Dhawan CV - Portland State University

Distinguished Professor
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, NJ 07102
Administrative Vision
To provide an effective leadership for the College of Engineering to become a toptier ranked engineering institution in the nation, known for outstanding engineering
education focused at real-world needs, excellence, innovation and
entrepreneurship to prepare students to succeed and meet technical challenges of
21st century, and to take a leadership role in the society.
The vision will be accomplished by developing and enhancing a strong goal-driven
synergistic academic environment that inspires faculty, staff, and students towards
higher success, accomplishments, leadership, and strategic partnerships involving
academic, industrial, government, and business sectors creating an innovative
academic and research enterprise of excellence engaged in the advancement of
engineering education, research and technology transfer to serve the needs of the
regional, US, and global diverse economy.
Highlights Of Recent Accomplishments
A. Administrative Focus and Accomplishments As ECE Department Chair, NJIT
1. Developed and delivered the ECE Department Strategic Plan for AY 2001-2007 that
was approved by ECE Faculty, ECE Department Industry Advisory Board (IAB) and
NJIT administration: All Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the Strategic Plan 2001
were met or exceeded by Fall 2006. A new Strategic Plan was developed in 2007 and
endorsed by faculty and ECE Industry Advisory Board. The ECE Department grew academic
and research programs with a total enrollment of more than 1100 students including about
680 UG and 430 graduate students, 36 full-time and 18 adjunct faculty members. The
following are highlights of strategic accomplishments under my leadership as the Department
Chair since 2000.
a. ECE Department academic and research programs were organized in five key
focus areas with critical concentration of expertise: (i) Solid State, Micro/Nano
Electronics and Photonics Devices; (ii) Communications, Signal Processing and
Microwave; (iii) Computer (and Wireless) Networking; (iv) Computer Architecture
and Digital Systems; and (v) Intelligent Systems.
b. ECE Industry Advisory Board was revitalized establishing university-industry
partnerships in academic and research programs. Industry advisory board
members actively participated in the campus based academic and research programs
meeting 4 times a year for general meetings and coming to the classroom for
additional two-four times a year.
i. Industry representatives from IBM, Telcordia, BAE-Systems, SENA Systems,
US Army-CERDEC, Agilent Technologies, Inter-Digital, AT&T Bell-Labs,
Spirent Communications/Circadiant, BAE Systems, ASCO Power
Technologies, LB Electric, Abbot Labs, and UMDNJ have been added to the
ii. Industry representatives participated in teaching the ECE 101; Introduction to
Electrical & Computer Engineering course. The course was designed by the
ECE IAB members.
iii. Industry representatives mentored or participated in the mentoring program
and sponsored undergraduate Senior Design Projects.
iv. Industry representatives regularly sponsored Senior Design Project Workshop
where they judged UG student senior design projects for awards. This also
became a major recruiting event for industry.
v. Industry representatives helped faculty in providing support letters on their
external research proposals and also provided funding for their research
projects. Several research contracts and technology transfer protocols were
signed because of the general exposure of faculty research presentations to
ECE IAB members.
vi. Internships and co-op positions directly sponsored by industries were more
than tripled: new positions were introduced by IBM, BAE Systems, L-3
Communications and ASCO Power Technologies.
c. Undergraduate (UG) student retention and mentoring programs were developed
and successfully implemented resulting in significant improvement in retention
and graduate rates. The student retention rate was improved to about 90% in the
department while the five-year graduation rate was improved from about 40% to over
d. Ph.D. graduation was strengthened from an average of 8 Ph.D.s per year to 15
Ph.D.s per year. Ph.D. enrollment was increased from under 60 in 2000 to 102 in
e. Federal research funding from NSF, DoD, US Army and other federal agencies
was more than tripled during AY 2001 and 2007. External funding of research
awards was increased from $3.6 million to over $7.0 million during this period.
f. Eleven (11) faculty at the Professor/Endowed Chair and Assistant/Associate
Professor levels were hired in key strategic areas from 2001-2008.
g. Three new staff positions: “Administrative Assistant for Financial Planning and
Special Projects”; “UG Student Advisor and Curriculum Coordinator”; and
ECE Electronics Lab Technician” were created and hired to support the ECE
Department infrastructure.
h. Seven (7) staff members were hired during AY 2001-2008.
i. Faculty support and mentoring plans were significantly enhanced.
i. Number of Fellows of professional societies (such as IEEE, Electrochemical
Society) was increased from 3 to 11.
ii. Faculty participation on editorial boards and chairship representation on
international conferences was tripled.
iii. As an example of successful faculty mentoring programs, Dr. Yanchao Zhang
received external research funding from NSF by the end of the first year of
employment at NJIT.
j. ECE Department ranking in the US World News Report moved into top 75 ECE
Departments from an unranked position. The ASEE Ranking ranked ECE
Department in the nation for the first time in the Category of UG graduations in
Electrical Engineering (EE) and Computer Engineering (CoE) programs. The CoE
program was ranked 8th in the nation for all-time-high graduations in 2004.
Recently in the ASEE 2005-06 Annual Report, CoE and EE programs are
ranked, respectively, as 16th and 28th in the nation.
2. Established a collaborative research center, New Jersey Center for Wireless
Networking and Internet Security (NJWINS) in collaboration with Princeton
University: The total research expenditure from collaborative grants from NJCST, NSF, US
Army, DoD and industries exceeded $10 million between 2002-2007. A major initiative,
Smart Campus (PI: Constantine Manikopoulos) funded by NSF was originated from
3. Developed Strategic Plan for enhancement of research area focused at “Wireless
Communications and Networking”: This plan was selected as one of three Presidential
Investment Plans at NJIT. Through the ECE Strategic Plan two new faculty positions
were created: one at the senior Endowed Chair Professor level and another at the
junior faculty level in the Wireless Communications and Networking thrust area.
a. Ying Wu Endowed Chair Professor position in Wireless Networking was created
with the endowment of $1.5 million from the ECE Department Alumnus Mr Ying Wu
and the Presidential Investment Plan funding. Dr. Stewart Personick (Ph.D., MIT), an
internationally known pioneer and a prominent member of the National Academy of
Engineering was hired as the Ying Wu Endowed Chair.
b. Dr. Yanchao Zhang from the University of Florida was hired as Assistant Professor in
network security area.
4. Developed a Strategic Plan for enhancement of research area focused at
“Nanotechnology Devices and Systems” with Emphasis on Nano-Bio-Sensors: This plan
was selected as one of three collaborative Presidential Niche Area Investment Plans at NJIT.
This plan included collaborative research from faculty in ECE, Physics, Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering Departments. Dr. Raquel Raquel Perez-Castillejos from the Harvard
Medical School was hired as Assistant Professor in Bioelectronics area in the ECE
5. Developed two new Master of Science degree programs: Master of Science in
Bioelectronics and Master of Science in Power and Energy Systems degree programs were
developed with strong industry support. The new M.S. degree programs received all
approvals and are scheduled to start in Fall 2008.
6. Established student-centered programs: I initiated several programs to engage students in
effective advising, mentoring and professional networking activities which resulted in
significant improvement in student retention and graduation rates. The graduation rate was
improved by more than 55% over a 6-year period.
a. Student advising infrastructure: I developed an effective student advising
infrastructure on both the UG and Graduate levels. UG freshmen students are advised
on a one-on-one basis by a professional advisor.
b. Student mentoring program: I developed a new student mentoring program with the
designation of ECE Student Mentors and ECE Student Ambassadors to highly
accomplished senior UG students with excellent communication and teaching skills.
These senior student mentors are hired to mentor freshmen, sophomore and junior
students with Study Groups and tutorial workshops.
c. ECE residential floor program: I started a new ECE Residential Floor Mentoring
program with freshmen students assigned to the same floor in a residential hall at
NJIT. Senior Student Mentors were assigned to help and mentor freshmen students on
each ECE floor with a ratio one mentor to 15 students.
d. ECE professional chapters and club activities: I revitalized IEEE ECE Student
Chapter and engaged them to offer Tutorial Workshops and Professional Lectures
from industry. ECE Club and ECE Women Student Chapter were also initiated with
professional lectures and fun project activities in electrical and computer engineering.
e. Participation in national student competitions: I organized and led student teams
to compete in national competitions including IBM-History Channel City of
Future, and DARPA Urban Challenge competitions. NJIT student team won the
IBM-History Channel City of Future: New York in 2017 competition for designing an
innovative power and energy infrastructure support for the city of New York. I also
led the student team with the development of technical, business and management
plans with about $500,000 funding support from industry in cash and equipment.
Major sponsorships from IBM, L-3 Communications Space and Navigation Systems,
BAE-Systems, GM, and Kearfott Inc were obtained to support the program.
7. Led the department successfully through ABET evaluations: Both Computer Engineering
and Electrical Engineering in the Department were fully accredited in 2001 and in 2007.
8. Led the outreaching efforts to enhance NJIT’s image through TV and newspaper
coverage: I established a strong relationship with media with TV features telecasted and
feature articles published in Star Ledger newspaper every year about ECE Department,
student and faculty successes. NJN TV network telecasted a feature about Senior Design
Project in its FAST Track program. Discovery Channel has produced a feature on DARPA
Urban Challenge and Autonomous Car development. NJIT was selected one of the 10 teams
from the nation for this series of 6 shows to be telecasted in July/August 2008 on the
Discovery Channel worldwide.
9. Developed national and international student recruiting plans: At the undergraduate
level, I started a new ECE Career Exploration Summer Overnight Stay program for highschool students where students from NJ and the neighboring states stay at NJIT campus for
two days and work on industry sponsored electronic circuit projects and listed to the
presentations from IBM and other participating industry representatives. This program has
been very successful in outreaching high-school students. I also developed international
student exchange programs through specific Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) with
premier institutions including IITs from India. Undergraduate students from IIT Delhi, IIT
Chennai, IIT Roorkee and IIT Bombay have been participating in the 8-weeks summer
research program in ECE Department laboratories. In addition, I have been visiting major
cities and universities in overseas countries to establish international bilateral student and
faculty exchange programs. We have developed more than 6 MoUs with different universities
worldwide in last two years. This is an important aspect of developing future programs
involving global diversity, networking and resource management.
10. Recruited Outstanding Faculty and Staff with Diversity: Since 2001, 11 faculty and 7
staff members were successfully recruited in ECE Department with a complete spectrum of
diversity including Hispanic, African-American and women minorities.
11. Actively participated/established fund raising campaign from industry: A $1.5 million
endowment was received from Mr. Ying Wu. More than $700,000 in cash and equipment
support were raised from industry in sponsorships of senior design projects, senior design
project workshops and DARPA Grand/Urban Challenge competition.
B. As A Researcher and Scholar:
1. Promoted to the elite rank of Distinguished Professor at NJIT in 2008.
2. Fellow of the IEEE elected in 2004.
3. Received more than $8.37 million in research funding: Research projects in the area of
medical imaging, medical image reconstruction and analysis, adaptive learning, pattern
recognition, network security, computerized industrial (space-shuttle main engine) diagnostic
and control systems, and computer-aided medical diagnosis were funded from a number of
funding sources including NIH, NSF, NASA, DARPA, NJCST, Hoechst Pharmaceuticals,
GE, and Pfeiffer Foundation.
4. Founded the New Jersey Center for Wireless Networking and Internet Security: With
grants from NJCST, NSF and industry, a collaborative research center, NJ Center for
Wireless Networking and Internet Security was established at NJIT in collaboration with
Princeton University on developing future technologies in network management and security
protocols. I developed a multi-level dynamic security protocol using wavelet transform,
watermarking, and multi-node adaptive routing. This technology has been patented recently
and licensed to a company through NJIT.
As Director of the NJ Research Center of Wireless Networking and Internet Security:
a. Growth with funding from NSF, US Army and industry: The NJWINS Center grew with
additional funding from NSF, US Army and major industry including Mitsubishi and
Panasonic Research Lab, and Lockheed Martin. More than 200 journal papers were published
and 75 patents were filed during 2001-2006. The success of the Center was a major factor in
the award of the Presidential Strategic Investment Plan in the area of Wireless
Communications and Networking.
b. Growth towards establishment of NSF Research Center The Center provided the
foundation and leverage for the establishment of the NSF Industry-University Cooperative
Research Center on Information Assurance. The Center also provided the foundation for
more than $2 million of funding from NSF on a test-bed project called Smart Campus for
wireless location-aware on-demand contextual networking and communication.
c. Stronger Ties with Industry and US Army CREDEC Center: The Center industry
advisory board provided stronger relationship and support to the department research
activities. I organized a workshop on Cybersecurity with panel discussions and research
presentations from experts in industry, academia and government sectors over two days long
schedule. The workshop was well sponsored and participated by industry, US Army and NJ
institutions to help strengthen research work in the network security area.
5. Graduated 20 Ph.D. Students: I graduated 20 Ph.D. and 18 M.S. students who are well
placed in industry and academia throughout the world.
6. Published 5 books, and more than 183 research articles in refereed journals, conference
proceedings and edited books: Recently published books include
a. Atam P. Dhawan, “Medical Image Analysis”, John Wiley & Sons, 2002; reprint
b. Atam P. Dhawan, H.K. Huang, Dae-Shik Kim (editors and contributors),
“Principles and Advances in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis”, World
Scientific Publications, Feb 2008.
7. Internationally known for research work in the area of medical imaging and image
analysis: Received several awards including Martin Epstein Award, IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society Early Career Achievement Award, Sigma-Xi Young
Investigator Award and Dorman Distinguished Lecture Award.
8. Chaired 28th Annual IEEE International Conference of Engineering in Medicine and
Biology, New York City, August 30-Sept 3, 2006. This is the largest meeting of Biomedical
Engineers in the world. Over 2100 researchers, scientists, clinicians and students attended the
conference in NY. The conferences included 7 plenary lectures from pioneers and world
leaders in biomedical engineering and related areas. At present, I am serving as the Chair of
the IEEE EMBS Awards and Recognition Committee.
9. Delivered 28 invited talks as keynote address or distinguished seminar. Recently, I have
been invited to deliver a keynote address “Multimodality Multiparameter Medical Imaging”,
in the IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in
Biomedicine (ITAB 2008), Shenzhen, China, May 30-31, 2008.
10. Received 4 patents on inventions. Two of them are successfully licensed to companies.
a. Successfully transferred technology of Nevoscope patent to Translite and 3GEN companies. They are now producing products based on Nevoscope
b. Licensed Multi-Level Network and Data Security patent to a company
through NJIT. The patent was awarded in 2007 and licensed to a company by
11. Chaired a number of NIH Study Sections, Review Panels and Site Visit Teams:
Participated as member or Chair in more than 90 study sections and review panels for NIH
and NSF.
12. Service on Editorial Boards of Premier Journals: Serving IEEE Transactions on
Biomedical Engineering as Associate Editor in charge of LETTERS publication which is
targeted at highly innovative papers with high impact, and International Journal on Pattern
Recognition as Editor.
Dhawan CV: 01/09
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Knowledge-Based Image Analysis and Interpretation, Medical Imaging,
Wavelets, Data Security Protocols, Genetic Algorithms, Pattern
Recognition, 3-D Image Reconstruction, Artificial Neural Networks.
Microprocessor Systems, Computer Engineering.
Electrical Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, 1985.
M.S.E.E. Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 1979.
Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 1977.
Distinguished Professor (With Tenure) and Chairperson, Department of Electrical &
Computer Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT): 2008
Chairperson and Professor (With Tenure), Department of Electrical & Computer
Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT): 2000-2008.
Professor (Joint Appointment), Department of Biomedical Engineering, NJIT: 2000-present.
Director, New Jersey Center for Wireless Networking and Internet Security: 2002-2006.
