Tau Beta Pi
Amendments to Chapter Bylaws
Illinois Zeta Chapter
March 19, 2004
Amendment 1, Section 3.03:
Undergraduate students shall be scholastically eligible for membership if they: (a) are juniors (a minimum of
60 completed semester hours) in the top one-eight of their class, or (c) are seniors (a minimum of 90 completed
semester hours) in the top one-fifth of their class.
Amendment 2, Section 3.05:
Graduate students shall be scholastically eligible for membership after completion of 16 semester hours
(excluding thesis research) and if they possess a minimum GPA of 4.50. Graduate students are also required to
present a copy of their transcripts and a letter of recommendation from their advisor.
Amendment 3, Section 4.01:
The officers of this organization shall be called President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Corresponding
Secretary, Recording Secretary, Cataloger, Publicity Officer, and Blood Drive Officer.
Amendment 4, Section 4.04:
Publicity Officer. The Publicity Officer shall be responsible for all publicity for the Chapter, including publicity
for Chapter projects.
Blood Drive Officer. The Blood Drive Officer shall be responsible for organizing the semi-annual blood drive
of the Chapter.
Amendment 5, Section 4.05:
Executive Board. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Corresponding
Secretary, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Cataloger, Publicity Officer, and Blood Drive Officer.
Amendment 6, Section 5.01:
General meetings of this organization shall be held every alternate week, starting with the second week of
the semester. Executive Board meetings shall be held every alternate week, starting with the first week of the quarter.
Amendment 7, Bylaw 10:
The expenses of the Chapter shall be borne by the initiation fee and by such assessments as may be voted
on at any business meeting. The initiation fee shall be $75.00, which consists of the $33.00 National fee and the
$42.00 Chapter fee. The Chapter fee shall be used for the normal operations of the Chapter. The National fee shall be
sent to National within ten days after the initiation.
Bylaws of Tau Beta Pi, Illinois Zeta Chapter
National Engineering Honor Society
University of Illinois at Chicago
Bylaw I - NAME
The name of this organization shall be Tau Beta Pi, Illinois Zeta Chapter.
Section 2.01
The purpose of this organization shall be to "mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon
their alma mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as undergraduates in engineering, or by their
attainments as alumni in the field of engineering, and to foster a spirit of liberal culture in engineering colleges". PREAMBLE TO THE NATIONAL CONSTITUTION OF TAU BETA PI.
Section 2.02
Chapter members shall engage in projects beneficial to the members, the University, the College, and the
community. These projects shall be for the advancement of the technical and professional education of the members
as well as "fostering a spirit of liberal culture."
Section 3.01
The chapter shall hold elections of new members during the fall and spring semesters.
Section 3.02
Scholastically eligible undergraduate students in the following curricula shall be considered for membership
in the Chapter; Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Engineering Management, Engineering Physics, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Metallurgical Engineering. Scholastically eligible graduate students in the following curricula shall be considered for
membership in the Chapter; Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.
Section 3.03
Undergraduate students shall be scholastically eligible for membership if they: (a) are juniors (a minimum of
60 completed semester hours) in the top one-eight of their class, or (c) are seniors (a minimum of 90 completed
semester hours) in the top one-fifth of their class.
Section 3.04
Transfer students shall be scholastically eligible for membership after completion of 24 semester hours in
engineering courses, or after completing 16 UIC semester hours in engineering courses provided the consent of fiveseventh's of the Advisory Board is obtained.
Section 3.05
Graduate students shall be scholastically eligible for membership after completion of 24 semester hours in
engineering courses, or after completing 16 semester hours in engineering courses provided the consent of fiveseventh’s of the Advisory Board is obtained.
Section 3.06
The Chapter may elect to specify scholastic requirements higher than those stated in the National
Association’s Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 3.07
Exemplary Character Evaluation:
(a) Invitation letters are sent to each of the scholastically eligible candidates. The purpose of these letters
are to:
(1) Congratulate the students on their academic performance,
(2) Invite the candidates to an orientation meeting,
(3) Direct the candidates to write a one-page biography and career objective statement and bring
it to the orientation meeting,
(4) Inform the candidates that a sponsoring member will be contacting them.
