Auxiliary Corporations Inquiry System Page 1
Vendor History Inquiry is a program that can be used to look up detailed information regarding the
Purchase Orders issued and payments made for your Cost Center. It will also allow you to view a vendor’s Accounts Payable transaction history.
From the Cost Center Inquiry System menu (PD50) choose option < 4 > Inquire On Checks/Vendor
Information and select the < enter > key. When you do you will be taken to the Inquire On
Checks/Vendor Information screen (042003).
042003 Inquire On Checks/Vendor Info.
Vendor Number. . . . . . ____________
Parent Number. . . . . . ____________
Date From
Seq 3
Document Number. . . ____________
Check/Item Number. . ____________
Paid 2
Co 00003
P.O. Number. . . . . . . . ____________
Invoice Number . . . . . ____________________
Skip To Page . . . . . . . _______
O . . . Document . . . Due/Chk Gross Open Check/ P P
P Ty Number Itm Date Date Amount Amount Item C S
Opt: 1=Vch Rev 2=JE Rev 5=Details F2=Format F9=NS F21=Prt F24=More
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To locate the Vendor Number for the vendor in question follow these steps:
Select the < F1 > key with your cursor in the Vendor Number field. This will open a Address Number
Name Search window (01NS).
01NS Address Number . . . . . . . .
Alpha Name____________________________
Search Type ___
Address Line 1
O: 1=AB 2=AR 3=AP 4=Sel 6=Cds 7=Child 8=Par F16=QRY F8=XRef F24=More
With your cursor in the Alpha Name field type the first few characters of the vendor’s name and select the < enter > key. Now the system will search for vendors that match the alpha name search criteria that you selected. The name that matches your search criteria will be displayed on the screen.
01NS Address Number . . . . . . . . AN8
Alpha Name CSUF________________________ Search Type ___
Address Line 1
4 10241 California State University, Fresno 209 278-3904
_ 10567 CSUF Stockroom 209 278-9999
_ 15075 CSUFAthletic Grant End
O: 1=AB 2=AR 3=AP 4=Sel 6=Cds 7=Child 8=Par F16=QRY F8=XRef F24=More
When the vendor you are searching for has more than one entry on the screen always choose the one that does not have an “R” in the Search Type field, which is to the far right of the line containing its information. In the example above “California State University, Fresno has a “V” search type.
Move your cursor to the left of the vendor name that you wish to inquire upon and place a < 4 > in the field in front of their name then select the < enter > key. This will return the vendor’s number to the
Vendor Number field in the Inquiry screen (042003) and display the Accounts Payable transaction history for your cost center for that vendor.
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To limit your search activity to a particular date range you can update the Date From and Thru fields in the upper right portion of the screen, then press the < enter > key. This will update the report thru the current Thru date you have entered and redisplay all of your purchasing activity with the vendor you selected.
042003 Inquire On Checks/Vendor Info. Date From
Vendor Number. . . . . . 10241 CSUF Thru
Parent Number. . . . . . 10241 CSUF Seq 3
Document Number. . . _________________ Paid 2
Check/Item Number. . _________________ Co 00003
P.O. Number. . . . .. . . _________________
Invoice Number . . . . . ________________________
Skip To Page . . . . . . . ________
O . . . Document . . . Due/Chk Gross Open Check/
P Ty Number Itm Date Date Amount Amount Item
_ PP 7 001 02/25/95 02/25/95 623.00 623.00
_ PP 6 001 01/31/95 02/01/95 11,430.50 11,430.50
_ PP 8 001 01/15/95 02/01/95 250.00
_ PK 8 001 01/15/95 02/02/95 250.00- 1001
-------------- --------------
D #
TOTAL 12,303.50 12,053.50
Opt: 1=Vch Rev 2=JE Rev 5=Details F2=Format F9=NS F21=Prt F24=More
Vendor Inquiry can be used to locate individual Purchase Orders and Invoices.
To do this move your cursor to the P.O. Number or Invoice Number field, enter the proper number and select the < enter > key. The system will search for that specific number and redisplay the information for you on the screen.
