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Milman Parry

Milman Parry
Milman Parry (June 23, 1902 – December 3, 1935) was an
American Classicist whose theories on the origin of Homer's
works have revolutionized Homeric studies to such a fundamental
degree that he has been described as the "Darwin of Homeric
studies".[1] In addition, he was a pioneer in the discipline of oral
Milman Parry
Early life and education
Academic career
Death and commemoration
Personal life
Relevant literature
Parry in his 1919 high school
External links
June 23, 1902
December 3, 1935
(aged 33)
Los Angeles,
California, United
He graduated from Oakland Technical High School in 1919,[3] and
studied at the University of California, Berkeley (B.A. and M.A.)
where he became proficient in ancient Greek and the Classics.[2]
He then studied for a PhD at the Sorbonne in Paris and was a
student of the linguist Antoine Meillet.
Marian Thanhouser
Oakland Technical
High School
In his dissertations, which were published in French in 1928,
Parry demonstrated that the Homeric style is characterized by the
extensive use of fixed expressions, or "formulas", adapted for
expressing a given idea under the same metrical conditions. For
example, "divine Odysseus", "many-counseled Odysseus", or
"much-enduring divine Odysseus" had less to do with moving the
story forward than with being in accordance with the amount of
material to be fitted into the remainder of the hexameter verse.
The oral nature of the poem was evident in the dependence on
Alma mater
University of
California, Berkeley
University of Paris
Early life and education
Parry was born in 1902 in Oakland, California. He grew up in a
house full of books, with a father who was self-taught and widely
read. He and his siblings often recited poems from memory as a
Academic background
Academic work
Classical studies
these devices, both as memory aids and to allow for easier
improvisation. They were clues suggesting that the two Homeric
epics were not the inventions of a single poet but had been
gradually evolved in a long-standing tradition.[2][4] As one scholar
put it, "Parry never solved the Homeric Question [who was
Homer]; he demonstrated that it was irrelevant".[2]
Epic poetry
Homeric scholarship
Harvard University
Albert Lord
Meillet introduced Parry to Matija Murko, who had worked on
oral epic traditions in Yugoslavia[5] and had made phonograph recordings of some performances.
Academic career
Between 1933 and 1935 Parry, at the time an assistant professor at Harvard University, made two
visits to Yugoslavia, where he studied and recorded oral traditional poetry in Serbo-Croat with the
help on his second visit of his assistant Albert Lord, and a native singer and fixer named Nikola
Vujnović, who became essential to finding and communicating with other singers, known as the
guslar. They worked in Bosnia, where literacy was lowest and the oral tradition was, in the term used
by Parry and Lord, "purest". They made thousands[6] of hours of recordings in remote mountain
villages of illiterate farmers who sang epic songs of prodigious length from memory. Parry and Lord
recorded on newly invented equipment, flat aluminum records instead of vinyl, custom made for the
expedition, with only a five minute recording time. Discs were continually swapped with a special twodisc machine to create a single long recording, later transcribed. They also recorded conversations
between guslari after it became apparent this was also part of the creative process that fertilized
The "jewel of the collection" is The Wedding Song of Smailagić Meho, by a poet named Avdo
Međedović, "by far the most skillful and versatile performer whom Milman encountered".[6] One of
the songs, running to some 13,000 lines and performed over five days, was the closest analogue to
Homer in quality and quantity; Parry said one "has the overwhelming sense that, in some way, he is
hearing Homer". Međedović boasted he knew longer songs.[6]
In his American publications of the 1930s, Parry introduced the hypothesis that the formulaic
structure of Homeric epic is to be explained as a characteristic feature of oral composition, the socalled Oral Formulaic Hypothesis. After Parry's death, the idea was championed by Albert Lord, most
notably in The Singer of Tales (1960).[7]
Death and commemoration
When Parry returned to the United States in 1935, he learned that his wealthy mother-in-law had
fallen in with some people who were stealing from her without her knowledge. During his field
excursions in the Balkans, Parry had developed the habit of carrying a gun, and he packed one in his
luggage for a visit to California with his wife for the purpose of aiding his mother-in-law. In the late
afternoon of December 3, at the Palms Hotel in Los Angeles, Parry was dressing for a dinner with
friends, while his wife was in another room. Accounts differ, but she either heard a muffled shot or
Parry groaning, and found him shot in the heart. He died soon afterwards. Police detectives
determined that the gun was fired accidentally as he was removing clothing from his luggage. The
safety had not been set and the trigger had become entangled in a shirt, which bore gunpowder
Various rumors circulated, including the ideas that Parry committed suicide because he was
despondent over Harvard's failure to give him a permanent appointment, or that his wife killed
him.[2] Parry's daughter, Marian, believed for the rest of her life that her mother killed him, and
pointed to her mother's insane fits and accusations of infidelity.[2] Detailed examination of the
evidence by classicist Steve Reece concurs with the contemporary official conclusion that Parry's death
was accidental.[8]
Parry's collected papers were published posthumously in The Making of Homeric Verse: The
Collected Papers of Milman Parry, edited by his son Adam Parry (Oxford University Press, 1971). The
Milman Parry collection of records and transcriptions of South Slavic heroic poetry is now in the
Widener Library of Harvard University. The journal Oral Tradition is devoted to advancing Parry's
According to Steve Reece, there is "an enormous body of literature on Parry’s intellectual legacy".[8]
His influence is evident in the work of later scholars who have argued that there was a fundamental
break in institutional structure between Homeric Greece and Platonic Greece, a break characterized
by the transition from an oral culture to a written culture. This line of thought holds that in Homeric
society, oral poetry served as a record of institutional and cultural practices. This thesis is associated
with Eric Havelock, who cites Parry. Havelock argues that the fixed expressions that Parry identified
can be understood as mnemonic aids, which were vital to the well-being of society, given the
importance of the information carried by the poetry.
