EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE AND MEDIA ON PRESERVATION AND RECOVERY OF Mycobacterium tuberculosis STRAINS FRED ONGERA ORINA MASTER OF SCIENCE (Mycobacteriology) 2009 1 Effects of temperature and media on preservation and recovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains FRED ONGERA ORINA A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the Degree Master of Science in Mycobacteriology in the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology 2009 i DECLARATION This is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other university. Signature……………………………… Date……………………………… Fred Ongera Orina This thesis has been submitted for examination with our approval as the university supervisors. 1. Signature……………………..…… Date……………………………. Dr. Willie Githui KEMRI, Kenya. 2. Signature…………….………..…… Date……….……….………….. Dr. Hellen Meme KEMRI, Kenya. 3. Signature…………………………… Date………………………….. Prof. Rosebella Maranga JKUAT, Kenya. ii DEDICATION I wish to dedicate this work to my mentor Dr. W. Githui and my mother Juliana; both of you have been patient with me. Thank you iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank God for his blessings to accomplish this work. My sincere gratitude to my supervisors, Dr.Willie Githui, Dr. Helen Meme and Prof. Rosebella Maranga for their dedicated guidance through out the study. I wish to thank the director Center for Respiratory Diseases Research and the ITROMID fraternity for their contribution to the study. I also wish to appreciate the dedicated technical assistance by Mr. Earnest Juma, Ms. Phoebe Mumbi, Mr. Francis Karimi, Michael Musili and Mr. Peter Kinyanjui. My appreciation to my family for the encouragement during this period of study and their love and support and especially Jossy kwamboka for moral support. My sincere gratitude to my statisticians Mr. Moses Mwangi and Mr. Jeff Okallo for their good work . iv TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION…………………………………………………………… ……...i DEDICATION………………………………...………………………………… …ii AKNOWLEDGEMENTS………..…………….…...……………………………. ..iii TABLE OF CONTENTS………….…………...………………………………..... iv LIST OF TABLES………………….………...…………………………………...viii LIST OF FIGURES……………….…………...……………………………….…..ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS………….……………………………………….....xi ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………….. xiii CHAPTER ONE…………………………….………………………….….………1 1.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................1 v 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM…………………………………………....3 1.3 JUSTIFICATION…..….…..……………...………………………………... …..4 1.4 HYPOTHESIS……………………………...………….……………….……. …5 1.4.1 Null hypothesis (HO)….………………………..……...….………5 1.4.2 Alternative hypothesis (Ha) ……….….…………….….…………5 1.5 OBJECTIVES……………………...……………..………………………… …..6 1.5.1 Main objective……....….………………..………..………………6 1.5.2 Specific objectives………………………………………...……….6 CHAPTER TWO………………………………………...………………………..7 2.0 Literature review……………………………………………………….……….7 2.1Classification of mycobacteria………………………………………..………....7 vi 2.2 Genome structure of mycobacteria……….……………………………...….7 2.3 Mycobacterial cell structure and metabolism……………….…………...….8 2.4 Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)……………………….………….….....8 2.4.1 General characteristics of MTB……..……….………….…....8 2.4.2 Cell wall structure of MTB…………………….………….…...9 2.4.3 Virulence mechanism and factors of M. tuberculosis………..11 2.4.4 Pathogenesis of MTB………………….….…….………....…13 2.4.5 Transmission of tuberculosis …………………….…….……..14 2.4.6 Diagnosis of tuberculosis……………………………....……..14 2.4.7 Tuberculosis treatment……………………..…….….………15 2.4.8 Drug resistance tuberculosis………………….…….……...15 vii 2.5 Preservation of microorganisms……………………….…..…………16 2.5.1 Methods of preservation of microorganisms………….………16 2.5.2 Effects of freezing on microorganisms…….…….…………..18 2.5.3 Effects of thawing on microorganisms…………………….…20 2.6 medium used in preservation……………………………………………...21 2.6.1 Gelatin………………………………….………………..21 2.6.2 Monosodium glutamate (MSG)………………… ….……….22 2.6.3 Trypticase soy broth with 20% glycerol…………...……23 2.6.4 Glycerol……………………………………….…………23 2.6.5 Sterilized distilled water….……………….……...…23 2.6.6 Phosphate buffer saline (PBS)………… ……..………...24 2.6.7 Lactose…………………………………….………...…….… .25 CHAPTER THREE……………………………..………………………………..29 3.0 Methodology……………………………………………..….…….……..… ….29 viii 3.1 Study design………………………………………………….….……….….…29 3.2 Study site…………………………………………………….….……….……..29 3.3 Study population, inclusion and exclusion criteria……………….……………29 3.4 Sampling……..…………………………………………….…………….… ….29 3.5 Preparation of storage media…………………………….……..……………...30 3.5.1 Trypticase soy broth 20% glycerol…………………...…….….30 3.5.2 OADC enriched middlebrook 7h9 broth + 5% glycerol……...30 3.5.3 Middlebrook 7H9 broth……………………………..………...30 3.5.4 Lactose broth ……………………..……………….………….30 3.5.5 Phosphate buffered saline…………………………..…………31 3.5.6 Skim milk medium……………….……………………………31 ix 3.5.7 Sodium glutamate medium……………………...…………….31 3.5.8 Lowenstein Jensen medium…………………..……..………...32 3.6 Subculture of stored strains………………………………….….…………….33 3.7 Storage suspension……………………………………….……….……..……33 3.8 Freezing and thawing of MTB strains.....…………………………..……… ...33 3.8.1 Approach one …………...………………………………..……33 3.8.2 Approach two……………...………….…..….…….…………34 3.9 Inoculation of preserved suspension…………...….…………………………...34 3.10 Reading of cultures………………….………...…………………….…….34 3.11 Statistical analysis………………….……………….……………………..35 CHAPTER FOUR………………………………………………………..….……36 x 4.0 RESULTS…………………..……………………..……….…………………..36 CHAPTER FIVE…………………………………………………………………60 5.0 DISCUSSION………...…………………………….…...…………………..…60 CHAPTER SIX………………………………………………………………...…71 6.1 CONCLUSION………………………………..….……...…………………. …71 6.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ………………...………………………….………...72 7.0 REFERENCE…………………………….....…..……………...………………73 APPENDICES………….…….………………….….….…………..……….…… ..84 xi LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Preparation of mineral of culture salts……...………………………………..88 Table 2: Reporting results………………………………………..90 Table 3: Equipment for preservation…….……..……………………………92 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Schematic representation of MTB cell wall structure…………….11 Figure 2: Molecular structure of gelatin…………………………………….24 xii Figure: 3 Chemical structure of MSG …………………………..…………..25 Figure 4: Molecular structure of lactose…………………………..…………28 Figure 5: Monthly MTB growth recovery on 5% sodium glutamate. ….……37 Figure 6: Monthly MTB growth recovery on skimmed milk...........................39 Figure 7: Monthly MTB growth recovery on 7H9 OADC…………………...41 Figure 8: Monthly MTB growth recovery on Middlebrook 7H9……..……...43 Figure 9: Monthly MTB growth recovery on recovery on recovery on recovery on lactose………………………...45 Figure 10: Monthly MTB growth gelatin…….…………………..47 Figure 11: Monthly MTB growth PBS……….…………….……49 Figure 12: Monthly MTB growth TSB……………………….….51 Figure 13: Monthly growth recovery for MTB on SDW…………………..….52 xiii Figure 14: Growth grading concordance for media at - for media at - 80ºC……………….…53 Figure 15: Growth grading concordance 20ºC…….……..…….54 Figure16: Growth grading concordance for media at 4ºC………………..…..55 Figure 17: Growth grading concordance for media at room temperature ...…..56 Figure 18: Direct freezing and direct thawing in recovery of strains ………....58 Figure 19 Correlation of recovery between approach one and approach two in recovery of MTB…………………………………………………...59 xiv LIST OF APENDICES Apendix1 SOP Preparation media sedfor preservation…………………………...84 Apendix2 SOP Preparation media for subculture of MTBstrains… …………...…..88 Apendix3 Reportingofsubcultureresults………………………….……………….90 Apendix4 Quality control…………………………………………..………………91 xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AFB Acid-fast bacilli AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome CMI Cell mediated immunity CRDR Centre for Respiratory Diseases Research DTH Delayed type hypersensitivity EMB Ethambutol Gelatin medium 1% gelatin buffered at pH 6.8; HIV Human immunodeficiency virus INH Isoniazid Initial Subcultures reading immediately on day zero of preservation ITROMID Institute of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases JKUAT Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology KEMRI Kenya Medical Research Institute Lactose medium 15% aqueous solution of lactose at pH 5.0 LJ Lowenstein Jensen medium with glycerol MDR-TB Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis MP Mononuclear phagocytes MSG Monosodium glutamate MTB Mycobacterium tuberculosis NTM Non tuberculous mycobacteria OADC Oleic acid , Albumin, Dextrose, Catalase xvi PBS medium Phosphate buffer saline pH 7.2 PMN Polymorphonuclear neutrophills PZA Pyrazinamide RIF Rifampin RT Room temperature (25ºC) SDW Sterilized distilled water SG medium 5% sodium glutamate + glycerol SM medium Skimmed milk SOP standard operating procedures STREP Streptomycin τ Kendall’s coefficient of concordance TB Tuberculosis TSB medium Trypticase Soy Broth with 20% Glycerol WHO World health organization ZN Ziehl Neelsen 7H9 OADC medium OADC-enriched Middle brook 7H-9 medium with 5%glycerol 7H-9 medium Middle brook 7H-9 xvii ABSTRACT The preservation and recovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) strains isolated from clinical specimens is an important stage in the understanding of issues pertaining to tuberculosis control. Well preserved strains provide readily available and cost effective material that is useful in facilitating studies that address pertinent issues. This study was done to determine optimum temperature(s), suitable media and conditions for recovery that sustain high survival rate of MTB strains for five months at Center for Respiratory Diseases Research KEMRI laboratory. A total of 97 randomly selected strains were aliquoted into two aliquots of the suspension media containing each; 1% gelatin buffered pH 6.8 (gelatin), 15% aqueous solution of lactose pH 5.0 (lactose), 5% sodium glutamate + glycerol (SG), trypticase soy broth + glycerol (TSB), phosphate buffered saline pH 7.2 (PBS), Middlebrook 7H9 (7H9), skimmed milk (SM), OADC-enriched Middlebrook 7H9 + 5%glycerol (OADC-7H9) and sterilized distilled water (SDW). The aliquots were preserved using two approaches each utilizing four temperatures: room temperature (RT), 4˚C, -20˚C, and -80˚C. In the first approach, strains were preserved directly to the respective temperature. In the second approach a systematic step method starting from RT to 4˚C, to -20˚C, and to -80˚C with one hour interval, was utilized. After each subsequent month for five months, strains were thawed by systematic approach starting from -80˚C to -20˚C to 4˚C to RT. For the second approach strains were directly thawed after five months preservation. The thawed xviii strains by both approaches were subcultured on Lowenstein Jensen, incubated at 37ºC for four weeks and -growth was graded according to the standard method. Cross-tabulation of grading of growth was performed to determine interrelation between temperature and media using 7H9 medium as the standard. Significant differences within and between the grading of each suspension media were determined by using the Kendall’s coefficient of concordance. A p<0.05 was regarded as significant. In the first approach at -80ºC OADC-7H9 had the highest yield while SDW had the lowest yield (p<0.05). At -20ºC SG had highest yield while SDW had the lowest yield (p<0.05). At 4ºC SG had highest yield while PBS had the lowest yield (p<0.05). At RT SM had the highest yield while TSB had the lowest grading (p<0.05). In the second approach, at -80ºC, 5% SG had the highest yield while SDW had the lowest yield p<0.05. At -20ºC, 5% SG had highest yield while SDW had the lowest yield p<0.05. At 4ºC, 5% SG had highest yield while PBS had the lowest yield (p<0.05). At RT SM had the highest yield while TSB had the lowest grading (p<0.05). When approaches one and two were compared for temperature and media, there was no statistically significant difference (p<0.05). This study showed that optimum recovery of MTB strains was mainly dependant on a combination of appropriate temperature and suitable media. The media that was consistent with high recovery was sodium glutamate while the best preservation temperature was -80ºC. More studies are required to determine the effect of xix preservation using approach one and recovery using approach two and vice versa In addition extension of the preservation duration beyond five months should be further elucidated. xx CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION A total of 2 billion people (1/3 of the world’s population) are infected with tuberculosis (TB). Globally, 9.2 million new cases and 1.7 million deaths