The P.O. Number is a number that the Financial Services department will issue to you and the Invoice
Number represents the number on the invoice that was issued to you by the vendor. You must know one of these numbers before you are able to search for the specific item.
When you don’t know the number of the P.O. or the invoice that you are looking for use the three steps explained above to locate your vendor’s number and look at the transaction history that you have for the vendor.
From the Inquire On Checks/Vendor Information screen you can select < F2 > to toggle the format at the bottom of the screen to include a P.O. Number or Invoice Number column. Pressing <F2> repeatedly will roll you through the available screen formats.
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The inquiry report that you produce can be displayed in a variety of ways. The following instructions will introduce you to a variety of sorting methods for your Vendor Ledger Inquiry.
In the upper right corner of the screen several important fields appear, they are: Date From and Thru, Seq
(sequence), Paid and Co (Company). The information displayed for your vendor can be changed based on the values that are placed in these fields. Below is a description of each field along with the valid values that can be used.
Date From and Through - When a vendor has a large Accounts Payable history it may be helpful to only look at their A/P transactions for a certain period of time.
The from / thru fields allow you to select only invoices which have an invoice date equal to the from through dates you enter on the screen. You can select both the from and thru dates to narrow your selection and have a beginning and ending date for the inquiry. You can also select one of the fields, the from or the thru, to see a history of transactions that meet your beginning or ending from or thru date.
After viewing your A/P transaction history on the screen you can change the from and thru dates by moving the cursor to the field entering your desired dates in a six digit date format (i.e.
January 1, 1996 is 010196 ) and selecting the < enter > key. This will reformat your inquiry displaying all your activity with the Vendor within the from / thru dates you selected in your inquiry
Seq (Sequence) - The sequence field is used to display your information in a variety of ways.
This field works in conjunction with the Date From and Thru field. The only valid values for this field to work properly with selected from and thru dates are 2, 3, and 8. Any other values in the sequence field will not allow you to select from and thru dates for your report.
The valid values for this field include:
1 - Document Number
2 - Net Due Date
3 - Invoice Date
4 - Invoice Number
5 - PO Number
6 - Document, Type/Number (default)
7 - Matching Document
8 - G/L Date
A - Summarized by Document
B - Summarized by Due Date, Document
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Paid The Paid field allows you to view specific Accounts Payable transactions for your vendor.
The default value for the field is 2 which allows you to view all of the transaction history for your vendor, open (unpaid) and paid. Other allowable values include:
0 or N - Only OPEN (unpaid) transaction will be displayed.
1 or P - Only PAID transactions will be displayed.
2 or Y - ALL transactions will be displayed - Open and Paid.
To change your displayed report simply move your cursor to the Paid field, choose a new value and select the < enter > key. Your report will be reproduced based on the new Paid value you have selected. Changing the Paid value for a vendor is helpful if the transaction history is very large or you are looking for only one kind of transaction (i.e. open (unpaid) or paid). If you do not use a “2” in the Paid field you will not see all of the transactions for you vendor and you may be unable to find the item you are looking for.
Co (Company) - The valid value for this field for all of our project directors is “3”. This value should be defaulted into the report.
The bottom half of your screen contains transaction history based on the sort selections you have requested for your report. As you look across the screen from left to right you will find the following information:
OP - This is an Options field which allows you to drill down into the Accounts Payable transaction to view additional information. We will discuss this process in the next section of this manual.
...Document...Ty, Number, Itm - These fields contain information that is required and utilized by the Financial Services department. The document type (Ty) is of most significance for those inquiring on the paid status of an invoice.
When a transaction has a document type (Ty) PP or PV then you are looking at the actual voucher that was produced for the Accounts Payable transaction. You can drill down into a PP or PV transaction to view all of the information regarding it. We will discuss “drilling-down” into a transaction in the next section, “Viewing the Details of an A/P Transaction”.
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Date - This is the date that appears on the Vendor’s Invoice. The due date for the invoice may be based on the date contained in this field.
The columns on the bottom portion of your screen can be rearranged based on the information you need. The columns can include information such as:
Due/Chk Date
Open Amount
- The date the net payment is due.
