Administrator Guide for Respondus LockDown Browser Blackboard 6.3 - 8.x Edition (Version 1.1 - revised December, 2007) Table of Contents Getting Started - Introduction - Overview of Browser Application Administrator Functions - Login to Administrator Area - Institution ID - Control Panel - Server Profiles - Local Settings File Respondus LockDown Browser Building Block - Installing the LockDown Browser Building Block Distribution and Installation of Respondus LockDown Browser - System Requirements - Managed Installations and Updates - Distribution of the Setup Program - Installation of Browser - Updating Respondus LockDown Browser - Issues with Firewalls, Content Filters and Proxy Servers - Connection Diagnostics Instructor Guide - Introduction - Preparing an Assessment for Use with Respondus LockDown Browser - Enabling the Building Block in your Course - Requiring Respondus LockDown Browser for an Assessment - Preparing an Assessment when Building Blocks Cannot be Used - Respondus 3 Settings - Two Options for Publishing the Browser Requirements to Blackboard - Publishing a New Blackboard Assessment - Updating the Settings for an Existing Blackboard Assessment - Determining if LockDown Browser Settings are Set Correctly - Additional Tips and Suggestions - Making Online Exams Even More Secure - Advanced Features - Calculator - Spreadsheet Viewer - Working with Students Student Guide - Introduction - Installation - Startup 1 Getting Started Introduction Respondus LockDown Browser™ is a customized browser that increases the security of online testing in the Blackboard Learning System. When students use Respondus LockDown Browser to access an assessment, they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. Students are locked into an assessment until it is submitted for grading. Respondus LockDown Browser works with Blackboard 6.3 - 8.x (Basic or Enterprise). The best integration requires the installation of a Building Block on the Blackboard Enterprise server. The “Respondus LockDown Browser Building Block” can be downloaded from the Administrator Area of the Respondus web site. The Building Block will allow instructors to go to the Control Panel in Blackboard itself to set up a test for use with Respondus LockDown Browser. Respondus LockDown Browser can also be used with the “Basic” edition of the Blackboard Learning System, without installing a building block. This requires instructors to use Respondus 3.0.4 or higher (a separate authoring tool from Respondus Inc.). The Respondus 3.x software is used to publish the special assessment settings (used by Respondus LockDown Browser) to a Blackboard course. The Building Block approach provides instructors an easier method for setting up a test for use with Respondus LockDown Browser, but the student experience is the same regardless of the approach used by the instructor. Overview of Browser Application Respondus LockDown Browser is a client application that is installed to a local computer. It provides a custom interface for the Internet Explorer (Windows) or Safari (Macintosh) software that is already installed on the computer. It does not modify an existing copy of Internet Explorer or Safari, but rather, installs a separate program that will display the custom browser when it is started. Respondus LockDown Browser uses the same security features and service packs that are currently installed for Internet Explorer or Safari. Installing Respondus LockDown Browser won’t modify the current version of Internet Explorer or Safari in any way. Respondus LockDown Browser creates a “locked” testing environment for Blackboard assessments and includes the following features: Assessments are displayed full-screen and cannot be minimized Assessments cannot be exited until submitted by users for grading Task switching or access to other applications is prevented Printing functions are disabled Print Screen and capturing functions are disabled Copying and pasting anything to and from an assessment is prohibited Right-click menu options are disabled (Windows); key + click options are disabled (Macintosh) Browser menu and toolbar options are disabled except Back, Forward, Refresh and Stop Function keys (F1-F12) are disabled Source code for the HTML page cannot be viewed URLs cannot be typed by the user Hundreds of screen capture, messaging, screen-sharing and network monitoring applications are blocked from running The browser automatically starts at the institution’s login page for Blackboard Links in questions that point to other servers don’t compromise the “locked” testing environment Pages from the assessment aren’t cached or stored in the browser’s history listing And many other features... 2 Respondus LockDown Browser is not intended to replace the browser used by faculty or students within Blackboard. Respondus LockDown Browser is only intended for use by students while taking assessments that have been prepared for use with Respondus LockDown Browser. This browser has not been tested for use in other areas of the Blackboard Learning System. Technical Requirements for Browser Installation Windows Windows Vista, XP, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows 98 Internet Explorer (configured to the minimum requirements for the Blackboard platform) 1 MB of permanent space on the hard drive Macintosh OS X 10.3.9 or higher (Power PC or Intel) Safari browser 2 MB of free hard drive space 512 MB RAM 3 Administrator Functions Login to Administrator Area The login page for the Administrator Area of the Respondus web site is located at The User ID and Password for accessing this area is contained in the welcome email that was sent to the administrator of the license. Once logged in, select the product link “LockDown Browser License.” This page will display account information, server profiles, a login link for the Control Panel, a download area for the Respondus LockDown Browser software, a download link for the Building Block, user guides, and other information. Institution ID Each institution is provided with a unique “Institution ID” which is displayed throughout the Administrator Area for Respondus LockDown Browser. The Institution ID is used to link a client installation of Respondus LockDown Browser to a particular institution. In situations where the administrator or user is asked to enter the Institution ID, only enter the numeric portion of the Institution ID (not the name of the institution itself). Control Panel The Control Panel allows the administrator to create, modify or delete a “server profile” for an institution. For security purposes, a separate login is required to access the Control Panel area (the login information for the Control Panel is contained in the welcome email sent to the administrator of the license). Warning: Changes to the Control Panel are institution-wide and will appear immediately to