Chapter 9 - Communication in Organizations
Multiple Choice Questions
Supervisors spend as much as ___ of their time engaged in some form of communication.
a) 35%
b) 50%
c) 66%
d) 80%
Answer d
Page 317
____ is the process by which a person, group, or organization transmits some type of information
to another person, group, or organization.
a) Communication
b) Encoding
c) Transmitting
d) Queuing
Answer a
Page 318
John has an idea he wishes to communicate to Mary. He thinks it out and writes down his
thoughts in a letter. John is engaging in the process of
a) decoding.
b) transmitting.
c) encoding.
d) sending.
Answer c
Page 318-319
The process by which a person or group transmits information to another person or group is
a) encoding.
b) communication.
c) queuing.
d) personal communication.
Answer b
Page 318
The process through which information received through communication is converted back into
ideas or concepts is known as
a) decoding.
b) transmitting.
c) encoding.
d) sending.
Answer a
Page 319
Knowledge about the impact of messages on receivers is known as
a) decoding.
b) information.
c) feedback.
d) encoding.
Answer c
Page 319
Part 4 - Group Processes
The means by which the message is carried from its origin to the recipient is called
a) feedback.
b) encoding.
c) communication.
d) the channel.
Answer d
Page 319
If a message is poorly encoded or improperly decoded, this is an example of ___ in the
communication process.
a) noise
b) the MUM effect
c) jargon
d) the hurier effect
Answer a
Page 319
The barriers in the communication process that result in distortion of the clarity of the message
a) nonverbal symbols.
b) noise.
c) the channels used.
d) the context in which the message is sent.
Answer b
Page 319
The role of organizational communication includes
a) directing action.
b) coordinating action.
c) building social relationships.
d) all of these elements.
Answer d
Page 320
The verbal communication medium that is the richest in information and personal in nature is
a) telephone.
b) face-to-face conversation.
c) memos or letters.
d) all of the above.
Answer b
Page 322
An impersonal form of written verbal communication aimed at a general audience which
describes information of interest to employees regarding a variety of issues is a/an
a) memo or letter.
b) employee handbook.
c) fax.
d) newsletter.
Answer d
Page 322
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Chapter 9 Communication in Organizations
The purpose of an employee handbook includes
a) conveying information of general interest to employees.
b) explaining key aspects of company policy and philosophy of operation.
c) improving employee morale and attitudes.
d) all of these.
Answer d
Page 322
A manager interested in enhancing communication effectiveness would find it most useful to
a) emphasize oral communication over written.
b) deliver messages orally and follow up with written messages.
c) provide written messages on all issues.
d) adopt a ‘Senator’ communication style.
Answer b
Page 322
According to a recent survey, email is the most used communications tool in the U.S. and
Canada, with___ of workers using it daily.
a) 67%
b) 77%
c) 87%
d) 97%.
Answer d
Page 323
The most effective means for linking people into a meeting who are in distant locations is by
a) telephone, teleconferencing.
b) videoconferencing.
c) video-mediated communications.
d) conference e-mail.
Answer c
Page 324
The information that is communicated from one manager to another is the _____ element of the
communication process.
a) encoding
b) channel
c) message
d) decoding
Answer c
Page 325
The most common type of communication in organizations is
a) two-way oral communication.
b) one-way written communication.
c) two-way written communication.
d) one-way oral communication.
Answer a
Page 325
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Part 4 - Group Processes
Oral communication would be the most effective means of communicating in which of the
following situations?
a) The HR Director communicating changes in the employees’ benefit plan.
b) The manager of the physical plant notifying employees that a 1st line supervisor’s position is
open to employees of the company.
c) A manager giving instructions to a new employee regarding how to use a new, highly
sophisticated piece of equipment
d) The financial analyst reporting his analysis of the company’s expenses over the last quarter.
Answer c
Page 325
_____ is the recommended medium for sending long and complicated material or short thank-you
a) E-mail
b) Fax
c) Postal mail
d) None of the above.