Director, New Jersey Center for Multimedia Research: 2000-2002.
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, College of Engineering, University of
Toledo: 1998-2000.
Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies, College of Engineering, University of Toledo, 1998.
Professor (With Tenure), Department of Bioengineering, University of Toledo, 1998-2000.
Adjunct Professor, Radiology, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, 1998-2000.
Professor (With Tenure) and Chairman, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Texas at Arlington, 1996-1997.
Professor (With Tenure), Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at
Arlington, 1996-1998.
Adjunct Professor, Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical
Center at Dallas, 1996-1998.
Professor (With Tenure), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, 1995-1996.
Professor (Joint Appointment), Department of Radiology, University of Cincinnati, 1995-1996.
Graduate Program Director, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of
Cincinnati, 1993- 1996.
Director, Center for Intelligent Vision Systems, University of Cincinnati, 1990-1996.
Collateral Faculty, Ohio Aerospace Institute: 1989-1996.
Director, Knowledge-Based Computer Vision Laboratory, University of Cincinnati,
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, 1990-1995.
Associate Professor (Adjunct), Dept. of Radiology, University of Cincinnati, 1993-1995.
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, 1988-1990.
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Houston,
Houston, 1985-1988.
Research Assistant, Image Analysis Laboratory, Department of Radiology, University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, 1983-1985.
Senior Engineer and Group Leader, Microcomputer Products, Universal Electric Ltd.,
Faridabad, India, 1982.
Faculty Member (Lecturer), Department of Electrical Engineering, The YMCA Institute of
Engineering, Faridabad, India, 1979-1981.
Research Assistant, Digital Circuits Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 1975-1978.
Advanced Techniques in Effective Teaching Course, University of Cincinnati, Spring 1994.
Diploma in Synthetic Aperture Radar Technology, University of Michigan and OAI, Dec. 1517, 1993.
Diploma in Knowledge-Based Systems, MIT-ASEE/Faculty Development Program,
Summer, 1989.
Diploma in Contemporary Optics, The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester,
Rochester, NY, Summer 1984.
Diploma in Dermapathology, and Structures and Functions of Skin, special course at the
43rd Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology, Washington, DC, 1984.
Special Courses on Medical Imaging, NMR Imaging, and Neuroradiology, at the 70th
Annual Meeting of the Radiological Soc. of North America, Washington, DC, 1984.
Diploma in Automated Diagnostic Cytology, at the 4th International Conf. on Automation
of Diagnostic Cytology, Montreal, 1983.
Honors and Awards:
Fellow of the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE): 2004Chair, IEEE EMBS Awrads and Recognition Committee, 2008-09
Dorman Distinguished Lectureship Award, University of Toledo: 1999.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Early Career Achievement Award, IEEE 17th
Annual EMBS International Conference, Montreal, 1995.
Faculty Achievement Award, University of Cincinnati, 1994.
Sigma-Xi Young Investigator Award, University of Cincinnati, 1992.
NIH F.I.R.S.T. Award, National Cancer Institute, 1988-1993.
Distinguished Progress in Research Excellence Award, Dept. of Electrical & Computer
Engineering, University of Cincinnati, 1989.
ASEE/Faculty Development Program Scholarship, Summer 1989.
Martin N. Epstein Award, and the $1000 First Prize, Student Paper Competition at the
Symposium of Computer Applications in Medical Care, Washington, DC, 1984.
Canadian Commonwealth Fellowship at the University of Manitoba, 1982-85.
University Grants Commission Fellowship at the University of Roorkee, 1977-79.
Other Recognition
Who’s Who in the World: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Who’s Who in America: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Who’s Who in Engineering: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007
Who’s Who Among America Teachers: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Who’s Who in Education: 2002, 2006
Professional Editorships and Recognition
Senior Editor (In-Charge), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering Letters, 2008present
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2004-2008.
Editor, International Journal of Pattern Recognition, 2006-present
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 1996-2002.
Associate Editor, International Journal of Pattern Recognition, 1999-2006.
Assistant Editor, IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, 1994-2002.
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Computing Information and
Technology, 1997-present.
Workshop/Symposium Chaired and Keynote Speaker
Member, International Program Committee, 5th IEEE-EMBS International Conference on
Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2008), Shenzhen,
China, 2008
Keynote Speaker, “Optical Imaging and Tomography for Biomedical and Clinical
Applications”, 5th IEEE International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body
Sensor Networks (BSN 2008), Hong Kong, June 1-3, 2008.
Keynote Speaker, “Multimodality Multiparamater Medical Imaging”, Keynote Address,
IEEE International Conférence on Information Technology and Applications in
Biomedicine (ITAB 2008), Shenzhen, China, May 30-31, 2008.
Technical Advisor, 29th IEEE 2007 International Conference of Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society, Lyon, France, 2007.
Conference Chair, 28th IEEE 2006 International Conference of Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society, New York, 2006.
Special Advisor and Member International Program Committee, “IEEE 2007 International
Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Leon, 2007.
Chair, Workshop on Medical Image Analysis: Principles to Recent Advances, IEEE 26th
International Conference of Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, San Francisco,
Chair, Workshop on Medical Image Analysis: Principles to Recent Advances, IEEE
International Conference of Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, Cancun, 2003.
Chair, Workshop on Homeland and Cyber Security, Newark, 2003.
Chair, Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedical Engineering, World Congress Frontier in
Med Phy. Bio Eng., Chicago, 2000.
Member, Program Committee, IEEE 1997 International Conference of Engineering in
Medicine & Biology Society, Chicago, 1996-97.
Chair, IEEE EMBS Emerging Technology Committee, 1998-1999, 1999-2000
Workshop Chair, Intelligent Biomedical Image Analysis, IEEE 1996 International
Conference of Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, Chicago, 1997.
Workshop Chair, Intelligent Biomedical Image Analysis, IEEE 1996 International
Conference of Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, Amsterdam, 1996.
Review Panels:
Chair, NIH Site Visit Team and Study Section, Biomedical Computing and Health
Informatics, University of California San Diego, P41 Grant, October 29-31, 2008.
Member, NIH Biomedical Computing and Health Informatics Study Section, June 2008.
Chair, NIH Site Visit Team and Study Section, Biomedical Computing and Health
Informatics, University of Southern California Biomedical Research Center, P41 Grant, March
5-7, 2008.
Chair, NIH NIBIB Study Section, Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Panel, ZRG OSRB(01), July 2007.
Chair, NIH NIBIB Study Section, Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Panel, ZRG OSRB(02), July 2007.
Member, NIH Shared Instrumentation Grants Review Panel, Biomedical Information Science
and Bioengineering Study Section ZRG-SBIB-N(30), June 2007.
Member, NIH Shared Instrumentation Grants Review Panel, Biomedical Information Science
and Bioengineering Study Section, September, 2006.
Chair, NIH NIBIB Special Review Panel ZRG OSR-A(1), Biomedical Imaging and
Bioengineering, June 2006.
Member, NIH Special Review Panel ZRG, Biomedical Imaging, March 2006.
Member, NIH Biomedical Computing and Health Informatics Study Section, 2004-05.
Chair, NIH Special Review Section SSS-9, Multidisciplinary Biomedical Computing, Oct
Chair, NIH Bioengineering Research Partnership Review Panel, SSS-M (53), July, 2003.
Member, Reparative Medicine Study Section, SSS-M (1), July 2003.
Member, NIH Special Study Section and Site Visit Team, SSS-9(40), National Biomedical
Computation Resource, June 2003.
Chair, Site Visit and Special Study Section Team, SSS-9, National Biomedical Simulation
Research Resource, University of Southern California, March 2003.
Member, NIH Special Study Section SSS-9, Biomedical Informatics, March 2003.
Chair, NIH Special Study Section SSS-M (2), Reparative Medicine, July 2002.
Chair, Special Study Section SSS-9 (38), Shared Instrumentation, June 2002.
Member, Site Visit and Special Study Section Team, SSS-H(02), National Simulation
Resource in Circulatory Mass Transport, March 2002.
Chair, NIH Special Study Section SSS-M (2), Reparative Medicine, November 2001.
Chair, NIH Special Study Section SSS-9, Biomedical Informatics, March 2001.
Chair, NIH Special Study Section SSS-9, Biomedical Computing and Informatics, Nov. 2000.
Chair, NIH Special Study Section SSS-9, Biomedical Computing and Informatics, 1998-2000.
Member, NIH Special Study Section # 9: 1990-2004.
Member, Site Visit and Special Study Section Team, SSS-H(02), National Simulation
Resource in Circulatory Mass Transport, March 1997.
Member, Site Visit and Special Study Section Team, National Research Resource in
Biomedical Computing, March 1996.
Member, NSF Engineering Research Centers/SIUCRC Review Panel, ERC: 1995.
Educational Program Grants
A.P. Dhawan, “Presidential Strategic Investment Plan in Wireless Networking and
Communications in ECE Department”, New Jersey Institute of Technology, $350,000 (with
reoccurring budget for two faculty lines), 2003-2008.
R. Fournier (PI), A.P. Dhawan (Co-PI) and J.Y. Lu (Co-PI), “Cellular and Physiologically
Based Medical Imaging”, Whitaker Foundation Special Opportunity Program, $850,000,
A.P. Dhawan "Teaching Excellence Through Effective Distance Learning (EDL)
Initiative", Co-PI: Phillip R. White, University of Toledo, Center for Teaching Excellence,
Funded, Total Direct Costs: $27,000, 5/1/98-4/30/99.
Research Grants (Under Revision)
A.P. Dhawan (PI), “A Clinical Atlas and Database of Multimodal Multispectral Images of
Skin-Lesions”, Biomedical Research Partnership Program, NIH, 2008-2013, $3,855,053.
Research Grants Awarded (Total: $8,370,256)
A.P. Dhawan, “Imaging of Skin-lesions for Early Detection of Skin-Cancers, Pfeiffer
Foundation”, Direct Cost: $150,000, Total Cost: $231,974, 01/02/07-6/30/09.
A.P. Dhawan, “Improved Optical Imaging of Skin-Cancers”, Ohl Foundation, Direct Costs:
$25,000, Total Cost: $37,200, 09/01/07-06/30/09.
A.P. Dhawan, “Adaptive Learning for Event Modeling and Characterization”, NASA,
$67,330, 2003-04.
A.P. Dhawan (PI), Symeon Papavassiliou, Sirin Tekinay, Constantine Manikopoulos, Bede
Liu (Princeton University), Ed Felten (Princeton University), and H. Kobayashi (Princeton
University), “New Jersey Center for Wireless Networking and Internet Security”, New Jersey
Commission of Science and Technology, Original Approved Funding: $2,650,000. Jan 2002June 2006.
N. Mullani (PI), A.P. Dhawan (Collaborator), “Validation of Nevoscope transillumination
imaging of skin-lesions”, National Institutes of Health, SBIR, Total Phase II amount, $547,401,
A.P. Dhawan, “NSF IUCR Center for Digital Video”, Co-PI with William Pearlman (RPI),
National Science Foundation, NJIT Budget: $50,000, July, 2001- June, 2002.
A.P. Dhawan, Ali Akansu, Symeon Papavassiliou, Sirin Tekinay, Constantine
Manikopolous, Bede Liu (Princeton University)“Center for Multimedia Research”, New Jersey
Commission of Science and Technology, $1,050,000, 2000-2002 (A continuation grant from
NJCST, Ali Akansu (PI), Symeon Papavassiliou, Sirin Tekinay, Constantine Manikopolous,
Bede Liu (Princeton University)“Center for Multimedia Research”, New Jersey Commission of
Science and Technology, 1998-2000).
A.P. Dhawan, “NSF IUCR Center for Digital Video”, Co-PI with William Pearlman (RPI),
National Science Foundation, NJIT Budget: $51,000, 2000-2001.
A.P. Dhawan, "Data Mining and Optimization Tools for Developing Engine Parameter
Models", NASA GRC, Total Costs: $172,800, 1998-2002.
A.P. Dhawan, "Data Mining for Safety Parameters of Propulsion Systems", NASA GRC,
Total Costs: $155,000, 1998-2002.
Patricia Relue (PI), A. P. Dhawan (Co-PI), P.K. Chaudhuri, "Autofluorescence Imaging for
the Characterization and Identification of Skin-Lesions", Whitaker Foundation $209,805, Total
Costs: $496,557, 1999-2003.
N. Mullani (PI), A.P. Dhawan (Collaborator), “Validation of transillumination and the
Nevoscope” National Institutes of Health, SBIR, 0, Total Phase I amount, $99,980, 1999-2000.
A.P. Dhawan, "A Knowledge & Distributed Intelligence Approach to Concurrent Product,
Process, and Manufacturing System Design: Intelligent Process & Modeling", Co-PI: Sam
Huang, Funded, College of Engineering Collaborative Research Grant, $35,771, 1998-99.
A.P. Dhawan, “Effects of Medication on Spasticity in Spinal Cord Injury: A Quantitative
Study”, VA-Baylor College of Medicine, $52,000, 1997.
A.P. Dhawan, J. Broderick, M.D., and S. Loncaric (U. Of Zagreb), Intelligent Analysis of
Intracerebral Brain Hemorrhage”, NIH, July 1, 1995-June 30, 1998, $190,000.
A.P. Dhawan, S. Holland and W. Ball, “Functional Imaging of Human Brain Using MRI”,
UC Children Hospital Research Challenge Program, Feb. 1995 - Jan 1997, $50,000.
A.P. Dhawan, S. Hoath and M. Visscher, “Imaging and Analysis of Irritated SkinConditions with Diaper Rash”, Procter and Gambles, August 1996, July 1997, $230,000.
A.P. Dhawan (PI), "Real-Time Modeling of Redline Parameters of SSME",
NASA-UC Space Engineering Center, Oct. 1991 – Dec. 1996, $410,439.
A.P. Dhawan, "Multi/Hyperspectral Image Analysis for ATR", MTL Systems, Dec. 1, 1993
- Dec. 31, 1995, Direct Costs: $30,000.
A.P. Dhawan, and J. Brenamen, "MR-SPCT Image Fusion", NIH BRSG Award through the
Department of Radiology, Dec. 1993-March 1995. Direct cost : $26,000.
A.P. Dhawan (Co-P.I.) and J. Broderick, M.D. (Co-P.I.), "Three-dimensional Analysis of
MR Images of Brain", Hoechst Pharmaceuticals Inc., Aug 1992 - July 1996, Total Direct costs:
A.P. Dhawan (P.I.), "Early Detection of Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma," National Cancer
Institute, National Institutes of Health, September 1988 - August 1994, Total Costs: $526,419.
A.P. Dhawan (P.I.), "Genetic Algorithm Based Search for Correlated Parameters in SSME
Sensor Modeling", NASA Lewis Research Center, August 1993-July 1996, $190,000.
A.P. Dhawan (PI), and Thomas Brott (Neurology), "Image Analysis of Expanding Brain
Hemorrhage," Biomedical Engineering Grant, August 1992-July 1993, direct costs, $30,000.
A.P. Dhawan, "Enhancement of Undergraduate Microsystems Design Lab with Logic
Analyzers", HP University Equipment Grant Program, Hewlett-Packard, $29,660, 1993.
A.P. Dhawan, "Principal Axes Registration for Multi-Modality Brain Image Analysis",
Kettering Medical Center, Jan 1993 - June 1993, $25,000.
A.P. Dhawan, "Three-Dimensional Quantitative Brain Image Analysis Using Iterative
PAR", Brookhaven National Laboratory and University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Jan
1993 - August 1993, direct costs, $13,000.
Universal Energy Systems, and A. P. Dhawan , "Classification of Mammographic
Microcalcifications", SBIR, National Cancer Institute, NIH, September 1992 - August 1993,
Total Cost; $50,000, ECE share: $13,543.
