Chapter 25 Pages 765-775 - U.S. in a Menacing World 1933

Chapter 25
Pages 765-775 - U.S. in a Menacing World 1933-1939; Into the Storm 1939-1941
Terms: Fulgencia Batista; Mussolini; Hitler; National Socialists (Nazis); Rhineland; Anschluss;
Sudentenland; Munich Conference; Neville Chamberlain; appeasement; Manchuria; Nye
Committee; Jesse Owens; Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling; Non-Aggression Pact; Nuremberg
Laws; 1938 Kristallnacht; 1939 St. Louis incident; blitzkrieg; Luftwaffe; Winston Churchill;
Battle of Britain ;Selective Service and Training Act; "destroyers for bases" ; "arsenal of
democracy"; Lend-Lease; Atlantic Charter 1941; "Yellow peril" Tripartite Pact ;Hideki Tojo;
Dec 7, 1941; Bataan; Corregidor
1. How was the "good neighbor policy" tested in Cuba and Mexico? Its long-term
2. How did Italy, Germany, Japan challenge U.S. efforts to stay out of world affairs?
3. What did the Neutrality Acts and the Ludlow Amendment have in common?
4. How did the U.S. challenge Nazi aggression before 1939?
5. What world actions (particularly in Germany) persuaded the U.S. to begin gearing for
6. What happened to German Jews in the mid and late 1930s and how does the U.S
7. What tactics did Germany use after the invasion of Poland and what was the U.S.
8. Professing neutrality, FDR took a series of steps in 1940 and 194 that begin to ready the
U.S. for war. What were his nine steps?
9. Know the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers and be able to locate them on a map.
10. What was the America First committee?
11. What happened after Japan joins the Rome-Berlin Axis?
12. Did the U.S. know a direct attack was coming in December 1941?
Pages 775 -780 - America Mobilizes for War
Terms: Office of Strategic Services; War Production Board; Office of Price Administration;
inflation; rationing; victory gardens; "war bonds"; laser; radar; quantum physics; Mark I;
ENIAC; antibiotics, DDT; MASH units; Albert Einstein; J. Robert Oppenheimer; Office of War
1. How did the early part of the war go for the U.S.?
2. What organizations were created to "manage" the war?
3. In what way did the relationship between government & the people and governmentmilitary-industry change in WWII?
4. What were some of the economic challenges of the war?
5. How did science & technology develop during the war?
6. What was the Manhattan Project, its key players, key places and results?
7. What were the political implications in the first part of the war?
Pages 780 - 791 - The Battlefront 1942-1944
Terms:"Germany first" Operation Torch; Bernard Montgomery; El Alamein; Dwight
Eisenhower; Normandy; Operation Overlord; Douglas MacArthur; Chester Nimitz; Harry S.
Truman; "Rosie the Riveter"; WACs; WAVEs; WASPs; CORE; A. Philip Randolph; Executive
Order 8802; Navajo code talkers; braceros; LULAC; Issei; Nisei; internment camps (Manzanar;
Heart Mountain; Minidoka; Rohwer; Jerome' Gila River; Poston; Topaz; Tula Lake; Amacha)
1. Why did Stalin want a second front? Why did the U.S. delay?
2. Why was Stalingrad significant?
3. What was the significance of D-Day and who were its key players?
4. What was the importance of the Battle of the Bulge? Battle of Coral Sea? Battle of
5. What did Guadalcanal foreshadow? Why was the U.S. "island hopping"?
6. What were FDR's war goals and how did he use personal diplomacy to achieve them?
7. What were the outcomes of wartime conferences Casablanca, Cairo, Tehran?
8. Describe the impact of the war on the soldiers.
9. How did the war affect women, education, popular culture?
10. How did the black community raise awareness in its "double V" campaign?
11. What steps did the government take to ease discrimination? How effective were they?
12. Impact of the war on natives, Mexican-Americans, homosexuals?
13. How did the zoot suit riots reflect attitudes at the time?
14. What were the underpinnings of the internment of Japanese?
15. How were Executive Order 9066 and Korematsu v. U.S. related?
Pages 7910-0795 - Triumph and Tragedy 1945
Terms: FDR's death; VE Day; U.N. Charter; Edward R. Murrow; extermination camps
(Auschwitz; Bergen Belsen)Enola Gay; Hiroshima; Bock's Car; Nagasaki
1. How did the Soviet position in Eastern Europe affect the Feb. 1945 Yalta Conference?
What decisions were made? Were left unmade?
