SL2 class Y 2YA16SMatM 1. How could the teaching of (name of subject) be improved? (please think of specific suggestions that would help your learning). start topic by problem to wonder about like how we go through examples in class good 2. How do I contribute to the teaching and learning on this course? active, asking questions more study ask and answer questions 3. Is there anything about my own learning I still wish to improve? more practice outside class much more practice slowly catching up with difficult topics 4. Any recommendations about the organisation and structure of the course? well planned possible IA ideas in probability, bring the topic forward make probability option clear when introducing IA 66 lessons, roughly 60 hours Test results: Int1 Int2 OCT Tr1 Tr2 Int1 Int2 Vect Pr T P1 P2 SL% Y% 13,5 11,2 6,2 7,2 5,2 13,6 12,5 20 20,2 51 44,8 58,4 69,9 5,5 6,4 0,7 4,5 3,6 7,0 8,2 2,7 8,0 16,7 12,9 17,4 16,0 max 23 22 7 13 12 26 21 26 27 90 74 100 100 mean Homework colour keys: normally black numbers refer to paper textbook exercises, blue starting with IBID refers to IBID book (e-book downloadable from shared file or w4) further practice and homework assessment from practice files Lesson Date Topic HW-Quiz to go Investigation p302-303/odd 9G/1-2 9G/all IBID/22.3/7,8 IBID/22.6/8,9 IBID/22.4/9 IBID/22.5/11 65 1/9/B1 Areas for negative and changing functions 9L/1-5 65 2/9/B3 Area enclosed by curves, 9M, 64 4/9/B3 volumes of revolution 9N IBID/22.3/4-5 linear substitution 22.5/4,5 22.4/4-5 IBID/22.7/1-5 66 28/8/B3 Rev. Integral, integration by LINEAR substitution Definite integral and area practising definite integrals 63 8/9/B3 Kinematics 9O/5 LAPTOPS IBID/22.6/1-5 9O/1-4 9P/... IBID/22.6/8,9 IBID/22.4/9 IBID/22.5/11 IBID/p788/RevSetE/24, 25,31,36 62 10/9/B1 PARTICULAR SOLUTION 9P/2 (non-calc first) Practice, LAPTOPS IBID/p788/RevSetE/10,14,19, QUIZ 9 Rev ex. Int/3,7,25 P1Style/calc/8,13,14,16 ,18,20,24,26 61 11/9/B3 IA1 Review Int 1 p1Style/10 IBID /p788/RevSetE/24,25,31 ,36 60 15/9/B3 IA2 LAPTOP Review Int 2 59 17/9/B3 SohCahToa, TEST INTEGRALS Rev Ch18/3.7 circle 58 19/9/B1 MS1 basic identities REV Angles of elevation and depression 11C all 57 23/9/B3 MS2 investigating obtuse (and right) angles coordinate system with trig cosine rule 11D/1 11E/1 11F/1 11I/all 56 25/9/B3 sine rule, ambiguous case, 11H/odd 55 29/9/B3 area of triangle radian measure Area of sector, segment of circle, practice, trig values with rsdisnd 54 1/10/B1 Quiz – unit circle, general def for sin, cos, tan trig identities, 53 2/10/B3 52 13/10/B3 11J/odd 11L/odd 11K/odd Quiz Sine R, Cos R trig functions: SIN, COS, graph, domain, periodicity, trig identities, 11D/all IBID/10.1/odd IBID/10.2.1/odd IBID/10.2.2/odd PBL 13E/odd 13F/odd 13G/odd Feedback 1 TAN function: graph, domain, periodicty, 13I/odd 13J/odd 13K/odd IBID/10.3/odd transformations of trig fn. 51 15/10/B3 