Personal life
Parry was married to Marian Thanhouser, who came from a German Jewish family, and endured antiSemitic comments from some of her husband's colleagues.[2][8] They had two children, Marian and
Adam (1928–1971). The latter was the chairman of Yale University's Classics Department, until his
untimely death, together with his wife Anne Amory, in a motorbike accident.[9][10]
1. W. B. Stanford (May 1954). "Reviewed Work: The poet of the Iliad by H. T. Wade-Gery" (https://ww
w.jstor.org/stable/23039330). Hermathena (83): 94–96. JSTOR 23039330 (https://www.jstor.org/st
able/23039330). Retrieved May 2, 2021.
2. Kanigel, Robert (2021). Hearing Homer's Song: The Brief Life and Big Idea of Milman Parry.
Knopf. ISBN 978-0525520948.
3. "Milman Parry, Class of 1919" (http://oaklandtech.com/staff/centennial/2015/02/22/milman-parry-cl
ass-of-1919/). School Historical Archive. 22 February 2015. Retrieved 1 March 2016.
4. Kirk, Geoffrey S. "Homer: Poetic Techniques" (https://www.britannica.com/biography/Homer-Greek
-poet/Poetic-techniques). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved May 2, 2021.
5. Stephen Mitchell; Gregory Nagy (2000). "Introduction to the Second Edition pp. vi-xxix". The
Singer of Tales (http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ebook:CHS_LordA.The_Singer_of_Tales.2000)
(Second ed.). Harvard University Center for Hellenic Studies. Retrieved 26 December 2018.
6. Nicolas Liney (June 6, 2020). "The Last Words of Milman Parry" (https://web.archive.org/web/202
00607190253/http://www.oxonianreview.org/wp/the-last-words-of-milman-parry/). The Oxonian
Review. Archived from the original (https://www.oxonianreview.org/wp/the-last-words-of-milman-pa
rry/) on 7 Jun 2020. Retrieved May 3, 2021.
7. Lord, Albert B. (2000). Mitchell, Stephen; Nagy, Gregory (eds.). The Singer of Tales (http://nrs.harv
ard.edu/urn-3:hul.ebook:CHS_LordA.The_Singer_of_Tales.2000) (Second ed.). Harvard
University Center for Hellenic Studies. Retrieved 26 December 2018.
8. Reece, Steve (2019). "The Myth of Milman Parry: Ajax or Elpenor?" (https://journal.oraltradition.or
g/the-myth-of-milman-parry-ajax-or-elpenor/). Oral Tradition. 33 (1): 115–142. Retrieved
8 February 2021.
9. "Prof. Adam M. Parry and Wife, Classicists, Are Killed in Crash" (https://www.nytimes.com/1971/0
6/11/archives/prof-adam-m-parry-and-wife-classicists-are-killed-in-crash.html). The New York
Times. New York. 11 June 1971. Retrieved 8 February 2021.
10. "Adam and Anne Amory Parry Lecture" (https://classics.yale.edu/lectures-workshops-etc/adam-an
d-anne-amory-parry-lecture). Yale Department of Classics. Retrieved 8 February 2021.
Relevant literature
Kanigel, Robert. Hearing Homer's Song: The Brief Life and Big Idea of Milman Parry. 2021.
Penguin. ISBN 978-0525520948 (soft cover).
External links
Milman Parry (https://dbcs.rutgers.edu/all-scholars/8998-parry-milman) at the Database of
Classical Scholars
The Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature (https://curiosity.lib.harvard.edu/milman-parry-collec
tion-of-oral-literature) at Harvard University
The On-Line Database of Harvard's Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature (MPCOL) (http://te
The New Yorker - The Classicist Who Killed Homer, by Adam Kirsch (June 7, 2021) (https://www.n
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