faculty and students. Use extra caution within the Control Panel area. Server Profiles The functions and appearance of Respondus LockDown Browser are determined by the server profile(s) created by the administrator of the license. For example, one setting in the server profile specifies the login page for the institution’s Blackboard server, which is then used by the browser when it is first started. A server profile is created for each distinct course management system that’s in use at an institution. Most institutions will have only one server profile. If more than one server profile is created, students must select from a list of servers each time Respondus LockDown Browser is started. By default, the server profile data for an institution is stored at the Respondus web site. When Respondus LockDown Browser is started, it will automatically go to the Respondus web site to obtain this information. However, an administrator can create a “local settings” file so that the server profile information is obtained from a local network or drive (see Local Settings File). Server profiles are created, modified, and deleted from the Control Panel area. A server profile requires the following information: Institution - The name and ID number assigned to the institution are displayed here. Consortium licenses may have multiple institution names and IDs listed. Make sure the correct institution is selected before making changes to a server profile. 4 Server Profile Name - Enter a name that succinctly describes the course management system server (eg. “Blackboard at ABC College”). If two or more server profiles are created for an institution, students will be presented with a list of the server profile names when Respondus LockDown Browser is started. They will need to choose a server before continuing. Check for newer version of LockDown Browser – This option requires Respondus LockDown Browser to check for a new version of the application each time it starts. The "Yes" setting will require all copies of LockDown Browser to check for a newer version, even if a "local settings" file is being used to obtain the server settings. The "Yes, except computers using local settings" will force a version check, but not if a "local settings" file is being used. Course Management System - Select the course management system being used at the institution: Blackboard, WebCT, etc. URL for Login Page of CMS - Enter the URL for the login page of your institution’s Blackboard server. If the login page is only available via a portal page, enter that URL instead. (The URL that is entered will be the start page for Respondus LockDown Browser.) Server Domain - Enter the domain for the Blackboard server, such as “”. Do not include “http” or “www” in the server domain. The following settings are optional for a server profile: Clear browser cookies at beginning of session - At the start of a browser session this setting will clear the cookies for the server domain specified above. The recommended setting is “yes”. Clear cached pages upon exit of LockDown Browser - Cached pages of an assessment can reside on a computer if they are not cleared upon exit of LockDown Browser. The recommended setting is “yes.” Exit Password (to allow a proctor to close the browser during quiz) - If a password is entered here, it will allow a proctor to assist a student in closing LockDown Browser during an assessment. This function is generally not needed because a key goal of LockDown Browser is to force students to complete the assessment before closing the browser. Administrators should be careful about distributing this password to proctors because if it falls into the hands of students, it will allow them to exit the browser at will during an assessment. During an assessment, the proctor can use this feature by clicking the ( i ) button on the toolbar, selecting Proctor Options, and then entering the password. Require Minimum Version Date – It is possible to force students to use a version of LockDown Browser that has been issued after a specified date. If the version is older than the date specified, then students will be forced to upgrade or exit the browser. Add to Blacklist - Hundreds of “blacklist” applications are prevented from running concurrently with LockDown Browser, including screen-capture, internet messaging, screen-sharing, virtual desktop, remote desktop, VNC, network monitoring and other communication applications. To append to the built-in blacklist, enter the executable file name. If the application uses a different “image name” in the Windows Task Manager, enter that name instead. Applications added to this list should be separated by a comma (eg. ScreenWatcher.exe, VideoGrabber.exe). LockDown Browser will block these applications at startup and offer to close the applications for the user. Remove from Blacklist - Hundreds applications are blocked (ie. blacklisted) by LockDown Browser, including screen-capture, internet messaging, screen-sharing, virtual desktop, remote desktop, VNC, network monitoring and other communication applications. However, it is possible for an administrator to allow a blacklisted program to run in the background when Respondus LockDown Browser is started. This option, essentially, removes an application from the blacklist. It’s important to note that students will be unable to “switch” to such an application once the browser has started. It simply allows the other application to continue running. Thus, this feature is only useful for certain applications, such as screen monitoring software or video capture software, 5 where it runs in the background. To allow a Windows application to run in the background, enter the executable file name (eg XYZ-Monitor.exe). If the Windows application uses a different “image name” in the Windows Task Manager, enter that name instead. For Macintosh applications, enter the application name without the ".app" extension (eg MacMonitor). Applications added to this list should be separated by a comma (eg. XYZ-Monitor.exe, ABC-Chat.exe, MacMonitor). Local Settings File Each time Respondus LockDown Browser is started on a client computer, it will look for a settings file (servers.cfg) that contains the Server Profile settings for the institution. By default, Respondus LockDown Browser will go to the Respondus web site to obtain these settings. However, an administrator can create a “local settings” file so that the settings are obtained from a local network or drive, thus bypassing the need to connect with the Respondus web site at startup. This approach is sometimes preferred in lab settings where the Respondus LockDown Browser software is installed on a network. It’s important to understand that if client computers are set up to use a local servers.cfg file, they will need to be updated each time the administrator makes a change with the Control Panel. The