trig modelling practice double angle identities 13L/ 13M/ IBID/10.4/ IBID/10.5/ 50 17/10/B1 quiz trig identities, summary values – summary Quiz UNIT circle, Trig graphs, Trig models 13A/odd 13B/odd 13C/all IBID/10.4/1-2 49 20/10/B3 simple trig equations 1 exact practice LAPTOP IBID/10.4/3-5 13D/1-2 13E/odd 48 22/10/B3 FEEDBACK 2 quadratic trig equations IBID/10.2.1/odd IBID/10.2.2/odd IBID/10.4/5-6 13D/3 13F/all IBID/10.4/7-11 47 24/10/B3 Rev P1Style/Trig/1,4,5,6,7,8,9,11, LAPTOP 13 RevSets P/1Style/Trig/12,14,16, 18,19,20,21,24,26 46 29/10/B1 IBID/RevSetB/6,7,10, IBID/RevSetB/16,19,21,2 4,26,29,30,33,35,36,40, SlTrig/11,19,33,35,43 LAPTOP derivatives of sin(x), cos(x) TEST Trig identities trig equations NOVEMBER BREAK SlTrig/11,19,33,35,43 44 10/11/B2 Test MS?? Practice, derivatives of sin(ax+b), cos(ax+b) 14C/1-2 max-min, tangents and normals 14D/1 14C/3-all 14D/even 43 12/11/B2 Test MS?? antiderivatives of sin(ax+b), cos(ax+b) 14E/1,3,5? Quiz Trig diff only 14E/even IBID/22.3/4-8 (no SEC…) 42 14/11/B1 definite integrals with trig, AREA 14F/all, 14G/1 14G/all IBID/22.4/8 41 17/11/B2 linear motion with trig 14H/1,3 general integration by substitution (REV) 14H/even IBID/22.6/8,10 40 19/11/B2 volume, practice LAPTOP IBID/22.7/9, IBID/22.7/16,17 IBID/22.5/4, SlInt/9,13,23, 39 21/11/B2 Integrals by substitution Laptops definite integrals by substitution P1Style/Calc/4,6,11, 14RevSets IBID/22.3/12, 38 25/11/B1 rev. P1Style/Calc/13b,18,22,27,28, 37 26/11/B2 Rev IBID/22.5/13,16, LAPTOPS 15B2/1-3 IBID/RevSetE/3,10,14,2 4,31,33,34,43,44,46,49, 36 28/11/B2 Test Test Trig Calculus 35 2/12/B2 MS Vectors, addition, IBID12.1/odd IBID12.2/odd 34 4/12/B1 subtraction IBID12.3/1-2 Multiplying vectors and scalars, IBID12.3/3-7 IBID12.4/1-9 15B3/1-3 33 5/12/B2 Position vectors Algebra of vectors Coordinates of vectors IBID/12.5/all p1Style/Vectors/1-2 32 9/12/B2 Length of vector, unit vector (Trig Equations TEST 2) 45 31/10/B3 LAPTOPS IBID/22.4/6i,10,11,13,1 5, p1Style/Vectors/3-9 IBID/12.6/3-10 WINTER BREAK 31 12/01/20 15/B2 Scalar product IBID/12.6/1-2 angle of vectors 12I/all IBID/12.5/all p1Style/Vectors/1-2 IBID/12.6/1 30 14/01/B1 HW: p1Style/Vectors/1-2, 12J/all p1Style/Vectors/3-4 IBID/12.6/3-10 Parametric and vector equations of a line, direction vector, IBID/12.7.1/1-4 Cartesian eq. In 2D, Test Trig Calculus Tutorial time 29 15/01/B2 intersection in 2D IBID/12.7.1/6-8 Intersection of lines in 3D IBID12.7.2/1-3 TEST Vectors – scalar product 12K/odd SlVect/3,7,31,47,51, 28 19/01/B2 HW: p1Style/Vectors/3-4 12L/odd p1Style/Vectors/10-11 Lines in 3D, angles, IBID/12.7.3/1-2 27 21/01/B2 Review vectors, 3D lines Laptops IBID/RevSetC/1,5,8,12,14-18 IBID/12.7.1/10-15 Rev Questions P1Style/5-9 26 23/01/B1 Rev Vectors, Lines Laptops IBID/RevSetC/1,5,8,12,14-18 Rev Questions 25 26/01/B2 Probability – definitions, axioms theoretical and experimental probability