My CV - Victor Rutgers Advies

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Curriculum Vitae
Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Victor Henri Rutgers
Zaandam, Netherlands
June 21st, 1950
Highly experienced expert in (higher) education, who likes to work in the
effectively handles complex situations, successfully connecting people and
achieving concrete results.
Areas of competence
(Higher) Education
Quality assurance
Strategy and institutional development in knowledge organisations
Problem solving in complex situations
Project- and program management
2011 - present Business Manager China Europe International Business School
(CEIBS) in Accra, Ghana
2010 -2011
Independent strategy consultant
Partner Andersson Elffers Felix (AEF) consultancy firm
Main achievement: major projects in (higher) education. See
Vice-President Institutional Development, Leiden University
Main achievement: development of a new university strategy
Dean of Student Affairs, University of Amsterdam
Main achievement: innovating and reorganising student
services at Amsterdam University
Executive Director Law Faculty at Maastricht University
Main achievement: setting up and organising a new Faculty of
Law at Maastricht University KvK 34146740 Van Lanschot 22 51 26 21 45 BTW NL088906498B01
Assistant to the Secretary of Maastricht University
Main achievement: accomplishing better implementation of
university decision making
Relevant projects 2001 – 2011
International Expert on Quality Assurance for the Armenian Government
Rutgers started an assignment in May 2010 as an international expert for
the Armenian government on quality assurance in Higher Education. His main
responsibility is to prepare a three year action plan for the development
of ANQA, Armenia’s higher education accreditation agency.
Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, strategy development
Rutgers supports the Board of the ISS in setting up and executing a process
to develop a strategic plan ISS 2011-2013.
Evaluation of educational and youth policy programmes of the
Netherlands/Dutch Antilles (2010/2011)
Rutgers plays an expert role in a major AEF-project evaluating the
education- and youth policy programmes of the Dutch Antilles in the years
2002 – 2010.
Preparing a business plan for the Ministry of Education of Curacao (2010)
Curacao became an independent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands
in October 2010. Rutgers was responsible for preparing a business plan for
the Ministry of Education of this new state. This assignment ended April
2010 with the approval of the business plan by the Curacao government.
EU-research project on socio-economic factors influencing student mobility
Rutgers participated as an expert in a major AEF- research project
(together with CHEPS and Ecotech) on socio-economic factors that influence
student mobility in Europe.
Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), Organisation
Analysis and development plan for the staff (2009)
Rutgers made an analysis of the tasks and responsibilities of VSNU-staff,
and in cooperation with the Board developed a plan for further development.
Erasmus University Rotterdam, strategy development for 2008-2013 (20082009)
Rutgers organised the development of a strategic plan for 2008-2013, in
close cooperation with the Executive Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
After an initial phase in which the faculty Deans and the Executive Board
agreed on a common vision for the University, a wider range of stakeholders
was consulted. Rutgers was involved throughout the process, which resulted
in a report on the further development of the Erasmus University.
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Establishment of an institute for port
education and research in Rotterdam (2008/2009)
The Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Port of Rotterdam and the
organization of employers in the port have the ambition to jointly develop
a highly reputable institution for port education and research.
Commissioned by the Erasmus University, an AEF team developed a business
case for this institution, and made recommendations on the process of
establishment of this institute over a period of 3 years. The plans have
been accepted by all parties involved and the actual implementation began
in 2009.
Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Language and mathematics
education in primary and secondary education (2008/2009)
The proficiency level of young children in the Netherlands with regard to
basic language and numerical skills is insufficient. This can have
significant impact on the development of these students. Since 2008, this
topic is high on the agenda of the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and
Science. Commissioned by the boards of the sector organizations for primary
education in the Netherlands, Rutgers analyzed whether primary and
secondary schools could work with new ‘reference standards’, and what would
be the best way to introduce them. The conclusions were accepted by the
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
Association of Universities in the Netherlands, Academic Transfer (VSNU),
establishment of a Dutch academic career network (2008)
The VSNU represents the interests of the 14 universities in the
Netherlands. The VSNU used to provide career services for academics working
within the Dutch academic system. Requested by the VSNU, Rutgers developed
a business case to spin off these services and create an independent
network for those who look for jobs in academia. On the basis of this
business case, Academic Transfer was established. Within one year of
existence, the network was highly successful and was operational in 38
countries worldwide.
Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, chair National
conferences for the future of Teacher Education (2006)
Rutgers chaired national conferences on the future of teaching education in
the Netherlands. The development of scenarios for the future formed a key
part of this assignment.
Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, development of target
based approach to attract, develop and retain teachers (2005)
The educational sector in the Netherlands faces significant shortages in
the number and quality of teachers working in the educational system. At
the request of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Victor
Rutgers carried out a quick scan of the existing policies. This quick scan
formed the basis of the formulation of a target-based approach to tackle
the major problems. The target-based approach resulted in specific
prioritization and focus, accomplished clear goal setting and timelines,
improved role definitions of the various players active in the field of
education, and increased consistency in activities.
Maastricht University, implications of the introduction of the Bachelor
Master system (2003)
In 2003, Victor Rutgers advised the Executive Board of Maastricht
University on the implications of the introduction of the Bachelor Master
system for the University. He developed scenarios concerning the future
development of the University on the basis of international comparisons and
Netherlands and Flanders Accreditation Organization (NVAO), Project manager
Introduction accreditation (2001-2005)
In the initial stages of this project, the AEF-team compared the two
separate systems of quality assurance in Netherlands and Flanders. On the
basis of this comparison, a system for accreditation was developed. Through
consultations of many stakeholders in the area of higher education in both
the Netherlands and Flanders, the feasibility of this system was tested and
the foundations for acceptance were created. This led to the final
acceptance of the system that is still used by the NVAO.
The NVAO is a combination of the NAO, the Netherlands Accreditation
Organization, and its Flemish counterpart. Victor Rutgers supported the
organizational transformation of the two separate systems into one system
and organization.
Certificate Quality Assurance in Higher Education (University
of Melbourne), to be finished November 2011
Post graduate certificate on strategy and innovation in the
not-for-profit sector
Research on Student Affairs in Higher Education, during a
stay in
Cambridge, MA, USA
MSc Political Sciences, Free University Amsterdam
James Madison High School, Falls Church, VA, USA
Gymnasium Sorghvliet, The Hague
Other recent activities
Vice chairman VPRO, one of the Dutch Public Television Networks
Member of the Board of Academia Vitae, a private liberal arts college in
Deventer, the Netherlands
Member of the Board of Stichting de Beauvoir, a foundation aimed at the
appointment of more women in leading academic positions in Higher
Education in the Netherlands
Dutch (native)
English (fluent)
German (intermediate)
French (intermediate)