Answer c
Page 326
When it comes to an individual’s style of dress, the issue is
a) the cost and quality represented in the way people dress.
b) following the simple formula of ‘dress for success.’
c) their understanding of the formal versus informal dress code of the organization.
d) the individual’s understanding of the appropriateness of dress.
Answer d
Page 326-327
A recent survey shows that casual dress in the fastest growing U.S. businesses
a) has all but disappeared.
b) is the standard at 1/3 of the companies.
c) is now universally accepted in service companies.
d) is being used by nearly 70%.
Answer b
Page 327
Joining the index finger and thumb to form an “0” means “ok” in the US, but in Tunisia it means
a) “Hello”.
b) “I love you”.
c) “I’ll kill you”.
d) an insult.
Answer c
Page 327
If you have to wait for someone with whom you have an appointment, this is a nonverbal
message that
a) this person is disorganized.
b) the individual you have the appointment with is rude.
c) the person you are meeting perceives themselves as having higher status than you do.
d) you are not properly attired and therefore will be made to wait.
Answer c
Page 328
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Chapter 9 Communication in Organizations
In general, the more space someone in an organization has at his/her disposal
a) the longer he/she has been with the organization.
b) the more open and unbiased they are perceived to be by others.
c) the more power he or she has.
d) the less power he/she has in the organization.
Answer c
Page 328
The nonverbal message of space in the business environment comes from
a) the amount of space available to a person.
b) how the space is used by the individual.
c) where the individual sits around a table in meetings.
d) all of these factors.
Answer d
Page 328
Studies of group communication when group members are seated at a table
a) the location one chooses around a table has no impact on his/her communication possibilities.
b) people who sit at the head of the table often emerge as the leaders of groups.
c) leaders emerge from the seat closest to the head of the table on the right side.
d) a group leader has the most power and the most effective communication from a position in the
middle of a table.
Answer b
Page 328
28. Communication style is
a) a function of the nonverbal communication someone uses in their use of space.
b) entirely a function of their professional dress at work.
c) the individual differences in how people communicate.
d) determined by the individual’s status within an organization.
Answer c
Page 329
Antonio speaks what is on his mind, using few words. He is most likely using __ communication
a) the Noble
b) the Socratic
c) the Reflective
d) the Senator
Answer a
Page 329
Individuals who believe ins full discussions and enjoy arguing their points have a
a) Magistrate personal communication style.
b) Socratic personal communication style.
c) Candidate personal communication style.
d) Senator personal communication style.
Answer b
Page 329
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Part 4 - Group Processes
Bill is very concerned with not offending others and is a great listener. In meetings he would just
as soon say nothing or say what you want to hear, as to cause a conflict. Bill’s communication style
is mostly to be
a) the Noble style.
b) the Socratic style.
c) the Reflective style.
d) the Senator style.
Answer c
Page 329
Someone with a personal communication style that is a mix of Socratic and Reflective has a ____
personal communication style.
a) Magistrate
b) Socratic
c) Candidate
d) Senator
Answer c
Page 330
One of the differences in the way men and women communicate is that women
a) are more status oriented than men in their communication.
b) use the term “We” more often in their conversations than men do.
c) have become more assertive and confident in their speech patterns.
d) tend to make declarative statements while men tend to ask questions.
Answer b
Page 331
A communication difference between men and women is that men
a) are more status oriented than women in their communication.
b) use the term “We” more often in their conversations than women do.
c) strive to create positive social connections more than women do.
d) tend to ask more questions than women do.
Answer a
Page 331
35. An important implication of gender differences in communication is
a) that more men than women tend to use the Magisterial style.
b) the fact that men and women can use the same words but have different meanings for them.
c) powerful people tend to reward individuals who have linguistics styles like their own.
d) women tend to take Reflective style while men tend to take on a Senatorial style.
Answer c
Page 331
Cross-cultural communication
a) is often difficult because the same word can mean different things.
b) is becoming much easier as the world’s cultures homogenize.
c) is simplified through the growing use of electronic technology like the Internet.
d) includes all of these.
