Course Modules - (IOM401) IOM401 - 2 units – Tuesday 4:00-5:50 p.m. in HOH 401 (Business Information Systems – Spreadsheet Applications) Spring 2006 Contact Information Faculty: Phone: Internet e-mail: Office Hours: Website: Dr. Arif Ansari 213-821-5521 Tuesday 2:30-3:30 p.m. and Monday 2-3 p.m. Course Goal This course is designed to provide you with an applied understanding of how "spreadsheet applications" are used to analyze business information. This course brings in the technology layer providing you with an opportunity to create real world software applications that are used in (Accounting, Finance, Marketing and Operations). This course will also enhance your understanding of the core disciplines by providing you with the skills and experience to develop, test and implement work group systems that support many of the information analysis needs of today's organizations. Learning Objectives • Master the use and design of spreadsheets ”Microsoft Excel" for business information analysis in the areas for Finance, Information Systems, Marketing and Operations. • Understand how to use application software to analyze business cases and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of decision making processes. Textbook MIS Cases - Decision Making with Application Software 2nd Edition by M. Lisa Miller ISBN: 0-13-145440-4 Assessment Individual Business Cases 75% - 6 cases (12.5% each) You will use your knowledge of Microsoft Excel gained during the lab sessions and in prior business cases analysis exercises to develop spreadsheet applications to evaluate the assigned case. During the class sessions a brief lecture will be given to provide you with background information on assigned cases and any new technical skills required to complete the case. Final Case 25% You will use of the knowledge obtained during the lab sessions and from prior case assignments to develop your final case. Development of the final case will allow you to apply your technical knowledge and business analysis skills developed in this course. Evaluation Criteria Individual Business Cases Quality of Analysis (scope, structure and accuracy) 4% Meet all Specifications Presentation - User Friendly (formatting and layout) and short report 4% 4.5% Final Case (These are general criteria – Prof. will explain in detail what is expected in the final and the Actual distribution of 25%) Quality of Analysis (scope, structure and accuracy) Meet all Specifications 10% 5% Presentation - User Friendly (formatting and layout) 5% Application of skill set, innovation and creativity 5% Schedule Date / Time / Location Readings Due Modules Course Overview Lecture Slides .ppt Jan. 10th 4:00pm HOH-401 None Jan. 17th Case #1 4:00pm Piemont Trailer HOH-401 Manufacturing Company None None Basics of Excel An introduction to MS Excel. Topics include navigation, highlighting, selection, entering & editing cells, basic formulas, simple functions, coping, using absolute addresses, and printing. "Basics of Excel" Business Context Customer Order Tracking System Feasibility Analysis Excel Tips Linking Formulas Absolute Addressing Present Value (PV) Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Cell Protection Lecture / Discussion Slides .ppt Application Area (Strategy / Finance / Information Systems) This case focuses on developing on economic feasibility analysis for developing a customer tracking system. (Cell Formatting, Cell Reference, Consolidating Worksheets, Formulas, IRR Functions, Protecting Cells, Range Names, SUM Function and Worksheet formatting.) Case #1 Piemont Trailer Manufacturing Company Jan 24th Jan 31st 4:00pm HOH-401 None Case # 2 Milligan's Storage Kits None Workshop and time to complete Case 1 Case #1 Piemont & Page 10 (Information specifications) #1-4) Business Context Inventory/ Inventory Analysis Excel Tips Conditional Formatting Single Value Array (Match) Offset Use digital dropbox feature in Lecture / Discussion Slides .ppt Blackboard, submit .xls file by 12:00midnight 01/30 Application Area (General Business / (name your file as follows: Accounting / Operations) case_lastname firstname.xls) This case focuses on inventory analysis evaluating information on annual sales, cost of Example: goods sold, gross profit. piemont_ansari arif.xls (Average Function, Cell Formatting, Chart, Count Function, Max Function, Min Function, Now Function, Sum Function, Worksheet Formatting) Case # 2 Milligan's Backyard_Storage Milligans_Data_Template.xls Feb 7th 4:00pm HOH-401 Case # 2 (continued) Milligan's Storage None Kits Workshop Case #2 Milligan's & Page 4 (Information specifications) #1-6) & (Test Your Design #1 - 4) Business Context Market Research/ Web-Site Traffic Statistical Analysis Excel Tips Importing Data IF Working w / Dates Array Formulas Lecture / Discussion Slides .ppt Feb 14th 4:00pm HOH-401 Case #3 Mark’s Collectibles Use digital dropbox feature in Blackboard, submit .xls file by 12:00midnight 2/13 (name your file as follows: case_lastname firstname.xls) Example: milligans_ansari arif.xls Application Area (Strategy, Marketing) This case focuses on analyzing web –site traffic statistics to better understand click stream behavior and the technologies used. (Average Function, Cell Formatting, Chart, CountA Function, CountIF function, Import External Data, Insert Columns, MAX Function, Mean Function, MEDIAN Function, MIN Function, MODE Function, Sort, SUM function, Worksheet Formatting) Case #3 Mark's Collectibles Site Statistics.txt Mark's Collectibles_template.xls Feb 21st 4:00pm HOH-401 Case #3 (continued) Mark’s Collectibles Workshop Business Context Market Research - Quality Control/ Customer Satisfaction Survey Statistical Analysis Case #3 Mark's & Page 37 Excel Tips (Information specifications) Pivot Tables / Charts #1-5) & (Test your Design Count IF #1 - 4) Feb 28th 4:00pm HOH-401 Case #4 Klein Technology Seminars Lecture / Discussion Slides .ppt Use digital dropbox feature in Blackboard, submit .xls file Application Area (Strategy / Marketing) by 12:00midnight 2/27 (name This case focuses on evaluating Customer your file as follows: case_lastname firstname.xls) Satisfaction Surveys. This case requires the use of formulas, statistical