Java Language Summary

Karnataka State Open University
Sharada Vikas Trust
Jayanagar, Bangalore
Subject Name: Java Programming
Semester: IMCA IV
Introduction to Programming Languages, The Evolution of Java, Object-Oriented
Programming Concepts and Java, Differences between C++ and Java, The Primary
Characteristics of Java, The Architecture, Programming with Java, Summary
JAVA Fundamentals
Tokens, Expressions, Using Data Types, Declarations, Control Flow, Summary
JAVA Classes, Packages and Interfaces
Introduction, Classes, Working with Objects, Packages, Inheritance, Interfaces,
JAVA Streams
Data Flow with Java Streams, Input Streams, Output Streams, Summary
Exception Handling in JAVA
Introduction, Exception Methods, java.lang Exceptions, Summary
JAVA Threads
Introduction, Creating Threads, The Life Cycle of a Thread, Thread Methods,
Using Threads, Synchronization of Threads, Summary
JAVA Applets
Introduction, Applet Examples, The java.applet.Applet Class, The Five Stages of an
Applet's Life Cycle, Methods for Adding UI Components, Methods for Drawing and
Event Handling, Summary
Introduction, Control Classes, Summary
* Variable Assignment
* Operators
* Objects
* Arrays
* Loops and Conditionals
* Class Definitions
* Method and Constructor Definitions
* Importing
* Guarding
Appendix B
The Java Class Library
* java.lang
* java.util
* java.awt
* java.applet
Appendix C
Differences Between Java and C/C++
* The Preprocessor
* Pointers
* Structures and Unions
* Functions
* Multiple Inheritance
* Strings
* The goto Statement
* Operator Overloading
* Automatic Coercions
* Variable Arguments
* Command-Line Arguments
Programming languages evolve over time. They are constantly refined
and focused to meet the ever-changing needs of their users. Like other modern
programming languages such as C++, Java is an amalgamation of all the
techniques developed over the years. Now thousands of programmers, Internet
developers, Web publishers, and software houses are making use of Java. This
chapter introduces the primary characteristics of Java, how Java differs from
C++, structure of Java program and most important concept Java Virtual
1.1 Introduction to Programming Languages
The Java programming language has many features that make it unique,
powerful, and versatile. Most programming languages are either compiled or
interpreted, but Java is both. To understand how Java can be both compiled
and interpreted, let us look at the basics of compiled and interpreted
programming languages.
Interpreted Programming Languages
Interpreted Programming Languages are easier to learn and use. An
interpreted programming language that most of people, even nonprogrammers,
are familiar is BASIC. The BASIC programming language is rudimentary and
easy to use. BASIC program uses a simple, high-level language structure. The
BASIC interpreter reads the instructions in code line by line. The BASIC
interpreter translates these individual lines into sets of instructions than can be
understood by computer. Because of this, interpreted programs generally run
more slowly than other programs and require more processor time.
Compiled Programming Languages
Compiled programming languages are generally more difficult to learn and
use than interpreted programming languages. However, most programming
languages are compiled. For example, COBOL, FORTRAN, C, C++, and
Pascal. These programs are created using a high-level language structure.
Then these programs are compiled to a machine-readable and machineexecutable form with a compiler. When the program is executed, the computer
can directly interpret the instructions. Because the lines of codes do not have
to be translated into a form the computer understands as the program is
executing, compiled programs run very quickly compared to interpreted
programs. However, there is a trade-off to be made between speed and
portability. Code is compiled to such a low-level form that it can only be run
on the platform for which it was compiled. For example, code written for
Windows platform will not work in Linux Platform.
Java: An Interpreted and Compiled Programming Language
As stated before, Java is both interpreted and compiled. Java program is
created using a simple, high-level language structure. This Java program is
compiled to an intermediate level called “Bytecode” as shown in figure 1.1.
Run the compiled bytecode, which is interpreted by the Java runtime
environment. Bytecode is very different from machine code. Machine code is
represented as a series of 0s and 1s. Bytecodes are sets of instructions that
look a lot like assembler code. Although computer can directly execute
machine code, bytecodes must be interpreted before they can be executed.
Machine code is usable only on the specific platform for which it was
compiled. Bytecode can run on any platform capable of using the Java runtime
environment. This capability makes Java as architecture neutral and machine
independent. The Java runtime interpreter translates the bytecode into sets of
instructions the computer can understand. Because the bytecode is in an
intermediate form, there is only a slight delay in translating it to a form the
computer understands.
Figure 1.1. Java Bytecode
As you know most of the compilers compile source code for a specific
machine, even Java compiler compile the source code for a machine that does
not exist which is called as Java Virtual Machine. This machine it exists only
in nanospace, or within the confines of computer system's memory.
Java API
Java Virtual Machine
Hardware and Platform
Figure 1.2: Illustrates how Java works on a typical computer.
In the figure 1.2, the Virtual Machine is layered between operating system and
the Java objects framework or API. Above the object framework are the user
applications written in Java.
The Evolution of Java
Java has been around since 1991, developed by a small team of Sun
Microsystems developers in a project originally called the Green project. The
intent of the project was to develop a platform-independent software
technology that would be used in the consumer electronics industry.
The language that the team created was originally called Oak. The first
implementation of Oak was in a PDA-type device called Star Seven (*7) that
consisted of the Oak language, an operating system called GreenOS, a user
interface, and hardware. The name *7 was derived from the telephone
sequence that was used in the team's office and that was dialed in order to
answer any ringing telephone from any other phone in the office. This PDAtype device was intended to be sold to consumer electronics manufacturers
who would distribute the boxes under their company name. In 1993, the team
then incorporated as FirstPerson, Inc., decided to gear their technology toward
a new implementation for which demand was building in the entertainment
industry-interactive television. They proposed their technology to Time
Warner as an operating system for set-top boxes and video-on-demand
technology that would decode the data stream that Time Warner would be
sending to television sets around the country. In June of 1993, Time Warner
selected Silicon Graphics' technology over Sun's. A later deal fell apart and
FirstPerson decided to disband. Half of the members of the original
FirstPerson team continued to work with the Oak technology, however,
applying it to multimedia and network computing.
Around the time the FirstPerson project was floundering in consumer
electronics, a new craze was gaining momentum in America; the craze was
called "Web surfing." The World Wide Web, a name applied to the Internet's
millions of linked HTML documents was suddenly becoming popular for use
by the masses. The reason for this was the introduction of a graphical Web
browser called Mosaic, developed by ncSA. The browser simplified Web
browsing by combining text and graphics into a single interface to eliminate
the need for users to learn many confusing UNIX and DOS commands.
Navigating around the Web was much easier using Mosaic.
It has only been since 1994 that Oak technology has been applied to
the Web. In 1994, two Sun developers created the first version of HotJava,
then called WebRunner, which is a graphical browser for the Web that exists
today. The browser was coded entirely in the Oak language, by this time
called Java. Soon after, the Java compiler was rewritten in the Java language
from its original C code, thus proving that Java could be used effectively as an
application language. Sun introduced Java in May 1995 at the SunWorld 95
Web surfing has become an enormously popular practice among
millions of computer users. Until Java, however, the content of information on
the Internet has been a bland series of HTML documents. Web users are
hungry for applications that are interactive, that users can execute no matter
what hardware or software platform they are using, and those travel across
heterogeneous networks and do not spread viruses to their computers. Java can
create such applications.
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts and Java
OOP concepts are abstract and designed under a different philosophy than
traditional procedural programming languages. Concepts related to objectoriented programming are as followsObjects
Object is a basic unit of object-oriented programming. It has state and a
behavior. The state of an object pertains to data elements and their associated
values. Data elements associated with objects are called instance variables.
The behavior of an object depends on the actions that object can perform on
the instance variables which are defined within the object. This is called as
method (same as “functions” in procedural programming). Thus, the state of
an object depends on data and the behavior depends on the actions they can
Consider an example, a car is an object that manipulates its speed and
direction to transport people to a different location. This car object
encapsulates all the functions and data that it needs to get its job done. It has a
switch to turn it on, a wheel to control its direction, and brakes to slow it
down. These functions directly manipulate the car's data, including direction,
position, and speed. All these functions and data work together to define the
object called a car.
Encapsulation and message passing
Objects encapsulate instance variables and related methods into a single,
identifiable unit. Therefore, objects are easy to reuse, update, and maintain.
The benefit of encapsulation is that one can send messages to any object
without having to know how the object works. Only needed is what values a
method will accept. For example, When travelling in a car, it is not necessary
to know the details of how these operations work. To stop a car, simply step
on the brake pedal. It is not necessary to know how the pedal stops the car.
Classes encapsulate objects. A single class can be used to instantiate multiple
objects. This means a class can have many active objects or instances. Classes
are user-defined data types. For example, object car belongs to a class vehicle.
In C++ and other programming languages, a collection of related classes or
functions is called a library. Java uses a term “package” to describe a
collection of related classes. Just as classes encapsulate objects, packages
encapsulate classes in Java.
Inheritance enables to create a class that is similar to a previously defined
class, but one that still has some of its own properties. Consider a car example,
Suppose that there is a class for a regular car, but now one has to create a car
that has a high-speed passing gear. In a traditional program, existing code has
to be modified and this might introduce bugs into code that worked fine before
the changes. To avoid this, use inheritance and create a new class. This new
class inherits all the data and methods from the tested base class. Add new
method to increase the speed.
Access modifiers
In object-oriented programming, access to methods and variables are
controlled through access modifiers. The Java programming language defines
four levels of access controls as follows:
1. Private Methods and Variables - Methods and variables that are
controlled by an associated object and are not accessible to objects of different
classes are generally considered to be private. The advantage is only objects in
a particular class can access the methods or variables without limitation. Java's
private methods and variables are likewise accessible only by objects within
the same class.
2. Public Methods and Variables - Public methods and variables are
accessible to all objects, even those outside the current class and package.
Java's public methods and variables are accessible by any object or class.
Therefore, public methods and variables can be accessed without limitation.
3. Protected Methods and Variables - An associated object controls
protected methods and variables. They are accessible to objects in the current
class or a subclass of the current class. The advantage is that only objects in
specific classes can access the variables without limitation. Java's protected
methods and variables are accessible only by methods in the same class or
4. Friendly Methods and Variables - In most of the circumstances, friendly
methods and variables are accessible to other objects. By default, in Java
methods and variables are assumed to be friendly and are accessible by any
class and objects in the same package. The advantage of this is that objects in
a particular package (a set of related classes) can access each other without
1.4 Difference between C++ and Java
No operator overloading in Java
No multiple inheritance in Java.
No templates in Java.
No friends.
All assignments are through reference for objects. ie. if one says a = b (a
and b are the variables of the same class ) then 'a' also referes to the same
object refered by 'b'. No new object is created.
No stack allocation for objects (all are on heap) in Java.
Java supports Multithreading, Networking , GUI , primitive graphics and
Data structures like Vector etc.
1.5 The Primary Characteristics of Java
Java is architecture-neutral, distributed, dynamic, interpreted, compiled,
multithreaded, network-ready and compatible, object-oriented, Portable,
Robust and Secure. The following additional characteristics make Java as
strong programming languageDistributed Networked Environments
Java is capable to run on heterogeneous and distributed platforms. Hence, it is
used is Internet programming. Distributed means objects located on local and
remote machines can be used. Java is architecture neutral and highly portable,
hence it can be used in distributed networked environments. For example, in
network, computers will have different platforms like windows and linux, they
also differs in the hardware. But Java works across these heterogeneous
High Performance
Performance is the key factor in complex network environments. Java has
many features that make it a high-performance language, including its
compiler and runtime system. its interpreter is able to execute bytecode which
increases execution speed. It has built-in multithreading capabilities, which
runs more than one process thread at a time. Multithreading allows Java's
interpreter to run processes such as garbage collection and memory
management in the background. Processes that run in the background take
advantage of idle time for your computer's CPU.
Consider an example, in the real world, many things occur
simultaneously: The doorbell rings, the phone rings and something is burning
on the stove in kitchen. You cannot answer the phone and the door and switch
off the stove all at the same time. So what you do is switch off the stove with
one hand, hold the phone with the other, and tell the person at the door to wait
a moment. To accomplish all three tasks in successive order, you prioritized.
Switching off the stove was priority one. The phone call you have been
waiting for all afternoon was priority two. The milkman at the door was
priority three. Similarly, When the computer is waiting for input from the user,
background processes can be busily cleaning up memory, Being able to run
background processes while a foreground process waits for input from a user
is essential for optimal performance.
Easy Reuse of Code
A complex network environment changes rapidly. Java code could easily
reused even if the environment changed, This is achieved through binding of
objects and dynamic linking of classes at runtime, which avoids errors if the
environment has changed since the program was compiled. Another way Java
avoids errors is that it checks data structures at compile time and runtime. It
uses dynamic boundary checking, which ensures that memory boundaries
cannot be violated; and by providing for automatic memory management,
which guards against memory leaks and memory violations.
Security features in distributed networked environments are essential,
especially in an automated world where computer viruses, Trojan horses, and
worms abound. Many of Java's characteristics ensure that it is extremely
secure. For example, malicious programmers cannot access system heaps,
stacks, or protected sections of memory because Java does not use pointers to
memory and only allocates memory at runtime. This prevents malicious
programmers from reaching restricted sections of the system. Java also
ensures system security at runtime by using bytecode verifier. Before the Java
interpreter executes a program, it checks for valid Java code.
1.6 The Architecture
Java architecture has four distinct and interrelated technologies:
Java programming language
Java class file format
Java Application Programming Interface
Java virtual machine
The program is written in source files written in the Java programming
language, compile the source to Java class files, and run the class files on a
Java virtual machine. This program will access system resources (such as I/O,
for example) by calling methods in the classes that implement the Java
Application Programming Interface, or Java API. As program runs, it fulfills
program's Java API calls by invoking methods in class files that implement the
Java API. The relationship between these four parts in Figure 1.3.
Run-time environment
Compile-time environment
Source File
Class File
Class file
Java Virtual
Java API Class Files
Figure 1.3. The Java programming environment.
As shown in figure 1.3, the Java virtual machine and Java API form a
"platform" for which all Java programs are compiled. In addition to being
called the Java runtime system, the combination of the Java virtual machine
and Java API is called the Java Platform.
1.7 Programming with Java
Java is a programming language used to create a stand-alone program and also
to deliver executable content over networks. It opened a new degree of
interactivity and customizability of interaction for the Web.
The Structure of the Java Program
There are two types of programs that can be built using Java.
1. Java applet refers to a small application that is designed for use on the
Wide Web. Java applets require an external viewer program, so to use an
applet, a Web browser or an applet viewer is needed.
2. Java application refers to stand-alone applications. These do not require an
external viewer program and are directly executed using Java interpreter.
The details about how a Java program should look likeProgram-Naming Structures
The Java program or source code is file with .java extension. These files
should be plain text files. When the source code is compiled using Java
compiler, javac, bytecodes are generated. The executable code or bytecode is
stored according to the class or library structure. After compilation, one files
for each class declared in the source is generated. Each of these files will be
named with the .class extension. These individual files are called compilation
units. Java compilation units contain package, import statements, declarations
for classes and interfaces. These four components form the basic structure of
Java programs.
Package Statements
Java provides several libraries of classes, which are called packages. The
classes in these packages can be by importing them into the application or
program. They are compiled in their own name space. To tell Java where to
look for packages, use package statements:
package PackageName
Import Statements
Java includes a core functionality that is globally accessible. In Java, the core
functions are in the java.lang package. To access packages, classes, and
objects that are not declared in this package library, use import statements.
Import statements should appear before other declarations in the source code
and generally follow package statements if they are used. The idea behind
import statements is to help Java find the appropriate methods and to avoid
namespace conflicts. To make use of classes in other packages, use this import
statement in source code:
import java.packagename.*;
For example, to use AWT package, use import java.awt.*.
Class Declarations
In Java, all classes are derived from the system class named Object. This
makes Object the root of the class hierarchy and means that all methods and
variables in the Object class are available to all other classes. It is this class
structure that makes code reuse in Java possible. All classes are by default
private unless declared to be public.
Class declarations without modifiers follow this general format:
class name {
//methods and variables associated with the class
Java supports single inheritance of classes. Therefore, each class
except Object has only one superclass. This means that any class you create
can extend or inherit the functions of only a single class. Although this may
seem like a limitation if you have programmed in a language that allows for
multiple inheritance of classes, Java supports multiple inheritance of class
methods, which is accomplished through the class interface (discussed as next
Interface Declarations
Interfaces are abstract classes. Through an interface, you can define the
protocols for methods and final variables without having to worry about the
specific implementation. This allows you to create what could be called
outlines for programming structures that you will later define. Interfaces can
also be extensions of one or more interfaces. While interfaces are by default
private unless declared to be public, an interface's methods and constants are
Because you do not have to work out the full inner workings of methods
associated with an interface, interfaces allow for rapid development. You can
later implement the interface in a class declaration. Because a single class can
implement more than one interface, it is possible to share the same interface
with several classes or any instance of a class. This not only provides
considerable flexibility, but it allows a class to inherit the properties of all
method calls associated with multiple interfaces, and in turn with multiple
A major difference between a class and an interface is that an interface cannot
store data. Further, an interface does not provide an implementation for the
methods; it only provides the declaration. Interface declarations without
modifiers follow this general format:
interface name {
//methods and static variables associated with the
Class declarations that use interfaces follow this general format:
class classname implements interfacename {
//class body
Or they can take this format:
class classname implements interfacename1, … interfacenameN {
//class body
An interface requires dynamic method binding, which reduces runtime
performance. However, you should note that using interfaces to accomplish
multiple inheritance actually reduces runtime overhead compared to the
method of multiple inheritance used in C++.
First Java Program
Java expects its code to be inside a named class.
Class Hello {
Public static void main(String args[]) {
In the example,
Class Hello {
Class is a Keyword and Hello is an identifier. The class definition, code, data
will be within the two braces.
Public static void main(String args[]) {
This statement specifies main method. Here, public is a keyword used
as access specifier which indicates that any class can use this method. The
keyword static allows the method to be called without having to instantiate a
particular instance of the class, as the interpreter calls main method before
instances are created. Static methods will not directly refer to anything other
than static and local variables. The keyword void specifies that method does
not return any value.
Java interpreters look for a main method to interpret a class. The statement
String args[] declares a parameter named args, which is an array of instances
of class String. The statement System.out.println(“Hello”); uses println
method of out object of class OutputStream that was statically initialized in the
System class.
To execute the above code, store it in a file named and use
the following commands at the command prompt specifying the directory
/java/bin (this path is different for different version of Java software). If java is
installed in C:\ drive.
1. javac
2. java hello
Output of the code is Hello.
The Java API
The Application Programming Interface (API) packages contain classes and
interfaces for building applets and applications. Java libraries are groups of
prewritten classes available for programming. In other languages these
procedures are called system service calls, system calls, or library calls. Java
library function is a rich resource of functionality for the programmer. These
libraries are gathered in packages, which are made up of class libraries. For
example packages like-java.applet, java.lang,,, java.awt,
java.awt.image, java.awt.peer, java.util.
The Java Virtual Machine
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is the heart of the Java programming
language. It helps Java to be architecture neutral, dynamic, interpreted and
compiled, network ready and compatible, portable, robust, and secure. JVM
provides an abstract specification for which developers can design interpreters
and programmers can design applications. This abstract specification is a
virtual machine that exists only in nanospace. Because the Java Virtual
Machine exists only in memory, the Java developers were able to use objectoriented methodology to pass information-parameters, method calls. It has
seven basic parts:
A set of registers
A stack
An execution environment
A garbage-collected heap
A constant pool
A method storage area
An instruction set
1.8 Summary
This chapter describes that Java is powerful object-oriented programming
language. It also discussed about characteristics of Java, basic structure of
Java program. Java developed from ideas about platform-independent
executable code using JVM. Sun Microsystems researchers have developed
Java to be a powerful programming and information delivery system for use
with the Web.
1. Differentiate between C++ and JAVA.
2. Explain how JVM helps Java to be platform-independent.
3. Differentiate between a Java applet and a Java stand-alone application. What are
Primary characteristics of Java?
4.What are the advantages of Object-oriented programming?
5. What is interpreted and compiled programming languages. Give examples.
6. How is OOP better than procedural programming?
7. What are the main elements of a class?
8. Explain the basic structure of Java program.
9. Explain the following terms:
a. Packages
b. Interfaces
c. Import statements
10. Consider a real-world object such as a Washing machine. List the object's data
fields and functions. Then, create a class.
JAVA Fundamentals
This chapter covers the essentials of the Java language. Java
programming will be easy for with the experience of C++ because both
depend on object-oriented concepts.
2.1 Tokens
Tokens are building blocks of Java. When a Java program is submitted to the
Java compiler, the compiler parses the text and extracts individual tokens. A
token is the smallest element of a program that is meaningful to the compiler.
