Among The Hidden Quiz - Mater Academy Lakes High School

Among The Hidden Quiz
1. What is the main character’s full name?
A. Luke Johnson
B. Luke Garner
C. Luke Thompson
D. Luke Williams
2. How long has Luke been in hiding?
A. 11 years
B. 6 years
C. 9 years
D. 12 years
3. Why wasn’t Luke allowed to go outside anymore?
A. New government street cameras near their house
B. Construction of new houses near theirs
C. A new satellite that can detect third children when outdoors
D. Luke’s parents are worried that people passing by might realize Luke is a
third child
4. How many kids did Luke’s mother want to have? What did she want to name
A. 3; Matthew, Mark, and Luke
B. 4; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Grant
C. 4; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
D. 1; Matthew
5. Why did Luke’s mom have to get a job?
A. There was an oversupply of crops, so farmers made less for their crops.
B. Food prices went up and they couldn’t feed three children without Luke’s
mother getting a job.
C. There were higher property taxes because of all the barons living there.
D. Someone was blackmailing them because they knew about Luke, so they
had to pay the blackmailer a lot of money.
6. According to Jen, what was the main reason for the Population Law?
A. To make sure there were enough jobs for everyone
B. To avoid problems with overcrowding
C. Because of the economic crisis
D. The government was scared they’d run out of food (famine)
7. It’s harvest time and the family is working harder than ever, what does Luke’s
mom make sure to leave him every day?
A. Some new video games
B. A new pile of books
C. A jug of water
D. A supply of food
8. What does Luke yell out in a panic to the girl whose house he broke into?
A. Population police.
B. Let me go.
C. I’ll get you.
D. Please don’t hurt me.
9. Luke realizes that his home is not a sanctuary but a _________________.
A. Hide out.
B. Zoo.
C. Prison.
D. Black hole.
10. What was the code for the secret third child website?
A. Government
B. Population Police
C. Justice
D. Free
11. What does the Government spend a great deal of money trying to convince
A. That they have people patrolling to see houses with window shades down
all the time.
B. That they can monitor television and computer screens.
C. That their whole family will be killed if a third child is found.
D. That having a third child means you’re a bad citizen.
12. What does Luke learn about from the books that Jen has given him that he
mentions to his dad?
A. Neighbors sharing food.
B. Using spoiled food to feed the animals.
C. Growing food indoors.
D. Canning food.
13. How many people does Jen expect to be at the Rally?
A. Thousands
B. Hundreds
C. Forty
D. Twenty
14. Luke asks Jen how she is able to meet other people if she is a third child like
him, what does Jen explain that her parents do?
A. Trust only a select amount of people
B. Beg people not to tell
C. Bribe people
D. Threaten people
15. What were Jen, Carlos, Yolanda, and Pat debating while speaking in the chat
A. The books Luke had read
B. How unfair they’ve been treated
C. Fake ID’s
D. The Population Police