servers.cfg file will also need to be updated once a year when the license for Respondus LockDown Browser is renewed by the institution. These are important considerations when deciding whether to use a local settings file. To create a local settings file, log into the Administrator Area at the Respondus web site, select the product Respondus LockDown Browser, log into the Control Panel, and then select the link “Create a local settings file.” A list of the Server Profiles is shown. If there are multiple server profiles, select those that should be included in the local settings file. Then click the “Create File” button. You will be prompted to save the file to a local drive -- name the file “server.cfg”. For Windows computers, copy the server.cfg file to the “Respondus LockDown Browser” folder on the client computer (typically c:\Program Files\Respondus LockDown Browser\ ). For Macintosh computers, control-click on the application to bring up the contextual menu and select "Show Package Contents". Then copy the server.cfg file to this location. Once the server.cfg file is copied to the local computer, Respondus LockDown Browser will obtain it’s settings from the server.cfg file rather than from the Respondus web site. The local settings file can be removed at any time by deleting “server.cfg” from the client computer. 6 Respondus LockDown Browser Building Block The Respondus LockDown Browser Building Block can be used with the Blackboard Learning System Enterprise Edition release 6.3 and higher. Basic Edition users cannot install the Building Block but can still use Respondus LockDown Browser by publishing the assessments with the Respondus 3.x authoring tool (see Instructor Guide for further details). The Respondus LockDown Browser Building Block can only be downloaded from the Administrator Area of the Respondus web site. Each Building Block is customized during the download process from the Administrator Area, thus it cannot be obtained from any other location. Installing the Respondus LockDown Browser Building Block As the Blackboard Administrator, login with an account that can see the Administrator panel and specifically its Manage Building Blocks section. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Click the Building Blocks link from the System Admin tab and the Manage Building Blocks page will open. Click Install Building Blocks from the toolbar and the Install Building Block page will open. From here, click Browse and locate the Building Block file called Respondus_LDB_BuildingBlock_1.0.war. The path to the Building Block should appear in the field. Click Submit to upload the .war file to the Blackboard Academic Suite. Click OK to return to the Manage Building Blocks page. From the manage page, find the Respondus LockDown Browser Building Block within the list of installed Building Blocks. To enable the Respondus LockDown Browser Building Block select Available from the drop-down list. When the Building Block is first made available the list of permissions required by the Building Block is displayed. This is a security feature to protect the Blackboard Academic Suite from dangerous content. This step is required for Blackboard Learning System version 7.2 and above. To make the Building Block available for all courses on the server select Available from the Course/Org drop-down list. Alternatively the Building Block can be left as Unavailable from the Course/Org dropdown list and be made available in individual courses by the instructors (available on 7.2 and later systems). See the instructor user guide for details on how to make the Building Block available in a course. 9. 10. Click OK to make the Building Block available [to courses] and allow the listed permissions. The system will display a confirmation message that the Building Block is enabled. Click OK to return to the Manage Building Blocks page. The Building Block should now have a status of Available. 7 Distribution and Installation of Respondus LockDown Browser The extent to which the Respondus LockDown Browser software is distributed and installed is largely up to the institution itself (assuming it has a campus-wide license for the software). Some institutions may limit the installation to computer labs where proctored assessments are delivered. Other institutions may distribute the software widely, making it available to all faculty and students. System Requirements The system requirements for Respondus LockDown Browser are as follows: Windows Vista, XP, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows 98 Internet Explorer (configured to the requirements for the Blackboard platform) 1 MB of permanent space on the hard drive OS X 10.3.9 or higher (Power PC or Intel) Safari browser 2 MB of free hard drive space 512 MB RAM Managed Installations and Updates The Respondus LockDown Browser files can be installed to a shared network folder, or installed on each machine to reduce traffic. For Windows computer desktop management software (Altiris, Microsoft SMS, etc.) can be used to "push" the initial install as long as it supports creating a folder, copying files, registering OCX components, creating desktop/start menu shortcuts, and setting a registry key. Here are the details for new installations: 1. Program files (LockDown.exe, TaskKeyHook.dll, Rpupdate.exe, Ldbd.exe) must be stored together in a folder. Location is not important, but the install defaults to c:\program files\Respondus LockDown Browser. 2. Shared component files (Fpimage.dll, Fpspr70.ocx) must be copied to the Windows\System32 folder, and Fpspr70.ocx must be registered using REGSVR32.EXE or an equivalent feature in the management software for self-registering DLL files. 3. If used, the optional Local Settings File (server.cfg) must be stored in the same folder as the program files. Use of this file is explained in the “Administrator Functions” section of this guide. 4. If the Local Settings File is not used then a registry key string must be set with the 9-digit “Institution ID” provided to the administrator HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Respondus\ldbsk 5. Desktop and/or Start menu shortcuts to the LockDown.exe file. 6. For Windows XP computers a second registry key is needed (it is an empty REG_SZ): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Aut oplayHandlers\CancelAutoplay\CLSID\1D8B7201-261E-4CC5-A218-420CD49FD3EE Two kinds of updates can be pushed to machines: The Program files (see #1 above) can be updated when a new release of Respondus LockDown Browser is available If used, the Local Settings File (see #2 above) can -- and should -- be updated when the administrator makes changes to the “server profiles” (see the “Administrator Functions” section of this guide”). This file will also need to be updated annually when the license date for the Respondus LockDown Browser is set to expire. 