Answer a
Page 332
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Chapter 9 Communication in Organizations
In some countries, like those of the former Soviet Union, cross-cultural communication can be
difficult because
a) there is a difference in terms used in formal versus informal communication.
b) they lack the experience with a concept or even comparable words.
c) inflection and tone of voice may change the meaning of a word or phrase.
d) few people speak American English.
Answer b
Page 332
There are a number of steps you can take to promote cross-cultural communication, including
a) assuming others are similar to yourself.
b) carefully evaluating your observations.
c) taking the other person’s perspective.
d) speaking slowly and loudly.
Answer c
Page 332
Jim is in China teaching English as a second language. Even though both he and his students are
using English to communicate Jim can promote cross-cultural communication by
a) carefully evaluating the messages of the students.
b) assuming the student’s perspective on English is different than his own.
c) assuming his perceptions of their presentations is correct.
d) doing all of these things.
Answer b
Page 332
Organizational structure refers to the
a) formal patterns of communication, who talks to whom.
b) pattern of communication networks in the organization.
c) directing of the flow of communication within an organization.
d) the formally prescribed pattern of interrelationships existing between various units.
Answer d
Page 333
In Japan, “no” is communicated by
a) silence.
b) responding in a highly tangential manner.
c) asking questions that change the topic
d) all of the above.
Answer d
Page 333
Downward communication includes which of the following types?
a) Instructions
b) Commands or orders
c) Feedback on past performance
d) All of the above
Answer d
Page 335
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Part 4 - Group Processes
Upward communication in organizations
a) occurs less frequently than downward communication.
b) occurs more frequently than downward communication.
c) tends to contain more ‘bad’ news for managers than ‘good’ news.
d) is generally accurate due to the fewer levels it passes through.
Answer a
Page 335
In order to make the firing of an employee as humane as possible, the manager should
a) explain the reasons for termination.
b) leave the it open as to whether or not the decision is final.
c) make the termination quick and clean with no offer of help during the transition.
d) do the job via a formal letter or e-mail rather than in person.
Answer a
Page 336
The accuracy of upward communication is affected by
a) the tendency for messages to be lost or distorted.
b) the use of jargon by lower level employees.
c) the managers’ attitude toward the employee.
d) the MUM effect.
Answer d
Page 336
An organizational chart indicates the
a) informal patterns of communication between people.
b) formally prescribed pattern of interrelationships existing between various units of an
c) formal patterns of communication, who talks to whom.
d) communication style of the organization.
Answer c
Page 337
Worker turnover in the XYZ Corp. is quite high. It seems that people from the same work group
where there had been recent layoffs are quitting at a high rate. This is an example of
a) the snowball effect.
b) social impact theory.
c) the old boys' network.
d) the effect of centralized communication.
Answer a
Page 337
The organizational grapevine is an example of
a) a formal channel of communication.
b) a wheel communication network.
c) an informal channel of communication.
d) a “Y” communication network.
Answer c
Page 337
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Chapter 9 Communication in Organizations
Research shows that the information communicated in organizational grapevines is about ___
a) 25%
b) 42%
c) 55%
d) 82%
Answer d
Page 338
a) are informal communications between friends.
b) tend to be speculative information without factual basis.
c) fuel the snowball effect.
d) are largely harmless and should be ignored.
Answer b
Page 338
Probably the least effective way to counter a rumor is to
a) refute it directly.
b) release accurate information.
c) discredit the source.
d) redirect attention away from the rumor.
Answer a
Page 339
In a study of internal versus external communication by CEOs, the following pattern emerged.
As the business environment
a) declined, external communication tended to focus on threats.
b) improved, external communication tended to focus on opportunities.
c) declined, internal communication tended to focus on opportunities.
d) improved, reference to threats in that environment increased in both internal and external
Answer b
Page 340
The implications of the study of the differences between an organization’s internal versus
external communication are that
a) the target of the communication affects the way information is communicated.
b) the external market forces have an affect on internal organizational communication.
c) the external market forces have no affect on external organizational communication.
d) messages are seldom framed differently regardless of their audience.