(b) An active member is assigned to sponsor each eligible candidate. The sponsoring member is
responsible for:
(1) Getting to know something about their candidate,
(2) Collecting the candidate’s autobiography,
(3) Answering any questions the candidate may have about Tau Beta Pi.
(c) The sponsoring members of the Chapter shall make recommendations on the candidates they sponsor
at a business meeting open active members only. This meeting will be prior to election of the
(d) The candidate shall be responsible for a minimum of two hours of chapter project-related activity prior to
the election meeting.
(e) The candidates shall be required to attend all regular business meetings, except the sponsor
recommendation meeting of ART. III, Sec. 7c, prior to the election meeting. A missed meeting may be
made up, at the approval of the Executive Board of the Chapter, by contributing one additional hour to a
chapter related-activity.
Section 3.08
The cases of students whose scholastic eligibility is in doubt due to irregularities in standing or curriculum
shall be decided upon by the Advisory Board of the Chapter.
Section 3.09
Active Members. Members are said to be “active members” if they: (a) if they participate in six hours per
semester of project-related activity; (b) if they pay all Chapter fees, assessments, and fines.
Section 3.10
Stoles. All those members that are “active” one out of the two semesters previous to graduating shall be
draped with Tau Beta Pi stoles at graduation. Those members that are initiated with fewer than two semesters
remaining prior to graduation shall be draped with stoles at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Section 3.11
Inactive Members. Any member that does not comply with the “active member” status, shall lose all rights
and privileges thereon, and shall be said to be an “inactive member.”
Section 3.12
It shall be the duty of every member to see to it that each of the elected officers of the Chapter
conscientiously performs the duties of their office for the benefit of the entire Chapter.
Bylaw IV – Officers
Section 4.01
The officers of this organization shall be called the President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary,
Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Cataloger, Publicity Officer, and Blood Drive Officer.
Section 4.02
A candidate for office must: (1) be an active member of the chapter, and (2) have demonstrated enthusiasm
toward the goals of the organization.
Section 4.03
Officers shall be elected for a one-year term.
Section 4.04
President. It shall be the duty of the president, as the responsible agent and leader of the Chapter, to see
that the other officers of the Chapter perform their duties in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the
National Association and the Bylaws of the Chapter. The President shall be the official delegate to the annual National
Convention. The President shall give a President’s Address at the last business meeting, which is to contain an
overview of the Chapter’s past year and any recommendations for the good of the Chapter.
Vice-President. The Vice-President shall be the Chairperson of the Programs Committee and shall have as
duties the advancement of the technical and professional education of the active members, and for the dispersal and
collection of the Tau Beta Pi graduation stoles. The Vice-President shall be the alternate delegate to the National
Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary shall be the Chairperson of the Membership
Committee, shall be responsible for mailing invitation letters to each scholastically eligible candidate, shall mail
banquet invitations to each initiate and their guests, and shall carry on such correspondence as the President may
direct. The Corresponding Secretary also serves as secretary to the Advisory Board, and is responsible for writing the
minutes of each Advisory Board meeting and sending to each of the active members.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the financial manager of the Chapter and have the power of attorney, in
conjunction with the President, over the UIC Student Organizations Funds. He shall be responsible for maintaining an
up-to-date and accurate ledger of all financial transactions, and shall keep in a suitable holder all transaction receipts.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for an end-of-year audit and financial statement presentation at the last business
Recording Secretary. The Recoding Secretary shall be responsible for writing the minutes of the business
meetings, for generating mailing labels for active members and candidates, and for sending timely minutes to the
active members and candidates.
Cataloger. The Cataloger shall be responsible for keeping the roll and project attendance records for the
Chapter, and for compiling an active/inactive member list to be updated every semester.
Publicity Officer. The Publicity Officer shall be responsible for all publicity for the Chapter, including publicity
for Chapter Projects.