from TB occurred in 2006, of which 0.7 million cases and 0.2 million deaths were in HIV coinfected persons TB being the leading cause of death in AIDS patients, the TB and HIV form a deadly combination with each multiplying the impact of the other in which about 200,000 people with HIV die from TB every year, most of them being in Africa. This problem has further been magnified by development of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) whereby 450,000 new MDR-TB cases are estimated to occur every year and further complicated by the emergence of extensively drugresistant TB (WHO, 2008). The resurgence of TB is fuelled by the emergence of MDR. Drug resistance in TB occurs as a result of tubercle bacillus mutations. These mutations are not dependent upon the presence of the drug. When exposed to a single effective anti-TB medication, the predominant bacilli sensitive to that drug are killed, while the few drug resistant mutants likely to be present if the bacterial population is high multiply freely (Jacobs, 1994). Developing countries like Kenya have shown an upsurge in resistant tuberculosis bacilli (Githui et al., 1998). With the upsurge of tuberculosis and presence of drug resistant strains, it is important to preserve the tubercle strains especially in 1 laboratories engaged in research. Archiving provides precious strain resource that support proficiency testing in laboratories around the world, facilitates test development and evaluation. An obstacle to development of new diagnostic tests for tuberculosis is due to lack of access to viable reference and test strains (Tarshis, 1961). However, various methods such as freeze drying and cryopreservation have been used in the preservation of bacteria for long periods of time. In cryopreservation, cells or whole tissues are preserved by cooling to sub-zero temperatures, such as 80°C or -196°C (Porubcan et al., 1975). In freeze drying process, microorganism are desiccated while in a frozen state, moisture is removed by sublimation and cells do not collapse since they are dried while in frozen state (Porubcan et al., 1975). Sufficiently lowering the temperature to sub zero enhances viability in dormant state thereby permitting preservation of the strains for extended periods of time (Horward et al., 1967). The preservation of M. tuberculosis complex strains isolated from clinical specimens is important for epidemiological investigations related to tuberculosis, evolutional studies as well as a tool in the search for new regimens. In this study the determination of an optimum medium and temperature of preservation after five months of preservation and subculture was done. This would enable the establishment of a standardized basic preservation method for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), which would foster better archiving method of representative strains of biomedical importance and facilitate characterization of these strains with respect to taxonomic classification, infectivity, and virulence. 2 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The emergence of multi-drug resistance tuberculosis and extensive drug resistance tuberculosis strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis has become a challenge in control of tuberculosis. Due to lack of easily accessible, well characterized and viable strains, evolutional studies of tuberculosis and research as a whole has impaired especially in resource poor countries. Africa contributes most cases of tuberculosis amongst the 22 high TB burdened countries. However, it has very few laboratory facilities which isolate M. tuberculosis. Even those which do, they rarely document methods and processes for preservation and recovery. Freeze drying method has been used in preservation of some species of Mycobacteria, but they have proved difficult to freeze-dry resulting in relatively poor survival rates. Freeze drying is a challenge to resource poor countries due to; high capital cost of equipment, high energy costs and long processing time which is typically 24 hour drying cycle. With cost being the major impediment in developing countries it is important to standardize an archiving process that will make available these strains affordably. 3 1.3 JUSTIFICATION With culture of MTB becoming routine in diagnosis of TB, currently the methods of preservation and recovery are tedious and indicate high contamination rates of MTB strains after subculturing. This therefore complicates research which relies mostly on well archived and viable strains. The establishment of a standardized basic preservation method is important to ensure availability of representative strains of biomedical importance for epidemiological investigations related to TB evolutional studies, providing a precious resource that facilitates the development of diagnostics, enable proficiency testing in laboratories and evaluation tool in the search for novel regimens and for training purposes. 4 1.4 HYPOTHESIS 1.4.1 Null hypothesis (HO) The viability of M. tuberculosis is not different when stored and recovered at different temperatures and media 1.4.2 Alternative hypothesis (HA) The viability of M. tuberculosis is variable when stored and recovered at different temperatures and media 5 1.5 OBJECTIVES The objectives of this study were: 1.5.1 Main objective The main objective of the study was to determine the optimum temperature(s), suitable media and conditions that sustained high survival rate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) strains archived at Center for Respiratory Diseases Research (CRDR-KEMRI) laboratory. 1.5.2 Specific objectives 1. To determine suitability of different preservation media in sustaining viability of M. tuberculosis strains when preserved at different temperatures. 2. To determine the viability of M. tuberculosis strains after preservation at different temperatures on different media and specific time after sub-culture on Lowenstein Jensen media (glycerol) media. 3. To determine if direct thawing and freezing of M. tuberculosis strains affects the recovery of the preserved strain on different media. 4. To determine if systematic thawing and freezing affects the viability of the preserved M. tuberculosis strain on different media. 6 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1Classification of Mycobacteria The genus Mycobacterium is scientifically classified in the phylum Actinobacteria, order Actinomycetales, suborder Corynebacterineae, and family Mycobacteriaceae (Lehmann and Neumann, 1896). Mycobacteria can also be classified into two categories according to the rate of growth i.e. the fast-growing kind, slow-growing kind, and most share some common characteristics. There is further classification of mycobacteria into several groups including: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) complex which can cause tuberculosis comprising of M. tuberculosis, M. africanum, M. bovis, M. canetii, and M. microti, which can further be divided into various subspecies. The non tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are all the other mycobacteria which can cause pulmonary disease resembling tuberculosis, lymphadenitis, skin disease, or disseminated disease (Ratledge et al., 1982). 2.2 Genome Structure of Mycobacteria The genomes of both MTB and M. leprae have been sequenced. The genome of M. tuberculosis is 4,411,522 base pairs long with 3,924 predicted protein-coding sequences, and a relatively high G+C content of 65.6% (Cole, 1998). With a 4.4 Mbp, MTB has one of the highest known bacterial genomes, coming in just short of E. coli and a distant third to Streptomyces coelicolor (Rama et al., 1998). In contrast to the 7 MTB, the genome of M. leprae is 3,268,203 base pairs long, with only 1,604 predicted protein-coding regions, and a G+C content of about 57.8%. 2.3 Mycobacterial cell Structure and Metabolism As deduced from its genome, MTB has the potential to manufacture all of the machinery necessary to synthesize all of its essential vitamins, amino acids, and enzyme co-factors. The inability to culture M. leprae, suggests the loss of many of its metabolic capabilities making it an obligate parasite of man and therefore dependent on its host for most of its nutritional needs. This is in accordance to its severely degenerated genome (Cole et al., 2001). MTB genome codes for unusual cell wall structure, with an additional layer beyond the peptodiglycan layer, which is rich in unusual lipids, glycolipids, and polysaccharides. 2.4Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) 2.4.1 General Characteristics of MTB Mycobacterium tuberculosis is weakly Gram-positive, non-motile, pleomorphic rod, measuring 2-4 μm in length and 0.2-0.5 μm in width (Minnikin, 1982). It is an obligate aerobe growing most successfully in tissues having the highest partial pressure of oxygen such as lung apices. It is a facultative intracellular pathogen preferentially utilizing mononuclear phagocytes (MP) as its habitat. It can inhabit also nonprofessional phagocytes usually the macrophages. Some mycobacteria tend to be fastidious (difficult to culture), with some species having extremely long reproductive cycles (M. leprae, for example, may take more than 20 days to proceed through one division cycle). Under favorable 8 laboratory conditions, M. tuberculosis divides every 12 to 24 hours. This pace is extremely slow compared to that of most cultivable bacteria, which duplicate at regular intervals ranging from about 15 min to one hour (Chauhan, 2006). The slow growth rate might be partially determined by the cell wall impermeability that limits nutrient uptake (Niederweis, 2008). Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells are hydrophobic and tend to clump together making them impermeable to the usual stains such as Gram's stain. Tuberculosis complex strains are classified as acid-fast bacilli (AFB) due to their ability to retain the Carbol- fuchsin red dye after washing with acid, alcohol, or both. Two common solid media used for growing MTB are Middlebrook medium which is an agar based medium and Lowenstein-Jensen medium which is an egg based medium on which MTB colonies appear as low and buff colored when grown on either medium. From positive sputum it takes up to 4-6 weeks to get visual colonies on either type of media. Chains of cells in smears made from in vitro grown colonies often form distinctive serpentine cords (Anargyros et al., 1990; Behling 1993). As a genus, they share a characteristic cell wall, thicker than in many other bacteria, hydrophobic, waxy and rich in mycolic acids/mycolates. Their cell wall makes a substantial contribution to the hardiness of this genus (Brennan, 1989; Kohsaka, 1993). 9 2.4.2 Cell Wall Structure of MTB The cell wall structure of MTB and other mycobacteria is unique among procaryotes and it is a major determinant of virulence for the bacterium. The most distinctive feature of the cell wall is that up to 60% of the body weight is occupied by lipids (mycolic acid). In addition to lipids of covalently linked skeleton, several types of ‘extractable lipids’ including trehalose containing glycolipids, phenolic glycolipids may be present (Brennan, 1989; Kohsaka, 1993; Niederweis, 2003). This skeleton is composed of three covalently linked sub-structures of peptidoglycan, arabinoglycan (AG) and mycolic acids. The peptidoglycan has two exceptional features; the muramic acid is N-glycolylated instead of the more typical N-acetylation and the cross links include bonds between diaminopemelic acid and Dalanine. This peptidoglycan is linked to AG via a phosphodiester bridge. The non reducing termini of the AG polysaccharide consists of brunched penta-arabinose units about two thirds which are esterified each with four mycolic acid residues. In the schematic representation of mycobacterial cell wall (figure1), the cytoplasmic membrane is encapsulated by a layer of peptidoglycan. The peptidoglycan backbone is attached to arabinogalactan through an unusual disaccharide phosphate linker region. The arabinogalactan is a brunched chain polysaccharide consisting of a proximal galactose chain linked to a distal arabinose chain. The hexaarabinofurosyl termini of arabino galactose are esterified to mycolic acids. 