ST. MARY OF MT. CARMEL 23ST. MARY OF M SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Parents should be registered and participating members of the parish. Please contact the Rectory during the sixth month of pregnancy to schedule for the parent preparation program held the first Wednesday of each month in the St. Patrick's Room at 7 PM. Baptisms are scheduled the Second and Fourth Sundays of each month at 1:15 PM. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 3:15 PM—4:00 PM at St. Mary of Mt. Carmel, before or after daily Mass, or any time upon request. Parish Family Penance Service: Scheduled Advent and Lent. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Diocesan regulations require that arrangements be made one year in advance with the officiating Priest. Those desiring to receive this Sacrament must be registered for at least six months and be participating members of St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish. As you contemplate marriage, contact the Rectory. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM (SPANISH): Spanish Baptisms are held the First and Third Sundays of each month at 1:15 PM. Please contact the Parish Office 704-5945 on Tuesdays to schedule. Preparación para el bautismo cada 1er miércoles mensualmente después de la misa de las 7 PM. SACRAMENT OF ANNOINTING: (Care of Infirm and Elderly): The Rectory may be called at any time for the Sacrament of the Sick. (609-7045945) R.C.I.A.: (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): For information about RCIA, please contact the Rectory. SOCIAL CONCERNS / ST. VINCENT DEPAUL FOOD PANTRY: Food distribution every Thursday 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM and in the evening from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in St. Lucy Hall (Convent Basement, French St.) ADORATION—FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH FOLLOWING THE 8:00 AM MASS UNTIL 4:00 PM BENEDICTION. SIGN UP SHEETS IN VESTIBULE OF CHURCH. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PARISH REGISTRATION St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish Welcomes All (You can register online. Website address on cover of bulletin) No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, etc.; you are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected at St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish. ----------------------------------------------------------Parish Registration (Please drop in collection basket) Name: _____________________________ Address: ___________________________ City: _____________________ Zip ______ Phone: Home: ______________________ Daytime: ___________________________ ( ) New Parishioner 1 ( ) Address Change Readings for the Week The Epiphany of the Lord Sunday Is 60:1-6; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 Monday 1 Jn 3:22—4:6; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday 1 Jn 4:7-10; Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday 1 Jn 4:11-18; Mk 6:45-52 Thursday 1 Jn 4:19—5:4; Lk 4:14-22a Friday 1 Jn 5:5-13; Lk 5:12-16 Saturday 1 Jn 5:14-21; Jn 3:22-30 SAT 01/02 8:30 am (SJ) Req by 4:15 pm (SJ) Req by Richad V. Garchinsky Family Nicoline Silipino Family Rose Marie Ebert Req by Migliacco Family 5:15 pm (SA) Frances Cessato Req by Husband Allen Littlefield Req by Michale & Alice Convey Louis DeDomenicis Req by Jim & Brenda Reagan Anthony DiMeo Sr Req by Anthony DiMeo III SUN 01/03 7:30 am (SA) Req by 8:30 am (SJ) Req by 10:15 am (SJ) Carmine J. Penza Penza Family Joseph Cappuccio Marie Mango Members of DeFiore & Negro Families Req by Tom & Michelle DeFiore & Family Joseph Cappuccio Req by Family Frank “Buddy” Perri, Jr. Req by Family Michelle Samanic Req by Bob & Ginger Perri 11:45 am (SJ) Charles D’Agostino Req by D’Agostino Trustees William Borger Req by Carlo & Louisa Moretti Miriam Pagan Req by Daughter Rosa Colon 6:00 pm (SA) Allen J. Littlefield Req by Raymond & Ramona Reyes MON 01/04 7:00 am (SJ) Req by 8:00 am (SJ) Req by Req by Margaret Kincaid Ginny & Hank Bird Helen Schurman Joe and Family Julie Rodio Sisters James Julia, Sr. Dave Pantalone TUES 01/05 7:00 