These tokens define the structure of the Java language. Java tokens can be
broken into five categories: identifiers, keywords, literals, operators, and
separators. The Java compiler removes all comments and whitespaces while
tokenizing the source file. The resulting tokens are then compiled into
machine-independent Java bytecode capable of being run from within an
interpreted Java environment.
Identifiers are tokens that represent names. These names can be assigned to
variables, methods, and classes to uniquely identify them to the compiler and
give them meaningful names for the programmer. For example, helloWorld is
an identifier that assigns the name helloWorld to the class residing in the source file.
Java has some naming conventions for identifiers. All Java identifiers
are case sensitive and must begin with a letter, an underscore (_), or a dollar
sign ($). Letters include both uppercase and lowercase letters. Subsequent
identifier characters can include the numbers 0 to 9. Java Keywords cannot be
used as identifiers. Table 2.1 contains a list of valid and invalid identifier
HelloWorld Hello World
Hello Dad!
HeyFriend3 3heyFriend
(uses a space)
(uses a space and punctuation mark)
(begins with a numeral)
float (this is a Java keyword)
(does not begin with letter)
Table 2.1. Valid and invalid Java identifiers.
In addition, it is standard Java practice to name multiple-word identifiers in
lowercase except for the beginning letter of words in the middle of the name.
For example, the variable toughGuy is in correct Java style; the variables like
toughguy, ToughGuy,
and TOUGHGUY are all in violation of this style rule.
Another important issue is using underscore and dollar sign characters
at the beginning of identifier names. Using either of these characters at the
beginning of identifier names is a little risky because many C libraries use the
same naming convention for libraries, which can be imported into Java code.
To avoid name-clashes, one should avoid underscore and dollar sign
characters at the beginning of identifier names. A good use of the underscore
character is to use it to separate words where you normally would use a space
Keywords are predefined reserved words, which means that they cannot be
changed, their meaning is fixed. They are special tokens. They are always
lowercase. Java keywords are used as application flow controls, declarations,
class identifiers, and expressions. Table 2.2 lists all the reserved keywords in
and Access
Table 2.2 Reserved keywords in Java.
In Java, data is represented by literals. These are based on character and
number representations. The types of literals are integer, floating-point,
boolean, character, and string. Every variable consists of a literal and a data
type. The difference between the two is that literals are entered explicitly into
the code. Data types are information about the literals, such as how much
memory will be reserved for that variable and possible value ranges for the
Integer Literals
Integers are whole numbers, such as 1 and 2468. They can be decimal (base
10), octal (base 8), or hexadecimal (base 16). Decimals can be positive, zero,
or negative. Decimal literals cannot start with 0, as in 01234. After the
beginning number, a decimal literal can consist of the numbers 0-9. Numbers
beginning with 0 are reserved for octal and hexadecimal literals. The positive
decimal integer ranges between
-2,147,483,648 or –2
and 2 -1, or
Octal literals start with 0 and can be followed by any number 0-7. They
can be positive, zero, or negative. The maximum value of an octal literal is
017777777777, which is equivalent to 2 -1.
Hexadecimal integer literal start with 0x or 0X followed by one or
more hexadecimal digits. Letters A-F used in a hexadecimal integer can be
uppercase or lowercase. Hexadecimal integers can be positive, zero, or
negative. The upper limit of a positive hexadecimal literal is 0x7fffffff (2 -1).
The values available are 1-9, A-F, and a-f. A compile-time error will occur if
any of these values is exceeded.
Floating-Point Literals
A floating-point literal represents a number that has a decimal point in it, such
as 3.7. Java standards specify that floating-point numbers must follow IEEE754 specification.
Single-precision floating-point numbers consist of a 32-bit space and
are designated by uppercase or lowercase ‘f’.
Double-precision numbers are allotted a 64-bit space and are
designated by uppercase or lowercase ‘d’. Double-precision floating-point
numbers are the default. Therefore, 3.7 is a double-precision floating-point
number, and 3.7f is a single-precision floating-point number.
Compile-time errors will occur if a nonzero floating-point literal is too
large or small. The largest magnitude single-precision floating-point literal is
±3.40282347e+38f, and the smallest is ±1.40239846e-45f. The largest double-
4.94065645841246544e-324 is the smallest floating-point number.
Boolean Literals
A boolean literal is either of the words true or false but no numeric value such
as 0 or 1 is assigned. Therefore, the value of a boolean literal is ‘true’ or
Character Literals
A single character as a value is represented by character literals. The value of
a character literal is enclosed by single quotes. An example is 'a'. A value of
character literal can be a single quote, a backslash, or other nonprintable
characters. A backslash (\) is used to designate certain nonprintable characters
or characters that are part of the command. (Same as escape sequences in
C/C++). Table 2.3 shows some examples of character literals.
Backspace (BS)
Horizontal tab (HT)
Linefeed (LF)
Formfeed (FF)
Form feed
Carriage return (CR)
Carriage return
Double quote
Single quote
Octal bit pattern
Octal value of ddd
Hex bit pattern
Hex value of dd
Actual Unicode character of dddd
Any character
Unicode character
Table 2.3.Character literals.
Compile-time errors occur if anything other than a single quote follows the
String Literals
String literals are a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes, such as
"Java Programming Language".
This could be "" for a null character string.
The javac compiler does not strip out whitespace from within string literals.
String literals can be concatenated. A string literal cannot be more than one
line, if it is more than one line then it is be broken up at declaration time and
then concatenated during its usage.
Consider an example, if one string contained "India is" and another
string contained "beautiful country", they could be concatenated together.
The representation would be " India is " + " beautiful country ".
(No spaces on either side of the plus sign.) .
Java uses the following separators: (), {}, [] , ; , , , and .. The compiler
uses these separators to divide the code into segments. Separators are also
useful as visual and logical locators for programmers. For example, consider
the code fragment:
while ( loc < 20) {
Here, the parentheses indicate Boolean expression to be evaluated, which is
whether the value of variable loc is less than 20. The trailing {indicates the
start of a block of code that will be executed if the Boolean expression is true.
Comments and Whitespaces
Whitespace consists of spaces, tabs, and linefeeds. The Java compiler removes
all occurrences of spaces, tabs, or linefeeds. Comments are used to give
explanation for each statements or group of statements for better
understanding of user. It can also be used to block out certain code sections for
testing purposes and to separate logic, in which case there may be no text. .
They have an initial indicator and an end indicator. Comments are of three
different ways, as shown in Table 2.4.
/* comment */
// comment
All characters between /* and */ are ignored.
All characters after the // up to the end of the line are
/** comment */
Machine-generated comments
Table 2.4. Comments in Java.
Consider the following examples of using the various types of comments:
/* This is an example of a comment */
/** this is another example of a comment.
This is to represent multi-line comments,
until the proper end of comment */
// Single-line comment
// Start each line with this comment marker for multiline
Operators specify an evaluation or computation to be performed on a data
object or objects. These data objects or objects are called as Operands, which
can be literals, variables, or function return types. The operators supported by
Java are as shown in the Table 2.5.
Arithmetic Operators
A + B
Increment and Decrement operators
Increment by 1
A++ or ++A
A = A + 1
Decrement by 1
A-- or --A
A = A -1
Assignment operators
A = 7
Add to current variable
A += B
Subtract from current
A -= B
Multiply current
A *= B
Divide current
A /= B
Modulus current
A %= B
Assign value
Comparison Operators (return true or false)
A== B
Is A equal to B?
Not equal
A!= B
Is A not equal to B?
Less than
A < B
Greater than
A> B
Is A less than B?
Is A greater than B?
Less than or equal
A <= B
Is A less than or equal to B?
Greater than or equal
A >= B
Is A greater than or equal to B?
Table 2.5. Java Operators (Contd…)
Bitwise operators
Bitwise AND
Bitwise OR
Bitwise XOR
Left shift
Right shift
Zero fill right shift
Bitwise complement
Left shift assignment
Right shift
Zero fill right shift
Table 2.5. Java Operators
2.2 Expressions
The main purpose of writing a program is to manipulate, display, and store
data. Expression is a way of performing a computation. Operators are used in
expressions to do specific task and to operate on declared variables. Hence,
expression is a meaningful combination of operators and operands (declared
variable or literal) to perform specific task. For example, expression a + b
perform addition of a and b (variable a and b must be declared).
Operator Precedence
Operator precedence determines the order in which operators are evaluated.
Java expressions are typically evaluated from left to right. The following
expression illustrates the problem:
b = 2 *2 + 16 / 4
Here, the multiplication operation 2 * 2 is carried out first, which
leaves a result of 4. The addition operation 4 + 16 is then performed, which
gives a result of 20. The division operation 20 / 4 is then performed, which
gives a result of 5. Finally, the assignment operation b = 5 is performed, in
which the number 5 is assigned to the variable b. List of all the Java operators
from highest to lowest precedence is as shown in Table 2.6.
Same Precedence
Table 2.6. Operator Precedence
In the Table 2.6, all the operators in a particular row have equal precedence.
The precedence level of each row decreases from top to bottom. This means
that the ( ) operator has a higher precedence than the * operator, but the same
precedence as the [ ] operator. Consider the below expression as an example,
b = 2 *2 + 16 / 4
Check the precedence of operators in the above expression. The multiplication
(*) and division (/) operators both have the highest precedence, followed by
the addition operator (+), and then the assignment operator (=). Because the
multiplication and division operators share the same precedence, evaluate
them from left to right. So, first perform the multiplication operation 2 * 2
with the result of 4. Then perform the division operation 16 / 4, which results
in 4. After performing these two operations, the expression looks like this:
b = 4 + 4;
Because the addition operator has a higher precedence than the assignment
operator, addition operation 4 + 4 is then performed resulting in 8. Finally,
the assignment operation b = 8 is processed. As observed, expression
evaluation with precedence gives different result.
Consider another example, expression with parenthesis for grouping purposes,
a = 2 * (14 - 7);
Without parentheses, multiplication operation is performed first and then the
subtraction operation. But, according to the precedence list, the ( ) operator
has highest precedence. So the subtraction operation 14 - 7 is performed
first, which gives the result 7 and the multiplication 2 * 7, which gives result
14 is performed and finally value 14 is assigned to variable a.
2.3 Using Data Types
Data types define the storage methods available for representing information,
along with how the information is interpreted. It determines how the compiler
interprets the contents of the memory.
To create a variable in memory,
declaration is needed which provides the type of the variable as well as an
identifier that uniquely identifies the variable. Data types can be stored in
variables, passed as arguments, returned as values, and operated on. There are
two major data types in Java: Reference types and Primitive types.
The syntax of the Java declaration statement for variables follows:
Type Identifier [, Identifier];
The declaration statement tells the compiler to reserve a memory for variable
of type specified in ‘Type’ keyword. Finally, as in all Java statements, the
declaration statement ends with a semicolon. Consider an example,
char my_pen;
Here, the type is char and the identifier is my_pen. The variable name my_pen
has the value of null, which is the default value of type char. Finally, the
semicolon tells the compiler that the defining of the variable is finished.
Consider another example,
int no_of_var, x, RedRose, table;
This has four variables: no_of_var, x, RedRose, and table. Each of them is of
type int. This shows multiple variables are declared in single statement. The
default value for integers is 0.
Primitive Data Types
Primitive data types can have only one value at a time. They are not derived
from any other types. Integer, floating-point, boolean, and character types are
all primitive types.
Integer Data Types
Integer data types are used to represent signed integer numbers. There are four
integer types: byte, short, int, and long. Each of these types takes up a
different amount of space in memory, as shown in Table 2.7.
Type Size
8 bits
16 bits
32 bits
64 bits
Table 2.7. Java Integer Types
Following are some examples of declaring integer variables:
int k;
short VehicleFuel;
long rectangle, area;
byte yellow, purple, white;
Floating-Point Data Types
Floating-point data types are used to represent numbers with fractional parts.
There are two floating-point types: float and double. The float type
reserves 32-bit storage for single-precision number and reserves 64-bit for
double-precision number. Following are some examples of floating-point
variable declarations:
float temp;
double Speed, Pressure;
Boolean Data Type
The boolean data type is used to store values either true or false. Consider
the example,
boolean timeOver;
Character Data Type
The character data type is used to store single Unicode characters. It is stored
as a 16-bit unsigned integer. Consider an example, char initialState, finalState;
Reference Data Types
Reference data type variables are logically grouped together for manipulation.
Here identifier points to dynamically allocated objects. This contains the
address of a value rather than the value itself. There are three types of
reference variables: array (discussed in this section), classes, and interface
(discussed in Unit-3).
An array is a collection of variables of similar data type. Array items can have
either a simple or composite data type. Arrays also can be multidimensional.
Java arrays are declared with square brackets [ ]. Consider the following
example of array declarations in Java:
int num[];
char[] letters;
long matrix[][];
Java does not allow specifying the size of an empty array when declaring the
array. The size of the array is assigned with the new operator or by assigning a
list of items to the array at time of creation. Consider an example of arrays
declared, set a specific size by using the new operator and by assigning a list of
items in the array declaration:
char alpha[] = new char[26];
int even = {4, 6, 8};
In Java, a special class called String handles strings. Even literal strings are
managed internally by an object of a String class. Like C and C++, strings
are represented as an array of characters. Consider an example of strings
declared using the Java String class:
String info;
String name = "SunMicro";
2.4 Declarations
The declaration statement defines the type of variable. Declarations can
happen anywhere in sections of code, but for best readability group them
together in the beginning of a code section. Blocks are sections of code
beginning and ending with curly braces ({}). Blocks are logical unit of code
that can call methods, perform expressions, display output and so on. A
variable declared in a block is valid for that block and all its sub-blocks; this is
the scope of the identifier. However, the scope of a variable does not move
outside the enclosing block. A variable declared in a block has no meaning in
the area outside its curly braces. Consider the following example,
class Hiding {
public static void main (String args[])
int Top;
Top = 2;
switch (ACommand) {
case '1':
int Top = 4; // Top has just been
declared again
and assigned a value of 4
.... /*return to the main loop
System.out.println(Top); /*Top still has a value of
Here, the variable Top that is declared in case command is valid for that blocks
only. Any values assigned to it are within scope of that block. When program
execution returns to the main block, any values assigned to the new variable
are lost.
Declaring integer Types
Variables of type integer are declared by the amount of memory space they
will be allotted. Following are examples of integer declarations:
byte Var1; //8 bits
short Var2; //16 bits
Var3; //32 bits
long Var4; //64 bits
Declaring Floating-Point Types
Floating-point variables are 32 or 64 bits in length. Following are examples of
floating-point declarations:
float a; //32 bits
double b; //64 bits
Declaring character Types
A character type variable holds only one character. This is different from the
class, which contains groups of characters. Remember that the char
type holds an integer that references the Unicode character. The following
sample code declares two character types:
Char alpha; // holds one character
char alpha = 'k'; // declares variable alpha and
assigns k to it
Declaring Arrays
Arrays are one-dimensional lists of objects that are referenced by subscripts.
They can consist of other arrays, resulting in multidimensional arrays. Arrays
are declared as follows:
char Array1[]; //one-dimensional array
char Array2[][]; //two-dimensional array
int Array3[]; //one-dimensional array of
int []Array4; //equivalent to Array3[]
2.5 Control Flow
The ability to make decisions in the program is most essential. These decisions
instruct the program which expression to solve or what data to assign to a
variable. Control flow instructs the program how to make a decision and how
further processing should proceed on the basis of that decision. The building
blocks of control flow are the { and } block delimiter characters , if, while,
do, for,
and switch keywords. Decision is taken based on a condition is true
and then executing a different section of code, based on the result. This is
called a conditional expression.
Blocks and Statements
A statement is any line of code ending in a semicolon. A statement can be an
expression, a method call, or a declaration. A block is a group of statements
that form a single compound statement. Think of blocks as statements
logically grouped together for program flow and readability. Blocks starts
with character ‘{‘ and ends with character ‘}’. For example, the following is
considered a block of code:
Store = "Grocery";
System.out.println( a);
When the program runs and gets to this block of code, it will begin execution
at the beginning { and will not continue execution elsewhere until leaving the
final }. The opening {, the closing }, and all code in between is considered a
block. The curly braces must be paired one with one another.
Conditional Statements
Conditional expressions will execute based on a conditional test. This code
can be a single statement or blocks. Conditional expressions are used to make
decisions in a program. They are used to evaluate whether a condition is true
or false and will branch to different sections of code based on the result.
The simplest conditional expression. An if statement makes up a conditional
expression of the form
if (expression) statement;
if (expression)
If the expression in the parentheses evaluated and result is boolean true,
is executed. If the expression evaluated and result is false,
is skipped and execution continues at the statement following the
statement. Consider the following example,
int Num ; // declare variable
=; // get character from
if ( (Num % 2) != 0 )
System.out.println("odd"); // test if number is odd
// print
"odd" if it is
Single-digit number is read using (retrieve only one
character at a time). In this example, the program reads a number from the
keyboard. It is then tested to determine if it is odd. If it is, the
statement is executed and the program terminates or
continues to the next statement block.
The statement following the if expression is executed only when the
condition is true. The statement following the else is executed only when the
if condition is false
int Num ;
// declare variable
// get character from
if ( (Num
% 2) == 0 )
// test if number is
// begin if block
// print message to
// end if block
// else if number not even
// begin else block
// print message to
// end else block
Consider an example for Nested if (if statement within if),
System.out.println(“a is greater”);
statement performs a multiway branch. Switch statements are of the
switch (expression)
case value:
case value:
Switch statement begins with the keyword switch, the parenthesis contains
value that evaluates to a byte, char, a short or int. Then the case keywords,
each followed by a value. This must also be of type byte, char, short, or
It evaluates the expression in switch statement and then scans case
statements until there is a exact match. If there is match, then corresponding
group of statements between the case and break will be executed. If no
matches are found and a default case is executed. If no default is present,
execution will scan through the entire switch construct and will not do
anything. When the break is encountered, execution will resume at the first
statement following the switch construct. If break is not present, program
execution falls through to the next case statement. It keeps executing that
group of statements until a break is encountered, so be sure to place
appropriate breaks. Consider an example, here expression is a char type,
and each case contains a corresponding char value.
static void
Arithmetic(char opera)
switch (opera)
case '+':
case '-':
case '*':
case '/':
System.out.println("Invalid choice");
Looping Statements
Looping expressions are executed till certain condition is true. Some looping
expressions check the condition before executing the code (Pre-conditional
statements). Some other looping expressions check the condition after
executing the code (Post-conditional statements).
The while loop repeatedly executes a block of code as long as a boolean
condition is true (Pre-conditional statement). General syntax of while
loops is as follows,
while ( expression ) statement;
while ( expression )
As shown in the syntax, while construct begins with keyword “while”. The
parentheses contain an expression, which must evaluate to check the
condition. A statement or a block follows this. First, the expression in while
statement is evaluated. The evaluated value is checked against a condition in
the while statement. The block (known as body of while loop) in the while
construct are executed only if the result is true. The body of while is executed
until the evaluated result of expression is false. If it is false, execution will
continue with the next statement following the while loop. Consider an
int a=1,sum=0;
while (a<5)
This example adds numbers from 1 to 5. Initially value of a=1 and the
expression “a<5” is evaluated which returns the result as ‘true’, hence, it
executes the statement sum=sum+a and increments the value of a. The value
of a is incremented to update the value for the condition otherwise loop is
executed for infinite times. In the second iteration, value of a=2, again
evaluates the expression, in this case also it returns true, block in the while
loop is executed. This continues till a=6, where expression returns false and
while loop ends.
The do loop repeatedly executes a block of code until a boolean expression
evaluates to false. Here, a block in the do-while loop is executed first and
then the condition is checked (post-conditional statement). This means that the
block in the loop will always be executed at least once. General syntax is
as follows,
do statement; while ( expression );
} while ( expression );
The do construct begins with keyword “do”, followed by the parentheses
containing an expression that must evaluate to a boolean. Loop contains a
statement or a block.
When a do loop is encountered, the statement or block is executed.
When the do loop body completes, expression is evaluated. If it is false,
execution will continue with the next statement following the do loop. If it is
the body of the do loop will be executed again. The body will continue
to be executed until the expression evaluates to false. Consider an example,
int a=1,sum=0;
} while (a<5);
In this example, the body of the while loop is executed, which adds valus
of a to sum and increments the value of a.
The expression is then
evaluated to determine if a is less than 5. If it is true, the do loop body will
be executed again.
Otherwise, execution will continue with the first
statement after the do loop. This will continue until a is less than 5.
The for loop enables code to execute repeatedly until a boolean expression
evaluates to false. Initializing a loop variable, modifying it and expression
are in the same statement with in for statement. General syntax is as follows,
for (initialization; expression; modification)
for (initialization; expression; modification)
For loop begins with keyword “for”. The parentheses contain an
an expression, and a modification statement. The
can be a statement is to initialize part of the expression. A
semicolon (;) follows initialization, followed by an expression, which is
evaluated to a boolean, this is followed by another semicolon and then
modification statement which
modify part of the expression. Finally, a
statement or a block follows this.
