words of wisdom informative speech

IJH students hear words of wisdom each morning in the form of notable quotes from
famous persons describing a particular virtue. Each student is required to select one
quote from the list provided, and deliver a two-minute-minimum presentation to the class
about his/her chosen quote. The rubric that outlines the requirements for your
informative speech is on the back. You will only be given one rubric (5-point deduction
for not handing the rubric to the teacher at the time of your speech). Please don’t lose it
and bring it to class on your assigned day. Your presentation will be graded with this
To present a 2-minute minimum, extemporaneous speech that informs the class
using Prezi technology.
To inform the audience about a particular virtue found in a famous quote. This
speech is not an informative speech about the author of the quote nor the
contemporary famous figure you think emulates the virtue. The crux of the
speech is the virtue and quote that describes it.
To prepare a visually appealing presentation that enhances the spoken
To gain experience in public speaking.
To engage the audience in a friendly, conversational presentation.
To organize the presentation according to established informative speaking
1) framing – unifying the presentation with introductory comments and
concluding comments.
2) citing the source of the quote, and providing details about the author.
3) applying the quote for a contemporary, high-school-aged audience.
Time Limit: The presentation MUST be at least two (2) minutes in length, and should
not be more than five (5) minutes in length. There will be a 10-point grade penalty for a
speech that is under time.
Student must create a Prezi account and login password, and be able to access his/her
Prezi from the classroom computer.
Please note: Stating the quote you chose is not your intro, nor is naming the virtue that
pertains to your quote your intro. (Teacher will explain in greater detail with examples)
Name: __________________________
Grade: ____________
Date: _____________
_______Oral presentation (50 points)
______ Time (at least two minutes – 10 points)
______ Intro. (5 points)
_______ Outro (5 points) (link/frame these together)
_______ Name the author of the quote (5 points)
______ Describe the virtue and what it means in your own words (10 points)
_______ Name a contemporary famous figure with this virtue (5 points)
_______ Friendly, extemporaneous (10 points)
_______ Visual aid (50 points)
______ Includes one picture of the author of the quote (10 points)
______ Includes at least one picture of the contemporary example (10 points)
(contemporary = alive during student's lifetime)
______ Clearly/boldly states the virtue (10 points)
______ Defines/details the virtue (10 points)
_______ Neat and professional (10 points)
____________ Total score