8 For Macintosh computers, the folder that appears on a desktop following a web-installation of Respondus LockDown Browser ("LockDown Browser Install") can be pushed to other Macintosh computers for installation purposes. Distribution of the Setup Program The setup program or installer for Respondus LockDown Browser must be downloaded from a unique URL for your institution. The URL that contains the setup application for your institution is available from the Administrator Area of The URL is the same as the one shown below, however the "123456789" at the end of the URL is replaced by the 9-digit Institution ID for your own institution. Again, the complete URL, including the Institution ID for your institution, can be found at the Administrator Area for Respondus LockDown Browser. For Windows users, the Respondus LockDown Browser installer will be downloaded as a file named “LockDownSetup.exe”. If an institution wants to distribute the Windows setup application for LockDown Browser from its own network or web page (or even from a CD-ROM), simply download the “LockDownSetup.exe” file and distribute it as needed. For the Macintosh version of LockDown Browser, use the webinstall to download the LockDown Browser setup application to the Macintosh computer. Those files can be distributed as needed to Macintosh users. Installation of Browser (Windows) Follow these steps to install Respondus LockDown Browser (Windows): 1. Start your Windows computer 2. Confirm that a supported version of Internet Explorer is installed to your computer. This is accomplished by doing the following: Start Internet Explorer (if you are unsure how to do this, click the “Start” menu in Windows, click “Programs,” select “Internet Explorer”) Select “Help” from the menu bar in Internet Explorer and then select “About Internet Explorer” to make sure the version is 5.5 or higher. 3. Install the Respondus LockDown Browser software using a method described in the previous section “Distribution of the Setup Program.” 4. Start Respondus LockDown Browser using either the shortcut that appears on the Windows desktop or by going to Start > Respondus > LockDown Browser. Installation of Browser (Macintosh) Follow these steps to install the Macintosh version of Respondus LockDown Browser: 1. 2. 3. 4. Start the Macintosh computer (10.3.9 or higher). Start the Safari browser and go to the web-install URL for LockDown Browser. Select the web-install option listed for Macintosh computers. Following the installation, start Respondus LockDown Browser by clicking “Applications” and selecting “LockDown Browser”. 9 Updating Respondus LockDown Browser To update to the latest version of the Respondus LockDown Browser, start the browser, click the “information” ( i ) button on the toolbar, then the "Check for Newer Version" button. If an update is available, information about the update and a "Get Update" button will be displayed (unless administrator access isn't available on a Windows computer). Click the button, wait for the download to complete, and then exit the browser to complete the update. Administrator note: If access to Respondus servers (, is blocked by a firewall, the “Check for Newer Version” feature will display an error message. Issues with Firewalls, Content Filters and Proxy Servers Firewalls, content filters, proxy servers and software with similar functions such as Norton Internet Security can interfere with the installations, updates or operation of Respondus LockDown Browser. Problems can be related to other applications that are running on the client computer or on the institution gateway servers, or both. If the client computer allows full internet access to the "LockDown.exe" application and if the gateway servers allow port 80 HTTP access to, and, then most problems can be avoided. ”Installation” Issues The standard setup program or installer for Respondus LockDown Browser is delivered from and, so HTTP access to these sites is required unless the installer is hosted on a local server. ”Updating” Issues To use the "Check for Newer Version" feature in Respondus LockDown Browser (available from the ( i ) button on the toolbar), the computer must be able to connect to or using HTTP on port 80. ”Running” Issues The Respondus LockDown Browser application ("LockDown.exe" for Windows, "LockDown" for Macintosh) must be granted network access for any firewall, proxy or filtering applications running on the client computer. Respondus LockDown Browser blocks application switching, so changes must be applied to the computer before the browser is started. In fact, any "allow access?" popups that appear while Respondus LockDown Browser is running will be hidden underneath the browser so there is no way to answer yes or OK. Unless a "Local Settings File" is used, the browser must make an HTTP connection on port 80 to either or to obtain the server settings for the institution. It does this using the operating system's library rather than those used by Internet Explorer or Safari, so there may be programs on the computer that block access to the HTTP port 80 connections even though Internet Explorer is not blocked. The Windows version of Respondus LockDown Browser includes diagnostic tools which will appear if an Internet connection fails (see the next section). However, to troubleshoot a problem further, a network monitoring application can be used to see whether the HTTP requests from "LockDown.exe" (Windows) or "LockDown" (Macintosh) are being blocked by software on the client computer or if the requests are reaching the institution’s network and are being blocked by a gateway server. 10 Connection Diagnostics (Windows only) If the Windows version of Respondus LockDown Browser is unable to obtain a network connection at startup, a diagnostic tool will begin. Two sets of diagnostics are provided, including a “Network Connection” test and a “Browser Test”. Click the “Network Connection” button to start the first test, which analyzes the network connection, whether a proxy server is being used, if access to Respondus web servers is being blocked, and other checks. A list of all Windows processes is also displayed at the bottom. If an error or warning is displayed, try to resolve it before running the Browser Test. If you are unable to resolve an issue, copy the error report to the clipboard and submit the message to Respondus Support. When the “Browser Test” button is clicked, an Internet Explorer window will open and go to a browser diagnostic page. The page will display the version number for IE, whether Java/Javascript/Cookies are enabled, and whether a pop-up blocker is running. Since some Course Management Systems require Java Virtual Machine to be installed, a test for this can also be run. Try to resolve any errors that are shown. If you are unable to resolve a problem, copy the error message and submit it to Respondus Support. 