1 OBJECTIVES LIST FOR ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY A/B (6670, 6671) (12/1/02) Standard 1: INTRODUCTION TO ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Overview of Anatomy and Physiology 2 1.1.1 1. The student will define anatomy and physiology and their subdivisions. ESS 4 1.1.2 2. The student will recognize the interrelationship between anatomy and physiology ESS Goal 2: Understand terminology related to Anatomy and Physiology 6 1.2.1 3. The student will master terms for body directions, regions and planes ESS 8 1.2.2 4. The student will identify major and minor body cavities ESS 10 1.2.3 5. ESS 12 1.2.4 6. 14 1.2.5 7. The student will describe and identify membranes (i.e., mucous and serous) and their functions The student will identify structures of the plasma membrane and how they relate to cellular transport The student will define homeostasis and its importance 16 1.2.6 8. The student will describe both negative and positive feedback mechanisms and their role in maintaining homeostasis ESS ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 ESS ESS 2 Standard 2: TISSUES: STRUCTURE, FUNCTION AND LOCATION Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand characteristics of tissue groups 18 2.1.1 1. 20 2.1.2 2. 22 2.1.3 3. The student will identify the different structural and functional characteristics of the four primary tissue groups: Epithelial Connective Muscle Nerve The student will name, describe and provide functions and locations of tissue types within each group above The student will discuss how tissue is repaired and factors influencing the rate and efficiency of repair ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 ESS EXP EXT 3 Standard 3: THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand the structure and function of the integumentary system 24 3.1.1 1. The student will distinguish among the layers which make up the integumentary system: dermis, epidermis, and subcutaneous The student will describe the structure and function of various appendages of the skin (i.e., hair, sudoriferous, and sebaceous) The student will describe the four functions of skin ESS 26 3.1.2 2. 28 3.1.3 3. 30 3.1.4 4. EXP 5. The student will associate the 4 sensory corpuscles with their functions: Ruffinian (heat) Krause (cold) Pacinian (pressure) Meissner’s (touch) The student will know the A, B, C, D’s of skin cancer 32 3.1.5 34 3.1.6 6. The student will distinguish among the three classifications of burns EXP ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 ESS ESS ESS 4 Standard 4: SKELETAL SYSTEM Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand the structure and function of the skeletal system 36 4.1.1 1. 38 4.1.2 2. 40 4.1.3 3. 42 4.1.4 4. 44 4.1.5 5. The student will identify 5 basic functions of the skeletal system (i.e., support, protection, locomotion, blood cell formation, and mineral reserve) The student will describe the four classes of bones ESS The student will identify the following structures of the long bone and their associated functions: Diaphysis Epiphysis Epiphyseal plate Periosteum Enosteum Marrow Medullary cavity Compact vs. cancellous bone The student will describe the chemical composition of bone, summarize bone remodeling, and differentiate between the function of each of the following cell types: osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts The student will identify the major bones of the axial and appendicular skeleton, and describe the function of various bone markings (i.e., projections and depressions) ESS The student will identify and give examples of the following types of joints: Ball and socket Gliding Hinge Rotation Fixed The student will describe the structure of the synovial joint and how these structures help in stabilization and the proper functioning of the joint EXP The student will describe various disorders of the skeletal system (i.e., fractures, sprains, dislocations and diseases) EXP EXP EXP EXP Goal 2: Joints 46 4.2.1 6. 48 4.2.2 7. EXP Goal 3: Disorders 50 4.3.1 8. ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 5 Standard 5: MUSCULAR SYSTEM Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand characteristics of tissue groups 52 5.1.1 1. 54 5.1.2 2. 56 5.1.3 3. 58 5.1.4 4. 60 5.1.5 5. 62 5.1.6 6. 