10 Figure 1: Schematic representation of MTB cell wall structure The mycolic acid chains are shown to be perpendicular to the cytoplasmic membrane with exposed chains of trehalose dimycolate. Another major component, non covalently associated to the mycobacterial cell wall is immunogenic lipoarabinomannan, which is attached to the cytoplasmic membrane by phosphatidylinositol anchor. These long fatty acids (C60 to C90), on the cell wall gives it a unique structure in which the high amounts of unusual lipids covalently link to the underlying arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex (Brennan and Nikaido, 1995). These components being extremely hydrophobic, they form an exceptionally strong permeability barrier. This renders the MTB naturally resistant to a wide variety of 11 antimicrobial agents (Jarlier and Nikaido, 1994). Impermeability to stains and dyes; resistance to killing by acidic and alkaline compounds; resistance to osmotic lysis via complement deposition and resistance to lethal oxidations; survival inside the macrophages may contribute longevity, trigger inflammatory host reactions during pathogenesis as well as result to clumping together of MTB cells when suspended in water (Brennan and Nikaido, 1995; Kohsaka, 1993; Minnikin, 1982). 2.4.3 Virulence Mechanisms and Virulence Factors of M. tuberculosis Small hydrophilic molecules diffuse through water filled protein channels, porins, whereas hydrophobic compounds use the lipid pathway (Paula et al., 1996; Trivedi et al., 2004; Trias and Benz 1994). They are thought to be a significant determinant of virulence in MTB they probably prevent attack of the mycobacteria by cationic proteins, lysozyme and oxygen radicals in the phagocytic granule as well as protecting the extracellular mycobacteria from complement deposition in serum (Brennan, 1989; Minnikin, 1982). Cord Factor is responsible for the serpentine cording. The cord factor is toxic to mammalian cells and is also an inhibitor of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) migration. Cord factor is most abundantly produced in virulent strains of MTB (Jiongwei et al., 1999). Mycobacterium tuberculosis does not possess the classic bacterial virulence factors such as toxins, capsules and fimbriae. Tubercle bacillus has special mechanisms for cell entry; it can bind directly to mannose receptors on macrophages 12 via the cell wall associated mannosylated glycolipid, L-Arabino Muramic acid, or indirectly via certain complement receptors or Fc receptors (Trias and Benz, 1994). Intracellular invasion of the host cells is an effective means of evading the immune system. In particular, antibodies and complement are ineffective once the microbe is phagocytosed inhibiting phagosome-lysosome fusion. The exact mechanism used to accomplish this is thought to be the result of a protein secreted by the bacilli that modifies the phagosome membrane. The bacilli may remain in the phagosome or escape from the phagosome, in either case finding a protected environment for growth in the macrophage (Trias and Benz., 1994). Interferences with the toxic effects of reactive oxygen intermediates produced in the process of phagocytosis is another method in which compounds including glycolipids, sulfatides and L-acetyl muramic acid down regulate the oxidative cytotoxic mechanism and macrophage uptake via complement receptors bypass the activation of a respiratory burst (Crowle, 1991). Antigen 85 complex composed of a group of proteins secreted by MTB bind fibronectin and may aid in walling off the bacteria from the immune system facilitating tubercle formation (Atlas, 1995). Other factors include the high lipid content on cell wall and the cord factor (Kubica et al., 1975) which is known to be toxic to mammalian cells and to be an inhibitor of PMN migration. 13 2.4.4 Pathogenesis of MTB The droplet nuclei are generated during talking, singing, coughing and sneezing and remain air-borne for extended periods of time. When the inhaled bacilli reach the pulmonary alveoli, infection begins in the infected alveolar macrophages and mycobacteria replicate exponentially (Hopewell, 1994). The Ghon focus is the primary site of infection in the lungs. However, the bacilli can be picked up by dendritic cells and transported to the local (mediastinal) lymph nodes and through the bloodstream to the more distant tissues and organs where TB disease could potentially develop (Feja, 2005; Schluger, 1994). Macrophages, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and fibroblasts aggregate to form a granuloma. The granuloma functions not only to prevent dissemination of the bacilli, but also provides a local environment for communication of cells of the immune system. Within the granuloma, T lymphocytes (CD4+) secrete a cytokine such as interferon gamma, which activates macrophages to destroy the bacteria. T lymphocytes (CD8+) can also directly kill infected cells (Palomino et al., 2007). When the bacteria are not eliminated with the granuloma, they remain dormant resulting in a latent infection. Else, the granulomas of human tuberculosis result in necrosis in the center of tubercles (McDonough et al, 1993).Tissue destruction and necrosis are balanced by healing and fibrosis. Affected tissue is replaced by scarring and cavities filled with necrotic material. This material may therefore be coughed up and contains live bacilli important in transmission of infection. 14 2.4.5 Transmission of tuberculosis Transmission of TB occurs primarily by the aerosol route. Coughing by people with active TB produces droplet nuclei containing infectious organisms which can remain suspended in the air for several hours and if inhaled infection occurs. Only 10% of immuno-competent people infected with MTB develop active disease in their lifetime (Stead, 1981; CDC, 1994) the other 90% do not become ill and cannot transmit the organism. However, in some groups such as infants or the immuno-compromised (e.g. those with AIDS or malnutrition) there is a much higher chance to develop clinical TB (Beck-Sagué et al., 1992). Predisposing factors for TB infection include: close contact with high populations of people, poor nutrition, intravenous drug use, alcoholism and HIV infection while the disease progression however depends on the strain of MTB prior to exposure, vaccination, infectious dose and immune status of the host (Dye, 2002; Kohsaka, 1993). Factors such as being homeless, a drug abuser, living in urban areas, and low age have commonly been found to increase the risk of transmission (Borgdorff, 1999, Borgdorff, 2001, Diel, 2002, Small, 1994, van Soolingen, 1999). 2.4.6 Diagnosis of tuberculosis Diagnosis is made by a positive tuberculin skin test involving an immune reaction to a low quantity of tuberculosis antigens present in an individual. It can be confirmed by chest X-rays and microscopic examination of sputum. Detection of acid-fast bacilli (using the Ziehl -Neelsen stain) in sputum or tissue samples is considered a positive diagnosis, however the disease is confirmed by laboratory 15 culture (American Thoracic Society, 1997). The other method of diagnosis of MTB is molecular diagnosis by gene amplification involving technique polymerase chain reaction in which a number of commercial kits are available. 2.4.7 Tuberculosis Treatment There are five first-line drugs used in treatment of tuberculosis this includes: isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide, and streptomycin. (Martindale, 2004; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2003). The course of drug therapy lasts up 6-8 months. 2.4.8 Drug resistance tuberculosis Drug resistance is a state when MTB strains are resistant to anti-microbial agents at the level attainable in the blood and tissue (Mitchson, 1985). Resistant strains differ from the sensitive strains in their capacity to grow in presence of higher concentration of a drug. Wild strains are those that have never been exposed to antituberculosis drugs. Naturally resistant strains are wild strains resistant to a drug without having been in contact with it. It is species specific and has been used as a taxonomic marker (Jacob, 1994; Chandrasekaran et al., 1990; TDR/SWG, 2005). Primary resistance develops in persons initially infected with resistant organisms (Palomino et al., 2007; Krishnaswamy et al., 1976). It includes resistance in wild strains which have never come into contact with the drug (natural resistance) with the resistance occurring as a result of exposure of the strain to the drug but in another patient (Jacobs, 1994). Secondary resistance (acquired resistance) may develop during TB therapy due to inadequate treatment regimen, i.e. not taking the 16 prescribed regimen appropriately or using low quality medication (Chandrasekaran et al., 1990). Acquired resistance develops due to exposure of the strain to antituberculosis drugs and the consequent selecting out of resistant mutant bacilli. However, some of the drug-resistant strains in previously treated patients may actually represent primary resistance among patients who remain uncured (Frieden, 1993). Multi-drug resistant TB is defined as resistance to at least two first line TB drugs: Rifampicin and Isoniazid (WHO/IUATLD, 1997). Initial resistance is the resistance in patients who give a history of never having received chemotherapy in the past. It includes primary resistance and resistance to previous treatment concealed by the patient or of which the patient was unaware (Chandrasekaran et al., 1990; TDR/SWG, 2005). Extensively drug resistant (XDR) TB strains have recently emerged. XDRTB strains TB show resistance to at least rifampicin and isoniazid, which is the definition of MDR-TB, in addition to any fluoroquinolone, and to at least 1 of the 3 following injectable drugs used in anti-TB treatment: capreomycin, kanamycin and amikacin. 17 2.5Preservation of Microorganisms 2.5.1 Methods of preservation of microorganisms Certain factors can affect the viability of preserved microorganisms among them; the method of preservation, nature of the strain, cell concentration and formulation composition of the storage medium (Macleod and Calcott, 1976; Mazur, 1970; Karow and Critser, 1997; Fuller et al., 2004). Methods mainly used in the preservation of microorganisms include freeze drying and cryopreservation. In freeze drying, microorganisms are dried while in a frozen state. Moisture (ice crystals) is removed as a gas, similar to evaporation in a process technically called sublimation and the cells do not collapse. This process in most cases leaves the cellular structure unaltered through out the drying process (Moore et al, 1975). Sufficiently lowering the temperature to sub zero enhances viability in dormant state thereby permitting preservation of the strains for extended periods of time (Grout and Morris, 1987). Although freeze- drying method can be used in microorganism preservation, there are some species of Mycobacterium that may prove difficult to freeze-dry resulting in relatively poor survival rates and if the preservation period of the strain is very long, viability could be significantly affected (Howard et al., 1967) . However the optimum preservation condition by freeze drying have been achieved by suspending mycobacteria either in Dubos Tween-albumin broth or in Middlebrook 7H9 liquid medium supplemented with ADC enrichment and storing at -70 °C (Kubica et al., 1975) . 18 Disadvantages of using the freeze drying method include; high capital cost of equipment, high energy costs and long processing time which is typically 24 hour drying cycle (Rudge et al., 1995). In cryopreservation, cells are preserved by cooling to very low temperatures, such as -80°C or -196°C the boiling point of liquid nitrogen. At these low temperatures, any biological activity, including the biochemical reactions that would lead to cell death is effectively stopped. However, when vitrification solutions are not used, the cells being preserved are often damaged due to freezing during the approach to low temperatures or warming to room temperature (Bhat et al., 2005). The phenomena which can cause damage to cells during cryopreservation are solution effects, dehydration and extracellular and intracellular ice formation. When tissues are cooled slowly, water migrates out of cells and ice forms in the extracellular space (Kubica et al., 1975). Too much extracellular ice can cause mechanical damage due to crushing, and the stresses associated with cellular dehydration can cause damage directly (Grout and Morris, 1987). Preservation of cultures of mycobacteria by freezing in skimmed milk was determined to be an easier and more reliable method of maintaining viability and stability than lyophilization (Kim and Kubica, 1973). 