
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
NGR 6803
Summer 2013
Beginning Date: May 13, 2013
Pre-requisites: Satisfactory completion of
undergraduate statistics
course and Theory Course
Faculty Contact Information:
Faculty Name: Hsiao-Lan Wang, PhD, RN,
Office Hours: By Appointment
Phone: 813-974-5216
Fax: 813-975-5418
End Date: August 2, 2013
Credit Hours: 3
Class Blended Course- Canvas
Office MDN 3031
Virtual Office: NA
T.A. Name: None
T.A. Email:
Email Address:
Preferred Email the instructor through the USF email system at canvas so that your course name
Method of and number will be included in the subject line. Questions should be addressed in the
Contact: General Questions discussion board so that all students can benefit.
Reply Students may expect that the Professor will respond to email within 24-48 hours during
Guidelines: weekdays, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 pm EST. The Professor may or
may not respond to emails during weekends and holidays. .
Technical For technical assistance, i.e. accessing course, course materials, links, video
Problems: presentations, documents, assignment submission, email:
Other: The ONLY accepted email will be the USF Health account. If a student is having
problems with the USF email account, he/she is expected to contact IT to have it
repaired. It is imperative that you obtain your USF Net ID and Health email immediately
in order to receive communication from faculty. For assistance, contact USF Health IT at or 813-974-6288.
Students are expected to check the Discussion Board at least every 48 hours for new
announcements and Q&A
Updated 02/03/2013
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Course Description/Objectives
Course This course provides the theoretical and clinical knowledge needed to prepare the
Description: advanced practice nurse to engage in evidence-based practice. It will provide the
opportunity to develop skills needed to critically evaluate new information available from
professional consensus statements and research findings.
1. Analyze the status of research utilization and evidence-based practice in
2. Apply the steps of evidence-based practice.
3. Critically appraise appropriate knowledge for clinical decision making.
4. Evaluate evidence-based resources as support for decision making (i.e.,
introducing, disseminating, modifying or rejecting a change in practice).
5. Appraise the readiness for adoption of evidence-based guidelines in a specific
clinical setting, or environment with attention to both individual and
organizational components.
6. Critique the use of evidence-based practice guidelines in the clinical setting.
7. Develop evidence-based practice plans pertinent to practice outcomes.
Student outcomes upon completion of this course on Research and EBP are:
1. Perform rigorous critique of evidence derived from qualitative and quantitative
research databases to generate meaningful evidence for application in practice.
Grade: 20%
2. Develop an Evidenced-Based Synthesis Paper on a significant clinical or
practice problem with particular attention to the research on which the practice
is supported for use in the clinical or practice area. 20%
3. Design an evidence-based outcome project to support policy changes through
knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination, planning and evaluating
knowledge dissemination. 35%
4. Quizzes on relevant statistics and case studies and class participation 25%
Major Course
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1. Why evidence-based practice
 Compelling clinical questions
2. Formulating a clinical question
3. Levels of evidence and search for evidence
4. Critically appraising knowledge for clinical decision making
 Quantitative evidence appraisal
 Qualitative evidence appraisal
5. Clinical judgment
6. Models, frameworks, & strategies
7. Evidence-based practice guidelines
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
8. Generating evidence: Quantitative and qualitative
9. General evaluation outcomes management
10. Disseminating evidence
11. Motivating change
12. Ethical considerations for evidence implementation and evidence generation
Delivery / Materials
Delivery Format: Blended course: In-class lecture format and Web-based, use Canvas, Discussion
Polit, D. & Beck, C.T. (2012). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence
for nursing practice (9th ed). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott. (okay to buy 8th ed)
DiCenso, A., Guyatt, G. & Ciliska, D. (2005). Evidence-based nursing. A guide to
clinical practice. St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
These books are ordered and will be available at USF book store
American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC.
Access to the internet with a reliable computer. Microsoft Word 2003 or later. Free
download available from
Books, technology resources that supplement the course but are not required.