J. Nordlund, M.D. (Co-P.I.), and A.P. Dhawan (Co-P.I), "Pigmented-Lesion Analysis",
Gould Foundation, Funds used to start Pigmented Lesion Clinic at the Barrett Cancer Center,
1992-1993, $50,000.
A.P. Dhawan, "Low-Level Analysis of Coronary Arteriogram", Universal Energy Systems,
October 1991 - March 1992, $8,927.
A.P. Dhawan (P.I.) and P.J. Disimile, "4-D Reconstruction and Analysis of Plume Images",
NASA/HMTC, Sept. 1990-Aug. 1991, $45,349.
A.P. Dhawan, "Quantification of Brain Subvolumes from MR Images: A preliminary
study", NIH BRSG Institutional Award, Direct costs: 10,000, 1990-91.
A.P. Dhawan (P.I.), Four Dimensional Reconstruction of Plume Images", NASA, 4/1/91 to
10/1/91, $35,995.
A.P. Dhawan (P.I.), "Instrumentation Support for Developing Nevoscope", National Cancer
Institute, National Institutes of Health, Sept. 1989 - Aug. 1990, Equipment costs: $13,000.
A.P. Dhawan (P.I.), "Development of Knowledge-Based Systems for Machine Vision
Applications", Equipment grant, Texas Instruments, $30,000, 1988-89.
A.P. Dhawan (P.I.), "A Knowledge-Based Object Recognition System for Applications in
the Space-Station", NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Feb. 1987 to Jan. 1988, $50,911.
B.H. Jansen (Co-P.I.), A.P. Dhawan (Co-P.I.), J.R. Glover, and P.Y. Ktonas, "Expert
System Based Signal and Image Understanding", Texas Advanced Technology Research
Program (TATRP), Jan. 1986 to Dec. 198 $340,000.
Total: $8,370,256
Grants Submitted But Not Funded
A.P. Dhawan, Bede Liu (Princeton University) and Roy Yates (Rutgers University), “A
Science and Technology Center on Wireless Communications and Networking”, NSF, July
2001-June 2006, $23,000,000.
A.P. Dhawan (Co-PI) and Peter P. Antich (Co-PI), “Simultaneous PET-MR Brain Imaging
and Analysis Research Resource”, National Center for Research Resource, NIH, March, 1998Feb, 2003, $5,247,458.
A.P. Dhawan, “Ohio Biomedical Information Superhighway”, A consortium equipment
grant proposal submitted to OBR with collaborations from Cleveland Clinic Foundation, UC
Medical Center, Children Hospital, Wright State University, Kettering Medical Center,
University of Toledo, and Medical College of Ohio, Total Costs: $1,900,000, 1996.
A,P. Dhawan and S. Holland, “Multispectral MR Analysis of CVD in Children”, NIH,
Sept. 1996-August 1999, $670,052, 1996.
A.P. Dhawan, and Myron Moskowitz, M.D., "Mammographic Image Enhancement and
Analysis System", Collaboration with Westinghouse Science and Technology Center,
Pittsburgh, and Magee Women Hospital, Pittsburgh, July 96-- June 99, Total Costs $1.2M,
US Army Medical Command Cost: $808,000.
A.P. Dhawan and J. Riddell from MTL Systems Inc., “Multispectral Image Analysis for
Subpixel Object Recognition”, STTR proposal, ONR, $75,000, UC share $25,000, 1995.
A. P. Dhawan (PI), Joseph Mantil, M.D. (Head Nuclear Medicine Dept., Kettering Medical
Center; co-PI), "3-D Quantification of Response of Brain Tumors by Multi-Modality Image
Analysis", National Cancer Institute, NIH, April 1995- March 1998, $562,048.
K.P. Roenker and A.P. Dhawan, "Pulse-Mode Electronic Neural Circuits", NSF, 11/1/9410/30/97, $313,411.
A.P. Dhawan, A. Chen (Texas A & M University), and H. Choe from Battelle Incorp.,
“Multi-sensor Multi-Level Algorithms for ATR”, Advanced Research Program Agency,
University-Industry Cooperative Research Program, $2.8 M, 1993.
A.P. Dhawan, S. Roger (AFIT), and OAI, “3-D Extension of Chord Tangent
Transformation for ATR”, Advanced Reserach Program Agency, University-Industry
Cooperative Research Program, $2.4 M, 1993.
A.P. Dhawan, "Center for Intelligent Vision Systems", NSF, 1992, $5,327,407. Ohio State
and Industry commitment for $4,127,407 was obtained. The proposal was turned down by the
NSF at the last level of review.
A.P. Dhawan, H. Carter, and D. Bhatia, "Biologically Motivated Image Processing
Neurocomputer, DARPA, Multi-disciplinary University Research Initiative Program, April
1992 - March 1995, $1,892,653.
A.P. Dhawan and S.M. Rao (from Auburn University), "Theoretical Analysis and Modeling
of Pigmented Skin-Lesions", National Science Foundation, Jan. 1990 to Dec. 1991, $105,331.
A.P. Dhawan (P.I.), D. Lawrence, and R. Vemuri, "An Exploratory Study on Automated
Modular Test Cell Control Console Project", GE Aircraft Engines, July 1, 1989 - Dec. 31,
1989, $149,749. Approved for funding but canceled because of administrative problems at GE.
A.P. Dhawan (P.I.), "3D Object Recognition Through Neural Networks and KnowledgeBased Strategies", National Science Foundation, July 1989 - June 1992, $165,615.
Total = 16
Ph.D. Dissertations Supervised (20)
M.V. Ranganath, "Knowledge-Based Multi-Grid Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction
Techniques for Positron Emission Tomography", Completed 1988. Employed at Bell Labs.
Louis Arata, "Multi-Modality 3D Brain Image Registration and Analysis", Completed,
1992. Employed at Picker International Inc.
Thomas Dufresne, "Two-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Chord-Tangent
Transformation", Completed 1992. Employed at Procter & Gamble.
Charles Peck, "Analysis of Genetic Algorithms From A Global Random Search Method
Perspective With Improved Techniques”, Completed, 1993. Employed at TASC,
Washington DC.
Chih-hi Chao, "Knowledge-Based 3-D Object Recognition from 2-D Images Using Neural
Networks", Completed, Dec. 1993. Employed at Videometric, San Francisco.
Sven Loncaric, "Optical Morphological Signature Transform for Shape description and
Matching", Completed, Jan. 1994, Faculty at the University of Zagreb.
Prashant Kini, "Non-Invasive Imaging Skin-Lesions for the Detection of Malignancy",
Completed, June 1994. Employed at Procter & Gamble.
Alok Sarwal, "Three-dimensional Reconstruction and Analysis of Coronary Angiograms",
Completed 1996, Employed at Lockheed, Inc.
Yateen Chitre, "Neural Network Based Mammographic Image Analysis System for
Diagnosis of Breast Cancer", Completed, 1996; Employed at Motorola, Inc.
10. Kevin Wheeler, “Adaptive Learning Using Wavelet and Radial Basis Functions”,
Completed, 1996, Employed at IBM Almaden Research Center, CA.
11. Alexender Zavaljevski, "Multispectral Feature Based Target Characterization with
Applications in Medical Imaging", Completed 1996, Employed at GE Medical Systems.
12. Timothy Doniere, "Optimal Multi-Grid EM Reconstruction Algorithm", Completed, 1997,
Employed at Siemens Inc.
13. Suresh Narayan, “Global Shape Model Based Analysis of Multi-Modality Brain Images”,
Completed, 1997, Employed at GE Medical Systems.
14. Srinath Maganti, “Three-Dimensional Optical Tomographic Image Reconstruction from
Nevoscope Images”, Completed 1997, Employed at EG&G, CA.
15. Amar Raheja, "Multi-Resolution PET Image Reconstruction Through Wavelet
Processing", Completed March 1999, Employed as Faculty, University of San Diego,
16. Wojciech Grohman, "Convex Sets Based Algorithms for Data Analysis and Design of
Artificial Neural Networks", Completed 1999, Employed at Chrysler Corp.
17. Sachin Patwardhan, “Modeling and Simulation of Multispectral Imaging of Skin-Lesions
for Detection and Characterization of Melanomas”, Completed December 2003, Employed
at Washington University at St. Louis.
18. Shuangshuang Dai, “Adaptive Learning for Event Modeling and Characterization”,
Completed December 2003, Employed at EPA Center, North Carolina.
19. Hongwei Li, “Multi-level Adaptive Security System”, Completed December 2005,
Employed at Ernst & Young, Manhattan, New York
20. Song Wang, “Shape-Based Reconstruction of Skin-Lesions Through Optical Imaging”,
Ph.D. Dissertation completed May 2007. Employed at Virginia Commonwealth University
Medical School.
Total = 20
Ph.D. Dissertation Supervision In Progress (3)
Han Wu, Three-Dimensional Reconstruction from Multispectral Images, expected to be
completed 2009.
Max Fu, Multispectral Multichromophore Imaging of Skin and Vascular Tissue, expected to be
completed 2009.
Brian D'Alessandro, Multichannel Image Processing and Quantitative Analysis of Multispectral
Images, expected to be completed 2010.
Master's Theses Supervised (18)
1. Abhishek Jaintilal, “On-line Clustering with Single-Pass Topology based Fuzzy Growing
Neural Gas Algorithm”, M.S. Thesis, Completed, March 2006.
2. Jacob Puthiamadhathil, “Registration of SPECT and Optical Images for Anatomical
Localization of Metabolism in Diagnostic Radiology”, M.S. Thesis, completed May 2004.
3. Saurabh Lauria, “Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Based Genetic Algorithms for Global Search
Optimization”, completed 2000.
4. Tejaswani Shubhachint, “Wavelet-Based Analysis of Mammographic Microcalcifications”,
M.S. Thesis, completed December 1999.
5. Ananda Kumar, "Multispectral Optical Imaging of Skin-Lesions", Completed, 1999.
6. Christine Bonasso, “GA Based Selection of Mammographic Microcalcification Features For
Detection of Breast Cancer”, completed June 1995.
7. M. McInerney, "Training Neural Networks using Hybrids with Genetic Algorithms"
completed, 1993.
8. S. Ramachandran, "Morphological Image Processing and Object Representation," completed
July 1990.
9. Samir Misra, "Knowledge-Based Analysis of CT Chest Scans" completed July 1990.
10. S. Ann, "Color and Texture Based Segmentation with Applications to Skin-Images,"
completed March 1989.
11. Marcus C. Nulsen, "In Intelligent Table-Making Editor Using the TEX", completed 1988
12. Htam Hmam, "Geometric Reasoning from Perspective Distortions of 3D Scenes", completed
13. Chih-ho Chao, "High-Level Matching for 3D Primitive-Based Object Recognition System,"
completed 1988.
14. Eric Le Royer, "Feature Enhancement of Mammographic Images Using Contrast Transform,"
completed 1987.
15. Sridhar Juvvadi, "A Knowledge-Based Approach for Interpreting Computerized Tomography
(CT) Images," completed 1987.
16. Himanshu Baxi ,"A Low-Level Image Analysis System," completed 1987.
17. Nilesh Thakkar, "Intermediate-Level Feature Extraction and Object Representation in a
Knowledge-Based Vision System," completed 1987.
18. Sushma Ghiya, "Intermediate-Level Analysis for Primitive-Based Decomposition of Image
Data", completed 1987.
Total = 18
Senior Projects Supervised (21)
Gian Francisco, Latha Singanamalli, Kiratbir Khurana, and Arwa Gheith, Power and
Energy Infrastructure for City of Future: New York in 2017, IBM and History Channel
Student Competition, Won the 1st Prize, 2007.
David Rodriguez, Bill Staddart, Raphael Intrieri, Zdravko Miric, Robert Pickel, and Lee
Anderson, Real-Time Object Recognition Systems with Machine Vision, DARPA
Autonomous Vehicle Urban Challenge, 2007.
Tsz Yip and Awais Malik, Boundary segmentation and analysis in multi-spectral optical
images of skin-lesions, 2006.
Manmeet Singh, Premjit Basak, Ridham Dadhwal, Sebastian Yandun,
Dhanushka Haputhanthri, Internet-Based Network to Monitor and Display Environmental
Radiation Data, 2006
Ron Walvick, Analysis of Nevoscope Images of Skin-Lesions, 2003
Ketan Patel, Analysis of Nevoscope Images of Skin-Lesions, 2003
Rizza Balein, Enhancement and Segmentation of Mammograms, 1995-96.
Ron Bruenswick, Analysis of Brain Hemorrhage, 1995-96.
Andy Eloff, Digital CD Sound Editor, Fall, Winter, and Spring, 1994.
Gary Lake, Digital Sound Editor, Fall, Winter, and Spring, 1994.
Iyad Oaiss, Analysis of Epileptic Seizure Focus” Fall, Winter, and Spring, 1994.
Darian Lewis, Image Enhancement, Fall, Winter, and Spring, 1994.
Gene K. Frydel, Analysis of Epileptic Seizure Focus from Neuro-psychological Data,
Fall, Winter, and Spring, 1993.
Erik R. Eberhard, Neighborhood Image Processing, Winter and Spring 1990.
Andrew P. Sheehy, Microprocessor Based Enviornment Control, Winter and Spring
David W. Walthour, Digital Image Restoration, Winter and Spring 1990.
Samir Khanna, Digital Image Processing, 1990.
Total = 21
A.P. Dhawan, “A New Multispectral Multiple Source Optical Transillumination
Method for Imaging of Skin-Lesions’, US Provisional Patent Filed, 2008.
A.P. Dhawan, “Multi-Level Dynamic Computer Data Security System”, US Patent Filed,
Provisional Patent, 2003, U.S. Patent No. 7,277,546, Awarded Oct 2, 2007.
A.P. Dhawan and T. Dufresne, "Image Enhancement Using Neural/Distributed
Processing Elements", US Patent 5,271,064, 1993.
A.P. Dhawan, "Apparatus and Method for Skin Lesion Examination", US Patent
5,146,923, 1992.
Total = 4
At New Jersey Institute Of Technology
During my tenure as the Chair of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering I worked
directly with the faculty from ECE Department, and NCE and NJIT administration to develop a
strategic plan that was successfully implemented accomplishing or exceeding all goals and key
performance indicators. I worked with a number of departments and college administrations across
the university and started several new initiatives in enhancing the academic and research programs
through a synergistic emphasis on multidisciplinary and real-world based learning experiences
through industry partnerships and enhanced collaborations. Specifically academic and reassert
programs were strengthened in nanotechnology, wireless networking and communications, internet
security, multimedia, information technology and assurance, and biomedical engineering. I focused
my approaches to support faculty initiatives for strengthening their research programs but at the same
time adding value and synergy to our educational programs for preparing our UG and graduate
students for better success and professional development. Some of the accomplishments under my
leadership are listed below.
1. Developed and Delivered ECE Department Strategic Plan: The department strategic plan was
developed and successfully implemented with the following major accomplishments
a. A significant increase in retention and graduation rates of UG programs with all time
high graduations in Computer Engineering (CoE) program in 2004 ranking it 8th in
the nation in the category of number of graduations. In ASEE 2007 report, Computer
Engineering, and Electrical Engineering programs are respectively ranked 16th and
28th in the nation in the category of number of graduations.
b. The number of Ph.D. graduations was increased from an average of 8 to 18 students
per year.
c. External federal research funding in the department was increased by 300% with
research grants from NSF, DoD, US Army, and other federal funding agencies.
d. University-industry relationship was significantly strengthened with direct
involvement, mentoring and more than $700,000 raised for senior design and DARPA
Urban Challenge projects.
e. Two new faculty and 2 new staff positions were created. Eleven faculty and 7 staff
members were hired to strengthen the department infrastructure support.
