Mobility Report: Teacher Mobility Academic Year: _________________ Please indicate: CEEPUS Network Number (CPnr.):___________________________ or Freemover Dear CEEPUS Scholarshipholder! Your feedback is very important for CEEPUS, so please forward this report to your National CEEPUS Office (NCO) within two weeks after returning from your host country or as advised by your National CEEPUS Office! - Thank you! Contact Addresses: National CEEPUS Offices Austria: Dr. Lydia Skarits Büro für Austauschprogramme mit Mittel- & Osteuropa Alserstr. 4/1/15/6, A-1090 Vienna Phone: (+43 1) 4277/28189 Fax: (+43 1) 4277/28195 E-mail: Bulgaria: Dr. Rossiza Velinova Ministry of Education and Science, Dept. for Int. Relations 2A Dondukov Bld., BG-1000 Sofia Phone: (+359 2) 983 15 21 Fax: (+359 2) 988 06 00 E-mail: Croatia: Davor Šovagovič Ministry of Science and Technology Strossmayerov trg. 4, HR-41000 Zagreb Phone: (+385 1) 4594 554 Fax: (+385 1) 48 19 331 E-mail: Czech Republic: RNDr. Jitka Nováková House for International Services Senovážné nám. 26, PO BOX 8, CZ-110 06 Praha 1 Phone: (+420 2) 24 398 263 Fax: (+420 2) 24 22 25 83 E-mail: Hungary: Adél Csernovitz Hungarian CEEPUS Office POB 510, H-1348 Budapest 70 Phone: +36/1/210 9700 Fax: +36/1/210 9701 E-mail: Poland: Michael Skowronski Bureau for Acad. Recognition and International Exchange National CEEPUS Office Poland Smolna Str. 13, PL-00920Warsaw Phone: (+48 22) 828 2433, 826 7434 Fax: (+48 22) 826 2823 E-mail: Romania: Daciana Vijiitu Ministry of National Education, National CEEPUS Office Strada General Berthelot 30, RO-70738 Bucharest Phone: +40/1/3157439 Fax: +40/1/3142680 Slovakia: Ingrid Vernerová SAIA Nám.Slobody 23, SK-81220 Bratislava 1 Phone: (+421 7) 5441 1426 Fax: (+421 7) 5441 1429 E-mail: Slovenia: Andrej Kotnik Ministry of Education and Sports, Dept. for Int. Cooperation Mailing address: Zupanciceva 6, SI-61000 Ljubljana Phone: (+386 61) 1323225, 322776 Fax: (+386 61) 132 72 12 E-mail: 1 1. Basic Personal Data: 1.1 Personal Data academic degree: first name: last name: sex: male female date of birth: citizenship: 1.2 Country of origin: please tick appropriate box: = country of your home institution Austria Bulgaria Croatia Czech Rep. Hungary Poland Romania Slovakia Slovenia Poland Romania Slovakia Slovenia 1.3 Host country : please tick appropriate box: multiple entries if necessary Austria Bulgaria Croatia Czech Rep. Hungary 1.4 Period of Stay as in your Letter of Confirmation from: (dd/mm/yy) ______to: (dd/mm/yy):______in: (host country):______________ from: (dd/mm/yy) ______to: (dd/mm/yy):______in: (host country):______________ from: (dd/mm/yy) ______to: (dd/mm/yy):______in: (host country):______________ 1.4.1 Prolongation: Was your CEEPUS grant prolonged? please tick appropriate box yes no 1.4.2 Duration: Total in scholarship months (incl. prolongation where applicable) please tick appropriate box 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 11 12 1.5 Field of Study (Index copyright SAIA Slovenska)* please mark the appropriate box according to your general field of study o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 140000 EDUCATION & TEACHER TRAINING 180000 FINE & APPLIED ARTS 220000 HUMANITIES 260000 RELIGION & THEOLOGY, GENERAL 300000 SOCIAL & BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES 340000 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT 380000 LAW 420000 NATURAL SCIENCES 460000 MATHEMATICS & COMPUTER SCIENCE 500000 MEDICAL SCIENCES 520000 TECHNOLOGY 540000 ENGINEERING 580000 ARCHITECTURE & TOWN PLANNING 620000 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY & FISHERY 660000 HOME ECONOMICS (DOMESTIC SCIENCE) 700000 TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS 780000 SERVICE TRADES 840000 MASS COMMUNICATION & INFORM. SCIENCES 890000 SECURITY & RECREATION 1.6 Local Denomination of your Field of Study (in English) 3 2. Teaching Abroad 2.1 Host Institution: university: faculty/institute: country: where applicable also second host institution: university: faculty/institute: country: 2.2 Activities: Please give a short description of your teaching activities at your host institution: 2.3 Organizational details: please tick appropriate box 2.3.1: Preparation: Did you encounter any difficulties while preparing for your period of teaching abroad? no yes if yes, please specify: (keywords) 2.3.2 Payment of Scholarship: Agency By which agency/institution was your scholarship paid? 4 2.3.3 Payment of Scholarship: Intervals At which intervals was your scholarship paid? monthly weekly other interval:__________ 2.3.4 Optional Funding: Did you receive any additional CEEPUS funding/fringe benefits by authorities or institutions in your home country and/or your host country? yes no if yes, please specify: travel allowance others, please specifiy: 2.5.5 Accommodation: Preparation Upon arrival at your host institution, how did you arrange for accommodation? multiple entries possible accommodation was arranged by host institution checked local market with assistance of:_______________ checked local market alone other arrangement:________________________________ 2.5.6 Accommodation: Type Which type of accommodation did you use: multiple entries possible student hostel private room guest house other type of accommodation: _______________ 5 hotel private flat 3. Possible improvements If you have suggestions for improvement, please let us know: I agree to electronic processing of the data provided Signature: _______________________________ Date:____________________ THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION!!! 6