Meeting Opened : 11.05 a.m.
1. Present: Lyn Wootton (in the chair), Susie Davies, Dee Deitz,
Maggie O’Donnell,
Susan Wilson, Robyn Winter, June Ernst and Lorraine O’Connor.
Apologies: Lynn Flanagan.
Proposed by Sue Wilson and seconded by Robyn Winter that the apologies be accepted.
2. Minutes:
It was moved by Sue Wilson, seconded by Robyn Winter that the minutes from the previous Committee Meeting held on Friday, 28 th March, 2014 at Maitland be accepted as a true and accurate record and that they be now sent to Lorraine O’Connor to be posted on the website. Carried.
No alterations were received regarding the minutes from the General Meeting held on
Friday, 4 th April, 2014.
Match Minutes will be circulated by Sue Wilson for ratification prior to the next Committee
Meeting to be held on 6 th June, 2014.
3. Business Arising from the Previous Minutes:
Report on information from Stuart Fraser, Susie Davies asked that this topic be referred to General Business.
‘Attendance Sheet’ attached, all agreed that this document was correct.
Progress on the UHC
– meeting to be set up between District and Aberdeen when
Committee members are travelling to Murrurundi for the CC. Susie to liaise and report back to the Committee via email.
Committee details on the website, Lorrai ne O’Connor gave her reasons regarding not having all Committee member
’s details on the web, mainly privacy issue. It was agreed that only Committee members with NHDLGA emails be listed. Lorraine to change this as per the Committee’s decision.
4. C aptain’s Report:
Attached. Moved by Sue Wilson that her report be tabled and accepted. Seconded by
Robyn Winter. Carried
5. Treasurer’s Report:
Attached. Moved by June Ernst that her report be tabled and accepted and that all payments be paid. Seconded by Robyn Winter. Carried.
6. Golf NSW Councillors Report:
Attached. Moved by Dee Deitz that her report be tabled and accepted. Seconded by
7. Correspondence:
Email to Golf NSW attaching our District Championship flyer in entry form
● Get well card to Sue Ford
● Email to Susan Lawrence regarding availability for the District Championship
● Email to Stuart Fraser as to the result of the Board decision regarding the breakaway
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7. Correspondence:
● Letter from the Greater about our Sponsorship deposit
Letters from Golf NSW
– copies of which were sent to all the Upper Hunter Clubs
regarding the breakaway issue.
8. General Business:
(a) Breakaway Issue
Susie Davies gave a brief rundown of Clause 9 in NHDLGA’s Constitution and what Golf
NSW was requesting in point 3 of their letter. After a discussion, it was agreed that
President Lyn Wootton would write to Stuart Fraser and request instructions (step by step) so we can deal with this matter. President Lyn Wootton also said that she would write letters to all the Upper Hunter Clubs regarding this matter.
(b) Meeting with t he Two Men’s Districts
That this meeting be canceled.
(c) Fillable Forms for our website
Lorraine read research she had gathered regarding this matter from ‘Little Black Duck’.
After a discussion it was agreed that Lorraine work on this project and report back to the
Committee via email.
Wash up on Vet’s Day
All agreed that it was a success. The numbers were down to only 40 players participating. It was felt that the number of carts available to the field may have contributed to the low numbers. Sue Wilson said that a Draw is much better than a shot gun start for this event.
(d) Progress on the District Championship
It was discussed that because of the low numbers that the free Sunday barbeque and fashion parade be cancelled. Susie to send out an email to the District informing them of this decision and to notify Susan Lawrence and see if she would like to do a mini fashion parade on the Monday afternoon.
A review of the numbers for the Gala Dinner being 30, a decision was made to go ahead with this and Susie to notify the caterers.
A discussion took place about prizes to be given out for nearest the pins. Lyn Wootton showed the Committee golf towels which could have the District’s logo embroidered on them. It was agreed by all that Lyn order an adequate number of these towels to be given out at this event.
An NHDLGA ball marker and a golf ball will also be given to the winner with the towel.
Sue Wilson gave a brief outline as to the Draw. The foursomes will be a reverse handicap order draw so that if there is a play off, it can be done quickly. Day 2 of singles is also reverse handicap order draw for the same reason. Sue then went through the list of roles and responsibilities and allocated specific jobs to committee members.
Maggie O ’Donnell went through the list of prizes and vouches needed for this event. She will email all her paperwork relating to this task to the Committee and that Lyn Wootton will purchase additional vouchers. Maggie also went through all presentation envelopes for this event and the Country Cup.
It was agreed by all the amount awarded to various winners should be in line with a budget for each event.
Signs, Susie to do referees name badges and Maggie will do laminated signs for the carts. Monday’s referee will be Margaret Pearson, Tuesday’s referee will be John
Waanders and Wednesday’s referee will be Margaret Harris. As a cart was not booked at Horizons for the referee, Robyn was asked if the referee could use cart. Robyn will book a cart for Margaret Harris as Robyn will need her cart.
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(e) Progress on Country Cup
Susie Davies gave a brief update about expression of interest figures she had collected.
Susie was asked to change the Murrurundi accommodation booking pending Aberdeen’s reply to the meeting with them.
(f) 2014’s UHC & Booking of 2015 District Events
It was agreed by all to accept Aberdeen’s offer to hold this year’s Upper Hunter Classic and to also accept their dates.
After discussion, please see attached draft of District’s 2015 Events.
Susie to enquire about Karuah’s situation of holding the Vet’s Salver and report back via email to the Committee.
Susie also to enquire about Pacific Dunes holding a District event when the green fee is set at $15.00 per player for either the single event or the foursomes and report back via email.
There is a plan “B” for back up.
Susie also to report back as to the progress with Toronto holding the 2015 foursomes.
(g) Trophies and Vouchers
Sue Wilson stated that she would like a Committee person to be responsible for the management of the Trophies. Some of the trophies are very old and valuable and need maintenance. Because of the number of trophies the District possesses storing them is problematic. As stated again, the amount awarded to various winners should be in line with a budget for each event.
9. Other Business
● C aptain’s Meeting
After a discussion, it was agreed that as we have not had any concerns raised and no other issues have arisen that next month’s Captain’s Meeting be cancelled.
That Susie Davies send an email out to all the District clubs informing them of our decision.
Card to be sent by the District
It was agreed that the Secretary send 2 cards to various people in the District.
Christmas Party
Susie Davies asked all the Committee members to think about a date for the
Christmas Party so everyone is aware of this event. Dee Deitz suggested either
Friday, 27 th November or Friday, 4 th December, 2014. Could everyone think about this event and bring their suggestions along at the next Committee meeting.
10. Next Meetings:
General Meeting – Friday, 27 th June at Maitland – no Agenda items were received
Committee Meeting – Friday, 25 th July at Maitland –
General Meeting – Friday, 15 th August at Maitland –
Meeting closed 3.50 p.m.
President Lyn Wootton
Secretary Susie Davies