am (SJ) Req by 8:00 am (SJ) Req by Herman Beebe Law Office of Ronald DeSimone Catherine Scaffidi Barbara and Tony Req by 2 WED 01/06 7:00 am (SJ) Req by Jack Greco Tina Domenico & Famly 8:00 am (SJ) Req by 7:00 pm (SJ) Req by William B. Pinto Marianne Adamucci Butch Ford Anthony DiMeo III THURS 01/07 7:00 am (SJ) Annette D’Agostino (Anniversary) Req by Gloria and Family 8:00 am (SJ) Josephine Karwowski Req by Sharon and David Bertino FRI 01/08 7:00 am (SJ) Req by 8:00 am (SJ) Req by SAT 01/09 8:30 am (SJ) Req by 4:15 pm (SJ) Req by 5:15 pm (SA) Req by Req by Req by Req by Butch Ford Josephine M. Domenico & Boys Sadie Fucetola Family Luigi & Giuseppe Pantano Sister Joseph F. Cappuccio Pat Ordille Dina Colasurdo Shelley Weckerly John Ordille Family John DeMarco Anna and Family Geraldine Monestero Burwell Porter SUN 01/10 7:30 am (SA Matilda Caruso Req by Joe 8:30 am (SJ) Kelly Shina-Alahyane Req by Family 10:15 am (SJ) Maria Pia Sassano Req by Husband Aurelio Rose Marie Ebert Req by HHS Class of 1952 Anthony Giuffre Req by Family Madeline Bartolone Req by Bartolone Family 11:45 am (SJ) Lou DeDominicis Req by Erin and Robert Bertman 6:00 pm (SA) Virginia DeMarco Req by Judee DeFiccio EPIPHANY OF THE LORD – JANUARY 3, 2016 Dear Friends: Estimados amigos: The feast of the Epiphany is often referred to as “Little Christmas” as it signifies the manifestation of the Messiah to the entire world, symbolized by the three Kings or Magi who travel from distant lands to find the newborn King of the Jews. While the Magi are understandably excited about this prospect, SEPTEMBER 18, 2011 King Herod and -all of Jerusalem are not. As we read in the passage, King Herod is disturbed and all of Jerusalem with him. Why? In a sense the presence of our Lord Jesus upsets the proverbial apple cart. The Spirit of the Lord challenges us to live our identity as children of God. We are also creatures and sinners; and the Spirit never lets us forget how much we need the mercy of God to help us in our shared journey as disciples of Jesus Christ. It is out of the Father’s gracious and merciful love that He sent his Son to dwell among us, to suffer and die, and to be raised from the dead. Epiphany comes from the Greek word meaning FAREWELL TO FR. CONATY manifestation: God’s mercy is manifested to the Fr. Conaty be all moving to South Carolina to be world. Wewill are invited to share in this most closer to one of his sisters. Following the 8:30 special gift; and rather than be troubled or disturbed amit,Mass we will gather at St. a is by we should be joyous asAnthony this gift Hall fromforGod farewell brunch at 10AM. intended to free us. We are freed from sin. We are freed from the need to accumulate wealth. We are freed from the need to grasp for power and control. We are freed to simply , 2011 love. May the Lord bless all of us as we begin anew our journey into the light of another year. La fiesta de la Epifanía se refiere a menudo como "el Pequeña Navidad” que significa la manifestación del Mesías al mundo entero, simbolizado por los tres reyes o magos que viajan desde tierras lejanas para encontrar al recién nacido rey de los judíos. Mientras que los Reyes Magos son comprensiblemente entusiasmados con esta perspectiva, rey Herodes y todo Jerusalén no son. Como leemos en el pasaje, el rey Herodes es disturbado y toda Jerusalén con él. ¿Por qué? En un sentido la presencia de nuestro Señor Jesús trastorna el proverbial carro de apple. El espíritu del Señor nos reta a vivir nuestra identidad como hijos de Dios. También somos criaturas y pecadores; y el espíritu nunca nos permite olvidar cuánto necesitamos la misericordia de Dios para ayudarnos en nuestro viaje compartido como discípulos de Jesucristo. Es el amor del padre Clemente y misericordioso que envió a su hijo a morar entre nosotros, sufrir y morir y ser levantado de entre los muertos. Epifanía proviene de la manifestación de sentido de la palabra griega: la misericordia de Dios se manifiesta al mundo. Todos estamos invitados a compartir este regalo más especial; y más bien que ser turbulento o perturbado por ella, debemos estar alegres como pretende este regalo de Dios que nos libre. Estamos libertados del pecado. Estamos liberados de la necesidad de acumular riqueza. Estamos liberados de la necesidad de captar para potencia y control. Estamos liberados para simplemente amor. Que el Señor bendiga a todos nosotros nuevamente al comenzar nuestro viaje a la luz de otro año. With peace and joy! Fr. Tom Fr. Tom’s telephone number at St. Anthony is 561-3313. Please call before 9 PM unless an emergency ¡Con paz y alegría! Padre Tom Fr. Tom can be reached at 561-3313. IF YOU HAVE A PICTURE TO PICK UP FROM THE ALL SOUL’S DAY MASS, IT WILL BE IN THE PICK UP BOX IN SACRISTY! 