5400 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-4119 ~ (t) 619-594-6865 ~ (f)619-594-5991~ http://socialwork.sdsu.edu/index.php 1/6 MSW I Foundation Year Application (SW 650 Field Practicum Course) 2012-2013 Academic Year Please complete this form and return it by due date to the School of Social Work Central Office, HH-119. School of Social Work San Diego Sate University 5500 Campanile Drive San Diego, CA 92182-4119 Attn: Field Education MANDATORY Attach Passport Type Photo Here TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY IN BLACK INK ONLY. Complete all areas. Students requesting use of your employment sites as foundation year field practicum, please indicate this by writing “Requesting Employment Site for Field Practicum” at the top of Page 1 on the MSW I Field Application and schedule an appointment with Candy Elson immediately for consultation and the additional required field paperwork. Remember to make 2 copies of this Application (1 copy to submit to agency at time of interview and 1 copy to retain for your own future use). Red ID #: Date of MSW I Application: Name: Date of Birth: First / / Last Permanent Address: City: State: Zip Code: Permanent Telephone: Gender: Email: Mobile: Ethnicity: Citizenship: Note: Remember to send address, phone, and email changes during 2011-12 academic year to: Social Work Field swfield@mail.sdsu.edu. MSW Program Information Program Status: 2 Yr. Program 3 Yr. Program 4 Yr. Program Specialized Programs: Joint MSW/MPH Joint MSW/JD Title IV-E Applicant? Focus Area: Although you are not choosing a focus area specialization in the first year, rank on a scale from 1 to 4 (1 being most desirable, 4 being least), all areas that interest you at this time. Aging Behavioral Health (MH) Child Welfare Health International ______________________________________________________________________________________________ For SDSU SSW Use Only Application Received: Data Entry: Field Placement: Program/Unit: Location Site Address: Agency Telephone: Field Instructor: Telephone: MSW I Field Practicum Application 2012-2013 Conf: Email: 2/6 The following information assists the SDSU Field Education Faculty in guiding our selection of your foundation year placement with your experiences, interests and goals. Please note that this does not guarantee that you will be placed solely by your input provided below. Geographic Preference Note: Students can expect an average driving time of 60 minutes (each way) between your residence and field practicum site. List in order your 4 most preferred locations. Use “1” for the most preferred, “2” for the next preferred, etc. City of San Diego East County North County Inland Imperial Valley South Bay North County Coastal Transportation_________________________________________________________________________ The student must be able to show proof of adequate automobile insurance, meeting the minimum State of California requirements, and a valid California Driver’s License upon request from the agency. Most settings require the use of a car. Do you have a car? Yes No Language Fluency______________________________________________________________________ Are you fluent in a language other than English? Total Fluency? Yes No Yes No If yes, which one(s)? Only Conversational Ability? Yes No Academic Accomodations_______________________________________________________________ Students who intend to request academic accommodation for their disabilities are required to contact the Director of Field Education, via email, immediately (before the interview process) to discuss specific accommodations for which they have received authorization. When a student is requesting accommodations for his/her internship, the student is required to automatically consult with SDSU Student Disability Services (SDS) office for evaluation, verification and/or assistance in accommodations being requested. In order to assist the student in his/her practicum confirmation, written accommodations from SDSU SDS must be submitted to Candy Elson by the student before internship interviews are completed. Please contact SDSU Disabled Student Services at 619.594.6473, http://www.sa.sdsu.edu/sds/, Calpulli Center, Suite 3100. Please note that your graduate advisor, Dr. Lucinda Rasmussen is available to expedite a student’s referral to SDSU SDS. Please refer to “Field Placement Process Policy Special Accommodations Section” in Field Education Manual for further details. Circumstances Regarding Clearances_____________________________________________________ Student interns shall be professional and act in accordance and compliance with the laws, social work values, ethics, and School academic standards, including the NASW Code of Ethics-1999 revised (www.socialworkers.org/pubs/code), which govern social work practice. Felony / misdemeanor convictions depending on the severity, duration, time frame, type, can lead to: an academic year delay in field placement; immediate field practicum ineligibility; and/or disqualification from the School. Each case is reviewed in relationship to the requirements of the SDSU School of Social Work policies, curriculum requirements, laws, ethics and values directing the standards in the social work