Feb 04 - Champaign County Audubon Society

From tamrastallings at sbcglobal.net Tue Feb 24 10:55:34 2004
From: tamrastallings at sbcglobal.net (Tamra Stallings)
Date: Tue Feb 24 10:56:32 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] second message
Message-ID: <43783597-66EA-11D8-A907-000393415518@sbcglobal.net>
this is a test
Tamra Stallings
From tamrastallings at sbcglobal.net Tue Feb 24 11:21:11 2004
From: tamrastallings at sbcglobal.net (Tamra Stallings)
Date: Tue Feb 24 11:22:10 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] New list serve
Message-ID: <D763AF96-66ED-11D8-A907-000393415518@sbcglobal.net>
Hello Birders,
You all should have just received a welcome letter to CCAS's new list
serve. The only major difference for you is the new email address.
When sending messages please address them to:
If you have any questions of problems, please contact me. For testing
purposes it would be great if a few of you could post something in the
next day or two.
Tamra Stallings
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From vaiden at isgs.uiuc.edu Tue Feb 24 11:46:16 2004
From: vaiden at isgs.uiuc.edu (Vaiden, Robert)
Date: Tue Feb 24 11:48:35 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] New list serve
I haven't seen anything exciting in the last day...
-----Original Message----From: birdnotes-bounces@lists.prairienet.org
[mailto:birdnotes-bounces@lists.prairienet.org] On Behalf Of Tamra
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 11:21 AM
To: birdnotes@lists.prairienet.org
Subject: [Birdnotes] New list serve
Hello Birders,
You all should have just received a welcome letter to CCAS's new list
serve. The only major difference for you is the new email address. When
sending messages please address them to:
If you have any questions of problems, please contact me. For testing
purposes it would be great if a few of you could post something in the
next day or two.
Tamra Stallings
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From bprice at pdnt.com Tue Feb 24 13:05:35 2004
From: bprice at pdnt.com (Brock)
Date: Tue Feb 24 13:11:10 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] E-mail address
Message-ID: <001401c3fb09$311a7200$48e0ddce@user>
Sending my e-mail address in case you need it again.
Brock Price
From bprice at pdnt.com Tue Feb 24 13:09:21 2004
From: bprice at pdnt.com (Brock)
Date: Tue Feb 24 13:14:38 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] Good Bird
Message-ID: <002101c3fb09$b61df580$48e0ddce@user>
I am sitting here right now looking at my first Common Redpoll.
brightly plumaged adult female - a first for me.
Brock Price
410 N. 8th Street
Saint Joseph, IL
It is
From lambeth at ad.uiuc.edu Tue Feb 24 14:03:42 2004
From: lambeth at ad.uiuc.edu (Gregory S Lambeth)
Date: Tue Feb 24 14:06:00 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] Screech Owl
Fate works in mysterious ways. I sent out an email to the list
yesterday saying that my only reliable Screech Owl hole was in a tree
on Oregon in Urbana that was cut down over the weekend. Well, last
evening I was driving down Race Street at dusk and watched a Screech
Owl fly into a hole!!!!!! Hopefully, a new reliable spot.
The Redpoll reported in St. Joseph is a good find! I'm wondering if
Brock is willing to allow observers to come to his feeder? If so, can
you keep us posted on whether the bird is coming to your feeder?
From jeffc at Web-Makers.com Tue Feb 24 14:12:29 2004
From: jeffc at Web-Makers.com (Jeffrey A. Courson)
Date: Tue Feb 24 14:16:07 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] County EN Panel Meetings
Message-ID: <403BB02C.526326C8@Web-Makers.com>
The Champaign County Blue Ribbon Environmental Panel
The Champaign County Blue Ribbon Environmental Panel has scheduled four
meetings to solicit public opinion and information about current and
potential environmental issues in Champaign county:
Monday, March 8--The new Rantoul Library, 7 - 8:30 pm.
Monday, March 15--The Mahomet Village Hall, 7 - 8:30 pm.
Wednesday, March 24--The Visitor Center at Salt Fork Forest
7 - 8:30 pm.
Tuesday, March 30--The Illinois Terminal, Champaign, 7 -- 8:30
The County Board formed the Environmental Panel
eleven citizens to the Panel who volunteered to
making a general assessment of the condition of
environment and describing actual and potential
of the environment.
in 2002. It appointed
write a one-time report
the county's physical
influences upon the
Each of the Panel's public meetings will be conducted as an"open house"
hosted by several panel members who will circulate questionnaires to
attendees and invite discussion of exhibit material and handouts.
These meetings are planned to fulfill the Board's intention that the
invite public participation and well as solicit expert testimony. The
meetings will be publicized in the News-Gazette and the county's weekly
newspapers. Information about the Panel's project and an opinion
are being posted on The UIUC Community Inquiry Labs (CIL) web
site--"Imagine a Sustainable Champaign County."
-Jeffrey A. Courson
WebMakers, Inc.
Voice/FAX: 217.586.5110
---------------------Never become too busy...
...to watch a sunset...
...enjoy a rainbow...
...listen to the sounds of nature.
From smithsje at egix.net Tue Feb 24 14:50:06 2004
From: smithsje at egix.net (Jim & Eleanor Smith)
Date: Tue Feb 24 14:52:28 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] mockingbird & chipping sparrow
Message-ID: <E1AvjTr-0001yH-Oj@localhost.localdomain>
Hello, Bird,
This am, a mocking bird flew across I 74 in front of our car on the
north side of St Joesph.