Gross Amount - The gross amount of the invoice or voucher pay item, including tax.
- The amount of an invoice, voucher, or pay item that is unpaid.
Check/Item - If a check has been issued the check number will appear here.
PC - The PC (Posted Code) column is information required by the Financial Services
Department and is not required information for inquiry users.
PS - The PS (Paid Status) column informs the user of the paid status of the transactions. The following list provides valid Paid Status codes that you may see.
P.O. Number the purchase.
G/L Date
Approved for Payment
Check Being Written
Held/Pending Approval
Paid in Full
- The number that identifies the purchase order that we issued to the vendor for
- The date that identifies the financial period to which the transaction is to be posted.
Invoice Number - The vendor’s invoice number.
Vendor Number - A number that identifies the vendor in the Address Book system.
The columns on your Vendor Ledger Inquiry can be changed based on the report format that you select.
To choose a new screen format simply select the < F2 > key while viewing your inquiry and watch the column headings on your screen change.
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Based on the information you need the F2 key can be pressed to toggle to the appropriate format. Your report can be displayed in the following formats:
Due/Check Date, Gross Amount, Open Amount, Check Number
P.O. Number, Gross Amount, Open Amount, Check Number
G/L Date, Gross Amount, Open Amount, Check Number
Invoice Number, Gross Amount, Check Number
Vendor Number, Gross Amount, Open Amount, Check Number
When you produce a report the system will automatically select report format number 1 (Due/Chk Date,
Gross Amount, Open Amount, Check Number).
In addition to looking at the transaction history for a vendor you are also able to drill down into the transaction and view additional details associated with the transaction. To accomplish this you must have a Vendor Inquiry (042003) displayed on your screen. To drill down into the individual transactions follow these steps.
Move your cursor to the OP field to the left of the transaction about which you want more information.
042003 Inquire On Checks/Vendor Info. Date From
Vendor Number. . . . . . 10241 CSUF Thru
Parent Number. . . . . . 10241 CSUF Seq 3
Document Number. . . _________________
Check/Item Number. . _________________
Paid 2
Co 00003
P.O. Number. . . . .. . . _________________
Invoice Number . . . . . ________________________
Skip To Page . . . . . . . ________
O . . . Document . . . Due/Chk Gross Open Check/
P Ty Number Itm Date Date Amount Amount Item
_ PP 7 001 02/25/95 02/25/95 623.00 623.00
_ PP 6 001 01/31/95 02/01/95 11,430.50 11,430.50
1 PP 8 001 01/15/95 02/01/95 250.00
D #
_ PK 8 001 01/15/95 02/02/95 250.00- 1001
-------------- --------------
TOTAL 12,303.50 12,053.50
Opt: 1=Vch Rev 2=JE Rev 5=Details F2=Format F9=NS F21=Prt F24=More
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Enter a < 1 > to view the Accounts Payable Voucher that was entered into the system, this is the most detail available on the transaction. To see the Journal Entry for the transaction select < 2 >. To see the information in a summary format choose a < 5 > to view a summary of details regarding the A/P transaction. After choosing the type of information you want select the < enter > key and the appropriate display window for your transaction will appear.
When choosing 1 for Voucher Review you will be sent to the Voucher Entry screen (04105) and all of the details attached to your voucher will be displayed.
04105 POSTED Voucher Entry
Action Code . . . . . . . I
Vendor Number . . . . 10241
Prev Voucher:
Voucher/Type/Co.. . . 8 P2 00003
Invoice Number. . . . ._____________
" Amount. . . . . . 250.00
Cost Center. . . . . . . . 31000
Payment Terms. . . . . _____
" Date. . . . . . . . . . 01/15/95 Company. . . . . . . . . . 00003
G/L Date. . . . . . . . .01/15/95
Tax Amount. . . . . . . . _______
Taxable Amount. . . . _______
Tax Expl Code. . . . . .___
Tax Area. . . . . . . . . . _______
Serv/Tax Date. . . . . . 01/15/95
Sent To Address . . . . 100_____
Remaining Amount. Batch Number . . 1219
. . . . . . . . Payment Schedule . . . . . . . .