11 Respondus LockDown Browser Instructor Guide [Administrator Note: A 2-page “Instructor Quick Start Guide” for Respondus LockDown Browser is available at . We highly recommend that this PDF guide be made available to faculty. What appears below is a more comprehensive user guide for instructors. Since this version of the guide is in MS Word format, it can easily be adapted and distributed as needed.] Introduction Respondus LockDown Browser™ is a customized browser that increases the security of test delivery in Blackboard. When students use Respondus LockDown Browser to access an exam, they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. Once an assessment is started, students are locked into it until it’s submitted for grading. For a complete list of features, visit the Respondus web site at It’s also recommended that you view the demonstration movie at Respondus LockDown Browser provides a custom interface for the Internet Explorer (Windows) or Safari (Macintosh) software that is already installed on a computer. It does not modify an existing copy of Internet Explorer or Safari, but rather, installs a separate program that displays a custom browser when it is started. Respondus LockDown Browser uses the same security features and service packs that are currently installed for Internet Explorer or Safari. Installing Respondus LockDown Browser won’t modify the current version of Internet Explorer or Safari in any way. Respondus LockDown Browser is not intended to replace the browser used by faculty or students within Blackboard. Respondus LockDown Browser is only intended for use by students while taking assessments that have been prepared for use with Respondus LockDown Browser. Preparing an Assessment for Use with Respondus LockDown Browser To require students to use the Respondus LockDown Browser, a Building Block must first be installed and enabled on the Blackboard server. The Building Block is available for the Blackboard Learning System Enterprise edition version 6.3 and higher. Basic edition users should consult the next section Preparing an Assessment when Building Blocks Cannot be Used for instructions on how to enable Respondus LockDown Browser using Respondus 3.5. Enabling the Building Block in your Course The Respondus LockDown Browser Building Block must be installed on the Blackboard Learning System (release 6.3 or higher) by the system administrator prior to using it in your course. If the system administrator has made the Building Block available for all courses then you will see the Respondus LockDown Browser tool listed under the available tools in your course. It will also appear as a link under the Course Tools section of your Control Panel. If the Respondus LockDown Browser Building Block does not appear in your course and it has been installed on the server by a system administrator then you can follow these steps to make it available. 1. Login to your course and select the Control Panel. 12 2. 3. 4. 5. Click Manage Tools from the Course Options panel and the Manage Tools page will open. Click Building Block Tool Availability to open the Building Block Tool Availability page. Click the Available checkbox beside the Respondus LockDown Browser row. Click Submit to enable the Building Block for your course. Requiring Respondus LockDown Browser for an Assessment To require the Respondus LockDown Browser for a test that has already been deployed in your Blackboard course, go to the Control Panel, locate the Course Tools section, and click the link for Respondus LockDown Browser. A list of Blackboard tests that have been deployed in your course will be displayed. Tests that currently require the use of Respondus LockDown Browser will have their title appended with “- Requires Respondus LockDown Browser” and show Enabled next to the Modify Settings button. Tests in the course that don’t currently require students to use Respondus LockDown Browser will show Not Enabled. Follow these steps to enable Respondus LockDown Browser for a test: 1. Click the Modify Settings button and a page will appear with several options. 2. Select the option for Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this test (you can turn off this requirement by selecting the option Don't require Respondus LockDown Browser for this test). 3. Optionally you may enter a test password that students must enter to start the test. The Respondus LockDown Browser will prompt students to enter the instructor-provided password before proceeding with the test. 4. Click Submit to require students to use Respondus LockDown Browser for this test. Preparing an Assessment when Building Blocks Cannot be Used If you are using the Blackboard Learning System Basic Edition (not Enterprise), then Building Blocks are not supported. The following instructions detail how to set up a test that requires Respondus LockDown Browser using the Respondus 3.x authoring tool. When Building Blocks are not available, the integration between Respondus LockDown Browser and Blackboard requires that instructors use the Respondus 3.x exam authoring tool to publish the assessment settings to the Blackboard course. The settings contain a secret password that prevents students using a regular browser from accessing the assessment. So the first step is to make sure the Respondus 3.x software is configured correctly. 13 Respondus 3.x Settings Instructors must have Respondus 3.0.4 or higher installed in order to upload the special assessment settings to Blackboard. Follow these steps to determine the version number for Respondus: > Start Respondus > Select “Help” from the menu bar > Select “About Respondus” > Confirm that the version is 3.0.4 or higher Once you have confirmed that Respondus 3.0.4 or higher is installed, next determine if the “Institution ID” for Respondus LockDown Browser has been entered. To do so, follow these steps: > Start Respondus > Select “File” from the menu bar > Select “LockDown Browser” > If necessary, enter the following Institution ID: XXXXXXXXX [Administrator Note: Replace the X’s above with the 9-digit “Institution ID” for Respondus LockDown Browser. This number is available from the Administrator Area of the Respondus web site, as well as the welcome letter for the Respondus LockDown Browser license.] [Administrator Note: If your institution uses the Campus-wide version of Respondus, it won’t be necessary to enter the Institution ID in Respondus.] Two Options for Publishing the Browser Requirements to Blackboard There are two ways to prepare an assessment so that students must use Respondus LockDown Browser to access it. The first method is used to create a new assessment and the second method is for updating an assessment that already exists in Blackboard. Both approaches require the instructor to use Respondus 3.x to upload the browser settings for the assessment to the Blackboard course. 