2.5.2 Effects of freezing on microorganisms Microorganisms vary tremendously in their abilities to tolerate freezing (Lewis et al., 1993). Environmental factors not withstanding survival is affected by the type and age of the microorganism. When microorganisms are subjected to an 19 environmental stress such as freezing some cells may express no detrimental effects, some are killed while some may undergo sub-lethal or metabolic injury. Detrimental effects of freezing on microbial cells occur due to: thermal (cold) shock, concentration of extracellular solutes, toxicity of concentrated intracellular solutes, cell dehydration, internal ice formation and attainment of minimum cell volume (Calcott and MacLeod, 1974). Two kinds of lethal effects to microorganisms that occur during freezing are the immediate direct consequence of freezing and thawing as well as killing during frozen preservation (Schmidt-Lorenz, 1976). Cold shock responses are common when microbes are in the exponential phase of growth and are suddenly exposed to low temperatures (Ingram and Buttke, 1984). During the freezing process, aqueous solutions remain in their liquid phase until reaching their freezing point at temperatures below 0˚C (Corry, 1987). When the suspensions are cooled to temperatures below 0˚C, both the suspending medium and the cells are initially supercooled (Mazur, 1970). The cells suspended in aqueous solutions behave like solutes molecules. They become concentrated in the unfrozen portion of the solution as ice crystals form (Brown, 1991). In the freezing process, extra-cellular ice crystal formation precedes intracellular freezing point of the suspending medium and presence of ice nucleating agents (Steponkus, 1984). This intracellular supercooling can be explained by the fact that the cell membrane prevents growth of the extracellular ice into the cell interior, and the cell itself apparently does not contain nucleators of supercooled water (Mazur, 1965). 20 As long as supercooling of the cell suspending medium lasts and extracellular ice crystal formation has not initiated, cells are subject to a drop in temperature. Damage to the cellular structures and inhibition of cellular functions occurs in these conditions (Grout et al., 1990). Cell viability seems hardly affected indicating that the temperature drop is not particularly detrimental to the cells (Lorenz, 1974; Douzou, 1982; Park et al., 1997). Upon extracellular freezing, cells are entrapped between ice crystals and are subjected to mechanical and adhesion stress (Grout et al., 1990). Formation of the intracellular ice crystals on the other hand can cause distortion of the membrane integrity because they are small enough to distort the membrane (Fraizer and Westhoff, 1978; Brown, 1991). The damage of the cell membrane results in leakage of the intracellular constituents and loss of the ability to maintain the internal environment. Both water outflow and intracellular ice crystal formation are associated with cellular injury to the plasma membrane and the cell wall since cells are not limitlessly elastic to be able to shrink to a certain volume without injury (Wolfe et al., 1985). Upon cell shrinkage plasma membrane material is released via endocytolic vesculation or exototic extrusion, and the cell wall density increases (Steponkus, 1984; Morris et al., 1998). Membrane damage is more detrimental than cell wall damage (Calcott and MacLeod, 1975), the intracellular ice crystals are believed to rupture the plasma membrane, resulting in release of cellular components into the environment (Mazur, 21 1965, 1977) and the surface membrane is often considered the primary site of freezing injury (Souzu, 1989). In addition the generation of electrical fields and gas bubbles in association with the ice fronts have been reported, which is possibly injurious to the cell due to mechanical damaging of membranes (Kruuv et al., 1985; Grout et al., 1990; Morris et al., 1988) The freezing rate is proportional to the size of the ice crystals formed. That is the faster a solution is frozen the lower the size of the crystal. Slow freezing supports the formation of large extracellular ice crystals, while small intracellular crystals develop during faster rates of freezing (Jay, 1996). The mechanisms by which freezing causes cell damage include efflux of water from the cell, resulting in precipitation of cytoplasmic solutes and components (Mazur, 1970), mechanical stress to cellular components, and rupture of cell membranes due to ice crystal formation (Mazur, 1977; Souzu, 1989). 2.5.3 Effects of thawing on microorganisms As ice crystals grow they exert the same physical stress on microbial cells during the freezing process. In addition as the frozen solution begins to melt the medium surrounding the microbial cells is diluted and cells are exposed to osmotic shock and the rate of thawing has little effect on survival of microorganisms that have been previously frozen (Calcott and Thomas, 1978; Lewis et al., 1993) 22 2.6Medium used in preservation 2.6.1 Gelatin Gelatin is a protein that does not occur in nature but produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from connective tissues of animals. It is formed when natural molecular bonds between individual collagen strands are broken down into a form that rearranges more easily (Veis, 1964). There are two types of gelatin dependent on whether or not the preparation involves an alkaline pretreatment, which converts asparagine and glutamine residues into their respective acids and results in higher viscosity. Acid pretreatment (Type A gelatin) uses pig skin whereas alkaline treatment (Type B gelatin) makes use of cattle hides and bones (Schrieber, 2007). Gelatin is amorphous and therefore lacks a defined structure; it is a heterogeneous mixture of single or multi-stranded polypeptides, each with extended left-handed proline helix conformations containing between 300 - 4000 amino acids. The triple helix of type I collagen extracted from skin and bones is composed of two α1 (I) and one α2 (I) chains, each with molecular mass ~95 kD, width ~1.5 nm and length ~0.3 μm. The heterogeneous mixture contains many proline and 4hydroxyproline residues. A typical structure is -Ala-Gly-Pro-Arg-Gly-Glu-4Hyp-GlyPro-. Gelatin can be dispersed in a relatively concentrated acid. Such dispersions are stable with little or no chemical changes for 10-15 days. Gelatin is also soluble in most polar solvents. The mechanical properties are very sensitive to temperature variations, as well as the medium concentration which have important effects on 23 viscosity. The higher they are, the higher the viscosity obtained (Ward and Courts, 1977). Figure 2: 2.6.2 Molecular structure of gelatin Monosodium glutamate (MSG) Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is the sodium salt of glutamate produced through fermentation processes using molasses from sugar cane or sugar beet, as well as starch hydrolysates from corn, or tapioca (Giacometti, 1979). Prior to the development of the fermentation process, it was produced by hydrolysis of natural proteins including wheat gluten and defatted soybean flakes. It is a white crystalline powder readily soluble in water but sparingly soluble in ethanol with a molecular weight of 187.13 and a melting temperature of 225°C. By being stable it does not change in appearance or quality during prolonged preservation at room temperature. MSG is partially dehydrated and converted into 5-pyrrolidone-2-carboxylate at acidic conditions (pH 2.2-2.4) and at high temperatures (Lehninger, 1982; Meister, 1979). Monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been reported to be an efficient protectant, an increase in residual activity and viability during freeze drying following the 24 addition of MSG to the drying medium has been previously reported for various organisms (Carvalho et al, 2003; Yoo et al., 1993). Figure: 3 2.6.3 Chemical structure of MSG Trypticase Soy Broth with 20% Glycerol Trypticase Soy Broth (Soybean-Casein Digest Medium) is a nutritious medium that supports the growth of a wide variety of microorganisms, including common aerobic, facultative and anaerobic bacteria and fungi (MacFaddin, 1985). It is a general-purpose medium used in qualitative procedures for the cultivation of fastidious and non fastidious microorganisms from a variety of clinical and non clinical specimens. Trypticase Soy Broth is used in the long-term frozen maintenance of bacterial stock cultures it is supplemented with glycerol, may be used as a maintenance medium for the preservation of bacterial cultures (Kirsop and Snell, 1984). 25 2.6.4 Glycerol Glycerol is a trihydric alcohol with three hydrophilic alcoholic hydroxyl groups that are responsible for its solubility in water and its hygroscopic nature. This sugar alcohol has a fittingly sweet-taste and of low toxicity. It is a colorless, odorless and viscous liquid with a surface tension of 64.00 at 20 °C in mN/m with a temperature coefficient of -0.0598 mN/ (m K). It is a central component of lipids and used as antifreeze or a cryoprotectant in cryogenic processes. It can diffuse through the lipid membranes both in vitro (Paula et al., 1996) and in vivo (Eze and McElhaney, 1981), 2.6.5 Sterilized distilled water Distilled water is water that has virtually all of its impurities removed through distillation it involves a process of boiling the water and re-condensing the steam leaving most if not all solid contaminants behind. It allows sufficiently pure water for some applications such as the attempt to create sterile, enzyme-free medium. The pH of distilled water is 7.0 however distilled water may have a pH that is slightly acidic (less than 7.0) due to the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is absorbed from the atmosphere. Dissolved carbon dioxide reacts slowly with water to give the bicarbonate and hydronium ions. CO2 + 2H2O HCO3- + H3O+ During distillation, the dissolved CO2 is driven out of the liquid while during condensation the water re-absorbs the CO2 again resulting in a pH that is less than 7.0. 26 2.6.6 Phosphate buffer saline (PBS) Phosphate buffer is used in the preparation of dilution blanks for use in microbiological testing rather than unbuffered water in order to standardize potential variable due to the wide variation in the pH of purified water from multiple sources. PBS has many uses because it is isotonic and non-toxic to cells and can be used to dilute substances as well as a cellular cleaning solution which ensures prolonged drypreservation of immobilized-biomolecules like proteins and enzymatic proteins. PBS is used as biomolecule diluent since it can structure water around biomolecules immobilized to the solid surface. Such thin film of water prevents denaturing of biomolecules or conformational changes to them. Carbonate buffers may be used for the same purpose but with less effectiveness. 2.6.7 Lactose Milk sugar or lactose is a disaccharide (C12H22O11) that is found only in milk. This carbohydrate exists in two isomeric forms. Both forms can crystallize but the physico-chemical relationships between the different forms of lactose are very complex The disaccharide consists of β-D-galactose and β-D-glucose molecules bonded through a β1-4 glycosidic linkage. Lactose makes up around 2-8% of the solids in milk (Jenness and Koops, 1962) It has a melting point of a range of 200-202 °C and Solubility of 1 in 4.63 measured %w/v. This translates to 0.216g of lactose dissolving readily in 1mL of water. The solubility of lactose in water is 18.9049 g at 25 °C, 25.1484 g at 40 °C and 27 37.2149 g at 60 °C per 100 g solution. Its solubility in ethanol is 0.0111 g at 40 °C and 0.0270 g at 60 °C per 100 g solution (Nickerson et al,1974) Figure 4: Molecular structure of lactose 28 CHAPTER THREE 3.12 METHODOLOGY 3.13 Study design The study design was a prospective laboratory based study in which the recovery rate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains preserved at different temperatures and media was determined. 3.14 Study site The study was laboratory based and was carried out at the Center for Respiratory Disease Research (CRDR- KEMRI) laboratories 3.15 Study population, inclusion and exclusion criteria In this study only MTB strains were used and were acquired from the Center for Respiratory Diseases Research archives. Mycobacteria other than tuberculosis (MOTTS) were excluded from the study. 3.16 Sampling The sample size was determined by modification of Habeenzu et al., (1999) formulae: a recovery rate of 93% was used with a 95% confidence interval and 5% error margin. n = ((Z/2) 2 pq) / d2 Where: (Z/2) 2 is the corresponding value to the 95% confidence interval n= sample size p = the recovery rate q = 1- p d is the allowable error margin Therefore: n = (1.96) 2 (0.93) (0.7) = 100.0353 100 samples (0.05) 2 29 3.17 Preparation of Preservation media 3.17.1 Trypticase Soy Broth + 20% Glycerol The Trypticase Soy Broth Dextrose 27.5g medium was suspended in 800ml distilled or deionized water in Erlenmeyer flasks in which 200ml glycerol was topped to the 1000ml mark. The mixture was gently heated with agitation to dissolve the constituents to make a final pH, 7.3 ± 0.2. The medium was dispensed in 20ml universal glass bottles and autoclaved at 121°C for 15 min then cooled to room temperature and stored at 4˚C. 3.17.2 OADC enriched Middlebrook 7H9 Broth (BD) + 5% glycerol 4.7g of Middlebrook 7H9 Broth powder was suspended in 850 ml of purified water in which 50 ml glycerol was added. The mixture was autoclaved at 121˚C for 15 min. Aseptically 100 ml of Middlebrook OADC Enrichment added to the medium when it cooled to room temperature and 1ml dispensed directly 2ml cryovials. 