OKLAHOMA CORPORATION COMMISSION PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK DIVISION Remediation Corrective Action Plan Proposal PSTD Reviewer ___________________________ Approve [ ] Deny [ ] Date ________________ 1. CASE NUMBER FACILITY NUMBER 2. Submitted to (PSTD P.E.A.): To Fulfill Purchase Order: remediation method has been agreed to for this site and is being detailed in this report. The data requested in the following sections will be used to evaluate the proposed soil and/or ground water remediation technique(s). This proposal is to be submitted after the Remediation Selection Proposal has been approved and after site clean-up levels have been approved. 3. 4. 5. Facility Name: Contact Person: Street Address: City: , Phone #: , County: Owner/Operator: Contact Person: Street Address: City: , Phone #: , State: Zip Code: Remediation Consultant’s Signature ___________________________ Date ____________ PSTD License Number: Expiration Date: Remediation Consultant and Firm Phone Numbers: Voice: Fax: Pager/Cell: E-Mail Address: Consulting Firm Principal Signature________________________________ 6. Have there been any changes since the ORBCA Report was completed? If yes please describe. 7. Is the risk assessment data based on a Tier 1a or a modified Tier II? List the approved Risk-Based clean up levels in the table below. ON SITE Benzene: Ethylbenzene: Toluene: Xylenes: Naphthalene: Soil / Groundwater OFF SITE / / / / / Benzene: Ethylbenzene: Toluene: Xylenes: Naphthalene: ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 8. Have all the receptors been identified? Yes 9. List all potential upgradient sources. No Soil / Groundwater / / / / / ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm If no please list. 1 Remediation Plan Proposal Revised September 2006 10. Will the implementation of the corrective action plan effect any of the receptors in any way, if yes please explain. 11. Describe requirements and schedule for the remediation system operation and maintenance, system sampling and ground water sampling. Provide a list of proposed “Key Monitoring Wells,” “Key Free Product Monitoring Wells” and compliance monitoring wells. 12. Fill out the information on the Remediation Technology Fact Sheet. Please enter all applicable data for the proposed scope of work in order for the price estimate to be as precise as possible. 13. Attach a copy of the OCC ORBCA clean-up level approval letter. 14. Attachments A. Provide a scaled base map with all site structures, surface conditions, all utilities, all wells and all soil boring locations. B. Provide contoured benzene and TPH data for both soil and groundwater plumes and free product thickness, if present, on separate scaled facility maps with the most recent data. Provide contoured concentration maps for all chemicals of concern. If there are different clean-up levels for on- and off-site be sure to differentiate those areas on this map. C. If not already submitted, provide 3-dimensional smear-zone analysis interpretation. D. Provide a facility map showing the proposed remediation equipment location, system layout. This map is to include, but is not limited to all connection piping; all system well bore locations, excavations and monitoring wells. Place the groundwater benzene cleanup (i.e. SSTL) contour(s) and areas with free product on this map. E. Provide a stratigraphic cross-section(s) showing representative monitoring well, injection (sparge), extraction (SVE), recovery well bores, etc.; construction for the proposed remediation system, any former or proposed excavations, the most recent potentiometric surface data, free product thickness and the known smear zone interval. F. Provide a detailed cost summary of the remediation system design, installation, operation and maintenance of approved technology (ies), and remediation system decommissioning. Note: The Advisory Council has approved design costs that are to be calculated by multiplying the sum of the remediation system installation price plus its operation and maintenance price by 3.0%. The total design cost has a cap of $20,000.00. Design cost is to be deducted from system installation cost. 2 Remediation Plan Proposal Revised September 2006