2. Developed Strategic Investment Plans in Wireless Communications and Networking, and
Nano-Technology Areas: Working with the faculty, The ECE Department submitted two
Presidential Strategic Investment Plan proposals in the areas of Wireless Communications
and Networking, and Nano-technology Devices and Systems. Both proposals were accepted
by NJIT and awarded new faculty lines for enhancing the critical mass and expertise in the
respective areas. In the meantime, we worked together to receive an endowment of $1.5
million from our alumnus Mr. Ying Wu, Area President of UTStarCom. This endowment
was then linked with the Strategic Investment Plan to create a Ying Wu Endowed Chair
position for which hiring search is currently going on. Dr. Yanchao Zhang from University of
Florida joined the Department in Fall 2006 as Assistant Professor level in Network Security.
3. Industry Advisory Board and Industry-University Partnership: I revitalized the ECE Industry
Advisory Board and brought them into direct participation in ECE Academic and Research
programs. Working with ECE faculty and IAB, we developed the ECE Department Strategic
plan in the first semester of my tenure at NJIT. I worked closely with the ECE IAB members
and established a very productive collaborative relationship that resulted in their enthusiastic
and active participation in the ECE academic and research programs. The ECE IAB
members now meet four times a year since I started interacting with them in Fall 2000.
Several ad hoc subcommittees were established to discuss key issues in the ECE academic
programs. Each of the following committees provided strategic recommendations that were
implemented within six months:
a. Freshmen Retention Program Subcommittee: Led to the development of a new course
“Introduction to ECE” that is now offered in every Spring semester to the freshman class.
b. Senior Design Project Subcommittee: Led to the industry-sponsored and mentored
program on senior design projects. Through active participation from the ECE IAB
members, we initiated an industry mentoring program for senior design projects. Several
senior design projects are now mentored and co-advised by experts from industry to help
students work on real-world problems. A Senior Project Workshop is organized at the end
of every semester where student groups present the results of their projects and compete
for industry sponsored awards and prizes. This has become a great university-industry
partnership program with successful recruiting venue for industry.
c. Communication and External Recognition Subcommittee: Led to the development of a
multimedia CD-ROM and web pages on the academic and research programs of the ECE
d. In 2005-06, working with the Industry Advisory Board, I developed a team plan for NJIT
Students to participate in the DARPA Grand Challenge Project Competition and raised
more than $500,000 in cash, equipment donation and in-kind support from four major
sponsors: IBM, L-3 Communications, BAE Systems, and GM.
4. Student Focus: Undergraduate Program: I took the “student focus” issue as a top priority to
strengthen the academic programs in the Department. A new multi-level student advising
structure with Geny Moreno, Undergraduate Advisor and Student Coordinator and Edwin
Hou, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies was developed. The students have
enthusiastically appreciated the new advising infrastructure.
a. We initiated a new student-mentoring program to help freshmen better acclimate to
the NJIT academic environment and interact with senior students. More than 15 study
groups were established with one senior student mentor and 10-15 freshmen students
in each group. The feedback from the students has been extremely positive.
b. We started a new ECE Student Ambassador program through which selected ECE
students with excellent academic credentials and service to the student community are
selected as ECE Student Ambassadors who then mentors other junior students and
also help in recruiting students from their respective high-schools. A trophy is
presented to the Principal of their respective high-schools to further strengthen
relationship and recognize the excellence in their programs.
c. A new initiative, the “ECE Residential Floor” program for undergraduate students
was also started. This program allows ECE students to live, work and study together.
Labs are discussed by senior students who also provide tutoring help to the students.
d. A new e-mentoring program was initiated in 2005 with recently graduated student to
mentor ECE students on one-to-one basis.
e. A new freshmen course “Introduction to ECE” was started with industry speakers.
The course is now required for all freshmen and transfer students. Speakers from
industry came and participated very enthusiastically in this course. It is very well
received by the students.
f. We also started an ECE student advisory board with representation from all years.
Students actively participate in the regular meetings with their concerns, comments
and suggestions. Their input is appreciated and followed up with appropriate actions.
5. Graduate Program: The Departmental recent achievements and strengths, industry interests
and priorities of federal funding agencies were carefully reviewed to develop a new structure
of the graduate research program. Under my leadership, five key focus areas were developed
and the curriculum was streamlined. A new M.S. program in Internet Engineering was started
in 2001. In addition, new Distance Learning certificate programs were developed to provide
web-based on-line programs in key areas including IT and telecommunications. With the
enhanced infrastructure support, Ph.D. graduate rate was increased from an average of 8 to 18
Ph.D. per year.
6. Research Program: The research awards from federal grants in the ECE Department were
almost tripled during 2000-2006. I developed and submitted a research grant proposal for the
New Jersey Center for Wireless Networking and Internet Security (NJWINS). The proposal
was funded by the New Jersey Commission of Science and Technology for $2.6 million. I
also set up an enthusiastic Industry Advisory Board for NJWINS with senior researchers and
technical administrators from leading industries in the tri-state area. A 3-minute feature on
the kick-off IAB meeting of NJWINS was telecasted in the evening and night news bulletin
of the NJ Television network. The research partnerships and collaborative activities of
NJWINS have now resulted in the establishment of two NSF funded programs: NSF Industry
University Cooperative Research Center in Information Assurance and Smart-Campus with a
total funding of more than $2.5 million. The federal research funding has been tripled during
this time.
7. External Communications & Image: A new website was developed for the ECE Department
in 2001, and then again in 2004. New brochures and a multimedia CD ROM about ECE
programs were also developed. News articles about ECE Research Centers and senior design
projects were published in The Star Ledger and NJ Tech Magazine. Also, several video
features about the research centers, senior design projects and DARPA Grand Challenge were
televised on NJ Channel networks in 2002-2006. We have developed a strong relationship
with NJ media with Star-Ledger and NJN TV network. Recently, Discovery Channel
produced a feature (20-25 minutes) on NJIT program on DARPA Urban Challenge. This
feature will be telecasted worldwide in February 2007.
8. Faculty & Staff Hiring: Under my leadership, the ECE Department was successful in hiring
excellent faculty and staff members. Dr. Ali Abdi came from the University of Minnesota and
joined the Department as an Assistant Professor in the area of Wireless Communications. Dr.
Leonid Tsybeskov joined the Department as an Associate Professor in the area of nanotechnology and electro-photonics. He was previously with the University of Rochester. Dr.
Sven Loncaric joined the Department as an Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering. He
was previously a faculty member at the University of Zagreb. Dr. Roberto Rojas-Cessa joined
the Department as an Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering. He was previously a
post-doc at Polytechnic University. Dr. Roy You was hired after the completion of his Ph.D.
degree at the University of California, Berkeley in the area of Optical Communications. Last
year, Dr. Jie Hu from University of Maryland, and Dr. Swades De were hired, respectively, in
the areas of embedded systems and sensory networks. In 2006, Dr. Yanchao Zhao was hired
in network security from the University of Florida. Dr. Osvaldo Simeone was hired in Fall
2007. Dr. Stewart Personick (Ph.D., MIT), a prominent member of the National Academy of
Engineering and a well-known inventor was hired as Ying Wu Endowed Chair Professor in
2008. Also, Dr. Raquel Costello-Perez was hired from Harvard Medical School in 2008.
In Fall 2000, Joan Mahon joined the Department as Assistant to the Chair for Administration
and Geny Moreno joined as Undergraduate Advisor and Curriculum Coordinator. In 2001,
Gil Hernandez joined the Department as Electronics Technician for Undergraduate Labs. In
2002, Maureen Fagan joined the Department as Administrative Assistant for Program
Development and Special Projects. This is a new position that was created during my tenure.
Hector Rivas was hired as EE Technician in 2005. Tanita Turner was hired in 2003. Shivon
Boodhoo was hired as the UG Curriculum Coordinator in 2007.
9. ABET Evaluation: The Department went through a successful ABET evaluation for both the
EE and CoE programs in 2001 and 2007. The UG EE and CoE Curricula have been reviewed
and revised through the feedback from students, parents (for specialization areas), faculty and
industry advisory board members. Two new UG concentration areas: 1) Bioelectronics
Systems; and 2) Solid State Devices and Systems are proposed in the revised curriculum.
The new concentration areas would provide an excellent spectrum of choices to our UG
students to help them secure better jobs. The new program is also expected to attract more
and better quality students to ECE department. These UG concentration areas have been
reviewed and approved by ECE faculty and ECE Industry Advisory Board. The proposed new
courses in Bioelectronics Systems and Solid State Devices and Systems are now being
At the University of Toledo
As the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies (99-00) and Assistant Dean for Graduate
Studies (98-99), College of Engineering, I worked closely with faculty, staff, and administrators of
the College and the University to make significant contributions to the College's graduate program.
A brief listing of accomplishments is as follows.
1. During my tenure, we developed a Strategic Plan for establishing six Research Centers
bringing several faculty members and researchers from the University of Toledo (UT) and
other institutions including the Medical College of Ohio, University of Cincinnati, Wright
State University and Ohio State University. These collaborative research centers were
organized on the basis of faculty expertise, priority areas of funding agencies and strength of
the industrial community in the Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan regions. I developed
seven major research thrust areas in the College of Engineering, bringing together several
faculty members from different departments. These focus areas at the College-level have
now turned into Collaborative Research Centers in Environmentally Conscious Engineering,
manufacturing, Computer Communications, Bioprocessing and Glass structures. This has
enabled UT to establish a productive and supportive relationship with internationally known
industry in the Toledo area.
2. I led the efforts in the development and offering of a Part-Time Master of Science in
Engineering program for full-time employees through a combination of on-site and distance
learning initiatives. A Part-Time M.S. program was started in January 1999 with enthusiastic
response from the regional industry.
3. With the Bioengineering Chairman and faculty, I contributed to the development of a
Whitaker Foundation Special Opportunity Program proposal on Physiologically-Based
Medical Imaging that was centered on my research work in Skin-Cancer. The proposal was
successful and funded for $850,000 for bringing additional faculties and students in the
4. I implemented a proactive program to attract high-quality domestic students to the graduate
program by visiting strong Ohio undergraduate universities. I was accompanied by
department chairs and graduate program directors in my student recruiting visits to Ohio
Northern University, Cedarville College, Wright State University, Bowling Green University
and Miami University. Each visit was sponsored by the Dean of Engineering at the hosting
institution. These visits significantly contributed to recruiting high-quality domestic students
and to improving the external visibility of the graduate and research programs.
5. With the help of Department Chairs, I implemented a policy for Teaching Assistant allocation
that improved each department's ability to plan its graduate enrollment. This policy provided
an earlier indication to Chairs, Program Directors, and the faculty about the number of
Teaching Assistants each department could expect to receive. Thus, each department was
able to make a commitment to good domestic students much earlier in the admissions
6. I worked with the faculty and administration to streamline the graduate application review
and admission process at the College level. I worked closely with the University Office of
Graduate Studies to develop a procedure that included the departmental faculty in the
admission decisions. I led the development of graduate program databases that contained the
information obtained from the Department Graduate Directors and the University's central
administration. A student was entered into the database as soon as the application was
received in the College from the Graduate School, and the record updated after every stage of
administrative action until the student has graduated. This database is crucial in allowing the
College to effectively and efficiently respond to issues involving program reviews and
graduate student enrollment planning.
7. I developed new recruiting materials designed to attract Ohio undergraduate engineering
students to the College's graduate programs. The material, which included a presentation, a
brochure, and a poster was distributed to Ohio universities and described the recent
achievements of the College of Engineering faculty and graduate programs. In addition, a
new Internet Home Page (http://www.eng.utoledo.edu/grad/) was developed for the College's
graduate program and put on-line for students to learn more about the College of Engineering
Research Achievements and Continued Projects
My basic expertise is in adaptive learning, medical imaging, intelligent image analysis,
data security protocols and neural networks. I have applied my research work in many
interdisciplinary applications and have achieved local, national, and international recognition.
I received two US patents for my inventions: Nevoscope for Imaging Skin Lesions and Neural
Network Based Image Enhancement System. I received the Martin Epstein Award in 1984,
the prestigious NIH young investigator F.I.R.S.T. Award in 1988, the ECE departmental
"Distinguished Progress in Research Excellence Award" in 1989, the “Sigma-Xi Young
Investigator Award” in 1992, the UC “Faculty Achievement Award” in 1994, the “IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Early Career Achievement Award” in 1995, and the
Dorman Distinguished Lectureship Award in 1999 for contributions in medical imaging
and intelligent image analysis. I also established an interdisciplinary research group in
Simultaneous MR-PET Medical Imaging at the UTSW Medical Center and UTA. At NJIT, I
established a Center of Wireless Networking and Internet Security with collaboration from
Princeton University. Some of my academic achievements are listed below.
(1) Invented a new imaging instrument, called the "Nevoscope" for imaging skin-lesions
for detecting fatal skin-cancer melanoma. Three-dimensional image reconstruction and
analysis algorithm were developed to extract important diagnostic and prognostic features
from the image yielded by the Nevoscope. This research work was selected as one of the three
Scientific Exhibits under the category of Original Investigation presented at the 48th Annual
International Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology held in San Francisco from
Dec. 2-7, 1989. This patented technology is now being manufactured and marketed by
Translite Inc. and being evaluated at five medical centers in the nation. Recently, I have
developed a Multispectral Nevoscope for which clinical evaluations are being pursued.
(2) Developed new feature enhancement and feature extraction algorithms for analyzing
microcalcifications of the breast mammograms using wavelets and texture analyses. These
features are then used in an artificial neural network based classification system for detecting
breast cancer. I was invited to present my research work in the International Conference of
American Association of Physicists in Medicine held in August 1992 in Calgary, Canada. I
authored a review paper on the mammographic image analysis in a clinical journal “MammoMatters”.
(3) Developed a Multi-Grid Expectation Maximization (MGEM) image reconstruction
algorithm for the PET data. The algorithm provides the Maximum Likelihood estimation using
the multi-resolution pyramid, and has produced much better and computationally more
efficient results than the conventional single-grid Expectation Maximization algorithm.
(4) Developed a new Iterative Principal Axes Registration algorithm to correlate threedimensional multi-modality medical images. A knowledge-based analysis system has been
developed for interpreting the registered Magnetic Resonance and Positron Emission
Tomography images of brain. This work has attracted national and international attention and
funded by Hoechst Pharmaceuticals. Patient data from UC and the Kettering Medical Centers
have been analyzed in my laboratory. Physicians are now using this analysis for diagnosis. The
Ph.D. dissertation of Louis Arata was completed on this work. I chaired the International
Symposium on Knowledge-Based Multi-Modality 3-D Medical Image Analysis in the IEEE
Annual International Conferences of Engineering in Medicine and Biology in Philadelphia in
1990, in Orlando in 1991, and in Paris in 1992.
(5) Developed new neural networks based models for non-linear function approximation
for applications in fault diagnosis and isolation system of the Space Shuttle Main Engine. This
work is funded by NASA Space Engineering Center and is being done in collaboration with
the NASA Lewis Research Center. The collaboration with Aerojet and United Technology
Research Center has been established to develop SSME sensor validation system using neural
network based models of SSME parameters.
(6) Developed new recombination operators for use in Genetic Algorithms. Based on
the Global Random Search methods, new Genetic Algorithms have been developed to obtain
high-performance samples in a large parameter search space. These algorithms with new
recombination operators are shown to converge to the global optimum solution in a noisy
environment. The Ph.D. dissertation of Charles Peck was completed on this work.