3.17.3 Middlebrook 7H9 Broth (BD) 4.7g of Middlebrook 7H9 Broth powder was suspended in 1000 ml of sterilized distilled water. The mixture was autoclaved at 121˚C for 15 min. The medium was dispensed in 20ml universal glass bottles. 3.17.4 Lactose broth Difco™ 150g of lactose powder was dissolved in 1000ml of sterilized distilled water then dispensed in universal glass bottles, in 20 ml amounts and autoclaved at 121°C for 10 min at 10 pounds pressure or tyndallized to reduce the hydrolysis of lactose. After autoclaving, the broth was cooled quickly. 30 3.17.5 Phosphate Buffered Saline BBL™ Monobasic sodium phosphate was dissolved into 280ml sterilized distilled water into which 720ml of dissolved dibasic sodium phosphate was added, 9grams Saline (NaCl) was added to make a pH is 7.4. 3.17.6 Skim Milk Medium BBL™ 100g skim Milk powder was dissolved in 1000 distilled water and warmed to completely dissolve the powder. The medium was dispensed in 20ml universal glass bottles and autoclaved at 121˚C for 10 min. 3.17.7 Sodium glutamate medium 5g Sodium glutamate was weighed into a sterile flask, and then dissolved with 100ml sterilized distilled containing 6ml glycerol by heating. The solution was dispensed in 20ml universal glass bottles and autoclaved at 121˚C for 30 min after which it was cooled to room temperature before preservation in a refrigerator. 3.17.8 Lowenstein Jensen medium (LJG) Mineral salt solution 4 g Potassium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous (KH2PO4), 0.4g Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4.7H2O), 1g Magnesium citrate, 6g L-Asparagine, 20ml Glycerol (reagent grade) and 1000ml distilled water were measured to constitute the mineral salts solution. 31 Into a sterile 2000ml volumetric flask the reagents were dissolved completely by heating with occasional swirling. The resulting solution was autoclaved at 1210C for 30 min to sterilize then stored in a refrigerator at (40C) after cooling to room temperature. Malachite green solution (2%) 2.0g Malachite green dye was dissolved completely in 100ml distilled water and aliquoted in 20mls volume into universal bottles before autoclaving. Egg base Fresh eggs (up to 3 days old) were soaked for 5 min in plain devo clean solution, cleaned by gently scrubbing with a hand brush and thoroughly rinsed in running tap water and then allowed to dry. The egg shells were wiped with cotton wool soaked in methylated spirit and cracked on the edge of the graduated glass jar and poured into a sterile 6 Liter volumetric flask with sterile 3mm glass beads to make 500mls. The jar was shaken vigorously to break eggs fully. Lowenstein Jensen media preparation Aseptically 20ml malachite green solution and 600ml mineral salt solution were added into the 6000ml volumetric flask containing eggs then shaken well before sieving the mixture and adding penicillin drug in the ratio of 1ml: 1000ml of egg based media. 5 ml of the solution was dispensed into universal bottles and inspissated at 850C for 1 hour. The finished product was tested of for performance (see appendix). 32 3.18 Subculture of stored strains MTB Strains were selected from the CRDR archives from which a loopful of MTB cells were inoculated on freshly prepared Lowenstein Jensen media and incubated at 37˚C for four weeks. After confluent growth was established on the slope the cells were aliquoted into cryovials containing the different preservation medium and preserved at respective preservation temperatures. 3.19 Preservation suspension MTB strains were harvested by scraping cells on the growth surface of the Lowenstein Jensen media from which the cellular suspensions were prepared. Approximately 4 mg moist weight of a representative sample of the bacterial mass visualized as 2/3 loopful of 3mm internal diameter 24 SWG wireloop was added into 1 ml of sterile liquid preservation medium in a 2 ml cryovial. Two sets of each strain were preserved. One was to be utilized in approach one while the other in approach two. 3.20 Freezing and thawing of MTB strains 3.20.1 Approach one Direct freezing Strains were preserved using a single step (direct) method to the respective temperature. That is to RT, or 4˚C, or -20˚C, or -80˚C. Direct thawing Strains preserved at -80ºC, -20˚C and 4˚C were thawed directly to room temperature for one hour, vortexed for 1min before inoculation on Lowenstein Jensen 33 and incubation at 37°C. Growth on the slopes was graded and recorded after four weeks incubation. 3.20.2 Approach two Systematic freezing Strains were preserved in stepwise method with an interval of one hour on each step starting from RT to 4˚C, to -20˚C, and finally to -80˚C. Systematic thawing The systematic method of thawing started from the lowest preservation temperature through to RT (e.g. -80˚C to -20˚C, to 4˚C finally to RT with an interval of one hour on each step). Strains were subcultured on LJG media and incubated at 37 °C. Growth on the slopes was graded and recorded after four weeks incubation. 3.21 Inoculation of preserved suspension Each preserved isolate in the cryovial was vortexed to produce a uniform suspension from which one loopful (3mm diameter, 27 SWG) was inoculated on the LJ medium and incubated for four weeks prior to grading of growth on the slopes. Subcultures for the five consecutive subsequent months were done by the repeat of the latter procedure 3.22 Reading of cultures The strains subcultured on freshly prepared LJ slopes were graded after the fourth week of incubation at 37ºC (see appendix). 34 3.23 Statistical analysis Cross-tabulation of grading of growth was performed to determine interrelation between temperature and media using Middlebrook 7H9 as the standard. Correlation coefficient of concordance of grading was performed to quantify the effect of the nine suspension media on viability of MTB strains in four preservation temperatures during five months of preservation. Significant differences within and between the grading of each suspension media were determined by using the Kendall’s coefficient of concordance. SPSS Science, Chicago, IL (version 11.5) software was used. 35 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 RESULTS After random selection, 97 MTB strains were subcultured and incubated at 37ºC four weeks. Growth on the surface of the LJ slope was graded (see appendix) for the 97 strains. Where by 91 (93.8%) strains had a grading of 3+, 5 (5.2%) strains had a grading 2+ while 1 (1%) had a grading 1+. From these subcultures, the strains were aliquoted into the nine different preservation suspensions then subcultures were made from the suspensions before preservation. Results from these subcultures (initial grading) were correlated with growth grading of subsequent months to determine intra-media variability as shown on figures 5 to 13. Ranking of the different suspension media was done using the standard medium (7H9) initial grading with the grading after five months of preservation as shown on figures 14 to 17. In determining the effect of the media and temperature after direct freezing and thawing, results obtained from the approach one initial subculture grading were correlated with grading after the fifth month of preservation as shown on figure 18. To determine if there was any significance difference between the two approaches used in preservation, grading from direct approach was correlated with grading from systematic approach month five and results are shown on figure 19. 36 4.1 Monthly MTB growth recovery for 5% sodium glutamate (SG) Figure 5 shows the percentage of viable organisms concordant with the initial subculture reading between SG initial and SG for five subsequent months of subculture at -80, -20ºC, 4ºC and RT. There was a large concordance (τ>0.6) at the temperatures -80ºC, -20ºC, and 4ºC. Room temperature had large concordance up to the third month but medium concordance for month five. There was no significance difference (p<0.05) in growth at all temperatures during the preservation period. 100% 90% y = -0.0742Ln(x) + 0.9577 R2 = 0.2162 Growth (% viable) 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% (1 T) T) (R 5 T) (R 4 T) (R 3 T) (R (R 2 1 (4 ºC ) (4 ºC ) 3 (4 ºC ) 4 (4 ºC ) 5 (4 ºC ) 2 1 2 80 º (- C) 80 3 ( - ºC 8 4 0 ºC (8 5 0º (C 80 ºC 1 (2 2 0 ºC (2 ) 3 0 ºC (2 ) 4 0 ºC (2 ) 5 0 ºC (20 ) ºC ) 0% Month Figure 5: Monthly MTB growth recovery on 5% sodium glutamate (SG) 37 4.2 Monthly MTB growth recovery on skimmed milk (SM) Figure 6 shows the percentage of viable organisms concordant with the initial subculture reading between initial SM and five subsequent months grading at -80, 20ºC, 4ºC and RT. Preservation at -80ºC had high concordance (τ>0.7) for all the five months of preservation. Whereas -20ºC had high concordance (τ>0.6) in the first, second, third and fourth months but low concordance (τ=0.2) on the fifth month. At 4ºC there was high concordance value (τ>0.6) on all the five months of preservation. At room temperature there was high concordance on the first, second, third and fourth months but low concordance on the fifth month of preservation. Even with varying concordance, there was no significant difference (p<0.05) for the five months of preservation in the temperatures used. 38 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% y = -0.1114Ln(x) + 0.9429 R2 = 0.2951 (R 2 T) (R 3 T) (R 4 T) (R 5 T) (R T) 10% 1 0% Month (8 2 0 ºC () 3 80 (- ºC 4 80 (- ºC 5 80 (- ºC 80 ºC 1 (2 20 (- ºC 3 20 ) (- ºC 4 20 ) (- ºC 5 20 ) (- ºC 20 ) ºC ) 1 (4 2 ºC) (4 3 ºC) (4 º 4 C) (4 5 ºC) (4 ºC ) 100% Growth (%viable) 1 Figure 6: Monthly MTB growth recovery on skimmed milk (SM) 39 4.3 Monthly MTB growth recovery on 7H9 OADC-enriched Middlebrook 7H9 medium + 5%glycerol (7H9 OADC) Figure 7 shows the percentage of viable organisms concordant with the initial subculture reading between initial 7H9 OADC and five consecutive months grading at -80, -20ºC, 4ºC and RT. The preservation temperature of -80ºC had a high concordance (τ>0.8) for the five consecutive months of preservation, while -20ºC had high concordance value (τ>0.8) for the first, second, third and fourth months but medium concordance for the fifth month. Strains preserved at 4ºC had high grading concordance (τ>0.8) for the first second, third and fourth months but low concordance on the fifth month. At RT, there was high concordance value (τ>0.6) in the first, second, and third months but low concordance in the fourth and fifth months. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) in grading for the five months of preservation in the temperatures used. 40 Growth (% viable) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% Month ) C C C C ) ) ) ) ) ºC º º º º ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC 0 0 0 0 80 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 20 20 20 20 20 (- 2 ( 3 ( 4 ( 5 ( (- (- (- (- (1 2 3 4 5 0% 10% 1 1 1 T) T) T) T) T) (R (R (R (R (R 2 3 4 5 y = -0.1415Ln(x) + 1.1119 R2 = 0.361 ) ) ) ) ) ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC (4 (4 (4 (4 (4 2 3 4 5 4.4 Figure7: Monthly MTB growth recovery on 7H9 OADC 41 4.5 Monthly MTB growth recovery on Middlebrook 7H9 (7H9) Figure 8 shows the percentage of viable organisms concordant with the initial subculture reading between initial 7H9 and grading for five subsequent months at -80, -20ºC, 4ºC and RT. Preservation at -80ºC showed high concordance in all the five months of preservation (τ> 0.6) while preservation at -20ºC showed high concordance (τ>0.6) on the first, second and fourth months. The third and fifth months showed low concordance. Preservation at 4ºC showed medium concordance value in the first, second and third months, while the fourth and fifth month showed low concordance. Room temperature showed a high concordance for the first month and low concordance (τ=0.4) in the second third, fourth and fifth months. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) in grading in the five months of preservation in the temperatures used. 42 Growth (% viable) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% Month 2 80 ( - ºC 3( 80 ) - ºC 4 80 ) (- ºC 5 80 ) ( - ºC 80 ) ºC ) 1 (2 20 ( - ºC 3 20 ) (- ºC 4 20 ) ( - ºC 5 20 ) (- ºC 20 ) ºC ) 1 (4 2 ºC) (4 3 ºC) (4 4 ºC) (4 5 ºC) (4 ºC ) 1 (R 2 T) (R 3 T) (R 4 T) (R 5 T) (R T) 0% (- 10% 1 y = -0.171Ln(x) + 0.8548 R2 = 0.4849 Figure 8: Monthly MTB growth recovery on Middlebrook 7H9 43 4.6 Monthly MTB growth recovery on 15% aqueous solution of lactose at pH 5.0 (lactose) Figure 9 shows the percentage of viable organisms concordant with the initial subculture reading between initial lactose and grading for five subsequent months at 80, -20ºC, 4ºC and RT. The preservation temperature -80ºC had high concordance (τ>0.7) in the first, second, and third months. The fourth and fifth month showed low concordance. Preservation at -20ºC showed high concordance (τ>0.6) for the first four months and low concordance on the fifth month. 