Blood Drive Officer. The Blood Drive Officer shall be responsible for organizing the semester blood drive of
the Chapter.
Section 4.05
Executive Board. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Corresponding
Secretary, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Cataloger, Publicity Officer, and Blood Drive Officer.
Section 4.06
In the case of interim vacancy of office, an additional election shall be held with the approval of the Advisory
Board, and at the discretion of the chapter members.
Section 4.07
Any officer found in violation of the rules of the Constitution of the National Association, or the Bylaws of the
National Association, or the Bylaws of the Chapter, and/or not fulfilling the duties prescribed by the Constitution and
Bylaws of the National Association or the Chapter, can be removed from office by a three-quarters vote of the active
members after a written request is submitted to the Advisory Board. An officer may also be removed from office by a
five-sevenths vote of the Advisory Board.
Bylaw V – Meetings
Section 5.01
General meetings of this organization shall be held every alternate week, starting with the first week of the
semester. Executive Board meetings shall be held every alternate week, starting with the second week of the
Section 5.02
Executive Board meetings may be called by any officer at any time provided the members of the Executive
Board are notified two days prior to the meeting.
Section 5.03
A quorum for the consideration of routine business shall consist of one-half of the active membership of the
Chapter, for the election of new members, for changing the initiation fees or the Chapter dues, and for the passing of
an assessment on the members of the Chapter, three-fourths of the active chapter membership eligible to vote
thereon; and for the approval or disapproval of a proposed amendment to the Constitution or Bylaws of the Association
or Chapter, three-fourths of the active members of the Chapter.
Section 5.04
A candidate orientation meeting shall be held once following each candidate selection; at which time the
active members will meet the candidates.
Bylaw VI – Officer Elections
Section 6.01
Officer nominations shall be taken at the second business meeting of the spring semester, with closed-ballot
elections held the following business meeting.
Section 6.02
Each office shall be voted on separately, starting with the office of President, following a credentials
presentation by each candidate.
Section 6.03
Those candidates not elected shall be eligible to run for the remaining offices.
Section 6.04
All active members of the organization are eligible to vote in the officer elections.
Section 6.05
Notice of all elections shall be posted.
Section 6.06
New officers shall be installed by their predecessors at the final business meeting of the academic year.
Installation shall follow the President’s Address and the Treasurer’s Financial Statement. New officers shall assume
active leadership of the Chapter, thereafter.
Section 6.07
The retiring officers shall turn over all records to their successors, and these records shall be up-to-date in all
regards. It shall be the first duty of all incoming officers to familiarize themselves with these records and to see that
they are in good order and up-to-date, and, if not, to try to get cooperation of their predecessors before the latter leave
college permanently.
Section 6.08
The records shall include the roll record books, the minutes of the meetings of the Chapter for the current
and previous years, the Treasurer’s accounts for the current and previous years, the files of the Corresponding and
Recording Secretaries, holders containing a complete file of the copies of THE BENT and of THE BULLETIN for the
last three years, the card or other catalogs of the active and inactive members and of the alumnus members of the
Chapter, and a correct and itemized list of the paraphernalia and other properties of the Chapter pertaining to the
initiation ceremonies with note as to their place of storage. Older issues of THE BENT may be offered to the library of
the institution.
Bylaw VII – Member Elections
Section 7.01
At each member election, the eligibility code shall be read prior to action.
Section 7.02
The election of senior candidates shall precede the election of junior candidates. Each candidate shall be
presented in alphabetical order for discussion and shall be voted in before the following candidate is considered.
Section 7.03
After all candidates have been voted on, there shall be a second individual ballot, to be taken in alphabetical
order, for each candidate who failed election for the first time.
Section 7.04
No candidate who fails election on the second ballot shall be considered further at this election unless onefourth of the active members present so request.
Section 7.05
No candidate who fails election on the second ballot shall be considered again at this election. The candidate
may be considered for membership at a following election if the candidate is eligible.
Section 7.06
The President shall direct the membership committee to have sufficient letters of notification of election
prepared in advanced of the election prepared in advance of the election meeting. These letters should be signed by
the President, addressed to the electees, and mailed within six hours of the election meeting.