Answer a
Page 340
There are a number of techniques useful for reducing communication barriers, such as
a) increasing the use of jargon.
b) jumping ahead of the speaker to determine where he/she is going with his/her thoughts.
c) saturating people with information so they will retain some of it.
d) avoiding needlessly formal language.
Answer d
Page 341
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Part 4 - Group Processes
The K.I.S.S. principle in communication means
a) Keep it Short and Slow.
b) Keep it Slow and Smooth.
c) Keep it Short and Simple.
d) Keep it Simple and Smooth.
Answer c
Page 341
When professionals use a specialized language they are
a) avoiding needlessly formal language.
b) removing one barrier to effective communication.
c) using jargon.
d) doing all of these.
Answer c
Page 341
In a small manufacturing business, the technical professionals are not understood by the first line
supervisors when they are explaining how to use the computer guided machines on the plant floor
due to the language the ‘techies’ use. This is an example of the communication barrier of
a) communication overload.
b) the lack of active listening by the supervisors.
c) the use of jargon.
d) the MUM phenomenon in organizations.
Answer c
Page 341
Active listening involves
a) the listener paraphrasing the speaker’s words.
b) quick formulation of replies to facilitate discussion.
c) not asking questions.
d) a passive concentrating on the speaker’s words and nonverbal actions.
Answer a
Page 342
Bill puts together a training program for managers where they are shown how to ask questions,
paraphrase, and think about the message before they respond to what they are hearing. Bill is creating
a training program in
a) active listening.
b) the K.I.S.S. principle in communication.
c) avoiding communication overload.
d) proper managerial communication in a termination interview.
Answer a
Page 342
Dee is actively listening to John’s presentation. She is practicing the HURIER model. At one
point in the presentation Dee makes sure that John knows that she is paying attention. Dee’s action is
what part of the HURIER model?
a) Understanding
b) Hearing
c) Interpreting
d) Responding
Answer d
Page 343, Figure 9.11
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Chapter 9 Communication in Organizations
In the HURIER model for active listening, if you do not immediately pass judgment on the
message being sent, you are practicing
a) hearing.
b) Evaluating.
c) interpreting.
d) remembering.
Answer b
Page 343, Figure 9.11
Research shows that when it comes to listening
a) most people are aware of how other people perceive their listening skills.
b) most managers rate their listening skills as poor.
c) in organizations it is a significant tool that can lead to rapid advancement.
d) people listen more closely to upward communication than they do to downward communication.
Answer c
Page 343
If a communication network becomes bogged down with information, it is said to
a) be queued.
b) be in a gatekeeping mode.
c) be experiencing the MUM effect.
d) be overloaded.
Answer d
Page 343
The secretary that manages the sales manager’s schedule and screens his call, is fulfilling the
communication function of
a) queuing.
b) gatekeeping.
c) verifying.
d) information skimming.
Answer b
Page 344
One way to minimize distortion and omission problems in communication is the practice of
a) redundancy.
b) active listening.
c) queuing.
d) information skimming.
Answer a
Page 344
A way to ensure accuracy in the receipt of messages is for the sender to
a) avoid redundancy.
b) practice active listening.
c) use queuing.
d) require verification.
Answer d
Page 344
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Part 4 - Group Processes
Bill, the HR director, has scheduled an informal meeting between hourly employees and middlemanagers, leaving the first line supervisors out of the meeting. Bill has set up a/an
a) brown bag meeting.
b) skip-level meeting.
c) corporate hotline.
d) employee survey.
Answer b
Page 346
If the HR director wanted information from as many employees as possible on a regular basis,
using a quick and easy method of gathering the information, his best choice of tool would be
a) brown bag meetings.
b) skip-level meetings.
c) a corporate hotlines.
d) employee surveys.
