DEFINING MOMENTS ESSAY CONSTRUCTING A THESIS STATEMENT IN CANADIAN HISTORY To construct an effective thesis for a research paper, one good technique is to show a relationship between two or more relevant concepts. Consider the lists below, and mentally experiment by connecting some of them. Element of History War Battle Invention Technology Military General Prime Minister Person Event Relationship Terms -was a defining moment -was responsible for -about -was instrumental in -supported -weakened -strengthened -was superior to -was inferior to -had a positive effect -has a negative effect -caused -brought -led to -fragmented -caused turmoil -destroyed -undermined -brought -affected -saved Effect on History -Economic prosperity -Economic decline -Military power -Military collapse -political independence -economic stability or instability -Political stability or instability -Rise of a nation -Fall of a nation -Influencing another culture -Dominating/conquering -contributed to victory -contributed to autonomy -social effects -political effects -economic effects -military effects Examples The World Wars were directly responsible to the increase of women’s rights. Prime Minister Diefenbaker’s decision to scrap the Avro Arrow had a negative effect on Canada. Step 3: Question and Answer, and Thesis Formation Name: _____________________ Your Chosen Topic: ______________________________________________ 1. What are some controversial or arguable questions about your topic? For example on the topic of End of WWI: Was the Treaty of Versailles Fair? This question can have two possible answers: yes and no! 2. What makes the topic a “defining moment” in Canada’s history? 3. Write down the thesis statement and supporting evidence. Thesis Statement Argument (answer to the controversial question and defining moment question) Evidence that Proves the Argument & FOOTNOTE Footnote Instructions This is a good essay because it has a clear thesis, strong arguments and excellent writing style. 3. Please attach your updated list of sources in the typed, FULL BIBLIOGRAPHIC FORMAT. Citation Builder