Pay Gross Discount Check Remark Net Due P
Itm Amount Available
001 250.00 0
001 250.00- 0
F4=Details F9=Name Srch F11=New Vndr F13=J.E. Inq F16=Ledger Inq F24=More
One very important item you will find on this screen is the Sent To Address field. This field will contain the Address Book number for the location where the check will be sent when the payment is made. Here are the standards:
Sent To Address = 100
Sent To Address = 101
Sent To Address = 102
Sent To Address = 103
Check sent to Bookstore
Check sent to Mail Stop Number
Check sent to Auxiliary Office
Check sent to Foundation Office
Sent To Address = 104 Check sent per Special Handling Instructions
Sent To Address = “Blank” Check sent to Vendor’s address
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When you select a 2 for Journal Entry Review you will be taken to the Journal Entry screen as seen in
Section 3, page 13 of the manual.
When choosing < 5 > for Details you will be sent to the Vendor Ledger Detail Information window
(04200W) and provided with a summary of information related to your A/P Transaction.
04200W Vendor Ledger Detail Information
Company. . . . 00003 CSU Fresno Foundation
Document . . . 8 PP 00003 Gross Amount .. 250.00
Pay Item . . . 001
Net Due Date . 02/01/95
Open Amount. .
Cost Center. . 31000
Invoice Number
Invoice Date . 01/15/95 Discount . . .
G/L Date . . . 01/15/95
Check/Item . .
Check Date . .
Batch Number . 1219
Batch Date . . 02/15/95
Serv/Tax Date. 01/15/95
Value Date . .
Pay Status . . P
Discount Taken
G/L Bank . . . 1007
P.O. Number. . 1 OP 00003
Alt Payee. . . 10241
# of Payments.
Req Freq . . .
Terms. . . . .
Offset . . . .
Contact P. . .
Remark . . . .
F3=Exit F24=More Keys
Select the < F3 > two times to return to the main menu, the Cost Center Inquiry screen.
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From the Cost Center Inquiry System menu (PD50) choose option < 3 > Cost Center Master and select the
< enter > key. The system will take you to the Cost Center Master Revisions screen (510061). The Cost
Center Master is much like the hub on a wheel, it’s a control point for your cost center.
510061 Cost Center Master
Action Code. . . . . . . . . . __
Cost Center. . . . . . . . . . . ___________ _______________________________
C.C.Status(Posting Edit) __ _______________________________
Level of Detail. . . . . . . . __ _______________________________
Subledger Inactive Code. __ _______________________________
Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___________
Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . ______
Cost Center A/B Number ______
Billing A/B Number . . . . ______
Billing System . . . . .___ Cost Center Type . . . . . . ___
State. . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ Threshold % Complete . . ___
Cost Center Dates/Other Info
Due Date . . . . . . . . . __________ Submitted Date . . . . __________
Rejected Date. . . . . . __________ Award Date . . . . . . . __________
Beginning Date . . . . .__________ Ending Date. . . . . . . __________
Equipment Rate Code. . . . . . ____
Project Director MS A/B# . . __________ Tax Expl-Tax Rate/Area .___ _________
F5=Updt w/Redisplay F11=A/B F13=Job Srch F15=Ctg Cds/Dates F24=More
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After completing step 1 you will be taken to the Cost Center Master screen (V510061) and you cursor will be flashing in the Action Code field. Follow these steps to display your cost centers. First place an
< I >, for inquire, in the Action Code field and your cursor will move to the Cost Center field. With your cursor in the Cost Center field select the < F1 > key and the Cost Center Name Search window (00NS) will appear on the screen.
00NS Cost Center Name Search
Description. . _________________________
Company. . . . ____________
Language . . . ____
Type *
O Cost Center Description Comp. Ty
Opt: 4=Sel Value F9=Glossary F24=More
With your cursor in the Description field of the Cost Center Name Search window select the < enter > key and the system will display a list of the cost centers that are assigned to you. Now you are ready to select a cost center to inquire on.