3 Please do not call after 9 PM unless an emergency. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Pam Angello, Matt Campione, Anna Capelli, , Luz Crespo, Sal Giorno, Rudy Giorno, John Grasso, Keith Harrington, Howard, Taylor Hyndman, Charles Kaston, Bill Lamb, Matthew McCloskey, Kristin Miller-Ruttler, Sara Muff, Joseph Olive, Thomas Pajic, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Joseph Salvatore, Aurelio Sassano, Deacon Ismael Tavarez, Jenoveba Tavarez, Annette Off Taylor, Cassandra Thompson, Robert Thompson, Liz Wisniewski, Please call the Rectory to add a name to our Prayer List and please let Father Tom know if any parishioners are in the hospital. After three months, the names will be removed unless you inform us otherwise. SANCTUARY CANDLE Week January 3, 2016 St. Joseph Church In memory of: Joseph Battaglia Req by: Anna Battaglia & Family St. Anthony Church In memory of: Dina Colasurdo Req by: Bob & Linda Frankenfield Chapel of St. Martin dePorres Sanctuary Light In Memory of: John Cavuto Req by: Linda & Bob Frankenfield PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED OF OUR PARISH Mildred Capaccio, Anna A. Terruso, Maximilian A. Reim, Bereavement Meetings Jan 6th Wednesday Bereavement Meetings are held at St. Anthony Church at 7 PM. Please use back entrance of church. All are welcome to attend! Please call Debbie with any questions at 704-5601. 4 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY: Joseph Abruzzese Eric Richison Bobb Hughes Ronald Keller Dominic DeStefano Justin Rubinski Stephen J. Kubanovich, III Timothy Haines ACTIVE MILITARY If anyone knows of someone presently serving in the military, please submit their names to the Parish Office 704-5945 to be prayed for in the bulletin. REMINDER – The Parish Office is open on Saturdays from 9 am to 10:30 am and on Mondays from 9-5 pm. COLLECTION FOR DECEMBER 19-20 2015 1st Collection $10,945.00 nd 2 Collection (Special Needs-Debt) $2,898.00 E-giving 930.00 GOD’S LITTLE ANGELS is a toddler program that meets weekly on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. in the hall at St. Anthony. Please PARK IN THE BACK OF THE CHURCH and enter through the back double doors all the way to the left of the building. If you have any questions, please email WEDDING BANNS: Michael Welch and Anna Leo KNIGHTS CORNER LITURGY AND MUSIC NEWS Here are more opportunities to pray together: Monday, January 4th; Memorial of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious, Tuesday, January 5th; Memorial of St. John Neumann and the eve of Saturday, January 9th and Sunday, January 10th;The Baptism of the Lord. Please welcome a family member or friend back to the church by inviting them to start the New Year by attending Mass. In Gratitude: We thank our Liturgical Ministers for making the Advent and Christmas seasons memorable for our Parish. We especially thank the Art and Environment Ministry, Ushers, Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, Music Ministers and those of you who worked quietly and were unseen by most of us. May God continue to inspire you as you share your time, talent and treasures in 2016. A Question for All: Which gifts will you share with your Parish Family in 2016? Pray to the Lord for guidance as you discern what you will offer as your gift of time, talent and treasure. We have a Ministry Weekend scheduled for early February. More details in next week's bulletin. Did you Know? Since 1970, the Feast of the Epiphany in the United States has been observed the Sunday