When a for loop is encountered, initialization is first executed,
and then the expression. If it evaluates to true, the statement or block
following for statement is executed. This statement or block is known as the
body of for loop. When the end of the body is reached, modification is
executed. The expression is then evaluated again. If it is false, execution
continues with the next statement following for loop. The body continues to
be executed until the expression evaluates to false. Consider an example,
int sum=0,a;
for (a=1; a<5; a++)
In this example, value of a is initialized to 1, expression is then evaluated to
determine if a is less than 5. If true, the body of for loop will be executed,
which will add value of a to sum. Otherwise, execution will continue with the
first statement after for loop. This continues until the value of a is 6.
loops are also used to evaluate a range of numbers which is used
with arrays or other indexes. Consider an example in which for loop will
initialize I to a value of zero and displays the elements of array alpha starting
from position I=0.
int alpha[] = new int[ArrSize];
for (I=0; I < ArrSize; I++)
The break construct can be used to come out of the middle of for, do, or
loop. (as discussed about break in switch statement). When a break
statement is encountered, execution of the current loop immediately stops and
resumes at the first statement following the current loop. Consider an example,
int i;
for (i=0; i < ArrSize; i++)
if (i < 0)
System.out.println("Invalid Position");
Again, this code will check the array index for negative. If the index is
negative, if executes body of if which contains break statement. By including
the break statement, execution of this for loop will stop at the first negative
index. In this example, a negative index of array is considered so severe that
no other processing should be done. Also notice that no else statement is
needed because if an error occurs, execution will jump to the end of the loop,
skipping the processing code.
The continue construct can be used to short-circuit parts of a for, do, or
loop. When a continue statement is encountered, execution of the
current loop immediately resumes at the top, skipping all other code between
it and the end of the loop. Consider an example,
int i;
for (i=0; i < ArrSize; i++)
if (i < 0)
System.out.println("Invalid Position");
Again, this code will loop through looking for negative array index. However,
the inclusions of continue statement means that execution of this for loop will
not continue in the body of the loop if a negative index is encountered. In this
example, a negative index is considered illegal and should not be processed.
However, it is not so severe that it stops processing other entries.
Labeled Loops
If break and continue only jump to the end or beginning of the current loop.
If this jumping is required beyond the current loop, then use labeled loops.
Add a label to a loop and reference it in a break or continue statement.
Consider the following example in which, if a negative index is encountered,
execution will branch to the end of for loop labeled error, rather than the
normal inner one. Without this construct, additional flag variable is used test
in the outer loop.
for (i=0; i < ArrSize; i++)
for (i=0; i < ArrSize; i++)
if (i < 0 && j<0)
System.out.println("Invalid Position");
break error;
2.6 Summary
This chapter covers the most basic parts of the Java programming language. It
gives many examples of ways to use tokens, literals, data types, expressions,
declarations, and control flow. Together these form the fundamentals of any
program developed in Java. This chapter is also a good reference for correct
1. What is Token?
2. What is a constant?
3. What is a variable?
4. Name the eight data types used in Java.
5. Why separators are needed in a program?
6. What is variable scope?
7. Suppose you need to write a program to find employee salary. Write
declarations for the needed variables.
8. Using the variables in exercise 7, write the program statements needed to
perform the salary calculations.
9. What is an expression?
10. What is the result of the logical expression (3 < 5)?
11. What is the result of the logical expression (3 < 5) && (5 == 4 + 1)?
12. What are the six comparison operators?
13. What is the result of the logical expression (3 < 5) || (6 == 5) || (3
!= 3)?
14. Write the result of the logical expression (5 != 10) && ((3 == 2 + 1)
||(4 < 2 + 5))?
15. What's the result of the logical expression (5 == 2 + 3) && !(5 + 2
!=7 - 5)?
16. Write an expression that compares three numbers for equality.
17. Write an expression that determines whether one number is less than or
equal to another.
18. Write an expression that uses three different types of comparison
operators. The expression must be false.
19. If the variable num1 is equal to 5 and the variable num2 is equal to 10, how
to evaluate the logical expression ((num1 != 5) || (num2 == 10)) &&
!(num1 == 5)?
Show each step of the evaluation.
20. What is program flow?
21. Define conditional and Looping.
22. What are two ways to control program flow?
23. In the following Java example, if num2 equals 5, will the second line
if (choice == 3)
num2 = choice;
24. Are braces must in an if statement? Explain.
25. What is the difference between a logical expression and a Boolean
26. In the code sample P.1, what happens when choice equals 5?
Program: P.1
if (choice == 1)
num = 1;
num2 = 10;
else if (choice == 2)
num = 2;
num2 = 20;
27. Compare if and switch statements.
28. What value is assigned to num in the code sample P.2, when choice equals
Program: P.2
case 1:
num = 1;
case 2:
num = 2;
case 3:
num = 3;
default: num = 0;
29. Write an if statement that sets the variable num to 1 when choice equals 10.
30. Write an if statement that sets the variable num to twice the value of the control
variable choice. Valid values for choice are 3, 4, 5, and 6.
31. Convert the if statement in exercise 29 to a switch statement.
32. What is the body of a loop?
33. How does Java determine when to stop looping?
34. How many times is a while loop guaranteed to execute?
35. What's an infinite loop? How to avoid this?
36. Compare and contrast while and do-while loops?
37. How many times will the loop shown in Program P.3 execute?
int count = 10;
} while (count <= 15);
38. Write a while loop that executes 20 times.
39. Convert the while loop in exercise 38 to a do-while loop.
40. Write a while loop that will result in an infinite loop.
41. Write a do-while loop that can never execute more than once.
42. Write a while loop that counts backwards from 20 to 10.
43. How do you know when to use for loop?
44. What are the three parts of for loop?
45. When does for loop stop looping?
46. How can a for loop count backward?
47. How can a for loop count by tens?
48. Is it possible to create an infinite loop with for loop?
49. How many times will the loop shown below execute? What will x equal when the
loop finishes?
for (int x=3; x<12; x+=2)
50. Write for loop that executes 15 times.
51. Write a for loop that counts backwards from 20 to 10.
52. What is an array?
53. What is a two-dimensional array?
54. If you had an array of 50 integers, what is the largest valid index?
55. What happens if you try to access a nonexistent array element?
56. How would you use for loops to initialize a two-dimensional array?
57. Declare an array that can hold 50 integers.
58. Write the code that creates the array declared in exercise 56.
59. Write for loop that initializes the array to the values 50 through 99.
60. Why for loop is appropriate for accessing an array?
JAVA Classes, Packages and Interfaces
3.1 Introduction
The starting of object-oriented programming in Java is classes, which provide
templates for specifying the state and behavior of an object at runtime. An
object is said to be an instance of a class. For a given class and runtime
session, there can be multiple object instances. Everything in the language is
designed to use small, somewhat self-contained pieces of code, or objects.
Objects use the fundamentals such as declarations and expressions to do the
real work of the language. The idea is to use these pieces of code in
appropriate ways without writing again and again.
This chapter describes how to create and use objects. In the Unit-2,
"Fundamentals of the Java," covers the smallest parts of objects, such as
primitive data types and control flow keywords, this chapter describes about
how to put the small pieces to work in a structural framework. To create
applications with Java, it is essential to understand how the parts fit together.
Hence group objects into classes.
Classes are given characteristics through inheritance. Class libraries are groups
of classes. Packages are groups of class libraries. Methods are functions that
perform activities within classes. Methods can have templates managed by
interfaces. These are abstract concepts. This chapter is full of examples to
make the concepts concrete and easy to understand.
3.2 Classes
A class is a template or prototype that defines a type of object. It
encapsulates both data (called fields in Java) and the functions (called
methods) that operate on that data.
Defining a Simple Class
A class is equivalent to a data type such as int, but the difference is class is
user-defined data type or derived data type. A class is defined using keyword
“class” followed by class name as shown below,
class ExampleClass
This class definition is stored in a file This
is compiled into a .CLASS file. The body of the class is written between
the curly braces. In the class ExampleClass, the body is empty and doesn't do
anything. To create an object from a class, follow the below syntax,
Classname objectname = new classname ( );
For example, ExampleClass ExamObject = new ExampleClass ( );
A class generally consists of variables and methods. Variables fall into
two categories: those that are particular to an instance called as instance
variables and those that are global to all instances of a particular class, known
as class variables. Consider the following example,
class FirstPerson
int age = 0;
public void setData(int
public int getData( )
return age;
This class FirstPerson consists of a single variable, called age, which is
initially set to 0. It has two methods. The setData( ) method is used to set
age to the specified value. The getData( ) method returns the current
value of age.
The variable age is called as instance variable. This type of variable is defined for an instance of an object. It differs from a
local variable, which is defined inside a block of code or a method. Consider an example,
public int getHalfage()
int half; // A local variable
half = age / 2;
return half;
The variable half is a local variable; it will not exist after the
getHalfage( ) method is executed. However, instance variable age exists
until the object instance is destroyed.
The name of a class follows same naming conventions same for
identifier. By convention, a class name should begin with a capital letter. This
makes the class easily distinguishable from methods, variables, and so on.
Hence, it is highly recommended.
Class Variables
Class variables are declared in the same way any variable is declared in
a program. The general syntax is data type of the field followed by the name
of the field. For example, int myAge. This declares a data field of type integer.
But with this, one cannot say myAge is actually part of an object or just a
normal variable. To clear up this ambiguity, add int myAge into the
FirstPerson class definition as shown in example,
class FirstPerson {
int myAge; }
The data field myAge is by default accessible only by methods in the same
file. The accessibility is controlled using the public, protected, and
private keywords (as discussed in Unit1).
Instance Variables
Instance variables exist only for a particular instance of an object. Each
different instances of a given class can have a variable of the same name, but
Java stores different values for that variable in different places in memory.
Each of these instance variables is manipulated individually. Instance
variables can be accessed from other instances, but the variable exists only in a
particular instance. They are declared after a class declaration but before
method declarations. Every instance of that class has a copy of this variable
and can modify it as needed without affecting any other instance copies of the
variable. Consider an example of instance variable declaration,
class Flower {
String[] name;
String[] color;
Here every instance of class Flower has a name and color variables used to
store information about a particular flower. Suppose, there are two objects of
class Flower, each of these can access both the variables without any
Static Variables
Static variables exist in only one location and are globally accessible
by all instances of a class. A variable cannot be changed by a subclass if it has
been declared static and final. Further, static variables have the same
information in all instances of the class.
This is a powerful when a variable is shared by several instances of a class
and/or subclasses. All instances will have the same value for the variable. All
classes accessing that variable point to the same place in memory. This
variable will remain there until the last instance accessing the variable is
flushed from memory.
A static variable is declared in the same way as an instance variable but has
the keyword static in front of it. In the below example, the variable Type
is declared static and is thus the same for all instances of class. All the
instances can check this variable for the value of Type.
class Flower {
static String Type[] = "rose";
Predefined Instances
Java has three predefined object values: null, this, and super.
A variable can be created that is simply a placeholder for subclasses to fill
with values. In this situation, a variable can be declared null, meaning that
no value is assigned to a variable, as in the example,
int FlowerType = null; //FlowerType is
an empty object
Following is a code fragment using null:
class Flower{
static String name = null;
public void main (String args[]) {
Flower rose = new Flower();
if ( == null) {
promptForName("Enter name> ");
In this example the variable name is initialized to null. It is then tested in
main to see if the variable is null. If so, the user is prompted to enter the
flower's name. null cannot be used with primitive data types.
This is used to refer the current object, which allows the current instance of a
variable to be referenced explicitly. This is useful when the current instance of
a variable is to be passed to another class that will also use the variable:
void promptForName (String prompt){
StringBuffer name;
char ch = '\0';
name = new StringBuffer();
While (ch != '\n') {
try {ch = (char); }
catch (IOException e) {};
} = name.toString();
The compiler understands implicitly that the current instance of a class
variable is this. Do not explicitly reference it unless necessary.
super is a reference to the superclass. It is often used as a shortcut or explicit
way to reference a member in the superclass of the current class. Consider an
example in which, a subclass named LilyFlower uses the super keyword to
reference the method promptForName in its superclass, Flower. LilyFlower
would look for a method called promptForName in the current class if
super were not used and generates a compile error.
class LilyFlower extends Flower {
void getLilyInfo {
super.promptForName() :
Class Methods
Methods in Java are functionally similar to functions in C and C++. They
provide a way to group a block of code together and then refer to it by name.
You can use the block of code again simply by referring to the name of the
method. Also, the code does not have to intrude into the middle of other code.
Methods do not have an explicit declaration keyword as classes do.
They do have names, arguments and return types. Arguments are parameters
that are passed to the method when it is called so that a method can be made to
do different tasks. The code internal to the method knows how to manipulate
the input parameters. Methods also have a return type. This is a value that can
be returned to the code that called the method. Return values can be of any
valid Java type, including strings and numeric values.
Methods can be called from current class, subclasses, superclasses and
even entirely unrelated classes. Consider an example,
public static void main (String args[])
...body of
It is the method main, which is the first method called when a stand-alone
Java application is started. In this example, public and static are method
modifiers, void is the return type, main is the name of the method, and
(String args[]) is the list of method arguments. This is followed by an
opening { that marks the beginning of the body of the method. The method
body can consist of any valid block of Java code. It can also include calls to
other methods, even itself. Finally, the method body is followed by a closing
Return Types
Methods can return any valid Java type. This could be a simple boolean, an
array, an object. The return type immediately precedes the variable name of a
method. Consider the following example in which a method named isEqual
to return a variable with type boolean:
boolean isEqual (Number num) {
if (num ==1)
return (true);
return (false);
The method body tests whether the num passed is 1. If it is correct, the method
returns value true using keyword “return”. Otherwise, it will return false.
void is a special return type in Java that indicates that there is no return type
of any kind. This is used for methods that return nothing to the calling
program. For example, method to print the output.
Method Modifiers
Method modifiers control access to a method. They are also used to
declare a method's type.
Declaring Method Security and Accessibility
Method-declaration statements provide information to the compiler
about allowable access. In Java terms, accessibility is security. The five levels
of access are as shown in table 3.1.
Allowable Access
All other classes
No other classes
Subclasses or same package
Subclasses only
Same package
Table 3.1. Five levels of access
The private modifier specifies those classes and subclasses cannot call this
method. This can be used to completely hide a method from all other classes.
If no other classes can access the method, it can be changed as needed without
causing problems. Here is an example of a method declared private:
private void isNum (Number num) {
The protected modifier specifies that only the class in which the method is
defined or subclasses of that class can call the method. This allows access for
objects that are part of the same application, but not other applications. Here is
an example:
protected void isNum (Number num) {
private protected
The private protected modifier is a special combination of private
and protected access modifiers. This modifier specifies that only the class
in which the method is defined or subclasses of the class can call the method.
It does not allow package access as protected does but also allows
subclasses, as private does not. Here is an example:
private protected void isNum (Number
num) {
This provides an access control in which the class itself, subclasses and classes
in the same package can call the method. In this case, no access type is explicit
in the method-declaration statement. Here is an example:
void isNum (Number num) {
The static modifier is associated only with methods and variables, not
classes. The static modifier is used to specify a method that can only be
declared once. No subclasses are allowed to implement a method of the same
name. This is used for methods, such as main, that are entry points into a
program. The operating system would not know which method to call first if
there were two main methods. Static methods are used to specify methods
that should not be overridden in subclasses. Here's an example:
static void isBlack (Color color) {
The final modifier indicates that an object is fixed and cannot be changed.
If this modifier is used with a class-level, then it means that the class can never
have subclasses. When modifier is applied to a method, the method can never
be overridden. When applied to a variable, the value of the variable remains
constant. Compile-time error occurs if final method or class is overridden and
if the value of final variable is changed. Consider an example,
class ExampleFinal {
final int ValueFinal = 10;
// a final variable
final int MethodFinal(int
x, int y) {
// a final method
The abstract modifier is used to create template methods, which are very
similar to function prototypes in C and C++. Abstract methods define return
type, name, and arguments but do not include any method body. Subclasses
are then required to implement the abstract method and supply a body. Here is
an example of an abstract class:
abstract void isBlack (Color color) {
This defines a template for a method named isBlack. Notice that no body of
isBlack is specified; that is left to subclasses of the class in which the
abstract method is declared. The subclasses must implement a body for
method isBlack, or they will cause a compile-time error.
Overloading Methods
The concept of overloading methods seems nonsensical at first. But when the
idea seeps in, you will see that overloading adds to the power of Java. Why
would anyone want to define methods with the same name but very different
functionality? This is precisely what overloading does. You can define a
method with the same name multiple times.
Java selects which method of the same name to call on the basis of the calling
parameters. Every overloaded method must have a different and unique
parameter list.
With Java you can overload any method in the current class or any superclass
unless the method is declared static. For example, in the following code,
method isBlack has been overloaded three times:
class CheckForBlack {
public boolean isBlack (Color
color) {
if (color == black)
public boolean isBlack
(String desc) {
public boolean isBlack (Paint
paint) {
(paint.reflectedLight < .05)
Each method has the same name and return type, but each has a
different argument list. The first checks to see if the color passed to the
method is equal to the color black. The second method compares a string
passed to the argument to see if it is equal to the string "black". The last
method determines if the paint object passed in to the method has a
reflected light percentage of less than 5%. If it does, it is considered black.
In all these cases, the method name and return type are the same, but
the arguments are different. The Java compiler automatically uses the method
that matches the arguments passed in the call to determine the correct method.
The Java compiler issues an error if no method call has arguments to match
any of the methods.
Method overloading allows for flexible use of method calls. In the
isBlack example, if you need another type of test, simply add it to the
existing CheckForBlack class. A Java program can make isBlack calls
using the new object.
In this way, you can cover multiple types of tests with only one method
name. Overriding means that the programmer does not need to come up with
different names for a method that accomplishes the same thing, but perhaps in
a different way. The programmer can concentrate on readability and
consistency without having to worry about method names. This also means
that in a large project, a programmer does not need to worry about using a
name that some other programmer has already used (as long as the arguments
are different).
3.3 Working with Objects
Objects are software bundles of data and methods act on that data. The
merger of data and methods provides a means of more accurately representing
real-world objects in software. They enable programmers to solve real-world
problems in the software domain much easier and more logically. Let us
consider an example of real-world objects like Dogs, scooters, and calculators
having common characteristics.. All share two common characteristics: state
and behavior. For example, the state of a lion includes its color, weight, and
whether the dog is tired or hungry. Lions also have certain behaviors, such as
barking, sleeping, and watching. The state of a scooter includes the current
speed, the type of transmission, whether it is two-wheel or four-wheel drive,
whether the lights are on, and the current gear, among other things. The
behaviors for a scooter include turning, braking, and accelerating. As with
real-world objects, software objects also have these two common
characteristics (state and behavior). The state of an object is determined by its
data and the behavior is defined by its methods.
Creating an Object
Java uses new keyword to allocate memory space, which creates an object of
virtually any type. Consider an example,
String name;
name = new String(20);
This allocates space of 10-character string and associates it with the
variable name, which is considered as an object of type String and has
all the methods associated with class String. In Java, methods of a class
became a part of object name when it was created with new and methods
are accessed using objects as shown in example,
len = name.length //gets the size of
if (name.getname( ) //reads the name and
associates it to variable
sub = name.getsub(4); // returns the
Destroying an Object
The destroy method destroys the object (normally used with applets). Final
cleanup takes place here. The destroy method has keyword destroy,
have a return type of void, declared as public and no arguments. Consider
an example,
public void destroy(
) {
counter = 0;
In the example, destroy method only sets the variable counter to
zero. Destroy can accomplish many things, such as cleanly terminating
network connections, logging information to files, and other final actions. A
destroy method overridden from an existing destroy method in class
Constructors are a special type of method called when an object is initialized;
their syntax is similar to that of methods but without return values. The name
of a constructor is the same as its class. A constructor is automatically called
when an object is instantiated. Consider an example,
class ConClass {
int p;
int q;
// Main constructor...
public ConClass( ) {
p = 1;
q =4;
Rather than setting the values of the instance variables in their
declaration, set them in the constructor. This constructor is called when
instance of ConClass is created. Consider an example, ConClass
conObject = new ConClass( );
Constructors can also be overloaded. Consider an example, here another
constructor with argument a is defined.
// Another constructor...
public ConClass(int a) {
this.a = a;
b = 8;
To instantiate an object with this constructor, this call creates an object
with a set to 100; b is set to 8. Use the following,
ConClass ConObject = new ConClass(100);
The statement, this.a = a refers to the current instance of the
object. This helps to differentiate variable a of the object from that of
the parameter. Because local variables and parameter variables are first in
scope, they will be used unless “this“ keyword is used. Likewise any
number of arguments can be used in constructor.