functions, pivot tables and pivot chart reports. Example: marks_ansari arif.xls (Cell Formatting, Charts, CountIF function, Mean Function, Median Function, Mode Function, Multiple Worksheets, PivotChart, PivotTable, Worksheet Formatting) Case #4 Klein Technology Seminars KleinSurvery.xls Supplemental Tutorial (Pivot Tables) .pdf Mar 7th 4:00pm HOH-401 Case #4 Klein Technology Seminars None Mar 1317th Workshop Spring Break Business Context / Excel Tips Operations Management / Sales Staff Productivity Analysis Mar 21st 4:00pm HOH-401 Lecture / Discussion Slides .ppt Case #4 Kein Technology Seminars Application Area (Accounting / Operations) & Page 24 (Information specifications) #1-5) & (Test This case focuses on monitoring the performance of Sales Staff. The objective of your Design #1 - 4) this lab is to prepare seven daily productivity Case #5 and #6 Use digital dropbox feature in worksheets and a weekly productivity summary Madison’s Dept Store Blackboard, submit .xls file sheet, analyze the sales data using the (This assignment will by 12:00midnight 3/20 (name PivotTable and AutoFilter tools, and generate be split into two several charts. your file as follows: parts) case_lastname firstname.xls) Example: klein_ansari arif.xls (AutoFilter, Average Function, Cell Formatting, Cell References, Chart, Consolidating Worksheets, Count Function, Daverage Function, DMax Function, DMin Function, Excel List, Grouping Worksheets, IF Function, Max Function, Min Function, Nesting Functions, PivotTable, Range Name, Sum Function, VLookup Function and worksheet Formatting) Case #5 Madison's Dept. Store madisons_data_file.xls Mar 28th 4:00pm HOH-401 April 4th 4:00pm HOH-401 Case #5 (Continued) Madison’s Dept Store None Solver Advanced Filter and Workshop Case #5 Madison's Department Store & Page Excel Solver Solver can be used to set a “target” cell to 54-55 Information specifications) its minimum value, maximum value, or to a #1,2,3(altered-see handout) specific value, by changing “adjustable” ,4,5,6) cell(s) which determine its value. Further, Use digital dropbox feature in Blackboard, submit .xls file constraints can be set up which force the by 12:00midnight 4/3 (name “Adjustable” cell(s) or “target” cell to stay your file as follows: with a range of values. case_lastname firstname.xls) solver.pdf Example: madisons_ansari arif.xls Maybe an additional homework on solver ?? April 11th 4:00pm Macros HOH-401 Macros Application Area (All) Macros allow the user to automate their keystrokes, mouse clicks, and menu command choices. Conceptually, macros work similar to player pianos in that they can be programmed to Case #6 Madison's Department Store advanced play back almost any commands the user (Advanced Filter Questions desires. Macros are useful when you find yourself repeating the same series of - see handout) Use digital dropbox feature in commands or steps over and over. To create Blackboard, submit .xls file and use Macros, the user merely turns on the by 12:00midnight 4/10 (name macro recorders, performs the action that is to be recorded, turns off the macro recorder, and your file as follows: case_lastname firstname.xls) then runs the macro which replays what was recorded. (Macros, Assign a macro to a toolbar, Modifying Example: madisons_advanced_ansari built-in menus, Macro commands, Viewing macro code, Custom functions, Procedures, Using arif.xls macros in other files, Recording to the personal macro workbook, Copying modules, Referencing a macro file and Saving a macro file as an ADD-IN) macros.pdf Business Context Financial Analysis Decision Support Tool/ Investment Portfolio Worksheet April 18th Prepare for the final 4:00pm by reading BJR None HOH-401 Investments, Inc., Page 48 Application Area (Finance) This case focuses on a full-service brokerage firm that wishes to develop a portfolio worksheet to assist in keeping better track of their client's investments. The portfolio worksheet must be designed to retrieve up-to-date stock information off of the web and analyze the data using the auto filter, advanced filter, pivot table and pivot chart report tools. Work Shop / Lecture Money Quote Add-in April 25th None Final Case BJR Investments, Inc & Page 48 (Information specifications) #1-8) & (Test your Design #1 - 7) Final Case Due 4:00pm 4/27 and Four 4 Additional questions not in the text will be posted on BB at 4:00pm 4/25 you will have 48 hours to complete these additional questions prior to turning submitting your case. Use digital dropbox feature in Blackboard, submit .xls file by 4:00pm 4/27 (name your file as follows: case_lastname firstname.xls) Example: BJR_ansari arif.xls Final case Due 4:00pm 4/27 General Notes Note on Attendance Attendance at all class meetings is mandatory. While attendance will not factor directly into your grade, you will be judged by the instructor on how well you attend and contribute to class. Excused absences are permitted in accordance with University policy - please notify the professor before the absence. Unexcused absences that are anticipated in advance should be cleared with the instructor, and may be excused on a case by case basis. Academic Integrity The use of unauthorized material, communication with fellow students during an examination, attempting to benefit from the work of another student, and similar behavior that defeats the intent of an examination or other class work is unacceptable to the University. It is often difficult to distinguish between a culpable act and inadvertent behavior resulting from the nervous tensions accompanying examinations. Where a clear violation has occurred, however, the instructor may disqualify the student's work as unacceptable and assign a failing mark on the paper. Note on Unclaimed Graded Paperwork Returned paperwork, unclaimed by a student, will be discarded 4 weeks after the end of term, and hence will not be available should a grade appeal be pursued by a student following receipt of his/her course grade. Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities Any student requesting academic accommodation based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30am-5:00pm Monday through Friday. The telephone number for DSP is (213) 740-0776.