IBID/15.2/4-6 Test (3D Lines) 3A/odd, 3B/odd, 3C/odd IBID/15.1/odd IBID/15.2/odd REVIEW SlSeq/5, SlBinom/9,13 SlExpLog/11,15 PBL 24 04/02/B2 Probability using Venn diagrams and tables (lattice diagrams) 3D/even IBID15.3/odd 23 06/02/B2 Probability trees, conditional prob, independent events Monty Hall Dilemma 3F/3,5,7 3E/even 3F/even 3G/even 3G/1 IBID15.3/odd 22 10/02/B1 Bayes’ thm. 3H/1 3I/1,3 3H/even 3I/even IBID/15.4/odd (IBID/15.5/odd) 21 11/02/B2 Review Prob LAPTOPS p1Style/7,12,13,15,17 IBID/RevSetD/1,3,4,5,6, 12,13,15,17,19,22,23,30 ,37a,40, 20 13/02/B2 Test, probability variables, prob dist. Discrete probability distributions E(X), Var(X) Test Prob Fn/5,31/a-c,41 Diff/3,13,51 REV Statistics! MOCK EXAM 19 2/3/B2 Simpson paradox, Medical test (Bayes’ thm) 18 4/3/B2 MS exam P1 17 6/3/B2 feedback quest Binomial distribution, P(X=x), BinomPDF, BinomCDF IBID/16.3/1-3 Practice IBID/16.3/7-12 16 10/3/B1 Continuous Probability Distributions Standard normal distr, IBID17.1/1 15 11/3/B2 Using GDC, IBID17.1/2 14 13/3/B2 Standardising, IBID17.2/5-7 Inverse normal problems IBID17.2/11-13 P1Style/Stat/1-3 13 17/3/B2 IBID/RevSet/ 12 20/3/B1 Rev, finding and from probabilities 11 23/3/B2 P1Style/Stat/1-3 IBID/RevSetD/24,30,40,41,7,14,25 10 25/3/B2 Test REVIEW P1 Section B 9 27/3/B2 REVIEW P1 Section B QUIZ Int/19,25 IBID/RevSetD/41,7,14,2 5 TEST Prob Dist Trig/23,39 8 31/3/B1 REVIEW P1 Section B IBID/16.3/4-6 7 1/4/B2 TEST P1 Section B Vect/39 21 days Easter Holiday 13 lessons 6 8/4/B2 REVIEW P2 Section B 5 10/4/B2 TEST P1/Section B 4 14/4/B1 REVIEW P2 Section B 3 15/4/B2 REVIEW P2 Section B 2 17/4/B2 Council Meeting 1 21/4/B2 REVIEW P2 Section B 23/4/B1 TEST P2 Section B 24/4/B1 MS, FAREWELL 14 days EXAMS P1Style/Stat/4,10 IBID17.2/8-10,14-… Test Section B P2 8 lessons I forgot the unit circle… Feedback „reply“ 1. we sometimes would need to go a bit slower time is always an issue (scarce resource) hard to approach this particular teacher tutorial… 20 minutes / lesson our silent easily can be interpreted as we understand accent key concepts in detail (explain how it is derived) difficult even in HL (time!!) I enjoy the classes a lot ask a bit more questions to the class let us try… 2. I really like the homework we get helpful if you checked for homework once per chapter I do, I could scroll exercise book, too, which I do somewhat every lessson work together to solve mathematical problems in smaller groups why not? (practice time, say in pairs) 3. I enjoy the classes a lot struggle to read your handwriting same with myself…on SmartBoard better 4. I don't understand why the tests that are given are so incredibly difficult and complex because these are SL exam questions also 2nd year more difficult AND faster "quizzes" in this class are actually considered "tests" they are not considered Rumour? handwriting on the homework assignments one has to ask…