Australian Workers’ Union
Asphalt & Bitumen Industry
(WA) Award 1988;
Superseded by:
Asphalt & Bitumen Industry
(WA) Award 1994;
Superseded by:
Asphalt & Bitumen Industry
(WA) Award 2000.
Australian Workers’ Union
Construction & Maintenance
(Consolidated) Award 1987;
Superseded by:
Australian Workers’ Union
Construction and
Maintenance (Western
Australia) Award 2003.
Consolidated with:
Australian Workers’ Union
Construction & Maintenance
Award 1989;
Superseded by:
Australian Workers’ Union
Construction & Maintenance
Award 2002.
General hand
No definition of job duties
Construction Worker Grade 1
Construction Worker Grade 2
Assistant Rigger (Defined)
Construction and maintenance carpenter's labourer(Defined)
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(Document revised 19 December 2012)
Australian Workers’ Union
Construction & Maintenance
Award 1989
Australian Workers’ Union
Construction & Maintenance and Services
(WA Government) Award,
AWU Geomembrane &
Geotextile Installation Award
Superseded by:
AWU Geomembrane &
Geotextile Installation Award
Bitumen Spraying Services
Award 1985;
Superseded by:
Bitumen Spraying Services
Award 1999 .
Drilling & Exploration
Industry(AWU) Award 1998
Consolidated list -
Australian Workers’
Union Construction &
Maintenance(Consolidated) Award
Limited to temporary employees in receipt of an industry allowance under the award
Persons engaged in site manufacturing and installation of geo-membranes and geo-textiles, Level 1 to Level 5 inclusive.
Defines duties of a Level 1 worker.
(as per attachment)
Road Surfacing Assistant
Traffic Control Hand; Shovel Hand;
Broom Hand; Rake Hand and all other manual duties
No definition of job duties
7. Defines duties of Driller’s assistant,
Fieldworker’s assistant and Utility worker.
(as per attachment)
Mobile Crane Hiring Award
Superseded by:
Mobile Crane Hiring Award
National Building and
Construction Industry Award
Superseded by:
National Building and
Construction Industry Award
10. Plumbing Industry (QLD &
WA) Award 1979
Builder’s labourer
Plasterer/s tonemason’s assistant
(as per attachment)
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(Document revised 19 December 2012)
11. Professional Divers’ Award
12. Transport Workers
Spraypave Pty Ltd Award
Sprinkler P ipe Fitters’ Award
Defines duties of Sprinkler fitters assistant
(as per attachment)
General hand
Group 1 workers
(as per attachment)
14. Western Australian Civil
Contracting Award 1998
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(Document revised 19 December 2012)
Duties defined:
2. Australian Workers’ Union Construction & Maintenance (Consolidated) Award
Assistant Rigger means an employee assisting under the direct supervision of a Rigger in erecting or placing in position the members of any type of structure (other than scaffolding and aluminium alloy structures) and for the manner of insuring the stability of such members for dismantling such structures or for setting up cranes or hoists other than those attached to scaffolding and who has had not less than twelve months' experience at rigging work. Direct supervision means that the Rigger must be present on the job to guide the work during its progress.
Construction and maintenance carpenter's labourer means an employee generally assisting a Construction and Maintenance Carpenter in erecting or repairing form work or scaffolding or similar structure in the course of such assistance doing work such as dressing timber, tenoning, pointing, ringing, shoeing or topping piles, mortising head stocks, scribing down girders, walings and bracings, fitting fenders and fitting stay piles but not doing timber squaring.
5. AWU Geomembrane & Geotextile Installation Award 1989
Level 1
Is a person with less than four weeks' experience in the industry, engaged in manual labour either involving prefabrication or site fabrication and installation of geomembranes and/or geotextiles
7. Drilling & Exploration Industry(AWU) Award 1998
Driller's assistant
A person who is competent to perform the following duties:
Load, drive and unload heavy vehicles
Cart water and fuel
Operate ancillary equipment
Assist to set up/dismantle/move drill rigs and equipment
Add/remove drill rods/augers and other down hole tools
Dig and clean mud pits/drains
Mix and test drilling fluids/chemicals/cement
Collect/layout/pack/label/dispatch formation samples and cores
Assist to slot/weld and insert casing or screens
Assist with well development and pumping tests
Record data
Sharpen/service drill bits, hammers, core barrels and other down hole tools
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(Document revised 19 December 2012)
Clean drill and camp sites
Clean drill rigs, vehicles, equipment and tools
Perform routine service and maintenance on drill rigs, vehicles, ancillary equipment andtools
Assist with repairs and overhauls
Operate radio communication equipment
Check safety equipment
Perform first aid where required
Field assistant grade 2
A person who is required to:
Use geo-surveying techniques
Use and maintain equipment for geo-surveying techniques
Operate equipment for line clearing, road building and site preparation
Utility worker
A person who is required to:
Clean up around base
Clean vehicles
Provide fire wood
Clear survey lines
Prepare drill sites
Maintain roads and tracks
Assist other classifications
9. National Building and Construction Industry Award 1990
Builder’s labourer
Labourer means a person who is engaged in a Labourer (1), (2), (3) or (4) classification contained in 18.1.2 and 19.3.1 of this award.
Plasterer/stonemason’s assistant
Stonemason’s assistant means a person employed in the industry assisting or labouring and who otherwise is not classified above.
12. Transport Workers Spraypave Pty Ltd Award 1990
Group 1
A bitumen plant operator - group 1 shall mean an employee classified as such who is engaged on work in the manufacture of bituminous products, their placement or delivery and activities incidental thereto or any other activities undertaken by Pioneer Road
Services Pty Ltd. The bitumen plant operator - group 1 may be required by the employer to perform any general duties including the completion of maintenance reports, minor
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(Document revised 19 December 2012)
maintenance of equipment and assisting with other maintenance, together with any of the duties listed hereunder, inclusive of trailer operations where required and, for training purposes, the duties of higher groups of bitumen plant operators.
Duties - Group 1
Slurry rake hand
Drum filler/washer
Traffic controller
Sprayer operator
Spreader hand
13. Sprinkler Pipe Fitters’ Award 1975
Sprinkler fitters assistant
S prinkler fitters assistants may be employed to assist sprinkler fitters in the course of their employment including labouring work and loading and unloading materials.
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(Document revised 19 December 2012)