From the Cost Center Name Search window (00NS) move your cursor with the < tab > key to the options field (O) to the left of the Cost Center number and Description lines. With your cursor in the (O) field place a < 4 > in the field and select the < enter > key.
00NS Cost Center Name Search
Description. . _________________________
Company. . . . ____________
Language . . . ____
Type *
O Cost Center Description Comp. Ty
4 31000 XYZ Cost Center 00003 TR
Opt: 4=Sel Value F9=Glossary F24=More
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After following this step you will be returned to the Cost Center Master screen (510061) and the information regarding your cost center will be on the screen.
510061 Cost Center Master
Action Code. . . . . . . . . . . . I
Cost Center. . . . . . . . . . . . 31000 XYZ COST CENTER
C.C.Status(Posting Edit) . __
Level of Detail. . . . . 2
Subledger Inactive Code. __ CONTRACT # 999999999
Project. . . . . . . . . _________
Company. . . . . . . . . 00003 CSU Fresno Foundation
Cost Center A/B Number . 99931000 XYZ Cost Center
Billing A/B Number . . . 10014 WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT
Billing System . . . . . N Cost Center Type . . . . . . .GR
State. . . . . . . . . . CA Threshold % Complete . . ___
Cost Center Dates/Other Info
Due Date . . . . . . . . . . ______ Submitted Date . . . . ______
Rejected Date. . . . . . . ______
Beginning Date . . . . . 09/01/90
Award Date . . . . . . . 04/02/91
Ending Date. . . . . . . 04/30/98
Equipment Rate Code. . . . . __
Project Director MS A/B# 10057 Tax Expl-Tax Rate/Area . __ ________
F5=Updt w/Redisplay F11=A/B F13=Job Srch F15=Ctg Cds/Dates F24=More
With your cost center’s information in the Cost Center Master screen you are able to perform a variety of inquiries using your function keys. The first function key that we will discuss is the F14 Inquiry key.
F14 - Financial Inquiry
After arriving at the Cost Center Master screen for your cost center all that is required for you to make an inquiry on the balances, history and commitments for your cost center is to select the < F14 > Inquiry key.
Using the < F14 > key from the Cost Center Master screen performs a cost center inquiry for you automatically, eliminating the need to go through the steps described in the Quick Start section of this manual. After selecting F14 you will be taken to the Inquire On Balances/History/Commitments screen
(51200) and the financial information regarding your selected cost center will be displayed.
After viewing your inquiry select the < F3 > key to return to the Cost Center Master.
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F15 - Category Codes and Dates
You are able to view important dates regarding your cost center on the lower portion of the Cost Center
Master Revision Screen. There you will find the project Due Date, Submitted and Rejected Dates as well as the Award, Beginning and Ending Dates. The F15 key is a toggle key which changes the bottom portion of your Cost Center Master screen to allow you to view either the dates associated with your cost center or the category codes that have been assigned to your cost center.
To view the category codes that have been assigned to your cost center simply select the < F15 > key and the bottom portion of your screen will toggle between the important dates and the category codes.
510061 Cost Center Master
Action Code. . . . . . . . . . . . I
Cost Center. . . . . . . . . . . . 31000
C.C.Status(Posting Edit) . __
Level of Detail. . . . . 2
Subledger Inactive Code. __
CONTRACT # 999999999
Project. . . . . . . . . _________
Company. . . . . . . . . 00003 CSU Fresno Foundation
Cost Center A/B Number . 99931000 XYZ Cost Center
Billing A/B Number . . . 10014 WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT
Billing System . . . . . N
State. . . . . . . . . . CA
Cost Center Type . . . . . . .GR
Threshold % Complete . . ___
Cost Center Category Codes
Company. . . . . . . .FDN Foundation (03)
Division . . . . . . . . X3S FDN-Sponsored Pr
Department . . . . . .X09 Sch of Engingeer
Financial Report . .
Financial Billin . . .MTD Monthly
Exhibit K Code . . .Y Yes, Exhibit K c
Bill Procedure. . . . MTD Bill Monthly
Payroll Type . . . . .
Indirect Format . . . .
Fed Fin Awards . . . .