(7) Developed a new Chord-Tangent Transformation for recognition of target objects in
a noisy environment with occlusion. This transform is 100 to 200 times more efficient than the
Generalized Hough Transform which is considered to be the standard technique in target
recognition. The Chord-Tangent Transformation is particularly useful in robotic vision and
defense related applications. The Ph.D. dissertation of Thomas Dufresne was completed on
this work.
(8) Developed a new optimal Morphological Signature Transform (MST) for shape
description, representation, and matching. The MST is based on multi-resolution non-linear
morphological processing of a given shape using a structuring element. The design of the
structuring element is optimized using a Genetic Algorithm. The MST has been shown to be
robust against the noise and non-linear distortions. The Ph.D. dissertation of Sven Loncaric
was completed on this work.
(9) Developed the "Knowledge-Based Computer Vision" laboratory and the Center for
Intelligent Vision and Information Systems at the University of Cincinnati for conducting
research in image analysis and interpretation for both medical and industrial applications
(10) Developed strong collaborating links between the Department of Electrical &
Computer Engineering and the Departments of Radiology, Neurology, Dermatology, and
Molecular Genetics of the UC Medical School. I was deeply involved in initiating an
interdisciplinary biomedical research program between the College of Engineering and the
College of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati. I successfully established the
collaborative research partnerships with the Kettering Medical Center, Thomas Jefferson
Hospital, Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Texas Medical Center at Houston.
Collaborative research proposals were submitted to the NIH. In addition, collaborations with
several industry partners including MTL Systems, NASA LeRC, Westinghouse Science and
Technology Center and Procter and Gamble were successfully established with my research
(11) Recently, I established the New Jersey Center for Wireless Networking and
Internet Security at NJIT in collaboration with Princeton University and leading industries.
The Center focuses on collaborative research to develop future technologies in network
management and security protocols for 4th generation wireless networking systems. I
graduated one Ph.D. Student, Hongwei Li who is now employed at Ernst and Young in NY as
in networking and cybersecurity area, and developed a multi-level dynamic security protocol
through wavelet transform, watermarking, and multi-node adaptive routing. This technology
has been now patented and licensed to a company through NJIT.
Ph.D. Dissertation
A.P. Dhawan, "Nevoscopy: Three Dimensional Computed Tomography of Nevi and
Melanoma in situ by Transillumination to Detect Early Cutaneous Malignant melanoma",
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manitoba, Canada, 1985, Advisor: Dr. Richard Gordon.
M.S.E.E. Thesis
A.P. Dhawan, Microprocessor-based Digital Control of Non-Dispersive Infrared
Spectrophotometer, M. Eng. Thesis, Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee, India, 1979,
Advisor: Professor M.K. Vasantha.
PUBLICATIONS (188 published; 2 submitted)
Books: 5
Book Chapters: 16
Refereed Journal Papers Published: 60
Refereed Journal Papers in Review: 2
Refereed Conference Papers: 107
Invited and Keynote Research Presentations: 29
Books Published (5):
Atam P. Dhawan, H.K. Huang and Dae-Shik Kim (Editors), “Principles and Recent
Advances in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis”, World Scientific Publications, Feb.
Atam P. Dhawan, Metin Akay, Andrew Laine and Ki Chon (Eds), “Proceedings of the
IEEE 28th International Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology”, New York,
Atam P. Dhawan, "Medical Image Analysis", John Wiley Publications and IEEE Press,
June 2003. Reprint: 2004.
A. Raj, H.C. Rai and A.P. Dhawan, "An Integrated Course in Electrical, Electronics and
Communication Engineering: Electrical Engineering", Umesh Publication, India, 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd Editions, 1984, 1986, 1987.
A. Raj, H.C. Rai and A.P. Dhawan, "An Integrated Course in Electrical, Electronics and
Communication Engineering: Electronics and Communication Engineering", Umesh
Publication, India, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Editions, 1984, 1986, 1988.
Total: 5
Book Chapters (16)
1. A.P. Dhawan, H.K. Huang and D-S Kim, “Future Trends in Medical and Molecular
Imaging”, in “Medical Imaging and Image Analysis: A Multidisciplinary Paradigm”, A.
P. Dhawan, H.K. Huang and D-S Kim (Editors), World Scientific Publications, 2008.
2. A.P. Dhawan, “Medical Imaging and Image Formation”, in “Principles and Recent
Advances in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis”, A. P. Dhawan, H.K. Huang and D-S
Kim (Editors),World Scientific Publications, 2008.
3. A.P. Dhawan, “Introduction to Image Reconstruction Methods”, in “Principles and Recent
Advances in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis”, A. P. Dhawan, H.K. Huang and D-S
Kim (Editors),World Scientific Publications, 2008.
4. A.P. Dhawan, “Principles of Image Processing Methods”, in “Principles and Recent
Advances in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis”, A. P. Dhawan, H.K. Huang and D-S
Kim (Editors),World Scientific Publications, 2008.
5. A.P. Dhawan, “Image Segmentation and Feature Extraction”, in “Principles and Recent
Advances in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis”, A. P. Dhawan, H.K. Huang and D-S
Kim (Editors),World Scientific Publications, 2008.
6. A.P. Dhawan and Shuangshuang Dai “Clustering and Pattern Classification”, in “Principles
and Recent Advances in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis”, A. P. Dhawan, H.K.
Huang and D-S Kim (Editors),World Scientific Publications, 2008.
7. Song Wang and A.P. Dhawan, “Shape-Based Reconstruction in Optical Imaging
Applications”, in “Principles and Recent Advances in Medical Imaging and Image
Analysis”, A. P. Dhawan, H.K. Huang and D-S Kim (Editors),World Scientific Publications,
8. A.P. Dhawan, “Wavelet Transform and Its Applications in Medical Image Analysis”, in
“Principles and Recent Advances in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis”, A. P.
Dhawan, H.K. Huang and D-S Kim (Editors),World Scientific Publications, 2008.
9. A.P. Dhawan, “Multi-Class Classification for Tissue Characterization”, in “Principles and
Recent Advances in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis”, A. P. Dhawan, H.K. Huang
and D-S Kim (Editors),World Scientific Publications, 2008.
10. A.P. Dhawan, H.K. Huang and D-S Kim, “Future Trends in Medical and Molecular
Imaging”, in “Principles and Recent Advances in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis”,
A. P. Dhawan, H.K. Huang and D-S Kim (Editors), World Scientific Publications, 2008.
11. A.P. Dhawan, “Radon Transform with Applications in Computed Tomography”,
Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
12. L.K. Arata, A. P. Dhawan, A.V. Levy, J. Broderick, and M. Gaskil, Three-dimensional
anatomical model based segmentation of MR brain images through principal axes
registration,”, Yearbook-97 of Medical Informatics, IMIA, Schattauer, pp. 387-396, 1997
(reprint of IEEE Trans. Biomed Eng., Vol. 42, pp. 1069-1078, 1995.
13. Y. Chitre, A.P. Dhawan, and M. Moskowitz, “Artificial Neural Network Based Classification
of Mammographic Microcalcifications Using Image Structure and Cluster Features”, In
“Digital Mammography”, Ed. A.G. Gale, S. Astley, D. Dance, and A. Y. Cairns, Elsevier,
pp. 31-40, 1994.
14. Y. Chitre, A.P. Dhawan, and M. Moskowitz, “Classification of Mammographic
Microcalcifications”, In “State Of The Art in Digital Mammographic Image Analysis”,
Ed. K.W. Boyer and S. Astlay, World Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 167-197, 1994.
15. A.P. Dhawan, "Biomedical Image Processing: Past, Present and Future", contributing
chapter in “Bioinstrumentation: Developments and Applications” Editor: D.L. Wise,
Butterworth Publications, pp. 669-771, 1990.
16. A.P. Dhawan and M.V. Ranganath, "Analysis of Three-Dimensional Anatomical and
Functional Medical Images", contributing chapter in “Bioinstrumentation: Developments
and Applications”, Editor: D.L. Wise, Butterworth Publications, pp. 1087-1113, 1990.
Total = 16
Refereed Journal Publications: Submitted (2)
1. Abshishek Jaiantilal and Atam P. Dhawan, “Topology-Based Fuzzy Clustering”, Pattern
Recognition, 2007.
2. Atam P. Dhawan, Max Fu and Latha Dinesh, Multispectral Imaging of Skin-Lesions by
Transillumination”, submitted, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2008.
Refereed Journal Publications: Published (Total= 60)
1. Hongwei Li and Atam Dhawan, “MOSAR: A Secure On-Demand Routing Protocol For
Mobile Multilevel Ad Hoc Networks”, Accepted for Publication, International Journal of
Information Security, 2008, Online: http://ijns.femto.com.tw/
2. Song Wang and A.P. Dhawan, “Shape-Based Multi-Constrained Reconstruction for MultiSpectral Optical Imaging of Skin-Lesions”, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,
Vol 32 (6), pp. 429-441, 2008.
3. A. P. Dhawan, “Rigid and Non-Rigid Medical Image Registration Methods”, International
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Invited Paper, Special Issue on: "4D
Medical Imaging and 4D Radiation Therapy”, in press, 2008.
4. Joseph Barbiere, Joseph Hanley, Yulin Song, Atam P. Dhawan, Maria F. Chan, “Concise
Matrix Analysis of Point-Based Prostate Targeting for Intensity Modulated Radiation
Therapy”, Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, Volume 6(1), pp. 1-10, 2007.
5. S. Dai, and A.P. Dhawan, “Adaptive Learning Based Event Modeling and Characterization”,
Pattern Recognition, Vol 40, pp. 1544-1555, 2007 (hard-copy); web version, Dec 2006.
6. S. Patwardhan, A.P. Dhawan and P. Relue,” Monte Carlo Simulation of Light-Tissue
Interaction for Trans-illumination based Imaging of Skin Lesions”, IEEE Trans. Biomedical
Engineering, vol 52(7), pp. 1227-1236, 2005.
7. S. Patwardhan, S. Dai, and A.P. Dhawan, “Multispectral Image Analysis and Classification
of Melanoma using Fuzzy Membership based Partitions” Computerized Medical Imaging
and Graphics, vol. 29, pp. 287-296, 2005.
8. S. Patwardhan, A.P. Dhawan and P. Relue, “Classification of melanoma using tree-structured
wavelet transform” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol 72(3), pp 223239, 2003.
9. J. Johnson, J. Lu, A.P. Dhawan, “Real-time identification of flutter boundaries using the
discrete wavelet transform”, J. Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 25, pp. 334-339,
10. Sarwal, A. and A.P. Dhawan, “Three-dimensional reconstruction of coronary arteries from
two views”, Computer Methods & Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 65(1), pp. 25-43, 2001.
11. W. Grohman and A.P. Dhawan, “Fuzzy convex set based pattern classification of
mammographic microcalcifications”, Pattern Recognition, vol. 34(7), pp. 119-132, 2001.
12. Raheja and A. P. Dhawan, “Wavelet based Multiresolution Expectation Maximization
Reconstruction Algorithm for Emission Tomography,” Computerized Medical Imaging &
Graphics, vol. 24(6), pp. 359-376, 2000.
13. Zavaljevski, A., A.P. Dhawan, S. Holland, W. Ball, M. Giskill-Shipley, J. Johnson and S.
Dunn, “Multispectral MR brain image classification”, Computerized Medical Imaging,
Graphics and Image Processing, 24, pp. 87-98, 2000.
14. Raheja, T. Doniere and A. P. Dhawan, “Multiresolution Expectation Maximization
Reconstruction Algorithm for Positron Emission Tomography using Wavelet Processing,”
IEEE Transactions of Nuclear Science, Vol. 46(3-2), pp. 594-602, 1999.
15. Zavalijevski, A., S. Holland, A.P. Dhawan, S. Dunn and W. S. Ball, “Multilevel Computed
Hemodynamic Parameter Maps from Dynamic Perfusion MRI”, IEEE Transactions on
Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 48(3), pp. 711-720, 1999.
16. Chitre, Y and A.P. Dhawan, “M-Band wavelet discrimination of natural textures”, Pattern
Recognition, vol. 32 (5), pp. 773-789, 1999.
17. Xu, M. Jackowski, A. Goshtasby, C. Yu, D. Roseman, A,P, Dhawan, and S. Bines,
"Segmentation of skin cancer Images," Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 17, pp. 65-74,
18. Kevin R. Wheeler and Atam P. Dhawan, “Basis Selection for Wavelet Regression”, NIPS,
Vol. 11, MIT Press, pp. 627-633, 1999.
19. Dhawan, A.P., “Current status of automated image analysis of breast microcalcifications”,
Mammo Matters, vol. 5, pp. 26-32, 1998.
20. Sarwal, A., and A.P. Dhawan, “Segmentation of coronary arteriograms through Radial Basis
Function neural network”, Journal of Computing and Information Technology, pp. 135148, 1998.
21. Dhawan, A.P. and L. Arata, "Current trends in 3-D Multi-Modality Image Analysis", Int. J.
Medical Engineering and Life Sciences, vol. 14, pp. 40-50, 1997.
22. Loncaric and A.P. Dhawan, Morphological Signature Transform and applications”,
Automatika, Vol. 37, pp.25-30, 1996.
23. Zavaljevski, A., A.P. Dhawan, and D. Kelch, "Adaptive multi-level processing and analysis
of multispectral/hyperspectral data for target recognition”, Optical Engineering, Vol.
35(10), pp. 2884-2893, 1996.
24. Dhawan, A.P. Y. Chitre, Kaiser-Bonassoand M. Moskowitz, "Analysis of mammographic
microcalcifications using gray levels image structure features", IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging,
Vol. 15(3), pp.246-259, 1996.
25. Broderick, J, S. Narayan, A.P. Dhawan, M. Gaskil, and J. Khouri “Ventricular measurement
of multifocal brain lesions: Implications for treatment trials of vascular dementia and
multiple sclerosis”, Neuroimaging, 6, pp. 36-43, 1996.
26. Peck, C., and A.P. Dhawan, “ SSME parameter model input selection using Genetic
Algorithms", IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 32(1), pp. 199-212,
27. Loncaric, S., A.P. Dhawan, T. Brott, and J. Broderick, "3-D image analysis of intracerebral
brain hemorrhage", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomed., vol. 46, pp. 207-216,
28. Peck, C. and A.P. Dhawan, A review and critique of genetic algorithm theories", J. of
Evolutionary Computing, MIT Press, vol. 3 (1), pp. 39-80, 1995.
29. Arata, L.K. , A. P. Dhawan, A.V. Levy, J. Broderick, and M. Gaskil, Three-dimensional
anatomical model based segmentation of MR brain images through principal axes
registration,”, IEEE Transactions Biomedical Eng., Vol. 42(11, pp. 1069-1078, 1995.
30. Dhawan, A.P., L.K. Arata, A.V. Levy, and J. Mantil, “Iterative Principal Axes Registration
method for analysis of MR-PET brain images” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Eng.,
Vol. 42(11), pp. 1079-1087, 1995.
31. Dufresne, T. and A.P. Dhawan, "Two-dimensional object recognition using Chord-Tangent
Transformation", Pattern Recognition, Vol. 28(9), pp. 1321-1332, 1995.
32. Loncaric, S., and A.P. Dhawan, "Optimal MST-based shape description via genetic
algorithms", Pattern Recognition, Vol. 28 (4), pp. 571-579, 1995.
33. Wheeler, K., A.P. Dhawan, and C. Meyer, "SSME sensor modeling using radial basis
function neural network", AIAA Journal of Spacecrafts and Rockets, Vol. 31(6), pp. 10541060, 1994.
34. Doniere, T., and A.P. Dhawan, "SSME sensor modeling using feedforward neural networks
and learning vector quantization", AIAA Journal, Vol. 32(10), pp. 2126-2128, 1994.