3.4 Packages
Packages are groups of related classes and interfaces. It provides a
convenient mechanism for managing a large group of classes and interfaces,
without naming conflicts. The Java API itself is implemented as a group of
packages. Every class or Interface has a package. Name the package using
package statement as shown below,
package myPack;
If no package is specified, a default package is used (usually
represented by the current directory). Java has a hierarchical naming
convention for naming packages, known as a dot notation. The top level of the
notation represents the producer of the source file, such as "java."
example, the JDK has a package called "lang" which contains classes related
to the basic mechanics of programming in Java. The String class is one of the
java.lang.String. The file will be located in a java/lang
subdirectory. Finally, the package declaration for the String class would be
package java.lang;
The package declaration must be the first non-comment, non-white
space line in the file. The import statement is used to address a class defined
in another package or source file. For example, use
java.lang.String to access String class. To access
java.lang.*; Then lang package will become part of the current package
for the purposes of compilation. Reference to a class can be given in the code
by using the statement, java.lang.String s = "A string";
Declaring a Package
Packages are declared using the package keyword followed by a package
name. The following statement describes the syntax for the package,
package PackageName;
This statement must be placed at the beginning of a program, before
any class declarations. Every class located in a program with a package
statement is considered part of that package. Consider an example, in
which package name is reptiles.
package reptiles;
class Reptile {
...body of class
The class Reptile is now considered a part of this package.
Including other classes in package reptiles is easy: Simply place an
identical package line at the top of those source files. There can be only one
package statement in any source file.
Java also supports the concept of package hierarchy. Packages can
be nested within other packages. This is similar to the directory hierarchy
found in many operating systems. Multiple names in a package statement
are separated by a period. Consider the following example, class Reptile
belongs to the package reptiles that is in the animal package hierarchy:
package animal.reptiles;
class Reptile{
...body of class
To call a method promptForName in class Crocodile in subpackage
reptile in package animal consider the following statement,
The Java interpreter requires that the .class files be physically located in a
subdirectory with a name that matches the subpackage name, when accessing
a member of a subpackage. All classes belong to a package even if not
explicitly declared. If the previous example were located on a UNIX system,
the class promptForName would be located as follows:
Accessing Other Packages
The import statement enables to import classes from other packages into a
program. An individual classes or entire packages of classes can be imported
at the same time. The syntax for the import statement follows:
import packagename;
The “import” is a keyword and “packagename” is the name of
the package to be imported. The statement must end with semicolon. The
import statement should appear before any class declarations in a source
file. Multiple import statements can also be made. The following is an
example of an import statement:
import animal.reptile.Crocodile;
Here, variables and methods of class Crocodile can be directly
accessed by simply specifying their name without prepending the entire
package name. This has both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage
is that the code is no longer cluttered with long names and is easier to type.
The disadvantage is that it is more difficult to determine from which package a
particular member came. This is especially true when a large number of
animal.reptile.*; the asterisk specifies that all classes located in a
hierarchy be imported, rather than just a single class.
Package-Naming Conventions
Packages can be named using standard Java naming scheme. By convention,
packages begin with lowercase letters, which helps to distinguish package
names from class names. For example, according to the convention, reptile
and animal are package names and Crocodile is a class name. Anything
following the class name is a member of that class. Every package name must
be unique otherwise naming conflicts will occur at runtime.
The CLASSPATH Environment Variable
When running a Java program, interpreter must find all the referenced class
libraries. By default, it looks in the Java install tree for the libraries. An
environment variable named CLASSPATH can be used to tell Java where these
libraries are located. CLASSPATH contains a list of directories to search for
Java class library trees. The syntax of the list will vary according to the
operating system being used. On UNIX systems, CLASSPATH contains a
colon-separated list of directory names. Under Windows, the list is separated
by semicolon. The following is a CLASSPATH statement for a UNIX system,
This tells the Java interpreter to look in the /grps/IT/Java/classes
and /opt/apps/Java directories for class libraries.
Overview of the Standard Packages
Reusability in the very important characteristics of Java for which is creating
reusable, inheritable classes in necessary. The standard Java objects are
collectively known as the Java standard packages help in code reuse. These
contain groups of related classes. Along with classes, the standard Java
packages also include interfaces, exception definitions, and error definitions.
Java is composed of six standard packages: the language package, the utilities
package, the I/O package, the networking package, the windowing package,
and the applet package.
The Language Package
The Java language package, also known as java.lang, provides classes that
make up the core of the Java language. The language package contains classes
at the lowest level of the Java standard packages. For example, the Object
class, from which all classes are derived, is located in the language package.
The most important classes contained in the language package as follows,
The Object class
Data type wrapper classes
The Math class
String classes
System and Runtime classes
Thread classes
Class classes
Exception-handling classes
The Process class
The Utilities Package
The Java utilities package, also known as java.util, provides various
classes that perform different utility functions. The utilities package includes a
class for working with dates, a set of data structure classes, a class for
generating random numbers, and a string tokenizer class, among others. The
most important classes contained in the utilities package as follows,
The Date class
Data structure classes
The Random class
The StringTokenizer class
The Properties class
The Observer classes
The I/O Package
The Java I/O package, also known as, provides classes with support
for reading and writing data to and from different input and output devicesincluding files. The I/O package includes classes for inputting streams of data,
outputting streams of data, working with files, and tokenizing streams of data.
The most important classes contained in the I/O package as follows,
Input stream classes
Output stream classes
File classes
The StreamTokenizer class
The Networking Package
The Java networking package, also known as, contains classes
that allow you to perform a wide range of network communications. The
networking package includes specific support for URLs, TCP sockets, IP
addresses, and UDP sockets. The Java networking classes make it easy and
straightforward to implement client/server Internet solutions in Java. The
classes included in the networking package as follows,
The InetAddress class
URL classes
Socket classes
The ContentHandler class
The Windowing Package
The Java windowing package, also known as java.awt, consists of classes
that provide a wide range of graphics and user interface features. This package
includes classes representing graphical interface elements such as windows,
dialog boxes, menus, buttons, checkboxes, scroll bars, and text fields, as well
as general graphics elements such as fonts. The most important classes
included in the windowing package as follows,
Graphical classes
Layout manager classes
Font classes
Dimension classes
The MediaTracker class
The Applet Package
The Java applet package, also known as java.applet, contains only one
class: Applet. The Applet class includes methods for accessing applet
parameters, loading images, and playing sounds, along with plenty of general
behind-the-scenes applet support. Another interesting component of the applet
package is the AudioClip interface, which defines the basic functionality
required of a Java audio clip.
3.5 Inheritance
Inheritance is a mechanism used to create a new class by extending the
definition of another class. It gives a powerful way to increase the reusability
of code. The old extended class is the superclass, the new extended class is the
subclass. In Java, the process of extending one class to create a new class is
called subclassing.
Java uses the “extends” keyword to indicate the creation of a new class as a
subclass of an existing class. Consider the follwing class as example, which
creates a simple class that keeps a record of student’s first and last names. It
has a default constructor that simply initializes the two names, a constructor
for storing String parameters, and a list() method that dumps the current
values to standard output.
class StudentRecord {
String Fname;
String Lname;
// Default constructor
public StudentRecord() {
Fname =
Lname =
} // Constructor...
public StudentRecord(String
firstName, String lastName)
Fname = firstName;
this.Lname = lastName;
// To list the elements of the
public void RecordList( ) {
System.out.println("First Name: " +
System.out.println("Last Name: " +
To instantiate the class with a name, use the following:
StudentRecord student = new
student.RecordList( );
Derive a sub-calss from class StudentRecord using “extends” keyword with
additional address information,
class Address extends StudentRecord {
String Addr;
// Default constructor
public Address( ) {
Fname = "";
Lname = "";
Addr = "";
// Constructor...
public Address(String
firstName, String
lastName, String address) {
this.Fname =
this.Lname =
this.Addr =
This new Address class inherits the Fname and Lname variables from
the StudentRecord class. It also inherits the RecordList( )
method as
shown below,
record = new
record.RecordList( );
Create an object of class Address. However, the Recordlist( )
method prints only the name variables because this will call the StudentRecord
Recordlist( ) method. This is because RecordList( ) method is not
explicitly defined in the Address class. This limitation can be solved using
method overriding.
Method Overriding
Method overriding is used when there is a need for subclass to replace a
method of its superclass. Method overriding involves defining a new method
that replaces the method in the superclass that has the same signature.
Whenever method is called, Java looks for a method of that signature in the
class definition of the object. If not found, it looks for a matching signature in
the definition of the superclass. Java continues to look for the matching
method until it reaches the topmost superclass. To add a RecordList( )
method to the Address class that displays the address, consider the following
// List the elements of the record...
public void RecordList( ) {
Name: " + firstName);
Name: " + lastName);
System.out.println("Address: " +
The RecordList( ) method call from the previous example will now print
the following results,
First Name: Vikram
Last Name: Srivatsav
Address: Bangalore
Calling Superclass Methods
As seen in the previous example, Address RecordList(
) method
duplicates some code of the StudentRecord Recordlist(
) method.
Namely, it duplicates the following,
System.out.println("Last Name: " +
System.out.println("Address: " + Addr);
The RecordList( ) method of StudentRecord already has some of
the behavior of the Address class.The StudentRecord RecordList( )
method is used as part of the base behavior of the Address class.
Keyword “super” is used to refer a superclass. As per example,
super keyword is needed because calling the superclass of Address has some
of the behavior the RecordList( ) method needs. Consequently, the
RecordList( ) method of Address is modified to call the StudentRecord
RecordList( ) method before specifying additional behavior,
public void RecordList( ) {
super.RecordList( );
" + Addr);
Calling Superclass Constructors
Use super keyword to call the constructor of the superclass. The only
difference from the previous use is that calls it without any method definition.
For example, the two constructors of Address are modified to call the
StudentRecord constructor before performing its own initialization:
// Default constructor
public Address( ) {
super( );
addr = "";
// Constructor...
public Address (String firstName, String
lastName, String address) {
this.Addr = address;
One can call the default constructor (no parameters) or another
constructor with super as long as the constructor with the matching signature
exists. Suppose that a constructor wants to add an address to the Address class,
with the other fields set to empty strings. Use the following code,
public Address(String address) {
this( );
this.Addr =
This code calls the default constructor of the Address class, which in
turn calls the StudentRecord default constructor. At this point, all the fields are
set to empty strings. The code then assigns the specified String to the address
3.6 Interfaces
An interface is a prototype for a class and is useful from a logical design
perspective. These are abstract classes that are left completely unimplemented.
It provides a means to define the protocols for a class without worrying about
the implementation details. Another important use of interfaces is the capacity
for a class to implement multiple interfaces. This is a twist on the concept of
multiple inheritance, which is supported in C++ but not in Java. Multiple
inheritance enables to derive a class from multiple parent classes. The major
difference between inheriting multiple interfaces and true multiple inheritance
is that the interface approach enables to inherit only method descriptions, not
implementations. If a class implements multiple interfaces, that class must
provide all the functionality for the methods defined in the interfaces. An
interface only defines a method's name, return type, and arguments. It does not
include executable code or point to a particular method. It’s like a template of
Declaring an Interface
The syntax for creating interfaces as follows,
interface Identifier {
The name of the interface includes identifier and InterfaceBody refers to
the abstract methods and static final variables that make up the interface.
Since, all the methods in an interface are abstract, it is not necessary to use the
abstract keyword.
Implementing Interfaces
Implementing an interface is similar to deriving from a class, except that
methods defined in an interface has to be implemented. To implement an
interface, use “implements“ keyword. The syntax for implementing a class
from an interface is as follows,
class Identifier implements Interface {
Identifier refers to the name of the new class, Interface is the name
of the interface and ClassBody is the new class body.
The modifiers like public and default (used for classes) can be
applied to an interface declaration. The default is nonpublic, which means
accessible by any member of a given package. Most interfaces are public
because interfaces are the only means to share variable and method definitions
between different packages. Consider an example,
public interface ExampleInterface {
... //body of interface
Variables and methods declared inside an interface also have modifiers
associated with them. Modifiers for variables are limited to one specific set
that is public static final. In other words, variables declared in
interfaces can only function as constants. public static final are the
default modifiers.Other modifiers such as protected results in a compiletime error. Consider an examples of variable declarations,
public static final int X = 50;
public static final float Paise = 2.5;
public static final Str = "Java Basics";
Also, modifiers for methods are limited to one specific set such as
public abstract, meaning that methods declared inside an interface can
only be abstract. These are the default modifiers for methods. It is not
necessary to declare them explicitly.Assigning other modifiers such as
protected, results in a compile-time error. Consider an example of method
public abstract boolean isDate(Date);
public abstract boolean isTime(Time);
public abstract StringBuffer
The example below shows overloaded methods declared in an interface
as in a class.
public interface ExampleInterface {
public static final int X =
public static final float
Paise = 2.5;
public static final String =
"Java Basics";
public abstract boolean
public abstract boolean
public abstract StringBuffer
Interfaces can extend other interfaces, just like classes using
“extends” keyword. Consider the following example in which, the interface
ExampleInterface declares a variable named theAns:
public interface ExampleInterface {
public static final int
theAns = 42;
public interface MyInterface extends
ExampleInterface {
public static final int X =
public static final
float Paise = 2.5;
public static final
String = "Java Basics";
public abstract boolean
public abstract boolean
public abstract
StringBuffer isName(String);
ExampleInterface. This means that any classes that use MyInterface
will have access to not only the variables and methods declared in
MyInterface, but also those in ExampleInterface. Consider another
example in which a single interface inherits multiple interfaces.
FirstInterface, SecondInterface {
body of interface
Using an Interface
Consider an example in which interface Details is
public interface Details{
public abstract void
printAddress (anAddress);
public abstract void
setStreet (anAddress);
public abstract String
getState (anAddress);
The methods print the entire address, change the street name, and
return only the state. Each of these methods is specific to manipulating
addresses. A class with the “implements” keyword can use this interface. The
syntax is as follows,
class name [extends classname ] implements
interfacename [, interfacename]
... body of class
The implements keyword follows the name of the class (or
extends declaration) and in turn is followed by one or more commaseparated interface names. Consider the following example,
public class StudentRecord implements
Details {
... body of class
3.7 Summary
This chapter covers the concepts of classes, packages, inheritance, and
interfaces. A solid knowledge of the relationships among these parts of Java is
essential to creating applets and applications. Classes in Java are used to
define an object. Objects can consist of information and methods for
manipulating that information. An instance is a specific implementation of an
object. Packages are groups of class libraries, which are made up of related
classes. Inheritance allows for the reuse of existing code while providing a
means for customization of new code. Interfaces are templates of methods
used to standardize method definitions. These are necessary because Java does
not support multiple inheritance. Interfaces allow unrelated classes to share
related methods. To summarize this chapter, consider a glossary of terms and
concepts that were covered,
A template for an object that contains variables to describe the
object, and methods to describe how the object behaves. Classes
can inherit variables and methods from other classes.
A concrete instance of a class-in other words, a real instance that
has been created using a class as its template. Multiple instances of
the same class have access to the same methods, but they often
have different values for their instance variables.
An object made real through the use of a class.
A class further up the class hierarchy than another class (its
subclass). The subclass inherits variables and methods from all
superclasses above it in the hierarchy.
A class further down the class hierarchy than another class (its
superclass). When you create a new class to inherit the behavior of
another class, the process is called subclassing.
Instance method
class method
Instance variable
class variable
A method defined in a class that operates on an instance of that
class. Instance methods usually are just called methods.
A method defined in a class that operates on the class itself and can
be called through the class or any of its instances.
A variable owned by an individual instance of a class, and whose
value is stored in that instance.
A variable owned by the class and all its instances as a whole, and
whose value is stored in the class.
A collection of abstract behavior specifications that can be
implemented by individual classes.
A collection of related classes and interfaces. Classes from
packages other than java.lang must be imported explicitly or
referred to by their full package names.
3.8 Exercises
1. What is a class?
2. How do classes helps to organize the programs?
3. What are the three parts of a simple, empty class?
4. What two elements need to be added to complete the class?
5. How does a class relate to an object?
6. How do you create an object from a class?
7. How do you use a class that is defined in a different file than the file that
accesses the class?
8. What is inheritance and how does it helps to create new classes quickly?
9. What are subclass and a superclass?
10. How do you create a subclass?
11. How do you override a method inherited from a superclass?
12. What is a package?
13. How do you tell Java that a source-code file uses a particular package?
14. How do you add a class or interface to a package?
15. How do you tell Java that the class you are creating implements a
particular interface?
16. What is the difference between an interface and a class?
17. How are interfaces similar to classes?
18. How does the complete name of a package relate to the package's storage
on your disk?
19. What are the six main packages of the Java classes? Which package
contains classes for operating in a windowed environment?
20. Write a basic, empty class called ExamClass.
21. Add to ExamClass a string data field called name. This data field should
be private to the class.
22. Add to ExamClass in exercise 21, a constructor that accepts a starting
value for name as its single argument, and public methods for setting and
retrieving the value of name. Call these methods SetName( ) and
GetName( ). Write the commands used to compile this class.
23. Write a subclass called ExamSubClass that is derived from
ExamClass in exercise 22 and that adds an integer data field
called marks (declared as private) and a public method called
CreateDataString() that creates a string object from subject and
code. That is, if subject is equal to Java and code is equal to 01, the
CreateDataString() method should return Java 01 as a single
string object. Also, create public methods called SetCode( ) and
GetCode( ) for setting and retrieving the value of code, as well as a
constructor that accepts arguments for the starting values of subject and
24. Consider the following class:
public class IdentifyMyParts {
public static int x = 7;
public int y = 3;
a. What are the class variables?
b. What are the instance variables?
25. What is the output from the following code:
IdentifyMyParts a = new IdentifyMyParts();
IdentifyMyParts b = new IdentifyMyParts();
a.y = 5;
b.y = 6;
a.x = 1;
b.x = 2;
System.out.println("a.y = " + a.y);
System.out.println("b.y = " + b.y);
System.out.println("a.x = " + a.x);
System.out.println("b.x = " + b.x);
System.out.println("IdentifyMyParts.x = " +
27. What's wrong with the following program?
public class SomethingIsWrong {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Rectangle myRect;
myRect.width = 40;
myRect.height = 50;
System.out.println("myRect's area is "
+ myRect.area());
28. Given the following class, called NumberHolder, write some code that
creates an instance of the class, initializes its two member variables, and
then displays the value of each member variable.
public class NumberHolder {
public int anInt;
public float aFloat;
29. Write a package used to add two numbers.
30. Change the class you wrote in exercise 24 to an interface. Write a program
that implements this new interface.
31. Assume you have written some classes. Belatedly, you decide they should
be split into three packages, as listed in the following table. Furthermore,
assume the classes are currently in the default package (they have no
package statements).
Destination Packages
Package Name
Class Name
1. Which line of code will you need to add to each source file to put each
class in the right package?
2. To adhere to the directory structure, you will need to create some
subdirectories in the development directory and put source files in the
correct subdirectories. What subdirectories must you create? Which
subdirectory does each source file go in?
3. Do you think you'll need to make any other changes to the source files to
make them compile correctly? If so, what?
JAVA Streams
Streams in Java provide a way for two or more processes to send information to each
other without having any knowledge about each other. This means that with streams
an application or applet can pass data to almost any other stream-based application or
applet. Programs need to bring in information from an external source or send out
information to an external destination. The information can be anywhere in a file, on
disk, on the network, in memory, or in another program and also it can be of any type
like objects, characters, images, or sounds. There are a few stream methods found in
some Java package extensions, but the standard ones are found in the
package. This package must be imported in all applications or applets that make use
of threads.
4.1 Data Flow with Streams
To bring in information, a program opens a stream on an information source (a
file, memory, a socket) and reads the information serially, this is called as
input stream as shown in figure 4.1,
Figure 4.1. A Input Stream
Similarly, a program can send information to an external destination by
opening a stream to a destination and writing the information out serially, this
is called as output stream as shown in figure 4.2,
Figure 4.2. Output Stream
The algorithms to perform I/O Stream operations are as shown in Table 4.1,
Reading (Input Stream)
open a stream
Writing (Output Stream)
open a stream
while more information
while more information
read information
write information
close the stream
close the stream
Table 4.1. Algorithm for I/O stream operations
The Java I/O package provides an extensive set of classes that handle
input and output to and from many different devices. In the following sections,
the primary classes contained in the I/O package, along with some examples
that shows the capabilities of these classes are discussed.
4.2 Input Stream
An input stream is like a physical stream of water flowing from a water plant
into the pipes of a water system. The obvious difference is that an input stream
deals with binary computer data rather than physical water. Data pumped into
an input stream can be directed in many different ways, much like water is
directed through the complex system of pipes that make up a water system.