between January 2nd and January 8th. Epiphany is one of the oldest Christian feasts and has been observed since the end of the second century. Around the world, Epiphany is a public holiday( known as the Twelfth Night or Kings' Day) and celebrated on January 6th. In the German-speaking lands, groups of young people called "Sternsinger" (star singers) travel from door to door dressed as the three Wise Men carrying a star attached to a broom handle. In Italy, La Befana visits the children on the eve of January 6 to fill their socks with candy and presents. The King's Cake is served on Epiphany with a trinket in the middle to represent blessings. ~Felice Anno Nuovo~ 5 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ST. VINCENT PALLOTTTI COUNCIL # 3471 MEET the 2nd & 4th TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH 7:30 PM AT RODIO HALL, PRATT STREET, HAMMONTON Worthy Chaplain - Father Neal F. Dante Grand Knight - Steven Cappuccio Deputy Grand Knight - Carl Whisler " GREAT APPRECIATION" Once again, the Ladies Of The Knights Of St. VINCENT PALLOTTI Council#3471 continue to be overwhelmed with the generosity of this wonderful Parish Family!! Thank you for making our Cookie Sale a success!! We are a small group of women, baking cookies and selling them to raise funds to be used for charity. Thank you for your support!!! ADDITIONAL CHRISTMAS FLOWERS In Memory of: Requested by: Marianne Iannaco MaryBeth Beeler/ Beeler Family Polito Family Jean Polito Antonino LaMazza Antoinietta LaMazza & Family Jerry Breitzman Tina & Melissa Breitzman Paul & Kay DiFilippo, Frank M/M Joseph Silipino & Agnes Allen DiFilippo Marie Angelow Angelo Jacob & Domenico Families Rose & Steve Privitera, Thelma, Tony Celona, Anthony & Barbara Katie Reilly Celona D’Agostino Family M/M John D’Agostino Martella Family Ronald Martella Margaret & Joseph Provnick Patricia Provnick Jean & Pat Achey Jacqueline Valentino Thompson Family Mark & Lorraine Gransden Family Gransden In Memory of: Rita Benedetto & Ray Cartica Mary Martin, Rosa DiMarco Joe & Mildred Barresi Sal & Sue Jacobs A.J. Macri Family MaryLou Franchetti Bacher Anthony, Joan & David Scaltrito Anthony & Mary Scaltrito Joseph & Rose Pullia Betty & Ernest P. DeStefano Minnie & Rocco DeMarco Roldan Family Mildred, Anthony Sr & Anthony Jr. Palmieri Sergio LaTorre Neals Family Anthony W & Clara Noto M/M Joseph Gribbin Sr M/M William Deyo Sr M/M Joseph Pizzuti, Sr M/M Michael Butynes Sr William Bertino Jr John & Grace Campanella Sergio LaTorre Catherine Campanella Anna & George Lalka Dennis & Eva Longo Dominic & Millie Zanghi Kelly Shina-Alahyane Frank G. Donio Requested by: Dorothy Cartica M/M E Martin Carol & Sal Jacobs AnnaMae Carrelli M/M D. Franchetti Sharon Scaltrito Thursday, January 07, 2016 7:00pm Thursday, January 14, 2016 10:00am Tuesday, January 20, 2016 7:00pm Thursday, January 28, 2016 M/M E. DeStefano Mirian Roldan Deb & Liz Palmieri Catherina LaTorre Tomiko Neals Marianne Adamucci M/M T. Gribbin Jr Virginia Bertino M/M Dave Campanella Jeffrey & Nancy Longo Marie Purnell M/M Peter Shina Gabe & Gina Donia Every Tuesday: 2:15 – 4:00 pm Spiritual Guidance Youth Lounge (St. Joseph Parish Center upstairs) Food/Fun/Faith Talk Come and join us for a great afternoon after school! Attention all 6th - 9th Graders! MMC Youth! Text: @mmcyouth To 810-10 & receive free text reminders of all of our upcoming activities & events! We encourage all students & parents to sign up! 6 CAP SCHEDULE 7:00pm Cape Trinity Catholic; 1500 Central Ave, Wildwood, NJ 08260 St. Gianna Beretta Molla; 1421 New Road, Northfield, NJ 08225 Gloucester Catholic High School 333 Ridgeway St; Gloucester, NJ 08030 Holy Eucharist Parish; 344 Kresson Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 CAP Phase 1 To attend one of these classes, please call the CAP REGISTRATION LINE with the Office of Child and Youth Protection at (856)583-6165 or contact Lucie Alcazar at Please leave your name and the Session Date you are attending; you will not receive a call back. Please register at least five days before the session you would like to attend. Thank You Thank you to everyone who made the "A