Cost Sharing . .
Grant Notification
Awards Status. .
Grant Accountant . .
Project Director . .
Unclassified . .
Source of Funds. . . STA State Funds
Type of Funds. . . . .PUB Public Service
Unclassified . .
Report Grp (FASTR)
F5=Updt w/Redisplay F11=A/B F13=Job Srch F15=Ctg Cds/Dates F24=More
Changes to the data in these screens can only be made by the Financial Services Department. If you have questions regarding the information please contact their office.
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F19 - Extra Data
Extra Data, or Supplemental Data as it’s also called, is a collection of data that is related to your cost center and that in the past has been kept in separate files. To view the Extra Data related to your cost center simply select < F19 > from the Cost Center Master Revisions screen (510061) and you will be taken to the Supplemental Data Entry screen (00691) for your cost center.
00691 Supplemental Data Entry
Cost Center. . . . 31000 XYZ COST CENTER
Company. . . . . . 00003 CSU Fresno Foundation
O C/
P Type of Information N
1 Contract Agreement Numbers C
_ Multiple Customer Billing List C
_ Federal Catalog Number C
Financial Reporting Address
Grant Accountant
Opt: 1=Select & Update F17=Next Profile F18=Prev Profile F24=More Keys
If your cost center has Supplemental Data the option field to the left of the Type of Information column may be highlighted depending on your monitor. To view the information simply < tab > to the option
(OP) field for the Type of Information you desire and place a < 1 > in the field and select the < enter > key.
This will take you to the Supplemental Code Entry screen (00692) and allow you to view the information you requested.
00692 User Defined Code Entry - CC
Contract Agreement Numbers Type Data. . . A
Action Code. . . . I
Cost Center. . . . 31000 XYZ COST CENTER
Company. . . . 00003
O Contact No Date
_ 12354 06/30/94
Description Contract $ Contract Description
544,940.00 Building Upg
_ 1235468989 06/30/94
544,940.00 Building Upg
_ ___________________________________________________________
Opt: 1=Narrative Text F4=Detail F16/F17/F18=Sort by Key/Date F24=More
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To return to the Supplemental Data screen (00691) and look at another type of information simply select the < F3 > key once then < tab > your cursor to the next option (OP) field for the type of information you want to look at, place a < 1 > in the field and select the < enter > key.
These steps can be repeated as often as you like to look at all of the supplemental data that is available.
To return to the Cost Center Master screen select the < F3 > key from the Supplemental Data Entry screen (00691).
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This section is designed to help you discover some of the additional features available in the system which will include performing inquiries on multiple transactions, changing the display option on your
Cost Center Inquiries and viewing your account code structure.
From the Inquire On Balances/History/Commitments screen you have the capability of inquiring on more than one transaction at a time. This is helpful for quickly verifying the data related to the balances in your inquiry. To inquire on multiple transactions from the Inquire On
Balances/History/Commitments screen follow steps two through six in the Quick Start Steps (page 5).
When the inquiry report for your cost center has been displayed on screen you are able to select multiple account line items to drill-down into by placing a < 1 > in the options (OP) field to the left of each account line item that you want to inquire into.
When you have selected multiple line items to drill-down into the system will display the first item you selected, then when you exit the screen by pressing < F3
> the next line item that you placed a “1” in front of will appear for you on the screen. The F3 key is used here to help you scroll through each of the line item inquiries.
Multiple inquiry capability also exists when you are on the Account Ledger Inquiry screen (V09200).
To inquire on multiple journal entry transactions which make up a batch simply place a < 1 > in the options (O) field in front of each batch and select the < enter > key. When you do you will be taken to the Journal Entries screen (V091011) for the first batch you selected with a “1”. When you are finished reviewing the transaction select the < F3 > key and the next transaction that you selected will appear on the screen. Continue selecting < F3 > until you have reviewed each of your transactions then press < F3 > one more time to be returned to the Inquire On Balances/History/Commitments screen.
The Display Options for the Cost Center Inquiry screen (V51200) allow you to structure your report many different ways. The necessary display option values have been defaulted into your report and no changes are required.