2. How and for what reasons did relations deteriorate between the U.S. and Soviet between
March 1945 and the Potsdam Conference in July 1945?
3. Why was the U.S. slow to acknowledge the Holocaust?
4. How did fighting on Iwo Jima and Okinawa affect U.S. attitudes about ending the
Pacific War?
5. Short-term and long-term impact of the use of the atomic bomb?
Chapter 26
Pages 799-814 - Postwar Political Setting 1945-1946; - Anti-communism and Containment
Terms: IMF; World Bank; GATT inflation; cost of living; "enforced sovietization" ; "soft on
communism" National Security Act 1947 (NSC, CIA, Defense Department); Chiang Kai-shek;
Mao Zedong; Taiwan; "Red China"; 38th Parallel; "police action"; Pusan; Inchon; MacArthur;
armistice; "carpet bombing"
1. Why did America demobilize so quickly? What was the impact on veterans, families,
2. What was the GI Bill of Rights and its impact on veterans, women and higher education?
3. How did the Bretton Woods Agreement facilitate economic stability and U.S. growth as
an economic power?
4. How did the following react to postwar inflation: Truman? labor? GOP response to
Truman and labor?
5. Why did Truman refuse to acquiesce to Stalin's efforts in Poland and Eastern Europe?
6. What was George F. Kennan's policy suggestion? And how was it conveyed? What did
it eventually become known as?
7. What was Winston Churchill's metaphor for Soviet expansion?
8. What are the characteristics of a "cold war"?
9. How did Greece and Turkey's anti-communist struggles give rise to the Truman
Doctrine? What did the doctrine promise? What was Dean Acheson's role?
10. In what ways did the Marshall Plan attempt to contain communism?
11. Describe the cause and effect of the Berlin blockade.
12. What was significant about the U.S. joining NATO? How did NATO and Warsaw Pact
increase tensions in Europe?
13. Where did communism take hold in the Pacific? Where did it NOT? Why?
14. How did the "fall of China" affect American foreign policy?
15. What did NSC-68 endorse? What was Truman's reaction? What changed opinion about
NSC-68's suggestions?
16. What was the source of conflict between Truman and Gen. MacArthur?
17. What was a limited war?
18. What was Omar Bradley's opinion of the Korean War?
19. What were the consequences of the Korean War - sometimes called the "forgotten war"?
Pages 814-823 - Truman Administration at Home 1945-1952;Politics of Anti-Communism
Terms: Jackie Robinson; 1947 To Secure these Rights; J.Strom Thurmond; Henry Wallace;
Thomas Dewey; "do nothing" Congress; Executive Order 9981; Displaced Persons Act; "enemy
within"; "witch hunts"; J. Edgar Hoover; Smith Act 1940 and 1951; Dennis v. U.S.; Richard
Nixon; pumpkin papers; Klaus Fuchs; McCarran Internal Security Act; McCarran-Walter
Immigration and Nationality Act 1952; Herblock (cartoonist Herb Block of the Washington
Post); Adlai Stevenson; Dwight David Eisenhower; Richard Nixon; slush fund; "checkers
speech" [not specifically called this in Enduring Vision]
1. What were the main points of contention between Truman and the 80th Congress?
2. What was the Taft-Hartley Act and what were the key points of the fight over it?
3. Who were the key players, parties and issues in the election of 1948?
4. How did the election of 1948 signal a political change and the solidification of the New
Deal Coalition?
5. What were the key promises of Truman's "Fair Deal"? What happened to his promises?
6. What was the underlying reason for the Loyalty Board? Its impact?
7. What was the focus of the HUAC hearings? Impact? Its relationship to the Hollywood
8. How did the Truman administration deal with accusations that it was "soft on
9. What was the outcome and impact of Whittaker Chambers' accusations about Alger
10. What was "McCarthyism"? How did Joseph McCarthy behave and why was he allowed
to do so?
11. When the Rosenbergs were accused of espionage, how did they respond to the charges?
12. What were the key issues in the election of 1952? Who was the Republican presidential
ticket? How did the GOP win?