profession. Misrepresentation and/or omission statements will be considered for immediate ineligibility for the SDSU SW Field Education courses. Please complete the following questions: 1. Have you ever been convicted in the U.S. or abroad of a crime that is related to the ethical responsibilities and standards of a social work professional as described in the NASW Code of Ethics? Yes No 2. Have you ever performed an act involving dishonesty, fraud, or deceit in the U.S. or abroad with the intent to benefit yourself or another, or with the intent to injure another? Yes No 3. Have you been convicted of any crime in the U.S. or abroad involving child abuse, elder abuse, domestic violence, assaultive or abusive issues? Yes No MSW I Field Practicum Application 2012-2013 3/6 4. Have you ever been ordered to register as a mentally disordered sex offender or the equivalent in the United States or abroad? Yes No 5. Have you ever been denied a professional license or had a professional license revoked because of a legal, professional, or ethical issue? Yes No If you answered “yes” to any of the questions in this section, please provide an explanation: identify the issue(s), date(s), occurrence(s), place, rehabilitation, restitution, etc. Please attach a separate sheet of paper to address the above. NOTE: A field practicum application for a student intern position may be denied on the grounds that the applicant knowingly made a false statement of fact required to be revealed in this application. Therefore, if you are unsure of the applicability of a past crime to the ethical responsibilities and standards of a social worker, err on the side of including the information. Career Goals_________________________________________________________________________ Briefly describe tentative career goals and areas of special interest. 1. 2. 3. Educational Summary________________________________________________________________ Undergraduate Degree Major: Location (City and State or Country): School: Graduation Month and Year: Other Advanced Degree Major: Location (City and State or Country): School: Graduation Month and Year: Prior Professional Experience__________________________________________________________ List prior human service experience (volunteer, internship, and employment), starting with most recent. DATES AGENCY/ ADDRESS / PHONE FROM Mo. Yr. TO Mo. Yr. HOURS PER WEEK EMPLOYMENT, INTERNSHIP, OR VOLUNTEER? TO Mo. Yr. HOURS PER WEEK EMPLOYMENT, INTERNSHIP, OR VOLUNTEER? 1. Position / Duties: DATES AGENCY/ ADDRESS / PHONE FROM Mo. Yr. 2. Position / Duties: MSW I Field Practicum Application 2012-2013 4/6 DATES AGENCY/ ADDRESS / PHONE FROM Mo. Yr. TO Mo. Yr. HOURS PER WEEK EMPLOYMENT, INTERNSHIP, OR VOLUNTEER? TO Mo. Yr. HOURS PER WEEK EMPLOYMENT, INTERNSHIP, OR VOLUNTEER? 3. Position / Duties: DATES AGENCY/ ADDRESS / PHONE FROM Mo. Yr. 4. Position / Duties: Additional Training___________________________________________________________________ Briefly list any additional training, courses, institutes, workshops, and special learning experiences. Include dates of attendance. Additional Information_____________________________________________________________________ Optional. MSW I Field Practicum Application 2012-2013 5/6 San Diego State University - School of Social Work MSW I – Foundation Year (SW 650) Field Practicum Student Agreement 2012-2013 Academic Year The following statements are in accordance with the SDSU School of Social Work’s policies and procedures. For further detailed information, please refer to the Graduate Student Handbook and the Field Education Manual. Please read the following statements carefully, and sign at the bottom of the page: 1. Application Verification: I hereby certify that the statements contained in this completed Advanced Field Practicum Application and any other information included as part of this application and attachments are true and correct. I agree and understand that any misrepresentation or omission of any material facts on my part may be cause for delay in field placement, separation from the field practicum, and/or can initiate immediate disciplinary action, and dismissal from the MSW program. I hereby give permission to the SDSU School of Social Work, Field Education Department, and its faculty members, and any of the approved field practicum agencies or field instructors to verify any and all information contained within this application. This can include contacting former employers, field practicum’s, and/or field instructors, reviewing graduate school records, etc. Please be advised that if any information should come to our attention, which can affect your professional student status, and/or internship role and thus the field practicum experience, the School shall be authorized to assess and discuss the significant information with the appropriate parties. 2. Communication: I understand that any information contained in this field practicum application packet and/or any pertinent information relating to my professional student role shall be discussed between SDSU faculty and approved field practicum agencies and their representatives. 