35. Chih-hi Chao, "Hopfield Network Based Edge Detection", Optical Engineering, vol. 33(11)
, pp. 3739-3747, 1994.
36. Dufresne, T, A.Sarwal, and A.P. Dhawan, " A gray-level thinning method for delineation and
representation of arteries", Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 18 (5), pp.
343-355, 1994.
37. Kini, P.and A.P. Dhawan, “Non-invasive imaging and analysis of skin lesions for early
detection of cutaneous malignant melanoma”, Biomedical Instrumentation and
Technology, vol. 28, pp. 209-219, 1994.
38. Chao, Chih-hi and A.P. Dhawan, "Artificial neural network and model-based recognition of
3-D objects from 2-D images", Electronic Imaging, Vol. 3(1), pp. 5-19, 1994.
39. Dhawan, A.P. and Thomas Dufresne, "A neural model based approach to image
enhancement", Optical Engineering, Vol. 33(4), pp. 1156-1165, 1994.
40. Dhawan, A.P. and L. Arata, " Knowledge-Based Multi-Modality Three-Dimensional
Quantitative Analysis of Brain Images", Journal of Physiological Imaging., vol. 7(3-4), pp.
210-219, 1993.
41. Y. Chitre, A.P. Dhawan, and M. Moskowitz, “Artificial neural network based classification
of mammographic microcalcifications using image structure features”, Special Issue on
Digital Mammography, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial
Intelligence, vol. 7(6), pp. 1977-2003, 1993.
42. Dhawan, A.P., and L. Arata, "Segmentation of medical images based on a competitive
learning neural network" Comp. Meth. Prog. Biomed, vol. 40, pp. 203-215, 1993.
43. Loncaric, S and A.P. Dhawan, A morphological signature transform for shape description,
Pattern Recognition, vol. 26(7), pp. 1029-1037, 1993.
44. Wang, G., N.D. Volkow, C. Roque, V. Cestro, R. Hizemann, E. Cantos, A.P. Dhawan, and
A.V. Levy, "Functional significance of ventricular enlargement and cortical atrophy in
normals and alcoholics as assessed by PET, MRI and Neuropsychological testing",
Radiology, vol. 186(1), pp. 59-65, 1993.
45. Dhawan, A.P., P. Disimile, and C. Peck, "Three-Dimensional Temporal Reconstruction and
Analysis of Plume Images", Optical Engineering, Vol. 31 (11), pp. 2366-2373, 1992.
46. Dhawan, A. P., and A. Sicsu, "Segmentation of images of skin-lesions using color and
surface pigmentation", Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 16(3) pp. 163177, 1992.
47. Kini, P., and A.P. Dhawan, "Three-Dimensional Imaging and Reconstruction of SkinLesions", Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol. 16(3), pp. 153-162, 1992.
48. Dhawan, A.P., and L. Arata, "Knowledge-Based 3D Analysis from 2D Medical Images",
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 10(4), pp. 30-37, 1991.
49. Dhawan, A. P., and S. Juvvadi, "A knowledge-based approach to the analysis and
interpretation of CT images", Comp. Methods & Prog. in Biomed., Vol. 33(4), pp. 221-239,
50. Dhawan, A.P., "A review on biomedical image processing and future trends", Computer
Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 31(3-4), pp. 141-183, 1990.
51. Ranganath, M.V., A.P. Dhawan, and N. Mullani, "A multi-grid expectation maximization
reconstruction algorithm for Positron Emission Tomography", IEEE Trans. on Medical
Imaging, vol. MI-7(4), pp. 273-278, 1988.
52. Dhawan, A. P., "An expert system for early detection of malignant melanoma using the
knowledge-based image analysis", International Journal on Analytical and Quantitative
Cytology and Histology, vol. 10(6), pp. 405-416, 1988.
53. Dhawan, A. P., and E. Le Royer, "Mammographic feature enhancement by computerized
image processing", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 27(1), pp. 2335, 1988.
54. Dhawan, A. P., and R. Gordon, "Reply to comments on enhancement of mammographic
features by optimal adaptive neighborhood image processing", IEEE Trans. on Medical
Imaging, MI-6(1), pp. 82-83, 1987.
55. Dhawan, A. P., G. Buelloni, and R. Gordon, "Optimal enhancement of mammographic
features by optimal adaptive neighborhood image processing", IEEE Trans. on Medical
Imaging, MI-5(1), pp. 8-15, 1986, Corrections in MI-5(2), pp. 120, 1986.
56. Rangayyan, R. M., A. P. Dhawan, and R. Gordon, "Algorithms for limited-view computed
tomography: an annotated bibliography and a challenge", Applied Optics, vol. 24(23), pp.
4000-4012, 1985.
57. Dhawan, A. P., R. M. Rangayyan, and R. Gordon, "Image restoration by Wiener
deconvolution in limited-view CT", Applied Optics, vol. 24(23), pp. 4013-4020, 1985.
58. Dhawan, A. P., "Early detection of cutaneous malignant melanoma by three-dimensional
nevoscopy", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 21, pp. 59-68, 1985.
59. Gordon, R., A. P. Dhawan, and R. M. Rangayyan, "Reply to comments on geometrical
deconvolution: a meta-algorithm for limited-view computed tomography", IEEE Trans. on
Biomedical Engineering, vol. BME-32(3), pp. 242-244, 1985.
60. Dhawan, A. P., R. Gordon, and R. M. Rangayyan, "Nevoscopy: three-dimensional computed
tomography for nevi and melanoma by transillumination", IEEE Trans. on Medical
Imaging, vol. MI-3(2), pp. 54-61, 1984.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers (Total 107)
1. Atam P. Dhawan, Sachin Patwardhan and Nizar Mullani, “Analysis of Multi-Modal Optical
Images of Skin-Lesions for Skin Cancer Detection and Characterization, 5th IEEE
International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine,
Shenzhen, China, May 30-31.
2. Song Wang and Atam P Dhawan, “Shape-Based Reconstruction Of Skin Lesion For MultiSpectral Nevoscope Using Genetic Algorithm Optimization”, IEEE International
Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Washington DC, April 12-15, 2007.
3. Song Wang and Atam P. Dhawan, “Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma by
Multi-Spectral Optical Nevoscope,” 28th Annual International Conference of Engineering
in Medicine and Biology, New York, August 30-September 3, 2006. Finalist in the
Student Paper Competition.
4. Yan Song, Song Wang, Maria Chan, Burman Chandra, Atam Dhawan, and Yulin Song,
“Femoral Fracture Risk Assessment after Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for
the Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcoma Using a Novel Mathematical Model” , 28th Annual
International Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, New York, August
30-September 3, 2006.
5. Yan Song, Yulin Song, Maria Chan, Chandra Burman, Song Wang, and Atam Dhawan, “A
Practical DRR Reconstruction Technique for Removing Artifact Induced by Patient
Respiration for Prostate Cancer Treated with IMRT”, 48th Annual Conference and Meeting
of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Orlando, Florida, July 30August 3, 2006.
6. Yulin Song, Maria Chan, Chandra Burman, Song Wang, and Atam Dhawan, A New CT
Reconstruction Technique for Removal of Streak Artifacts Due to Metallic Dental Filling and
Implants for the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer with Intensity Modulated Radiation
Therapy”, 48th Annual Conference and Meeting of American Association of Physicists in
Medicine (AAPM), Orlando, Florida, July 30-August 3, 2006.
7. Atam P. Dhawan and Song Wang, “Restoration of Multispectral Optical Images of Skin
Lesions”, 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society, Aug 31-Sept 4, Shanghai, 2005.
8. S. V. Patwardhan and A. P. Dhawan, “ Multi-spectral Imaging and Analysis for Classification
of Melanoma”, Proceedings, 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Francisco, 2004.
9. J. M. Puthiamadathil1, L. S. Zuckier, and A. P. Dhawan, “Planar Visual Fusion
Scintigraphy”, Proceedings, 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Francisco, 2004.
10. S. Dai, A.P. Dhawan, “PCA-based Fuzzy Classification of Turbine Blade Damage Modes”
40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 11
- 14 Jul 2004.
11. S. Dai and A.P. Dhawan, “An Adaptive Self- Learning System for Pattern Recognition”,
AIAA Conference on Modeling and Simulation Technologies, Rhode Island, August 1618, 2004.
12. Hongwei Li and Atam P. Dhawan, “Agent Based Multiple Level Dynamic Multimedia
Security System” 5th Annual IEEE Information Assurance Workshop, United States
Military Academy, West Point, NY, pp. 291-297, June 10-11, 2004.
13. Ketan Patel, Ronn Walvick, Sachin V. Patwardhan and Atam P. Dhawan, “Classification of
Melanoma using Wavelet Transform-based Optimal Feature Set”, SPIE International
Symposium: Medical Imaging, February, 2004.
14. Sachin V. Patwardhan, Atam P. Dhawan and Patricia A. Relue, “Multi-Spectral Light Tissue
Interaction Modeling For Skin Lesion Imaging”, Proceedings 2003 25th Annual
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,
15. Sachin V. Patwardhan, Atam P. Dhawan and Patricia A. Relue, “Wavelength Selection for
Multi-Spectral Imaging of Skin Lesions”, Proc. IEEE 29th Annual Northeast
Bioengineering Conference, 2003, p. 327-328.
16. Nimukar, A. Dhawan, P. Relue and S. Patwardhan, Wavelet and Statistical Analysis for
Melanoma Classification, SPIE International Conference on Medical Imaging, MI 4684pp. 1346-1353, Feb 24-28, 2002.
17. S. Patwardhan, A. Dhawan, and P. Relue, Tree structured wavelet transform signature for
classification of melanoma., SPIE International Conference on Medical Imaging, MI
4684- pp. 1085-1091, Feb 24-28, 2002
18. Raheja, A.P. Dhawan, and P. Antich, “Radial Basis Functions based algorithm for feature
extraction from 3D raw Positron Emission Tomography(PET) data”, International
Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing”, 2000.
19. T. Shubhachint and A.P. Dhawan, “Wavelet Based Multi-resolution Algorithm for Detection
of Mammographic microcalcifications”, Proceedings IEEE 21th International Conference
of Engineering in Medicine & Biology, October 13-16, 1999.
20. W. Grohman and A.P. Dhawan, “Classification of Difficult-Diagnose Microcalcifications using
Fuzzy Neural Networks with Convex Sets”, Proceedings IEEE 21th International Conference
of Engineering in Medicine & Biology, October 13-16, 1999.
21. Kumar, A.P. Dhawan, P. Relue and P.K. Choudhuri, “Multi-spectral Optical Imaging of SkinLesions”, Proceedings IEEE 21th International Conference of Engineering in Medicine
& Biology, October 13-16, 1999.
22. Raheja and A. P. Dhawan, “Wavelet Based Multiresolution Tomographic reconstruction for
PET,” Proceedings SPIE International Conference on Medical Imaging, February 20-26,
23. S. Maganti, A. Kumar, and A. P. Dhawan, " New model for optical image reconstruction for
Nevoscope images, Proceedings SPIE International Conference on Medical Imaging,
February 20-26, 1999.
24. Loncaric (Univ. of Zagreb); A. P. Dhawan (Univ. of Toledo); D. Kovacevic, D. Cosic, (Univ.
of Zagreb); J. Broderick (Univ. of Cincinnati); T. Brott (Mayo Clinic), "Quantitative
intracerebral brain hemorrhage analysis, Proceedings SPIE International Conference on
Medical Imaging, February 20-26, 1999.
25. Raheja and A.P. Dhawan, Wavelet Based Multiresolution Expectation Maximization
reconstruction algorithm for Positron Emission Tomography, Proceedings IEEE Nuclear
Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Toronto, November 8-14, 1998.
26. A.P. Dhawan and A. Raheja, Multiresolution Expectation Maximization reconstruction
algorithm for Positron Emission Tomography using Wavelet processing, Proceedings IEEE
20th International Conference of Engineering in Medicine & Biology, October 29 November 1, Vol. 20, pp. 759-762, 1998.
27. Sarwal, and A.P. Dhawan, “3-D reconstruiction of coronry artery trees”, Proceedings, IEEE
19th International Conference Engineering in Medicine & Biology, Chicago, 1997.
28. S. Maganti and A.P. Dhawan, “3-D quantitative analysis of intracerebral brain hemorrhage”,
Proceedings SPIE International Conference on Medical Imaging, February, 1997.
29. S. Maganti and A.P. Dhawan, “3-D Nevoscope image reconstruction using diverging ray
ART”, Proceedings SPIE International Conference on Biomedical Optics, 1997.
30. A.P. Dhawan, A. Zavaljevski, A. Sarwal, S. Holland, M. Gaskill-Shipley, and W. Ball, “A
system for MR brain image segmentation”, Proceedings IEEE International Conference
on Eng. in Med. & Biol., Amsterdam, Oct. 30- Nov.3, 1996
31. Levy, F. Hode, M. Dennis, D. Bertollio, A.P. Dhawan, J. Logan, and N. Volkow, “The galaxy
method for the 3-D spatial registration of PET images to Talairach brain atlas”, Proceedings
IEEE International Conference on Eng. in Med. & Biol., Amsterdam, Oct. 30- Nov.3,
32. S. loncaric, D. Cosic and A.P. Dhawan, “Hierarchical segmentation of CT head images”,
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Eng. in Med. & Biol., Amsterdam, Oct.
30- Nov.3, 1996
33. S. loncaric, D. Cosic and A.P. Dhawan, “Segmentation of CT head images”, Proceedings
Computer Assisted Radiology: CAR 96, International Symposium on Computer and
Communication Systems for Image Guided Diagnosis and Therapy, Paris, France 1996.
34. Zavaljevski, A.P. Dhawan, A. Sarwal, D. Kelch and J. Riddell, “Multispectral image analysis
for detection of communication lines”, Proceedings SPIE International Symposium
Electronic Imaging, Denver, Colorado, July 1996
35. Zavaljevski, A.P. Dhawan, D. Kelch and J. Riddell, “hyperspectral small target detection”,
Proceedings SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, San Jose, Jan 1996.
36. S. Loncaric and A.P. Dhawan, “A nera-optimal MR-PET brain registration”, Proceedings 9th
Annual European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, 1995.
37. J. Taha, S. Narayan, M. Gaskill-Shipley, M. Lamba, and A.P. Dhawan, “Early detection of
postoperative residual tumor using image fusion subtraction”, Proceedings Annual Meeting
of American Association of Neurological Surgeons, April 22-27, Orlando, 1995.
38. S. Holland, A. Zavaljevski, A.P. Dhawan, W.C. Liu and R.J. Massoth, “Computing
hemodynamic parameter maps from dynamic perfusion MRI” Proceedings RSNA 81st
Annual Meeting, Chicago, Nov. 26- Dec.1, 1995.
39. Zavaljevski, A.P. Dhawan, D. Kelch and J. Riddell, “Multi-level detection method for
multispectral and hyperspectral images”, Proceedings International Symposium in
Aerospace/Defense Remote Sensing and Dual-Use Photonics, Orlando, 1995.
40. P. Kini, A.P. Dhawan, and S. Maganti, “Novel 3 point diffusion model for image
reconstruction from optical nevoscope images”, Proceedings IX International Conference
on Medical Imaging, SPIE, Feb. 1995.
41. A.P. Dhawan, Y. Chitre and C. Bonasso “Classification of mammographic
microcalcifications using wavelet decomposition”, Proceedings 17 th IEEE International
Annual Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Montreal, 1995.
42. S. Loncaris and A.P. Dhawan, “Morphological signature transform and applications”,
Proceedings 40th Annual Conference KoREMA, pp. 449-453, Zagreb, 1995.
