Notes of Patient Panel

Notes of Patient Panel
Wednesday 15th February 2012
Present :
Dr Helen Parry
Anne Ruffell
Alfred Potts
Lee Johnson
Christine Scott
Apologies :
Tom Bailey, Irene Twamley, Gary Cleary, Lois Forth
Minutes of Last Meeting : Agreed
Survey Action Plan
The results of our recent survey and action plan were discussed. Our next survey will
include patient demographics i.e age, sex, ethnicity, occupation, post code.
Speaker sessions will be taken forward for next year and it is hoped our first speaker session
from 6.15–7pm will be held in April and the topic will be “Looking After Sick Children”.
The practice will promote the services which patients are not aware of through our website,
information leaflets and posters displayed in the surgery. We will try to include links and
information on key organisations the practice deals with on the practice and information
The Urgent Care team and Minor Ailments services will be promoted.
Hendon library has free internet facilities, although times might need to be booked.
Blood Tests – Dr Parry will ensure this is clarified and everyone knows how to access
Dr Parry will pass on congratulations to the reception staff, who received very positive
comments in the survey.
New Developments
MJog is now live and patients will now receive their appointment reminders by text.
However this system is only as good as the information held on our database. We are trying
to ensure that we have as many up to date mobile telephone numbers as possible. Patients
can opt out if they don’t want to receive text messages by informing reception.
On-line Appointment Booking
Work is now underway to get this set up as soon as possible. We aim to get this set up
within 3 months and repeat prescription ordering set up within 6 months.
Telephone System
Dr Parry confirmed that she will look at adding more facilities on the telephone system in
April. In the meantime patients will be encouraged to ring for results and scripts after lunch
when it is quieter on reception.
As the surgery now opens at 8am and the phone lines are open from then patients will be
able to book appointments from 8am from Monday 2nd April. Notices will be displayed in
Receptionists will also inform patients when appointments are running late.
Dr Parry is looking at improving access to Triage.
Other Business
Anne will try to get some magazine / leaflet stands for the surgery.
Lee suggested a water dispenser in the waiting room, but this depends on installation and
maintenance costs.
Date and Time of Next Meeting
Wednesday 28th March at 6pm.