends out letters Mike Loudis noted that the deadline for the fall 2009 newsletter submission is September 4, 2009. The spring 2009 newsletter was light on articles; Mike encouraged everyone to write a short article for the next newsletter. Steve Ciccarelli (Electrical), Slade Gellin (Mechanical) and Kathleen Gallagher (Civil/Architecture) summarized the interest group sessions. Members at Large and Interest Group Chairs were elected for a 2-year term: Members at Large: Daniel Benincasa, Michael Loudis, Edward Tezak, John Williams, and Anthony Hotchkiss. Electrical Interest Group Chair: Steve Ciccarelli. Mechanical Interest Group Chair: Slade Gellin. Civil/Architecture Interest Group Chair: Marguerite Newton Ken Vandermark from the Scholarship Committee reported on the scholarship results. The main criterion for scholarships is service. There were 17 applications. Ten-$300 NYSETA scholarships were awarded: Steven Blood, Monroe CC Arthur J. Cole, SUNYIT Timothy J. Downey, SUNYIT Robert Harmon, Monroe CC Gladys Juca, Queensborough CC Chad Loseby, Vermont Tech Bill Noble, SUNYIT Tyler Purdy, SUNY Canton Stephen M. Smith, Vermont Tech Sarah Stoll, Cayuga CC John Campbell welcomed a new member, Scott Buffet from Clinton CC and then asked if there were any items for open discussion. Conference participants felt that the pre-plenary session on assessment should be continued. They would like the powerpoint presentation added to the NYSETA web site. Everyone enjoyed the planetarium when Corning CC last hosted the conference, and requested a revisit next fall. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 am for tours to Daimler (Orion) Bus. Those attending the tours met in the Holiday Inn Lobby at 10:00 am. Twelve NYSETA members attended the tour. Respectfully submitted by Jayne Baran, Secretary of NYSETA Approved by the Executive Board June 23, 2009 Approved at the NYSETA business meeting October 16, 2009