Lesson 3

Teacher Candidate: Sara George
Lesson Plan Template
Date: November 14, 2010
Unit Title: Rocks and Minerals
Subject: Earth Science
Essential Question(s): Why is it important to know how things are made?
Lesson Question (s)
State Standards
and Performance
Lesson Objectives
(Bloom’s Taxonomy)
Grade Level: 9
Types of rocks & Igneous Rocks
How do igneous rocks form?
Standard 4 Key Idea 3 Performance Indicator 3.1b: Minerals are
formed inorganically by the process of crystallization as a result of
specific environmental conditions. These include cooling and
solidification of magma
1. Students will be able to identify the three different environments
in which mineral may form. These environments include
sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous.
*Could be collected for
Student will be able to predict how minerals form from magma
using a provided diagram. They will do this in class using
Bowen’s Reaction series diagram.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Students will complete a worksheet as homework. The student
will summarize the 2 main contributing factors of each
environment. These environments include sedimentary,
metamorphic and igneous. (Summative)
2. Using a provided diagram of Bowens reaction series the student
will be given a series and a temperature and asked to predict what
minerals may form out of the magma (Formative)
Bell Ringer and
Prior Knowledge
Bell ringer:
How do you think rocks are made or formed on earth? What process have
we already talked about in class that you think could result in the
formation of a rock?
RBIT- start lessons with
1-) TTW review the bell ringer with the students. The objective of the
bell ringer is to start having students make connection between the
environments they may be familiar with and environments that rocks and
minerals form in. For example beaches produce sandstone through the
process of compaction and cementation.
2-) The teacher will discuss that some rocks are monominerallic,
composed of one mineral, like limestone. Most rocks are composed of
several minerals and are called polyminerallic. SW be taking notes based
on a auditory lecture
-RBIS summarizing 3-) TTW summarize that rocks are classified into three groups depending
on how they were formed: sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous.
Sedimentary form from compaction and cementation of sediments.
Metamorphic rocks form as a result of the recrystallization of existing
rock material and undergo heat and pressure. Igneous rocks form as a
result of the solidification of molten rock material. SW be taking notes
based on a auditory lecture
4-) Teach using a PowerPoint and showing pictures that are characteristic
-RBIS -present
of the three types of rocks. Summarize the big ideas of each environment.
Sedimentary material compact and cement, metamorphic undergo heat
and pressure and igneous rock is product of volcanic activity. SW be
taking notes concerning the main ideas of each environment.
5-) Watch video from Bill Nye the science guy “rocks rock harder”
6-) TTW further discuss igneous rocks by having volcanoes made out of
- RBIS -facilitate
common kitchen supplies explode. The objective is to arose student’s
curiosity about the subject matter. TTW discuss that the volcanoes are
learning (#6)
simulating a magmatic explosion, which in real life cools to form igneous
rocks. Have 4-5 students gather around different volcano stations in the
classroom. Have students add the vinegar to the baking soda to simulate
an eruption. (Kinesthetic)
7-) TTW discuss magma. SW be taking notes based on a auditory lecture
8-) TTW introduce the Bowens reaction series. The diagram is based on
two different reaction series and enable geologist to predict which
mineral will from at certain temperatures. TTW discuss how to read the
-RBIS assign
homework and
practice (#8 & 12)
Checks for
Label: directions,
procedures, routines,
and content
diagram. All students will receive a diagram and will practice using it to
predict mineral formation. Questions will be provided for the students to
complete in class and as homework.
9-) TTW discuss the term texture. Texture refers to grain appearance in a
rock and the size and length of the crystals. The longer the period of time
the magma or lava has to cool the larger the crystals will be. Show
pictures to visually show what different textures look like when they
form at different temperatures. SW be taking notes.
10-) TTW discuss feature of Igneous rocks using PowerPoint. The
features include: mafic rock, felsic rock, intrusive igneous rocks, and
extrusive igneous rocks. Show pictures to concepts can be seen
visually.SW be taking notes (Visual)
11-) TTW discuss structures of igneous rocks. Structures of igneous
rocks include volcanoes, cinder cones, shield cones, lava plateaus,
plutons, sills, dikes, laccoliths and batholiths. SW be taking notes
12-) Assign homework
- Paraphrase- When teaching about the three different rock forming in
environments check for understanding by having 3 students for each
environment state two contributing factors for the environment.
-Gesture - When predicting which mineral will precipitate out of
Bowen’s reaction series check for understanding after the students have
predicted a mineral. Do this by surveying by a show of hands how many
people are getting the answers correct. If needed, re-teach and do other
- 3 minute buzz- Give the students three minutes near the end of the class
to share their ides concerning the main factors that contribute to the three
rock environments that were discussed in the lesson
- Comfort scale- Have student respond to the in class activity concerning
using Bowens reaction series by rating themselves on how comfortable
they are with the chart. 5 represent I understand, 3 represents I am a little
confused and 1 represent I don’t get it
1. Students will complete a worksheet as homework. The student will
summarize the 2 main contributing factors of each environment. These
environments include sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous.
2. Using a provided diagram of Bowens reaction series the student will
be given a series and a temperature and asked to predict what minerals
may form out of the magma (Formative)
3. Unit test – includes multiple choice and extended written (Summative)
Review the three types of rocks and the environments they form in.
Review igneous rocks and the main points of the day. These points
include that certain crystals precipitate out of certain temperatures. The
slower the magma cools the larger the crystal will be. SW be taking notes
based on a auditory lecture
PowerPoint, internet, material for volcanoes (soda bottle, baking soda,
vinegar), homework, Bowens reaction series handout
2 days