The data in an input stream is transmitted a byte at a time, which is roughly
similar to individual drops of water flowing into a pipe. Java uses input
streams as the means of reading data from an input source, such as the
keyboard. The basic input stream classes supported by Java, which are
discussed in detail in the preceding topics are as follows,
The InputStream Class
The InputStream class is an abstract class that serves as the base class for all
other input stream classes. InputStream defines a basic interface for reading
streamed bytes of information. The typical scenario when using an input
stream is to create an InputStream-derived object and then tell it that
information has to be input (by calling an appropriate method). If no input
information is currently available, the InputStream uses a technique known
as blocking to wait until input data becomes available. An example of when
blocking takes place consider using input stream to read information from the
keyboard. Until the user types information and presses <Return> or <Enter>
key, there is no input available to the InputStream object. The InputStream
object then waits (blocks) until the user presses <Return> or <Enter>, at which
time the input data becomes available and the InputStream object can process
it as input. The InputStream class defines the following methods,
abstract int read()
int read(byte b[])
int read(byte b[], int off, int len)
long skip(long n)
int available()
synchronized void mark(int readlimit)
synchronized void reset()
boolean markSupported()
void close()
defines three different read methods for reading input
data in various ways. The first read( ) method takes no parameters and
simply reads a byte of data from the input stream and returns it as an integer.
This version of read( ) returns -1 if the end of the input stream is reached.
The second version of read( ) takes an array of bytes as its only parameter,
which enables to read multiple bytes of data at once. The data that is read is
stored in this array. This returns the actual number of bytes read or -1 if the
end of the stream is reached. The last version of read( ) takes a byte array,
an integer offset, and an integer length as parameters. The off parameter
specifies the offset into the byte array to start placing read data, and the len
parameter specifies the maximum number of bytes to read.
The skip( ) method is used to skip over bytes of data in the input
stream. It takes a long value as its only parameter, which specifies how many
bytes of input to skip. It returns the actual number of bytes skipped or -1 if the
end of the input stream is reached.
The available( ) method is used to determine the number of bytes
of input data that can be read without blocking. It does not have parameters
and returns the number of available bytes. This method is useful to ensure that
there is input data available.
The mark( ) method marks the current position in the stream. The
reset( ) method is used to return to this position. It takes an integer parameter,
which specifies how many bytes can be read before the mark
becomes invalidated..
Finally, the close( ) method closes an input stream and releases any
resources associated with the stream. It causes the stream buffer to be flushed,
which helps to avoid file corruption.
The Object
The keyboard is the most standard device for retrieving user input. The
class contained in the language package contains a member variable
that represents the keyboard, or standard input stream. This member variable
is called in and is an instance of the InputStream class. This variable is
useful for reading user input from the keyboard. Following program example
contains the ReadKeys1 program, which shows how the object can
be used with the first version of the read() method.
class ReadKeys1 {
public static void main (String args[]) {
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
char c;
try {
while ((c = (char) != '\n')
catch (Exception e) {
The ReadKeys1 class first creates a StringBuffer object called s. It
then enters a while loop that repeatedly calls the read method until a newline
character is detected (the user presses Return). Notice that the input data
returned by read() is cast to a char type before being stored in the character
variable c. Each time a character is read, it is appended to the string buffer
using the append() method of StringBuffer. It is important to see how any
errors caused by the read( ) method are handled by the try/catch
exception-handling blocks (Exception handling is discussed in detail in unit5).
The catch block simply prints an error message to the standard output stream
based on the error that occurred. Finally, when a newline character is read
from the input stream, the println( ) method of the standard output stream
is called to output the string to the screen. You learn more about the standard
output stream a little later in this unit.
The BufferedInputStream Class
The BufferedInputStream class provides a buffered stream of input. This
means that more data is read into the buffered stream than requested, so that
subsequent reads comes from the buffer rather than from the input device.
This is much faster read access because reading from a buffer is reading from
memory. It implements all the same methods defined by InputStream.
However, the BufferedInputStream class does have two different
constructors, which as follows,
BufferedInputStream(InputStream in)
BufferedInputStream(InputStream in, int size)
Notice that both constructors take an InputStream object as the first
parameter. The only difference between the two is the size of the internal
buffer. In the first constructor, a default buffer size is used; in the second
constructor, buffer size is specified with the size integer parameter. To
support buffered input, the BufferedInputStream class also defines a handful
of member variables, such as,
byte buf[]
int count
int pos
int markpos
int marklimit
The buf byte array member is the buffer in which input data is actually
stored. The count member variable keeps up with how many bytes are stored
in the buffer. The pos member variable keeps up with the current read position
in the buffer. The markpos member variable specifies the current mark
position in the buffer as set using the mark() method. markpos is equal to -1
if no mark has been set. Finally, the marklimit member variable specifies the
maximum number of bytes that can be read before the mark position is no
longer valid. marklimit is set by the readlimit parameter passed into the
method. These are all protected member variables.
The DataInputStream Class
The DataInputStream class is useful for reading primitive Java data types
from an input stream in a portable fashion. There is only one constructor for
which simply takes an InputStream object as its only
parameter. This constructor is defined as follows:
DataInputStream(InputStream in)
implements the following useful methods beyond
those defined by InputStream,
final int skipBytes(int n)
final void readFully(byte b[])
final void readFully(byte b[], int off, int len)
final String readLine( )
final boolean readBoolean( )
final byte readByte( )
final int readUnsignedByte( )
final short readShort( )
final int readUnsignedShort( )
final char readChar( )
final int readInt( )
final long readLong( )
final float readFloat( )
final double readDouble( )
Here are the descriptions of few of these methods, The skipBytes( )
method works in a manner very similar to skip(); the exception is that
skipBytes( )
blocks until all bytes are skipped. The number of bytes to skip
is determined by the integer parameter n. There are two readFully( )
methods implemented by DataInputStream. These methods are similar to the
read( )
methods except that they block until all data has been read. The
normal read( ) methods block only until some data is available, not all. The
readFully( )
skip( ).
methods are to the read( ) methods what skipBytes( ) is to
The readLine( ) method is used to read a line of text that has been
terminated with a newline (\n), carriage return (\r), carriage return/newline
(\r\n), or end-of-file (EOF) character sequence. readLine() returns the line of
text in a String object.
The FileInputStream Class
The FileInputStream class is useful for performing simple file input. The
class functions exactly like the InputStream class except
that it deals with files. The FileInputStream class can be instantiated using
one of the in three following constructors,
FileInputStream(String name)
FileInputStream(File file)
FileInputStream(FileDescriptor fdObj)
The first constructor takes a String object parameter called name,
which specifies the name of the file to use for input. The second constructor
takes a File object parameter that specifies the file to use for input. The third
constructor for FileInputStream takes a FileDescriptor object as its only
The StringBufferInputStream Class
enables to use a string as a buffered source of
input. It implements all the same methods defined by InputStream. The
class has a single constructor, which as follows,
StringBufferInputStream(String s)
The constructor takes a String object, from which it constructs the
string buffer input stream. Although StringBufferInputStream doesn't
define any additional methods, it does provide a few of its own member
variables, which as follow,
String buffer
int count
int pos
The buffer string member is the buffer where the string data is
actually stored. The count member variable specifies the number of characters
to use in the buffer. Finally, the pos member variable keeps up with the
current position in the buffer.
4.3 Output Stream
In Java, output streams are the logical counterparts to input streams; they
handle writing data to output sources. Using the water analogy from the
discussion of input streams earlier in this unit, an output stream is equivalent
to the water spout on your bathtub. Just as water travels from a water plant
through the pipes and out the spout into your bathtub, so must data flow from
an input device through the operating system and out an output device. A
leaky water spout is an even better way to visualize the transfer of data out of
an output stream: Each drop of water falling out of the spout represents a byte
of data. Each byte of data flows to the output device just like the drops of
water falling one after the other out of the bathtub spout. Output streams are
used to output data to various output devices, such as the screen. The primary
output stream classes used in Java programming are as follows,
The OutputStream Class
The OutputStream class is the output counterpart to InputStream; it serves
as an abstract base class for all the other output stream classes. OutputStream
defines the basic protocol for writing streamed data to an output device. Create
an OutputStream-derived object and call an appropriate method to output
information. The OutputStream class uses a technique similar to the one used
by InputStream. It will block until data has been written to an output
device. While blocking (waiting for the current output to be processed), the
class does not allow any further data to be output. The
class implements the following methods,
abstract void write(int b)
void write(byte b[])
void write(byte b[], int off, int len)
void flush( )
void close( )
defines three different write( ) methods for writing
data in a few different ways. The first write( ) method writes a single byte to
the output stream, as specified by the integer parameter b. The second version
of write( ) takes an array of bytes as a parameter and writes it to the output
stream. The last version of write( ) takes a byte array, an integer offset, and
a length as parameters. The flush( ) method is used to flush the output
stream. Calling flush( ) forces the OutputStream object to output any
pending data. Finally, the close( ) method closes an output stream and
releases any resources associated with the stream.
The PrintStream Class
The PrintStream class is derived from OutputStream and is designed
primarily for printing output data as text. PrintStream has two different
constructors as follows,
PrintStream(OutputStream out)
PrintStream(OutputStream out, boolean autoflush)
Both PrintStream constructors take an OutputStream object as their
first parameter. The only difference between the two methods is how the
newline character is handled. In the first constructor, the stream is flushed
based on an internal decision by the object. In the second constructor, it
specifies that the stream be flushed every time it encounters a newline
character. The PrintStream class also implements a rich set of methods,
which as follows,
boolean checkError( )
void print(Object obj)
synchronized void print(String s)
synchronized void print(char s[])
void print(char c)
void print(int i)
void print(long l)
void print(float f)
void print(double d)
void print(boolean b)
void println( )
synchronized void println(Object obj)
synchronized void println(String s)
synchronized void println(char s[])
synchronized void println(char c)
synchronized void println(int I)
synchronized void println(long l)
synchronized void println(float f)
synchronized void println(double d)
synchronized void println(boolean b)
The checkError( ) method flushes the stream and returns whether or
not an error has occurred. The return value of checkError( ) is based on an
error ever having occurred on the stream, meaning that once an error occurs,
checkError( )
always returns true for that stream.
provides a variety of print() methods to handle all
your printing needs. The version of print() that takes an Object parameter
simply outputs the results of calling the toString() method on the object.
The other print() methods each take a different type parameter that specifies
which data type is printed.
The println( ) methods implemented by PrintStream are very
similar to the print( ) methods. The only difference is that the println( )
methods print a newline character following the data that is printed. The
method that takes no parameters simply prints a newline
character by itself.
The System.out Object
The monitor is the primary output device on modern computer systems. The
class has a member variable that represents the standard output stream,
which is typically the monitor. The member variable is called out and is an
instance of the PrintStream class. The out member variable is very useful
for outputting text to the screen.
The BufferedOutputStream Class
The BufferedOutputStream class is very similar to the OutputStream class
except that it provides a buffered stream of output. This class enables to write
to a stream without causing a bunch of writes to an output device. It maintains
a buffer that is written to when data is written to the stream. When the buffer
gets full or when it is explicitly flushed, it is written to the output device. It
implements the same methods defined in OutputStream; there are no
additional methods except for constructors. The two constructors for
are as follows ,
BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out)
BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out, int size)
Both constructors for BufferedOutputStream take an OutputStream
object as their first parameter. The only difference between the two is the size
of the internal buffer used to store the output data. In the first constructor, a
default buffer size of 512 bytes is used; in the second constructor, buffer size
is specified with the size integer parameter. The buffer is managed by two
member variables, which as follows,
byte buf[]
int count
The buf byte array member variable is the actual data buffer in which
output data is stored. The count member keeps up with how many bytes are in
the buffer. These two member variables are sufficient to represent the state of
the output stream buffer.
The DataOutputStream Class
The DataOutputStream class is useful for writing primitive Java data types to
an output stream in a portable way. It has only one constructor, which simply
takes an OutputStream object as its parameter. This constructor is defined as
DataOutputStream(OutputStream out)
It implements the following useful methods beyond those inherited from
final int size( )
final void writeBoolean(boolean v)
final void writeByte(int v)
final void writeShort(int v)
final void writeChar(int v)
final void writeInt(int v)
final void writeLong(long v)
final void writeFloat(float v)
final void writeDouble(double v)
final void writeBytes(String s)
final void writeChars(String s)
The size( ) method is used to determine how many bytes have been
written to the stream thus far. The integer value returned by size( ) specifies
the number of bytes written.
The rest of the methods implemented in DataOutputStream are all
variations on the write( ) method. Each version of writeType( ) takes a
different data type that is in turn written as output.
The FileOutputStream Class
The FileOutputStream class provides a means to perform simple file
output. A FileOutputStream object can be created using one of the following
FileOutputStream(String name)
FileOutputStream(File file)
FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor fdObj)
The first constructor takes a String parameter, which specifies the
name of the file to use for input. The second constructor takes a File object
parameter that specifies the input file. The third constructor takes a
object as its only parameter.
4.3 Summary
Streams are Java's way of reading and writing data to entities outside an
application, such as files, networks, devices, or other processes. All streams in
Java consist of a flow of 8-bit bytes. Some stream classes allow the writing of
other object types, but internally they simply convert these objects to bytes.
Streams can be broken into two main types: input streams and output streams.
Input streams accept data from an external source. Processes that
accept input streams are known as consumers. The methods used with input
streams are, read, skip, close, available, mark, reset and so on.
Output streams produce data for an external destination. Processes that
produce output streams are known as producers. The methods used with
output streams are write, flush, and close.
By using input and output streams, Java applications and applets can
communicate with the rest of the world.
1. What is input/output package in Java called as?
2. Can data flow through a given stream in both directions?
3. What is the name of a stream that connects two running programs?
4. Can a stream act as a data source for another stream?
5. What is a buffer?
6. What is a stream that transforms data in some way called?
7. What is the name of the abstract base class for streams dealing with character
8. Is the character data used inside a Java program exactly the same format as the
character data in a text file written by Java?
9. What is the name of the abstract base class for streams dealing with general
purpose (non-character) input?
10. What is the ancestor class of streams that do character-oriented output?
11. How many bits per character does a Java program use?
12. What is the class that translates characters from the internal form (used by a
Java program) to the external form (used by a disk file).
13. What is the disk file format for characters that is intended to work for all
human languages?
14. What does the flush( ) method of a stream do?
15. What is an advantage in using the PrintWriter class?
16. Does the println( ) method of PrintWriter throw exceptions?
17. Which operation is usually more reliable: input or output?
18. What class would you use to read a few pieces of data that are at known
positions near the end of a large file?
Exception Handling in JAVA
Errors are a normal part of programming. Some of these errors are flaws in basic design or implementation of program.
These are called bugs. Other types of errors are the result of situations like low memory or invalid filenames. Java's
exception handling mechanism helps to handle errors.
As the name implies, an exception is an exceptional condition. Exceptions are
used as a way to report error conditions. It can be used as a means of
indicating other situations as well. This unit concentrates primarily on
exceptions as an error handling mechanism. Exceptions provide notification of
errors and a way to handle them. This new control structure allows specifying
exactly where to handle specific types of errors. Consider the problem of
calculating the retail cost of an item and displaying it. For this example, the
retail cost is twice the wholesale cost:
int retailCost( int wholesale ) {
if ( wholesale <= 0 ) {
return 0 ;
return (wholesale * 2 ) ;
The retailCost( ) method takes the wholesale price of an item and
doubles it. If the wholesale price is negative or zero, the function returns zero
to indicate that an error has occurred. This method can be used in an
application as follows,
int wholesalePrice = 30 ;
int retailPrice = 0 ;
retailPrice = retailCost( wholesalePrice ) ;
System.out.println( "Wholesale price = " + wholesalePrice ) ;
System.out.println( "Retail price = "
+ retailPrice ) ;
In this example, the retailCost( ) method calculates the correct retail
cost and prints it. The problem is that the code segment never checks whether
the wholesalePrice variable is negative. Even though the method checks the
value of wholesalePrice and reports an error-there is nothing that forces the
calling method to deal with the error. If this method is called with a negative
wholesalePrice, the function blindly prints invalid data.
Putting the whole operation in a method can prevent the printing of bad
values. The showRetail( ) method takes the wholesale price, doubles it, and
prints it. If the wholesale price is negative or zero, the method does not print
anything and returns the boolean value false:
boolean showRetail( int wholesale ) {
if ( wholesale <= 0 ) {
return false ;
int retailPrice ;
retailPrice = wholesalePrice * 2 ;
System.out.println( "Wholesale price = " + wholesale ) ;
System.out.println( "Retail price = "
+ retailPrice ) ;
return true ;
Using this new and improved method guarantees that bad values are
never printed. But what happens if this method returns a boolean and both true
and false are valid return values? How does this method report an error?
Consider another example in which a method to determine whether a
student passes a test. The pass( ) method takes the number of correct answers
and the number of questions. The method calculates the percentage; if it is
greater than 70 percent, the student passes. Consider the passingGrade( )
boolean passingGrade( int correct, int total ) {
boolean returnCode = false ;
if ( (float)correct / (float)total > 0.70 ) {
returnCode = true ;
return returnCode ;
In this example, what happens if the number correct is greater than the
total or if the total is zero (because this causes a division by zero in the
method)? There is no way to report an error in this function. Exception solves
this problem.
5.2 Exception Methods
Most Java exception handling is performed using the try, catch, throw, and
finally methods.
With this method, program will try to execute a block of code that might
generate (throw) an exception. This is a way of telling the compiler that some
attempt will be made to deal with at least some of the exceptions generated by
the block of code. It is used to inform Java that a block of code may generate
an exception and that some processing of that exception will be done
immediately following the try. The syntax is as follows,
try statement;
try {
The keyword “try” begins the try construct and is followed by a statement or
block containing the code that might generate an exception. If any one
statement generates an exception, the remaining statements in the block are
skipped and execution continues with the first statement following the try
construct, which must be a catch or finally statement. This is an important
point to remember. It is an easy way to determine which block of code should
be skipped if an error occurs. Consider an example:
public class Example {
public static void main (String args[]) {
int[] myArr = new int[10];
try {
myArr[0] = 1;
myArr[100] = 1;
System.out.println("After array exception");
In this example, the array myArr is created with a length of 10. A try
statement that contains several statements follows this. The first, third, and
fifth statements simply write trace messages to the screen. The second
statement contains a standard assignment statement that assigns the value 1 to
array element 0. The third statement also assigns an array, but attempts to
assign a value of 1 to element 100 of the array. Because the array is only 10 in
size, this generates an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception. In tracing the
execution of the block of code following the try statement, the first three
statements are executed normally. The fourth statement, the invalid
assignment, will start to execute and then generate an exception, which causes
execution to continue at the end of the block, skipping the fifth statement.
But this code will result in compilation error, because any try statement
must be followed immediately by one or more catch or finally statements. No
other type of statement is allowed after the end of the try statement and before
the first catch or finally statement. (usage of catch statements are explained in
the next topic.)
Catch is used to specify the action that should be taken for a particular type of
exception. It is similar to the case part of a switch statement. There can be
several catch statements to deal with each of the exceptions that may be
generated in the block specified by the try statement. In Java terms, you say a
thrown exception gets caught. It is used to handle a specific exception that has
been generated in a try statement. The syntax is as follows,
catch (ExceptionType ExceptionObj) statement;
catch (ExceptionType exceptionObj) {
The keyword “catch” begins the catch construct, followed by a
parameter list that contains an exception type and an exception object. A
statement or block containing the code used to process the exception follows
this in turn. The object specified in the parameter list, exceptionObj, is a
variable that contains the exception object generated and is local to the catch
block. Consider an example,
public class Example{
public static void main (String args[]) {
int[] myArr= new int[10];
try {
System.out.println("Before valid array assignment");
myArr[0] = 1;
System.out.println("Before invalid array assignment");
myArr[100] = 1;
System.out.println("After array exception");
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("An array index error has
In the example, the required catch statement has been added after the
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException specifically. If any other exception occurs,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is generated, so the body of this catch
statement will be executed. This body simply generates an error message to
the screen.
Additional catch statements can follow the first catch statement. They
must immediately follow the try/catch statement; otherwise a compilation
error will occur. When an exception in a try statement is generated, the Java
interpreter will treat all the catch statements following the try statement as
cases in a switch statement. The first statement that is matched will be
executed, and the remainder will be skipped.
Note that Java does not require any processing of the exception at all.
Simply having a catch statement for an exception with an empty block is
sufficient to avoid program abortion. Consider the following example,
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e);
As you can see, the catch statement simply ends in a semicolon (;),
which does nothing. The result is an InterruptedException error that is caught
and then totally ignored.