Answer d
Page 346-347
Supportive communication is characterized by
a) focusing on the person not the problem.
b) honestly saying what you mean.
c) providing reasons based on what others have done.
d) all of these.
Answer b
Page 347
Tim is explaining to Peggy why she didn’t get the promotion. He says, “ it was a group decision
by three managers, I was for you but I was overruled, sorry.” This is an example of
a) supportive language, specifically validating language.
b) honestly saying what he thinks, the use of supportive language.
c) violating support language by not owning his decision.
d) invalidating language.
Answer c
Page 347
In a discussion with other managers, Stone tells Thelma that he disagrees with her. “I don’t
agree, but I would like to hear your position, I could be wrong.” In terms of supportive
communication this is an example of
a) validating language.
b) not owning your own decision.
c) focusing on the person.
d) being tactful and not saying what you mean.
Answer a
Page 347
If you are in a discussion and you want to keep the conversation going you would use ___ to
encourage the continuation of the discussion.
a) disjunctive statements
b) verification
c) the snowball effect
d) conjunctive statements
Answer d
Page 347
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Chapter 9 Communication in Organizations
It is estimated that currently nearly ____ use e-mail.
a) 50 million
b) 100 million
c) 150 million
d) 75 million
Answer b
Page 347
Confidence can be communicated with words by
a) using the pronoun “I”.
b) developing uncertainty.
c) asking very few questions.
d) all of the above.
Answer d
Page 349
The average U.S. office worker receives ___ phone calls/messages per day.
a) 18
b) 39
c) 52
d) 74
Answer c
Page 350
Mini-Case Questions
Table 9.1
Organizational communication students are observing and studying the communication at a corporate
board meeting. Because the company is a multinational company, some of the people present are wearing
headphones to hear the simultaneous translation from English language of the speaker at the head of the
table, into their languages.
Refer to Table 9.1. The translators doing the simultaneous translation from English into other
languages represent _____ in the communications model.
a) encoding
b) sending
c) channel
d) decoding
Answer a
Page 318
Refer to Table 9.1. The headphones the international guests are wearing exemplify which
element of the communications model?
a) Encoding
b) Channel
c) Decoding
d) Feedback
Answer b
Page 319
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Part 4 - Group Processes
Refer to Table 9.1. When the non-English speaking members of the meeting respond to the
presentation with their comments and questions, they are
a) encoding.
b) sending.
c) decoding.
d) giving feedback.
Answer d
Page 319
Refer to Table 9.1. The first two hours of this meeting is a report on the company’s progress over
the last year; medium growth in market share, profits, etc. The most effective communications media
for this part of the meeting
a) is just what they are doing, a oral presentation.
b) would be to use the telephone for one-on-one discussion.
c) would be voice mail or video display terminals.
d) would be a written memo or report.
Answer d
Page 322
Table 9.2
A staff meeting is in progress. Carlos, the HR Director comes across as very warm and supportive, but
shows significant analytical ability. He obviously, speaks from a lot of personal research. Lea interrupts
Carlos. She explains what she thinks in great detail. She seems to be talking down a bit to Carlos. She has
dominated past staff meetings and it appears she might do it again today. Jim is sitting back enjoying the
interaction between Carlos and Lea. He jumps in, arguing his position, citing where he got his
information at some length. Alicia is rather agitated by the arguing. She is highly concerned with the
interpersonal aspects of the communication. She would rather say nothing than offend or cause conflict.
So this whole process is very painful to her.
Refer to Table 9.2. Lea’s behavior seems to indicate a ____ personal communication style.
a) the Noble
b) the Socratic
c) the Magistrate
d) the Senator
Answer c
Page 329
Refer to Table 9.2. Jim’s personal communication style is
a) the Noble style.
b) the Socratic style.
c) the Reflective style.
d) the Senator style.
Answer b
Page 329
Refer to Table 9.2. Alicia’s personal communication style is
a) the Noble style.
b) the Socratic style.
c) the Reflective style.
d) the Senator style.