1) Using Respondus 3.x to publish a new assessment to Blackboard so that it requires students to use Respondus LockDown Browser 1) Start Respondus 3.0.4 (or higher) and then open or create the assessment file. 2) If this step hasn’t been done previously, select “File” from the menu bar and then select “LockDown Browser.” Enter the 9-digit Institution ID provided by the administrator of your Respondus LockDown Browser license. 3) Select the “Settings” menu in Respondus 4) Select the “Security & Submissions” tab 5) Select the checkbox “Require LockDown Browser for this exam” 6) Select the “Preview & Publish” menu and then select the “Publish to Blackboard” tab 7) On the second page of the Publish Wizard, select “Apply Settings to Exam” 8) Complete the Publish Wizard To later make the test accessible with any browser (ie. not restricted to Respondus LockDown Browser), log into Blackboard as an instructor, go to the Control Panel, locate the test, select “Modify the Test Options” and then delete the “Password” for the test. 2) Using Respondus 3.x to update the settings for an existing assessment in Blackboard so that it requires students to use Respondus LockDown Browser 1) Start Respondus 3.0.4 (or higher) 14 2) If this step hasn’t been done previously, select “File” from the menu bar and then select “LockDown Browser.” Enter the 9-digit Institution ID provided by the administrator of your Respondus LockDown Browser license. 3) Open or create any file in Respondus (the file itself doesn’t matter) and then proceed to the “Preview & Publish” menu 4) Select the “Update Settings” tab 5) Follow the sequence for selecting the server, the course, and the exam. 6) Click the “Settings” button, select the “Availability” tab, and then select the option “Require Respondus Locked Browser for this exam” 7) Confirm that the other exam settings are set as wanted and then click “Publish New Settings” An Additional Explanation for Blackboard Users The “password” feature for a Blackboard assessment is the underlying technology used for the integration with Respondus LockDown Browser. It’s not essential that you fully understand how this process works, but a general understanding is helpful. To prepare a Blackboard assessment so that it requires students to use Respondus LockDown Browser, the Building Block or the Respondus 3.x software is used to publish a secret password to Blackboard’s “password” field for the assessment. The secret password is derived from a combination of the assessment name (eg. “Biology Midterm”) and a password entered by the instructor (if one is used). For example, if the name of an assessment is “Biology Midterm” and the instructor enters “iodine” as the assessment password, the secret password actually passed to Blackboard by the Building Block or Respondus 3.x might be: j4k59Rp*73iw1m. When a student begins the assessment, Respondus LockDown Browser will ask the student if a “password” is required for the assessment, as shown here: If a test password has been specified by the instructor (eg. “iodine”) the student will enter it at this time. If a test password isn’t required by the instructor, the student will select the “No” option and click "Continue". The next screen will display the real “password” screen in Blackboard and the secret password will be automatically filled in by Respondus LockDown Browser (using masked characters •••••••••). Students are instructed to simply click [Submit] to start the assessment. 15 If students attempt to access the assessment with a standard browser, they will be unable to get past Blackboard’s password page because they won’t know the secret password. Entering the password provided by the instructor (eg. “iodine”) won’t work because it is different than the secret password. Thus, students are prevented from accessing the assessment with any browser other than Respondus LockDown Browser. Important: Instructors should NOT edit the name of the assessment or the proctor password once the assessment has been Enabled with the Building Block or published to Blackboard using Respondus 3. To change the name of the assessment or the password that students enter, follow the instructions above for “Using Respondus 3 to update the settings for an existing assessment in Blackboard...”. Determining if the LockDown Browser Settings are Set Correctly To confirm that an assessment will require students to use Respondus LockDown Browser, open a standard web browser, log into Blackboard using a student account, and attempt to start the assessment. You should be unable to start the assessment if everything is set correctly. Next, start Respondus LockDown Browser (installation instructions appear below), log into Blackboard using a student account, and then start the assessment. If everything is set correctly, you should be able to start the assessment with Respondus LockDown Browser. Note: If you log into Blackboard as a student and access an assessment with Respondus LockDown Browser, you must “Finish” the assessment before the browser will let you exit. Additional Tips and Suggestions Make sure students know, well in advance, that they must use Respondus LockDown Browser to take an online exam. This is particularly important if students are required to install Respondus LockDown Browser to their own computer. It’s recommended that you create a “practice exam” that requires the use of Respondus LockDown Browser. It’s a good practice for instructors to preview the exam using Respondus LockDown Browser. The best approach is to log in as a student since instructor logins have different access rights. Previewing an exam is an especially good idea if a test password is being used. Once a Blackboard assessment is started with Respondus LockDown Browser, the exam will appear in a full-screen window and all other applications and links are locked down. The assessment cannot be exited without clicking the “Finish” button. If audio/video files are used in an assessment, the media player must be embedded in the question itself. This is the only way that students will have access to the control buttons, such as play, start, pause and stop. (Note that the Macintosh version of LockDown Browser, which uses the Safari engine, doesn't offer the same breadth of support for embedded media. However embedded MP# and QuickTime files will work fine.) 16 Respondus LockDown Browser will maintain the “locked” testing environment even if a question contains a link to another web page (which opens another, secure browser window). However, all links that may appear on the new web page will be blocked, so be sure the content that students must see is available from the initial, linked page. Making Online Exams Even More Secure Respondus LockDown Browser is an important tool for preventing cheating on online exams, but it’s not a total solution. For