Chapter 3 Review Guide

Chapter 3 Review Guide
Vocabulary words:
Unconstitutional Separation of
Checks and
Section 1:
What are the six basic principles of the Constitution?
Popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances,
judicial review, federalism
What principle of the Constitution holds the government accountable for their actions?
Checks and balances
List examples of each of the six principles of the Constitution.
Pop. Sov. - “We the People”
Limited gov. Sep. of Pwr. Checks and Bal. Jud. Rev. Fed. – formal amendment process
Which Article of the Constitution is called the “Supremacy Clause”? Article 6
Why was this (supremacy clause) included into the Constitution? Because of the
weakness of the Central government under the Articles of Confederation
Be able to name different ways the legislative branch can “check” on the judicial branch.
Page 68 ( remove judges through impeachment)
Be able to name different ways the executive branch can “check” on the legislative
Pg 68 ( veto legislation)
Be able to name a way the judicial branch can “check” on the legislative branch.
Pg 68 (declare acts of Congress unconstitutional)
How can the separation of powers be diluted (weakened)? When members of Congress
are of the same political party
Section 2:
What are the first ten amendments called? Bill of Rights
Be able to identify the first ten amendments. (page771-733)
Who supported the Bill of Rights and why were they added to the Constitution? The
Anti-Federalists – to secure the rights of the people
What is a major criticism of the formal amendment process? State legislatures ratify the
amendment instead of delegates picked by the people
Be able to identify the four methods of the formal amendment process. Page 73 in
textbook or page 19 in your interactive notebook
What branch of government plays the biggest part in the formal amendment process?
Legislative branch
What is the only way to change a constitutional amendment once it has been added to the
Constitution? By another amendment
Which branch of government can “check” a presidential veto? Legislative branch
What are the requirements to override a presidential veto? 2/3 vote (both houses) of
Section 3:
When a change in the Constitution is made other than through the formal amendment
process, what is it a result of? Daily experiences of the government
What are the 5 types of other ways to change the Constitution?
Basic legislation, executive action, Supreme Court decisions, Political party practices,
Unwritten Custom
Be able to identify examples of party practices, unwritten custom, basic legislation,
executive agreement
Party Prac – electoral college
Unwritten custom – President’s cabinet
Basic legislation – laws that add flesh to the bones of the Constitution (Judiciary Act of
Executive Action – Executive action
What is the Judiciary Act of 1789? Congressional change to the Constitution that
identified specific details of the establishment of courts
Know the 27 amendments – specifically the 1-10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 25
13 – Abolish slavery
14 – Equal protection , due process, citizenship (to former slaves)
15 – right to vote (for former slaves)
18 – prohibition of alcohol
19 – women’s right to vote
21 – repeal of prohibition of alcohol
25 – presidential succession, vacancy, presidential disability
Why has the Constitution lasted for over 200 years? Built in provisions for
accommodating change
Know what the 7 Articles of the Constitution are (LEJFASR)
Look at your chart in your interactive notebook (page 17)
****There will be 50 questions and you will need to make sure you are familiar with the
concepts more than just the definition of the words (know examples!)****