64 5.1.7 7. The student will name and describe the characteristics of the 3 types of muscle tissues The student will identify the gross anatomical structures of skeletal muscles from an illustration, including the connective tissue coverings (i.e., epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium) The student will identify the microscopic structures of a muscle fiber and their functions The student will explain the major events that occur during muscle fiber contraction (sliding filament mechanism). The student will describe factors that contribute to the strength of muscle contractions The student will explain how energy is supplied to the muscle fiber contraction mechanism, how oxygen debt develops, and how a muscle may become fatigued The student will identify various muscle groups on a dissected mammal and compare and contrast their movement or function to a human END TRIMESTER A ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 ESS EXP ESS ESS EXP EXP EXT 6 Standard 6: NERVOUS SYSTEM Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand the structure and function of the nervous system 66 6.1.1 1. 68 6.1.2 2. 70 6.1.3 3. 72 6.1.4 4. 74 6.1.5 5. 76 6.1.6 6. 78 6.1.7 7. 80 6.1.8 8. 82 6.1.9 9. 84 6.1.10 10. 86 6.1.11 11. 88 6.1.12 12. 90 6.1.13 13. The student will list and describe the divisions of the nervous system: central nervous system (CNS) Peripheral nervous system (PNS) (sensory somatic and autonomic) The student will distinguish between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system The student will name the four types of neuroglial cells of the CNS and describe the functions of each: Astrocytes Microglial Ependymal Oligodendrocytes The student will name the two types of supporting cells in the PNS and describe their functions: Satellite cells Schwann cells The student will describe the structure of a neuron ESS The student will describe how a nerve impulse is generated and conducted along a nerve cell and how it is transmitted to another nerve cell The student will name the parts of the reflex arc and distinguished among sensory, motor and association neurons The student will name the four major parts of the brain and describe the functions of each: Cerebrum Diencephalon Brain stem Cerebellum The student will identify the protective membranes and fluid around the brain and spinal cord: Pia mater Dura mater Arachnoid mater The student will distinguish between white matter and gray matter in both the spinal cord and the brain The student will describe the anatomy of the spinal cord including the major spinal cord tracts The student will list the 12 cranial nerves, identify as sensory or motor, and provide the location of their origin or destination The student will describe how the spinal nerves are named and provide some examples of the more important nerves from each of the major regions of the spine ESS ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 ESS EXP EXP ESS EXP ESS EXP ESS EXP EXT EXT 7 Standard 7: SPECIAL SENSES Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand structure and function of the basic senses 92 7.1.1 1. The student will name 5 kinds of receptors (taste, smell, sound, sight, touch) ESS 94 7.1.2 2. ESS 96 7.1.3 3. The student will describe the location, structure and afferent pathways of the taste, smell and sight receptors The student will discuss specific diseases of the eye and ear that affect their abilities (i.e., cataracts, tinnitus, Meniere’s syndrome, conductive and sensory deafness) ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 EXT 8 Standard 8: ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand the structure and function of the endocrine system 98 8.1.1 1. The student will distinguish between endocrine and exocrine glands ESS 100 8.1.2 2. ESS 102 8.1.3 3. 104 8.1.4 4. The student will provide the locations, secretions, targets and effects of the major endocrine glands (i.e., pituitary, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenal, and reproductive glands) The student will discuss how hormone secretions are regulated by feedback mechanisms The student will discuss various diseases of the endocrine system relative to hyper/hypoendocrine secretions (i.e., Addison’s disease, acromegaly, dwarfism/gigantism, goiter, and diabetes) ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 EXP EXP 9 Standard 9: BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand the composition and function of blood 106 9.1.1 1. ESS 4. The student will describe the general composition of blood and its major functions The student will define hematocrit and describe its use in diagnosing blood disorders such as leucopenia and leukemia The student will distinguish among the formed elements of blood (erythrocytes, various leukocytes, and thrombocytes) and describe their functions The student will list the major components of blood plasma 108 9.1.2 2. 110 9.1.3 3. 112 9.1.4 114 9.1.5 5. The student will explain how red blood cell production is controlled EXP 116 9.1.6 6. EXP 118 9.1.7 7. The student will define hemostasis and explain mechanisms that help to achieve it The student will explain the basis for blood typing 120 9.1.8 8. The student will describe how blood reactions may occur between fetal and maternal tissues (erythroblastosis fetalis) EXP EXP ESS EXP EXP Goal 2: Understand the structure and function of the cardiovascular system 122 9.2.1 9. 