Department of Business Administration, College of Commerce, NCCU Chang, Yegmin DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MBA PROGRAM COLLEGE OF COMMERCE NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY INTERNAIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FALL 2007 A. Instructor: Office: E-mail: Phone/Fax: Class Hours: Office Hours: Professor Chang, Yegmin Research: Room 261012, 10th Fl., College of Commerce Bldg. Office: 2939-3091 ext.81012 (Phone), 2939-8005 (Fax) Monday: 2:10 - 5:00 pm Monday-Wednesday: 5:00 - 6:00 pm And by appointment B. Books 1. Textbook Bartlett, Ghoshal, and Birkinshaw, Transnational Management: Text, Cases, and Readings in Cross-Border Management, 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2004. 2. Recommended Books: (1) Ghoshal and Bartlett, The Individualized Corporation: A Fundamentally New Approach to Management, Harper Business 1997. (中譯本:以人為本的企 業,智庫企管#82)。 (2) Bartlett and Ghoshal, Managing Across Border (中譯本:無國界管理,遠流 實戰叢書#86)。 (3) Ball et al, International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition, 8th McGraw-Hill, (中譯本:國際企業全球競爭的挑戰,美商麥格羅希爾管理 叢書)。 (4) Cullen, Multinational Management: A Strategic Approach, South Western, 1997. (中譯本:國際企業管理,華泰書局)。. (5) 于卓民,國際企業,華泰書局。 (6) Friedman, Thomas L., The Lexus and the Olive Tree. 中譯:了解全球化, 聯經全球視野#21。(非教科書,全美暢銷書)。 (7) Financial Times Mastering Series, Mastering Global Business, Your Singe Source Guide to Becoming a Global Business.中譯,國際企業,培生集團。 (8) Friedman, Thomas L., The World is Flat. . 中譯:世界是平的,雅言非文學 09。(非教科書,全美暢銷書)。 C. Course Objectives The subject of International Business contains a variety of topics and issues 1 106751263 Department of Business Administration, College of Commerce, NCCU Chang, Yegmin that usually cannot be covered in a single course. Most International Business courses focus on issues involving movement of factors and products across borders (international trade), the comparison between domestic and international environment (geographic diversity), international organizations (WTO), and on issues of theory and functional management of multi-national enterprises (MNC), while most International Management courses choose MNC as the unit of analysis, emphasizing managerial issues of a multi-national enterprise, how a MNC handles opportunities and threats brought about by globalization and adjusts global resource allocation. Key issues include market entry, global strategy, global coordination and control, and global alliance. This course takes the strategic perspective to the global management of a MNC. Functional management decision issues are integrated into the global strategy framework by which a MNC adapt a global strategy to meet the global competition challenge. This course also emphasizes case study. CLASS SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Date 9/29 Content Overview Expanding Abroad: Motivations, Means, and Mentalities 10/1 Managing Conflicting Demands: Global Integration, Local Responsiveness, and Worldwide Learning C1-3 Jollibee Foods Corporation 10/8 R1-3 Going Global: Lessons from Late Movers “An Alternative OLI Framework for Latercomers” 10/15 C2-3: Toys ‘R’ Us Japan R2-2 Cluster and the New Economics of Competition 10/22 R2-3 The End of Corporate Imperialism C2-2 Global Wine Wars: New World Challenges Old 10/29 R2-1 Culture and Organization “Changing Values, Economic Development & Political Change” Developing Strategic Capabilities: Building Layers of Competitive Challenge Text Reading Case Chap 1 Chap 2 C1-3 R1-3 A2 C2-3 R2-2 R2-3 C2-2 R2-1 A3 Chap 3 106751263 Department of Business Administration, College of Commerce, NCCU 7 8 9 11/5 11/12 11/19 10 11/26 11 12/3 12 12/10 13 12/17 14 12/24 15 12/31 16 1/7 17 1/14 C3-2 Komatsu, Ltd.* “New Strategies in Emerging Markets” C3-4 General Electric Medical Systems 2002 Developing Coordination and Control: The Organizational Challenge C4-1 Philips and Matsushita 1998 R4-1 Tap Your Subsidiaries for Global Reach C4-4 ABB’s Relays Business: Building and Managing a Global Matrix Creating and Leveraging Knowledge: The Worldwide Learning Challenge R5-2 Integrating the Enterprise C5-1 P&G Japan: The SK-II Globalization Project C5-2 McKinsey & Company Managing across Boundaries: The Collaborative Challenge C6-1 Xerox and Fuji Xerox C6-2 Renault/Nissan: The Making of a Global Alliance Building Multidimensional Capabilities: The Management Challenge Preparing for the Future: Evolution of the Transnational The Transformation of BP “Network Linkage& Location Choice in Foreign Direct Investment” “Asset-exploitation