4ºC had high concordance value (τ>0.6) for the first, second, and third months. The fourth showed medium concordance while the fifth month had low concordance. Room temperatures showed high concordance (τ>0.7) in the first month but low concordance in the second, third, fourth and fifth months. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) in grading in the five months of preservation in the temperatures used. 44 Growth (% viable) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% (- ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC 80 - 80 - 80 - 80 - 80 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 ( ( ( ( (( ( ( ( 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 0% 10% 1 Month 1 ) ) ) ) ) ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC (4 (4 (4 (4 (4 2 3 4 5 (R T) T) T) T) T) (R (R (R (R 2 3 4 5 y = -0.1764Ln(x) + 0.9506 R2 = 0.3746 1 Figure 9: Monthly MTB growth recovery on lactose 45 4.7 Monthly MTB growth recovery on 1% gelatin buffered at pH 6.8 (gelatin) Figure 10 shows the percentage of viable organisms concordant with the initial subculture reading between initial gelatin and grading for five subsequent months at -80, -20ºC, 4ºC and RT. The preservation temperature -80 ºC had high concordance (τ>0.6) in all months. The -20ºC temperature had high concordance in the first four months (τ >0.6) and low concordance (τ=3) on the fifth month. 4ºC had high concordance (τ=0.8) on the first month. The second, third and forth months had medium concordance while the fifth month had low concordance value (τ<0.2). Room temperature showed high concordance on first and second months, while third, forth and fifth months had low concordance. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) in grading in the five months of preservation in the temperatures used. 46 Growth (% viable) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% (- 1 1 T) T) T) T) T) (R (R (R (R (R 2 3 4 5 y = -0.1994Ln(x) + 1.0244 R2 = 0.4783 ) ) ) ) ) ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC (4 (4 (4 (4 (4 2 3 4 5 Month ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC 80 - 80 - 80 - 80 - 80 20 20 20 20 20 ( ( ( ( (- (- (- (- (2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 0% 10% 1 Figure 10: Monthly MTB growth recovery on gelatin 47 4.8 Monthly MTB growth recovery on Phosphate buffered saline pH 7.2 Figure 11 shows the percentage of viable organisms concordant with the initial subculture reading between PBS initial verses and grading for five subsequent months at -80, -20ºC, 4ºC and RT. Strains preserved at -80ºC showed high concordance (τ>0.6) in the five subsequent months of preservation. Strains preserved at -20ºC had high concordance (τ>0.6) in the first, second, and third months medium concordance on the fourth month while low concordance (τ=0.3) in fifth month. Preservation at 4ºC showed only high concordance (τ=0.8) in the first month but with low concordance (0.2<τ<0.5) third, fourth and fifth months. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) in grading in the five months of preservation at -80, -20ºC and 4ºC. Preservation at RT only showed a high concordance on the first month (τ>0.7) while the second, third and forth months had low concordant values. Grading on the fifth month showed low discordance and had a significant difference (p<0.05). 48 Growth (% viable) 110% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% y = -0.2118Ln(x) + 0.9929 R2 = 0.4807 -10% ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC ºC (RT (RT (RT(RT (RT 1 2 3 4 5 80 80 80 80 80 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 1(4 2(4 2(4 4(4 5(4 (- (- (- (- (( ( ( ( ( 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Month Figure 11: Monthly MTB growth recovery on PBS 49 4.9 Monthly MTB growth recovery on trypticase soy broth + glycerol (TSB) Figure 12 shows the percentage of viable organisms concordant with the initial subculture reading between TSB initial and grading for five subsequent months at -80, -20ºC, 4ºC and RT. Strains preserved at -80ºC had high concordance (τ>0.8). When preserved at -20ºC there was high concordance (τ>0.6) on the first, second, third and fourth months. Medium concordance value for the fifth month (τ=0.5). There was no significant difference (p<0.05) in all the five months of preservation for temperatures -80ºC, -20ºC, and 4ºC. At room temperature there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in grading in the fourth and fifth months of preservation (τ<-0.3) and low concordance grading in the first, second and third months (-0.4<τ<0.5). 50 Growth (% viable) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% y = -0.3503Ln(x) + 1.3564 R2 = 0.5368 1( R 2( T) R T 3( ) R 4( T) R 5( T) R T) 0% -10% -20% -30% -40% Month 1( -8 2( 0ºC -8 ) 0 3( ºC 80 ) 4( ºC -8 ) 5( 0ºC -8 ) 0º C ) 1 (2 20º (- C 3 20º ) (- C 2 ) 4 0º (- C) 5 20º (- C 20 ) ºC ) 1( 4º 2( C) 4º 3( C) 4º 4( C) 4º 5( C) 4º C ) Figure 12: Monthly MTB growth recovery on TSB 51 4.10 Monthly MTB growth recovery on sterilized distilled water (SDW) Figure 13 shows the percentage of viable organisms concordant with the initial subculture reading between initial SDW and grading for five subsequent months at -80, -20ºC, 4ºC and RT. Preservation at -80ºC and -20ºC showed high concordance in first three months of preservation (τ> 0.6) but low concordance on the fourth and fifth months. Preservation at 4ºC and RT showed high concordance on the first and second but low concordance on the third, fourth and fifth months. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) in grading in the five months of preservation in the temperatures used. 100% Growth (% viable) 90% 80% 70% y = -0.1787Ln(x) + 0.9177 R2 = 0.2761 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 1( RT 2( ) RT 3( ) RT 4( ) RT 5( ) RT ) 1( -8 2( 0ºC -8 ) 0 3( ºC) 80 4( ºC -8 ) 5( 0ºC -8 ) 0º C) 1 (-2 2 0ºC (-2 ) 3 0ºC (-2 ) 4 0ºC (-2 ) 5 0ºC (-2 ) 0º C) 1( 4º 2( C) 4º 2( C) 4º 4( C) 4º 5( C) 4º C) 0% Month Figure 13: Monthly growth recovery for MTB on SDW 52 4.10 Growth grading concordance for media at -80ºC Figure 14 shows the correlation between grading of initial Middlebrook 7H9 (control medium) and grading for all preservation media on the fifth at -80ºC. According to the following order; Sodium glutamate, trypticase soy broth, 7H9 Middlebrook, and OADC enriched Middlebrook 7H9 had high concordance (τ>0.5). Skimmed milk, gelatin, phosphate buffered saline lactose, and sterilized distilled water media had a concordance of (0.1<τ<0.5). There was no significant difference (p<0.05) in grading between the control and the tested media. Figure 14: Growth grading concordance for media at -80ºC 53 4.11 Growth grading concordance for media at -20ºC Figure 15 shows the correlation between initial Middlebrook 7H9 and grading for all preservation media on the fifth at -20ºC. There was low concordance (τ<0.5) in the correlation with all media. The following order shows how the media were ranked according to their concordance; Sodium glutamate, trypticase soy broth media, OADC enriched Middlebrook 7H9, 7H9 Middlebrook, lactose and gelatin. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) in grading between the control and these media. However, there was significant difference (p<0.05) for skimmed milk, phosphate buffered saline and sterilized distilled water. Figure 15: Growth grading concordance for media at -20ºC 54 4.12 Growth grading concordance for media at 4ºC Figure 16 shows cross tabulation of grading for initial Middlebrook 7H9 and grading for all media month five at 4ºC in which there was no significant difference (p<0.05) in grading for Sodium glutamate high concordance, skimmed milk and OADC enriched Middlebrook 7H9. Trypticase soy broth media, 7H9 Middlebrook, sterilized distilled water, gelatin, lactose, and phosphate buffered saline media which had low concordance (τ>0.2) and a significant difference (p<0.05). Figure 16: Growth grading concordance for media at 4ºC 55 4.13 Growth grading concordance for media at room temperature Figure 17 shows correlation of grading between initial Middlebrook 7H9 and grading for all media at month five. At this temperature there was low concordance in all media apart from PBS and TSB which showed small discordance. No significant difference (p<0.05) was observed for skimmed milk, Sodium glutamate, OADC enriched Middlebrook 7H9 lactose and gelatin. However significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in sterilized distilled water, 7H9 Middlebrook, phosphate buffered saline, and trypticase soy broth with concordance (τ>0.1). Figure 17 Growth grading concordance for media at room temperature 56 4.14 Effects of direct freezing and direct thawing in recovery of strains Figure 18 shows growth recovery results for direct freezing and direct thawing. At -80 ºC OADC-enriched Middlebrook 7H9 + 5%glycerol had the highest yield while sterilized distilled water had the lowest yield (p<0.05). At -20ºC 5% sodium glutamate + glycerol had highest yield while sterilized distilled water had the lowest yield p<0.05. At 4ºC 5% sodium glutamate + glycerol had highest yield while phosphate buffered saline pH 7.2 had the lowest yield (p<0.05). At RT skimmed milk had the highest yield while trypticase soy broth + glycerol had the lowest grading p<0.05. 57 7H 9 Growth 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Media and temperature O AD C TS - 80 B ºC -8 G SG 0ºC el at - 80 in ºC SM 80 º PB -8 C La S - 0ºC ct 80 os C º C SD e -8 0 W ºC -8 0º C 7H 9 SG O AD - 20 C C ºC T 20 G SB C ºC el at -20 in ºC -2 La SM 0 ºC ct os -2 0º C e PB -20 S ºC SD - 2 W 0ºC -2 0º C 7H 9 SG O A 4º G DC C el a 4 La t in ºC ct 4º os C e TS 4ºC B 4 SM ºC PB 4ºC S SD 4 º W C 4º C Figure 18: Direct freezing and direct thawing in recovery of strains 58 4.14 Comparison of recovery between approach one and approach two Figure 19 shows the correlation between the grading of strains recovered from -80ºC by approach one (dt) and approach two (st). There was a high concordance (τ>0.6), with no significant difference (p< 0.05) in all media in either of the approach used. Sterilized distilled water had the lowest concordance in grading while OADC-enriched Middlebrook 7H9 medium + 5%glycerol, skimmed milk, 1% gelatin buffered at pH 6.8, trypticase soy broth + glycerol, 5% sodium glutamate, Middlebrook 7H9, Phosphate buffered saline pH 7.2, and 15% aqueous solution of lactose at pH 5.0 had higher grading in descending order. 1.0 0.9 Concordance in grading 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 dt dt W SD s S D W s st V La ct os B S P st V La ct os e P B S st Vs st Vs 7H 9 st e dt dt 7H 9 dt G Vs S e G G el at in e S G el at in s st V B TS dt dt B TS st V st V S M 9 7H Vs st O A D C 7H 9 s s S O A D M C dt dt 0.0 Media Figure 19: Correlation of recovery between approach one and approach two in recovery of MTB 59 CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 DISCUSSION The major problem for microbiologists is the maintenance and preservation of bacterial cultures. Convenient methods for maintaining the viability of cultures in a stable genetic form and general characteristics are necessary. The choice of preservation methods is related to the nature of the microorganism, period of preservation desired (short or long term), and the facilities available. Short term and long-term preservation techniques are employed routinely because bacterial strains often loose desired properties or characteristics after repeated transfer of microbial cells on culture media. In this study other than preservation of strains at room temperature, cooling (4ºC in the refrigerator) and freezing systems (-20ºC and -80ºC freezers) were utilized. The cooling process in the cooling systems involved reduction of temperatures of preservation solutions that resulted in temperature reduction hence decreased molecular motions as do the rates of biological reactions as shown by Arrhenius relationship of rates. The characteristic of the freezing system used in the study has a coexistence of at least two phases the liquid phase and the solid phase (Jay, 1996). In freezing systems, as the temperature is lowered there is a reduction in mobility of the liquid phase. This leads to reduced biological activities, because of heat transfer processes and thus the freezing interface of pure water or any other medium is not zero (Corry, 1987). Presence of soluble solutes in water alters the phase relationship between the ice and liquid (Mazur, 1970) since the