DOBE DOINGS July 2007 The July membership meeting of the DPCCO will be held Wednesday July 11, 2007 At Donatos, 4055 Morse Crossing, Dinner 6:30 p.m., meeting 7:30 p.m. Take I-270 to either the Easton exit (turn right onto Morse Crossing approximately 1 mile from exit) or the Morse Rd. exit, (turn south onto Morse Crossing) Donatos sits back from Morse Crossing at Chiller Lane. The Executive Board Meeting will be held Wednesday July 25, 2007, 7:00 p.m., at Donatos Easton, 4055 Morse Crossing ___________________________________________________________________________________ The Prez Sez… at the recent COKC shows, and he will be a delight for us to hear. See you then! What a great picnic! The weather could not have been better! Great burgers and hot dogs expertly cooked by Pam and Morey! And all those great side dishes and desserts provided by the rest of the members! AEK Lisa Schneider came for her farewell meeting with a promise to keep in touch. We all will miss her and wish her great success in her new adventures. And a wonderful couple came, Chris and Amy Scott, with their wonderfully behaved Dobermans who had great fun playing with our mascot, Nelson. And Jaime Landrum owes us a rum cake! More on that later! Our next meeting will feature a speaker, Ric Bir, from Mad River Pet Foods, who will speak about the problems with dog food recalls. I had the wonderful experience of visiting with him MEMBER NEWS The Club has welcomed six new members over the last several months. They are: Ellen Morris, Brad Hampton, Skip Thielen Kathleen and Scott Schneider Karen Mills SUMMER TRAVEL REMINDER When traveling with your Doberman in the car, it's important to remember the following: Use Proper Restraint: In the case of an accident, a dog can weigh up to 30 times its weight upon impact while traveling at 35 mph. Today, many companies create seatbelt systems in addition to crates to keep animals safely secured while on the road. ventilation. Many states are passing laws that prohibit leaving your pet alone in your vehicle. Bring Water: Car travel can make your pets feel anxious and result in nervous panting. Be sure to take frequent breaks during your trip to allow your pet the opportunity to re-hydrate. DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB OF COLUMBUS, OHIO Officers President: Ann Keil Vice President: Marge Gorslene Secretary: Heather Reese Treasurer: Bobbi Brady DPCA Delegate: Pam Foulk Taken from KEEP A POISON SAFE HOME Board of Directors Morey Brady Emily Lutz, M.D. Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pet: - Alcoholic beverages - Avocado - Chocolate (all forms) - Coffee (all forms) - Moldy or spoiled foods - Fatty foods - Macadamia nuts - Onions, onion powder - Raisins and grapes - Salt - Yeast dough - Garlic - Products sweetened with xylitol Editors Heather Reese Margery McCormick DOBE RESCUE Southwest Ohio Doberman Rescue Toni West Rescue web site: 2524 Jett Hill Rd., New Richmond, OH 45157 (513) 553-2660 Hand Me Down Dobes, Inc. Diane Ott, Chairperson 740-524-4904 E-mail: Rescue Web Site: P O Box 12325, Columbus, OH 43212-0235 Rescue Hotline 614/470-2851 Warm Weather Hazards: - Animal toxins - toads, insects, spiders, snakes and scorpions - Blue-green algae in ponds - Citronella candles - Cocoa mulch - Compost piles and fertilizers - Flea products - Outdoor plants and plant bulbs - Swimming-pool treatment supplies - Fly baits containing methomyl - Slug and snail baits containing metaldehyde Medication: Common examples of human medications that can be potentially lethal to pets, even in small doses, include: - Pain killers CARDS AND FLOWERS Contact Barbara Tignor, Human Relations Committee Chairperson, if you are aware of any member who is ill or who has had a death in the family so that she can send cards and/or flowers. Never Leave Your Dobe in the Car: In 70-degree weather and above, it takes only minutes for the temperatures in your car to escalate to triple digits. Leaving the window open an inch does not provide adequate 2 - Cold medicines - Anti-cancer drugs - Antidepressants - Vitamins - Diet Pills DPCA Report: Pam Foulk received notice of judges for the 2008 National Specialty in Topeka, KS. They are: Intersex - Bill Garnett Puppy dogs and adult bitches - Judy Doniere Adult dogs and puppy bitches - Mimi Brown Futurity puppies - Beth Wilhite Futurity Juniors and Grand Prize - Michelle Santana Common Household Hazards: - Fabric softener sheets - Mothballs - Post-1982 pennies (due to high concentration of zinc) Show Report: Marge Gorslene reported a $21 check from Licking River for April Show supported entry. She also stated she signed the contract for November 2008. She also noted that she received a request from Marilynne Snook to provide the Memorial Trophy. Non-toxic Substances for Dogs and Cats: The following substances are considered to be non-toxic, although they may cause mild gastrointestinal upset in some animals: - Water-based paints - Toilet bowl water - Silica gel - Poinsettia - Cat litter - Glue traps - Glow jewelry Nominating Committee: Morey Brady provided the following slate - Ann Keil, President; Marge Gorslene, Vice President; Bobbi Brady, Treasurer; Heather Reese, Secretary; Pam Foulk, DPCA Delegate; Margery McCormick, Board Member; and Emily Lutz, Board Member. Taken from ASPCA Executive Board Meeting Minutes DPCCO May 30, 2007 Old Business: Regarding picnic, Bobbi will bring old albums so that members can try to identify pictures with no identification and to pick out pictures for web site. For other items on web site, Bobbi suggested article on how to choose a puppy. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Ann Keil at Donatos, Easton. Attendance: Emily Lutz, Morey Brady, Heather Reese, Marge Gorslene, Ann Keil and Pam Foulk were present. New Business: Since Marge Gorslene confirmed that the contract has been signed to hold the April 2008 show, motion was made to correct May 2, 2007, minutes to read that the April show will be suspended beginning 2009, not 2008. Pam Foulk seconded, motion approved. Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved as presented. Treasurer's Report: Bobbi Brady reported no income for the month, but had expenses of postage, paper, web site and liability insurance. The Club has a check book total of $4,886.95. Reminder that at July meeting nominations for officers will be taken from floor. Emily Lutz suggested speaker on canine nutrition at July meeting, Ann Keil will pursue. April 2007 Specialty Show Report: 3 Marge Gorslene needs recommendations for judges for Spring show. Karen Mills noted that each member can have his/her own page on DPCCO web site. Adjourned: Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Morey Brady made note that remainder of food bought by Club funds will be donated to Westerville Senior Center, membership approved. Respectfully submitted by Heather Reese, Secretary. Adjourned: Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. General Membership Meeting Minutes DPCCO June 6, 2007 Respectfully submitted by Heather Reese, Secretary. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Ann Keil at McNamara Park in Genoa Township. Attendance: Mary Swick, Ann Keil, Heather Reese, Marge Gorslene, Pam Foulk, Lisa Schneider, Karen Mills, Morey Brady, Emily Lutz, Bobbi Brady, Margery McCormick, and guests Karen Camden, Chris Scott and Amy Scott. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of May 2, 2007, meeting were approved. Treasurer's Report: Given by Bobbi Brady DPCA Report: Pam Foulk had nothing to report. Show Report: November judge is Peter Emily for DPCCO. Lima Kennel Club is Keke Kahn, Dayton Kennel Club is Meredith JohnsonSnyder. Old Business: Membership requests for Karen Mills and Kathleen Schneider were given second readings and approved. Speaker next month will be Ric Bir of Mad River Pet Foods and will include information on food recalls. New Business: 4