This involves in causing an exception to be generated. For example, say a
method was written to read a file. If the method could not read the file because
the file did not exist, this would generate an IOException. In Java
terminology, it is said that the method threw an IOException. throw is used to
cause the code itself to generate an exception. It is then up to calling routines
to handle the exception. This is the preferred way of passing error information
to calling routines in Java. The syntax is as follows,
Consider an example,
public class MyMain {
public static void main (String args[]) {
int[] myArray = new int[10];
try {
myArray[100] = 1;
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
e = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array index
should be within bounds.");
In this example, a customized error message is generated regarding the
array index problem by reassigning e to a new exception object that includes
the customized message and then using throw to throw another exception that
must be caught at a higher level. If a catch or finally statement followed this
catch statement, it would be ignored. However, if this try statement were itself
enclosed in a different try statement, the execution would catch the exception.
The finally statement is used to specify the action to take if none of the
previous catch statements specifically deals with the situation. It is similar to
the default part of a switch statement. It catches everything that falls out of the
exception-handling statement. It is used to handle any exception generated
within a try statement. The catch statement discussed previously can handle
only one type of exception; the finally statement can handle any type of
exception. The syntax is as follows,
finally statement;
finally {
The keyword finally begins the finally construct, followed by a
statement or block containing the code used to process the exception. As with
the catch statement, a finally block must follow immediately after a try or
other catch statement or a compilation error results. A finally statement acts
like a default case in a switch statement if it follows a series of catch
statements. Anything that was not explicitly matched by an earlier catch
statement is caught by the finally statement. A finally statement cannot be
followed by another catch or finally statement or a compilation error will
result. Because finally catches everything, additional statements would never
be executed in any case. Consider an example,
import* ;
import java.lang.Exception ;
public class MultiThrow {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
alpha() ;
catch( Exception e }
System.out.println( "Caught exception " ) ;
finally( )
System.out.println( "Finally. " ) ;
Here, if alpha( ) throws an exception, it is caught in the catch block and
then the finally block is executed. If alpha( ) does not throw an exception, the
finally block is executed after the try block. If any code in a try block is
executed, the finally block is executed as well.
5.3 java.lang Exceptions
The java.lang package contains much of the core Java language. The
exceptions subclassed from RuntimeException do not have to be declared in a
method's throws clause. These exceptions are considered normal and nearly
any method can throw them. Table 5.1 shows the recoverable exceptions from
the java.lang package. Table 5.2 shows the nonrecoverable errors in the
java.lang package.
Arithmetic error condition (for example, divide by zero).
Array index is less than zero or greater than the actual
size of the array.
Object type mismatch between the array and the object
to be stored in the array.
Cast of object to inappropriate type.
Unable to load the requested class.
Object does not implement the cloneable interface.
Root class of the exception hierarchy.
Class is not accessible.
Method receives an illegal argument.
Improper monitor state (thread synchronization).
The thread is in an improper state for the requested
Index is out of bounds.
Attempt to create an instance of the abstract class.
Thread interrupted.
Array size is less than zero.
Unable to resolve method.
Attempt to access a null object member.
Unable to convert the string to a number.
Base class for many java.lang exceptions.
Security settings do not allow the operation.
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException Index is negative or greater than the size of the string.
Table 5.1. The java.lang exceptions.
Non-Recoverable Errors in java.lang package is as follows,
Attempt to call an abstract method.
This error is no longer used.
Invalid binary class format.
Root class of the error hierarchy.
Attempt to access an inaccessible object.
Improper use of a class.
Attempt to instantiate an abstract class.
Error in the interpreter.
Error in class dependencies.
Unable to find the class definition.
Unable to find the requested field.
Unable to find the requested method.
Out of memory.
Stack overflow.
Indicates that the thread will terminate. May be caught to
perform cleanup. (If caught, must be rethrown.)
Unknown virtual machine error.
Unresolved links in the loaded class.
Unable to verify bytecode.
Root class for virtual machine errors.
Table 5.2. The java.lang errors.
5.6 Summary
Exceptions are way of performing error handling in Java. Exceptions are used
for error conditions, and any programs should be ready to handle them.
Exceptions are handled using a combination of three statement types: try,
catch, and finally. The try is used to inform the compiler that exception
handling will be performed on an associated block of code. The catch is used
for processing a specific exception generated in the try block of code. Several
catch statements can be specified sequentially to handle specific exceptions in
a specific order. The finally statement can be used to catch all exceptions not
specifically caught by a catch statement.
A program can generate its own exceptions using the throw statement.
The exception itself can be either preexisting or newly created. Specifying a
different message when creating the exception object can customize even a
preexisting exception. Simply extending an existing exception class such as
java.lang.Exception can create a new exception.
1. How do you use a try program block?
2. How do you use a catch program block?
3. What is the difference between exception and error?
4. Do you have to catch all types of exceptions that might be thrown by Java?
5. When a method you call is defined as potentially throwing an exception,
do you have to handle that exception in your program?
6. How many exceptions can you associate with a single try block?
7. How do you pass an exception up from a called method to the calling
8. What are the two main types of exceptions that Java may throw?
9. Write program that catches divide-by-zero error, which will cause Java to
throw an ArithmeticException exception.
10. Write a program that uses the following subroutine to solve equations
specified by the user.
static double root(double A, double B, double C)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
// Returns the larger of the two roots of
// the quadratic equation A*x*x + B*x + C = 0.
// (Throws an exception if A == 0 or B*B-4*A*C < 0.)
if (A == 0) {
throw new
IllegalArgumentException("A can't
else {
double disc = B*B - 4*A*C;
if (disc < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Discriminant < zero.");
return (-B + Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2*A);
Your program should allow the user to specify values for A, B, and C. It should
call the subroutine to compute a solution of the equation. If no error occurs, it
should print the root. However, if an error occurs, your program should catch
that error and print an error message. After processing one equation, the
program should ask whether the user wants to enter another equation. The
program should continue until the user answers no.
11. Write a testing class TestTrace that contains the static main() method, and
another class CallEg that contains three methods. The main() method will
create a CallEg object and call its methodA( ).
class CallEg
public void methodB() throws ArithmeticException
public void methodC() throws ArithmeticException
12. Write a class to represent Roman numerals. The class should have two
constructors. One constructs a Roman numeral from a string such as
"XVII" or "MCMXCV". It should throw a NumberFormatException if the
string is not a legal Roman numeral. The other constructor constructs a
Roman numeral from an int. It should throw a NumberFormatException
if the int is outside the range 1 to 3999. In addition, the class should have
two instance methods. The method toString() returns the string that
represents the Roman numeral. The method toInt() returns the value of
the Roman numeral as an int.
13. Write a program that lets the user enter an expression. If the expression
contains an error, print an error message. Otherwise, let the user enter
some numerical values for the variable x. Print the value of the expression
for each
number that the user enters. However, if the expression is undefined for
specified value of x, print a message to that effect.
14. Is the following code legal?
try {
} finally {
15. What exception types can be caught by the following handler?
catch (Exception e) {
What is wrong with using this type of exception handler?
16. Is there anything wrong with the following exception handler as written?
this code compile?
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (ArithmeticException a) {
17. Modify the following cat method so that it will compile.
public static void cat(File file) {
RandomAccessFile input = null;
String line = null;
try {
input = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
} finally {
if (input != null) {
18. When is exception objects created?
19. Does an exception have to be handled by the same try-catch block that
threw it?
20. How can you make sure you catch every exception that a statement may
21. If an exception isn't caught in a user-defined class, where does it go and
what does it do?
22. Suppose you've defined an exception called NotANumberException().
NotANumberException. Will
catch (NotANumberException) {
catch a NotAPositiveNumberException? Now suppose you have the
following catch clause and throw a NotAPositiveNumberException. What
catch (NotANumberException) {
catch (NotAPositiveNumberException) {
23. In general which catch statement should come first? The one that catches
the subclass or the one that catches the superclass? Why?
24. What do you have to do to have an exception handled by both its own
catch statement and by its superclass's catch statement?
25. What's the difference between throw and throws?
26. Write a class that keeps a running total of all characters passed to it (one at
a time) and throws an exception if it is passed a non-alphabetic character.
JAVA Threads
6.1 Introduction
A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program. It is a
lightweight version of a process. It enables a single program to run
multiple parts of itself at the same time. For example, one part of a
program can print the document in the printer while another part builds
new document. These are similar to processes in that they can be
executed independently and simultaneously, but are different in that
they do not have the entire overhead that a process does. Threads do
not make copies of the entire parent process. Instead, only the code
needed is run in parallel. This means that threads can be started quickly
because they don't have the entire overhead of a complete process.
They do, however, have complete access to all data of the parent
process. Threads can read and/or write data that any other thread can
access. This makes interthread communication simpler, but can lead to
multiple threads modifying data in an unpredictable manner.
Additional programming care is required with threads.
Threads are useful programming tools for two main reasons.
First, they enable programs to do multiple things at one time. Second,
threads enable the programmer to concentrate on program functionality
without worrying about the implementation of multitasking schemes.
A single thread has a beginning, a sequence, and an end and at any
given time during the runtime of the thread, there is a single point of
execution. However, a thread itself is not a program; it cannot run on
its own. Rather, it runs within a program. The figure 6.1 shows this
Figure 6.1. A Single Thread
6.2 Creating a Thread
There are two different methods for creating a thread:
1. Extending the Thread class
2. Implementing the Runnable interface.
In the Thread subclass, implement the run( ) method. The signature of
run( ) is as shown in the example. run( ) is the entry point or starting point (or
main) of thread. To start a thread, create an object from Thread class. Send the
"start()" method to the thread object. This will create the new thread, start it as
an active entity in program, and call the run() method in the thread object. Do
not call the run() method directly. Calling the run() directly executes the
method in the normal sequential manner.
class SimpleThread extends Thread {
public void run() {
for ( int count = 0; count < 4; count++)
System.out.println( "Message " +
count +
" From: Mom" );
class TestingSimpleThread {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
System.out.println( "Create the thread");
System.out.println( "Started the thread" );
System.out.println( "End" );
In the Second Method for Creating a Thread, the class should
implement the Runnable interface, which has one method, run(). This run()
plays the same role as the run() in the Thread subclass in the first method.
Second, create an instance of the Thread class, passing an instance of class to
the constructor. Finally, send the thread object the start() method as shown in
the example below,.
class SecondMethod implements Runnable {
public void run() {
for ( int count = 0; count < 4; count++)
System.out.println( "Message " + count + " From:
class TestThread {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
SecondMethod notAThread = new SecondMethod();
Thread parallel = new Thread( notAThread );
System.out.println( "Create the thread");
System.out.println( "Started the thread" );
System.out.println( "End" );
6.3 The Life Cycle of a Thread
A thread can be in any of the following states:
New Thread state (Ready-to-run state)
Runnable state (Running state)
Not Runnable state
Dead state
Figure 6.2. Thread States
New Thread
The instantiation of a Thread object creates a new thread but does not start it
running. A thread starts life in the Ready-to-run state. Only the start() or
stop() methods can be used when the thread is in this state. Calling any
method besides start() or stop() causes an IllegalThreadStateException.
When the start() method is invoked on a New Thread() it gets to the runnable
state or running state by calling the run() method. A Runnable thread may
actually be running, or may be awaiting its turn to run.
Not Runnable
A thread becomes Not Runnable when one of the following four events
When sleep() method is invoked and it sleeps for a specified
amount of time
When suspend() method is invoked
When the wait() method is invoked and the thread waits for
notification of a free resource or waits for
the completion of another thread or waits to acquire a lock of an
The thread is blocking on I/O and waits for its completion
Thread switches form a non runnable to a runnable state in the following
If a thread has been put to sleep, then the specified number of
milliseconds must elapse (or it must be interrupted).
If a thread has been suspended, then its resume() method must be
If a thread is waiting on a condition variable, whatever object owns
the variable must relinquish it by calling either notify() or
If a thread is blocked on I/O, then the I/O must complete.
Dead State
A thread enters this state when the run() method has finished executing or
when the stop() method is invoked. Once in this state, the thread cannot
ever run again.
6.4 Thread Methods
All Java threads implement four methods: init, run, start, and stop. These
are default methods in the Thread class. If a class implements Runnable (as
discussed in next topic),
these methods must be declared explicitly.
The init method to initialize a thread objects. Here is an example of an init
public void init() {
index = 0;
This method simply assigns a value of zero to the index variable.
Larger, more complex applications might include code that opens databases,
creates display objects, or just about anything that should be done only the
first time a thread is started.
The start method is called to start a thread execution. This method usually
contains the code for actually creating and starting a thread. Here is an
example of a start method,
public void start() {
if (mainThread == null) {
new mainThread = Thread(this);
This method checks whether a thread has not yet been created, by
testing whether the thread object mainThread is null. If it is not, a new thread
object is created using new, and then the thread itself is started by calling the
object's start method.
The stop method contains the code needed to stop a thread's execution. It
generates a signal that will be caught by all threads and that causes them to
exit. This method can also change an object that causes a calling loop in the
method to exit. In the following example, this method simply sets a
variable to false. loop is used in a main loop run method for control flow.
public void stop() {
loop = false;
This method contains the main body of code to be executed by a thread. Here
is an example of a run method:
public void run() {
loop = true;
while (loop == true) {
try {Thread.sleep(1000);}
catch(InterruptedException e){}
The body of this method consists of the initialization of the loop
variable and a while loop that will continue executing until loop no longer
has a value of true. The body of the loop prints out the value of the index
variable to the screen and then sleeps for one second.
6.5 Using Threads
Threads are useful programming tools for two main reasons. First, they enable
programs to do multiple things at one time. This is useful for such activities as
letting a user do something while something else happens in the background.
Second, threads enable the programmer to concentrate on program
functionality without worrying about the implementation of multitasking
schemes. A programmer can simply spin off another thread for some
background or parallel operation without being concerned about interprocess
Converting a Class to a Thread
Following are the steps to convert the class into threads1.
Declare the class as implementing the Runnable interface.
Implement the run() method.
Declare a Thread object as a data field of the class.
Create the Thread object and call its start() method.
Call the thread's stop() method to destroy the thread
Declaring Threads
The Thread object can be declared as a data field of the class as shown below.
The thread object will hold a reference to the thread with which the applet is
associated. Methods of threads can be accessed through this object.
Thread thread;
Creating and Starting the Thread Object
There are two methods in creating a thread. First, implementing the Runnable
interface and Second, extending the thread class.
Creating thread by implementing the Runnable interface.
This method uses run() method. Here, create an instance of the Thread class,
pass it to the constructor. Finally, send the thread object the start() method.
class SecondMethod implements Runnable {
public void run() {
for ( int count = 0; count < 4; count++)
System.out.println( "Message " + count +
" From:
class TestThread {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
SecondMethod notAThread = new SecondMethod();
Thread parallel = new Thread( notAThread );
System.out.println( "Create the thread");
System.out.println( "Started the thread" );
System.out.println( "End" );
Creating thread by extending the thread class
In the Thread subclass, implement the run() method. The signature of run()
must be as it is in this example. run() is the entry point or starting point (or
main) of thread. To start a thread, create an object from Thread class. Send the
"start()" method to the thread object. This will create the new thread, start it as
an active entity in your program, and call the run() method in the thread
object. Do not call the run() method directly. Calling the run() directly
executes the method in the normal sequential manner.
class SimpleThread extends Thread {
public void run() {
for ( int count = 0; count < 4; count++)
System.out.println( "Message " + count +
" From: Mom" );
class TestingSimpleThread {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
SimpleThread parallel = new SimpleThread();
System.out.println( "Create the thread");
System.out.println( "Started the thread" );
System.out.println( "End" );
new and the Instantiation of Threads
Instances of threads are created using the new keyword. Arguments to new
can either use the Thread class explicitly, as in
mainThread = new Thread(this);
or specify a class that is a subclass of Thread, like this:
mainThread = new MyThreadClass();
In the first example, the current instance, this, of an object is initialized
as a thread. Any object, however, can be passed as an argument to the Thread
class. Note that the Thread class has few constructors. If additional constructor
types are needed, creating a subclass of Thread with the needed constructors is
quite useful. The second thread-creation example allows for these possibilities.
Stopping the Thread
When the run() method of a thread ends, so does the thread. In case,
switching between threads are required, need to stop the thread as shown in
example below,
public void stop()
Destroying a Thread
It is not necessary to explicitly destroy the thread object. Java's garbage
collector takes care of this detail. If it is necessary to help the garbagecollection process, make sure all references are removed to the thread object.
The simplest way to do this is to assign the value null to all variables
containing thread references, as in the following example:
Thread myThread = new Thread();
myThread = null;
In this example, the thread object is instantiated with new. The thread
is then started and stopped. Finally, null is assigned to the variable containing
the thread instance. This last step ensures that Java's garbage collector will
schedule a resource deallocation for that object.
Naming a Thread
Java provides a means for assigning names to threads. Names can consist of
any valid Java identifier. Naming threads makes it convenient to distinguish
one thread from another and enables a parent process to query a thread for its
name. A thread can be assigned a name at creation time or at any point
thereafter. Threads can also be renamed at any time. To name a thread at
creation time, use a Thread constructor that accepts a string as an additional
argument. As shown in the example below, the thread is instantiated by new
and assigned a name of " Examplethread",
Thread myThread = new Thread(this."Examplethread");
The getName( ) Method
The getName
returns the name associated with a specified thread object, as in
the following example:
This example prints out the name assigned to the thread object myThread.
Using the previous example, this statement would print the following to the
name of thread is Examplethread
A thread can also query for its own name in the same way:
System.out.println("My name is " + this.getName());
The setName Method
The name of a thread can be set or changed using setName( ) method. The
parent process, the thread itself, or any other method that has access to the
thread object can do this. Following is an example of changing a thread name
using setName:
This example changes the name of the thread from "Examplethread" to
6.6 Synchronization of Threads
Previous topics of this lesson had examples with independent, asynchronous
threads. That is, each thread contained all of the data and methods required for
its execution without using any outside resources or methods. In addition, the
threads in those examples ran at their own pace without concern over the state
or activities of any other concurrently running threads.
However, there are many situations where separate, concurrently
running threads do share data and must consider the state and activities of
other threads. One such set of programming situations are known as
producer/consumer scenarios where the producer generates a stream of data
which then is consumed by a consumer.
For example, imagine a Java application where one thread (the
producer) writes data to a file while a second thread (the consumer) reads data
from the same file. Or, as the characters were typed on the keyboard, the
producer thread places key events in an event queue and the consumer thread
reads the events from the same queue. Both of these examples use concurrent
threads that share a common resource: the first shares a file, the second shares
an event queue. Because the threads share a common resource, they must be
synchronized in some way.
Producer/Consumer Example
The Producer generates an integer between 0 and 9 (inclusive), stores it in a
Num object, and prints the generated number. To make the synchronization
problem more interesting, the Producer sleeps for a random amount of time
between 0 and 100 milliseconds before repeating the number generating cycle:
public class Producer extends Thread {
private Num numb;
private int number;
public Producer(Num c, int number) {
numb = c;
this.number = number;
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
System.out.println("Producer #" + this.number
+ " put: " + i);
try {
sleep((int)(Math.random() * 100));
} catch (InterruptedException e) { }
The Consumer consumes all integers from the Num (the exact same
object into which the Producer put the integers in the first place) as quickly as
they become available.
public class Consumer extends Thread {
private Num numb;
private int number;
public Consumer(Num c, int number) {
numb = c;
this.number = number;
public void run() {
int value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
value = numb.get();
System.out.println("Consumer #" + this.number
+ " got: " + value);
The Producer and Consumer in this example share data through a
common Num object. And neither the Producer nor the Consumer makes
any effort to ensure that the Consumer is getting each value produced once
and only once. The synchronization between these two threads actually occurs
at a lower level, within the get and put methods of the Num object. Now,
assume that these two threads are not synchronized and let us discuss about
the potential problems that might arise in that situation.
1. One problem arises when the Producer is quicker than the Consumer and
generates two numbers before the Consumer has a chance to consume the
first one. Thus the Consumer would skip a number. Part of the output might
look like this:
Consumer #1 got: 3
Producer #1 put: 4
Producer #1 put: 5
Consumer #1 got: 5
2. Another problem that might arise is when the Consumer is quicker than the
Producer and consumes the same value twice. In this situation, the Consumer
would print the same value twice and might produce output that looked like
Producer #1 put: 4
Consumer #1 got: 4
Consumer #1 got: 4
Producer #1 put: 5
. . .
Either way, the result is wrong. The Consumer has to consume each
integer produced by the Producer exactly once. These Problems are as called
race conditions. They arise from multiple, asynchronously executing threads
trying to access a single object at the same time and getting the wrong result.
Race conditions in the producer/consumer example are prevented by
having the storage of a new integer into the Num by the Producer be
synchronized with the retrieval of an integer from the Num by the Consumer.
The Consumer must consume each integer exactly once.
The activities of the Producer and Consumer must be synchronized in
two ways. First, the two threads must not simultaneously access the Num. A
Java thread can prevent this from happening by locking an object. When an
object is locked by one thread and another thread tries to call a synchronized
method on the same object, the second thread will block until the object is
unlocked (discussed later in this chapter). And second, the two threads must
do some simple coordination. That is, the Producer must have some way to
indicate to the Consumer that the value is ready and the Consumer must have
some way to indicate that the value has been retrieved. The Thread class
provides a collection of methods--wait, notify, and notifyAll (discussed later
in this chapter) to help threads wait for a condition and notify other threads of
when that condition changes.
