Sample lesson plan for Alex

Lesson Plan – Alex Kim – The Beginning of Grade 8 - The Path Through the Cemetery
Level 1/2 Language Development Planning and Assessment Strategy –
Part I -Organization: 75 minutes
Flipped classroom – reading and research are done for homework so that the application and peer/teacher learning can take place in the
Student work/move through centres with weekly checklists and unit expectations posted – individual pacing, checklist and access to Moodle
Students have worked in this ‘independent’ environment since grade 7 -Teacher conferences /monitors students
Full Class Lesson
Read the story – The Path Through the Cemetery
Vocabulary development– with definitions assigned
Understanding of the story (general)
VIP prep work for Alex/ unit
Mon in class
Small groups:
-Vocabulary reviewed/shared & then they take a mini Quiz
-Comprehension Questions – group discuss & individual
Complete questions
Research: Suspense
Lesson/Discussion of suspense – types- link to the story & review
Write 1st person – 1 pg_- through cemetery__________
Compete story & Self-edit story
Make corrections to marked assignments
Peer edit
Good copy story
Part 2 -Lesson Plan Drama based on: The Path Through the Cemetery-– Strand: Oral Communication –
Learning Goals:, applying oral communication strategies to complete the script in a small group (6 groups of 4), showing understanding of the story, in the
rehearsal and performance ( 5 days)
Part I -Background Lessons leading to Oral Language Lesson Plan Assignment Part 2
Word Bank –The Path Through the Cemetery
겁 많은
lack of courage or
용기 나 무서워 부족
세단 형 자동차
a public room for drinking
a smaller town
Long coat
롱 코트
a piece of clothing with
long sleeves and jacket
length worn outside
Cemetery gate
묘지 게이트
a hinged barrier that
closes an opening
Cross the cemetery
묘지를 건너서
to go to the other side
the time from sunset to
사 베르로
a sword
상처를 입히다
a monument in memory
of a dead person
the handle of the dagger
an intense feeling of fear
or shock
Sword through fold of
코트의 주름을
when the bottom of the
coat lays in layers
Ivan frozen to death
이반은 죽음에
통해 검
frozen = very cold
death=the end of a
person's life
The Path Through the Cemetery
by Leonard Q. Ross
묘지를 통해 경로
1)Ivan was a timid little man – so timid that the villagers called him ‘Pigeon’ or mocked
him with the title, “Ivan the Terrible.” Every night Ivan stopped in at the saloon which
was on the edge of the village cemetery. Ivan never crossed the cemetery to get to his
lonely shack on the other side. That path would save many minutes, but he had never
taken it - not even in the full light of noon.
2)Late one winter’s night, when bitter wind and snow beat against the saloon, the
customers took up the familiar mockery. “Ivan’s mother was scared by a canary when she
carried him.” “Ivan the Terrible - Ivan the Terribly Timid One.”
3) Ivan’s sickly protest only fed their taunts, and they jeered cruelly when the young
Cossack lieutenant flung his horrid challenge at their quarry.
4) “You are a pigeon, Ivan. You’ll walk all around the cemetery in this cold – but you dare
not cross it.”
5) Ivan murmured, “The cemetery is nothing to cross, Lieutenant. It is nothing but
earth, like all the other earth.”
6) The lieutenant cried, “A challenge, then! Cross the cemetery tonight, Ivan, and I’ll
give you five rubles – five gold rubles!”
7) Perhaps it was the vodka. Perhaps it was the temptation of the five gold rubles. No
one ever knew why Ivan, moistening his lips, said suddenly: “Yes, Lieutenant, I’ll cross the
8)The Saloon echoed with their disbelief. The lieutenant winked to the men and
unbuckled his saber. “Here Ivan. When you get to the center of the cemetery, in front
of the biggest tomb, stick the saber into the ground. In the morning we shall go there.
And if the saber is in the ground – five gold rubles to you!”
9)Ivan took the saber. The men drank a toast: “To Ivan the Terrible!” They roared with
10)The wind howled around Ivan as he closed the door of the saloon behind him. The
cold was knife-sharp. He buttoned his long coat and crossed the dirt road. He could hear
the lieutenant’s voice, louder than the rest, yelling after him. “Five rubles, pigeon! If you
Ivan pushed the cemetery gate open. He walked fast. “Earth, just earth…like any other
earth.” But the darkness was a massive dread. “Five gold rubles…” The wind was cruel
Note: Technology (Audacity) was used to
레너드 Q. 로스에 의해
assist with this lesson as there is no ESL
Korean language support. What you see as
written is also spoken.