vs. Asset-Seeking: Implication for Location Choice of FDI from Newly Industrialized Economies” “Creating Competitive Advantages out of Market Imperfections: Taiwanese Firms in China” Final Presentation Final Presentation Chang, Yegmin C3-2 A4 C3-4 Chap 4 C4-1 R4-1 C4-4 Chap 5 R5-2 C5-1 C5-2 Chap 6 C6-1 C6-2 Chap 7 Chap 8 C8-1 A5 A6 A7 D. Grading Policy 1. Reading/case presentation -------------------------------- 40% 2. Final written report and oral presentation----------- 30% 3. Attendance------------------------------------------------ 10% 4. Participation-------------------------20% Total 100% 3 106751263 Department of Business Administration, College of Commerce, NCCU Chang, Yegmin E. Important Notes and Policies 1. Reading Presentation: 請將文章中最精要的觀念、論點、架構做介紹。請 準備一頁的重點上課前發給同學,使用時間:不超過 60 分鐘。報告後將 投影片檔案 post 在教學網站。 Grading Criteria: The extent of key points in the article presented 40%; the clarity of presentation 40%; Presentation skills 10%; Time used 10%; Prepare one page of handout summarizing the key points of the article. 2. Case Presentation: 個案問題請見另文。分幾段報告(1)case overview; (2)key points to be learned from the case; (3) case questions answered and or solutions proposed。使用時間:不超過 60 分鐘。報告後將投影片檔案 post 在教學網站。 Grading Criteria: (1) Succinctness of case summary 30%; (2) Importance of case problems and issues identified and explained 20%; (3) comprehensiveness of problem analysis 40%; (4) Questions handling 10%. 3. Final written report and oral presentation: 個人期末口頭及書面報告: (30%):Choose a company based in Taiwan which has engaged in internationalization activities and write about this company’s internationalization process and global strategy. 找一家基地在國內的而有 跨國活動的公司撰寫一篇分析該公司的國際化與國際佈局(國際策略)的 報告。書面報告 1/7 交.。(你們可選擇次級資料整理或公司訪談來撰寫報 告,切忌抄襲。) Please refer to the article, R1-3 “Later movers from countries with small domestic markets” for inspiration. 請將報告重心放在與 R1-3 所提出的問 題:How could later movers from countries with small domestic markets embark on internationalization 應如何進行國際化? Grading Criteria: (1) The Significance of the internationalization process as a case for learning 35%; (2) The extent of drawing upon concepts and theories learned from this course 40%; (3) Oral Presentation 15%; (4) Report Style 10%. 10 points will be deducted each day after the due date if the written report is overdue. 4. Attendance 個人出席 10%。 5. Participation. 個人參與討論,(20%)。 F. Case Questions: C1-3 Jollibee Foods Corporation 1. Explain Jollibee’s success in its home market. 2. Evaluate Tony Kitchner’s effectiveness as the first head of Jollibee’s international division? Does his strategies make sense? How effectively did he develop the organization to implement his priorities? 3. How would Noli deal with the three options described at the end of the case? C2-3: Toys ‘R’ Us Japan 4 106751263 Department of Business Administration, College of Commerce, NCCU Chang, Yegmin 1. Is Japan a good market for Toys “R” Us? 2. Is Toys “R” Us good for Japan? 3. Has Toy “R” Us chosen the best entry strategy for the Japanese market? Has it chosen the right partner? C2-2 Global Wine Wars: New World Challenges Old 1. How did the French become the dominant competitors in the increasingly global wine industries for centuries? What sources of competitive advantage were they able to develop to support their exports? Where were they vulnerable? 2. What changes in the global industry structure and competitive dynamics led France and other traditional producers to lose market share to challengers from Australia, United States, and other new world countries in the late twentieth century? 3. What advice would you offer today to the French Minister of Agriculture? To the head of the French wine industry association? To the owner of a mid-size, well regarded Bordeaux vineyard producing wines in the premium and super premium categories? 4. What advice would you offer today to the Australian Minister of Agriculture? To the head of the Australian wine industry association? To the owner of a mid-size, well regarded vineyard in the Barossa Valley (a premier Australian wine region) producing wines in the premium and super premium categories? C3-2 Komatsu, Ltd. 1. What are the sources of Komatsu’s success? 2. Are Kawai’s actions random or purposeful behavior? What is the glue that holds all these programs together? 3. What is Kawai trying to achieve through his various policies, programs, and plans? 4. How secure is Komatsu’s strategic position? What are its competitive vulnerabilities? C3-4 General Electric Medical Systems 2002 1. What is the underlying logic behind the Global Product Company idea? 2. Should the Global Product Company philosophy be altered to suit the needs of the medical diagnostics market in China? 