Grading Criteria
Grading System:
Types of
A grade of B or better must be achieved in order to progress in the graduate nursing
Evidence-Based Practice on formulating clinical questions, critical appraisal of evidence
for clinical decision- making, critical synthesis of literature, design of an evidence-based
outcome project, plan for disseminating evidence, participation in discussion board,
Participation in-class lectures and conference using the Big Blue button in Canvas live
discussion is mandated to be successful in this course.
Updated 02/03/2013
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Instructor Guidelines
The USF College of Nursing expects students to maintain academic honesty in all
courses. By virtue of being registered in a nursing course, students agree to refrain
from cheating. If cheating in any form (academic dishonesty) is detected, appropriate
action will be taken. (Refer to USF Academic Dishonesty Policy).
College of
Nursing Grading
= 93-100
= 87-89
= 80-82
= 73-76
= 66% and below
A- = 90-92
B = 83-86
C = 77-79
D = 67-74
Grades will be rounded down to the nearest whole number for fractions greater than or
equal to 0.4, and will round up to the nearest whole number for fractions equal to or
greater than 0.5.
The topical outline of the course is created as modules as one module per week.
Students are expected to complete assigned readings for the module, follow the
student resource guides to complete the assignments, and participate in Discussion
Board submission. All written assignments and references are to be typed and
formatted according to APA format found in the Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association, 6th ed. Assignment must be submitted on or before the due
date. Formative evaluations will be forwarded to the students within 7 days. Papers
are to be submitted electronically through Assignment or submission in Canvas.
Submit all assignments in MS Word 2003 or 2007 format. When an assignment has
been submitted correctly, students will be see a “!” appear in Grade book; grades will
be posted when grading is completed.
The assignments are reviewed and formative evaluations available to the students if
submitted prior to the due date. Students are then allowed to resubmit one revised
paper for their grade.
Go to grades in Canvas and select the assignment you want to see the faculty
Feedback in
comments. You will see your paper on the left side of the assignment and on the left
Graded paper
side you will see a paper with faculty comments. Click to view the comments.
Late Students are responsible for notifying faculty if unable to meet any of the course
Assignments/ requirements. Late assignments forfeit the option for formative evaluations and
Updated 02/03/2013
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Incorrect Method resubmission of a revised paper and an improved assignment grade. Late submission
of Submission: will result in 10% grade reduction. The students may request an extension of the
assignment 24 hours prior to the deadline.
‘Incomplete’ Incomplete (I)
Definition: An Incomplete grade (“I”) is exceptional and granted at the instructor’s
discretion only when students are unable to complete course requirements due to
illness or other circumstances beyond their control.
This applies to all gradable courses, including pass/fail (S/U).
Students may only be eligible for an “I” when:
• majority of the student’s work for a course has been completed before the end of the
• the work that has been completed must be qualitatively satisfactory
• the student has requested consideration for an “I” grade as soon as possible but no
later than the last day of finals week.
Withdrawal Withdrawal Policy (approved by CON Faculty Council 12/15/06; revised 1/19/07):
Guidelines: Withdrawals are limited to 1 per course, with a limit of 2 per undergraduate or graduate
program. Withdrawals are defined as officially withdrawing from any class after the
Drop/Add period and before the final Withdrawal date as outlined in the Academic
Calendar. Any student withdrawing in excess of stated policy might be dismissed from
the College of Nursing unless the College of Nursing has pre-approved a documented
Medical and/or Emergency situation.
See Withdrawal Deadlines at
Schedule Change
Any changes to the schedule will be announced through the Blackboard
Announcements page. An updated schedule will be provided.