124 9.2.2 10. 126 9.2.3 11. 128 9.2.4 12. 130 9.2.5 13. The student will name the organs of the cardiovascular system and discuss their functions (heart, arteries, veins and capillaries) The student will identify the major structural features of the heart (chambers, valves, and major vessels) The student will describe the specific pathway of blood circulation through the heart and circulatory system The student will describe the structure of arteries and veins and explain how the differences contribute to the functions of each The student will describe hypertension and explain how blood pressure is measured ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 ESS ESS ESS EXP EXP 10 Standard 10: LYMPHATIC SYSTEM Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand the structure and function of the lymphatic system 132 10.1.1 1. 134 10.1.2 2. 136 10.1.3 3. The student will describe the general functions of the lymphatic system: Maintains circulatory dynamics (plasma: blood solid ratios) Lymphocyte proliferation and immune surveillance response The student will describe the structure, function and location of lymphatic vessels (capillaries, collecting vessels, trunks and ducts) and the lymphoid organs (thymus, spleen, tonsils, Peyer’s patches, appendix and lymph nodes) The student will discuss various diseases of the lymphatic system (i.e., elephantiasis, Hodgkin’s disease, mononucleosis, lymphoma and tonsillitis) ESS EXP EXP Goal 2: Understand the immune system 138 10.2.1 4. The student will explain how B and T lymphocytes are formed and how they function in the immune system The student will distinguish between active and passive immunity ESS 140 10.2.2 5. 142 10.2.3 6. ESS 7. The student will explain what an antigen is and what its role is in the immune system The student will describe the structure and function of antibodies 144 10.2.4 146 10.2.5 8. The student will explain how immune responses affect organ transplants EXP 148 10.2.6 9. The student will describe various immunodeficiencies, hypersensitivities, and autoimmune diseases EXP ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 ESS EXP 11 Standard 11: RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand the structure and function of the respiratory system 150 11.1.1 1. The student will list the general functions of the respiratory system ESS 152 11.1.2 2. ESS 154 11.1.3 3. The student will describe the structure and function of each organ of the respiratory system The student will explain how inspiration and expiration are accomplished 156 11.1.4 4. The student will name and define each of the respiratory air volumes EXP 158 11.1.5 5. The student will list major homeostatic imbalances of the respiratory system EXT ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 EXP 12 Standard 12: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand the structure and function of the digestive system 160 12.1.1 1. 162 12.1.2 2. 164 12.1.3 3. 166 12.1.4 4. The student will name and describe the location of the organs of the digestive system (GI tract and accessory organs) and describe the general functions of each The student will list the enzymes secreted by the various digestive organs and describe the function of each The student will describe the role of peristalsis in mixing and moving materials ESS The student will describe the function of the local hormones produced by the small intestine EXP ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 ESS EXP 13 Standard 13: EXCRETORY SYSTEM Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand the structure and function of the excretory system 168 13.1.1 1. ESS 2. The student will name the organs of the excretory system and describe their general functions The student will describe the structure of the kidney 170 13.1.2 172 13.1.3 3. The student will describe a nephron and explain the functions of its parts ESS 174 13.1.4 4. The student will discuss tubular secretion and reabsorption in urine formation EXP ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 ESS 14 Standard 14: REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Abacus # Std/ Goal/ Obj # Objective Criticality Goal 1: Understand the structure and function of the reproductive system 176 14.1.1 1. 178 14.1.2 2. The student will name the parts of the m ale and female reproductive systems and describe the general functions of each The student will describe the major events of fetal development ESS = Essential (Students should master these objectives; they will be tested on an End of Course Assessment.) EXP = Expected (These objectives should be tested on in-class assessments, but are also important for future science learning.) EXT = Extended (These objectives are suggestions for areas of extended work if there is time.) ©Idaho Falls School District # 91 2002 ESS ESS