Target Market Description Tool

Appendix A-2
Target Market Description Tool
For the product or service you described in the Product/Service Description Tool, answer the following
questions (write N/A if the question does not apply to your target market).
Name of Product or Service:
I. What geographic market(s) do you concentrate on?
A. Worldwide/International markets (list up to 3 countries)
1. ______________________________________ 1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________
B. U.S. markets (list up to 3 states)
1. ______________________________________ 1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________
C. State markets (list up to 3 cities or countries in one of the states in B)
1. ______________________________________ 1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________
D. City/county markets (list up to 3 local communities in one of cities in C)
1. ______________________________________ 1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________
II. What major market segment does your target market represent?
(Complete section II if you target organizations or businesses)
A. What industries do you target for your product or service (e.g. health care, financial services,
1. _____________________________________ 1. ______________________________________
2. _____________________________________ 2. ______________________________________
3. _____________________________________ 3. ______________________________________
Appendix A-2
B. With one of the industries selected in A., what companies to you target for your product or services
(e.g., Citibank, First Interstate, Wells Fargo in the financial service industry)?
1. _____________________________________ 1. ______________________________________
2. _____________________________________ 2. ______________________________________
3. _____________________________________ 3. ______________________________________
C. Within one of the companies selected in B., what divisions, departments, or sections do your target
(e.g. human resources, marketing, purchasing)?
1. _____________________________________ 1. _______________________________________
2. _____________________________________ 2. _______________________________________
3. _____________________________________ 3. _______________________________________
D. Within one of the divisions, departments, or sections you selected in C, what trainer, recruiter,
administrator in human services)?
1. _____________________________________ 1. _______________________________________
2. _____________________________________ 2. _______________________________________
3. _____________________________________ 3. _______________________________________
III. What are the demographics and psychographics of your desired target market? (Complete
this section if you target consumers.)
Describe your typical customer. Provide your own categories for each area if the breakdown outlines
is inappropriate.
A. Age group (you may use numerical breakdown, e.g., 20-30 years):
B. Sex:
C. Marital status
D. Family Size
__No Children
__1-2 Children
__10 or more
E. Annual family income/average earnings:
__Over $90K
F. Ethnic group/nationality
__African American
__Hispanic American
__Asian American
G. Education
__Grade School
__High School
__Graduate School
H. Buying Patterns
Appendix A-2
I. Other considerations (e.g. physical features, height, weight, religious affiliation, political view,
family orientation, occupation, lifestyle, attitude, values, beliefs):
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________