Student Demonstrate initiative in seeking learning experiences that will enable the student to
Expectations: achieve the course objectives. Read the assigned text and complete all assignments
on time. A minimum of 2-3 hours of preparation for each credit hour of class is a rule of
thumb; 6-9 hours per week for a 3 credit course. However, the specific number of
hours of class preparation will vary with each student depending upon reading,
comprehension and writing abilities. Papers and assignments are expected to have
correct spelling and grammar. You must have access to a reliable computer equipped
with Microsoft Word version 2003 or later. You will not be able to submit assignments
without this software. Students are encouraged to consider a “plan B” in case of
Updated 02/03/2013
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
technical difficulties. Most public libraries, for example, provide internet access.
The course will be taught using a variety of methods and may include: supportive
readings, conference using big blue button in canvas, discussion board questions, and
weekly assignments. The student will need to complete the textbook reading
assignments, review the slide presentations, and complete all assignments on or
before the due date. The student will need to log onto Canvas and check their USF
Health email account for any messages regarding the course (view both
announcements and the discussion boards) a minimum of once per week for any
messages from the faculty regarding their progression in the course. Students
experiencing difficulties are urged to consult with their assigned academic advisor
and/or the instructor (will be available as your resource on a regularly scheduled basis).
Students may seek assistance at the USF Counseling Center where many programs
and services are available.
Communication: Faculty will be available by email, telephone and in the Tampa Office.
Email is the preferred method of communication. To schedule a Tampa Office
appointment, please send an email with suggested dates and times and a confirmation
will be sent. If you would like a Phone appointment it may be arranged using the same
email method. Emails will be reviewed daily Monday through Friday. If an email
message requires a response, the student should receive that response within 48 hours.
If the student has not received that response within the 48-hour time frame, please email
again ( with the course number in the subject.
What to Expect of Feedback on assignments will be provided via Canvas (7-10 days). The instructor will
the Instructor: be available as your resource.
Permission to State your guidelines about the distribution and use of any materials in your course
use Lecture(s): including audio, video, and documents.
Institutional Guidelines:
General Nursing
Nursing Academic Policies and Procedures:
USF Undergraduate Catalog 2009-2010:
USF Graduate Catalog 2009-2010:
Student Rights & Review USF Student Rights & Responsibilities at:
and Code of
Conduct: Review USF Student Code of Conduct:
Updated 02/03/2013
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Disruption of the academic process and violations of the policies regarding academic
Disruption of
integrity will not be tolerated. Review USF policies on Disruption of the Academic
Process and the Academic Integrity of Students at:
c Integrity of
Students: web/currentregs/USF3-025.htm
Academic Plagiarism will not be tolerated and is grounds for failure. Review USF Academic
Dishonesty/ Dishonesty and Disruption of Academic Process Policy at:
Section%207 _Grad_Catalog.pdf
The University of South Florida has an account with an automated plagiarism detection
service (SafeAssign under turnitin), which allows instructors and students to submit
student assignments to be checked for plagiarism. I (the instructor) reserve the right to
1) request that assignments be submitted as electronic files and 2) submit students’
assignments to SafeAssign, or 3) request students to submit their assignments to
SafeAssign through myUSF. Assignments are compared automatically with a database
of journal articles, web articles, the internet and previously submitted papers. The
instructor receives a report showing exactly how a student’s paper was plagiarized. For
more information about Plagiarism and SafeAssign, visit:
Plagiarism tutorial:
Student Review USF Academic Grievance Policy at:
Review USF Academic Grievance Procedure at:
Special Visit the Students with Disabilities Services (SDS) website at:
Campus Closure Emergency Preparedness for Academic Continuity
Updated 02/03/2013
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
Holidays and Students who anticipate the necessity of missing any exam due to the observation of a
Religious major religious observance should provide notice of the date(s) to the instructor, in
Observances: writing, by the second class.
Review USF Attendance Policy for the Observance of Religious Days by Student at:
Resources for Students
Library USF Library Resources and Services:
Shimberg Health Sciences Library Tutorials: (follow links
under ‘Instructional Services’ section)
Citing Sources
(APA 6th Edition)
Use the recommended text book
Guides and
Plagiarism: Tutorial on Plagiarism:
Complete Plagiarism Quiz via pre-module
Updated 02/03/2013