School of Nursing & School of Nursing & Midwifery Return to Practice for Midwives Application Form Module Code: NA5106 (Level 5) NA6156 (Level 6) Credits: 20 Incomplete forms will be returned Aims The aim of this module is to meet the professional outcomes to enable midwives to renew their midwifery registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council and re-enter registered practice with up-to-date competence, knowledge and skills and confidence in order to maintain safe and effective standards of client care. It is also designed to establish the concept of lifelong learning. At the end of the module midwifery returnees will have met the NMC (2010) PREP Outcomes for Returning to Practice. To enable the Return to Midwifery Practice Module to meet individual needs of each returnee, the programme has adopted a work based learning approach. Thus study days and sessions will not be formally timetabled, but can be negotiated as part of the returnee's individualised programme of learning. The returnee can access study days and sessions with student midwives in the university setting and/or those run by the Trusts. Summary The returnee will be required to undertake a minimum of 60 hours of study which will take the form of attendance at study days/sessions. Further time will be provided for the returnee to undertake self-directed learning/reflection. Clinical practice will take place concurrently and the returnee will be required to undertake a minimum of 140 hours. (This will depend on the agreed length of the Return to Midwifery Practice module). The length of the module will be discussed and agreed at interview. It is expected, completion of this programme will be achieved in six months (full time). All clinical experience is based in one of the following NHS Trusts: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (RSCH Brighton and Princess Royal, Haywards Heath); East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust (EDGH Eastbourne and Conquest Hastings); and Worthing and Southlands Hospitals (Worthing Hospital). Entry Requirements The applicants must have: Qualified in the United Kingdom as a midwife and to have previously registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council or have their qualification as a midwife accepted by the Nursing and Midwifery Council with a requirement to do a Return to Midwifery Practice programme and to be able to complete their programme in 6 months full-time. Been accepted by a Trust for clinical placement. Attend an interview with the module leader and Head of Midwifery or her/his deputy. The interview will include a numeracy and literacy test. PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF THIS FORM FOR YOUR RECORDS Form updated April 2011 1 Application Process If you are interested in the return to midwifery practice module and wish to discuss it further or want to apply please contact: Kim Hill Senior Lecturer Module Leader - Return to Midwifery Practice University of Brighton School of Nursing and Midwifery Westlain House Village Way Falmer, Brighton BN1 9PH Tel: 01273 644054 email: You need to contact the Head of Midwifery at a local Trust to discuss a clinical placement. Trust Contact details: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (Brighton and Haywards Heath) – 01273 696955 East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust (Eastbourne and Hastings) - 01323 417400 Western Sussex NHS Trust (Worthing Hospital) - 01903 285222 Professional Accreditation Meet the NMC (2010) PREP requirements. Contact For further information please contact the University of Brighton module leader: Kim Hill Senior Lecturer Module Leader - Return to Midwifery Practice University of Brighton School of Nursing and Midwifery Westlain House Village Way Falmer, Brighton BN1 9PH Tel: 01273 644054 email: PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF THIS FORM FOR YOUR RECORDS Form updated April 2011 2 1 Module you wish to apply for NA5106 (Level 5 Diploma) 2 NA6156 (Level 6 Degree) Personal Details – PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY If you change any of your details, especially your address it is essential you let us know Title Mrs/Ms/Miss/Mr etc Male Surname/family name (BLOCK CAPITALS) Female First name(s) Previous surname, if changed, including maiden name Date of birth Student Number (if known) Home address Country of Birth Have you lived and worked in the UK in the last 5 years? Yes No Country of permanent residence Post code Email address (print clearly) Nationality (n.b. you may be asked for further information regarding your status) First Language Home telephone NMC PIN & expiry date Mobile telephone 3 Ethnic Origin (to be completed only if country of permanent residence is in the UK) This information is not used in the selection process and is used for statistical purposes only. Ethnic origin is not the same as nationality, place of birth or citizenship, but about your colour and broad ethnic group. Please describe as far as possible your ethnic origin: White British Irish Other White 4 Black or Black British 11 12 19 Black Caribbean 21 Black African 22 Other Black 29 Asian or Asian British Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Other Asian Mixed 31 32 33 34 39 White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian Other mixed Other Ethnic group 41 42 43 48 80 Disabilities and Special Needs Please enter appropriate letter here A – No disability B – You have a social/communication impairment such as Asperger’s syndrome/other autistic spectrum disorder C – You are blind or have a serious visual impairment uncorrected by glasses D – You are deaf or have a serious hearing impairment E – You have a long standing illness or health condition such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease, or epilepsy F – You have a mental health condition, such as depression, schizophrenia or anxiety disorder Please record any special needs or support required on an additional sheet if necessary. The university will use this information to make appropriate arrangements to support your studies at the university. G – You have a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D H – You have physical impairment or mobility issues, such as difficulty using your arms or using a wheelchair or crutches I – You have a disability, impairment or medical condition that is not listed above J – You have two or more impairments and/or disabling medical conditions PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF THIS