process of 60 freezing involves loss of water from the cell through osmosis to the external environment, a factor that influences the internal freezing process and freezing rate. There is external ice formation while the cell contents are frozen, this osmotic transfer increases the internal cell freezing point and hence the degree of supercooling. From results in grading of growth on the LJ slopes after monthly subcultures for five consecutive months, the MTB strains showed both intra-isolate and interisolate variation of cultural grading of growth when using the systematic approach. The most effective temperature for preservation which yielded a consistent amount of growth on Lowenstein Jensen medium after subcultures of strains in all suspending media was -80°C and this was followed by -20°C. Survival could have been the resultant of lowering of temperature and therefore reduction of biological activity, including the biochemical reactions which lead to cell death. The media of preservation also played a major role but could have been affected by the preservation period and/or the manipulation process. Sterilized distilled water as medium of preservation had lowest concordance at sub zero temperatures. Discordant grading at room temperature could be due to continuity of cellular activity even if not optimum in the non nutritious media leading to cell death. Reduction of temperature could have played an important role to increased grading at 4Cº and at sub zero temperatures (-20ºC and -80ºC). At sub zero temperatures reduced concordance in grading could be due to both water outflow and intracellular ice crystal formation associated with cellular injury, since cells may not have been limitlessly elastic to be able to shrink to a certain volume or expand without injury 61 with frequent thawing and freezing processes (Wolfe et al, 1985). Chances of formation of intracellular ice or/and extra-cellular ice was high since water was used as the major constituent in all media. This could have increased the chances of cells being entrapped between ice crystals be subjected to mechanical and adhesion stress that is detrimental to the survival of the cell (Grout et al, 1990). Reduction of concordance in grading (fig 13) showed the unsuitability of using water (even for short term) as a preservation medium for MTB. Since a good protector should provide cryoprotection of cells during freezing which provide a good matrix to allow stability (Costa et al., 2000) additives in water played an important role in preservation of MTB strains. However there was varying growth at the different temperatures used as shown by the level of concordance after each month of preservation. At sub zero temperatures protective properties of additives were enhanced than at temperatures above zero. Lactose (15% aqueous solution of lactose at pH 5.0) as a medium of preservation had better protective capability than sterilized distilled water. However, solution effects due to the concentration of lactose during freezing could have resulted exclusion of water from crystal structure causing an efflux water from the cell resulting in precipitation of cytoplasmic solutes and components (Mazur, 1970) mechanical stress to cellular components, and rupture of cell membranes due to ice crystal formation (Mazur, 1977; Souzu, 1989) could have been detrimental to the preserved strains. 62 With the solubility of lactose in water being 1 in 4.63 measured %w/v there was a high probability for it to nucleate. Nucleation is required for freezing to initiate (Nickerson and Moore, 1974) and lactose when used crystallized easily. As observed in temperatures above zero and sub zero, even with prolonged vortexing a complete homogeneous solution was not achieved from the crystallized sugars. This could indicate a corresponding crystallization in the MTB cell which would have had an adverse effect on the cell. The addition of the cryoprotective agent glycerol to the preservation media including sodium glutamate, OADC enriched Middlebrook 7H9 and trypticase soy broth prior to addition of the cell suspension could have minimized the potentially deteriorating effects of chemical reactions such as generation of heat during cooling in MTB cells assuring a more uniform exposure and reducing potential toxic effects of metabolism. The use of glycerol could have protected the cells from damage during freezing and thawing processes (Bhat et al, 2005). It has been shown that if vitrification solutions are not used, the cells being preserved are often damaged due to freezing especially when they approach low temperatures or warming to room temperature leading to low viable cell counts. Vitrification of glycerol could have provided protection from damage due to intracellular ice formation since glycerol directly diffuses through MTB lipid membranes in vitro (Paula et al., 1996). Protection of the strains could be due to enzymatic digests of protein substrates in trypticase soy broth which may have acted as protective colloids and together with glycerol provided both intracellular and extracellular protection during 63 freezing (Gherna, 1994). However, at the room temperature this medium broth had no protective effect to the cells. OADC enriched Middlebrook 7H9 medium containing glycerol was a better medium with higher recovery as compared to Middlebrook 7H9 when used solely as preservation medium at all temperatures. Constituents of OADC could have prevented oxidative damage by scavenging of free reactive oxygen radicals due to presence of catalase in the solution in a way that it destroys toxic peroxides that may be present in the medium especially at room temperature where biological reactions could be on going even if not optimal, while Oleic acid could afford important fatty acid containing carboxylic acid with a long unbranched aliphatic tail (chain) important in MTB metabolism; Dextrose availed energy source; while albumin could have acted as a protective agent by binding free fatty acids, which may be toxic to MTB cells. The availability of these constituents could have ensured continuity of metabolic activity at temperatures above zero and protection at sub zero temperatures. Sodium glutamate with glycerol was an effective protectant for the MTB strains at all the temperature used in all the months of preservation even with the thawing and freezing processes for sub zero temperatures. The high recovery could be due to ability of monosodium glutamate stabilizing protein structures of the preserved strains by reactions between the amino groups of the protectant and the carboxyl groups of the microorganism proteins. Although the mechanism of protecting living cells by polyols is not fully understood, three hypotheses proposed this include; maintenance of turgor resulting from the accumulation of mannitol at 64 low water activity, stabilization of the structures of membrane lipids and proteins at low water activity and prevention of oxidative damage by scavenging of free reactive oxygen radicals (Meister1979). The stabilization of protein structures by reactions between the amino groups of the protectant and the carboxyl groups of the microorganism proteins is another protective mechanism of sodium glutamate. The presence of glycerol in the medium could have had a proactive effect on the preservation suspension especially at sub zero temperatures. Gelatin medium had varying recovery at the temperatures of preservation but high recovery at -80. The ability of gelatin to sustain viability at room temperature could be due to its ability to form a strong structure that is quite chemically stable and can even act as a buffer to reduce the affect of by products produced during cellular metabolism as well as behaving as an acid or a base (amphoteric). As the pH shifted from the basic towards a more acidic condition, the amino groups changed to become positively charged, while a similar swing towards a more basic condition resulted in changes in carboxylic group to become more negatively charged (Ward and Courts, 1977). There was irregular concordance in Skimmed milk medium through the five months of preservation when monthly readings were correlated with initial grading. Variation of grading with skimmed milk in subsequent months could have resulted from the color of the medium being a white solution. This had its own disadvantages which included inability to establish a macroscopic visual homogeneity during 65 preparation of the preservation suspension as well as in the sub-culturing process. There was also formation of a mushy coagulum causing a problem in producing a standard inoculum during inoculation. This could have had a great impact since mycobacteria clump. Also the medium dissociated into sediments at room temperature and thus had little protective value as seen from the results. However even with these drawbacks recovery after preservation with skimmed milk was good at -80˚C (figure 6) this could be due to ability of Skimmed milk to prevent cellular injury by stabilizing the cell membrane constituents (Valde´z et al. 1983; Kearney et al. 1990; Castro et al. 1995) Phosphate buffered saline which is normally isotonic and non-toxic to cells is known to structure water around biomolecules and such thin film of water prevents denaturing of biomolecules or conformational changes to cells, a factor that could have been utilized in the first two months at room temperature. On the other hand this additive could have protected the strains from the effects of thawing and freezing process but the storage temperature played a key role in preservation as seen with high recovery at sub zero temperatures and especially at -80ºC. The cell wall structure may have contributed enormously to the survival of MTB strains at different temperatures and media due to presence of an extremely hydrophobic cell wall forming an exceptionally strong permeability barrier as ascribed to the unique structure containing long chain fatty acids (C60 to C90); the mycolic acids (Minnikin, 1982) as well as having 100 to 1000 fold lower channel forming proteins (porins) than for E. coli (Jarlier and Nikaido, 1990). The membrane 66 damage being more detrimental than cell wall damage (Mazur 1965, 1977), presence of intracellular ice crystals could have interfered with the plasma membrane due to its low permeability as well as thawing and freezing rate both on the inside and outside cellular environment. Even in sterilized distilled water some cells were viable even at room temperature and at 4ºC (fig 16 and 17 respectively) for five months. The cell structure and physiology could have played a major role. Trehalose a disaccharide is the major free sugar in the cytoplasm of mycobacteria; it is a constituent of cell wall glycolipids, and it plays a role in mycolic acid transport during cell wall biogenesis (Murphy et al., 2005). It has a protective effect on proteins and biological membranes during cryopreservation or desiccation in vitro, and has been implicated in survival of micro-organisms exposed to environmental stresses in vivo (Koen et al., 2000) The phase behavior of mycolate containing lipid, trehalose dimycolate (cord factor) in mycobacteria forms a presumably para-crystalline structure (Durand et al 1979). How trehalose provides protection to cells is not entirely clear, both in vivo and in vitro evidence has been obtained for dual mechanism: stabilization of membranes and proteins by replacing water and preservation of intracellular water structure (Clegg, 1985; Burke, 1985; singer and Lindquist, 1998; Sano et al, 1999). The cell wall structure may act as a sheath which prevents inoculative freezing and allows MTB cells to supercool in the presence of external ice. Damage of the cells associated with changes occurring either during freezing or thawing process are associated with ice formation either directly (mechanical 67 effect) or indirectly or changes in solid concentration in a unfrozen phase, migration of water from cell interior to cell exterior produce cell shrinkage and membrane damage through phase transformation in non-aqueous membrane components (liquids). Time of exposure to high solute concentration during freezing and thawing process can cause cell damage. In many systems, reaction rates as a function of temperature go through a maximum at some temperature below the initial freezing point. The moisture migration within the cell occurs through the freezing process. Supercooling of the cell content can lead to moisture movement through an osmotic mechanism. Thawing causes internally frozen cells to rehydrate very fast and the medium surrounding the microbial cells is diluted due to the phase shift and cell are exposed to osmotic shock there by causing cell death (Calcott and Thomas, 1978). Survival of MTB strains to the thawing and freezing process