Answer c
Page 329
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Chapter 9 Communication in Organizations
Refer to Table 9.2. Carlos’ personal communication style seems to be
a) the Noble style.
b) the Candidate style.
c) the Reflective style.
d) the Senator style.
Answer b
Page 330
Table 9.3
A student of organizational communication, John is studying how the target of a communication shapes
the communication. In his studies he notes that the technical professionals tend to not tell middle
managers about problems they are having with the system or about shutdowns they will implement to
change something. This isn’t a problem for John because he hears about the system shut downs from the
IS department secretary who calls him up to warn him about 10 minutes before the system goes down.
But up and down the hall John can hear managers swearing as the system goes down and their work
disappears for 15 minutes to a couple of hours.
The marketing manager tends to work fairly hard at keeping the sales and operation managers current on
her plans for product campaigns so the sales people can talk about them and operations can make sure
there is enough product on hand to meet demand.
Refer to Table 9.3. The problem with the lack of communication between the technical
professionals and the middle managers is an example of a lack of
a) downward communication.
b) horizontal communication.
c) diagonal communication.
d) upward communication.
Answer d
Page 335-336
Refer to Table 9.3. The marketing manager’s communication to the sales and operations
managers is an example of
a) downward communication.
b) horizontal communication.
c) diagonal communication.
d) upward communication.
Answer b
Page 336
Refer to Table 9.3. The way John hear’s about the system shut downs is an example of
a) informal communication.
b) the grapevine.
c) downward communication.
d) inside communication.
Answer a
Page 337
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Part 4 - Group Processes
Table 9.4
Jane has been tasked with the responsibility for opening the communication channels between employees
and management. She implements a simple system quickly, where employees can share their good ideas
about how to improve the organization by submitting their ideas in writing and being rewarded for the
ideas that are used by the company. Corporate executives like the idea but they want broader
participation. They would like feedback from all employees if possible. Once they have that feedback,
they want to informally meet with selected employees to discuss the issues the broader outreach raises.
Refer to Table 9.4. Jane’s initial effort for feedback is called a/an
a) corporate hotline.
b) suggestion system.
c) employee survey.
d) brown bag meeting.
Answer b
Page 345
Refer to Table 9.4. To meet the desires of upper management, Jane should implement a/an
a) corporate hotline.
b) suggestion system.
c) employee survey.
d) brown bag meeting.
Answer c
Page 346-345
Refer to Table 9.4. The tool that will get the executives what they want once they have the
broadest possible input would be a/an
a) corporate hotline.
b) suggestion system.
c) employee survey.
d) brown bag meeting.
Answer d
Page 346
True/False Questions
Jasmine is trying to manager all the information that came across her desk while she was gone.
She has taken the phone messages and stacked them in priority order, assigned priorities to her e-mail
and sorted it accordingly, and asked her secretary to hold any calls that didn’t need immediate
attention. Jasmine is managing her communication overload through omission and redundancy.
Answer F
Page 315
The importance of seeing communication as a process is in the reminder that it is dynamic and
Answer T
Page 317
Jerry wants to tell Mary he likes her. As he is thinking about how to frame what he wants to say
he is at the choosing a channel stage of the communication process.
Answer F
Page 318
Memos, e-mail, and faxes are examples of written communication that are “rich” because of the
amount of information they provide.
Answer F
Page 322
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Chapter 9 Communication in Organizations
The best medium for an ambiguous message is written media.
Answer F
Page 322
As of 2002, e-mail has surpassed print advertising as the most widely used form of direct
Answer T
Page 323
96. The advantages of video-mediated communication over phone, fax, and e-mail is its ability to use
information from several sources at the same time and permits visual clarification.
Answer T
Page 324
97. Speech recognition technology is currently in extensive use throughout the world, and a local
example of it is your own automated telephone system where you speak the number and the phone
company dials it.
Answer T
Page 324
98. Due to advances in technology, one-way communication are now more commonly used in
organizations than two-way communication.
Answer F
Page 325
Time, space, and style of dress are all types of nonverbal communication.