The following options are available for you to make adjustments to your on line report for special circumstances.
Display Option (LOD) - If you want to view your cost center inquiry report at higher, more summary, level of detail < tab
> to the LOD field and change the “9” to a lower value. The system is defaulting a 9 into the field, generally the lowest level of detail for a cost center inquiry report is 8.
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Display Option (Seq) - You can change the sequence of the line items for the display of your report by changing the value found in the Seq (Sequence) field. The value which is defaulted into your report is “A”, which sequences the line items in Alternate Cost Code sequence. Other valid values include:
1 - Displays your report based on a Category Code 1 sort
2 - Displays your report based on a Category Code 2 sort
3 - Displays your report based on a Category Code 3 sort
Blank - Displays your report by cost code and cost type.
After your report has been displayed you can change the value found in the Seq field then select the < enter > key and the report will be re-sequenced.
Display Option (Act) - You can limit which account lines will appear in your report by changing the Act (Activity) field value. The system will default a “blank” into the field when you produce your reports which attaches no limit to the report display. This means that all activity related to your cost center will display for the Thru Date/Period that you have selected. Generally the Act field value should not be changed.
Other valid values for the Act field include:
A - Displays accounts with actual costs
B - Displays accounts that are less than 100% complete
C - Displays accounts with actual costs that are less than 100% complete
D - Displays accounts that are 100% complete
E - Displays accounts with projected final amounts that are over the
F - Displays accounts with projected final amounts that are under the
Display Option (P/C/I) - The P/C/I option field allows you to specify the type of totals that should be displayed in your report. The default value which is used for your report is “I”. With an “I” in the P/C/I field your report will display balances and totals which are Inception-to-Date.
Other valid values include:
P - Period (month)
C - Cumulative (Y-T-D)
In order to see a proper reflection of your cost center’s inception-to-date balances and be able to view the actual balance available to spend in any line item you must have the P/C/I field set to
Display Option (Days) This field is used to adjust the report to reflect balances for the number of days prior to the date contained in the Thru Date/Period field. This option functions only with columns that contain actual amounts (AA).
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Auxiliary Corporations Inquiry System Page 18
This option allows you to look at your account code structure based on the cost center number you select. When you choose option < 7 > from the main menu you will be taken to the “View Account
Numbers” screen seen below
0901 View Account Numbers
Level of Detail.
Action Code. . . . .
Cost Center. . . . .
Skip To Account. . .
Object Subsidia Description L Old Account # (3rd ID) P Pat
F5=Account Master List F6=Chart of Accounts F13=Account Revs F24=More
From this screen you must place an < I > in the action code field and type your cost center number in the cost center field. After entering your cost center number press the < enter > key any the system will produce an on-line view of your account code structure.
0901 View Account Numbers
Level of Detail. 9
Action Code. . . . . I
Cost Center. . . . . 31000 A - XYZ COST CENTER
Skip To Account. . .
Object Subsidia Description L Old Account # (3rd ID) P Pat
8110 Salaries & Wages 7 88145
8120 Employee Benefits 7 88145
8634 1 Building Construction 7 88146
8634 2 Building Operations 7 88146
8634 3 Analyses 7 88147
8634 4 Professional Services 7 88148
8650 Travel 7 88149
8690 Capital Outlay 7 88150
8690 1 Equipment 7 88151
8690 2 Supplies 7 88159
9199 Grant/Contract Revenue 7 88160
F5=Account Master List F6=Chart of Accounts F13=Account Revs F24=More
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Auxiliary Corporations Inquiry System Page 19
If you do not remember your cost center number when you are wanting to look at your account structure you can place an “I” in the action code and with your cursor in the cost center field press the F1, help key. This will display the Cost Center Name Search screen as seen on page 6 of your Auxiliary
Corporations Inquiry System training manual. When the name search screen appears simply press the
< enter > key and the system will search for all of the cost centers that are assigned to your user sign on and display them on the screen.