as observed could be due to cell wall structure that allows limited movement of hydrophilic molecules. The repeat of the subculture exercise using approach two could be a contributing factor to reduction in grading since there was a repeat in freezing and thawing. This could have allowed selective influx and efflux of liquids in the cells resulting to membrane damage since the probability intracellular ice formation was high. Different types of cells may require different cooling rates; a uniform cooling rate of 1°C per minute from ambient temperature is effective for a wide variety of cells. Fast freezing produces internal freezing in cells causing cell death while slow freezing produces cellular dehydration and only extra-cellular ice. This phenomenon 68 could explain why the strains had reduced grading in growth since the change was almost drastic thus from room temperature to 4ºC to -20ºC then to -80ºC and not consistent cooling by lowering degree by degree. Clumping of the cells was high at 4ºC temperature and at room temperature even in the freshly homogenized suspensions. The high tendency of M. tuberculosis strains to clump could be due to the high lipid content on their cell wall structure. At sub zero temperatures clumping could have occurred in the liquid phase before freezing and more during freezing due to selective selection of substances contained in the preservation suspension. At these temperatures there is nucleation which causes solutes to crystallize and cells to clump together. This could account for differences in grading in subsequent months where by a low grade could precede a high grade as seen in figures (6, 7, and 8). Results obtained from the cross tabulation of each preservation medium systematically thawed with the corresponding medium thawed directly (figure 19) from -80ºC through to room temperature sterilized distilled water was highly affected by the thawing process while OADC enriched 7H9, skimmed milk, trypticase soy broth and gelatin medium were least affected even though there was no significant difference in the between the two recovery processes. Presence of cryopreservation agent glycerol could have had a significant role in protecting the cells from the direct change in temperatures from -80ºC. In OADC enriched 7H9 and trypticase soy broth by preventing the direct drastic temperature change. While high concordance with both approaches in preservation and recovery by skimmed milk 69 could be due to prevention of cellular injury by stabilization of the cell membrane constituents (Valde´z et al. 1983; Kearney et al. 1990; Castro et al. 1995) Although the different preservation medium had different abilities to sustain viability of the strains it is important to note that within one month of preservation all the medium used had high concordance grading readings and thus even at room temperature the viability of the MTB strains could be maintained. This is important especially in the resource limited countries which would require shipment of strains for further analysis or for external quality control and proficiency testing by the supranational laboratories. 70 CHAPTER SIX 6.3CONCLUSIONS Although tuberculosis has been of health concern for a long period of time, preservation of the isolated strains by culture has received little attention. In this study, it has been observed that recovery of M. tuberculosis strains after five months cryopreservation and monthly subcultures depends on the temperature of preservation and medium used. The recovery of M. tuberculosis after preservation is optimum at sub zero temperatures and specifically at -80˚C. Together with temperature it is evident that M. tuberculosis requires suspension media additives for optimum recovery especially at sub zero temperatures. Different media have different capabilities when preserving M. tuberculosis strains at the respective temperature utilized. The media which was optimum in preservation of M. tuberculosis strains in all the temperatures utilized was Sodium glutamate 5% with glycerol. However, M. tuberculosis strains even without additives could survive in water when used as the suspending media for five months at -80˚C, -20˚C, 4˚C and room temperature. Mycobacteria tuberculosis can be preserved by either direct thawing or systematic thawing since there is no significant effect on growth recovery for strains when stored at -80˚C temperature. However, monthly repeats of systematic approach method in preservation and recovery of M. tuberculosis resulted in lower recovery than does in direct approach preservation and recovery. 71 6.4RECOMMENDATIONS With the demonstration that there is reduction in recovery of M. tuberculosis when systematic approach is used in monthly subculture process, than direct approach when used in freezing and recovery after five months. It is therefore important to determine effects of using approach one and recovery using approach two and vice versa in preservation and recovery of M. tuberculosis strains. 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Suspend 4.7 g of the dehydrated powder in 850 mL of purified water 2. 2. Add 50ml glycerol. 3. Autoclave at 121°C for 10 min. 4. Aseptically add 100 ml of Middlebrook OADC Enrichment to the medium when cooled to room temperature and dispense directly 1ml into 2ml cryovials. 5. Quality control was performed on the prepared medium B. Preparation of Middlebrook 7H9 Broth (BD) (Cat. Number 296068) 1. Dissolve 4.7 g of Middlebrook 7H9 Broth powder was in 1000 ml of sterilized distilled water. 2. Autoclave the mixture at 121˚C for 15 min. 3. Dispense the medium into 20ml universal glass bottles. 4. Quality control was done on the prepared medium. 3. Trypticase™ Soy Broth (BD) Formula Trypticase Soy Broth Formula Per Liter Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 17.0 g Enzymatic Digest of Soybean Meal ............................ 3.0 g Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g Dipotassium Phosphate .............................................. 2.5 g 84 Dextrose ..................................................................... 2.5 g Method of Preparation Trypticase™ Soy Broth 20% Glycerol 1. Suspended 27.5 -grams Tryptic Soy Broth w/o Dextrose medium in 800ml distilled or deionized water in Erlenmeyer flasks. 2. Add 200ml glycerol to the 1000ml mark. 3. Heat with gentle agitation to dissolve. Final pH, 7.3 ± 0.2. 4. Dispensed in 20ml universal glass bottles. 5. Autoclaved at 121°C for 15 min. 6. Cool to room temperature and stored at 4˚C. C. Skim Milk Medium Difco™ (Cat. No. 232100) Directions for Preparation from dehydrated Product 1. Dissolve 100 g of the powder in 1 L of sterilized distilled water. 2. Warm to completely dissolve the powder. 3. Autoclave at 121˚C for 15 min. 6. Quality control was performed on the prepared medium D. BBL™ Lactose Broth Approximate Formula* Per Liter Cat. Number 221893 Becton and Dickson Beef Extract 3.0 g Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin 5.0 g Lactose 5.0 g 85 Method 1. Dissolve 150g of the powder in 1 L of sterilized distilled water. 2. Dispense in test universal glass bottles, in 20 ml amounts 3. Autoclave at 121°C for 10 min at 10 pounds pressure or Tyndallization to reduce the hydrolysis of lactose. 4. Quality control was performed on the prepared medium. E. Preparation of Phosphate Buffered Saline BBL™ Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2 Approximate Formula* Per Liter Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate 26.22 g Sodium Carbonate 7.78 g Directions for Preparation from dehydrated Product 1. Prepare a stock solution, dissolving 34.0 g in purified water and make up to 1 L. 2. Prepare a working solution by adding 1.25 ml of stock phosphate buffer solution to sterilized distilled water and make up to 1 L (1:800). 3. Dispense into 20ml universal bottles and autoclave at 121°C for 15 min, store under refrigeration. (Note: pH may vary depending on glassware used and may require additional adjustment to achieve 7.2 ) 86 F. Preparation of Sodium glutamate medium Sodium glutamate Difco™ 5.0g Glycerol 6ml Distilled water 100ml 1. Dissolve the ingredients in distilled water by heating. 2. Dispense into 20ml universal bottles and autoclave at 121°C for 30 min, store under refrigeration. 3. Quality control was performed on the prepared medium. G. Preparation of media for subculture of MTB strains Preparation of Lowenstein Jensen- glycerol medium Requirements include the preparation of: 1. Mineral salts 2. Homogenized whole Egg base 3. Malachite green solution 4. Penicillin solution (made by dissolving 1,000,000 IU penicillin in 2ml sterile distilled water and making up the volume to 10 ml. final conc. 100,000 IU) 87 Table 1: Preparation of mineral salts Reagent Amount Potassium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous (KH2PO4) 4g Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4. 7H2O) 0.4g Magnesium citrate - 1g L-Asparagine 6g Glycerol (reagent grade) 20ml Distilled water 1000ml Procedure 1. Weigh the Salts as indicated above and transfer into sterile 2000ml volumetric flask 2. Dissolve completely in distilled water by heating with occasional swirling. 3. Sterilize by autoclave the g solution at 1210C for 30 min. 4. Cool to room temperature and store in a 40 C refrigerator at. Malachite green solution 2% Malachite green dye 2.0g Sterile distilled water 100ml Dissolve malachite green dye completely in distilled water and aliquot in 20mls volumes into universal bottles then autoclave at 1210C for 30 min. 88 Preservation Give a batch number to the LJ medium in the media log book and store at 4 -80 C ready for use up to 4 weeks. Preparation of egg base 1. Wipe all the benches with a cotton swab soaked in 95% methyl alcohol. 2. Soak fresh eggs (up to 3 days old) for 5 min in plain devo clean solution, clean by gently scrubbing with a hand brush and thoroughly rinse in running tap water and then allowed to dry. 3. Wipe the eggs with cotton wool soaked with methylated spirit and break them into a graduated glass jar then pour into a sterile 6 L volumetric flask with sterile 3mm glass beads to make 500ml. 4. Shake the contents vigorously to homogenize the mixture. 5. Aseptically add 20ml malachite green solution, mineral salt solution 600ml and shake well before sieving the mixture and adding penicillin drug in the ratio of 1ml: 1000ml of egg based media and shake well. 6. Dispense 5 ml amounts into universal bottles and inspissate at 850C for 1 hour. 89 APENDIX3 Table 2: Reporting of subculture results Reading Report Grading No Growth Negative NGO 1 – 19 colonies Positive Number of colonies 20-100 colonies Positive 1+ >100 colonies Positive 2+ Confluent growth Positive 3+ Contaminated Contaminated * World health organization culture grading system for M. tuberculosis 90 APENDIX4 Quality control Check for growth support Before use the following procedures were used as quality control to test for the aptness of each media. Lowenstein Jensen media Lowenstein Jensen media was tested by inoculation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37RV. The slopes were incubated at 37°C and examined weekly for growth or contamination up to four week after which if no growth was observed the slopes were regarded as non optimal, however if positive the media was regarded as optimum. Un-inoculated media were used as negative control as well as to check for contamination of the media. OADC Middlebrook 7H9 Broth + Glycerol After preparation of enriched OADC Middlebrook 7H9 Broth + Glycerol the media was tested for performance characteristics. Using a 0.01 ml calibrated loop colonies of M. tuberculosis H37RV were inoculated in a representative sample of 4ml of the product. The tubes were incubated at 37°C and tubes were examined for growth after 7, 14 and 21 days. Turbidity in less than five days of inoculation and incubated was regarded as contamination. Skimmed milk 91 The prepared skimmed milk was tested for performance characteristics by inoculating a loopful of fresh culture of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 into a tube containing freshly prepared skimmed milk media. The media wasthen incubated at 35°C for 7 days. The media was regarded as adequate when there was formation of acid and curdling. Lactose The prepared Lactose was tested for performance by inoculating fresh colonies of Neisseria lactamica ATCC 23970 into the prepared media containing a pH indicator. The tubes were incubated at 35°C in an aerobic atmosphere and examined after 4 h. Color change from red to yellow is indicated support of growth. Sodium Glutamate Sodium Glutamate media was tested for performance by inoculating Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048 into the freshly prepared media and incubating at 35°C for 18-48 hours for acid and gas production. 92