Answer T
Page 326-327
100. In Italy, when a person stands close to another while talking, he or she is considered pushy.
Answer F
Page 327
101. Studies have shown that people emerging as the leaders of groups tend to be ones who just
happened to be sitting at the table heads.
Answer T
Page 328
Dexter tends to speak his mind; he uses few words, and gets to the bottom line. Dexter’s
communication style is that of a Magistrate.
Answer F
Page 329
People in powerful positions tend to reward people whose linguistic styles match their own.
Answer T
Page 329-330
104. The candidate and the Magistrate are the two best communication styles.
Answer F
Page 330
105. Cross-cultural communication can be promoted by assuming that people are different from you.
Answer T
Page 334-335
When a vice president speaks with a first-line supervisor to ask his opinion on something
downward communication is taking place.
Answer T
Page 335-336
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Part 4 - Group Processes
Of the three types of communication in an organization, horizontal communication is often the
most tense because it is among peers.
Answer F
Page 335-336
When firing someone employers must provide two weeks notice by law.
Answer F
Page 336
When an organization is facing a rumor, the most effective way of dealing with it is a direct
strong denial or refutation of it.
Answer F
Page 339
110. If you become a victim of a rumor, it is best to immediately refute it with indisputable facts.
Answer T
Page 339
Formal language and jargon can be significant barriers to organizational communication.
Answer T
Page 341
An active listener puts the speakers ideas into his/her own words as he/she listens.
Answer T
Page 341-342
113. Suggestion boxes, hotlines, and employee surveys are forms of organizational feedback.
Answer T
Page 346
114. Effective supportive communicator’s do not say what they mean and they focus on the person not
the problem in their communication.
Answer F
Page 347
115. Val responds to Ed’s question by saying, “Ok, we could do it that way, it would well, can I suggest a
variation of that?” In doing this Val is using validating language in her conversation with Ed.
Answer T
Page 347
116. The most effective communicators use front-loaded messages.
Answer T
Page 350
Essay Questions
Major Essay
117. Describe the communication process, naming each element and explaining its part in the process.
Answer - The communication process has 7 elements to it. The sender is the originator of the
message. The message is encoded translated into a form, written or oral, that can be transmitted. The
channel is the pathway along which information travels to the receiver for whom the message is
intended. It is then decoded, or converted from its form back into the original ideas. Sometimes noise
interferes with the sending and receiving of the message and distorts it, diminishing its clarity.
Finally, the receiver may give feedback to the sender, telling the sender the impact of the message.
Pages 318-319
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Chapter 9 Communication in Organizations
118. What is communication style? Explain the concept and identify the six main styles.
Answer - Personal communication style is the consistent manner in which a person communicates
with others. The six styles are: the Noble, the Socratic, the Reflective, the Magistrate--which is a
combination of Noble and Socratic, the Candidate--which combines Socratic and Reflective, and the
Senator--which combines Noble and Reflective. See Figure 9-6, page 330 for details.
Pages 329-330
119. How does culture impact communication? How can we enhance cross-cultural communication?
Answer – Globalization presents many challenges, one of the most immediate challenges is
communication. Part of the problem is that different words can mean different things to different
people. In addition to different vocabularies, cross-cultural communication also is difficult because in
different languages, even the same word can mean different things.
There are several steps can promote cross-cultural communication?
 Observe, but do not evaluate.
 Do not jump to conclusions.
 Assume people are different from yourself.
 Take the other person’s perspective.
These measures may be easier said than done, but with practice, they can be mastered. Given that
such practices are key to die success of international managers, the effort involved is worth making.
Page 332
120. Explain the nature of upward, downward, and horizontal communication in an organization.
Answer - Downward communication consists of instructions, directions, and orders from superiors
to subordinates about what they should be doing. It is not always accurately perceived. The more
levels in passes through on the way down, the more distortion is possible. Upward communication
moves from subordinate to superior and consists of status reports, reactions to work-related issues,
suggestions, and new ideas. There is less upward than downward communication, and it tends to be
of shorter duration. There is a general reluctance to pass bad news upward. Horizontal
communication takes place among peers in different parts of the organization. It is coordinating
communication and tends to be friendlier and more casual than upward/downward communication.