The Main Program
Consider a small stand-alone Java application that creates a Num object, a
Producer, a Consumer, and then starts both the Producer and the Consumer.
public class ProducerConsumerTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Num c = new Num();
Producer p1 = new Producer(c, 1);
Consumer c1 = new Consumer(c, 1);
The Output
Here's the output of ProducerConsumerTest.
Producer #1 put: 0
Consumer #1 got: 0
Producer #1 put: 1
Consumer #1 got: 1
Producer #1 put: 2
Consumer #1 got: 2
Producer #1 put: 3
Consumer #1 got: 3
Producer #1 put: 4
Consumer #1 got: 4
Producer #1 put: 5
Consumer #1 got: 5
Producer #1 put: 6
Consumer #1 got: 6
Producer #1 put: 7
Consumer #1 got: 7
Producer #1 put: 8
Consumer #1 got: 8
Producer #1 put: 9
Consumer #1 got: 9
Locking an Object
The code segments within a program that access the same object from
separate, concurrent threads are called critical sections. In the Java language, a
critical section can be a block or a method and are identified with the
synchronized keyword. The Java platform then associates a lock with every
object that has synchronized code.
In the producer/consumer example, the put and get methods of the
Num are the critical sections. The Consumer should not access the Num when
the Producer is changing it, and the Producer should not modify it when the
Consumer is getting the value. So put and get in the Num class should be
marked with the synchronized keyword. Here is a code skeleton for the Num
public class Num {
private int contents;
private boolean available = false;
public synchronized int get() {
public synchronized void put(int value) {
Note that the method declarations for both put and get contain the
synchronized keyword. Hence, the system associates a unique lock with every
instance of Num (including the one shared by the Producer and the
Consumer). Whenever control enters a synchronized method, the thread that
called the method locks the object whose method has been called. Other
threads cannot call a synchronized method on the same object until the object
is unlocked. So, when the Producer calls Num's put method, it locks the Num,
thereby preventing the Consumer from calling the Num's get method:
public synchronized void put(int value) {
// Num locked by the Producer
// Num unlocked by the Producer
When the put method returns, the Producer unlocks the Num.
Similarly, when the Consumer calls Num's get method, it locks the Num,
thereby preventing the Producer from calling put as shown below,
public synchronized int get() {
// Num locked by the Consumer
// Num unlocked by the Consumer
The acquisition and release of a lock is done automatically and
atomically by the Java runtime system. This ensures that race conditions
cannot occur in the underlying implementation of the threads, thus ensuring
data integrity. Also, two threads must be able to notify one another when they
have done their job.
Synchronized Blocks
Synchronization of static methods in a class is independent from the
synchronization of instance methods on objects of the class. A subclass
decides whether the new definition of an inherited synchronized method will
remain synchronized in the subclass. The synchronized block allows execution
of arbitrary code to be synchronized on the lock of an arbitrary-object. The
general form of the synchronized block is as follows:
synchronized (<object reference expression>) {
<code block>
A compile-time error occurs if the expression produces a value of any
primitive type. If execution of the block completes normally, then the lock is
released. If execution of the block completes abruptly, then the lock is
released. A thread can hold more than one lock at a time. Synchronized
statements can be nested. Synchronized statements with identical expressions
can be nested. The expression must evaluate to a non-null reference value,
otherwise, a NullPointerException is thrown. Once a thread has entered the
code block after acquiring the lock on the specified object, no other thread will
be able to execute the code block, or any other code requiring the same object
lock, until the lock is relinquished. This happens when the execution of the
code block completes normally or an uncaught exception is thrown.
Using the notifyAll and wait Methods
The Num stores its value in private member variable called contents. Num has
another private member variable, available, that is a boolean. available is true
when the value has just been put but not yet gotten and is false when the value
has been gotten but not yet put. So, here is one possible implementation for the
put and get methods:
public synchronized int get() {
// won't work!
if (available == true) {
available = false;
return contents;
public synchronized void put(int value) {
// won't work!
if (available == false) {
available = true;
contents = value;
The above two methods will not work. When the Producer has not put
anything in the Num and available false then get does nothing. Similarly, if the
Producer calls put before the Consumer got the value, put does nothing.
Here, it is necessary for the Consumer to wait until the Producer puts
something in the Num and the Producer must notify the Consumer when it is
done. Similarly, the Producer must wait until the Consumer takes a value (and
notifies the Producer of its activities) before replacing it with a new value. The
two threads must coordinate more fully and can use wait and notifyAll
methods of Object. Here are the new implementations of get and put that
wait on and notify each other of their activities,
public synchronized int get() {
while (available == false) {
try {
// wait for Producer to put value
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
available = false;
// notify Producer that value has been retrieved
return contents;
public synchronized void put(int value) {
while (available == true) {
try {
// wait for Consumer to get value
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
contents = value;
available = true;
// notify Consumer that value has been set
The code in the get method loops until the Producer has produced a
new value. Each time through the loop, get calls the wait method. The wait
method relinquishes the lock held by the Consumer on the Num (thereby
allowing the Producer to get the lock and update the Num) and then waits for
notification from the Producer. When the Producer puts something in the
Num, it notifies the Consumer by calling notifyAll. The Consumer then comes
out of the wait state, available is now true, the loop exits, and the get method
returns the value in the Num. The put method works in a similar fashion,
waiting for the Consumer thread to consume the current value before allowing
the Producer to produce a new one. The notifyAll method wakes up all threads
waiting on the object in question (in this case, the Num). The awakened
threads compete for the lock. One thread gets it, and the others go back to
waiting. The Object class also defines the notify method, which arbitrarily
wakes up one of the threads waiting on this object.
A deadlock is a situation that causes two or more threads to hang. In the
simplest case, two threads are each trying to acquire a monitor already owned
by the other thread. Each thread goes to sleep, waiting for the desired monitor
to become available, but the monitors never become available. The first thread
waits for the monitor owned by the second thread, and the second thread waits
for the monitor owned by the first thread. Because each thread is waiting for
the other, each never releases its monitor to the other thread. A deadlock can
occur for the following reasons
Each thread needed exclusive use of the resources.
One thread is not allowed to take a resource from the other.
Each thread is waiting while holding a resource that another thread is
waiting for.
Some of the deadlock prevention method are as listed below,
1. Lock Ordering
2. Lock Timeout
3. Deadlock Detection
Lock Ordering
Deadlock occurs when multiple threads need the same locks but obtain them
in different order. If you make sure that all locks are always taken in the same
order by any thread, deadlocks cannot occur. Consider an example,
Thread 1:
lock A
lock B
Thread 2:
wait for A
lock C (when A locked)
Thread 3:
wait for A
wait for B
wait for C
If a thread, like Thread 3, needs several locks, it must take them in the
decided order. It cannot take a lock later in the sequence until it has obtained
the earlier locks. For instance, neither Thread 2 or Thread 3 can lock C until
they have locked A first. Since Thread 1 holds lock A, Thread 2 and 3 must
first wait until lock A is unlocked. Then they must succeed in locking A,
before they can attempt to lock B or C. Lock ordering is a simple yet effective
deadlock prevention mechanism. However, it can only be used if the
information about all locks is known.
Lock Timeout
Another deadlock prevention mechanism is to put a timeout on lock attempts
meaning a thread trying to obtain a lock will only try for so long before giving
up. If a thread does not succeed in taking all necessary locks within the given
timeout, it will backup, free all locks taken, wait for a random amount of time
and then retry. The random amount of time waited serves to give other threads
trying to take the same locks a chance to take all locks, and thus let the
application continue running without locking. Consider an example of two
threads trying to take the same two locks in different order, where the threads
back up and retry:
Thread 1 locks A
Thread 2 locks B
Thread 1 attempts to lock B but is blocked
Thread 2 attempts to lock A but is blocked
Thread 1's lock attempt on B times out
Thread 1 backs up and releases A as well
Thread 1 waits randomly (e.g. 257 millis) before retrying.
Thread 2's lock attempt on A times out
Thread 2 backs up and releases B as well
Thread 2 waits randomly (e.g. 43 millis) before retrying.
In the above example Thread 2 will retry taking the locks about 200
millis before Thread 1 and will therefore likely succeed at taking both locks.
Thread 1 will then wait already trying to take lock A. When Thread 2 finishes,
Thread 1 will be able to take both locks too (unless Thread 2 or another thread
takes the locks in between).
If lock times out it does not necessarily mean that the threads had
deadlocked. It could also just mean that the thread holding the lock (causing
the other thread to time out) takes a long time to complete its task.
Additionally, if enough threads compete for the same resources they
still risk trying to take the threads at the same time again and again, even if
timing out and backing up. This may not occur with 2 threads each waiting
between 0 and 500 millis before retrying, but with 10 or 20 threads the
situation is different. Then the likeliness of two threads waiting the same time
before retrying (or close enough to cause problems) is a lot higher.
So what do the threads do if a deadlock is detected?
One possible action is to release all locks, backup, wait a random amount of
time and then retry. This is similar to the simpler lock timeout mechanism
except threads only backup when a deadlock has actually occurred. Not just
because their lock requests timed out. However, if a lot of threads are
competing for the same locks they may repeatedly end up in a deadlock even
if they back up and wait.
A better option is to determine or assign a priority of the threads so that
only one (or a few) thread backs up. The rest of the threads continue taking the
locks they need as if no deadlock had occurred. If the priority assigned to the
threads is fixed, the same threads will always be given higher priority. To
avoid this you may assign the priority randomly whenever a deadlock is
6.7 Summary
The idea of multiple threads of control within a single program may seem like
a new and difficult concept, but it is not. All programs have at least one thread
already, and multiple threads in a single program are not radically different
from multiple programs within an operating system. A Java program can
contain many threads, all of which may be created without the explicit
knowledge of the developer. For now, when a Java application is written, there
is an initial thread that begins its operation by executing the main() method of
Threads are Java's way of running multiple, parallel code segments
simultaneously. They are a lightweight process that does not have all the
overhead that a normal process has. Threads do not make complete new copies
of variables in the way that the C/C++ fork command does, allowing for faster
thread startup. It also means that threads have access to each other's data. This
can make communication among threads easier, but synchronization of data
access may be a problem. Threads are based on the class Thread and can be
implemented by either extending class Thread or using the interface Runnable.
Using Runnable, you can add threading to existing classes.
All threads implement the init, start, stop, and run methods. init is
called the first time a thread is started, and it is a good place to put
initialization code. start is called any time a thread is started. This is usually
where thread initialization is done and the thread is actually started. stop is
used to stop the execution of a thread and usually contains code that will
terminate the main body of the thread. Finally, run is started by start and
normally contains the body of the thread code.
The problem of multiple threads modifying the same variable can arise
due to the structure of Java, which allows threads access to common variables.
This can be controlled using synchronization, which can be used on an object
or on a method, and ensures that only one thread can execute a block of code
at a given time
How are threads similar to multitasking?
What Java interface must be implemented by all threads?
What thread method do you call to start a thread?
What method does Java call to get a thread started?
What are the methods to stop threads?
What is the difference between suspending and stopping a thread?
How do you ensure that threads share the computer's processor properly?
When would you use the synchronized keyword?
What's the difference between a thread created as a subclass of
java.lang.Thread and one created as an implementation of Runnable?
10. Why should synchronized blocks of code call wait()?
11. Why would you use a synchronized block vs. synchronized method?
12. What's the difference between the methods sleep() and wait()?
13. What do you understand by Synchronization?
14. There are two classes: A and B. The class B need to inform a class A when
some important event has happened. What Java technique would you use
to implement it?
JAVA Applets
7.1 Introduction
Although Java is a general-purpose programming language suitable for a large
variety of tasks, the task most people use it for is applet programming. An
applet is a Java program that executes on a World Wide Web page. Applets
are being used to accomplish far more than demonstrative goals. An applet is a
small program that is intended not to be run on its own, but rather to be
embedded inside another application....The Applet class provides a standard
interface between applets and their environment. Following are the four
definitions of applet
A small application
A secure program that runs inside a web browser
A subclass of java.applet.Applet
An instance of a subclass of java.applet.Applet
The current uses of applets include the following,
Tickertape-style news and sports headline updates
Animated graphics
Video games
Student tests
Image maps that respond to mouse movement
Advanced text displays
Database reports
An applet can
Draw pictures on a web page
Create a new window and draw in it.
Play sounds.
Receive input from the user through the keyboard or the mouse.
Make a network connection to the server from which it came and can send
to and receive arbitrary data from that server.
An applet cannot
Write data on any of the host's disks.
Read any data from the host's disks without the user's permission. In some
environments, notably Netscape, an applet cannot read data from the user's
disks even with permission.
Delete files
Read from or write to arbitrary blocks of memory, even on a non-memoryprotected operating system like the MacOS. All memory access is strictly
Make a network connection to a host on the Internet other than the one
from which it was downloaded.
Call the native API directly (though Java API calls may eventually lead
back to native API calls).
Introduce a virus or trojan horse into the host system.
An applet is not supposed to be able to crash the host system. However in
practice Java isn't quite stable enough to make this claim yet.
7.2 Applet Examples
The Java programming language and libraries enable to create applets that are
as simple or as complex as needed.
The Simplest Java Applet
Consider the following example,
import java.applet.*;
public class MyApplet extends Applet
The first line of example tells the Java compiler that this applet will be
using some or all of the classes defined in the applet package. The second line
of code declares a new class called MyApplet. This new class is declared as
public so that the class can be accessed when the applet is run in a Web
browser or in the Appletviewer application. If applet class is not declared as
public, the code will compile fine, but the applet will refuse to run. In other
words, all applet classes must be public. When this applet is compiled, a class
file called MyApplet.class, which is the byte-code file that can be executed by
the Java system will be created. To run the applet, just create an HTML
document called MyApplet.html as shown below,
<title>Applet Test Page</title>
<h1>Applet Test Page</h1>
The "Hello World" Applet
Following are the steps with example to create and use applets,
1. Create a Java Source File
Create a file named with the Java code shown here:
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
public class HelloWorld extends Applet {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawString("Hello world!", 50, 25);
2. Compile the Source File
Compile the source file using the Java compiler. If the compilation succeeds,
the compiler creates a file named HelloWorld.class in the same directory
(folder) as the Java source file ( This class file contains Java
3. Create an HTML File that Includes the Applet
Using a text editor, create a file named Hello.html in the same directory that
contains HelloWorld.class. This HTML file should contain the following text:
<TITLE> A Simple Program </TITLE>
Here is the output of my program:
Here, applets are embedded in web pages using the <APPLET> and
</APPLET> tags. The CODE attribute tells the browser where to look for the
compiled .class file. It is relative to the location of the source document The
CODEBASE attribute contains a URL that points at the directory where the
.class file is. The CODE attribute is the name of the .class file itself. For
instance if on the HTML page of the previous section
<applet code="HelloWorldApplet" codebase="classes"
width="200" height="200">
Then the browser would have tried to find HelloWorldApplet.class in
the classes directory in the same directory as the HTML page that included the
applet. On the other hand if you had written
<applet code="HelloWorldApplet"
codebase= width="200" height="200">
regardless of where the HTML page was.
The HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes specifies how big a rectangle the
browser should set aside for the applet. These numbers are specified in pixels
and are required.
4. Run the Applet
To run the applet, load the HTML file into an application that can run Java
applets. This application might be a Java-compatible browser or another Java
applet viewing program, such as the Applet Viewer provided in the JDK. To
load the HTML file, you usually need to tell the application the URL of the
HTML file that is created. For example, enter something like the following
into a browser's URL or Location field,
After the completion of these steps, output looks like this,
7.3 The java.applet.Applet Class
The Applet class is used to create, execute, and stop running applets. It is part
of the format and structure that enables applets to run. The Applet class also
provides applet-specific methods. Most of the code in an applet is no different
from that in an application. Both use java.lang classes, for example, to do
arithmetic functions and string manipulations. Some methods, however, are
applet specific and require the presence of a Java-enabled browser. For
example, one of these methods is used to retrieve and play an audio clip from
across the Net. All the Applet methods are described as follows,.
The destroy() method schedules with the Java interpreter to notify the
garbage collector to sweep up unused resources.
The getAppletContext() method returns the environment in which the
applet is running. This is usually the browser or applet viewer name.
The getAppletInfo() method returns a string that was passed to it. It is
called when the applet information is requested from the applet viewer.
getAudioClip(URL) and getAudioClip(URL, String)
The getAudioClip(URL) and getAudioClip(URL, String) methods get an
audio clip.
The getCodeBase() method gets the base URL-that is, it returns the directory
path in which the applet was started.
gets the document URL.
getImage(URL) and getImage(URL, String)
gets an image retrieved from the URL argument location.
getParameter(String) and getParameterInfo()
The getParameter() method gets a parameter or an array of strings
describing the applet. This information should be overridden in applets so that
other applets can access the specific information.
The init() method initializes the applet. This method normally should be
overridden in code, which allows specifying precisely how the applet will be
play(URL) and play(URL, String)
The play() method plays an audio clip retrieved by getAudioClip.
resize(int, int) and resize(Dimension)
The resize() method resizes an applet. The dimensions are in pixels.
The setStub() method sets the applet stub. Generally, this function is
performed automatically by the system.
The showStatus() method shows a status message in the applet's context.
start() and stop()
The start() method starts the applet and the stop() method stops the applet
returns true if the applet is active. The status of the method is
immediately before start is executed. See Listing 10.9 for a
demonstration of the use of isActive().
7.4 The Five Stages of an Applet's Life Cycle
Every Java applet inherits a set of default behaviors from the Applet class. In
most cases, these default behaviors do nothing, unless some of Applet's
methods are overriden in order to extend the applet's basic functionality. There
are five parts in a life cycle, each of which has a matching method that can be
overridden. The five stages of an applet's life cycle are as follows,
Initialization stage
In this stage applet object is created and loaded. Initialize the values that
must be valid when the applet runs. The initialization stage occurs only
once in the applet's life cycle. This can be done by overriding the init()
method of applet class.
Start stage.
This stage occurs when the system starts running the applet. The start stage
can occur right after the initialization stage or when an applet is restarted.
This usually happens when the user switches back to the applet's page after
viewing a different page in Web browser. The start stage can occur several
times over the life of the applet. To provide own start code, override the
start() method of Applet class.
Paint stage.
The paint stage occurs whenever the applet's display must be drawn on the
screen. This happens right after the applet's start stage, as well as whenever
the applet's display must be restored or changed. This can happen when the
applet is exposed from underneath another window or when the program
changes the applet's display in some way and explicitly repaints the applet.
Almost every applet will have a paint() method, which is overridden.
Stop stage.
The stop stage is the counterpart to the start stage. Java executes this stage
when the applet is no longer visible on the screen, such as when the user
switches to a different Web page. The default behavior for this cycle is to
keep the applet running in the background. To use stop cycle differently,
override the Applet class's stop() method.
Destroy stage.
This is the counterpart to the initialization stage and occurs when the
system is about to remove the applet from memory. Like the initialization
cycle, the destroy cycle occurs only once. Before applet exists, resources
are cleaned up.This can also be done by overriding the Applet class's
destroy() method.
Consider an example to override life cycle methods here the statement import
java.awt.* is used to override paint() method,
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class MyApplet2 extends Applet
public void init()
// Place initialization cycle code here.
public void start()
// Place start cycle code here.
public void paint(Graphics g)
// Place paint cycle code here.
public void stop()
// Place stop cycle code here.
public void destroy()
// Place destroy cycle code here.
7.5 Methods for Adding UI Components
In Java, windowing and other graphical user interface functions are handled by
the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) (discussed in detail in Unit-8). The
AWT is a set of classes used to build a graphical user interface for Java
applications and applets. It also includes classes to handle graphics, fonts,
color, and an Event class which enable programs to respond to mouse clicks,
mouse movements, and keyboard input. It enables programmers to easily
create the following features for programs:
Windows and dialog boxes
Pull-down menus
Buttons, labels, checkboxes, and other simple user interface components
Text areas, scroll bars, and other more sophisticated user interface
Layout managers to control the placement of user interface components
This topic focuses on how the AWT can be used in the development of
applets. However, the same methods apply to the creation of applications.
Simple Components
Abstract Windowing Toolkit, makes graphical user interface with components.
Each element manipulated with a windowing program is represented by its
own component. There are components for buttons, text fields, scroll bars. To
use these components in a program, one must put them into some kind of
container. A container is a blank slate where graphical user interface
components can be put. All containers in Java are subclasses of the Container
class. There are two basic types of containers:
The Window class: Pop-up windows separate from the main program. There
are two subclasses of Window: Frame (windows that have a border and menu
bar) and Dialog (a special window used in applications to select a file).
The Panel class: A container that represents a section of an existing window.