43. S. Loncaric and A.P. Dhawan, , "3-D brain image registration using optimal morphological
processing and iterative principal axes transform", Proceedings 16th IEEE International
Annual Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Baltimore, Nov. 36, 1994.
44. Y. Chitre, A.P. Dhawan, and M. Moskowitz, "Mammographic microcalcification feature
analysis and classification", Proceedings 16th IEEE International Annual Conference of
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Baltimore, Nov. 3-6, 1994.
45. Sarwal, and A.P. Dhawan, "3-D reconstruction of coronary arteries", Proceedings 16th
IEEE International Annual Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Society, Baltimore, Nov. 3-6, 1994.
46. T. Doniere, and A.P. Dhawan, "A grid-change criterion for multi-grid EM Reconstruction
algorithm for PET", Proceedings 16th IEEE International Annual Conference of
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Baltimore, Nov. 3-6, 1994.
47. Ouaiss, A.P. Dhawan and M.D. Previtera, "Localization of epileptogenic foci using artificial
neural networks," Proceedings 16th IEEE International Annual Conference of
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Baltimore, Nov. 3-6, 1994.
48. K.P. Roenker, A.P. Dhawan, and C.K. Song, "Electronic pulse-mode circuits based on a
novel semiconductor device" Proceedings ANNIE 1994 Artificial Neural Networks in
Engineering, Rolla, Nov. 13-16, 1994
49. Wheeler, A.P. Dhawan, & C. Meyer, “SSME sensor modelling using Radial Basis Function
neural networks”, Proceedings AIAA Jet Propulsion Conference, Indianapolis, June 2629, 1994.
50. C.H. Chao, and A.P. Dhawan, Edge detection using Hopfield neural network", Proceedings
SPIE-IEEE Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence VIII, Orlando, 1994.
51. Martin, K. and A.P. Dhawan, "Application of GA in graph matching", Proceedings IEEE
International Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando, vol. 3, pp. 3872-3876, 1994.
52. Wheeler, K and A.P. Dhawan, "RBF neural network based parameter estimation for SSME",
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando, vol. 3, pp.
3352-3357, 1994.
53. McInerney, M., and A.P. Dhawan, "Hybrid algorithms for self-organizing learning"
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando, vol. 1, pp.
641-644, 1994.
54. A.P. Dhawan, K. Wheeler, & T. Doniere, “Artificial neural network based modeling of
SSME parameters”, Proceedings SAE Annual Conference, Dayton, OH, 1994.
55. Dufresne T., A.P. Dhawan, and A.Sarwal, "A robust thinning method for delineation and
representation of coronary arteries" Proceedings IEEE Annual Conference on Engineering
in Medicine and Biology, San Diego, 1993.
56. Sarwal, A., Y. Chitre, and A.P. Dhawan, "Segmentation of mammographic
microcalcifications" Proceedings IEEE Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine
and Biology, San Diego, 1993.
57. Lonacric, S. and A.P. Dhawan, "3-D brain image registration using morphological processing
and iterative principal axis transform" Proceedings IEEE Annual Conference on
Engineering in Medicine and Biology, San Diego, 1993.
58. Chitre, Y, A.P. Dhawan, and M. Moskowitz, "Artificial neural network based classification
of mammographic microcalcifications using image structure features" Proceedings IEEE
Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, San Diego, 1993.
59. Ravi Kothari, and Atam P. Dhawan, ``AMSIM: An Associative Memory Based on Sparse
Interconnecting Matrices,'' Proceedings World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN
'93}, Vol. II, pp. 309-312, Portland, July 11-15, 1993.
60. Levy, A., D. Bertollo, A.P. Dhawan, N. Volkov, and J.D. Brodie, "Three-dimensional PETPET brain image registration and enhancement of signal-to-noise ratio in functional patterns",
Proceedings 1993 Annual Conference of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Toronto,
61. Dhawan, A.P., "Three-dimensional multi-modality brain image analysis and understanding",
Proceedings Electro International 93: Symposium on Medical Electronics, Edison, New
Jersey, vol.3, pp. 400-406, 1993.
62. Dhawan, A.P., S. Loncaric, T. Brot, and J. Broderick, “Three-Dimensional CT Image
Analysis of Brain Hemorrhage, Proceedings IEEE International Conference of Computer
Systems in Medicine, Ann Arbor, pp. 140-145, 1993.
63. Dhawan, A.P., Y. Chitre, and M. Moskowitz, "Artifical neural network based classification
of mammographic microcalcifications", Proceedings SPIE Biomedical Image Processing
and Visualization, San Diego, vol. 1905(2), pp. 820-831 , 1993.
64. Dhawan, A.P., "Computerized mammographic image analysis for reducing false positive rate
for biopsy recommendation", Proceedings SPIE Biomedical Image Processing and
Biomedical Visualization, San Diego, vol. 1905 (2), pp. 540-542, 1993.
65. Doniere, T., C. Peck, and A.P. Dhawan, "SSME sensor validation through neural network
based function approximation", Proceedings Fifth Annual Spece Health Management
Technology Conference Cincinnati, pp. 85-93, 1993.
66. Loncaric, S. and A.P. Dhawan, "Optimal shape description using morphological signature
transform via genetic algorithm", Proceedings SPIE conference on Non-Linear Image
Processing, 1993.
67. McInerney, M. and A. P. Dhawan "A hybrid GA-BP training algorithm", in press,
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, San Francisco, vol. I,
pp. 203-208, 1993.
68. Peck, C., A.P. Dhawan, and C. Meyer, "Use of Genetic Algorithms for input selection for
feedforward neural networks", Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Neural
Networks, San Francisco, vol. II, pp. 1115-1122, 1993.
69. Dhawan, A.P., and L. Arata, "A novel approach to image segmentation based on competitive
learning, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, San
Francisco, vol. III, pp. 1277-1282 1993.
70. Kini, P., C. Peck, and A.P. Dhawan, Genetic algorithm based reconstruction in diffusion
tomography", Photon Migration and Imaging in Random Media, Proceedings SPIE
Biomedical Optics Conference, Vol. 1868, Los Angeles, 1993
71. Peck, C., A.P. Dhawan, and C. M. Meyer, "Selection of input variables for SSME sensor
signal approximation using GA", Proceedings Fourth Annual Spece Health Management
Technology Conference Cincinnati, pp. 104-119, 1992.
72. Meyer, C. M., W. A. Maul, and A.P. Dhawan, "SSME mainstage sensor signal
approximation using feedforward neural networks", Proceedings Fourth Annual Spece
Health Management Technology Conference Cincinnati, pp. 45-58, 1992.
73. Arata, L., and A.P. Dhawan, "Iterative principal axes registration: a new algorithm for
retrospective correlation of MR-PET brain images", Proceedings IEEE Engineering in
Medicine & Biology Society 14th Annual International Conference, Paris, 1992.
74. Kini, P. and A.P. Dhawan, "Modeling of light propogation in tissue-like media with
applications in reconstruction of skin-lesions", Proceedings IEEE Engineering in Medicine
& Biology Society 14th Annual International Conference, Paris, 1992.
75. Kini, P., and A.P. Dhawan, "Effects of tissue scattering in imaging of skin-lesions", Proc.
SPIE Conference on Inverse Problems in Scattering, in press, 1992.
76. Arata, L., A.P. Dhawan, J. Broderick, and M. Gaskil, "Three-Dimensional Model-guided
Segmentation and Analysis of Medical Images," Proceedings SPIE Medical Imaging VI,
77. Loncaric, S, and A.P. Dhawan, "A morphological residue approach to shape representation,
Proceedings SPIE: Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, 1992.
78. Chao, Chih-hi and A.P. Dhawan, "Artificial neural network and model based recognition of
3D objects from 2D images", Proceedings Applications of Artificial Neural Networks III,
pp. 119-1301992.
79. Arata, L., A.P. Dhawan, J. Broderick, and M. Gaskil, "Model-Based 3D Analysis of MR
Images of the Brain", IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society 13th Annual
International Conference, pp. 1331-1333, 1991.
80. Levy, A., A.P. Dhawan, N. Volkov, H. Rusinek, and J.D. Brode, "A Multimodal
Reconstruction Algorithm for PET Brain Images", IEEE Engineering in Medicine &
Biology Society 12th Annual International Conference, pp. 1333-1335, 1991.
81. Dhawan, A.P., Y. Chitre, E. Gruenstein, and M. Moskowitz, "Classification of
mammographic microcalcifications and structural features using an artificial neural network",
IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society 12th Annual International
Conference, pp. 1105-1006, 1991.
82. Dhawan, A.P., P. J. Disimle, and C. Peck, "Four dimensional reconstruction and analysis of
plume images" Proceedings Fourth Interanational Conference on Laser Anemometry:
Advances and Applications, pp. 373-385 1991.
83. Disimile, P.J., B. Shoe, and A.P. Dhawan, "Rocket Engine Plume Diagnostics Using Video
Digitization and Image Processing: Analysis of Engine Strat-Up", Proceedings AIAA 27th
Joint Propulsion Conference, Sacramento, CA, Paper # 91-2525, 1991.
84. Peck, C., L. Arata, and A.P. Dhawan, "A new interpolation technique for orthogonal sets of
tomographic medical images", Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Systems
Engineering, 1991.
85. Dufresne, T.,and A.P. Dhawan, "A structured Approach to Edge Clustering and
Extrapolation", Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Systems Engineering,
86. A.P. Dhawan, S. Loncaric, and S. Ramachandaran, "Optimal Multiresolution Morphological
Image Processing", Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Systems Engineering,
87. Arata, L., and A.P. Dhawan, "Model-based labeling, analysis, and three-dimensional
visualization from two-dimensional medical images, Proceedings SPIE Medical Imaging
V, 1991.
88. Kini, P., and A. P. Dhawan, "Non-invasive imaging and analysis of skin-lesions for early
detection of cutaneous malignant melanoma", Proceedings 26th AAMI Annual Meeting
and Exposition, Wsahington, DC, pp.54, 1991.
89. Dhawan, A.P."Problems and Limitations of Knowledge-based 3D medical image analysis",
Proceedings IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society 12th Annual
International Conference, vol.3, pp. 1304-1305, 1990.
90. Dhawan, A.P., and M. Parikh, "Knowledge-based color and texture analysis of skin images",
Proceedings IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society 12th Annual
International Conference, vol. 3, pp. 1289-1290, 1990.
91. Dhawan A.P. and Thomas Dufresne, "Low-level image processing and edge enhancement
using a self organizing neural network, Proceedings IJCNN International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks, San Diego, Vol.1, PP. 503-510, 1990.
92. Dhawan, A. P., and P. Kini, "Three-dimensional imaging of skin-lesions using Nevoscope",
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Medical Imaging IV, Vol. 1231, pp. 75-82, 1990.
93. Dhawan, A.P., S. Misra, and S.R. Thomas, "Knowledge-based analysis and recognition of
3Dimages of human chest cavity," Proceedings First International Conference on
Visualization in Biomedical Computing, IEEE Press, pp. 162-169, May 22-25, 1990.
94. Dhawan, A.P., P. Kini, and A. Sicsu, "Imaging Skin-Lesions for Detecting Skin-Cancer
Through Image Analysis", IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society 11th Annual
International Conference, Vol. 2, pp.388-390, 1989.
95. Dhawan, A.P., "A primitive-based 3D object recognition system", Proc. SPIE, vol. 938,
Digital and Optical Shape Representation and Pattern Recognition, April 4-8, Orlando,
Florida, pp. 419-427, 1988.
96. Dhawan, A.P., "Knowledge-based low-level image analysis for applications in object
recognition and scene interpretation systems", Proc. SPIE vol. 937, Applications of
Artificial Intelligence VI Conference, SPIE and IEEE Computer Society, April 4-8,
Orlando, Florida, pp. 2-9, 1988.
97. Dhawan, A.P. and M.V. Ranganath, "A Knowledge-based multi-grid ML reconstruction
algorithm for Positron Emission Tomography", Proceedings IEEE International
Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing, April 11-14, New York, pp. 878881, 1988.
98. Dhawan, A.P., "An expert system for early detection of melanoma using knowledge-based
image analysis", presented at the Second International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence Systems (Expert Systems) as Diagnostic Consultants for the Cytologic and
Histologic Diagnosis of Cancer, March 13-15, Chicago, IL, 1988.
99. Dhawan, A.P., S. Juvvadi and N. Mullani, "Knowledge-based analysis and understanding of
3D anatomical images", Proceedings SPIE vol. 914, Medical Imaging II, Jan. 31 - Feb. 5,
Newport Beach, CA, pp. 422-428, 1988.
100. Dhawan, A.P., M.V. Ranganath, N. Mullani, G. Ganti, and K.L. Gould, "A multi-grid ML
reconstruction algorithm with applications in clinical PET", Proceedings, SPIE, vol. 914,
Medical Imaging II, Jan. 31-Feb. 5, Newport Beach, CA, pp. 304-310, 1988.
101. Dhawan, A.P., S. Juvvadi, H. Baxi and N. Mullani, "Knowledge-based analysis and
understanding of 3D anatomical and functional images", Proceedings 9th Annual
Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Nov. 13-16, Boston,
MA, vol. 2, pp. 924-926, 1987.
102. Dhawan, A.P., E. LeRoyer and R. Gordon, "Adaptive neighborhood image processing for
feature enhancement of film-mammograms", Proceedings 8th Annual Conference of IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Nov. 7-10, Dallas, TX, vol. 2, pp. 10961100, 1986.
103. R.M. Rangayyan, A.P. Dhawan and R. Gordon, "Algorithms for limited-view computed
tomography: a survey", Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Computers,
Systems, and Signal Processing, Dec. 10-12, Bangalore, India, pp. 1540-1545, 1984.
104. Dhawan, A.P., R. Gordon and R.M. Rangayyan, "Computed Tomography by
transillumination to detect early melanoma", Proceedings 6th Annual Conference of IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Sept. 15-17, Los Angeles, pp. 518-522,
105. Dhawan, A.P., R.M. Rangayyan, and R. Gordon, "Image restoration by two-dimensional
deconvolution in limited-view reconstruction", Digest Topical Meeting on Industrial
Applications of CT and NMR Imaging, Aug. 13-14, Hecla Island, Canada, OSA
Publication, pp. TUA5: 1-3, 1984.
106. A.K. Elhakeem, R. Goel and A.P. Dhawan, "Simulation of FARA/CS, a new protocol",
Proceedings Computer Networking Symposium, Dec. 13, Maryland, pp. 3-8, 1983.
107. H. Gupta, J. Sharma and A.P. Dhawan, "A novel method of D.C. solution for bipolar
electronic device circuits", Proceedings 12th Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems,
and Computers, Nov. 3-5, Monterey, CA, pp. 521-525, 1979.
Invited and Keynote Presentations, and Seminars (Total: 29)
1. A.P. Dhawan, “Optical Imaging and Tomography for Biomedical and Clinical Applications”,
5th IEEE International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks
(BSN 2008), Hong Kong, June 1-3, 2008.
2. A.P. Dhawan, “Multimodality Multiparamater Medical Imaging”, Keynote Address, IEEE
International Conférence on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine
(ITAB 2008), Shenzhen, China, May 30-31, 2008.
3. A. P. Dhawan, “MR Brain Image Analysis for Tissue Characterization”, Distinguished
Research Seminar, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota,
September 24, 2007.
4. A. P. Dhawan, “Multispectral Optical Imaging of Skin-Lesions”, Medical Sciences Division,
Brookhaven National Laboratory, March 24, 2007.
5. A. P. Dhawan, “Imaging, Characterization and Analysis of Skin-Lesions”, Strategic
Planning Workshop on Imaging Science Development for Cancer Prevention and
Preemption, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Gaithersburg, MD, July 9-11, 2006.