Christmas Gift" concert a success. A special thanks to all our program advertisers and patrons, those who worked as ticket sellers and ushers, those who donated their time to make the reception a fun affair, the businesses who provided lighting for the parking lot and everyone who donated food and beverages for the reception. Most importantly, thank all of you who attended for making this a fun night. Lay Ministry Formation, Office of Lifelong Faith Formation Retreat Day (spiritual formation) Through Him and With Him and In Him (Liturgy of the Hours) Saturday January 23, 2016 Presenter: Msgr. John Burton The former Sacred Heart High School, 15 N. East Ave., Vineland, NJ Open to the Public! Mark your calendar, save the date, register today! For each event: Time 9am to 2:30 pm Cost $20 each day (cks payable to the Diocese of Camden) Bring a lunch. For info/to register, JoLynn Krepecki, Director of Lay Ministry Formation, call 856-583-2905, Email GIVE THE GIFT OF EDUCATION Be an angel to a student! As an angel, you enable a student who is at risk financially, to remain at St. Joseph Regional Elementary Catholic School. 100% of your contribution is directed to the tuition, with the parents or guardians contributing their part. Your tax-deductible contributions can be made in honor or in memory of someone you hold dear, while assisting a child who might not otherwise be able to afford the benefit that a Catholic School education offers. For further information, please contact St. Joseph Regional Elementary School principal, Sr. Betty Jean Takacs, MPF at 609-704-2400 ext 103 or come into the school office or the church office to make a donation. St. Joseph Regional Elementary Angel Fund Name ______________________________________________________ Intention _____________________________________________________ Donor _______________________________________________________ Amount _______________________________________________________ 7 St. Joseph Regional Elementary School Open House January 10, 2016. You are cordially invited to attend the open house. Three reasons to consider Catholic Education 1. St. Joseph provides a safe, nurturing, welcoming environment where students can be their best. St. Joseph is a small school where the students see each other much like a family. The students that attend from pre-kindergarten grow up together and form friendships that last well beyond elementary school. The teachers at St. Joseph are dedicated to teaching and with the small class sizes can get to know each student individually. Most of the teachers have been at the school for several years which illustrates their love of teaching and their dedication to the school. 1. St. Joseph provides a quality education. The Diocese of Camden is working with Notre Dame University to develop a STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) curriculum that exceeds New Jersey state common core standards. The program is the ACE Collaborative initiative and is being implemented in the Catholic elementary and high schools. The focus is on improved curricula in mathematics and science, as well as language arts and social studies. Professional development is provided by the Diocese to ensure implementation of the curricula. 2. Catholic Education reinforces family values. St. Joseph clings to the traditional values that reinforce family. From school Masses to religion classes, to crucifixes and statues of the saints, to sacramental items in each classroom, Catholic identity is evident everywhere in the school. We are indeed fortunate to be one of the remaining schools in the Diocese that still has clergy and religious as teachers. It is comforting to know that our children are learning about Christ’s presence in the world without being forced to accept the secular values of the world. The list of benefits of Catholic Education goes on, but these points hopefully sum up the main ideas. St. Joseph students typically excel at academics and sports which points to the quality of the education. If you are considering Catholic education, please attend the Open House at St. Joseph Regional Elementary on January 10th. 8 9