3. Should GEMS be pursuing genomics and healthcare-IT opportunities aggressively in addition to, or instead of, the China opportunity? C4-1 Philips and Matsushita 1998 1. How did Philips become the leading consumer electronics company in 5 106751263 Department of Business Administration, College of Commerce, NCCU Chang, Yegmin the world in the postwar era? What distinctive competence did they build? What distinctive incompetencies? 2. How did Matsushita succeed in displacing Philips as No. 1? What were its distinctive competencies and incompetencies? 3. What do you think of the change each company has made to date-the objectives, the implementation, the impact? Why is the change so hard for both of them? 4. What recommendations would you made to Gerald Kleisterlee? To Kunio Nakamura? C4-4 ABB’s Relays Business: Building and Managing a Global Matrix 1. What is it about ABB’s global matrix that allows it to succeed when so many others have failed? 2. How different are management roles and responsibilities in this complex and sophisticated organization model? 3. At Don Jans next steering committee meeting with Baker and Grundemark, how should he be going to deal with the Comsys issue that has been giving him so much concern? C5-1 P&G Japan: The SK-II Globalization Project 1. Does SK-II have the potential to develop into a major global brand? 2. If so, which markets were the most important to enter now? 3. How should this be implemented in P&G’s newly reorganized global operations? C5-2 McKinsey & Company 1. How was this obscure little firm of “accounting and engineering advisors” able to grow into the world’s most prestigious consulting firm fifty years later? What was the unique source of competitive advantage developed by James O. McKinsey and later Marvin Bower? 2. How effective was Ron Daniel in leading McKinsey to respond to challenges identified in the Commission on Firm Aims and Goals? What contribution did Fred Gluck make to the required changes? 3. Judging by the evidence in the three mini=cases of front-line activities in the mid-1990s, how effective has the firm been in its two-decade long change process? 4. What is your evaluation of Rajat Gupta’s “four-pronged” approach to knowledge development and application within McKinsey? As a senior partner, what specific advice would you give him? C6-1 Xerox and Fuji Xerox 1. What role has Fuji Xerox played in Xerox’s global strategy? How do you expect this role to change in the future? 6 106751263 Department of Business Administration, College of Commerce, NCCU Chang, Yegmin 2. Is Fuji Xerox a successful joint venture in 1990? How do you measure its performance? Please be as concrete and specific as possible? 3. What were the key success factors in this alliance in the past? Do you expect these factors to change in the future? 4. Consider the different options for reorganization listed in Exhibit 11. Select one option in each functional area and explain why you prefer it over others. C6-2 Renault/Nissan: The Making of a Global Alliance 1. Why Renault is seeking a strategic partner? 2. Who is a suitable partner for Renault? 3. What are Renault’s strengths and weaknesses in seeking partner? 4. How dangerous is Daimler/Chrysler’s challenge? 5. Why does Renault “win” the battle for Nissan? 6. Describe the process of strategic alliance formation based upon this case’s material. C8-1 The Transformation of BP 1. How do you evaluate BP’s “Atomic Organization”? What are its strengths and weaknesses? 2. What are the positive and negative of performance contracting system? If you were a BU leader in BP, what influence would such a system have on your behavior? 3. BP claims to have significantly benefited from the peer processes: what are the requirements for such processes to be effective? What advice will you give to another company that is considering implementation of peer assist and peer challenge? 4. Do you agree with the company’s commitment to being “a force for good”? Is this commitment consistent with the role of a public company in a market economy? 5. What role does the top management play in BP? How is this role different from the role played by top management in companies you know, or have some experience with? Supplementary readings: Luo, Yadong and Tung, Rosalie L. “International expansion of emerging market enterprises: A springboard perspective.” Journal of International Business Studies, Jul2007, Vol. 38 Issue 4, p481-498 7 106751263