The translation was done through a Korean
church member in Toronto who agreed via
the Internet to assist. It was also translated
by a 2nd person from the Korean
Association. (Contact was actually made)
Note: This translation used to replicate is
not viable as it is from Google – since the
work was a course assignment, I did not
actually have the above mentioned persons
complete the work.
(1)이반은 겁 사람 이었어 - 마을 사람
'비둘기'라는하거나 제목 그를
(2)나지막하게 얘길 ". 이반
끔찍한는"매일 밤 이반은 마을
(3)가장자리에있는 술집에서에서
중단되었습니다. 이반은 다른 측면에
and the saber was like ice in his hands. Ivan shivered under the long, thick coat and
broke into a limping run.
11) He recognized the large tomb. He must have sobbed – that was the sound that was
drowned in the wind. And he kneeled, cold and terrified, and drove the saber through
the crust into the hard ground. With all his strength, he pushed it down to the hilt. It
was done. The cemetery…the challenge…five gold rubles.
12) Ivan started to rise from his knees. But he could not move. Something held him.
Something gripped him in an unyielding and implacable hold. Ivan tugged and lurched
and pulled – gasping in his panic, shaken by a monstrous fear. But something held Ivan.
He cried out in terror, then made senseless gurgling noises.
13) They found Ivan, next morning, on the ground in front of the tomb that was in the
center of the cemetery. He was frozen to death. The look on his face was not that of a
frozen man, but that of a man killed by some nameless horror. And the lieutenant’s
saber was in the ground where Ivan had pounded it- through the dragging folds of his
long coat.
그의 외로운
오두막에 다다를 수있는 묘지을 넘은
적이. 그 경로는 많은 분을 저장 할 수
있지만, 그가 찍은 적이없는 -도 못
정오의 전체 빛 인치
#1 – Put the pictures in the order of the story: Cut and Paste
RECAP #2 - Match pictures to the words:
frozen to death
#3 - Match words to definitions
lack of courage or frightened
very cold
a smaller town
the end of a person's life
a hinged barrier that closes an opening
to go to the other side
the time from sunset to sunrise
a sword
a monument in memory of a dead person
a public room for drinking
a piece of clothing with long sleeves and jacket length worn outside
#4 - Fill in the missing information.
1.Ivan is a __________________________ man.
2. Ivan did not want to _____________________ the cemetery.
3. The time was ____________________________.
4. He put on his _____________________ to go outside.
5. Ivan pushed the cemetery _____________________ open.
6. He saw the large _______________________.
7. Ivan pushed the hilt of the __ _______________ into the ground.
8. He did not know that the _____________ got stuck in the ________________ of his coat.
9. Ivan was afraid and died, he __________________ to _______________________.
Word Bank:
long coat
Ongoing – Lesson Plan –The Path Through the Cemetery – Oral/Drama
-organize groups
Modification:*Alex placed in a group/mature who encourage him to take part in the planning
-use background knowledge of the story in a group
Modification: *Alex had previous day discussed the script with the teacher/ had homework to prepare him
-listen in order to understand and respond appropriately – share ideas/discuss possibilities
Modification He is already aware of sources for the script from the story so he is prepared to share
-complete the script collaboratively
Review :Oral Communication/Presentation skills - Sept
OC=one person speaks at a time, listen to one another
carefully and respond respectfully, ask questions if you do
not understand
P=volume, pacing, enunciation, eye contact, face the
New: Introduce the parts of a script -What students know (list on the board)
- Handout: setting and stage direction, character lines
Some of script completed – what is the source for
characters /lines? Discuss ‘sound effects’.
What do we want to show the audience when we perform
(purpose?)-=develop suspense through fear in Ivan
***Expectations: Post success Criteria on the board – see
Assessment below
9:30 –
-students work in groups on the scripts by sharing ideas and
– use of the computer/Moodle to write/extend the script
10:15 –:30 -questions/concerns – hmwk expectations
Assessment of the students in the groups: Checklist
-Group oral communication dynamics
- participation – respectful – encourage others
-understanding of the story – main ideas are shared
- use of oral language: clarity, accuracy & comprehension
**For Alex’s and Other’s Assessment see above 1st page
under “Background”
Next Day
Day 3
Reread the script for new ideas, editing
Select ‘character’ preferences for next day
Determine some sound effects
Students discuss and finalize the script
Students discuss and finalize ‘sound effects”
Students determine character/actor and costumes to be
brought in the next day- hmwk also
Students practise the script – hmwk also
Perform and critique (oral communication skills)
Evaluation – see Assessment & Look Fors
The Path Through the Cemetery – Drama/Oral - Groups of 4 Characters:
Ivan played by ________________________
Two villagers played by _________________________ and _______________________(example: Alex #2)
Lieutenant: played by ____________________________
Sound Effects:
Made by the two villagers and the Lieutenant once Ivan leaves the saloon.
