2014-15 Chemistry A SNAPSHOT Teacher’s Name: Sara Hamlin Course Title and Periods Taught: Chemistry A (2nd, 3rd, 5th) Week 0f: 9/29-10/3 Unit Title: Intro. to Chemistry List daily lesson topic and Depth of Knowledge: List learning target (related to Core Academic Standard): Briefly outline daily lesson activities/agenda: Monday Lesson Topic: Periodic Table Tuesday Lesson Topic: Periodic Table Wednesday Lesson Topic: Ionic Bonding Thursday Lesson Topic: Ionic Bonding Friday Lesson Topic: Ionic Bonding I CAN FINISH MY UNIT 3 REVIEW AND STUDY FOR MY UNIT 3 TEST 1. Bell Ringer 2. Orbital Diagrams/Short Hand Electron Configuration 3. Unit 3 Study Guide 1. Bell Ringer 2. Unit 3 Test I CAN UTILIZE MY KNOWLEDGE OF THE PERIODIC TABLE AND DO WELL ON MY UNIT 3 TEST I CAN DETERMINE THE ION CHARGE FOR AN ELEMENT AND EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A CATION AND ANION I CAN DRAW AN IONIC BOND I CAN CORRECTLY NAME A SUBSTANCE THAT HAS AN IONIC BOND 1. Bell Ringer 2. Intro to Ionic Bonding Notes 3. Ionic Bonding Practice 1. Bell Ringer 2. Ionic Bond Puzzle Pack 1. Bell Ringer 2. Ionic Bonding Naming Notes 3. Ionic Bond Puzzle Pack Cont.