Srta. Jones Calendario De Tarea December 1-23rd, 2011 lunes (Mon) jueves (Thurs) viernes (Fri) Spelling words 1st 2nd 3X each OR Spelling scramblehave a family member scramble the words and you must unscramble Or In sentences Read for 20 min. Have a great weekend! Go to Make a word search using your spelling words Initials:________ 5th martes (Tues) Math Sheet & Spelling in ABC order Go to Make a word search using your spelling words Initials:________ 12th Spelling words 3X each OR Go to Make a word search using your spelling words Initials:________ 6 th Math Sheet & Spelling in ABC order 13th Math Sheet & Spelling in ABC order Initials:________ Winter Break! Enjoy your family! Sheet Initials:________ School is back in session on Tues. Jan. 3rd 8th Spelling scramblehave a family member scramble the words and you must unscramble Or In sentences Initials:________ 14 th Math Practice Sheet Initials:________ Initials:_____ Go to 7th Math Practice Initials:_____ Make a word search using your spelling words 3X each OR Initials:________ Initials:_____ Spelling words Sheet Initials:________ 20th Math Sheet & Review in ABC order 19th Math Practice Initials:________ Spelling words 3X each OR miercoles (Wed) 15 th Spelling scramblehave a family member scramble the words and you must unscramble Or In sentences Initials:________ 21st Math Practice Sheet Initials:________ 9th Traditions Project Due. Fieldtrip! Bring a lunch & Drink Initials:________ 16th Read for 20 min. Have a great weekend! Initials:________ 22nd 23rd Spelling scramblehave a family member scramble the words and you must unscramble Or In sentences Don’t forget to read throughout the break! Initials:________ School is back in session on Tues. Jan. 3rd Initials:________ Initials:________