6. A.P. Dhawan, “Multiparameter MR Imaging Protocols for Tissue Characterization”, Rutgers
University Biomedical Engineering Department Seminar Series, September 30, 2005.
7. A.P. Dhawan, “Multiparamater Optical Imaging”, Keynote Address, IEEE EMBS-Houston
Bioengineering Conference, Houston, April 14-15, 2004.
8. A.P. Dhawan, “Multiparameter Multimodality Medical Image Analysis”, Grand Rounds,
Department of Internal Medicine, Medical College of Ohio, October 21, 1999.
9. A.P. Dhawan, “Intelligent Medical Image Analysis”, Biomedical Engineering Seminar
Series, Wayne State University, November 17, 1999.
10. A.P. Dhawan, "Multispectral/Hyperspectral Image Analysis for Automatic Target
Recognition", Sensor Integration Directorate, Wright Laboratories, WP Air Force Base,
Dayton, July 21, 1998.
11. A.P. Dhawan, “Multiparameter Multimodality Image Acquisition and Analysis”, Biomedical
Engineering Seminar Series, Drexel University, July 22, 1997.
12. A.P. Dhawan, “Analysis of MR Brain Images for Quantitative Evaluation of White Matter
Lesion”, Workshop on MS Lesion Extraction, Montreal Neurological Institute, Nov. 6-7,
1995, Montreal Canada.
13. A.P. Dhawan, Three-Dimensional Brain Image Segmentation”, Indiana University/Purdue
University, “Distinguished Seminar Series, Oct. 13, 1995.
14. A.P. Dhawan, "Intelligent Biomedical Image Analysis", Invited Talk, “Distinguished
Seminar Series", Wright State University, Nov. 12, 1994.
15. A.P. Dhawan, "Intelligent Image Analysis in Neurosurgery", Invited Talk, “Neurosurgery
Seminar Series", UC Medical Center, Cincinnati, Oct. 11, 1994.
16. A.P. Dhawan, "Intelligent Image Analysis in Diagnostic Radiology", Invited Talk, Special
Seminar Series", Rose-Hullman Institute of Technology, Terry Haute, Jan. 26, 1994.
17. A.P. Dhawan, "Medical Imaging: A Broad Spectrum", Invited Talk, Symposium on
Emerging Technologies in Biomedical Engineering", Cincinnati, Nov. 1, 1993.
18. A.P. Dhawan, "Computerized Analysis of Mammographic Images", Invited keynote address,
Symposium on Digital Mammography, International Meeting and Conference of Am.
Assoc. Phys. Medicine, Calgary, August 22-28, 1992.
19. A.P. Dhawan and P. Kini, "Three-Dimensional Imaging of Skin-Lesions with Nevoscope",
Scientific Exhibit, 48th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology, Dec. 27, San Francisco, 1989.
20. A.P. Dhawan, "Computer vision laboratory: A utility in computerized diagnostic radiology",
Invited seminar, University of Cincinnati Medical School, Cincinnati, May 15, 1989.
21. A.P. Dhawan, "Knowledge-based computerized image analysis for detecting cancer in early
stages, Basic Sciences Seminar, Barrett Cancer Center, Cincinnati, May 12, 1989.
22. A.P. Dhawan, "Knowledge-based biomedical image analysis", Dept. of Electrical
Engineering, George Washington University, Washington, DC, March 30, 1988.
23. A.P. Dhawan, "Knowledge-based object recognition and image understanding", The
Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, March 16, 1988.
24. A.P. Dhawan, "Three-dimensional object recognition and image understanding", Dept. of
Electrical Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, March 9, 1988.
25. A.P. Dhawan, "Knowledge-based analysis and understanding of three-dimensional medical
images", Sixth Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research in Houston,
Feb. 12-13, 1988.
26. A.P. Dhawan, "Image formation, reconstruction, and understanding in diagnostic radiology,
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, April 20, 1988.
27. A.P. Dhawan, "A knowledge-based system for early detection of cutaneous melanoma", Fifth
Annual Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research in Houston, March 12-14,
28. A.P. Dhawan, "An automated intelligent robotic-vision skin-scanner", Electrical
Engineering Seminar, University of North Dakota, Fargo, April 8, 1985.
29. A.P. Dhawan, "Migration of melanocytes and detection of melanoma", Distinguished
Research Seminar, The Manitoba Cancer Foundation, Winnipeg, March 19, 1985.
UG/Grad Level Course ECE 435/ECE698: Medical Imaging Data Instrumentation and
Analysis, Student evaluation: 3.83/4.00.
UG Course ECE 498H: Multidisciplinary Senior Design Project Studio, New course
developed. To be taught in Fall 2008.
UG/Grad Level Course ECE 435/ECE698: Medical Imaging Data Instrumentation and
Analysis, New course developed and delivered. Student evaluation: 3.78/4.00.
UG Level Course: CoE/ECE 414: Senior Design Project Proposal Course, new course started
in Fall 2001 and Spring 2002., Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2005, Fall 2006.
Developed industry mentorship for senior design projects. Student Evaluation
Average: 3.32/4.00.
UG Level Course: ECE 101: Introduction to ECE, Spring 2002, Spring 2003, Spring 2004,
Spring 2005, Spring 2006.
At the University of Toledo:
New Graduate-Level Course: BIOE 5251: Wavelets and Their Applications: This was
a new course at the University of Toledo which was delivered with Matlab software
based project and homework assignment. The course was well received. Evaluation
3.56 (scale 0-4.0).
Graduate Level Course: BIOE 5270: Medical Imaging II: This course was designed to
provide students a detailed study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Nuclear
Medicine imaging modalities. The course received an excellent response as one of
the best courses taken by the students. Evaluation: 3.78 (scale 0-4.0).
At the University of Texas at Arlington
New Graduate-Level Course: EE 5393: Medical Imaging: Developed a new course
Medical Imaging at UTA. The course coverd principles of imaging modalities,
instrumentation, data acquisition and image reconstruction methods for CT, MRI,
PET/SPECT and Ultrasound. Student Evaluation: Overall Score: 3.9 (on the scale
New Graduate-Level Course: EE 5393: Wavelets and Their Applications: Developed
and taught this new course which was very well received by the students. Class
notes were put on the website. The course material included applications in speech
processing, radar signal processing, multimedia communication and biomedical
imaging. Student Evaluation: Overall Score: 3.82 (on the scale 0-4.0).
At the University of Cincinnati
(The courses taught at UC were evaluated by the students on a scale of 1.00 to 5.00 with
1.00 as the perfect score; The ECECS Department average: 2.5-3.0).
Undergraduate Courses
ECE 337: Microsystems Design Lab: Modified lab exercises using new logic
analyzers and other equipment purchased through an OBR grant. Teaching
Evaluation Overall Rating: 1.78
ECE 339: Microsystems Design and Interfacing: Included more recent material
on advanced microprocessor technology. Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating: 1.8.
Graduate Course
ECE 866: Introduction to Medical Imaging: Graduate level course developed to
introduce fundamentals and applications of medical imaging including CAT,
MRI, SPECT, PET and Ultrasound. Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating: 1.45.
Undergraduate Courses
ECE 337: Microsystems Design Lab: Modified lab exercises using new logic
analyzers and other equipment purchased through new OBR grant. Overall Rating:
ECE 339: Microsystems Design and Interfacing. Included more recent material
on advanced microprocessor technology. Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating: 1.9.
Graduate Course
ECE 866: Introduction to Medical Imaging: Graduate level course developed to
introduce fundamentals and applications of medical imaging including CAT,
MRI, SPECT, PET and Ultrasound. Teaching Evaluation Overall: 1.56.
ECE 645: Digital Signal Processing. Students rated this course as one of the best
taught course in their entire program. Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating: 1.46
Undergraduate Courses
ECE 337: Microsystems Design Lab: Introduced the concepts and use of Logic
Analyzer in Microsystems Design. Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating: 2.12.
ECE 339: Microsystems Design and Interfacing. Teaching Evaluation Overall
Rating: 2.12.
Graduate Course
ECE 842: Knowledge-Based Image Understanding: This is the course that I
developed in 1989 at UC. Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating:1.38.
Undergraduate Courses
ECE 337: Microsystems Design Lab: This laboratory was completely redeveloped by me. I purchased all new equipment from the OBIR to update this
laboratory from 8 bit to 16 bit microprocessor technology. Motorola 68000
microprocessor based new boards were purchased. New lab exercises were
developed on the 16 bit microprocessor technology. Teaching Evaluation Overall
Rating: 2.12.
ECE 339: Microsystems Design and Interfacing: This was a new theory course in
the curriculum. I developed this course and taught. The course was very well
received by the students. Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating:1.93.
Graduate Course
ECE 850: Biological Neural Systems: This was the course that I developed in
1990 at UC. This was the second time this course was offered. This course
introduced the biological understanding of the functions and anatomy of the human
brain to develop computational models for artificial neural networks. Teaching
Evaluation Overall Rating:1.58.
Undergraduate Courses & Dual-Level Course
ECE 337: Microsystems Design Lab: Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating: 1.99.
ECE 337: Microsystems Design Lab: Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating: 2.29.
ECE 645: Digital Signal Processing: This course was completely re-designed to
introduce computer implementations of the theory exercises as home work
assignments. Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating:1.48.
Undergraduate Course & Dual-Level Course
ECE 337: Microsystems Design Lab: Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating:1.99.
ECE 645: Digital Signal Processing: New computerized implementation of digital
filters were introduced as the final projects for this class. Teaching Evaluation
Overall Rating: 1.93.
Graduate Course
ECE 850: Biological Neural Systems: A new course to introduce the concepts of
neurobiology for developing models of neural architecture that could be used in the
development and understanding of artificial neural systems. The tribunal evaluation
score was 1.49.
Undergraduate Course
ECE 337: Microsystems Design Lab: This course was completely reorganized. I
designed new laboratories exercises introducing the M6811 hardware and
microcomputer system design concepts. Instead of just describing the laboratory
exercises, I taught the design concepts and considerations for developing a
microprocessor-based system. This was the first time I taught this course in a
quarter system at UC. Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating: 2.48.
Graduate Course
ECE 850: Knowledge-Based Image Understanding: A new graduate course that I
developed and taught. This course describes the state-of-the-art methods in
computer vision and image understanding. Teaching Evaluation Overall Rating:
Departmental/University Service Activities
Member, Committee on Academic Affairs, NJIT: 2000-present.
Member, Vision Committee, NJIT: 2000-2003.
Director, Information Technology Executive Committee and Council, NJIT, 2000-01.
Member and Vice Chair, Graduate Council, University pf Toledo, 1999-2000
Chair, University Sabbatical Committee, University of Toledo, 1999-2000
Graduate Program Director, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer
Science, University of Cincinnati, 1993-1996.
Member, Academic Programs Committee for ECE-CS Merger at University of
Cincinnati, 1993-94.
Chairman, Faculty Research Proposal Review Committee, University Research Council,
University of Cincinnati, 1991-92.
Member, University Research Council, University of Cincinnati, 1991-92.
Chairman, Review Committee, Biomedical Engineering Grant Program, University of
Cincinnati, 1992.
Member, Steering Committee, Biomedical Engineering Program, University of
Member, Faculty Recruiting Committee, Electrical & Computer Engineering, UC, 1992.
Member, Department Budget Committee, Electrical & Computer Engineering, 1991-92.
Chairman, Ph.D. Qualification Examination Committee, Signal Processing and Computer
Vision Program, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Eng., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1989.
Member, Graduate Committee: 1989-90.
Member, Merit Criteria Committee: 1989-90.
Member, Computer Engineering Curriculum Committee: 1989-present.
Member, Electrical Engineering Curriculum Committee: 1989-present.
Prepared Research Booklet for "Signal Processing and Computer Vision" Group,
University of Cincinnati, 1989.
Organizing Conferences and Sessions/Conferences Chaired
Technical Advisor and Theme Co-Chair, Biomedical Imaging: Optical Imaging
Modalities, IEEE 2007 International Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Society, Lyon, 2007
Conference Chair, IEEE 2006 International Conference of Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society, New York, 2006.
Theme Chair and Session Chair, IEEE 2005 International Conference of Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society, Shanghai, China, 2005.
Chair, Workshop on Medical Image Analysis: Principles to Recent Advances, IEEE 26th
International Conference of Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, San Francisco,
Chair, Workshop on Medical Image Analysis: Principles to Recent Advances, IEEE
International Conference of Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, Cancun, 2003.
Chair, Workshop on Homeland and Cyber Security, Newark, 2003.
Track Chair and Symposium Chair and Organizer, World Congress 2000, “Frontiers in
Medical Physics and Bioengineering”, Chicago, 2000.
Workshop Organizer and Program Committee Member, Workshop on Intelligent
Biomedical Image Analysis, IEEE 19th International Conference on Engineering in
Medicine and Biology, Chicago, 1997.
Workshop Chair & Organizer and Session Chair, Intelligent Biomedical Image Analysis”,
One-Day Workshop, IEEE 18th International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and
Biology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1996.
Track Program Chair, “3-D Imaging and Computed Tomography”, IEEE 17th
International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Montreal, Canada,
Sept. 20-23, 1995
Track Program Chair, 3-D Imaging and Computed Tomography, IEEE 16th
International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Balitomore, Oct. 30Nov. 3, 1994
Track Program Chair, 3-D Imaging and Computed Tomography, IEEE 15th
International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, San Diego, 1993
Session Chairman, “Image Analysis in Digital Mammography”, SPIE Conference on
Electronic Imaging, San Jose, 1993.
Symposium chairman, "Knowledge-based 3-D Multi-Modality Medical Image Analysis",
IEEE 14th International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Paris, 1992.
Symposium chairman, "Knowledge-based Multi-Modality Medical Image Analysis",
IEEE 13th International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Orlando,
Session chairman, "Knowledge-based Medical Image Analysis", IEEE 12th
International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Philadelphia, Nov. 1-4,
Session chairman, "Segmentation and 3D Computer Vision", First IEEE International
Conference on Visualization in Biomedical Computing, May 22-25, Georgia, Atlanta, 1990.
Session chairman and organizer, Medical Imaging I, II, and III, Sixth Annual
Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research in Houston, Feb. 12-14, 1988, Chairman:
Dr. John Clark.
Session chairman and organizer, Medical Imaging Session, Fifth Annual Conference on
Biomedical Engineering Research in Houston, March 12-14, 1987, Chairman: Dr. John
Clark and Dr. Robert Nerem.
Organizing committee member, Topical Meeting on Industrial Applications of CT
and NMR Imaging, Hecla Island, Canada, Aug. 13-14, 1984, Chairman: Dr. Richard Gordon.
Memberships of Professional Organizations
IEEE: Fellow: 2004IEEE: Senior Member: 1991-2003.
IEEE: Member 1979 - present
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing Society
Biomedical Engineering Society: 1984-1994
Association of Computing Machinery: 1986
Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society: 1986-present
SPIE: 1988-present
Reviewed research papers as a referee for:
IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation
IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
IEEE Trans. Rehabilitation Engineering
IEEE Trans, Neural Networks
IEEE Trans. on Man, Systems and Cybernetics
CRC Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering
Journal of Optical Society in America
Optical Engineering
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
Pattern Recognition
Medical Physics
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence
Machine Vision & Applications
Reviewed Grants submitted to the National Science Foundation: 1986-present
Reviewed grants submitted to various programs of National Institutes of Health
as a member and Chair of a number of Special Study Sections: 1986-present
Member, Special Study Section IX, Division of Research Grants, National Institutes of
Health: 1990-2006.
Chair, Various NIH Special Student Sections and Site Visit Teams: 1998-presnt (see
above in the Honors and Awards Section).