9/13/15 Bulletin

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Church Office, 279-9270
16th Sunday after Pentecost, September 13, 2015
Setting One (LBW green)
We welcome visitors and ask that you fill out a card found in
your pew and place it in the offering plate. Thank You.
VISION STATEMENT: We ring out a joyous message of
welcome and togetherness to neighbors near and far through the
spirit of Christ.
Prelude & Meditation
Confession and Forgiveness
p. 56
The Peace
p. 66
Hymn O God, My Faithful God
(LBW)green book # 504
p. 57
p. 57
Hymn of Praise
p. 60
The Prayer of the Day
p. 62
O God, through suffering and rejection you bring
forth our salvation, and by glory of the cross you
transform our lives. Grant that for the sake of the
gospel we may turn from the lure of evil, take up
the cross, and follow your Son, Jesus Christ, our
Savior and Lord. Amen
Children’s Sermon
First Reading: Isaiah 50: 4-9a
p. 62
The image of the servant of the Lord is one of the notable
motifs in the book of Isaiah. Today’s reading describes the
mission of the servant, whom early Christians associated
with Jesus. Like Jesus, the servant does not strike back at
his detractors but trusts God’s steadfast love.
Psalm 116:1-9
p. 272
Second Reading: James 3:1-12
p. 62
This text uses various images to illustrate how damaging
and hurtful the way we speak to and about others can be.
Not only are we to control our speech, but what we say and
how we say it is to reflect our faith.
Gospel Verse
p. 62
Gospel: Mark 8:27-38
p. 63
This story provides the turning point in Mark’s gospel.
Peter is the first human being in the narrative to
acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah, but he cannot accept
that as the Messiah Jesus will have to suffer. Moreover,
Jesus issues a strong challenge to all by connecting
discipleship and the cross.
Hymn Built on a Rock
(LBW) green book # 365
Apostles’ Creed
p. 65
The Prayers
p. 65
p. 66
Offertory Prayer
p. 67
The Great Thanksgiving
p. 68
Holy, Holy, Holy
p. 69
Eucharistic Prayer
p. 69
The Lord’s Prayer
p. 71
Lamb of God
p. 72
We commune by dipping the wafer (intinction). The second
cup is grape juice for those who desire.
Post Communion Blessing
p. 72
Post Communion Canticle
p. 72
Post Communion Prayer
p. 74
p. 74
Hymn“Come, Follow Me,” the Savior Spake (LBW) green book #455
p. 74
Key to Order of Service
“p.” indicates the page number in the front of the green
Lutheran Book of Worship “#” indicates the number of the
hymn, not the page number.
WE GIVE THANKS for the beginning of a new season.
be with us. They are Alberta Kreiger, Clarence Newton,
Beulah Lockrow, Ken Button, Fran Fiet, June Boomhower
and Flip Coonradt.
WE PRAY FOR: : Marion Gardner, JulieAnn Anthony,
Marilyn Kahill, Suzanne Alderman, Connie Baker, Cindy
Bode, John Grassmann, Nick Cappabianca, Sharon Gully,
BethAnn Macey, Michael Gully, Dick Passarelli, Joan
Mowers, Mary Button, Pastor Cordes, Lynn Stackrow and
Jennifer Coonradt Lundy, Vinnie Coonradt.
SPECIAL PRAYERS for all people who have served this
country and are serving in this country and abroad. “Caring
Connections has provided “Stars for our Troops” on the
table in the rear of the sanctuary. If you know or meet a
veteran, please feel free to present them with a “Star”.
Thank you”
GILEAD: Listen and Follow Jesus to Share the Way.
Leader: Christ
Ministers: Everyone
Pastor: Deacon Jim Netzer
Minister of Music: Joan Wocher
Assisting Minister: Joan Stry
Psalm Cantor: John Shanahan
Reader: Betty Britt
Ushers: Darlene and John Shanahan
WE WELCOME and thank Deacon Jim Netzer who will
lead us in worship today.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to John Erickson on the 14th.
Let us take a moment to thank the many hands in this
congregation who reach out to do God’s work.
9/13 God’s work, Our hands
9/14 Council Meeting 7pm
9/24 Body and Soul Pantry/Dinner 3-6pm
9/29 Healing Support Group @ 7 pm
Did you know that in Rensselaer County there are
currently 8 ELCA congregations and only 2 called
pastors? The congregations without a called pastor are
being served by Transition Pastors and Mission in
Transition Teams. At this time, pastors, laity, Mission
in Transition team members and Synod Staff are
meeting regularly to discuss the future of the ELCA in
this county. The main priority of the Rensselaer County
Strategy Meetings is to address the issue of the many
congregations needing pastoral leadership and how we
can best continue to do God’s work in this place. If you
have any questions or ideas, you can speak with: Sue
Anthony or Marion Daus.
Thank you
Marion Daus
THIS WEEK’S BODY & SOUL request is cereal.
Community Ministry has decided to donate to the
Pancreatic Cancer Walk which Suzanne Alderman is
walking in for God's Work, Our Hands Sunday.
Donations can be placed in the Blessing Box for this
charity. Thanks!