The Applet class is a container that is a subclass of the Panel class.
Components are placed directly on an applet or use Panel objects to subdivide
the applet into smaller sections.
A Panel container is not visible when it is added to an applet. Its
purpose is to provide a way to organize components when they are being laid
out in a window. Consider an example for an applet that has a
new Panel added to its surface. It does not produce any output other than a
blank window.
import java.awt.*;
public class Sample extends java.applet.Applet {
Panel p = new Panel();
public void init() {
The method call that puts the Panel object p on the applet window is
the statement add(p). The add() method is used whenever a component of any
kind is added to a container.
The Button component is a rectangular button that can be pushed by clicking
it with a mouse. The following code is used to create a Button component and
add it to an applet window,
Button b = new Button("Cancel");add(b);
The add(b) method does not refer to a specific container object, so it defaults
to the applet itself, adding the button to the applet surface.
Text Fields
The TextField component is an input box in which a user can type a single
line of text. The number of characters that can be visible in the text field is
configurable. The following code is used to create a TextField component
and add it to an applet window,
TextField t = new TextField(12);
The parameter 12 in the constructor TextField(12) sets up the text
field so that around 12 characters can be displayed in the field at one time. The
user can type more characters than that, but only some of the characters will
be displayed.
The Label component is a string of text displayed on the container; it cannot
be modified by the user. The following code is used to create a Label
component and add it to an applet window:
Label l = new Label("address: ");
The parameter in the constructor Label("address: ") identifies the text to
be displayed.
The Checkbox component is a toggle box that can be either selected-marked
with a checkmark-or unselected. The checkbox usually has a line of text next
to it explaining what the box signifies. The following code is used to create a
component and add it to an applet window,
Checkbox c = new Checkbox("HI");
The parameter in the constructor CheckBox("HI") identifies the text to be
7.6 Methods for Drawing and Event Handling
An event is a way for a program to communicate that something has taken
place. Events generate automatic calls to methods in the same way that a
method can be called automatically when an applet window has to be
redrawn, or an init() method is called automatically when an applet is first
Events can involve a user interface element-such as a button that has been
clicked. Events can also be something unrelated to the interface-such as an
error condition that causes the program to stop execution. In Java, the class
handles all events related to the user interface. There are two
kinds of events to consider: action events and scroll-list events.
Action Events
An action() event is generated by most user interface components to signify
that an event has taken place. This means different things depending on the
For buttons, an event means that the button has been clicked.
For checkboxes, an event means that the box has been selected or
For lists or choice lists, an event means that one of the list items has been
For text fields, an event means that the Enter key has been pressed to
indicate that user input is completed.
The action() method of the Event class takes the following form,
public boolean action(Event e, Object o) {
// method code here
All user interface components that generate an action event do so by calling
the action() method. To determine which component generated the eventand to gather some other information about what occurred-there are two
parameters to the action() method: an instance of the Event class and an
The following example creates three buttons on an
applet window and sets a TextField in response to the button that was
import java.awt.*;
public class Buttons extends java.applet.Applet {
Button b1 = new Button("country");
Button b2 = new Button("state");
Button b3 = new Button("place");
TextField t = new TextField(50);
public void init() {
public boolean action(Event e, Object o) {
if ( instanceof Button) {
String s = (String)o;
if ( s.equals("country") )
else if ( s.equals("state") )
return true;
To test the applet, create an HTML file with the source code given in example
<applet code="Buttons.class" height=100 width=475>
Scroll Bar Events
The Scrollbar component uses the handleEvent() method which takes the
following form,
public boolean handleEvent(Event e) {
// method code here
takes only one parameter: an instance of the Event
class. Using the target variable of the Event class, one can determine which
component generated the event and respond to it. The following example
sets a value in a text field based on user input to a scroll bar.
import java.awt.*;
public class Scroller extends java.applet.Applet {
Label l = new Label("Choose Your Own Tax Rate: ");
TextField t = new TextField("50%", 3);
public void init() {
public boolean handleEvent(Event e) {
if ( instanceof Scrollbar) {
int taxrate = ((Scrollbar);
t.setText(taxrate + "%");
return true;
return false;
Compile the file and create a Web page Scroller.html to put the applet on.
<applet code="Scroller.class" height=200 width=200>
7.7 Summary
This chapter describes about how to write an applet, java.applet class, Applet
life cycle and methods like init, start, and paint. The init and start methods,
along with stop and destroy, are called when major events (milestones) occur
in the applet's life cycle. The paint method is called when the applet needs to
draw itself to the screen. Need for HTML pages which uses the <APPLET>
tag. When a browser user visits a page that contains an applet. The Applet
class extends the AWT class, which enables to use components,event
handling. This chapter provided a framework for the development of applets,
but the actual details of AWT classes are coming up in the next unit.
1. What is the superclass for all applets?
2. Why do applet classes need to be declared as public?
3. What are the five life-cycle stages of an applet?
4. How is the paint cycle different from the rest of the life-cycle stages?
5. What's the difference between the initialize and start life-cycle stages?
6. What do the life-cycle methods in the Applet superclass do?
7. Write a simple do-nothing applet called TestApplet. Override the paint()
method in TestApplet so that the applet displays the text string "Hello
there!." The final applet should look like this,
8. Draw ten red circles in a vertical column in the center of the applet.
9. Create a simple holiday card applet using simple graphics for the next
10. Why does an applet have no main() method?
11. What class must be extended when you code an applet?
12. What is the role of the Graphics object?
13. What set of tags is embedded in a text file to tell the browser how to treat
each section of text?
14. What method of your applet is called by the browser when it wishes to
display it on the monitor?
15. Write an applet that displays your name centered in a circle in the middle
of the applet.
16. Write an applet that displays a set of three concentric circles of different
colors centered in the applet.
17. Draw a large asterisk * in the center of the applet by drawing three lines
that intersect in the center.
18. Write an applet that shows two squares. The user should be able to drag
either square with the mouse.
19. How do you cause the applet GUI in the browser to be refreshed when data
in it may have changed?
20. Write the method to display an applet in the browser, so that the contents
are contained in a rectangle around the phrase "Exercise Applet".
Appendix A
Java Language Summary
Reserved Words
The following words are reserved for use by the Java language itself (some of
them are reserved but not currently used). These terms cannot be used to refer
to classes, methods, or variable names:
/* this is the format of a multiline comment */
// this is a single-line comment
/** Javadoc comment */
Type int
number[l | L]
Type long
Hex integer
Hex integer
Octal integer
Type double
number[ f | f]
Type float
number[ d | D]
Type double
[ + | - ] number
Single character
Empty string
Line feed
Form feed
Carriage return
Double quote
Single quote
Unicode escape (NNNN is hex)
Variable Declaration
[ byte | short | int | long
] varname
Integer (pick one type)
[ float | double ] varname
Float (pick one type)
char varname
boolean varname
classname varname
Class type
Multiple variables
The following options are available only for class and instance variables. Any
of these options can be used with a variable declaration:
[ static ] variableDeclaration
Class variable
[ final ] variableDeclaration
Variable Assignment
variable = value
Postfix Increment
Prefix Increment
Postfix Decrement
Prefix Decrement
Add and assign
Subtract and assign
Multiply and assign
Divide and assign
Access control
Modulus and assign
and assign
and assign
variable ^= value XOR
and assign
Left-shift and assign
Right-shift and assign
<<<= Zero-fill,
right-shift, and
arg + arg
arg - arg
arg * arg
arg / arg
arg % arg
arg < arg
Less than
arg > arg
Greater than
arg <= arg
Less than or equal to
arg >= arg
Greater than or equal to
arg == arg
arg != arg
Not equal
arg && arg
Logical AND
arg || arg
Logical OR
! arg
Logical NOT
arg & arg
arg | arg
arg ^ arg
arg << arg
arg >> arg
arg >>> arg
Zero-fill right-shift
~ arg
Instance of
Tenary (if) operator
new class( );
Create new instance
new class(arg,arg,arg...)
New instance with parameters
Instance variable
Class variable
Class variable
object.method( )
Instance method (no args)
object.classmethod( )
Class.classmethod( )
Instance method
Class method (no args)
Class method
Class method (no args)
Class method
Type varname[ ]
Array variable
type[ ] varname
Array variable
New array object
Element access
Length of array
Loops and Conditionals
if ( test) block
if ( test ) block
else block
Conditional with else
switch (test) {
case value : statements
case value : statements
(only with int or char
default : statement}
for (initializer; test;
change ) block
while ( test ) block
do block while (test)
break [ label ]
Break from loop or switch
continue [ label ]
Continue loop
Labeled loops
Class Definitions
class classname block
Simple class definition
[ final ] class classname block
No subclasses
[ abstract ] class classname block
Cannot be instantiated
[ public ] class classname block
Accessible outside package
class classname [ extends Superclass ]
class classname [ implements interfaces
] block
Define superclass
Implement one or more
Method and Constructor Definitions
The basic method looks like this, where returnType is a type name, a class name, or
returnType methodName() block
Basic method
...) block
Method with parameters
Method parameters look like this:
type parameterName
Method variations can include any of the following optional keywords:
[ abstract ] returnType methodName( ) block
Abstract method
[ static ] returnType methodName( ) block
Class method
[ native ] returnType methodName( ) block
Native method
[ final ] returnType methodName( ) block
Final method
[ public | private | protected ] returnType
methodName( )
Thread lock before executing
Access control
Constructors look like this:
classname() block
Basic constructor
parameter...) block
[ public | private | protected] classname()
Constructor with parameters
Access control
In the method/constructor body, you can use these references and methods:
Refers to current object
Refers to superclass
Calls a superclass's method
Calls class's constructor
Calls superclass's constructor
return [ value ]
Returns a value
Imports specific class name
import package.*
Imports all classes in package
package packagename
Classes in this file belong to this package
interface interfaceName [ extends anotherInterface ]
[ public ] interface interfaceName block
[ abstract ] interface interfaceName block
synchronized ( object )
try block
Waits for lock on object
Guarded statements
Executed if exception is thrown
[ finally block ]
Always executed
try block
[ catch ( exception )
Same as previous example (can use optional catch or
block ]
finally block
but not both)
Appendix B
The Java Class Library
This appendix provides a general overview of the classes available in the standard
Java packages.
The java.lang package contains the classes and interfaces that are the core of
the Java language.
Interface indicating that an object may be copied or cloned
Methods for classes that want to run as threads
Object wrapper for boolean values
Object wrapper for byte values (Java 1.1)
Object wrapper for char values
Runtime representations of classes
Abstract behavior for handling loading of classes
System class that gives access to the Java compiler
Object wrapper for double values
Object wrapper for float values
Object wrapper for int values
Object wrapper for long values
Utility class for math operations
Abstract superclass of all number classes (Integer,
and so on)
Generic Object class, at top of inheritance hierarchy
Abstract behavior for processes such as those spawned
using methods in the System class
Access to the Java runtime
Abstract behavior for implementing security policies
Object wrapper for short values (Java 1.1)
Character strings
Mutable strings
Access to Java's system-level behavior, provided in a
platform-independent way.
Methods for managing threads and classes that run in
Class of object thrown when a thread is asynchronously
A group of threads
Generic exception class; all objects thrown must be
Object wrapper for void types (Java 1.1)
The java.util package contains various utility classes and interfaces,
including random numbers, system properties, and other useful classes.
Methods for enumerating sets of values
Methods for enabling classes to observe Observable objects
A set of bits
The current system date as well as methods for generating and
parsing dates
An abstract class that maps between keys and values (superclass
of HashTable)
A hash table
An abstract class for observable objects
A hash table that contains behavior for setting and retrieving
persistent properties of the system or a class
Utilities for generating random numbers
A stack (a last-in-first-out queue)
Utilities for splitting strings into individual "tokens"
A growable array of Objects
The package provides input and output classes and interfaces for
streams and files.
typed input streams
typed output streams
Methods for filtering filenames
A buffered input stream
A buffered output stream
An input stream from a byte array
An output stream to a byte array
Enables you to read primitive Java types (ints,
chars, booleans,
and so on) from a stream in a
machineb independent way
Enables you to write primitive Java data types
(ints, chars, booleans, and so on) to a stream
in a machine-independent way
Represents a file on the host's file system
Holds onto the UNIX-like file descriptor of a
file or socket
An input stream from a file, constructed using a
filename or descriptor
An output stream to a file, constructed using a
filename or descriptor
Abstract class that provides a filter for input
streams (and for adding stream functionality
such as buffering)
Abstract class that provides a filter for output
streams (and for adding stream functionality
such as buffering)
An abstract class representing an input stream of
bytes; the parent of all input streams in this
An input stream that keeps track of line numbers
An abstract class representing an output stream
of bytes; the parent of all output streams in this
A piped input stream, which should be
connected to a PipedOutputStream to be useful
A piped output stream, which should be
connected to a PipedInputStream to be useful
(together they provide safe communication
between threads)
An output stream for printing (used by
An input stream with a one-byte push-back
Provides random access to a file, constructed
from filenames, descriptors, or objects
Converts a sequence of input streams into a
single input stream
Converts an input stream into a series of
individual tokens
An input stream from a String object
The package contains classes and interfaces for performing network
operations, such as sockets and URLs.
Methods for creating ContentHandler objects
Methods for creating socket implementations (instance
of the SocketImpl class)
Methods for creating URLStreamHandler objects
Abstract behavior for reading data from a URL
connection and constructing the appropriate local object,
based on MIME types
A datagram packet (UDP)
A datagram socket
An object representation of an Internet host (host name,
IP address)
A server-side socket with support for transmitting data
to multiple client sockets (Java 1.1)
A server-side socket
A socket
An abstract class for specific socket implementations
An object representation of a URL
Abstract behavior for a socket that can handle various
Web-based protocols (http, ftp, and so on)
Turns strings into x-www-form-urlencoded format
Abstract class for managing streams to object referenced
by URLs
The java.awt package contains the classes and interfaces that make up the
Abstract Windowing Toolkit.
Methods for laying out containers
Methods for menu-related containers
A layout manager for arranging items in border formation
A UI pushbutton
A canvas for drawing and performing other graphics
A layout manager for HyperCard-like metaphors
A checkbox
A group of exclusive checkboxes (radio buttons)
A toggle menu item
A popup menu of choices
An abstract representation of a color
The abstract generic class for all UI components
Abstract behavior for a component that can hold other
components or containers
A window for brief interactions with users
An object representing width and height
An object representing events caused by the system or based
on user input
A dialog box for getting filenames from the local file system
A layout manager that lays out objects from left to right in
An abstract representation of a font
Abstract class for holding information about a specific font's
character shapes and height and width information
A top-level window with a title
Abstract behavior for representing a graphics context and for
drawing and painting shapes and objects
Constraints for components laid out using GridBagLayout
A layout manager that aligns components horizontally and
vertically based on their values from GridBagConstraints
A layout manager with rows and columns; elements are added
to each cell in the grid
An abstract representation of a bitmap image
Distances from the outer border of the window; used to lay
out components
A text label for UI components
A scrolling list
A way to keep track of the status of media objects being
loaded over the Net
A menu that can contain menu items and is a container on a
menu bar
A menu bar (container for menus)
The abstract superclass of all menu elements
An individual menu item
A container that is displayed
An object representing a point (x and y coordinates)
An object representing a set of points
An object representing a rectangle (x and y coordinates for the
top corner, plus width and height)
A UI scroll bar object
A multiline, scrollable, editable text field
The superclass of all editable text components
A fixed-size editable text field
Abstract behavior for binding the abstract AWT classes to a
platform-specific toolkit implementation
A top-level window and the superclass of the Frame and
The java.awt.image package is a subpackage of the AWT that provides
interfaces and classes for managing bitmap images.
Methods for receiving image created by an ImageProducer
Methods for tracking the loading and construction of an
Methods for producing image data received by an
An abstract class for managing color information for images
A filter for cropping images to a particular size
A specific color model for managing and translating pixel
color values
An ImageProducer that takes an image and an ImageFilter
object and produces an image for an ImageConsumer
A filter that takes image data from an ImageProducer,
modifies it in some way, and hands it off to an
A specific color model for managing and translating color
values in a fixed-color map
An image producer that gets its image from memory; used
after constructing an image by hand
An ImageConsumer that retrieves a subset of the pixels in an
Abstract behavior for a filter that modifies the RGB values of
pixels in RGB images
The java.awt.peer package is a subpackage of the AWT that provides the
platform-specific AWT classes (for example, Motif, Macintosh, Windows 95)
with platform-independent interfaces to implement.
Each class in the AWT that inherits from either Component or
has a corresponding peer class. Each of those classes is the
name of the Component with -Peer added (for example, ButtonPeer,
and WindowPeer). Because each one provides similar behavior,
they are not enumerated here.
The java.applet package provides applet-specific behavior.
Methods for referring to the applet's context
Methods for implementing applet viewers
Methods for playing audio files
The base applet class
Appendix D
Differences between Java and C/C++
Java language is highly derived from the C and C++ languages. It is important
to understand what aspects of C++ Java inherit. The focus of this appendix is
to point out the differences between Java and C++.
The Preprocessor
The C++ preprocessor basically performs an intelligent search-and-replace on
identifiers that have been declared using the #define directive. The problem
with the preprocessor approach is that it provides an easy way for
programmers to inadvertently add unnecessary complexity to a program. Also,
it is weak when it comes to type checking and validation.
Java does not have a preprocessor. Java uses constant data members in
place of the #define directive. The result is that Java source code is much
more consistent and easier to read than C++ source code. Additionally, Java
programs do not use header files. Java compiler builds class definitions
directly from the source code files, which contain both class definitions and
method implementations.
C++ programmers regularly use complex pointer arithmetic to create and
maintain dynamic data structures. This results in complex bugs.
The Java language does not support pointers. Java provides similar
functionality by making use of references. Java passes all arrays and objects
by reference. This approach prevents common errors caused by pointer
mismanagement. The reference approach also makes programming easier.
Any pointer task can be carried out just as easily and more reliably
with objects and arrays of objects. Java runtime system performs boundary
checking on all array indexing operations.
Structures and Unions
There are three types of complex data types in C++: classes, structures, and
unions. Java implements only one of these data types: classes. Java forces
programmers to use classes when the functionality of structures and unions is
In C, code is organized into functions, which are global subroutines accessible
to a program. C++ provides class methods. These are very similar to Java class
methods. Java has no functions. It forces programmers to bundle all routines
into class methods.
Multiple Inheritance
Multiple inheritance is a feature of C++ that allows deriving a class from
multiple parent classes. Although multiple inheritance is powerful, it is
complicated to use correctly and causes lots of problems. It is also very
complicated to implement from the compiler perspective.
Java does not support multiple inheritance. Instead, it provides
interfaces. Java interfaces provide object method descriptions, but contain no
C and C++ have no built-in support for text strings. The standard technique
adopted by C and C++ programmers is to use null-terminated arrays of
characters to represent strings.
In Java, strings are implemented as first-class objects (String and
Java's implementation of strings as objects provides several
The manner in which you create strings and access the elements of strings
is consistent across all strings on all systems.
Because the Java string classes are defined as part of the Java language,
and not part of some extraneous extension, Java strings function
predictably every time.
The Java string classes perform extensive runtime checking, which helps
eliminate troublesome runtime errors.
The goto Statement
The goto statement causes messy, impossible-to-understand, and sometimes
even impossible-to-predict code known as "spaghetti code." For this reason,
Java does not provide a goto statement. The Java language specifies goto as a
keyword, but its use is not supported.
Operator Overloading
Operator overloading, which is considered a prominent feature in C++, is not
supported in Java. Operator overloading is a technique of defining different
types of functionality for a fundamental operator, such as the addition operator
(+), based on the types of objects being added.
Automatic Coercions
Automatic coercion refers to the implicit casting of data types that sometimes
occurs in C and C++. For example, in C++, one can assign a float value to an
variable, which can result in a loss of information. Java does not support
C++-style automatic coercions. In Java, if coercions will result in a loss of
Variable Arguments
C and C++ allow declaring functions, such as printf, that take a variable
number of arguments. It is impossible for the compiler to thoroughly typecheck the arguments, which means problems, can arise at runtime. Again, Java
doesn't support variable arguments.
Command-Line Arguments
The command-line arguments passed from the system into a Java program
differ in a couple of ways from the command-line arguments passed into a
C++ program. First, the number of parameters passed differs between the two
languages. In C and C++, the system passes two arguments to a program: argc
and argv. argc specifies the number of arguments stored in argv. argv is a
pointer to an array of characters containing the actual arguments. In Java, the
system passes a single value to a program: args. args is an array of Strings
that contains the command-line arguments.
In C and C++, the command-line arguments passed into a program
include the name used to invoke the program. This name always appears as the
first argument and is rarely used. In Java, name of the program is already
known because it is the same name as the class, so there is no need to pass this
information as a command-line argument. Therefore, the Java runtime system
passes only the arguments following the name that invoked the program.