Agenda - Glen Ridge Public Schools

January 10, 2011
CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 pm - LGI Room at Glen Ridge High School
Mr. de Leeuw
Dr. Dishmon
Ms. Eisen
Mr. Licciardi
Mr. Keppel
Mr. Kobernick
Ms. O'Connor
Ms. Raskin
Ms. Ginsburg
This is a regular meeting of the Glen Ridge Board of Education. Adequate notice of this meeting has been
provided in that this Board notified the Glen Ridge Paper and the Star Ledger on May 10, 2010. Said
notice was published in the Star Ledger and the Glen Ridge Paper on May 13, 2010. The date, time, and
location of this meeting were also emailed to all recipients of the annual schedule of the Board's
John M. Mucciolo, Ph.D., Superintendent
Peter R. Caprio, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
7:00 pm Executive Session - Room 108
WHEREAS, a matter to be considered by the Board of Education deals with personnel, negotiations
and/or possible litigation, and
WHEREAS, public disclosure of this matter may be prejudicial to the public good,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this matter be considered in a meeting closed to the
public; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of this meeting be sealed until the matter is resolved.
Adjourn to closed session.
COMMITTEE REPORTS (First meeting of the month only)
Curriculum Committee
Personnel and Policy Committee
Negotiations Committee
Finance and Facilities Committee
Ad Hoc Committee for Communication
Ad Hoc Committee on Alternative Funding
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LIAISON REPORTS (First meeting of the month only)
Home & School Associations
Glen Ridge Association for Special Education (GRASE)
Glen Ridge Educational Foundation (GREF)
Glen Ridge Athletic Association (GRAA)
Glen Ridge Arts Patrons Association (GRAPA)
Glen Ridge Municipal Alliance Committee (MAC)
Gas Lamp Players
M-1 Board of Education Minutes
Approve the Glen Ridge Board of Education executive session and regular meeting minutes of December
13, 2010.
A-1 First Reading of Revised and/or New Policies and Regulations
Approve the first reading of the following revised and/or new policies and regulations of the Glen Ridge
Board of Education:
Policy #1140 - Affirmative Action Program
Policy #1523 - Comprehensive Equity Plan
Policy #1530 - Equal Employment Opportunities
Regulation #R1530 - Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Procedure
Policy #1550 - Affirmative Action Program for Employment and Contract Practices
Regulation #R1550 - Affirmative Action Program for Employment and Contract Practices Complaint
Policy #2260 - Affirmative Action Program for School and Classroom Practices
Policy #2415.01 - Academic Standards, Academic Assessments, and Accountability
Policy #2415.04 - Title I - District-Wide Parental Involvement
Policy #2423 - Bilingual and ESL Education
Regulation #R2423 - Bilingual and ESL Education
Policy #6360 - Political Contributions
Policy #6362 - Contributions to Board Members and Contract Awards
Policy #8420 - Emergency and Crisis Situations
Regulation #R8420 - Emergency and Non-Fire Evacuation Plan
Regulation #R8420.2 - Bomb Threats
Regulation #R8420.7 - Lockdown Procedures
Regulation #R8420.10 - Active Shooter
Policy #8740 - Bonding
P-1 Appointment of Principals/Assistant Principal
a. Approve the appointment of Dirk Phillips as Principal at Glen Ridge High School at a salary of $160,668
effective January 11, 2011 through June 30, 2011.
b. Approve the appointment of Michael Donovan as Principal at Ridgewood Avenue School at a salary of
$140,335 effective January 11, 2011 through June 30, 2011.
c. Approve the appointment of Keisha Harris as Assistant Principal at Ridgewood Avenue School at a
salary of $111,000 effective January 11, 2011 through June 30, 2011.
P-2 Leaves of Absence
a. Approve a maternity leave of absence to Nicole Dilkes, 5th grade teacher at Ridgewood Avenue
School, effective on or about April 29, 2011 through the remainder of the 2010-2011 school year.
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Ms. Dilkes will utilize her unused sick days as per the Master Agreement. Her anticipated return is
September 2011.
b. Approve a maternity leave of absence to Jenelle Hamer, special education teacher at Glen Ridge High
School, effective on or about April 21, 2011. Ms. Hamer will utilize her unused sick days as per the
Master Agreement. Her anticipated return is June 15, 2011.
c. Approve a medical leave of absence to Ohannes Voskian, social studies teacher at Glen Ridge High
School, for the remainder of the 2010-2011 school year.