When your cost centers appear simply move to the option line for the cost center you want information on, place a < 4 > in the option field and press the enter key. This will enter the proper cost center number in the cost center field on the “View Account Numbers” screen. Now with an “I” in the action code and a cost center number in the cost center field simply press the < enter > key and the system will display the object account number, subsidiary account number if attached, the account description as well as the old account number if available for each account line item in your cost center.
If your cost center has account information that requires more than one page simple page down (VT100 users - Ctrl D) to view the next page of account information. When you are finished viewing your information you can escape from this screen by pressing the F3 key and you will return to the main menu.
When you are finished using the Cost Center Inquiry System please remember to exit the system by placing two periods < ..
> in the selection field at the bottom of the screen.
PD50 J.D. Edwards & Company AUXSRV
Product Groups Cost Center Inquiry System
2. Inquire On Bal./History/Comm.
3. View Your Cost Center Master
4. Inquire On Checks/Vendor Info
15. On-line help for option 8
16. Proper Sign-Off Procedures
8. Inquire on Receipts/Billing
Selection or command
===> .._____________
Tue, Nov 18, 1997 THERESAEJDE
11:20:36am (C) J.D.Edwards & Co 1985,1996 THERESAEJDES1
You may also choose to enter the standard IBM system sign off of < 90 > in the selection field to exit from the system. Choosing either of these methods, two periods < ..
> or entering a < 90 > are valid methods of signing off from the Cost Center Inquiry System.
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Auxiliary Corporations Inquiry System Page 20
When you exit the system you will be taken to the AS400 sign on screen and now you may disconnect from the session as you have in the past.
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Name of Project Director (First and Last)__________________________________________________
Extension # and Fax#___________________________________/______________________________
Mail Stop # and Email Address______________________/___________________________________
Please list the names of the projects that the above listed Project Director is responsible for and are currently being tracked in the Campus Inquiry System.
Project Name Cost Center Number
____________________________________________________ ______________________________
____________________________________________________ ______________________________
____________________________________________________ ______________________________
____________________________________________________ ______________________________
____________________________________________________ ______________________________
Please list the names of the staff members who assist the Project Director and will be accessing the
Auxiliary Corporations Inquiry System.
Name Ext. # Fax# EMAIL
User ID___________________________________ Password_________________________________
Group Profile______________________________ Initial Menu_______________________________
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Auxiliary Corporations Inquiry System Page 22
When using VT100 emulation mode the function and user keys described in the manual are mapped in the following ways. The VT Keyboard Mapping column provides you with the proper keystrokes to activate the function and user keys described below. When using one of the function or user keys in
VT100 mode you must be sure to hold down both keys together to activite the function. As an example, if you want to select the F8 key you must hold down the ESC (Escape) key and the number 8 key at the same time.
VT Keyboard
VT Keyboard
ESC - “Minus Key”
= “Equal Key”
ESC SHIFT _ “Underscore Key”
ESC SHIFT + “Plus Key”
Page Up
Page Down
Cursor Up
Cursor Down
Cursor Left
Cursor Right
Back Tab
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
Left Arrow
Right Arrow
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Auxiliary Services Inquiry System Page 23
V T 1 0 0 K E Y B O A R D M A P P I N G
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Page Up
F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 Page Down
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Auxiliary Services Inquiry System Page 24
This completes the training materials available for the Cost Center Inquiry System. If you have any further questions please contact the Financial Services department for additional assistance:
California State University, Fresno Auxiliary Corporations - (Association, ASI, Ag
Foundation ) - (209)-278-0800
California State University, Fresno Foundation - (209) 278-0850
Additional JDE Contact Persons:
Theresa Eurich
Delia Jorge
Randy Larson
Audrey Fay
Wanda Hamilton 80851
Linda Sabbatini
Kay Sanders
Jodi Mannion
Tamara Durant
Auxiliary MIS Department
Auxiliary MIS Department
Association/Ag Foundation
Association/Ag Foundation
Association/Ag Foundation
Executive Administration
JD Edwards User’s Guide
California State University, Fresno - Auxiliary Services Revised 15.04.2020
Auxiliary Services Inquiry System
Page 25
JD Edwards User’s Guide
California State University, Fresno - Auxiliary Services Revised 15.04.2020