FORM FOR YOUR RECORDS Form updated April 2011 3 5 Initial Professional Qualification Applicants MUST enclose photocopy of initial professional qualification with completed application form. Qualification 6 Credit rating, if applicable Place of study Date achieved Post Registration Education Please include details of all post registration courses or modules. If you are waiting for a result write PENDING in date column. Applicants MUST enclose photocopies of post registration education with completed application form. The information you give here will also be used to identify whether you would benefit from Study Skills training so please include any Study Skills training you may have taken. Please note that you may be required to undertake study skills training first and then resubmit your application. Course/ Module title 7 Credit rating, if applicable Place of study Date achieved What is your highest qualification? This information is not used in the selection process and is used for statistical purposes only. Please state your highest qualification, e.g. BSc or MSc 8 Current and Previous Employment Details Post Employer Dates Continue on separate sheet if necessary PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF THIS FORM FOR YOUR RECORDS Form updated April 2011 4 9 References Previous or present employer Name: Position: Address: Email address: Telephone number: Academic / character reference (not a relative. Referee should have known you for a minimum of two years) Name: Position: Address: Email address: Telephone number: May we approach these referees before interview? Yes / No 10 Fee Status Fees will be paid by (one box MUST be ticked): Self funding student (who will be invoiced) The cost of the module for 2011-12 – £880, this can be paid in instalments. Health Education Contract (previously PTD contract) – nb. We require your manager’s signature below and section 11 must also be completed and stamped Name of Trust: ……………………..……………..………………………………………….…… Applicant’s employer (who will be invoiced). A Sponsor Identification Form must be completed (available on nb. We also require your manager’s signature below Name of organisation: ……………………………………………………………………………. Other organisation with an agreed reciprocal arrangement with the School of Nursing & Midwifery nb. We require your manager’s signature below Name of organisation: ………………………………………………………………………………. Signature of Manager ………………………………………..…………… Name ……………………………………………………….… (Print clearly) Date Telephone ……………….………………………….. PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF THIS FORM FOR YOUR RECORDS Form updated April 2011 5 11 Authorisation for Health Education Contract If you ticked Health Education Contract (previously PTD contract) in section 10, this page MUST be stamped with the SHA Health Education Contract stamp held by the following authorised signatories for your Trust. Please check the following website for the most up to date signatories - SN271 SN220 SN201 SN272 SN040 SN284 TBC SN206 SN273 SN275 SN013 SN210 SN274 SN270 SN155 SN039 SN231 SN276 Trust: please circle relevant code Authorised Signatories Ashford and St Peters NHS Trust Brighton & Hove City Teaching PCT Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (Merger of East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust, NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald, NHS Hastings & Rother) Eastern & Coastal Kent Community Health NHS Trust Frimley Park NHS Foundation Trust Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Medway NHS Foundation Trust NHS Surrey NHS West Sussex (Commissioning) Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Trust Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Sussex Community NHS Trust (incorporating South Downs Health NHS Trust) Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust Carole Webster, Harriet Stephens Marilyn Eveleigh, Pennie Rudd, Sarah Feeley Jo Thomas Helen O’Keefe Gayle Clarke, Barbara Gosden, Angie Jarvis, Shotham Kamath, Alison Ratcliff Linda Tramontano Clare Williams Pam Bridger, Marian Palmer Jennifer Hammond, Tracy Perkins, Ursula Clarke Lorraine Demko James Blakely, Liz Clay, Lizzie Izzard Erika Thorne, Eve Savage Louise Stead Darren Palmer, Nick Sinclair Arlene Stevens, Obi Maduako Debera Robertson, John Krohne Damien Cook Cathy Stone, Christine Pearce, Sandra Ellard BY STAMPING BELOW YOU ARE AGREEING TO: funding this application from the Health Education Contract You are also agreeing to the Admissions Department transferring this funding authorisation to the Study Skills and IT module if deemed necessary by the Admissions Tutor SHA Health Education Contact Authorisation stamp (essential) Signature: Date: PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF THIS FORM FOR YOUR RECORDS Form updated April 2011 6 12 Information in Support of Application Include reasons for wishing to undertake the programme, what you expect to gain from the programme, what contribution you feel you can make to the programme PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF THIS FORM FOR YOUR RECORDS Form updated April 2011 7 13 Data Protection – Disclosure of Student Information (see guidance notes) I confirm that the information I have given in this form is true, complete and accurate and no information requested or other material information has been omitted I have read the notes of guidance, in particular those relating to this section and the withdrawal policy. I understand what they say and agree to abide by the conditions set out there. I acknowledge that the information on this form will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and will be used to form the basis of my student record. I give my consent to the processing of my data by the university. I accept that if I do not fully comply with these requirements the university shall have the right to cancel my application and I shall have no claim against the university in relation thereto. I agree that the University of Brighton may disclose information regarding my student status, attendance and final award to the Trust/organisation funding my study. SIGNED BY APPLICANT ………………………………….......................................... Date...................................... SEND TO: Sam Taylor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Brighton, Westlain House, Village Way, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9PH or FAX to: 01273 644010 PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF THIS FORM FOR YOUR RECORDS Form updated April 2011 8