P-3 Revise Appointments
a. Revise the appointment effective dates for Lynn Cummings, leave replacement guidance counselor at
Ridgewood Avenue School, from 12/14/10 through 6/1/11 to 12/14/10 through 6/3/11.
b. Revise the appointment effective dates for Keith Izsa, leave replacement social studies teacher at Glen
Ridge High School, from 10/19/10 through 1/31/11 to 10/19/10 through 6/30/11.
P-4 Substitute
Approve the addition of Samuel Schneider to the substitute list for the 2010-2011 school year.
P-5 Retirements
Accept, with regret, the retirement resignations of Teresa Fitzsimmons, French teacher at Glen Ridge
High School, and Ohannes Voskian, social studies teacher at Glen Ridge High School, effective June 30,
P-6 Co-Curricular Advisors
a. Revise the co-curricular stipend for Paulette Cinotti as Science Club advisor at Ridgewood Avenue
School from a full stipend (guide 7 step 1 year 2) $1,520 to .5 in the amount of $760 for the 2010-2011
school year.
b. Approve Alice Roberts as a co-advisor for the Science Club at Ridgewood Avenue School on guide 7
step 1 year 1 in the amount of $760 for the 2010-2011 school year.
P-7 Mentor
Approve Joan Boland as a new teacher mentor for the 2010-2011 school year.
P-8 Appointment
Approve the appointment of Megan Van Note as a leave replacement kindergarten teacher (replacing
Jaime Fitzgerald) at Linden Avenue School on BA Step 1 $48,662* (pro-rated) effective February 28,
2011 through June 30, 2011. (*salary adjustment will be made upon completion of negotiations)
P-9 Home Instruction
Approve Shihong Zhang and Amanda Goodwin to provide home instruction services at a rate of $40 per
hour for the 2010-2011 school year.
C-1 Field Trip
Approve a field trip for the Linden and Forest Avenue School 1st and 2nd grade students to visit the
Liberty Hall for "Changing Childhood" in Union, NJ on February 11, 2011 as per the attached. (Exhibit C1)
B-1 Financial Reports
Approve the following financial reports as recommended by the Finance Committee:
a. Certification of Fund Balance
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Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(e), we certify that as of November 30, 2010 after review of the
Secretary's monthly financial reports and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the
best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:202.13(b) and that sufficient funds were available to meet the district's financial obligations for the fiscal
b. Secretary's report through November 30, 2010 as follows:
Beginning Balance $4,462,458.32
Cash Balance
c. Bills list through December 31, 2010 in the amount of $2,312,009.19
d. Student activity account bills list for the month of December 2010 as follows:
Linden Avenue School
Ridgewood Avenue School
Glen Ridge High School
Glen Ridge High School Athletics $16,087.50
e. Treasurer of School Monies report for November 2010 as presented.
f. Approve the budget transfer for the month of November 2010 as presented. (Exhibit B-1.f)
B-2 Conferences/Workshops
Approve the workshops/conferences and travel expenses for the following staff:
a. Eileen Ippolito, Christina Abrahamsen and Francoise Coppola to attend the workshop "Understanding
the NJASK Holistic Scoring Rubric" being held at the Harrison School in West Caldwell, NJ on January 27,
2011 for a total registration cost of $75 per person.
b. Patricia Drudy to attend the Classroom Reset 2011 technology workshop being held at Montclair State
University on January 7, 2011 for a total registration cost of $45.
c. Juliann Beckmann to attend the 90th Annual EDA/NJAHPERD Joint Convention being held at the Ocean
Place Resort & Spa in Long Branch, NJ on February 17, 2011 for a total cost of $116.65 ($85 registration
plus $31.65 travel).
d. Christine Sullo to attend the workshop "Using Cutting-Edge Technology Tools to Strengthen Learning
(Grades 6-12)" being held at the Ramada in East Hanover, NJ on January 27, 2011 for a total registration
cost of $199.
