Coglab assignments

03/07/16, 1:53 AM
Psyc 320: Coglab assignments
If you have your own online access code:
Just go to :
and click “create a new account”
You will get this
Fill out appropriate infor.
Enter your group ID: TAMUPSYC320
Enter your access password: tamupsyc
Enter your registration code:
Class name: PSYC 320
If you buy a new book, the code will be printed on a card and packaged
inside the shrink-wrap on the new textbook.
03/07/16, 1:53 AM
If you DO NOT have your own online access code:
Go to the Media Library reserve desk
Get CogLab 2.0 CD
To start an experiment
Click the relevant button (e.g., “Brain Asymmetry”), and you will see the
introduction file. Read the background and instructions sections carefully
(some exam questions will be taken from CogLab experiments you do).
After putting your name, press the “Do the experiment” button to start the
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When you finish the experiment, you will see the Results window like
below. Read the explanation carefully (you can take a note if you want)
To submit your assignment:
When you finish the experiment, you will see the Results window like
below. Read the explanation carefully (you can take a note if you want).
Click the “data tables” tab. The tables there summarize your results. Take
a look at those tables, and go to the “File” and save the file as an html file
in your folder (e.g., My Document). Your file should be named as: yourlast-name_cg1.html (e.g., “yamauchi_cg1.html” for the first
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To submit your coglab assignment, go to e-learning and upload your html
You earn 9 points for each submission as long as you submit your HTML
file on time. But we will ask some simple and straightforward questions in
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the exams based on the coglab assignments. For that, you need to know
what the experiment is about, and how the experiment tests its hypothesis.
So, pay attention to the dependent and independent variables of the
experiment and the hypothesis of the experiment.