Section 7.07
All active members shall keep the election results in absolute confidence so that none of the candidates shall
learn of their election except by means of the official letter; likewise, no candidate shall be informed of the details of the
vote, especially concerning the personal matters at the time of voting.
Section 7.08
Electees desiring to accept election shall formally state their acceptance, I writing, in a letter addressed to the
Section 7.09
Each electee shall be required to read the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association, and the Bylaws of the
Section 8.01
The Advisory Board of the Chapter shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, and the Corresponding
Secretary of the Chapter, and four alumnus advisors elected by the Chapter.
Section 8.02
Advisors to Tau Beta Pi shall be members of Tau Beta Pi.
Section 8.03
One alumnus member of the Advisory Board shall be elected each spring to hold office for four years. A
majority vote of the Executive Board and of the active members of the Chapter is required to install a new advisor.
Section 8.04
The Advisory Board shall act as an advisory and judiciary committee to determine the advisability of any
action taken or proposed by the Chapter. One advisor must sign the Student Organization Registration Form.
Section 9.01
Standing committees shall consist of the Membership Committee, the Programs Committee, and any
committees deemed necessary for the productive running of Chapter. Each standing committee is to organize and
execute the following responsibilities as directed by the Executive Board:
Membership Committee. The membership committee shall consist of the Corresponding Secretary
as chairperson and any active members needed to carry out the duties of eligible candidate selection and initiation,
and for the production of at least one initiation banquet.
Programs Committee. The Programs Committee shall consist of the Vice-President as chairperson
and any active members and candidates needed to carry out any programs and project initiated by
the Chapter.
Section 9.02
All active members may volunteer for the position of Committee Chairperson for any committee excluding the
Membership and Programs Committee.
Bylaw X – Dues
The expenses of the Chapter shall be born by the initiation fee and such assessments as may be voted on
any business meeting. The initiation fee shall be $55.00, which consists of the $33.00 National fee and the $22.00
Chapter fee. The Chapter fee shall be used for the normal operations of the Chapter. The National fee shall be sent to
National within ten days after the initiation.
Bylaw XI – Handling of Funds
All funds collected on campus must be deposited in the student organization SOF accounts. The Treasurer
and President shall be the primary officers designated to handle the organization finances. Other officers may be
authorized as indicated on the Student Organization Registration Form.
Bylaw XII – Galassini Scholarship
Section 12.01
Objective. The objective of the scholarship shall be to recognize deserving members of the Chapter for
outstanding academic and leadership achievements.
Section 12.02
Eligibility. Active members of the Chapter, excluding present officers, shall be eligible to apply for the
scholarship. Members applying for the scholarship shall be required to submit and application form before the end of
the Winter Quarter of the academic year for which they are applying.
Section 12.03
Selection Criteria. The Advisory Board shall serve as the selection committee for the Galassini Scholarship.
The scholarship shall be awarded on the basis of scholastic attainment, unselfish activity, and references. The
Advisory Board shall select a primary candidate and an alternate. In the event that the primary candidate declines the
scholarship, it shall be awarded to the alternate.
Section 12.04
Award. The recipient of the scholarship shall be notified through the UIC Scholarship Association. The
recipient shall be awarded the scholarship at Honors Day and presented with a plaque at the Spring Initiation/Awards
Section 12.05
At the end of each academic year, the Chapter shall be required to donate a minimum of $100.00 to the
Galassini Scholarship Fund. This donation shall be made to the UIC Scholarship Association, which shall be the
principle manager of the scholarship funds.
Bylaw XIIII – Amendments
Section 13.01
The Bylaws of the Chapter may be amended if the following items are obtained: (a) a five-sevenths
affirmative vote of the Advisory Board, (b) Approval form the National Office of Tau Beta Pi, and (c) a three-fourths
affirmative vote of the active membership
Section 13.02
The chapter shall be required to review, and, if necessary, update the Chapter Bylaws every two years.