This afternoon, a chipping sparrow was at our feeders.
Best regards.
Jim & Eleanor Smith
From jwhoyt at prairienet.org Tue Feb 24 14:59:10 2004
From: jwhoyt at prairienet.org (James Hoyt)
Date: Tue Feb 24 14:59:14 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] Screech Owl
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0402241458120.4869100000@bluestem.prairienet.org>
Thank you for this interesting post.
Jim Hoyt
On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, Gregory S Lambeth wrote:
> Fate works in mysterious ways. I sent out an email to the list
yesterday saying that my only reliable Screech Owl hole was in a tree
on Oregon in Urbana that was cut down over the weekend. Well, last
evening I was driving down Race Street at dusk and watched a Screech
Owl fly into a hole!!!!!! Hopefully, a new reliable spot.
> The Redpoll reported in St. Joseph is a good find! I'm wondering if
Brock is willing to allow observers to come to his feeder? If so, can
you keep us posted on whether the bird is coming to your feeder?
> Greg
> _______________________________________________
> Birdnotes mailing list
> Birdnotes@lists.prairienet.org
> https://mail.prairienet.org/mailman/listinfo/birdnotes
-James Hoyt
Co-steward Parkland College Prairies.
Monitor Urbana Park District Natural Areas.
Champaign County Humane Society Native Garden Chair.
"The human culture is considered to be a 'geologic force' and with
reason. But if we are at a stage where our actions are to decide the
world's future, then surely we have reached a level where we can be
acountablefor the world's future." Durward L. Allen "Our Wildlife
From vaiden at isgs.uiuc.edu Tue Feb 24 15:06:08 2004
From: vaiden at isgs.uiuc.edu (Vaiden, Robert)
Date: Tue Feb 24 15:08:26 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] mockingbird & chipping sparrow
Are all the good birds in St. Jo today? I've seen Redpolls only
once...but the "once" lasted about a month. Up at my folk's house in
Rockford, we had a platform on the kitchen window...and these strange
birds showed up. I had to look them up. They would stay on the feeder
while we ate 2-3 feet away (you could put your face up to the window).
What a fun sight!
Mom still remembers it 35 years later.
Bob :)
-----Original Message----From: birdnotes-bounces@lists.prairienet.org
[mailto:birdnotes-bounces@lists.prairienet.org] On Behalf Of Jim &
Eleanor Smith
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 1:00 AM
To: Bird Notes
Subject: [Birdnotes] mockingbird & chipping sparrow
Hello, Bird,
This am, a mocking bird flew across I 74 in front of our car on the
north side of St Joesph.
This afternoon, a chipping sparrow was at our feeders.
Best regards.
Jim & Eleanor Smith
Birdnotes mailing list
From bprice at pdnt.com Tue Feb 24 15:24:19 2004
From: bprice at pdnt.com (Brock)
Date: Tue Feb 24 15:29:51 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] Redpoll
Message-ID: <004901c3fb1c$941b9ec0$1ce0ddce@user>
Anyone interested would
redpoll hasn't returned
from a
Coopers Hawk is keeping
so I will keep everyone
always be welcome at my feeders, although the
since about 2:00. Right now my daily visit
everything at bay.
I don't work until 1:00 on
updated if it returns and give directions to my
From lambeth at ad.uiuc.edu Wed Feb 25 13:01:22 2004
From: lambeth at ad.uiuc.edu (Gregory S Lambeth)
Date: Wed Feb 25 13:03:53 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] Sandhill Cranes!!!
I had a flock of 13 Sandhill Cranes fly directly over my house on
Delaware Avenue in Urbana today at 12:20pm. My experience is Sandhills
migrate through Champaign-Urbana in late February and early March
whenever we have strong Southeasterly winds which blows them off course
just enough that we get a few flocks.
sounds) -- they were very loud.
It was a thrilling sight (and
Greg Lambeth
From jwhoyt at prairienet.org Wed Feb 25 17:43:43 2004
From: jwhoyt at prairienet.org (James Hoyt)
Date: Wed Feb 25 17:43:49 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] Parkland Prairies
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0402251740080.17780100000@bluestem.prairienet.org>
Saw over a hundred RB blackbirds and a few juncos out westt of parkland
the dry pond.
Evidence of raptor activity where many black and a few red covert
were found on the ground.
No bones left...
-James Hoyt
Co-steward Parkland College Prairies.
Monitor Urbana Park District Natural Areas.
Champaign County Humane Society Native Garden Chair.
"The human culture is considered to be a 'geologic force' and with
reason. But if we are at a stage where our actions are to decide the
world's future, then surely we have reached a level where we can be
acountablefor the world's future." Durward L. Allen "Our Wildlife
From smithsje at egix.net Wed Feb 25 18:58:40 2004
From: smithsje at egix.net (Jim & Eleanor Smith)
Date: Wed Feb 25 19:01:16 2004
Subject: [Birdnotes] Sandhill cranes
Message-ID: <E1Aw9ps-0001nk-SQ@localhost.localdomain>
Hello, Bird,
32 sandhill cranes flying northeast into the wind over our farm today,
4:10 pm.
Best regards.
Jim & Eleanor Smith