example, students working from remote locations could use two computers at once (one for taking the exam, the other for accessing other applications). Students could use digital cameras to capture the screen content, send text messages on mobile phones, or simply refer to printed notes. Additional methods can be employed that further reduce the risk of cheating and ensure that students know the course material. Each approach below provides another “layer of security.” Even one or two of these items can often provide sufficient security for most assessments. Proctors - Having students take an exam in a room being monitored by a proctor is a major deterrent to most forms of cheating. Enhance this method by having the proctor check the identification of the student prior to the start the exam, placing web cameras throughout the room, or using a “test password” (see next item). For distance courses, proctored settings can be established in other cities, even other countries. Because of the time and expense required for a proctored setting, proctors are sometimes used only with high-stake assessments (eg. midterms, finals). Assessment Passwords (Bb setting) - An assessment password prevents students from accessing the exam until a password has been supplied. Assessment passwords can be typed by the proctors themselves (for added security) or conveyed to the student at the start of the assessment. Disallow Multiple Attempts (Bb setting) - By only allowing one attempt for an assessment, students won’t be able to determine the questions in the assessment, look up the answers at a later time, and then retake the assessment. Limit Initial Feedback to “Score Only” (Bb setting) - Select “Score Only” for the initial Feedback Mode. This will prevent students from viewing, printing or copying questions after they have completed the exam. Once all students have completed the exam, the Feedback Mode can be changed so that more detailed feedback can be seen by the student. To protect questions for future terms, the “Score Only” setting should only be used. Answer Randomization (Bb setting) - Answer choices to multiple choice questions can easily be randomized. This setting is selected at the time a question is created. Randomize Questions (Bb setting) - Question randomization is a good deterrent for assessments delivered in a classroom setting. Some versions of Blackboard allow question randomization for an entire assessment to be turned on with a single checkbox. An alternative approach is to create a “random block” which will also display questions in random order. Random Blocks (Bb setting) - “Random Blocks” are pools of questions that generally assess similar content. During an assessment, the questions are randomly drawn from the pool so that each student sees a different set of questions. For example, the first question in an exam might be drawn from a pool of 5 questions, making the odds only 1 17 in 5 that students will see the same question. Random Blocks are ideal for creating alternate forms of the same question. Calculated questions - Calculated questions, typically used in math and science courses, include variables in the question wording. The values for these variables are randomly generated, so students encountering the same question must give unique answers. Time Limits (Bb setting) - By limiting the time a student can spend on an assessment, students can be discouraged from consulting other sources since they won’t have time to do so. Availability Dates and Times (Bb setting) - This setting restricts the availability of the assessment to a specific date/time range. Deliver questions one at a time (Bb setting) - By having exam questions delivered one at a time, it makes it more difficult for students to capture the exam contents using a digital camera (eg. 50 questions requires 50 pictures) Code of Conduct - Have students sign an honesty statement that summarizes the expectations and requirements for academic honesty. Other methods of assessment - Combine objective tests with other methods of assessment, such as group projects and writing assignments. Essay questions also make it difficult for students to cheat on a traditional assessment, knowing that the instructor may recognize an answer that has been copied from another student. Advanced Features (Windows only) A couple of advanced features are available in the Windows version of Respondus LockDown Browser, including a calculator and spreadsheet viewer. Calculator Respondus LockDown Browser prevents other applications from being accessed by the student during an assessment, including the “Calculator” tool in Windows. However, there are times when an instructor wants to allow students to use an online calculator during an assessment. A calculator option will appear on the toolbar for Respondus LockDown Browser if the following text is placed in the online exam: {calc} The {calc} text can appear anywhere in the assessment. If questions are being delivered “one at a time,” the {calculator} text will need to appear in the first question so that it will be available for the remainder of the assessment. To give students access to a more powerful scientific calculator, enter the text {scalc} instead of {calc}. Spreadsheet Viewer The Windows version of Respondus LockDown Browser uses the Internet Explorer plug-ins that are installed on the computer. However, some plug-ins can introduce a security hole because a student may be able to access the Internet using the plug-in. For example, the Excel Viewer plugin for Internet Explorer allows a user to create a web link and then go to it by clicking on it -- even when Respondus LockDown Browser is running. But there are times when instructors want students to view an .xls spreadsheet or to have access to a spreadsheet application. Respondus LockDown Browser offers a secure solution to this issue. After a link to an .xls file is added to an exam question, the instructor will need to additionally add the following text one of 18 the questions in the exam (the first question is best) to turn on the spreadsheet viewer in Respondus LockDown Browser: {sheet} When the {sheet} text is contained in the assessment, a spreadsheet button will display on the toolbar in LockDown Browser. In addition, when a student clicks on an HTML link that points to an .xls file, it will open the spreadsheet viewer in LockDown Browser instead of the Excel Viewer. (Note: students aren’t able to save documents using the LockDown Browser spreadsheet viewer, just access it during the assessment.) Working with Students Since instructors are generally the first line of support for students who encounter problems, it’s important to understand how Respondus LockDown Browser will work for students. Student Quick Start Guide A Student Quick Start Guide for Respondus LockDown Browser is available from . This 1-page