3. Agency Clearance(s): I understand that most field practicum agencies request security background investigations, fingerprint checks, random drug screens, physical examinations, TB tests, immunization verification, valid CA driver’s license, etc. as requirements for their placement interview process and for practicum site confirmation and that I, as the student, will be responsible for said cost of the evaluation. Agencies may also require random drug screening(s) at any time during the year. I am willing to participate in these additional screens/evaluations and give permission for the results to be provided to the School when requested. I also understand that if I fail these screens, I will not be confirmed at the specified agency, can become ineligible for field practicum, and therefore not be placed for an entire Academic Year. I understand that if during the year I fail a screening, I will be removed from the agency and not placed in another agency for the remainder of the academic year. The Director of Field Education and assigned Field Faculty Instructor will review my case to determine whether I am eligible to continue the program, and if so, the timeline for returning to field. I understand that failing a drug screen(s) or other agency screening may be grounds for disqualification from the MSW Program. 4. University and SSW Policies: I shall fulfill the responsibilities of the student intern role, be in compliance with all School Policies and Procedures as outlined in the Field Practicum Application, the Field Education Manual, the Graduate Student Handbook, and the Graduate Bulletin. I understand that SW 650 is a year-long course and I will be attending for fall and spring semesters in the academic year. 5. Professional Conduct: At all times, I shall maintain professional conduct in accordance with the School’s academic standards, i.e., the NASW Code of Ethics, professional social work values, and laws regulating social work practice. 6. Conflict of Interest: As a social work student, it is considered to be a conflict of interest to engage in a field practicum in an agency where you and/or a family member have been a CLIENT and/or an EMPLOYEE. Thus, social work students may not be placed in an agency where they or a family member have worked, gone to school, or received services such as medical care, mental health se rvices, employment assistance or child welfare services. I understand that it is my responsibility as a social work student to inform the Field Education Coordinator of a potential conflict of interest AND to decline a placement in which there is a conflict of interest. 7. Termination: If the situation arises and I need to terminate the internship before fulfilling my internship commitment, I shall terminate in an appropriate, professional manner as designated by SDSU and assigned agency, and provide written and verbal notice as required by SDSU and the Agency. I understand that any such termination will be done only with the written approval of the SDSU SSW and the Agency as outlined in the manual. I have reviewed and understand all of the above statements and have agreed to be in compliance with all of the above, the School Policies and Procedures, the Field Education Manual, the Graduate Student Handbook, and the NASW Code of Ethics. If I am not in compliance with the School’s policies and procedures, I understand that I can be considered ineligible for Field Practicum. Please Print: Last Name: First Name: Signature: Date: MSW I Field Practicum Application 2012-2013 6/6 Please do not include this page with your field application form. MSW I – Foundation Year Application Due Dates: For 3 Yr. and 4 Yr. Students Enrolled in MSW Program in Fall 2011 ONLY: Submit completed MSW I - SW 650 Field Application in its entirety between February 20th to February 27th, 2012 Deadline is 4:30pm on February 27th, 2012 to Social Work Central Office - HH 119. Attn: Field Education For Incoming 2-Year MSW Students Enrolling in MSW Program in Fall 2012 ONLY: Mail or bring completed MSW I - SW 650 Field Application in its entirety by the same day your “MSW Program Verification” form is due (within one week) from date of acceptance letter to School Address (on front of Field Application Form). Attn: Field Education. The field application may be scanned and sent electronically, but it must be signed and have photo image attached. (Hard copy by mail to follow electronic copy is preferred.) swfield@mail.sdsu.edu MSW I – Foundation Year Field Practicum Application Checklist The following is a guide to assist you in completing the MSW I Field Practicum Application materials. This page does not need to be handed into the School. Have you Completed the MSW I - SW 650 Application Form (5 pages), including Attached a Passport Type Photo to front page Personal Information MSW Program Information Applicant Information Educational Summary Prior Professional Experience Career Goals Additional Training Additional Information (Optional) Read and signed the MSW I Field Practicum Student Agreement – page 5. Xeroxed 2 copies of the entire Field Application Packet, retaining these copies for yourself (1 copy for the Agency-Field Instructor interview and 1 copy for your future use). Begin preparation of a professional resume. MSW I Field Practicum Application 2012-2013