But it too can have problems as people compete for the same resources.
Pages 335-336
121. Explain the communication process in properly terminating an employee.
Answer – Firing someone is never easy, but these six suggestions can make the task much less
distasteful for all concerned. They also can make the termination process less expensive for the
company--and less emotionally draining for the ex-employee.
 Keep written records of performance problems.
 Give fair notice.
 Clearly yet briefly explain the decision.
 Be sympathetic to the fired worker’s feelings.
 Do the job in person.
 Reassure the surviving employees.
Page 336
122. Effective organizational communication is sometimes hindered by various barriers. How can we
improve our communication skills and communication in an organization?
Answer - Students can offer a number of solutions from the following. 1) Keep language simple-don’t use needlessly formal language or jargon. Follow the Keep It Short and Simple principle. 2)
Be an Active, Attentive Listener by asking questions and paraphrasing the speaker’s words. Practice
HURIER hearing, understanding, remembering, interpreting, evaluating, and responding. 3) Gauge
the Flow of Information by avoiding overload. By queuing information you can reduce distortion and
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Part 4 - Group Processes
omission. 4) Obtain feedback by encouraging upward communication through suggestion programs,
corporate hotlines, brown bag meetings, employee surveys, etc.
Pages 340-344
123. How can an organization facilitate feedback and open the channels of communication with
Answer - To operate effectively, organizations must communicate accurately with those who keep
them running (i.e., their employees). Unfortunately, most employees believe the feedback between
themselves and their organizations is not as good as it should be. Organizations can obtain
information from their employees in several ways.
 One means is the use of suggestion systems. Approximately 15 percent of employees use their
companies' suggestion boxes, and approximately 25 percent of the suggestions they made are
 A second method is a corporate hotline--that is, telephone lines staffed by corporate personnel
who were ready to answer employees' questions, listen to their comments, and the like.
 A third set of techniques, known as "brown bag" meetings and “skip level" meetings, are
designed to facilitate communication between people who usually do not get together because
they work at different organizational levels.
 Finally, employee surveys can gather information about employees' attitudes and opinions
regarding key areas of organizational operations.
Pages 345-346
Short essay
124. Discuss the various forms of verbal communication and when it is appropriate to use each.
Answer - Verbal media may be written or oral. Written consists of memos, letters, employee
handbooks, newsletters, flyers, bulletins, etc. Oral consists of face-to-face and use of the telephone.
Oral communication gets immediate attention, is best for ambiguous communication. Written
communication is best for routine, nonambiguous communication.
Pages 321-324
125. Nonverbal communication is a significant portion of a message. Explain the three main elements of
nonverbal communication and their impact on the communication process.
Answer - The three elements are style of dress, time, and space. Style of dress conveys an image.
The key issue is the appropriateness of attire. Time is a waiting game. How long one waits for access
to someone is a sign of status and power. The longer the wait, the more status and power. Space also
conveys status and power. The more work space an individual has, the more status.
Pages 325-328
126. Are there gender-related differences in the way men and women communicate? If so what are they?
Answer - Yes, there are differences. Men emphasize and reinforce status when they talk. Men tend
to say “I.” Men try to exude confidence and see questions as weakness. Men tend to be more direct
and confrontive. Women de-emphasize status and focus on positive social connections. Women tend
to say “We.” Women downplay their confidence and ask questions. Women listen and offer social
Pages 331-332
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Chapter 9 Communication in Organizations
127. How can a manager become a supportive communicator?
Answer – To be an effective communicator, you must practice supportive communication. By this,
we mean any communication that is accurate, honest, and builds and enhances relationships instead
of jeopardizing them.
 Focus on the problem, not the person
 Honestly say what you mean
 Own your decisions
 Use validating language
 Keep the conversation going
Page 347
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