e. Lisa Jacobsen to attend the workshop "Wilson's Foundations" being held at the Morris-Union Jointure
Commission in New Providence, NJ on March 16, 2011 for a total cost of $223 ($210 registration plus $13
f. Rachel Maietta to attend the workshop "Standing on the Firing Line - Understanding NJ Education Law
as it Relates to Substance Abuse and Psychiatric Disorders in Public Schools” being held at Mayfair Farms
in West Orange, NJ on January 13, 2011 for a total travel cost of $10.63.
g. Mary Lynn DePierro, Jill Szalony and Jack DeWitt to attend the NJAPSA Conference for Directors,
Supervisors, CST, School/Guidance Counselors, Teachers and Other Professional Staff being held at the
Ocean Place Conference Center in Long Branch, NJ on February 11, 2011 for a total registration cost of
h. Winnie Kievit and Mary Lynn DePierro to attend the 2011 Techspo Conference being held in Atlantic
City, NJ on January 27 & 28, 2011 for a total cost not to exceed $1,200.
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i. Amy Booth and Winnie Kievit to attend the 2011 Skyward Conference being held in Orlando, FL from
March 16-18, 2011 for a total cost not to exceed $2,500.
j. Duke Mendez and Tom Novak to attend the Northeast Football Coaches Clinic being held at the Park
Ridge Marriott in Park Ridge, NJ on February 3 & 4, 2011 for a total cost of $83.18 ($75 registration plus
$8.18 travel) for Mr. Mendez and a total cost of $92.23 ($75 registration plus $17.23 travel) for Mr.
k. Jody Walsh and Kathy Stewart to attend the Early Childhood Science Symposium being held at the
Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, NJ on January 28, 2011 for a total travel cost of $17.23 for Ms.
Walsh and a total travel cost of $8.26 for Ms. Stewart.
l. Anne Curcio and Steven Finkel to attend the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New Jersey
workshop "New Standard - New Curriculum - New Assessments: How to Prepare" being held at the
Crowne Plaza in Somerset, NJ on January 13, 2011 for a total cost of $140.15 ($120 registration plus
$20.15 travel) for Ms. Curcio and a total cost of $170.15 ($150 registration plus $20.15 travel) for Mr.
m. Vivian Petrosino to attend the workshop "Bully-Proofing Made Easy" being held in Saddle Brook, NJ on
January 13, 2011 for a total registration cost of $189.
n. Lindsey Deptula to participate in the CRUSSH Tour (Colgate, Rensselaer, Skidmore, Syracuse,
Hamilton) being held in Albany, NY from April 3-7, 2011 for a total travel cost of $140.78.
o. Vivian Petrosino to attend the workshop "Creative Strategies to Enhance Your Effectiveness as a
School Counselor" being held in East Hanover, NJ on February 14, 2011 for a total cost of $207.76 ($199
registration plus $8.76 travel).
p. Lindsey Deptula to attend the workshop "Suicide - Prevention, Awareness, Assessment & Intervention"
being held at Saint Barnabas Corporate Office in West Orange, NJ on February 15, 2011 for a total cost
of $98.48 ($97 registration plus $1.48 travel).
q. Elaine Russoniello to attend the workshop "Practical Strategies & Behavior Interventions for Asperger's
Syndrome & High Functioning Autism in Students of All Ages" being held at the Holiday Inn in
Parsippany, NJ on February 8, 2011 for a total registration cost of $199.
B-3 Educational Instructional Services
a. Approve educational instructional services to be provided by Northwest Area School District to student
#11109 at a rate of $46.85 per day effective November 18, 2010.
b. Approve educational instructional services to be provided by St. Clare's Hospital to student #15117 at
a rate of $40 per hour effective December 14, 2010.
c. Approve educational instructional services to be provided by Professional Education Services, Inc. to
student #12502 at a rate of $40 per hour effective December 13, 2010.
B-4 Donation
Accept, with thanks, the generous donation from Mrs. Ginny Moriarty of props (valued at $100) for the
chorus concert at Ridgewood Avenue School. (Exhibit B-4)
B-5 Pre-Kindergarten Tuition Rates
Approve the extended day and full day pre-kindergarten sessions at Forest and Linden Avenue Schools
with the following tuition rates:
School Year
Extended Day Session $4,530
Full Day Session
School Year
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