Human Biology Basic Human Anatomy

Human Biology Basic Anatomy
State the function of one organ in the abdominal cavity.
Is a blue vessel an artery or a vein in your rat?
What is the common name for the trachea (where wind passes on its way
to the lungs)?
Name a major organ in the abdominal cavity.
What is the function of an organ in the thoracic cavity?
When a vessel appears red in your rat, is it a vein or an artey?
Name a major organ in the thoracic cavity.
The oral cavity is the space in your mouth between the _________ and
Name two organs in the thoracic cavity.
Name two organs in the abdominal cavity.
Give the Function(s) of the:
a) Liver
b) Small intestines
c) Large intestines
d) Gallbladder
e) Pancreas
f) Spleen
What are the organs in the thoracic cavity?
What are the two characteristics of mammals?
Where is the diaphram?
Draw and label the long bone.
Besides the heart, what other major organ is found in the thoracic cavity?
The diaphragm separates the _________________ cavity from the
thoracic cavity
The ___________ is the largest organ in the cavity below the diaphragm.
What are liver cells called?
What is the function of the kidneys?
What type of bond occurs between two amino acids?
What molecule is added to break a bond during hydrolysis?
Amino acids consist of three groups, which group differentiates them?
What is the peritoneum?
The inguinal canal connects each ___________ to the body cavity.
What happened inside seminiferous tubules?
Name 1 of the 3 different portions of the kidney.
What group from an amino acid is removed to make urea?
The _____________ is a structure that separates the thoracic cavity from
the abdominal cavity.
Name the organ of the respiratory system located atop the trachea:
 Name the largest organ in the abdominal cavity: __________________
 In what cavity are the lungs located? ______________________
To what system does the stomach belong?
a) respiratory
b) urinary
c) digestive
d) cardiovascular
 To what system do the lungs belong?
a) respiratory
b) urinary
c) digestive
d) cardiovascular
 In mammals, the urinary system and the reproductive system are often
considered together as the _________________ system.
Compare male and female reproductive systems by completing the
following table:
In mammals, which organ produces urine?
a) urethra
b) uterus
c) kidney
d) testis
In mammalian males, which organ transports both sperm and urinary
a) ureter
b) urethra
c) vas deferens
d) urinary bladder