Script: (example)
Setting: The Saloon
Villagers to Ivan:
Pigeon! Ivan the Terrible, are you afraid?
(looks afraid)
Villagers #1
Ivan’s mother was scared by_________________________________________
Villager #2:
Ivan is timid.
Stop it.
Choral =
You are a pigeon Ivan _______________________________________________
Ivan murmured:
The cemetery is nothing to cross.
A challenge! _______________________________________________________
The Villagers:
(Wraps his coat around himself, and leaves the saloon)
Setting – Outside as Ivan walks to the cemetery and pushes open the gate.
_____________________ (sound effects of the wind howling – scary)
______________________(chanting in Ivan’s mind) “Earth, just any other earth.)
_____________________ (sound effects of the wind howling – scary)
(reaches the tombstone – takes out his sword – puts it in the earth)
_____________________ (sound effects of the wind howling – scary)
(can’t get up and a look of horror on his face – dies)
Lieutenant and Villagers the next day find Ivan, frozen
Lesson Plan – Alex Kim -Final Assignment in Grade 8 : Independent Reading and Journal Writing
The more you read, the larger your vocabulary, the better you understand the use of grammar, and the more you learn about the world of
the character and yourself.
The more you write, the larger your vocabulary use, the better your grammar use, and the more meaning you can express about the world of
the character and yourself.
Part I -Choose one of the fiction or non fiction pieces of writing.
1. Look at the cover (front and back), title, writing and images. Does it seem interesting to you?
*Read the first page and two other pages. Does it still seem interesting? Do you understand the language and meaning of the writing?
2. Conference with the teacher. This is to make sure that the reading material is the best choice. We will talk about your answers to the
questions in number 1.
3. Begin to read. You will have 15 minutes in each class to read and make notes.
Part 2 – Answer the following questions. You will use these answers to later write your journals.
For Journal 1 – What is the name of the book or article?
What is the name of the author?
Who is the main character?
How does the main character relate to others?
What is the problem?
How does the story relate to your life?
Example: Think about problems you have faced.
For Journal 2- What happens in the part you read:
What has happened to the main character?
Why does the character act the way he or she does?
Is the problem being solved? Explain.
How does the story relate to your life?
Example: How do you act when there is a problem?
For Journal 3- What happens in the part you read:
What has happened to the main character?
Why does the character act the way he or she does?
How is the problem being solved? Explain
How does the story relate to your life?
Example: How do you solve problems?
For Journal 4- What happens in the part you read:
What has happened to the main character?
Why does the character now act the way he or she does?
How has the problem been solved? Explain
How does the story relate to your life?
Example: How have you solved a problem before?
Part 3 – Writing the journals.
The teacher will advise when it is time to write.
When you write your journal, look at the answers to your questions.
After you have written your journal, ask yourself the following (edit) before you conference with the teacher.
See the Rubric for the Success Criteria
I understand the story.
I know the characters.
I know how the characters are related.
I know why the characters act the way they do.
(cause and effect/sequence)
I have the correct ordering of the story.
I have ideas (proof) from the story to prove what I say about the character.
I use critical explanations.
Other people will understand the meaning of what I am writing. (You might want a peer edit)
I follow the writing process:
My writing has a beginning, middle and end
I use language conventionsproperly
-correct present/past tense
Each sentence is a complete thought.
Each paragraph has a topic sentence, detail (2-3 sentences)and a concluding sentence.
I make a connection to my own experiences as they relate to the reading. (example questions to answer)
The Final Journal Submission- (The novel was not completed)
I read a book name was “Choroltte’s web”. It was a pig born in spring, he was a spring pig, he can’t grow very big. Fern’s father
wanted to kill the pig, but Fern step him and saved this pig. she build a pigpen for the pig and she gave him a name: Wilbur. But,
fern’s father didn’t want this pig, he told fern to sell this pig to Mr. Zuckerman for six dollar. Mr. Zuckerman bought this pig.
Wilbur met all animal in the barn, the old sheep, the geese, the rat. It is a great book. I know the real live of farmer in the real
world. In the real world people work and work to earn money to save they life, same to Wilbur, he just a pig but he had the brain
not just eat and sleep, he want to make friends not lost them, he don’t want died but he want to live in barn, that was ral what
Wilbur thinking.