guide, which can be printed or distributed electronically, is the easiest way to get students running with LockDown Browser. Installation of Respondus LockDown Browser To avoid last-minute problems, it’s strongly recommended that Respondus LockDown Browser be installed and tested well before students are expected to use it for an exam. If students are installing Respondus LockDown Browser to their own computers, we suggest that you create a sample quiz where the sole purpose is to confirm whether students have successfully installed the Respondus LockDown Browser and understand how to use it for taking an assessment. [ Administrator Note: Insert the desired installation instructions here for Respondus LockDown Browser. These instructions will differ depending on the distribution policy and the options chosen from the Administrator Guide.] Taking an Assessment with Respondus LockDown Browser Once Respondus LockDown Browser has been installed, students should follow these steps to take a Blackboard assessment that has been prepared for use with Respondus LockDown Browser: 1) Close all programs, unless one is used to connect you to the Internet. 2) Start Respondus LockDown Browser. (For Windows users, locate the “LockDown Browser” shortcut on the desktop and double-click it. (Alternatively, click “Start” in Windows, select “Programs,” select “Respondus,” and then click “Respondus LockDown Browser.”) (For Macintosh users, launch "LockDown Browser" from the Applications folder.) 3) Upon starting, the browser will go to the login page for Blackboard. (A warning message may appear indicating that one or more applications must first be exited such as an instant messaging application. The browser will offer to close the applications for user. Alternatively, the browser can be exited and the blocked application can be closed manually before restarting the browser.) 4) Log into Blackboard by entering the user ID and Password. Select the appropriate course and then select the assessment. 19 5) Prior to the start of the assessment, a pop-up window will ask the user to indicate whether the assessment requires a password. (If a window similar to the one below doesn’t appear, it means the student isn’t running Respondus LockDown Browser.) If a test password is being used for the assessment, the student should select “Yes” and enter the password. If a test password isn’t being used, the student should select “No.” Click the "Continue" button. The next screen in Blackboard will have the password field automatically filled in by Respondus LockDown Browser (displayed as •••••••••). Students should NOT edit this password field and should click "Submit" to start the assessment. (Note: If a browser other than Respondus LockDown Browser is used, the password field will appear blank and students will be unable to start the assessment.) Once an assessment is started using Respondus LockDown Browser, students will be unable to exit the assessment until the “Finish” button is clicked. 20 Respondus LockDown Browser Student Guide [Administrator Note: There is a 1-page “Student Quick Start Guide” for Respondus LockDown Browser available at . We highly recommend that this guide be distributed to students. What appears below is a more expansive guide for students. Since the distribution and use of Respondus LockDown Browser differs across institutions, the guide below can be modified as needed.] Introduction Respondus LockDown Browser™ is a secure browser for taking exams in Blackboard. It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during an assessment. If a Blackboard exam requires that Respondus LockDown Browser be used, the exam won’t be accessible with a standard web browser. Respondus LockDown Browser should only be used for taking examinations in Blackboard. It should not be used in other areas of Blackboard. Installation (if applicable) Respondus LockDown Browser provides a custom interface for the Internet Explorer (Windows) or Safari (Macintosh) software that is already installed on the computer. It does not modify an existing copy of Internet Explorer or Safari, but rather, installs a separate program that will display a custom browser when it is started. Respondus LockDown Browser uses the same security features and service packs that are currently installed for Internet Explorer or Safari. Installing Respondus LockDown Browser won’t modify your current version of Internet Explorer or Safari in any way. To download and install Respondus LockDown Browser, go to the following URL: [ Administrator: Insert the download link for your institution as provided in the Administrator Area for LockDown Browser. The download link will look similar to this:] Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the correct version of Respondus LockDown Browser for your computer. Startup Once installed, follow these steps to start Respondus LockDown Browser and to take a Blackboard exam. 1) Close all programs, unless one is used to connect you to the Internet. 2) Start Respondus LockDown Browser. (For Windows user locate the “LockDown Browser” shortcut on the desktop and doubleclick it. (Alternatively, click “Start” in Windows, select “Programs,” select “Respondus,” and then click “Respondus LockDown Browser.”) (For Macintosh users, launch "LockDown Browser" from the Applications folder.) 21 3) Upon starting, the browser will go to the login page for Blackboard. (A warning message may appear indicating that one or more applications must first be exited, such as instant messaging application. The browser will offer to close the applications for the user. Alternatively, the browser can be exited and the blocked application can be closed manually before restarting the browser.) 4) Log into Blackboard by entering your User ID and Password. Select the appropriate course and then select the exam. 5) Prior to the start of the assessment, a pop-up window will ask you whether the exam requires a password. (If this window doesn’t appear, it means that you aren’t running Respondus LockDown Browser.) If your instructor provided a password for the exam, select “Yes” and enter the password. If a password wasn’t provided to you, select “No.” Click the "Continue" button. The next screen will display preliminary information about the exam, including a password field with a set of ••••••••• characters. Do NOT edit this password field. Doing so will prevent you from accessing the exam! Click [Submit] to start the exam. (Note: If you attempt to use any browser other than Respondus LockDown Browser to access the exam, the password field will appear blank and you will be unable to start the exam. If your instructor provided an exam password, it will NOT work in this particular password field.) Once the exam is started using Respondus LockDown Browser, you will be unable to exit the exam until the “Finish” button is clicked. 22